Research Article |
Corresponding author: Yun-Hong Tan ( ) Academic editor: Thomas L.P. Couvreur
© 2020 Bine Xue, Hong-Bo Ding, Gang Yao, Yun-Yun Shao, Xiao-Jing Fan, Yun-Hong Tan.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Xue B, Ding H-B, Yao G, Shao Y-Y, Fan X-J, Tan Y-H (2020) From Polyalthia to Polyalthiopsis (Annonaceae): transfer of species enlarges a previously monotypic genus. PhytoKeys 148: 71-91.
The genus Polyalthiopsis Chaowasku (Annonaceae) was a poorly known monotypic genus from Vietnam that was recently segregated from the highly polyphyletic genus Polyalthia s.l. The sister clade relationship between Polyalthiopsis and Miliusa was not well established in previous study. The phylogenetic position of two Polyalthia spp. from China, P. chinensis S.K.Wu ex P.T.Li and P. verrucipes C.Y.Wu ex P.T.Li, remains unresolved and is shown here to be phylogenetically affiliated with Polyalthiopsis. Phylogenetic analyses of six chloroplast regions (matK, ndhF, psbA-trnH, rbcL, trnL-F and ycf1; ca.7.3 kb, 60 accessions) unambiguously placed Polyalthia chinensis and P. verrucipes in the same clade with Polyalthiopsis floribunda (PP = 1, MP BS = 97%); the entire clade is sister to Miliusa with weak to strong support (PP = 1, MP BS = 54%). Polyalthia chinensis and P. verrucipes share several diagnostic characters with Polyalthiopsis floribunda, including the raised midrib on the upper surface of the leaf in vivo, conspicuous foliar glands when dried, petiole with transverse striations when dried and axillary inflorescences. The two species differ from Polyalthiopsis floribunda in having fewer flowers per inflorescence, longer linear petals and two ovules per carpel. On the basis of the combined molecular phylogenetic and morphological data, we propose two new combinations, Polyalthiopsis chinensis (S.K.Wu ex P.T.Li) B.Xue & Y.H.Tan and Polyalthiopsis verrucipes (C.Y.Wu ex P.T.Li) B.Xue & Y.H.Tan. The protologue of Polyalthia verrucipes did not include a description of the flowers, which we provide here. An updated description for the genus Polyalthiopsis and a key to species in the genus Polyalthiopsis is also provided.
Annonaceae, molecular phylogeny, morphology, Polyalthia chinensis, Polyalthia verrucipes, Polyalthiopsis
The genus Polyalthia Blume has historically been the source of considerable taxonomic confusion in Annonaceae due to its highly polyphyletic status (
Amongst the newly segregated genera, Polyalthiopsis Chaowasku is a poorly known monotypic genus from Vietnam (
Several species names remain unresolved in Polyalthia and await assignment to specific genera (
The name Polyalthia chinensis was published in 1976, based on a flowering collection (Qinghai-Xizang Exped. 74-4451, KUN & PE) from Mêdog, Xizang, China, in 1974 (
The name Polyalthia verrucipes was published in 1976, based on a fruiting collection (C.W. Wang 76321, IBSC, NAS, A, PE) from Menghai, Yunnan, China, in 1936 (
The relationship between these two species has been controversial. Both species are represented by very few collections, with P. chinensis lacking fruiting specimens and P. verrucipes lacking flowering specimens, rendering morphological comparison problematic. Based on the foliar glands and leaf venation,
With limited morphological characters, especially the lack of flowers in P. verrucipes and the limited material available, the relationship between P. chinensis and P. verrucipes and their taxonomic placement has never been resolved. We therefore, carried out several field explorations to search for these two species. This resulted in new collections of Polyalthia verrucipes, including flowers, enabling clarification of the relationship between P. chinensis and P. verrucipes, as well as their phylogenetic position. As a consequence, we were able to enlarge the poorly known genus Polyalthiopsis, supplementing available descriptions and providing better support for its sister relationship.
Two accessions of Polyalthia chinensis (B. S. Li & S. Z. Cheng 2668, PE; and Qinghai-Xizang Exped. 74-4451, KUN), as well as two accessions of Polyalthia verrucipes (Sino-Russia Exped. 9527, PE; and Y.H. Tan MH1603, IBSC) were sampled and integrated with data of 56 Annonaceae accessions from previous datasets (
Six chloroplast DNA regions (matK, ndhF, rbcL, psbA-trnH and trnL-F and ycf1) were sequenced for the above-mentioned four collections of Polyalthia chinensis and P. verrucipes. The samples, localities and GenBank accession numbers are listed in Appendix I.
Genomic DNA was extracted from herbarium materials using a modified cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) method (
Sequences were assembled and edited using Geneious ver. 5.4.3 (
Maximum parsimony (MP) analyses of the seven combined regions were conducted using PAUP ver. 4.0b10 (
Bayesian analysis was performed using NSF Extreme Science & Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) application of MrBayes ver. 3.2.2 (
Comparative morphological data were obtained from specimens deposited in KUN, IBSC and PE herbaria and from published literature. Field surveys were carried out in Menghai County, Yunnan Province, with voucher specimens deposited in HITBC and IBSC.
The concatenated alignment of the 60-terminal dataset consisted of 7,334 characters. The MP heuristic search retrieved four equally most parsimonious trees of 3,519 steps (consistency index, CI = 0.664; retention index, RI = 0.709).
The MP and Bayesian analyses resulted in similar topologies. The 50% majority-rule consensus tree resulting from the Bayesian analyses under the six partitioned model is shown as Fig.
Polyalthia chinensis and P. verrucipes are not retrieved in the same clade as Polyalthia johnsonii, but were strongly supported as members of the same clade as Polyalthiopsis floribunda (PP [posterior probability] = 1, MP BS = 97%), with the entire clade sister to Miliusa with weak to strong support (PP = 1, MP BS = 54%).
Bayesian 50% majority-rule consensus tree under partitioned models (cpDNA data: matK, ndhF, psbA-trnH, rbcL and trnL-F; 60 taxa) showing Annonaceae subfams. Anaxagoreoideae, Ambavioideae and Annonoideae. Numbers at the nodes indicate Bayesian posterior probabilities and maximum parsimony bootstrap values (> 50%) in that order.
Polyalthia chinensis was regarded as a synonym of P. verrucipes by
Although these two species resemble each other vegetatively (Fig.
Morphological comparison between Polyalthiopsis chinensis and P. verrucipes A type specimen of P. chinensis (Qinghai-Xizang Exped. 74-4451, PE) B infloresence of P. chinensis (Qinghai-Xizang Exped. 74-4451, PE) C type specimen of P. verrucipes (C. W. Wang 76321, A) D inflorescence of P. verrucipes (B. Xue & H.B. Ding 311, IBSC) E adaxial leaf surface of P. chinensis (Qinghai-Xizang Exped. 74-4451, KUN) F abaxial leaf surface of P. chinensis (Qinghai-Xizang Exped. 74-4451, KUN) G adaxial leaf surface of P. verrucipes (Yunnan Exped. 9527, KUN) H abaxial leaf surface of P. verrucipes (Yunnan Exped. 9527, KUN).
Morphology of Polyalthiopsis verrucipes comb. nov. A trunk, showing greyish bark B a branch, showing the leaf lamina C adaxial leaf surface, showing the raised midrib D close-up of the abaxial surface of dried leaf, showing glands E petiole with transverse striations when dried F lateral view of the flower G top view of the flower H bottom view of the flower I adaxial and abaxial view of the stamen J carpel K longitudinal section of a developing carpel, showing two developing ovules L developing young fruits M single dried monocarp, showing the two seeds 01187409 (C. W. Wang 76321, PE) N cylindrical seed, showing longitudinal groove around circumference (C. W. Wang 76321, PE). – Photos: A, C–E, I–N, by Bine Xue; B, by Yun-Hong Tan; G–H by Hong-Bo Ding.
The monotypic genus Polyalthiopsis Chaowasku was published in 2018, based on Polyalthia floribunda collected in Vietnam (
Polyalthiopsis Chaowasku is easily distinguished from most of the other genera in the tribe Miliuseae by its raised midrib on the adaxial leaf surface. When dry, such an adaxial leaf midrib appears slightly sunken. The raised midrib on the adaxial leaf surface is rarely observed in the Annonaceae, but is known from Artabotrys (
Based on one species with only two collections, the genus is not well described and compared and, hence, it is difficult to identify important diagnostic characters.
Polyalthia chinensis and P. verrucipes are retrieved in the same clade as Polyalthiopsis floribunda in the molecular phylogeny (Fig.
In conclusion, Polyalthia chinensis, P. verrucipes and Polyalthiopsis floribunda share axillary inflorescences, a raised midrib on the adaxial leaf surface (Fig.
The present phylogenetic study shows that Polyalthia chinensis is strongly supported as sister to Polyalthiopsis floribunda (PP = 1, MP BS = 86%). The collective clade is strongly supported as sister to Polyalthia verrucipes (PP = 1, MP BS = 97%). The whole clade (comprising the three species) is weakly to strongly supported (PP = 1, MP BS = 54%) as sister to Miliusa. The morphological and molecular phylogenetic data therefore support the transfer of Polyalthia verrucipes and P. chinensis to Polyalthiopsis and the new nomenclatural combinations are proposed here.
As Polyalthia verrucipes was published based on fruiting material only (
As more species were included in the genus Polyalthiopsis, an updated description and a key to the three species is also provided.
Polyalthiopsis floribunda (Jovet-Ast) Chaowasku – Polyalthia floribunda Jovet-Ast, Notul. Syst. 9: 75. 1940. – Huberantha floribunda (Jovet-Ast) I.M.Turner, Webbia 71: 229. 2016. – Type: Vietnam. Phanrang Prov., Tra Ca, 10 March 1924, Poilane 10052 (holotype P [barcode no. P00411080]; isotypes A[barcode no. A00351290], BO?, CMUB, HN, K[barcode no. K000608178], L[barcode no. L3728819], P [barcode no. P00411081; P00411082]), in flower.
Medium-sized to large trees. Young twigs glabrous. Leaves petiolate, blade elliptic, with glandular dots observable when dry, base cuneate, apex acute to bluntly (caudate-)acuminate; petiole with transverse striations when dry; upper surface of midrib raised in living plants, becoming slightly sunken when dry, lower surface of midrib raised; secondary veins rather faint in living plants, becoming slightly raised on both sides when dry, leaf venation brochidodromous; tertiary veins reticulate. Flower(s) in 1- to 5-flowered inflorescences, bisexual, pedicellate; inflorescences axillary, peduncle inconspicuous, bracts present. Sepals broadly ovate-triangular. Petals membranous-papyraceous to leathery. Outer petals elliptic-ovate or linear-lanceolate. Inner petals (narrowly) elliptic-ovate or linear-lanceolate. Stamens numerous per flower, connective truncate, covering thecae. Carpels numerous per flower; ovaries with 1 or more line(s) of hairs; stigma terete; ovule(s) 1 or 2 per ovary, sub-basal or lateral. Monocarps oblong to rhomboidal or cylindrical, stipitate, glabrous. Seed(s) 1or 2 per monocarp, cylindrical, surface smooth, raphe broadly sunken and partially slightly raised in middle, endosperm ruminations lamelliform.
Three species, known from Xizang, Yunnan Provinces of China and Thừa Thiên-Hu, Ninh Thuận Provinces of Vietnam (Fig.
Polyalthia chinensis S.K.Wu & P.T.Li in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 14 (1): 108, t. 4. 1976. Basionym
China. Xizang: Mêdog, 20 Auguest 1974, Qinghai-Xizang Exped. 74-4451 (holotype, PE! [barcode no., PE01187290]; isotypes, PE! [[barcode no., PE01187291, PE01187292, PE01187293], KUN! [barcode no., KUN0677650]).
Known from Mêdog in Xingzang Province (Fig.
Flowering in August.
B. S. Li & S. Z. Cheng 2668 (PE).
DD (
Polyalthia verrucipes C.Y.Wu ex P.T.Li in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 14 (1): 110. 1976. Basionym
Lectotype (designated here). China. Yunnan: Menghai, July 1936, C. W. Wang 76321 (IBSC! [barcode no. IBSC0003386]; isolectotypes, A [barcode no. A00039580, photo!], IBSC! [barcode no. IBSC0003386], PE! [barcode no. PE01187287, PE01187470], NAS[barcode no. NAS00321991, photo!]).
Trees to 15 m tall (Fig.
Polyalthiopsis verrucipes comb. nov. A flowering branch B close-up of adaxial surface of leaf, showing glands C close-up of leaf petiole, showing the transverse striations on dried petiole D lateral view of the flower E adaxial view of the flower F sepal G outer petal H inner petal I stamen J carpel K longitudinal section of the developing carpel, showing two lateral ovules L a dried monocarp M a seed. Drawn by Ding-Han Cui. (A–K from B. Xue & H. B. Ding XB311, IBSC; L, M from C. W. Wang 76321, PE)
Flowering in February to March; fruiting from April to July.
China. Yunnan: Kun-man, Xiao-meng-yang, 27 April 1957, Yunnan Exped. 9527 (IBSC, KUN, PE); Man-xi, Menghai, 16 March 2016, Y.H. Tan MH1603 (HITBC, IBSC); 5 March 2019, B. Xue & H.B. Ding 311, 312, 313 (HITBC, IBSC, KUN).
CR A2ac, C2(a)(i) (
1a | Inflorescences 1–5-flowered; petals elliptic-ovate; ovule 1 per carpel; distributed in Vietnam | P. floribunda |
1b | Inflorescences 1–2-flowered; petals linear; ovules 2 per carpel; distributed in China | 2 |
2a | Inflorescences 1–2-flowered; pedicel to 5–7 mm long; flowers green; distributed in Xizang, China | P. chinensis |
2b | Inflorescences with a single flower; pedicel 1–2 mm long; flowers white; distributed in Yunnan, China | P. verrucipes |
This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [Grant no. 31872646, awarded to Bine Xue and Grant no. 31970223, awarded to Yunhong Tan]; Forestry Scientific Technology Innovation Project of Guangdong Province (No.2020KJCX010); a project of the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) Special Fund (Biodiversity Monitoring and Network Construction along Lancang-Mekong River Basin project); the CAS 135 programme [No. 2017XTBG-F03]; and a project supported by the biodiversity investigation, observation and assessment programme (2019–2023) of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China. We are grateful to Jing-hua Wang and En-de Liu in KUN and Qin Ban and Xin-tang Ma in PE for permission to access their collections and for permission to use the leaf materials; Ji Mo and Kai-rong Pu for helping in the field in Menghai; Richard Saunders, Daniel Thomas, Thomas Couvreur and an anonymous reviewer for improving the manuscript.
Voucher information and GenBank accession numbers for samples used in this study (–, missing data; *, newly generated sequences). Voucher data are given for accessions for which DNA sequences were newly obtained, using the following format: species, origin, voucher and Genbank accession numbers for matK, ndhF, rbcL, psbA-trnH and trnL-F and ycf1. For DNA sequences published in previous studies, voucher information is available from GenBank.
Alphonsea elliptica Hook. f. & Thomson, AY518807, JQ690401, JQ690402, –, AY319078, JQ690403; Alphonsea kinabaluensis J. Sinclair, AY518811, –, –, AY318968, AY319080, –; Ambavia gerrardii (Baill.) Le Thomas, AY220435, AY218168, –, –, AY220411(intron)AY220358(spacer), –; Anaxagorea silvatica R. E. Fr., AY743477, EF179280, –, AY743439, AY743458, –; Annickia chlorantha (Oliv.) Setten & Maas, AY841393, AY841401, –, AY841594, AY841671, –; Annona glabra L., DQ125050, EF179281, –, AY841596, AY841673, –; Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal, AY743479, EF179287, –, AY743441, AY743460, –; Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook. f. & Thomson, AY841394, AY841403, –, AY841602, AY841680, –; Cleistopholis glauca Pierre ex Engl. & Diels, AY841395, AY841404, –, AY841603, AY841681, –; Dasymaschalon yunnanense (Hu) Bân 1, JQ768560, JQ768598, JQ768639, JQ768680, JQ768720, –; Dendrokingstonia nervosa (Hook. f. & Thomson) Rauschert, KJ418392, KJ418386, KJ418400, KJ418382, KJ418407, –; Desmopsis microcarpa R. E. Fr., AY518804, JX544771, AY841461, AY319059, AY319173, JX544758; Desmopsis schippii Standl., AY518805, JQ723786, –, AY319060, AY319174, –; Desmos cochinchinensis Lour., JQ768568, JQ768604, –, JQ768688, JQ768728, –; Dasymaschalon yunnanense (Hu) Bân 2, KF680919, KF680919, –, –, –, –; Fenerivia chapelieri (Baill.) R. M. K. Saunders, JF810375, JQ723788, –, JF810387, JF810399, –; Friesodielsia desmoides (Craib) Steenis, JQ768577, JQ768612, –, JQ768696, JQ768738, –; Goniothalamus griffithii Hook. f. & Thomson, AY743484, EF179296, –, AY743446, AY743465, –; Greenwayodendron oliveri (Engl.) Verdc., AY743489, AY841408, AY841465, AY743451, AY743470, –; Guatteria anomala R. E. Fr., AY740913, EF179298, –, AY740962, AY741011, –; Hubera cerasoides (Roxb.) Chaowasku, AY518854, JQ723810, KF709055, AY319017, AY319131, JQ723950; Hubera nitidissima (Dunal) Chaowasku, KF682110, KF682116, KF709056, KF682103, KF682105, –; Maasia discolor (Diels) Mols P. J. A. Kessler & Rogstad, AY518872, AY841416, AY841500, AY319021, AY841584, –; Marsypopetalum crassum (R. Parker) B. Xue & R. M. K. Saunders, HQ286571, JQ723792, KF709057, HQ286577, HQ286583, JQ723929; Meiogyne hainanensis (Merr.) Bân, JQ723773, –, –, JQ723860, JQ723913, JQ723936; Meiogyne mindorensis (Merr.) Heusden, JQ723776, JQ723800, –, JQ723863, JQ723916, JQ723939; Meiogyne virgata (Blume) Miq., AY518798, JQ723805, JX544784, AY318982, AY319094, JQ723945; Miliusa mollis Pierre, AY518851, JQ690503, JQ690504, –, AY319102, JQ690505;Miliusa thorelii Finet & Gagnep.,AY518846,JQ690519,JQ690520,-,AY319104,JQ690521; Miliusa velutina (Dunal) Hook. f. & Thomson, AY518847, JQ690536, JQ690537, AY318993, AY319105, JQ690538; Mitrephora alba Ridl., AY518855, JQ723807, KF709058, AY318994, AY319106, JQ723947; Mkilua fragrans Verdc., DQ125060, EF179303, –, AY841634, AY841712, –; Monanthotaxis whytei (Stapf) Verdc., EF179278, EF179304, –, AY841635, AY841713, –; Monocarpia euneura Miq., AY518865, AY841412, AY841477, AY318998, AY319111, –; Monoon lateriflorum (Blume) B. Xue & R. M. K. Saunders, JQ723783, JQ723811, KF709060, JQ723870, JQ723923, JQ723951; Neo-uvaria parallelivenia (Boerl.) H. Okada & K. Ueda, AY518794, –, –, AY319000, AY319113, –; Neo-uvaria telopea Chaowasku, JX544751, JX544778, JX544791, JX544755, JX544783, JX544766; Orophea cuneiformis King, KF682112, KF682119, –, –, KF682107, –; Phaeanthus splendens Miq., AY518864, JX544777, JX544790, JX544754, AY319126, JX544765; Piptostigma mortehani De Wild., AY743492, AY841415, –, AY743454, AY743473, –; Platymitra macrocarpa Boerl., AY518812, JQ723809, KF709062, AY319013, AY319127, JQ723949; Polyalthia johnsonii (F. Muell.) B. Xue & R. M. K. Saunders, JQ723767, JQ723791, KF709063, JQ723854, JQ723907, JQ723928; Polyalthiopsis chinensis (S.K.Wu ex P.T.Li) B.Xue [= Polyalthia chinensis S.K.Wu & P.T.Li, Polyalthia chinensis_74-4451], China, Xizang Province, Qinghai-Xizang Exped. 74-4451 (KUN), MT239203*, –, –, –,MT239213*, –; Polyalthiopsis chinensis (S.K.Wu ex P.T.Li) B.Xue [= Polyalthia chinensis S.K.Wu & P.T.Li, Polyalthia chinensis_2668], China, Xizang Province, B. S. Li & S. Z. Cheng 2668 (PE), MT239201*, –, –, –, MT239211*, –; Polyalthiopsis verrucipes (C.Y.Wu ex P.T.Li) B.Xue [= Polyalthia verrucipes C.Y.Wu ex P.T.Li, Polyalthia verrucipes_1603], China, Yunnan Province, Y.H. Tan MH1603 (IBSC), MT239202*, MT239205*, MT239207*, MT239209*, MT239212*, MT239215*; Polyalthiopsis verrucipes (C.Y.Wu ex P.T.Li) B.Xue [= Polyalthia verrucipes C.Y.Wu ex P.T.Li, Polyalthia verrucipes_9527], China, Yunnan Province, Sino-Russia Exped. 9527 (PE), MT239200*, MT239204*, MT239206*, MT239208*, MT239210*, MT239214*; Polyalthiopsis floribunda (Jovet-Ast) Chaowasku, Chaowasku 168 (CMUB), MG264583, MG264588, MG264570, MG264580, MG264575, –; Polyalthiopsis floribunda (Jovet-Ast) Chaowasku, Chaowasku 128 (CMUB), MG264585, MG264590, MG264572, –, MG264577, –; Popowia pisocarpa (Blume) Endl., AY518862, JQ723812, KF709065, AY319044, AY319158, JQ723953; Pseuduvaria fragrans Y. C. F. Su, JQ723784, JQ723813, XXXXXXXX, JQ723871, JQ723924, JQ723954; Sageraea lanceolata Miq., AY518799, JX544774, JX544787, AY319050, AY319164, JX544762; Sapranthus viridiflorus G. E. Schatz, AY743493, AY841422, AY841515, AY319051, AY319165, JQ723955; Stelechocarpus burahol (Blume) Hook. f. & Thomson, AY518803, JQ723814, KF709067, AY319053, AY319167, JQ723956; Stenanona costaricensis R. E. Fr., AY518801, JX544772, AY841516, AY319069, AY319183, JX544759; Tridimeris sp., JX544750, JX544773, JX544786, JX544753, JX544782, JX544761; Trigynaea lanceipetala D. M. Johnson & N. A. Murray, AY743487, EF179309, –, AY743449, AY743468, –; Trivalvaria costata (Hook. f. & Thomson) I. M. Turner, HQ286574, JQ723815, XXXXXXXX, HQ286580, HQ286586, JQ723957; Uvaria lucida Benth. subsp. virens (N. E. Br.) Verdc., AY238966, EF179310, –, AY238957, EF179319, –; Wangia florulenta (C. Y. Wu ex P. T. Li) Bine Xue, KX495154, KX495158, KX495156, KX495162, KX495160; Wuodendron praecox (Hook. f. & Thomson) B.Xue, Y.H.Tan & X.L.Hou, MF687367, MF687369, MF687371, MF687373, MF687375, MF687377.