Research Article |
Corresponding author: Robert W. Scotland ( ) Academic editor: Leandro Giacomin
© 2020 John R. I. Wood, Pablo Muñoz-Rodríguez, Bethany R. M. Williams, Robert W. Scotland.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Wood JR.I, Muñoz-Rodríguez P, Williams BR.M, Scotland RW (2020) A foundation monograph of Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae) in the New World. PhytoKeys 143: 1-823.
A monograph of the 425 New World species of Ipomoea is presented. All 425 species are described and information is provided on their ecology and distribution, with citations from all countries from which they are reported. Notes are provided on salient characteristics and taxonomic issues related to individual species. A full synonymy is provided and 272 names are lectotypified. An extensive introduction discusses the delimitation and history of Ipomoea arguing that a broad generic concept is the only rational solution in the light of recent phylogenetic advances. Although no formal infrageneric classification is proposed, attention is drawn to the major clades of the genus and several morphologically well-defined clades are discussed including those traditionally treated under the names Arborescens, Batatas, Pharbitis, Calonyction and Quamoclit, sometimes as distinct genera, subgenera, sections or series. Identification keys are provided on a regional basis including multi-entry keys for the main continental blocks. Six species are described as new, Ipomoea nivea J.R.I. Wood & Scotland from Peru, I. apodiensis J.R.I. Wood & Scotland from Brazil, I. calcicola J.R.I. Wood & Scotland, I. pochutlensis J.R.I. Wood & Scotland, I. zacatecana J.R.I. Wood & Scotland and I. ramulosa J.R.I. Wood & Scotland from Mexico, while var. australis of I. cordatotriloba is raised to specific status as I. australis (O’Donell) J.R.I. Wood & P. Muñoz. New subspecies for I. nitida (subsp. krapovickasii J.R.I. Wood & Scotland) and for I. chenopodiifolia (subsp. bellator J.R.I. Wood & Scotland) are described. The status of previously recognized species and varieties is changed so the following new subspecies are recognized: I. amnicola subsp. chiliantha (Hallier f.) J.R.I. Wood & Scotland, I. chenopodiifolia subsp. signata (House) J.R.I. Wood & Scotland, I. orizabensis subsp. collina (House) J.R.I. Wood & Scotland, I. orizabensis subsp. austromexicana (J.A. McDonald) J.R.I. Wood & Scotland, I. orizabensis subsp. novogaliciana (J.A. McDonald) J.R.I. Wood & Scotland, I. setosa subsp. pavonii (Hallier f.) J.R.I. Wood & Scotland, I. setosa subsp. melanotricha (Brandegee) J.R.I. Wood & Scotland, I. setosa subsp. sepacuitensis (Donn. Sm.) J.R.I. Wood & Scotland, I. ternifolia subsp. leptotoma (Torr.) J.R.I. Wood & Scotland. Ipomoea angustata and I. subincana var. angustata var. subincana (Choisy) J.R.I. Wood & Scotland of I. barbatisepala and I. brasiliana respectively. Attention is drawn to a number of hitherto poorly recognized phenomena in the genus including a very large radiation centred on the Parana region of South America and another on the Caribbean Islands, a strong trend towards an amphitropical distribution in the New World, the existence of a relatively large number of species with a pantropical distribution and of many species in different clades with storage roots, most of which have never been evaluated for economic purposes. The treatment is illustrated with over 200 figures composed of line drawings and photographs.
America, Batatas, Convolvulaceae, distribution, illustrations, keys, lectotypification, monograph, morning glory, new taxa, Pharbitis, Quamoclit, revision, storage roots, sweet potato, synonymy
This monograph of Ipomoea L. in the New World follows on from our monograph of Convolvulus (
We have developed the ‘foundation monograph’ concept at Oxford as an approach to overhauling the taxonomy of species-rich groups of tropical plants since many of these groups have never been studied across their entire geographical distribution as a consequence of the pragmatic and local nature of much taxonomy. Inevitably, these groups contain undiscovered species, high levels of undetected synonymy, and identification keys are absent or limited. A major challenge in monographing these groups is the size of the task given the number of species, their global distribution and extensive synonymy, the large and increasing number of specimens, the numerous and dispersed herbaria where specimens are housed and an extensive, scattered and often obscure literature. Our approach seeks to focus on those tasks that are tractable and can offer the maximum improvement in taxonomic knowledge in a given period of time. It is novel in the sense that we combine standard taxonomic techniques with the use of online digital images and molecular sequence data to focus on species level taxonomic problems across the entire distribution range of individual species. A detailed account of our approach is available in
Although there are some problems of species delimitation in Ipomoea, particularly in Clade A (Figure
Ipomoea as constituted by Linnaeus was based on Ipomoea pes-tigridis L. and contained various elements, including I. quamoclit and I. coccinea (Quamoclit Clade, page 556), I. triloba and I. lacunosa (Batatas Clade, page 387), I. violacea, I. alba and I. carolina as well as species of Merremia Dennst. ex Endl. and Jacquemontia Choisy and even a species of Hydrophyllaceae, I. nyctelea L. (=Ellisia nyctelea (L.) L.). It was not clearly defined and several species since treated as belonging to Ipomoea were placed in Convolvulus L. by Linnaeus including I. purpurea and I. pes-caprae.
Jacquin, Vahl, Willdenow and others of Linnaeus’ successors in the later part of the 18th century continued placing species of Convolvulaceae rather arbitrarily in either Convolvulus L. or Ipomoea. Only Cavanilles’ placements came close to coinciding with a modern concept of I.omoea. Some authors, like
Choisy’s system continued in use until the 1890s when it was essentially reproduced in the account of Convolvulaceae in Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien (
Hallier’s system has endured with only a few, relatively minor changes for about 125 years. A handful of new genera were established to include small, morphologically distinct splinter groups from the Ipomoeeae such as Lepistemonopsis with fleshy scales at the base of the filaments and Pentacrostigma with a 5-lobed stigma and 5-locular ovary. On the other hand the genera Calonyction, Mina and Quamoclit, all recognized by Hallier, were gradually abandoned; none was recognized by O’Donell in his various publications (
Recent phylogenetic studies point towards the acceptance of a broad concept of Ipomoea to include all Hallier’s Echinoconieae. Initial studies by
Our own extensive studies (
An inevitable result of the situation described in the previous paragraphs is that all existing infrageneric classifications of Ipomoea are to a degree unnatural and many subgroups are neither monophyletic nor well-defined, something that goes far towards explaining the instability of all previous infrageneric classifications.
Apart from the repeated changes of status that these infrageneric taxa have undergone resulting in many groupings being re-graded from subgenus to section to series, the increasing multiplication of infrageneric taxa illustrates the difficulties of achieving a satisfactory classification. Apart from Quamoclit, Pharbitis, Calonyction, Old World Astripomoea and eventually Batatas (
The history of species recognition in Ipomoea is somewhat chequered. Good taxonomic decisions always require an awareness of previous publications as well as a good understanding of the relative value of different taxonomic characters. Access to a good range of specimens and images as well as field knowledge are also useful but only a few taxonomists have been able to benefit from these. Most have worked with limited material. The new species of early authors have not always stood the test of time (
The legacy of the most important 19th century expert on Ipomoea, the Swiss botanist Choisy, is very mixed and he was criticised even during his own lifetime. He saw a wide range of specimens in many European herbaria and was well aware of previous publications, but neither his generic nor his species concepts have lasted well. He described the same species under different names often in different genera (
The next major work was the account of Convolvulaceae prepared by
The inadequate species level taxonomy of Choisy and Meisner was not an inevitable consequence of the epoch in which they worked. Near contemporaries such as
From the mid-20th century onwards, the situation has improved, partly as the result of the outstanding achievement of the Argentinian botanist Carlos
After O’Donell’s premature death in 1954, there has been a slow but steady increment of new species from the Americas. Isolated species from different countries have been published by various authors but the contributions of Dan Austin and Andy McDonald are the most significant. Accounts of Ipomoea in Panama, Ecuador, Venezuela by
Inevitably the first species of Ipomoea to be recognized and catalogued from the New World were species of economic importance (I. batatas), of horticultural value (I. alba, I. indica, I. nil, I. purpurea), or were widespread conspicuous species of accessible habitats, such as I. pes-caprae, or I. violacea, which grow on seashores. All were known to pre-Linnean botanists and featured in Species Plantarum and other near contemporary works.
Geographically, the first region from where a reasonably comprehensive inventory of Ipomoea emerged was the eastern United States. Nearly all the localized species from this area had been found and described by around 1800, including species like I. pandurata, I. lacunosa and I. macrorhiza. The United States Southwest had to wait until the 1850s after the United States-Mexican war. It was only then that species from this region were discovered, principally by Wright, Lindheimer and Torrey. Most were described a quarter of a century later by
The Caribbean had been one of the earliest regions of botanical exploration and many of its endemic species including Ipomoea ternata, I. tenuifolia, I. repanda, I. digitata, I. clausa and I. desrousseauxii were discovered in the 18th century, as both Jamaica and Hispaniola were visited by botanists from different European countries. Cuba was somewhat different. Although Humboldt and Bonpland visited Cuba, they did not find any of its endemic species. A few were discovered by Sagra in the 1840s, but it was only in the 1860s that the rich diversity of Ipomoea in Cuba became known after
There were collections from Mexico in the Spanish colonial era but those of Sessé and Moçiño were not published until a hundred years later. Nevertheless, seeds sent to Spain by them and by Née were cultivated in Madrid enabling Cavanilles to describe several attractive and interesting Mexican species including Ipomoea tricolor, I. stans and I. bracteata at the end of the 18th century. The expedition of Humboldt and Bonpland constituted the next step forward in revealing the wealth of Mexican Ipomoea. Ipomoea cholulensis, I. suffulta and I. hastigera were amongst their discoveries, as was I. arborescens, the first tree Ipomoea to be described. During the first half of the 19th century Mairet, Andrieux, Hartweg and others added to the list of species known from Mexico, but the most important advance came with the collections of Galeotti, which greatly increased the number of known species. His discoveries were published in 1845 and included many well-known Mexican species such as I. lindenii, I. minutiflora, I. chenopodiifolia, I. pauciflora, I. suaveolens and I. proxima (
After 1845 there was a lull in the discovery of new Mexican species for almost fifty years. However, the end of the 19th century proved to be a golden age for botanical exploration in Mexico thanks to a series of collectors mostly from the United States, especially Palmer, Pringle, Purpus, Nelson and Brandegee, and the Mexican-Italian Casiano Conzatti. The number of recognized species doubled during this era. However, these collections did not exhaust the riches of Mexican Ipomoea and the 20th century has seen the regular discovery of new species by collectors from both Mexico and the United States, notably H.S. Gentry, G.B. Hinton and Rogers McVaugh from the United States and the Japanese-Mexican Eizi Matuda. This trend has continued into the new century with at least eight new species described since 2000. It is too early to say whether this trend is ending but it is perhaps significant that rather few new Mexican species has been found during the course of our studies in Ipomoea.
It was mostly during the 20th century that the Ipomoea flora of Central America was discovered and described. Although not as rich as the Mexican flora, there has been a steady increment of new species since the middle of the century including I. chiriquensis from Panama, I. magniflora from Costa Rica, I. riparum from Honduras, I. heterodoxa from Belize and I. steerei from Yucatán, mostly found by North American collectors. However, the inventory of species seems to be nearly complete, since, as with the Caribbean, nothing new has been reported since the turn of the 21st century.
The earliest collections from South America of any importance were made by Ruiz and Pavón in Peru at the end of the 18th century. They noted surprisingly few new species of Ipomoea but amongst them were I. ramosissima. Of far greater importance was the expedition of Humboldt and Bonpland. Having found new species in Mexico they went on to find a series of new species in the northern Andes including I. discolor and I. parasitica in Venezuela, I. capillacea in Colombia and I. abutiloides in Ecuador.
Essentially little more was discovered or described from the Andean region for well over a century apart from a few species from Venezuela (
This situation only changed after the Second World War initially as a result of O’Donell’s short career (
The 19th century, in contrast, was a golden age for plant discovery in Brazil, mostly under the stimulus of the production of Martius’ Flora Brasiliensis. The roll call of collectors finding new species of Ipomoea in Brazil is composed of most famous plant collectors in Brazil in the 19th century. They include the Germans Martius, Riedel and Sellow, the Brazilians Vellozo and Silva Manso, Blanchet and Glaziou from France, Regnell from Sweden, Gardner, Spruce and Burchell from Britain and Pohl from Austria, their achievement commemorated in species such as I. burchellii, I. regnellii, I. blanchetii, I. spruceana and I. pohlii, all still recognized Brazilian species. The result was that by about 1870 our knowledge of Ipomoea was greater in Brazil than elsewhere in South America.
After the publication of Flora Brasiliensis (
As in other aspects of its history, Paraguay (and neighbouring parts of Argentina) has followed a somewhat different trajectory. Until the 1870s, the flora of this region was essentially unknown. Then came a publication by
This monograph is based fundamentally on the study of herbarium specimens of Ipomoea informed by observations from morphology and molecular sequence data, fieldwork, photographs and information from literature and individual contacts throughout the Americas.
We have depended heavily on herbarium collections at Kew (K) and the Natural History Museum in London (BM), which together with material at Oxford (OXF) have formed the basis of our study. We have visited various European herbaria including Edinburgh (E), Leyden (L), Paris (P), Madrid (MA) and Stockholm (S) to view their collections of Ipomoea. During the course of visits to the United States we have seen material at (GH) and (A) at Harvard, the New York Botanical Garden (NY), the Smithsonian Institution in Washington (US), the Field Museum (F), Missouri Botanical Garden (MO) and Arizona University (ARIZ), including extensive material from Fairchild in Florida (FTG). Within Latin America, visits have been made to see herbarium collections in Cuba (HACB, HAJB), Mexico (IEB, MEXU), Ecuador (Q, QAP, QCA, QCNE, GUAY, LOJA), Peru (CIP, CUZ, USM), Bolivia (BOLV, HSB, LPB, USZ), Paraguay (FCQ, PY, SCP), Argentina (CTES, LIL) and Brazil (CEN, CPAP, HUEFS, IPA, JPB, MBM, PEUFR, R, RB, SP, UB). Help received from individuals in all these institutions is detailed in the acknowledgements at the end of this monograph. We have also received important loans of material from most of these institutions as well as from G and GOET. Photographs of herbarium specimens have also been a valuable source of information. The most important have been the images of types available through Jstor (, but the websites of CRIA ( and Reflora ( and those associated with herbaria, including ARIZ (SEInet;, B, BR, C, COL, E, F, MO, NY, P, PMA, US and W have all provided valuable information. We have also been sent images of important material from Geneva (G), Turin (TO), St Petersburg (LE), Vienna (W), Göttingen (GOET), Rancho Santa Ana (RSA), Montevideo (MVM) and Cambridge University (CGE). All cited acronyms are in accordance with the Index Herbariorum (
Much of the material we have been loaned has been type material or old or rare specimens and this has had important limitations on our ability to provide complete and accurate descriptions. In particular, details of the habit of many species is missing and can only be inferred. Flower colour has often been lost or modified during the drying process. It is often impossible, or at least undesirable, to dissect corollas, where only one or two are present pasted to the sheet and fragile in nature. Finally, it must be emphasized that the fruit of many species is unknown.
It is important to stress that herbarium specimens are not only a source of basic taxonomic information and an indispensable tool for species delimitation but also an essential resource for phylogenetic, ecological and other information. We have been able to use specimens for DNA sequencing, even from collections over a hundred years old, if they have been rapidly dried and retain their natural colouring. More recent, heat-dried specimens nearly always yield high-quality DNA, but there are striking exceptions, such as specimens of Ipomoea chondrosepala, which have mostly resisted repeated attempts to extract DNA. Specimen labels are another invaluable source of data. They can provide information that is not apparent from the specimen, such as flower colour, habit and size. Label information can also contain information about the general and specific habitat of the plant and can provide important facts about flowering patterns and ecology. We have used all available information of this kind to inform our descriptions and notes.
The first author has had many years of fieldwork during which he has collected Ipomoea. However, it is only since about 2008 that he has made careful efforts to collect, photograph and study the genus. Most of his fieldwork in South America has been carried out in Bolivia but important visits have been made to Argentina with the help of Hector Keller, to Brazil with the help of Luciano de Queiroz and to Paraguay with the help of Rosa Degen. This fieldwork has been very important in enhancing our understanding of the variation in species and in providing details of their habit and habitat. A consequence is that Bolivia is the only country from where we have near complete molecular sampling, a near complete collection of photographs of living plants and a good understanding of the phenology of different Ipomoea species. It is fortunate that there are 109 recorded species in Bolivia making it the third most species-rich country for Ipomoea in the Americas after Mexico and Brazil.
We have also benefitted from observations and in particular images sent to us by individuals over the years. We are particularly grateful to Maira Tatiana Martinez, Alfredo Fuentes, Alexander Parada, Julia Gutiérrez, Modesto Zarate and Daniel Soto (Bolivia), Moises Mendoza and Hibert Huaylla (Bolivia and Brazil), Hector Keller and Keith Ferguson (Argentina), Gilberto Morillo (Venezuela), Regis E. Bastian, Teresa Buril and Ray Harley (Brazil), Mario Giogetta (Bolivia and Argentina), Erin Tripp (Mexico), Jhon Infante Betancour (Colombia), Rémi Girault (French Guiana), Ramona Oviedo and José Luis Gómez (Cuba). We have also benefitted from images of living plants shown on a number of websites, especially Tropicos ( and SEInet.
We have made full use of a wide range of literature as cited in the list of references. This includes regional, national and local floras and checklists (WCSP (1917), for example) as well as taxonomic works. We have consulted field guides and similar works when we have become aware of their existence. They often provide specific habitat and field identification information not readily available elsewhere. We have also made occasional use of information on the internet, but only if it seems reliable. We have scanned literature for examples of illustrations of species to supplement those prepared specifically for this project.
Perhaps the most significant element in our methodology has been the integration of morphological and molecular data. During the course of the five years that we have been studying Ipomoea we have been able to sequence 1,560 specimens and approximately 450 species of Ipomoea from all over the world for ITS and two chloroplast markers (matK and trnH-psbA), 3,035 DNA barcode sequences in total (
Nowhere in biology is the disparity between theory and practice more evident than at the level of species. In an influential and widely cited contribution Kevin de
We have tried to make use of so-called conservative characters in accepting species and the value of these is discussed in the notes that follow. Pollination syndromes as reflected in corolla shape and to some extent in colouring and the structure of the androecium are seen as important for species delimitation (
The concept of a subspecies is retained for taxa which are morphologically distinct throughout most of their range but whose characters overlap in regions where the ranges of the two taxa meet. We accept that some species recognized in the following account could have been treated as subspecies of a closely related species, but in many cases, the number of specimens seen is so few that it would be premature to make this decision. Subspecific status is, therefore, reserved pragmatically for taxa of which we have seen many examples. Subspecies are keyed out when there are three more recognized subspecies for a particular species.
Apart from subspecies, other infraspecific categories are not formally recognized in this account with the exception of two varieties. Most varieties, formas and subformas recognized by previous authors have little value and often do little more than recognize minor variations of corolla colour, indumentum or leaf shape. Some varieties, however, have long been recognized and, where these are historically significant or readily recognized, we have drawn attention to them in the notes that follow the species descriptions and made comments about their distinctive characters and distribution. We accept that some readers may wish to continue recognizing and using these varietal names. We understand varieties as morphologically distinct populations that occur sporadically over part or all of the range of a species. Although varieties may be restricted to a specific area they do not occupy a distinct geographical region with populations overlapping with those from another distinct geographical area. Sporadic occurrence is an important criterion in the recognition of varietal, rather than subspecific status.
In the following taxonomic account species are arranged in a linear order, reflecting phylogenetic relationships as far as is possible (
The process described above was not always straightforward as the resolution of some parts of the phylogeny is poor, particularly in Clade A (Figure
The accepted names of species and subspecies are given in bold italics, followed by their author and place of publication. Where a recognized taxon is based on a nomenclatural combination, the basionym is given in plain italics immediately following the accepted names. This is followed in chronological order by any other names based on the same basionym. Heterotypic synonyms are then listed in chronological order of their basionym, each followed by subsequent combinations based on each basionym. Finally any commonly used name misapplied to the species is listed but only very common misapplications are cited. Authorities are not cited in the notes and other discussion sections for taxa that are treated in the monograph unless needed to clarify some typification or nomenclatural issue.
Types are cited for all listed taxa. The location of all types is indicated by the appropriate acronym following Index Herbariorum (, the only exception being CIP (Centro Internacional de La Papa at Lima), whose herbarium is not included in Index Herbariorum but does contain some types. We have tried to indicate the holotype (or lectotype) in each case and we have seen all holotypes and lectotypes unless indicated with n.v. (not seen). We have not necessarily seen all isotypes but have listed herbaria where they are reported to be present. The list of isotypes may not be complete in every case and we have uncovered numerous isotypes during the course of our visits to different herbaria. Many more are likely to be found in herbaria we have not visited. We have designated lectotypes in many cases where no holotype existed or where it was ambiguous. It is hoped this will help achieve nomenclatural stability.
Descriptions all follow the same sequence and should be comparable although some details (fruits and seeds for example) are not always known. Subspecies are treated diagnostically following the main species description. With two exceptions varieties are not formally accepted and are included within the synonymy of individual species. However, those varieties we consider particularly significant are highlighted in bold in the notes that follow each species and we indicate what their distinctive characteristics are.
References are provided to illustrations after the descriptive text. These include all illustrations in the present work and selected illustrations from other publications. We have only selected illustrations from relatively recent publications with an emphasis on those from publications related to the Americas. However, we have included references to
Geographical information is provided country by country. Continental countries are ordered from south to north as follows: Eastern non-Andean, South America: Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, French Guiana, Surinam, Guyana; Western South America northwards, Chile north to Venezuela and then northwards from Panama to Canada. The islands are ordered from Bermuda to Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, Cuba, Cayman Islands and Jamaica, then from Haiti in an arc east and south to Trinidad, with the Netherlands Group at the end. Hawaii is placed in final position. Although apparently rather eccentric, this order ensures to a very large extent that plants whose range extends into adjacent countries or along mountain or island chains are arranged into logical distribution patterns.
Citations of occurrence are provided for all countries and, where possible, for major areas (states, provinces or departments), highlighted in bold face, in the larger countries. All South American countries except Uruguay and the Guianas are treated as “large countries”, together with Mexico, the United States and Canada. Major areas within larger countries are arranged alphabetically. The small Caribbean islands are treated as “major areas” of the Lesser Antilles. Citations are based on specimens seen or, in a few cases, identified by an established authority who is known to have understood the species well. Records from checklists and, especially data bases without images, have not been used as they contain many errors (
Ecological information is included within distributional information. Our knowledge of the ecology of individual species varies from zero to good. It is particularly poor in cases of very localized species. Many of the widespread species occur as garden escapes, weeds or adventives in and around settlements and by roads. The only Ipomoea species reported to be invasive is I. aquatica and that only in Florida and Cuba. No troublesome weed of cultivation has been noted.
Explanations for lectotypifications are provided separately from other notes. In cases where no explanation is provided, it should be assumed that the most complete specimen seen and cited by the original author was chosen.
Notes are mostly related to taxonomic issues. They often summarise distinctive characteristics of a species and indicate how it can be distinguished from other species with which it is often confused. Some information has been given about traditional and economic uses but this has not been a focus of attention in this monograph.
Results from molecular sequencing and phylogenetic analysis have been of great value in our research at many levels (
DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis has been valuable at the species level too. It has confirmed the monophyly of many species and has also drawn attention to the existence of unrecognized new species. We have many examples of this, such as the “discovery” of Ipomoea kraholandica in Brazil or I. lactifera in Bolivia, this last especially interesting as DNA confirmed it as belonging to the Batatas Clade and sister to the Old World species, Ipomoea littoralis. Sequence data has shown some species thought to be distinct are conspecific with others from different geographical areas, for example, I. acanthocarpa from Africa is the same species as I. piurensis from America, while I. lindenii from mainland America is the same as the Jamaican endemic I. cyanantha. In both these examples multiple specimens of the supposedly distinct species form a largely unresolved single clade confirming our morphological observations that the species are indistinguishable. DNA has also demonstrated that some species pairs thought to be possibly conspecific are indeed different; I. paludicola is distinct from I. asarifolia, I. marginisepala from I. cardiophylla and I. pterocaulis from I. jalapa. In these examples specimens from the two species do not form a clade separate from all other species. DNA has also shown that Ipomoea indica is not monophyletic and so consists of more than one entity, although we have not yet been able to unravel this complex. It has highlighted misidentifications when wrongly named specimens appear in parts of the tree separate from the clade where they belong. It has also provided a phylogenetic context to enable the interpretation of incomplete specimens, which lack diagnostic morphological information. However, molecular sequencing using ITS has severe limitations which are well documented, not least lack of resolution and support. For this reason, we have always used our ITS phylogeny in conjunction with hypotheses based on morphological characters. Nevertheless, we have been reassured that all major clades identified in our ITS tree are also inferred from the analysis of single-copy nuclear regions and of whole chloroplast genomes (
Both NWC and OWC contain elements that were recognized previously as genera and appear as smaller clades within NWC or OWC. The only previously recognized genus that is represented by native species in both NWC and OWC is Turbina, although most of its species are in OWC. Turbina is polyphyletic containing several heterogeneous elements and is consequently rejected. Similarly, we reject the New World genus Exogonium as it was founded on a hypocrateriform corolla adapted for bird pollination and this character is homoplastic occurring in various different clades within NWC. In NWC, species formerly grouped under the names Arborescens, Batatas, Pharbitis, Calonyction and Quamoclit all form small clades which more or less coincide with their traditional circumscription and so are used by us as names for the corresponding clades. In OWC the generic names Argyreia, Astripomoea, Stictocardia and Lepistemon form clades of varying sizes and we continue to use these names for these distinct clades. Unlike the New World clades recognized above, these Old World clades vary considerably in size, Argyreia having around 125 species (including Rivea), Stictocardia around ten and Lepistemon only two so barely meriting recognition. All these nine clades which are assigned traditional names are more or less diagnosable using combinations of morphological characters.
NWC comprises about 450 species. Apart from a few species previously placed in Turbina, all species belong to Echinoconieae subgroup Ipomoeeae in
Our studies have revealed many smaller clades to which a traditional name cannot be readily attached. The two largest are both in Clade A of NWC and we refer to these as Clades A1 and A2. Some of the species in Clade A1 were treated as series Jalapa by Austin and Huáman, but in a very inconsistent way. It is found throughout the neotropics but is most diverse in South America. The Arborescens group form a small clade within A1. Clade A2 is also found throughout the neotropics but is particularly important in the Caribbean, as nearly all the 25 endemic species of that region belong to it. Elements of this clade were referred to as Microsticta by
Apart from Pharbitis, Calonyction and Quamoclit, there are several small clades which are more or less diagnosable morphologically within Clade B. There is a small clade (Species 328–334) of seven species centred on Ipomoea costellata assigned the name Pedatisecta by
Clade C also contains a number of small clades which are more or less diagnosable morphologically or geographically, although the best known species, Ipomoea pes-caprae, belongs to a clade of Australian species. A small clade of four species (Species 345–348) centred on I. asarifolia can be recognized by their very unequal, transversely muricate sepals. Another small clade of South American species consisting of perhaps eight species centred on I. maurandioides (Species 356–363) that can be recognized by their glabrous indumentum, unequal sepals and often trailing habit.
The Old World Clade (OWC) contains around 350 species mostly from the palaeotropics. It includes most species treated as Echinoconieae subgroup Argyreieae by Hallier including all species placed in Argyreia, Rivea (which is nested within Argyreia), Stictocardia and some species placed in Turbina. Only a few relatively small clades are composed of neotropical species. Much the largest is the clade of around 12 species centred on I. corymbosa but with morphologically very disparate elements, including I. ochracea, I. regnellii, I. crinicalyx, I. cuscoenesis and I. daturiflora.
There are important practical implications from our molecular results. Since there is no obvious or close correlation between morphological characters and the Ipomoea phylogeny, it is currently impossible to propose an infrageneric classification along traditional lines. Although most clades cannot be defined morphologically, they do have certain morphological tendencies, which we have highlighted and discussed in the notes that precede the description of the species in each clade. As noted above, some of the smaller clades are well-defined and, where this is the case, their distinctive morphological features are indicated. We have also tentatively used molecular results to inform the placement of individual species within clades.
It should be stressed that we have faced a problem that we share with previous botanists working on the classification of Ipomoea. Some species are not available for study or sequencing and so cannot be assigned unequivocally to a clade. In this situation, we have inferred the position of species from their morphology. Most placements will be uncontroversial but in a few cases they are little more than guesses. The notes following each species indicate where placement is particularly uncertain.
Ipomoea is a tropical genus and this is reflected in its distribution in the Americas with few species found north or south of 30 degrees latitude. The main exception lies in the Eastern United States where several species, I. coccinea, I. lacunosa, I. sagittata and I. pandurata, extend north to at least 35 degrees, I. repanda as far as 43°N in Ontario, Canada. The complete absence of Ipomoea from California in the west apart from a few introduced ornamentals (as well as in central Chile) suggests that it cannot tolerate a Mediterranean climate with arid summers and cool wet winters.
Within the neotropics Ipomoea is widely distributed but is noticeably less diverse in the equatorial region with relatively few species in Amazonia, Ecuador (
Most species of Ipomoea are relatively localized in their distribution often being found in a single region or country. However, there is a large set of species (I. alba, I. batatas, I. cairica, I. carnea subsp. fistulosa, I. corymbosa, I. hederifolia, I. indica, I. muricata, I. nil, I. purpurea, I. quamoclit and I. tricolor) that occur around cultivation or in disturbed places near settlements throughout the tropics and are found in almost every country of the Americas with a tropical climate. To this group should be added some other pantropical species that are also widespread but absent from many countries including I. acanthocarpa, I. aquatica, I. asarifolia, I. fimbriosepala, I. mauritiana, I. setifera and I. triloba. All these pantropical species occur sporadically, occasionally abundantly, in different neotropical countries but there is little geographical patterning to their distribution. A similar pattern can be observed in the palaeotropics. Of the 26 species recorded for the Flora of the Mascarenes (
Of species never found in the Old World, Ipomoea aristolochiifolia is probably the most widespread, being found from Argentina north to Mexico, although it is absent from the Caribbean islands. Other very widespread species include I. philomega, I. batatoides, I. ramosissima and I. regnellii but, apart from I. ramosissima, none extends into Argentina and all peter out as they enter Mexico. Two species, I. dumetorum and I. clavata extend along the Andean Chain from Argentina or Bolivia north to Mexico but are absent elsewhere. More frequent are species that extend from the United States or Mexico southwards to northern South America. These include I. capillacea, I. cholulensis and I. lindenii that are restricted to the mountain chains and I. minutiflora, I. meyeri, I. trifida and I. tiliacea which are common in the Caribbean (except I. minutiflora) and Central America extending into northern South America, in the case of I. tiliacea south along the eastern edge of Brazil almost to Uruguay. Of some interest are two upland species, I. plummerae and I. pubescens, common around the 20–30° latitude in both hemispheres but largely absent from intermediate equatorial regions.
Ipomoea plummerae and I. pubescens are not the only species with disjunct distributions. Ipomoea crinicalyx and I. amnicola are also amphitropical in distribution but there is suspicion that the latter has been introduced into the northern hemisphere. Several annual species like I. parasitica, I. heptaphylla, I. longeramosa and I. neurocephala are very scattered in their distribution, being known from many countries but, with the exception of I. longeramosa in NE Brazil, from only one or few collections in each case. The occurrence of the South American I. subrevoluta on the Isla de Juventud (Pinos) in Cuba and also on Trinidad is remarkable but it perhaps arrived as a result of the movement of migratory water birds. Ipomoea thurberi also has a curious distribution with isolated populations in Guatemala and Nicaragua which are disjunct from each other as well as from the main population in northern Mexico and Arizona. In South America remarkable disjunctions are noted for species found on isolated granite domes around the Amazon. Ipomoea chiquitensis and I. graniticola are known from a few locations separated by many thousands of kilometres (
Throughout the Americas many species are endemic to single countries with a good number of species endemic to single localities or to a very restricted area. Clearly the two largest countries, Brazil and Mexico, each with about 60 endemic species, have the greatest numbers of single country endemics. Scattered endemic species are found in most Andean countries with much the greatest numbers in Bolivia (c. 20) but the arbitrary nature of political boundaries tends to reduce the gross figures for individual countries. There are few species endemic to the small Central American republics although four are endemic to the Panama-Guatemala region. The large Caribbean islands are also major centres of endemism. We recognize 17 species as endemic to Cuba, seven to Hispaniola and four to Jamaica. Additionally there are a number of near endemics on these islands. In contrast, species endemic to small islands or island groups are few and we recognize only four, Ipomoea sphenophylla on St Eustatius, I. steudelii on Puerto Rico, I. tuboides on Hawaii and I. habelana on the Galapagos, the last two on several islands in their respective archipelagos and, perhaps coincidentally, both adapted for moth pollination.
It is harder to discern concentrations of endemic species in particular regions of the large continental countries, particularly in Mexico, where endemic species occur in scattered locations over much of the country. However, there is evidence that the greatest concentrations of endemics are in the seasonally arid regions of South West Mexico (
It is equally difficult to discern clear examples of endemism in particular biomes except for some extreme examples such as seashores. Clearly there are many species endemic to Seasonally Dry Forest and to Cerrado but as the former includes many distinct variants and the latter very different physiognomies from campo limpo to cerradão, the notion of endemism is not very easy to apply except in a very loose sense. Specific examples of habitat preferences are indicated after species descriptions, where these are reliably known.
Precise information about the ecology of many species is unavailable so it is difficult to provide anything approaching a comprehensive account of the habitat requirements of many neotropical species. Certainly, Ipomoea species grow in many different habitats and it is clear that most habitats host species specific to that habitat.
The most typical beach species are Ipomoea pes-caprae, I. imperati and I. littoralis (in Hawaii) but others occur on coastal sands including I. tiliifolia and some forms of I. batatas. There is some evidence that the fruits of some of these species can survive for long periods in salt water (
Some species are characteristic of freshwater habitats and are often specialized in their requirements. The only true aquatic is the introduced Ipomoea aquatica, which roots on mud and sometimes has extensive floating stems. Ipomoea subrevoluta usually grows by small streams in grassy plain whereas I. rubens is more typical of the borders of larger rivers or small lakes. Ipomoea paludicola, I. schomburgkii and I. pittieri favour flooded pampa whereas I. paludosa is characteristic of swampy hollows in the cerrados. Ipomoea fimbriosepala, I. setifera and I. neei are often found near water. The widespread species I. alba appears to favour disturbed scrubby gullies which are permanently or seasonally moist, when it grows as an apparently native species. The natural distribution of I. carnea subsp. fistulosa is obscured by its presence as an escape from cultivation but it appears native in swamp in the Parana basin of South America and perhaps elsewhere.
The lack of diversity of Ipomoea in rain forest does not mean that there are no characteristic species in this habitat. The best indicator of rainforest in the genus is I. philomega, which is found in evergreen forest at low altitudes throughout the Americas. Other typical species that are more local in their distribution include I. amazonica, I. velutinfolia, I. santillanii, I. splendor-sylvae whereas I. aurantiaca, I. chondrosepala, I. regnellii, I. squamosa, I. batatoides and I. reticulata also occur in rainforest but are not restricted to this habitat. The near absence of several otherwise widespread species from the Amazon basin is also interesting. Ipomoea hederifolia and I. carnea subsp. fistulosa are almost completely absent from Amazonia.
Cloud forest is another wet forest habitat where Ipomoea is relatively poorly represented. Cloud forest occurs from slightly below 1000 m to at least 2500 m along the Andes from Bolivia northwards, in the Brazilian Atlantic forest and in Central America. Probably the most widespread cloud forest species is I. lindenii, which grows from Bolivia to southern Mexico with an outlying station in Jamaica. Other cloud forest species are much more local but include I. austrobrasiliensis from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, I. magnifolia, I. inaccessa and I. odontophylla from the Bolivian Andes, I. retropilosa from Colombia and Venezuela, I. chiriquensis, I. isthmica from Panama and Costa Rica and I. chenopodiifolia from Guatemala and Mexico. Other species may occur in coffee plantations, which are often created from areas of former cloud forest including the widespread I. aristolochiifolia.
High altitude species are even rarer and very few species occur above about 2500 m. The only species that might occur in paramo is Ipomoea capillacea while, in puna or at least subpuna, the only species recorded are I. plummerae and I. pubescens. Both have a disjunct amphitropical distribution occurring in Mexico and the United States Southwest as well as South America. Ipomoea plummerae reaches 4000 m in Bolivia.
Ipomoea species are tolerant of drought and several are recorded from desert. In South America I. incarnata is the best adapted to arid conditions occurring in the coastal deserts of Peru and the Colombian Guajira as well as the Caatinga of NE Brazil. Other indicators of very arid conditions in South America are I. nationis from Peru, I. verruculosa from Venezuela and I. sericosepala from Brazil and Bolivia. In North America,
Of some interest are morphological adaptations found in several species growing in dry habitats. One such occurs in the coastal lomas of Peru and the northern Atacama of Chile. Here forms of Ipomoea dumetorum, I. nil and I. purpurea occur with short, erect stems, very unlike the normal long twining stems found in other habitats. The Galapagos Islands comprise another arid habitat where there occur extreme forms of I. muricata and I. incarnata, once treated as distinct species under the names respectively of I. tubiflora and I. linearifolia. In the former the fleshy teeth of the stems are largely suppressed while the latter presents with very narrow leaves. In the Sonora Desert in Mexico, forms of I. cristuluta occur with erect, woody virgate stems, a facies very different from the normal herbaceous, twining stems. Perhaps the most remarkable is the dwarf form of the usually lowland I. platensis which grows in arid situations at over 2000 m in the Argentinian Andes. (Figure
Desert merges into dry grassland, particularly in North America. Erect and, less commonly, trailing species of Ipomoea are characteristic of grassland habitats. There are relatively few examples from North America, I. leptophylla being the only widespread prairie species but several other North American species are clearly adapted to the grassland habitat, including I. longifolia and the Mexican endemic I. durangensis. However, it is in the South American cerrados that a great number of grassland species have evolved. Erect species occur in different clades and include I. hirsutissima, I. malvaeoides and I. cuneifolia and several others from Clade A1, I. argentea and I. paulistana from Clade A2 and I. squamisepala and I. pinifolia from Clade C. Trailing species are also common including I. descolei, I. psammophila and I. langsdorfii, I. burchellii, I. goyazensis and I. procumbens.
Thorn scrub merging into seasonally dry forest is another important semi-arid habitat, which is common throughout much of tropical America. Ipomoea is at its most diverse in this habitat. In South America the relatively widespread species I. amnicola, I. megapotamica, I. incarnata and I. abutiloides are good indicators of this habitat. However, each of these dry forest regions has its own set of localized species, I. argentinica, I. oranensis and I. schulziana where the chaco meets the Andes, I. brasiliana, I. longibracteolata, I. marcellia and others in NE Brazil. Ipomoea verruculosa in the dry coastal woodland of Venezuela, I. pauciflora and I. velardei in Ecuador and Peru. Dry forest species are also noted from the Caribbean Islands, I. carolina from Cuba, for example, but it is in Mexico and Central America that very large numbers are recorded as growing in dry forest, usually pine or oak woodland, either wholly deciduous or partially so. All the tree species (from both North and South America), lianas like I. bombycina and numerous other species are recorded from this habitat. The roll call of dry forest species from Mexico is long and includes such relatively common species as I. orizabensis, I. pedicellaris, I. praecana, I. seducta, I. lobata and many others.
Ipomoea species tend to avoid closed forest but occur along streams, by tracks and roads and often favour rock outcrops where the forest cover is broken. Species diversity is greatest in deciduous forest, possibly because there is more plentiful light during the dry season (
Rocks provide a specialized habitat for some species. In Mexico, cliffs or “crags” are often cited as the habitat for Ipomoea rupicola, I. chilopsidis, I. teotitlanica, I. seeania and I. concolor whereas in South America the only species cited from a similar habitat is I. killipiana. The geological composition of the cliffs is not usually recorded but volcanic rocks are mentioned for I. seeania and limestone for I. teotitlanica. Limestone, however, is often cited for plants from the Caribbean including I. montecristina, I. praecox and I. fuchsioides from Cuba, the last two characteristic of limestone towers locally known as mogotes. It is also cited for several species from Hispaniola including I. digitata and I. desrousseauxii. Ipomoea luteoviridis is recorded from serpentine outcrops in Hispaniola but we are unaware of any other American species with this habitat preference. A few species are noted from lava flows, notably I. tuboides from Hawaii, but several Mexican species are recorded on pedregales including I. orizabensis and I. dumetorum. In South America the most commonly recorded specialized rock habitat consists of granite domes and platforms, which outcrop sporadically in dry forest and cerrados on the pre-Cambrian shield. The commonest species of this habitat are I. bonariensis and I. maurandioides, but neither is restricted to granite. More restricted geographically and geologically and often very disjunct in their distribution are I. caloneura, I. chiquitensis and I. graniticola, the last being found in isolated locations in Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay. Ipomoea leprieurii is locally frequent on granite outcrops in French Guiana and neighbouring parts of Brazil while I. marabaensis, I. scopulina and I. fasciculata are currently known only as pin-point endemics.
Ipomoea species are also frequent in secondary scrub and in disturbed places around settlements. This is the kind of habitat where the widespread pantropical species are often found. Ipomoea indica, I. nil, I. hederifolia, I. purpurea and I. cairica are rarely found far away from human habitation and I. alba, I. cairica, I. tricolor, I. indica, I. quamoclit and I. carnea subsp. fistulosa are sometimes clearly garden escapes. The same is true for many species of the Batatas clade. Ipomoea tiliacea, I. triloba, I. cordatotriloba, I. australis, I. leucantha, I. grandifolia and I. trifida are all recorded as characteristic of disturbed bushy ground and are rare in truly natural habitats.
Many species have a distinct, relatively short flowering season. The only country where details are documented, albeit superficially is Bolivia (
Certain generalisations, however, are possible. The erect cerrado and grassland species with a stout xylopodium often come into flower soon after the start of the spring rains, possibly being stimulated into growth and flowering by the fire that often precedes the onset of rain. Annual species, in contrast, use the moist summer season for growth and come into flower towards the end of the summer, their flowers often persisting long into the winter dry season (see
There are many individual subtleties, which need careful observation and recording before any explanation can be provided. In Eastern Bolivia in areas of a similar altitude and climate, the first author has observed the following sequence, although these observations may be partially dependent on the date of the onset of rain. To see flowering specimens of I. hirsutissima, I. cerradoensis and I. psammophila, it is best to visit in October and November; to find I. schomburgkii, I. aprica, I. caloneura and I. paulistana it is best to look in December or January; to find I. graniticola and I. densibracteata February to early March would be best; March to early April would be good for I. amnicola, I. abutiloides and I. megapotamica; April to June would be good to find I. bonariensis, I. argentinica, I. rubens, I. bahiensis and I. cordatotriloba; to find I. ramosissima, I. setifera, I. paludicola or I. eriocalyx June or July would be best, while July or August might be best for I. regnellii, I. lactifera and I. cryptica. Finally you should note that you might find I. maurandioides in flower at almost any season.
Ipomoea species are commonly named “Morning Glory” because the flowers of several cultivated species, notably I. indica, open at dawn and close before midday. However, while this observation may be a useful generalization, it is only a partial truth. Much depends on the strength of the sun and many morning-flowering species will continue in flower well into the afternoon on a dull day. Conversely night-flowering species, such as I. alba, I. muricata and I. violacea may remain open during clouded, sunless days. These observations indicate that research suggesting different species flower for a specific number of hours (
Much the most important species of Ipomoea economically is I. batatas, the sweet potato, which is reported to be amongst the ten most important staple food crops worldwide (
Other species of Ipomoea produce root tubers but there are only occasional reports of their use, usually as a famine food. Amongst species whose tubers are reported to be used for food are I. leptophylla, I. pubescens, I. pandurata (
The leaves of some species of Ipomoea are used as a vegetable. Much the most important is I. aquatica, the water spinach or kangkong, which is widely used as a stir-fry vegetable in South East Asia, although it has not achieved much popularity outside the region. The leaves of other species are occasionally used as vegetables, including I. batatas itself and apparently I. littoralis (
Various species of Ipomoea are cultivated as garden ornamentals. In extra-tropical countries, relatively quick growing annual species are favoured, particularly I. indica, I. purpurea, I. nil, I. quamoclit and I. tricolor. In tropical countries, perennials are more common. The most conspicuous is I. carnea subsp. fistulosa, which is widely cultivated for its erect habit and profuse flowers. Ipomoea cairica is often planted to cover walls and unattractive bushes. Ipomoea alba and I. muricata are also sometimes grown in gardens and on boundary fences. Ipomoea horsfalliae is a widely planted liana that is grown in many tropical countries for its attractive red flowers, but is not reported to set seed and so is never naturalized. Ipomoea quamoclit and, less commonly, I. lobata are also grown quite frequently and sometimes become naturalised. There are occasional reports of the cultivation of other species including I. nervosa, I. pauciflora and I. intrapilosa but this is not common practice.
Various species of Ipomoea have had medicinal uses since pre-Colombian times, broadly for two purposes. The seeds of several species are known for their hallucinogenic properties as they contain small quantities of LSD-like substances (
In the following section we discuss the range of characters which have proved useful in species delimitation and have indicated some of the pitfalls in their use. Taxonomic decisions often have to be made using incomplete material. Many species of Ipomoea are extremely localized in their distribution and many of their morphological characters are unknown, particularly the roots and the fruit characters, which are unknown for perhaps a third of species.
Species of Ipomoea may be annual or perennial, herbaceous or woody, twining (or at least scrambling), erect, decumbent or prostrate. All of these characters are potentially useful in species delimitation and are used in the keys. It is useful, for example, to distinguish between lianas and scandent herbs or between prostrate or erect herbs but the distinctions need to be treated with caution. Many species have a woody rootstock and herbaceous stems, which may or may not be woody at the base. Stems may become somewhat woody with age. Twining plants may be trailing in the absence of shrubs to climb on. We have also avoided the use of the term vine as it is sometimes used to mean a woody climber (like the grape vine), so almost a synonym of liana, and sometimes to mean a relatively slender twining plant.
Annual species are characterized by having fibrous roots and typically flower in the late rainy season (tropical summer) as they require sufficient time to reach maturity after the onset of rains. In the herbarium, in the absence of roots, annuals can often be identified by their slender habit and the presence of mature capsules on flowering specimens. Perennial species, in contrast, are relatively stout and often lack mature capsules on flowering specimens or are almost entirely without corollas on fruiting specimens. It is possible that some normally annual species perenniate under suitable circumstances, especially in areas with no distinct dry season. There are no known erect annual species. Annual species are not found in Clades A1 or A2. In contrast they are well-represented in the Batatas (A3 in part), Pharbitis (B1 in part), Quamoclit (B2 in part) and the Pedatisecta Clades (B2 in part).
The majority of species are twining perennial herbs or lianas with petiolate, ovate, cordate leaves. The inflorescence is formed of pedunculate axillary cymes, the cymose structure usually being very obvious, although the cymes are sometimes reduced to single flowers. There is a tendency for some of the lianas to develop inflorescences on short leafy branchlets, rather than from the axils of the stem leaves.
Somewhat similar is a less well-defined assembly of essentially trailing plants. At one extreme these species root at the nodes and form extensive mats, in one case (Ipomoea aquatica) extending its stems to float on shallow water. Two widespread submaritime species, I. pes-caprae and I. imperati, are good examples of this growth form. More common are trailing species that do not root at the nodes. They usually grow in open, often sandy inland habitats. These trailing species often have shortly petiolate, elliptic leaves rounded to truncate at the base combined with axillary cymose inflorescences, these sometimes being shortly pedunculate. These trailing plants are, thus, apparently intermediate morphologically between the true climbers and the erect species. Some trailing species are morphologically indistinguishable from the climbers, the prostrate habit apparently the consequence of the absence of suitable plants to climb. Ipomoea maurandioides, a South American species principally of rock outcrops, is one such example.
The erect habit is usually associated with subsessile, oblong, lanceolate, or oblong-elliptic cuneate-based leaves with a terminal inflorescence, the upper leaves clearly bract-like and the pedicels and peduncles reduced so the inflorescence is subracemose or even subspicate in form. Species with this habit occur mostly in open grasslands and especially in the cerrados of South America. Most species produce annual stems from a tough woody perennial subterranean xylopodium, which is resistant to fire, a characteristic and perhaps defining feature of these habitats. Erect species are found in many different clades but are unknown in the Batatas, Quamoclit and Pharbitis Clades and rare in Clade B.
The erect habit is also associated with a number of shrubs and small trees often treated as Section Arborescens. These usually (always?) have white latex and often flower when leafless or nearly leafless. The inflorescence often develops on short branchlets and is not obviously axillary and cymose in structure. The corolla is white with a dark centre, subcampanulate to funnel-form in shape and possibly bat-pollinated (
Much the most widespread and common erect species, Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa fits none of the above characteristics, having ovate cordate leaves and pink flowers in axillary cymes but its uniqueness is perhaps a consequence of its close relationship with Ipomoea carnea subsp. carnea which is a characteristic climbing species, from which it is presumably diverged.
Although annual species are generally known to have fibrous roots, little reliable information is available about most of the perennial species. Erect species of the cerrado nearly always arise from a woody xylopodium but this is known to vary considerably in form and development from species to species. Ipomoea hirsutissima, for example, has very large somewhat woody tuberous roots. Similar storage roots are seen in other species in Clade A1 including I. lilloana (Figure
White latex is recorded as present in many species and is sometimes abundant, notably in trees and lianas, including species in the Arborescens and Calonyction Clades as well as in the aptly named Ipomoea lactifera. However, its presence often goes unrecorded and it may be more or less obvious according to climatic conditions.
Stems may be entirely herbaceous, woody in the lower parts and herbaceous above, or entirely woody except for the new growth. Stems may be glabrous or variously hirsute, the indumentum usually being similar to that of the peduncles, petioles and leaves, especially the abaxial surface of the leaves. There is a tendency for older stems to be somewhat glabrescent. Unusual features of the stem include distinct wings (Ipomoea pterocaulis, I. splendor-sylvae, I. subalata, I. kahloae), squamose dark glands (I. balioclada), warty protuberances (I. verruculosa, I. tuboides), spinules (I. spinulifera), soft spines (I. setosa), soft fleshy teeth (I. muricata, I. alba, I. parasitica) and granulose protuberances (I. granulosa).
Species may be glabrous or variously hirsute. There is a good deal of intra-species variation and this has often proved to be an unsatisfactory character in species delimitation. Many species or varieties have been recognized over the years based on the presence or absence of hairs and have subsequently been abandoned. Despite this important proviso, many species have a characteristic indumentum which is readily recognized. Species which are always glabrous in their vegetative parts form a long list, as do those which are characteristically sericeous or tomentose. A sericeous indumentum is characteristic of almost all species previously placed in Argyreia, Rivea, Turbina and Stictocardia as well as many that have always been included in Ipomoea. Some unusual indumentum types include:
• Stellate hairs. These are characteristic of certain species notably Ipomoea bonariensis from South America, I. scopulorum from Mexico and I. luteoviridis from Hispaniola. In cases where they are mixed with simple hairs they may be very difficult to observe and pass unnoticed. They are also characteristic of the Astripomoea Clade, which is restricted to Africa.
• T-shaped hairs. Ipomoea malpighipila was named on the basis of the presence of T-shaped hairs. They are not reported from other species, except the related I. aemilii, and are difficult to observe even in these species.
• Scattered long fine hairs. Ipomoea clavata, I. dolichopoda.
• Density and appearance. Many species are densely hairy especially on young stems and the abaxial surface of leaves but sometimes on all vegetative parts. Where hairs are dense the leaves are often white or grey in colour and characteristic of the species. This kind of indumentum is not always easy to define and is sometimes described as canescent, sericeous, tomentellous, tomentose or densely pubescent by different authors.
• Gland dots. Distinct gland dots are found in some species, especially on the abaxial leaf surface but sometimes on other vegetative parts or even the corolla. They usually appear as dark dots and are so characteristic of I. tiliifolia that they are often regarded as a defining characterstic of the Stictocardia Clade (
These have been reported in many species including Ipomoea alba, I. batatas, I. bonariensis, I. carnea, I. indica, I. leptophylla, I. mauritiana, I. muricata, I. pes-caprae and I. tuboides (
Leaves are exstipulate but a few species have pseudo-stipules (notably Ipomoea cairica, I. fissifolia and I. quamoclit), formed by modified leaves or prophylls. Leaf size can be distinctive but difficult to quantify diagnostically. Large leaves are a feature of a few species such as Ipomoea ampullacea, I. magnifolia and I. philomega whereas small leaves are characteristic of many annual species but also of some perennials such as I. hartwegii and I. rupicola.
Leaf shape is mostly related to habit with almost all climbing species having ovate to deltoid leaves with a truncate, cordate or sagittate base. Elliptic leaves are rare and mostly found in trailing species. Lanceolate, oblong or oblong-elliptic leaves are mostly a feature of erect species. Some unusual shapes occur, such as the strap-shaped leaves of I. tenuissima.
Leaves may be entire or variously divided. Pinnate leaves are only present in Ipomoea quamoclit, and pinnatifid to lyrate-dentate leaves in a few Mexican species (I. ancisa, I. sescossiana, I. tacambarensis, I. stans). A much larger number of species have leaves palmately lobed. The number of lobes, usually 3 or 5, occasionally more, and the depth of lobing are often characteristic of a particular species. However, leaf lobing is often an inconstant character, many species having entire-leaved forms or forms that intergrade with the normally lobed forms. The leaves of some, such as I. bonariensis, I. clausa, I. microdactyla or I. mauritiana are notoriously variable in form. A relatively small number of species have leaves palmately divided into separate leaflets and this character is usually constant. Species which present forms with both lobed leaves and leaves divided into separate leaflets occur in only a very few species (I. cairica, I. bonariensis, I. homotrichoidea).
The leaf base is sometimes distinctive, particularly in those species that have leaves with strongly cordate or strongly cuneate bases. Sagittate or hastate leaves are also often distinct but may intergrade with the more common cordate leaf base. Rounded leaf bases often intergrade with shallowly cordate or truncate leaf bases and are difficult to characterize.
The leaf margins are usually entire to slightly undulate but a few species have distinctly dentate leaves (I. odontophylla, I. schaffneri, I. noctuliflora, I. ignava, I. peruviana, I. descolei and I. erosa). A few species may have 1–several rather large teeth on the margins, usually towards the base (I. acanthocarpa, I. dumetorum, I. eriocalyx). In the majority of species the leaf apex is acute to acuminate, although the actual tip may be somewhat obtuse. The tips are commonly mucronate but in a few cases the midrib extends as a mucro several millimetres in length (I. walteri). In a few species the apex is distinctly retuse (I. pes-caprae).
In general, petiole length is of little significance except that short or absent petioles correlate with an erect habit and elongate leaf shape as noted earlier. One curious feature is the fusion of the petiole and the peduncle at least for part of their length (I. connata, I. bracteata, I. dumosa).
Most inflorescences consist of cymes that arise from the leaf axils. Cymes are nearly always solitary but are very variable in the number of flowers. In many species the cymes are reduced to a single flower while in others the cymes may be compounded with up to 15 or more flowers. The number of flowers in the cyme is often a useful although somewhat imprecise taxonomic character.
Not all inflorescences are obviously cymose in structure, some are more or less corymbose (especially in the Quamoclit Clade) or racemose (e.g. Ipomoea bombycina, I. reticulata, I. corymbosa) or umbellate (some forms of I. batatas), even appearing paniculate in some forms of I. lineolata or I. philomega. In quite a few species, the pedicels are very short so the inflorescence is subcapitate in form. In the Arborescens Clade and also in a number of woody lianas, the inflorescence arises on short leafy (bracteate) branchlets with no obvious cymose structure.
We have generally avoided using the term bract since in most twining or trailing species, the bracts are not clearly differentiated from the leaves, the cymes arising in the axils of the leaves which function as bracts. In the erect species and also in some or the arborescent species where the inflorescence is either terminal or borne on small branchlets bracts are more clearly differentiated from leaves, typically smaller and narrower and diminishing in size towards the branch tips and, in this situation, we have used the term bract. Some authors, however, use the term bract for the very different structures that arise at the inflorescence branching points or at the base of the pedicel in unbranched inflorescences. We refer to these as bracteoles, only rarely differentiating between primary bracteoles (at the first branching point) or secondary bracteoles (at the higher branching points) as these rarely differ in any significant way. In many species the bracteoles are inconspicuous and caducous (and have never been observed in a few species), but in others they are prominent and persistent, especially in the Pharbitis Clade, and occasionally even forming an involucre around the flowers where the pedicels are very short, notably in I. neurocephala and I. involucrata.
In the majority of species the bracteoles are small (< 3 mm long), often linear, lanceolate or scale-like and caducous. In a few species, Ipomoea blanchetii is an example, we have not observed bracteoles in any specimen available to us. In others, they are relatively persistent, particularly in species, with a subcapitate inflorescence. These include I. indica, I. villifera, I. mairetii, I. argentinica, I. asplundii, I. chrysocalyx, I. racemosa, I. amazonica, I. eriocalyx, I. setifera, I. fimbriosepala, I. burchellii, I. pohlii and I. mcvaughii. In a very few species the bracteoles are expanded, persistent and form an involucre around the inflorescence as in I. neurocephala, I. involucrata, I. bracteata and I. suffulta.
Peduncles may be short or long and the length is sometimes significant. Most species with a terminal inflorescence have very short peduncles and pedicels. However, some trailing or twining species are also remarkable for their relatively short peduncles. These include Ipomoea eriocalyx and a miscellaneous group of other species, such as I. lindenii, I. chapadensis, I. riparum and I. chrysocalyx but is most common in Clade A2. Species in this clade with very short peduncles include I. microdonta, I. lachnea and I. calophylla from the Caribbean, I. goyazensis from South America, I. isthmica and I. heterodoxa from Central America and I. pseudoracemosa, I. pruinosa, I. conzattii and I. tehuantepecensis from Mexico. Many of these species with short peduncles also have short pedicels so the whole axillary inflorescence is very compact. However, there is also a group of species with relatively long peduncles but a subcapitate inflorescence in which the flowers are borne on short pedicels. This is particularly characteristic of the Pharbitis Clade (I. indica, I. neurocephala, I. mairetii, I. lambii and I. villifera) but is also noteworthy amongst many unrelated species including I. racemosa, I. amazonica, I. argentinica, I. bahiensis, I. eriocalyx, I. fasciculata, I. exserta and I. batatas. Species with pedunculate subcapitate inflorescences often but not always have a bracteolate inflorescence. Very long peduncles are also distinctive in species such as I. marcellia, I. macdonaldii, I. longibarbis, and I. austrobrasiliensis. Unusually long pedicels are rarely apparent but are a feature of I. pedicellaris and its allies which include I. regnellii, I. lindenii and I. tentaculifera, these inflorescences appearing very lax. Unusual features of the peduncle include the winged peduncles of I. decemcornuta and I. kahloae, the peduncle fused with the petiole for some of its length (I. connata, I. dumosa, I. bracteata) and the peduncle that passes through the leaf sinus (I. aristolochiifolia, I. huayllae). Very occasionally pedicels are unusually slender and coiled (I. heptaphylla, I. tenera).
The calyx is formed of five overlapping, free sepals. The two outer sepals are usually similar in size and form as are the two inner sepals, which often have relatively broad, scarious, glabrous margins. The middle sepal is intermediate in size and shape and is commonly asymmetrically scarious. The sepals are often of considerable taxonomic significance and constitute important conserved characters at the species level. The differences in size and shape between the inner and outer sepals are often of great significance. The apex is frequently especially diagnostic. Many species have mucronate sepals, but the mucros are often caducous so some or even all sepals may appear muticous or retuse. Also important is the abaxial surface of the outer sepals which may show all kinds of variation in indumentum, venation and surface which can be smooth, muricate or armed with soft spines. In a few species notably in the Arborescens Clade, the presence of hairs on the adaxial surface is significant. As observed by
Many sepals display unusual features including:
• Very unequal sepals: I. anisomeres, I. cryptica, I. squamosa, I. asarifolia, I. paludicola, I. maurandioides, I. macedoi.
• Adaxial (inner) surface hirsute: Arborescens Clade, I. longibracteolata, I. magna.
• Subterminal awns: all species in the Quamoclit Clade.
• Sepals terminating in a long awn: I. alba, I. muricata, I. nil, I. hederacea. Sepals of some other species, such as I. incarnata, may be interpreted as terminating in an awn.
• Sepals with fleshy spine-like trichomes: I. crinicalyx, I. echinocalyx, I. altoamazonica, I. silvicola, I. setosa, I. tentaculifera, I. lozanii (smaller than in other species),
• Sepals with a prominent abaxial appendage, I. rosea, I. bahiensis; I. decemcornuta.
• Sepals with swollen abaxial tumour: I. appendiculata.
• Sepals with 1–2 prominent black abaxial glands: I. hieronymi, I. megapotamica.
• Sepals muricate: I. plummeae, I. capillacea, I. madrensis, I. aristolochiifolia, I. pedicellaris, I. obscura, I. ochracea, I. cairica, I. asarifolia, I. paludicola, I. procurrens, I. coriacea.
• Sepals with prominent longitudinal ribs: I. fimbriosepala, I. setifera, I. parvibracteolata, I panduata.
• Sepals with fimbriate margins: I. tenera, I. sidifolia (sometimes).
• Sepals with a prominent cordate base: I. macedoi, I. apodiensis, I. pantanalensis, I. pubescens, I. lindheimeri.
The great diversity of sepal form is curious and not easily explained. It has been suggested that the development of coriaceous and large sepals may have evolved in response to the need to protect nectar glands from robber insects. (
Sepals of Ipomoea species. A I. setifera B I. dumetorum C I. aristolochiifolia D I. crinicalyx E I. plummerae F I. bahiensis G I. amnicola H I. appendiculata. Photographs of A (Wood et al. 27771) B (Wood et al. 27654) D (Wood et al. 27606) and G (Wood et al. 27706) by Beth Williams C (Wood 27926) H (Wood et al. 28024) by John Wood E by Mario Giorgetta F (Queiroz et al. 15950) by Hibert Huaylla.
Sepals of Ipomoea species. A I. pauciflora B I. bernoulliana C I. tentaculifera D I. hartwegii E I. murucoides F I. pantanalensis G I. hederacea H I. funis. Photographs of A (Harling et al. 15403) B (Standley 27496) C (Pringle 6702) D (Santos Martínez 2228 E (Pringle 6066) F (Pott 6399) G (McCarthy s.n.) H Andrieux 600 by John Baker.
Sepals of Ipomoea species. A I. racemosa B I. rosea C I. alba D I. hirsutissima E I. barbatisepala F I. ampullacea G I. gigantea H I. longeramosa. Photographs of A (R.A. & E.S. Howard 8863) E (González Ortega 874) and F (Lott & Wendt 2192) by John Wood; B (Harley et al. 54830); C (Fendler 589) and H (Pickersgill et al. RU72-400) by John Baker; D (Mendoza 4365) and G (Mendoza 4645) by Moises Mendoza.
Sepals of Ipomoea species. A Ipomoea descolei B I. paraguariensis C I. australis D I. purpurea (left), I. nil (right) E I. incarnata F I. pintoi G I. maurandioides H I. pubescens. Photographs of A by Hector Keller; B and G by T. Carruthers; C (Wood et al. 27708); E (Wood 27756) and H (Wood 27675) by Beth Williams; D by John Pink; F (Queiroz 15956) by Hibert Huaylla.
Sepals of Ipomoea species. A I. argyreia B I. tricolor C I. argentea D I. syringiifolia E I. eriocalyx F I. procurrens G I. tarijensis H I. regnellii. Photographs of A (Mendoza 4899); C (Mendoza 4705) and F (Mendoza 4900) by Moises Mendoza; B (Wood & Soto 27960) and H (Wood & Soto 27951) by Daniel Soto; D by Hector Keller; E (Wood et al. 27809) by Beth Williams; G (Wood 27920) by John Wood.
Sepals of Ipomoea species. A I. meyeri B I. ternifolia C I. cryptica D I. heterodoxa E I. sericosepala F I. splendor-sylvae G I. squamisepala H I. trifida. Photographs of A (Anderson 1895) B (Pringle 4439) C (Soto et al. 1331) E (Wood & Soto 27550) F (Wilkin 472) and H (Smith 1570) by John Baker; D (Wallnöfer 9506) by John Wood; G (Mendoza 4902) by Moises Mendoza.
The corolla is most commonly funnel-shaped, but is quite often campanulate, or hypocrateriform, or sometimes suburceolate, the limb usually prominent, entire or shallowly lobed but occasionally deeply lobed, or much reduced and present only as five indistinct teeth. The corolla exterior has five prominent midpetaline bands, which may be more darkly coloured and/or more pubescent than other parts of the corolla exterior. The corolla is very variable in size from less than 1 cm long in species like I. eriocarpa or I. minutiflora to over 10 cm in length in species like I. jalapa, I. megalantha, I. parvibracteolata, I. subalata and I. pterocaulis. Size is an unsatisfactory character at one level because of its variability within individual species, but is nonetheless often characteristic of a particular species.
Corollas showing variations in form (side view), size, limb lobing and stamen exsertion. A Ipomoea argentea B I. repanda C I. neei D I. electrina E I. habeliana F I. santillanii G I. nationis H I. rubriflora J I. longistaminea K I. megapotamica L I. megalantha M I. neriifolia N I. syringifolia P I. ramosissima Q I. elongata R I. mucronatoproducta. A from Wood et al. 25639 and photo; B from Whitefoord 5244; C from Skutch 2043; D from Breedlove 27626; E from Bentley 203; F from Bourgeau 3024; G from Saunders 987; H from Wood et al. 27678; J from Pastore et al. 2678; K from Wood et al. 28060; L from Hassler 9114; M from Rezende et al. 1011; N from Stutz 1426 and photo; P from Bang 2246; Q from Purpus 3904; R from Wood & Villarroel 25474. Drawn by Rosemary Wise.
Corolla shape is usually, perhaps always, related to pollination. The commonest corolla shape consists of a very short subcylindrical basal tube which is then gradually widened to the mouth. Corollas of this type are described as funnel-shaped, are usually, pink, sometimes blue or white, in colour and are apparently pollinated by bees. The limb is entire, undulate or shallowly (very rarely deeply) lobed. When the corolla is very short, the tube is more abruptly widened from the base and is campanulate in form. This is characteristic of some species in the Batatas Clade and also of small-flowered species with a cream corolla, such as Ipomoea reticulata, I. corymbosa and I. syringiifolia. This kind of corolla tends to intergrade with the common funnel-shaped corolla. The corolla of the Arborescens Clade and some other, mostly woody liana species is shortly funnel-shaped (almost campanulate), white or white with a dark purple centre. These flowers may be bat-pollinated (
Other corolla shapes are less common. A hypocrateriform or salver-shaped corolla in which the nearly cylindrical corolla tube is only slightly widened at the mouth is associated with red flowers, exserted stamens and bird pollination. This corolla type is characteristic of the Quamoclit Clade but is also fairly common in the Clade A2 in South America (Ipomoea exserta, I. longistaminea, I. ana-mariae, I. verruculosa), and especially the Caribbean (I. argentifolia, I. digitata, I. microdactyla, I. steudelii). In Mexico and northern South America it is more commonly associated with Clade B in the Pharbitis Clade (I. jamaicensis) and elsewhere (I. bracteata, I. dumosa, I. chenopodiifolia, I. retropilosa, I. tubulata). Occasionally the corolla limb is very deeply lobed as in I. repanda, I. hastigera, I. electrina (which is orange, rather than red). An occasional variation is the suburceolate corolla, in which the corolla tube is essentially cylindrical but somewhat swollen in the middle and with a short corolla limb consisting of small teeth. Ipomoea suburceolata from Bolivia, I. lobata and I. tehuantepecensis from Mexico and I. praecox from Cuba have flowers of this kind. nother variation is found in plants with a white or pale blue corolla in which the tube is exceptionally long. This type of corolla is associated with night-flowering hawk moth pollinated species. The best-known species of this type is I. alba but there are various others with similar corollas including I. habeliana, I. violacea, I. tuboides, I. scopulorum, I. riparum, I. santillanii, I. chiriquensis, I. ampullacea, I. macdonaldii and I. lottiae. Species with this kind of corolla are notably more common on oceanic islands and in Mesoamerica and Mexico than elsewhere.
Corolla colour. Field and herbarium observations of flower colour need to be treated with caution. Flowers change colour during the course of the day, most obviously in the case of Ipomoea nil, which is blue when fresh but turns pink as it ages and appears pink in herbarium specimens. Equally, one collector’s purple is another collector’s pink or lilac or even red. Although the great majority of species have a corolla colour that is generally described as pink, there are many exceptions. White flowers (often with a dark centre) are characteristic of the Arborescens Clade and of several other woody liana species, such as I. magna, I. longibracteolata, I. brasiliana and I. paradae, and are in some cases pollinated by bats. Night-flowering moth pollinated species typically with a hypocrateriform corolla, such as I. alba, I. santillanii, I. habeliana, I. violacea, I. ampullacea have pure white corollas. Campanulate or funnel-shaped white flowers are noted for many different species in different clades but are more common in the Batatas Clade (I. lactifera, I. lacunosa), Clade A1 (I. cerradoensis, I. macrorhiza, I. langsdorfii, I. vivianae, for example) and Clade A2 (I. proxima, I. suaveolens, I. pruinosa) but occasionally occur elsewhere (I. imperati). Many usually pink-flowered species are recorded as sometimes being white-flowered (I. acanthocarpa, I. bahiensis, I. carnea). Slightly different are those species with creamy or violet-tinged flowers such as I. lindenii, I. corymbosa, I. saopaulista, I. minutiflora and I. syringiifolia. Truly yellow flowers are rare in American Ipomoea but include I. ochracea, I. longeramosa and I. lutea. There are many subtle variations between red and pink. Red flowers being principally a feature of the Quamoclit Clade, some Caribbean species (I. montecristina, I. microdactyla, I. repanda and a few South American species notably I. cavalcantei). Some corollas are described as purple and include forms of I. indica, I. cuzcoensis and I. magnifolia. Blue flowers also occur and are often associated with a white corolla tube. I. hederacea, I. nil, I. aristolochiifolia, I. tricolor, I. marginisepala and I. cardiophylla are species with this corolla colour.
Corolla indumentum. The indumentum of the corolla exterior is best observed on buds as there is some evidence that hairs are caducous in some species as the corolla matures. Hairs are often difficult to see on open corollas but are best searched for at the tips of the midpetaline bands. Although previous studies have not seen corolla indumentum as particularly important taxonomically, we have found it of great significance both at species and clade level. It is nearly always constant in a particular species, exceptions being very rare and their existence raising doubts about the circumscription of the species in the few cases where it has been noted (Ipomoea lindenii, I. wolcottiana, I. brasiliana). All species of the Quamoclit and Batatas Clades have corollas glabrous on the exterior. All species in Clade A2 have coriaceous sepals and glabrous corollas (except I. discolor). All species in the very large Jalapa radiation (Species 1–83) have pubescent corollas.
The stamens are of little taxonomic value. They are always five and may be included or exserted. If they are included they are unequal with two noticeably longer than the other three but, if exserted or near exserted, they are subequal in length. The filaments are slightly expanded near the base but are occasionally thickened and subtriangular as in Lepistemon and some forms of Ipomoea batatoides. The filaments are always glandular pilose at the base. In a few species hairs are reported to extend upwards along the filament and this has been used as a diagnostic character in the Batatas Clade. (
The pollen of Ipomoea is always globose and pantoporate with large supratectal elements that form acute or blunt spines. The presence of these echinulate supratectal elements is the diagnostic synapomorphy for Ipomoea within Convolvulaceae. Within this general pollen-type subtle variations are visible in the size of the pollen grains, in the number and shape of pores, in the number and structure of the supratectal elements, in the structure of the area surrounding the pores, the presence or absence of ‘basal cushions’ sensu
Pollen of Ipomoea species. A I. hieronymi (Wood et al. 28055) B I. wolcottiana (Hughes et al. 1911) C I. bonariensis (Wood et al. 27871) D I. bahiensis (Queiroz 15975) E I. maurandioides (Krapovickas & Cristóbal 1573) F I. corymbosa (Jurgensen 612) G I. sericosepala (Wood 28122) H I. tiliifolia (Beddome 5581). Photos by Robert Scotland.
Pollen of Ipomoea species. A I. triloba (D’Arcy 317) B I. cryptica (Steinbach 6311) C I. purpurea (Parada & Rojas 2664) D I. alba (Wood et al. 27828) E I. dumosa (Hinton et al. 9479) F I. hederifolia (Queiroz 15975) G I. stans (Y. Mexia 275112) H I. suffulta (Pringle 4755). Photos by Robert Scotland.
Our own survey of Ipomoea pollen confirms these previous studies demonstrating continuous variation in pollen morphology with little, if any, discrete variation that correlates with phylogeny. The attempt by
In summary, the pollen of Ipomoea is characterised by echinulate supratectal elements, showing a number of features that vary continuously and some specific morphologies that are homoplastic.
The style is elongate, equalling or extended slightly beyond the anthers and nearly always glabrous, even in species with a hirsute ovary. The only exception we are aware of is Ipomoea sidifolia, in which the hairs extend for a short distance upwards from the ovary. The style is usually included in the corolla but is exserted in species with a hypocrateriform corolla. The stigmas are characteristically biglobose, that is they are bilobed with each lobe globose and appearing fused. They sometimes appear simply globose. Triglobose stigmas are characteristic of the Pharbitis Clade but are not reported from all species in the clade. Somewhat elongate stigmas are reported from African species placed in Astripomoea Clade but also occur in three species of the Arborescens Clade: I. pauciflora, I. populina and I. wolcottiana.
The ovary is narrowly ovoid in shape and usually glabrous. A pubescent or comose ovary is rare and only commonly found in the Batatas Clade. Most species have a bilocular ovary with two ovules in each chamber. This correlates with a biglobose stigma. A few species (Pharbitis Clade) have a trilocular ovary each chamber with two ovules, this correlating with a trilobed stigma. In species of the Quamoclit Clade, in Rivea, Stictocardia and most species placed in Argyreia, the ovary is 4-locular but with a single ovule in each chamber. Very rarely other arrangements are noted. In Ipomoea decasperma (and I. longituba Hallier f. from Madagascar) the ovary is 5-locular with two ovules per chamber but it is not clear whether this is constant in all examples of these species. Ipomoea gilana is reported to have a trilocular ovary.
The fruit may be an indehiscent, woody or somewhat fleshy structure or formed by a dehiscent capsule. In species with an indehiscent fruit, this is usually globose to ellipsoid in shape and may contain up to four seeds except in those species placed in Turbina where 1–2 seeds only are present. Indehiscent fruits are glabrous but some species placed in Argyreia have mealy fruits. In those species with a capsular fruit, the capsules may be globose, ovoid or conical in shape. Capsules are usually muticous but species with a prominent rostrate apex formed by the persistent style base are common. Most capsules are completely glabrous but in a few species, they are pubescent, pilose or comose, this correlating with a hirsute ovary (Ipomoea velutinifolia, I. dubia, I. sidifolia, I. dasycarpa, many annual species of the Batatas Clade). In the majority of species the capsule is bilocular with up to four seeds, though often less as a result of abortion. There are several exceptions. In the Pharbitis Clade capsules are usually trilocular and 6-seeded. Very rarely capsules have up to 10 seeds (I. decasperma). In the Quamoclit Clade the capsules are 4-locular but with only four seeds.
Seeds (Figure
Seeds of Ipomoea A I. peteri B I. murucoides C I. carolina D I. eggersiana E I. longibarbis (with and without marginal hairs) F I. clavata G I. violacea H I. acanthocarpa J I. parvibracteolata K I. meyeri L I. jujuyensis M I. cholulensis N I. minutiflora P I. tiliacea. A from Wallnöfer & Tut-Tesucun 9662; B from Pringle 6066; C from Gillis 12906; D from Urote 35; E from Killeen et al. 4199; F from Fuentes & Miranda 10895; G from Stearn 322; H from Wurdack & Monachino 39830; J from Silva et al. 18; K from Smith 1573; L from Rose et al. 23251; M from Hinton 11166; N from Stevens & Montiel 26592; P from Curtiss 249. Drawn by Rosemary Wise.
Keys are provided in a somewhat unconventional way and it is recommended that users follow the suggested steps in the order provided. Species in Steps 1–3 below also appear in the appropriate geographical keys. Note that species may enter several times in different places in the keys.
Step I. Does the plant fit any of the following distinct groups?
1. Plants of seashore (rarely inland in saline habitats): Ipomoea pes-caprae (pink flowers, retuse leaves), I. violacea (white to pale violet flowers, exserted stamens), I. imperati (white flowers, creeping herb), I. littoralis (Hawaii), I. sagittata (Caribbean and North American–sagittate lvs), I. macrorhiza (United States–white flowers, pubescent sepals).
2. Plants with a hirsute ovary and capsule: Ipomoea sidifolia, I. dasycarpa, I. velutinifolia, species in the Batatas Clade (page 387).
Step II. Is the plant one of the following very distinctive widespread common species?
An erect plant with ovate cordate leaves and pink flowers: 84b. I. carnea subsp. fistulosa.
A slender plant with pinnate leaves, pseudo-stipules and dark red corollas: 312. I. quamoclit.
A twining vine with pure white flowers, a narrowly cylindrical corolla tube and strongly awned sepals: 272. I. alba.
Step III. Does the plant belong to one of the following distinctive clades?
The Arborescens Clade (page 263). Trees, shrubs or lianas with white latex. Leaves entire. Sepals ovate or oblong, somewhat coriaceous. Corolla white, often with dark centre, glabrous or pubescent anthers included; seeds with long white marginal hairs.
The Batatas Clade (page 387) Annual or perennial herbs. Leaves entire or lobed. Sepals thin, often papery, usually distinctly mucronate. Corolla always glabrous, white or pink, often with a dark throat, often small and campanulate. Ovary and capsule often hirsute.
The Pharbitis Clade (page 430) Annual or perennial herbs, often hirsute. Leaves lobed or entire. Bracteoles often persistent. Sepals usually relatively large, usually with elongate, somewhat accrescent apex, sometimes leafy in texture. Corolla usually showy, pink, blue or violet, glabrous or (less commonly) pubescent. Stigma usually 3-lobed and ovary 3-locular. Capsule up to 6-seeded.
The Quamoclit Clade (page 556) Slender, twining usually annual, herbaceous herbs. Sepals characteristically awned, the awn subterminal on the abaxial surface, often equalling the sepal proper. Corolla red, orange or yellow, suburceolate or hypocrateriform, glabrous, stamens exserted or at least held at mouth of corolla. Ovary and capsule 4-locular.
Step IV. If your plant cannot be placed using Steps 1–3, go to the appropriate geographical key:
A. South American continent including the Galapagos Islands (page 54)
B. The North American Continent from Panama northwards (page 78)
C. The Caribbean Islands including Bermuda, Trinidad and the Netherlands Antilles (page 93)
D. Hawaii (page 99)
The two continental keys are divided into a series of subkeys to facilitate access as they would otherwise be very large. Some species can be accessed through different routes so individual species may occur in several subkeys.
Key A1: Species with soft fleshy spines on the sepals and/or peduncles
Key A2: Species with erect stems
Key A3: Species with leaves divided digitately to, or near the base, into five or more lobes or segments
Key A4: Species with very long sepals, mostly exceeding 2 cm in length
Key A5: Species with coriaceous, convex, usually glabrous sepals
Key A6: Species with a subcylindrical corolla tube and (usually) exserted stamens
Key A7: Species with small flowers, the corolla < 3 cm long
Key A8: Plants with a glabrous white corolla > 3 cm long (check buds).
Key A9: Plants with subcapitate inflorescences
Key A10: Trailing, climbing or twining plants with a pubescent corolla > 3.5 cm long
Key A1
Species with soft fleshy spines on the sepals and/or peduncles (Figure
1 | Leaves 3 (–5)-lobed | 2 |
– | Leaves entire | 3 |
2 | Outer sepals 14–17 mm long, covered in long white hairs and soft spines; corolla white | 411. I. altoamazonica |
Outer sepals 8–10 mm long, glabrous or with soft spines; corolla pink | 216. I. setosa | |
3 | Outer sepals 15–25 cm long; peduncles < 5 cm long; corolla white | 409. I. echinocalyx |
Outer sepals 12–14 cm long; peduncles 0.5–8 cm long; corolla pink | 408. I. crinicalyx |
Key A2
Erect species. Perennial herbs or subshrubs growing in open habitats. Leaves subsessile (petioles usually < 1 cm), linear, lanceolate, ovate or oblong in shape, base attenuate or cuneate, rarely rounded, never cordate. Sepals various. Inflorescence usually terminal on the stem, often subspicate or subracemose in form but occasionally branched and arising from the upper leaf axils. Corolla shape and colour varied but never hypocrateriform (except I. cavalcantei) or suburceolate. Capsule and seeds varied.
1 | Corolla glabrous on the exterior | 2 |
– | Corolla hirsute on the exterior at least in bud | 18 |
2 | Leaves divided nearly to the base into linear segments; sepals > 2 cm long | 13. I. theodori |
– | Leaves entire or shallowly lobed | 3 |
3 | Sepals subequal, coriaceous, convex | 4 |
– | Sepals equal or unequal, never coriaceous or convex | 7 |
4 | Leaves and stem glabrous | 5 |
– | Leaves and stem hirsute | 6 |
5 | Herb; leaves linear, 1–3 mm wide | 169. I. schomburgkii |
– | Subshrub; leaves oblong or oblanceolate, 5–25 mm wide | 155. I. franciscana |
6 | Leaves green, pubescent, imbricate, diminishing in size upwards; corolla weakly lobed | 168. I. paulistana |
– | Leaves silvery-sericeous, especially below, not conspicuously imbricate or diminishing in size upwards; corolla lobed | 167. I. argentea |
7 | Sepals pubescent | 8 |
– | Sepals glabrous | 11 |
8 | Corolla hypocrateriform, deep red; stamens exserted | 96. I. cavalcantei |
– | Corolla funnel-shaped, pink; stamens included | 9 |
9 | Outer sepals 6–10 mm long; leaves pubescent beneath | 10 |
– | Outer sepals 12–15 mm; leaves glabrescent beneath | 97. I. marabaensis |
10 | Leaves linear, 3–5 mm wide | 102. I. neriifolia |
– | Leaves mostly oblong, 5–14 mm wide | 101. I. queirozii |
11 | Leaves pubescent beneath | 101. I. queirozii |
– | Leaves glabrous | 12 |
12 | Stems conspicuously granulose | 368. I. granulosa |
– | Stems smooth | 13 |
13 | Sepals subequal (Guianas and Amapá) | 385. I. leprieurii |
– | Sepals markedly unequal | 14 |
14 | Sepals abaxially muricate | 15 |
– | Sepals abaxially smooth | 16 |
15 | Leaves oblong or ovate; plant only woody basally | 345. I. procurrens |
– | Leaves oblong-elliptic to suborbicular; woody subshrub | 344. I. coriacea |
16 | Outer sepals 7–11 mm long | 367. I. rupestris |
– | Outer sepals 2–6 mm long | 17 |
17 | Leaves linear, < 3 mm wide | 364. I. pinifolia |
– | Leaves oblong, > 5 mm wide | 363. I. squamisepala |
18 | Leaves all entire | 19 |
– | Leaves 3–5-lobed | 43 |
19 | Leaves linear to very narrowly oblong; inflorescence clearly terminal (I. campestris might key out here but inflorescence is axillary) | 20 |
– | Leaves oblong or ovate, > 5 mm wide; inflorescence clearly terminal only or with flowers also in the leaf axils | 23 |
20 | Leaves 16–27 cm long, coarsely tomentose | 6. I. aemilii |
– | Leaves 1.5–12 cm long, variously hirsute but not coarsely tomentose | 21 |
21 | Leaves acute, mucronate (widespread, cerrados) | 47. I. aprica |
– | Leaves obtuse, prominently mucronate | 22 |
22 | Leaves with 3 prominent longitudinal veins, abaxially floccose (Paraguay) | 49. I. oblongifolia |
– | Leaves with a single longitudinal vein, abaxially puberulent to subsericeous (Brazil) | 48. I. uninervis |
23 | Inflorescence of unbranched terminal spikes or poorly differentiated cymose clusters | 24 |
– | Inflorescence clearly branched, the lower part clearly cymose in structure, sometimes appearing paniculate | 38 |
24 | Leaves elliptic or ovate, up to three times as long as broad | 25 |
– | Leaves oblong, lanceolate or oblanceolate, at least three times as long as broad | 30 |
25 | Pedicels absent or very short so bracteoles immediately below calyx; peduncles 2.5–5 cm long | 50. I. guaranitica |
– | Pedicels 2–7 mm long, bracteoles arising at least 5 mm below calyx; peduncles | 26 |
26 | Sepals 6–8 (–10) mm long; flowers in cymes, rarely solitary | 27 |
– | Sepals 9–15 mm long; flowers usually solitary | 29 |
27 | Abaxial leaf surface and outer sepals densely silvery-tomentose; corolla pink (Paraguay) | 55. I. paraguariensis |
– | Abaxial leaf surface and outer sepals pubescent but not densely silvery-tomentose; corolla white or pink | 28 |
28 | Corolla white or pale pink; leaves 6 × 3.5 cm; plant ±herbaceous | 33. I. cerradoensis |
– | Corolla pink; leaves up to 15.5 × 7 cm; plant distinctly shrubby | 34. I. sp . B |
29 | Peduncles very short; leaves with white “highlighted” ciliolate margins (Amambay, Paraguay) | 54. I. estrellensis |
– | Peduncles 0.8–4 cm; leaves without distinct white margins (Cordillera, Paraguay) | 8. I. cordillerae |
30 | Plant inconspicuously hirsute, often appearing glabrous except when using a hand lens | 31 |
– | Plant conspicuously hirsute | 32 |
31 | Plant usually > 50 cm in height; flowers in compact cymes, rarely solitary; wet places in Argentina, Paraguay and the Pantanal | 9. I. paludosa |
– | Plant usually < 30 cm high; flowers mostly solitary; dry places in the Brazilian cerrados | 35. I. campestris |
32 | Bracts ±equalling leaves, nearly concealing flowers; leaves and bracts imbricate | 103. I. pohlii |
– | Flowers not concealed by bracts; leaves and bracts not imbricate, or, if somewhat imbricate, flowers and calyx clearly visible | 33 |
33 | Inflorescence elongate, up to 30 cm in length; leaves tomentose on both surfaces (Amambay, Paraguay) | 53. I. rojasii |
– | Inflorescence nor elongate, usually < 10 cm long; leaves not tomentose on both surfaces | 34 |
34 | Outer sepals mostly 15–20 × 5–7 mm, often somewhat foliose, much larger than inner sepals | 83. I. burchellii |
– | Outer sepals < 16 × 4 mm, usually much less, not conspicuously unequal | 35 |
35 | Sepals acute to acuminate | 36 |
– | Sepals obtuse | 37 |
36 | Inflorescence very compact, clustered at apex of stem; sepals 8–11 mm long (Sierra de Pireneus in Brazil) | 31. I. pyrenea |
– | Flowers not clustered at stem apex; sepals 12–16 mm long (widespread in cerrado) | 29. I. hirsutissima |
37 | Leaves lanceolate | 30. I. aurifolia |
– | Leaves oblong | 32. I. subspicata |
38 | Leaves abaxially white, appressed tomentellous | 38. I. argyreia |
– | Leaves greyish, usually tomentose with spreading hairs | 39 |
39 | Leaves oblanceolate to obovate, widest above the middle | 40 |
– | Leaves ovate, oblong elliptic or oblong, widest in the middle | 41 |
40 | Leaves mostly < 2 cm wide, densely pubescent adaxially; inflorescence simple, side branches absent or very short | 39. I. cuneifolia |
– | Leaves mostly 2–4 cm wide, thinly pilose to glabrous, adaxially; inflorescence with long side branches below | 40. I. haenkeana |
41 | Leaves slightly longer than broad, adaxially much less hirsute than abaxially | 41. I. virgata |
– | Leaves 3 or more times longer than broad, both surfaces equally hirsute | 42 |
42 | Sepals acute, 10–12 mm long; ovary and capsule glabrous | 42. I. verbasciformis |
– | Sepals acuminate, submucronate, ±15 mm long; ovary and capsule comose | 43. I. dasycarpa |
43 | Leaves divided to near the base into linear segments, all or most less than 3 mm wide | 44 |
– | Leaves shallowly lobed or, if lobed to near the base, segments oblong, not linear | 46 |
44 | All leaf segments < 5 cm long | 45 |
– | Some or all leaf segments 5–7 cm long | 15. I. itapuaensis |
45 | Sepals 5–8 mm, obtuse to rounded; inflorescence usually terminal and cymose in form | 17. I. angustissima |
– | Sepals 9–11 mm, acute; inflorescence axillary; flowers solitary in the leaf axils | 16. I. fiebrigii |
46 | Leaves shallowly lobed, often with some entire leaves | 47 |
– | Leaves deeply lobed into oblong segments | 49 |
47 | Plant roughly hirsute with long spreading hairs; flowers solitary; corolla very large, > 9 cm long | 28. I. megalantha |
– | Plant pubescent to subglabrous, hairs appressed; flowers usually in cymes; corolla < 6.5 cm long | 48 |
48 | Lower leaves entire, upper leaves usually 3-lobed | 10. I. morongii |
– | All leaves divided into 3–5 lobes | 11. I. malvaeoides |
49 | Inflorescence terminal, formed of few-flowered cymes | 7. I. malpighipila |
– | Inflorescence of solitary axillary flowers, these occasionally in axillary cymes | 50 |
50 | Corollas 6–9 cm long | 51 |
– | Corollas 5–6 cm long | 11. I. malvaeoides |
51 | Sepals obtuse, mucronate; inner sepals 11–16 mm long | 14. I. sp. A |
– | Sepals acute; inner sepals 8–11 mm long | 12. I. pseudomalvaeoides |
Key A3
Digitate-leaved species with leaves divided to or near the base into 5 or more segments. Excluded are species with all or most leaves 3-lobed or divided to halfway or less.
1 | Corolla up to 3 cm long; plants slender annuals or perennials | 2 |
– | Corolla 3.5–9 cm long; plants perennial | 8 |
2 | Corolla 1–1.2 cm long; sepals apiculate; introduced weed in dry areas of Venezuela......... | 328. I. costellata |
– | Corolla 1.7–3 cm long; sepals not apiculate | 3 |
3 | Perennials from a bulb-like corm; sepals muricate, scarious margined (high altitude Andean species) | 4 |
– | Annual or perennial lowland herbs lacking a corm-like rootstock; sepals neither muricate, nor prominently scarious-margined; plants not usually occurring above 2500 m | 5 |
4 | Leaves imbricate, the segments filiform; sepals outer sepals 4–5 mm long; plant usually erect | 288. I. capillacea |
– | Leaves scarcely imbricate, the segments linear 1–3 mm wide; outer sepals 5.5–7 mm long; plant usually decumbent to ascending | 287. I. plummerae |
5 | Peduncle coiled or at least twisted; leaflets all arising from the same origin | 6 |
– | Peduncle straight or nearly so; leaflets pedate or some forked | 7 |
6 | Sepal base abruptly truncate, margin fimbriate below | 373. I. tenera |
– | Sepal base, rounded, margin entire, not fimbriate | 374. I. heptaphylla |
7 | Corolla yellow with violet centre; sepals > 7 mm long, acuminate; dry habitats | 383. I. longeramosa |
– | Corolla pink; sepals 3–3.5 mm, obtuse; wetlands in Venezuela and Colombia | 280. I. pittieri |
8 | Sepals with a prominent appendage on the abaxial surface (NE Brazil) | 90. I. rosea |
– | Sepals lacking an appendage on the abaxial surface | 9 |
9 | Leaf petioles with conspicuous pseudo-stipules | 392. I. cairica |
– | Leaf petioles clearly lacking pseudo-stipules | 10 |
10 | Leaf segments linear to oblong, ±parallel-sided, mostly < 5 mm wide | 11 |
– | Leaf segments elliptic, ovate or obovate, clearly not parallel-sided | 23 |
11 | Corolla glabrous | 12 |
– | Corolla pubescent | 16 |
12 | Sepals > 1.5 cm long | 13 |
– | Sepals 0.5–1 cm long | 14 |
13 | Sepals truncate at base; slender herb, variable in habit but never erect | 377. I. pantanalensis |
– | Sepals narrowed at base; erect herb | 13. I. theodori |
14 | Sepals obovate suborbicular, about as long as broad | 156. I. platensis |
– | Sepals ovate or oblong, twice as long as broad | 15 |
15 | Sepals ovate, apiculate, 5–6 mm long (stream sides) | 378. I. subrevoluta |
– | Sepals oblong, rounded, rounded (granite domes) | 89. I. graniticola |
16 | Twining plant | 18. I. revoluta |
– | Erect or ascending herbs | 17 |
17 | All or most leaf segments less than 3 mm wide | 18 |
– | All or most leaf segments oblong, not linear | 20 |
18 | All leaf segments < 5 cm long | 19 |
– | Some or all segments 5–7 cm long | 15. I. itapuaensis |
19 | Sepals 5–8 mm, obtuse to rounded; inflorescence usually terminal and cymose in form | 17. I. angustissima |
– | Sepals 9–11 mm, acute; inflorescence axillary; flowers solitary in the leaf axils | 16. I. fiebrigii |
20 | Inflorescence terminal, formed of few-flowered cymes | 7. I. malpighipila |
– | Inflorescence of solitary axillary flowers, these occasionally in axillary cymes | 21 |
21 | Corolla 6–9 cm long | 22 |
– | Corolla 5–6 cm long | 11. I. malvaeoides |
22 | Sepals obtuse, mucronate; inner sepals 11–16 mm long | 14. I. sp. A |
– | Sepals acute; inner sepals 8–11 mm long | 12. I. pseudomalvaeoides |
23 | Sepals > 20 cm long, bracteoles large, persistent, often concealing the calyx | 107. I. gigantea |
– | Sepals < 1.5 cm, bracteoles small, caducous, never concealing the calyx | 24 |
24 | Corolla and sepals glabrous | 25 |
– | Corolla and sepals pubescent | 29 |
25 | Sepals papery, flat, subacute to mucronate | 95. I. killipiana |
– | Sepals coriaceous, convex, rounded | 26 |
26 | Inflorescence of compound, many-flowered axillary cymes, 10–30 cm in length (Peru) | 158. I. maranyonensis |
– | Inflorescence of simple or doubled axillary cymes, 10 cm long | 27 |
27 | Leaf lobes linear-oblong | 156. I. platensis |
– | Leaf lobes (oblong-)elliptic | 28 |
28 | Leaves large, 5–14 × 6–16 cm (wetlands in tropical lowlands) | 157. I. mauritiana |
– | Leaves relatively small, mostly 4–6 × 5–7 cm (mostly dry habitats in the inter-Andean valleys and the Chaco lowlands) | 159. I. cheirophylla |
29 | Leaves digitately lobed to base | 3. I. pampeana |
– | Leaves not digitately divided to base | 30 |
30 | Corolla almost glabrous; leaves 6–9-palmatisect with elliptic to oblanceolate lobes | 1. I. stuckertii |
– | Corolla conspicuously pubescent; leaves 3–5-palmatilobed with ovate lobes | 2. I. padillae |
Key A4
Species with very long sepals, mostly exceeding 2 cm in length
1 | Corolla pure white, the tube narrowly cylindrical, sepals with a long terminal awn | 272. I. alba |
– | Corolla pink, blue, or yellowish with a coloured tube, tube not cylindrical; sepals not awned | 2 |
2 | Leaves lobed or divided into segments | 3 |
– | Leaves entire, ovate, cordate | 6 |
3 | Leaf divided into linear-filiform segments; erect plant (Paraguay) | 13. I. theodori |
– | Leaf segments or lobes broad; trailing or climbing plant | 4 |
4 | Leaf divided into 5–10 oblong segments (Brazil) | 107. I. gigantea |
– | Leaf lobed, not divided into separate segments | 5 |
5 | Leaves and sepals glabrous; corolla purple (Cusco area, Peru) | 402. I. cuscoensis |
– | Leaves and sepals hirsute; corolla blue when fresh | 236. I. nil |
6 | Corolla pubescent on the exterior | 7 |
– | Corolla glabrous on the exterior | 9 |
7 | Corolla pink; pedicels very short, < 10 mm long; bracteoles relatively persistent | 8 |
– | Corolla yellowish with purple tube; pedicels 10–25 mm; bracteoles short, caducous (Venezuela) | 109. I. yaracuyensis |
8 | Peduncles 3–5 cm long; corolla 6–7 cm long (Bolivia and Brazil) | 98. I. calyptrata |
– | Peduncles < 1.2 cm; corolla 12 cm long (Peru) | 113. I. nivea |
9 | Sepals obovate to suborbicular; stamens exserted from corolla | 269. I. mirandina |
– | Sepals lanceolate or oblong, much longer than broad; stamens included in corolla | 10 |
10 | Leaves sagittate with acute auricles; sepals with prominent longitudinal vein | 355. I. incarnata |
– | Leaves cordate with rounded auricles; sepals lacking prominent longitudinal veins | 11 |
11 | Leaves pubescent (Brazil) | 405. I. daturiflora |
– | Leaves glabrous | 12 |
12 | Sepals very unequal in size | 360. I. paranaensis |
– | Sepals equal or nearly so | 13 |
13 | Flowers solitary (rarely paired); stem with scattered long spreading white hairs; corolla pale blue | 401. I. clavata |
– | Inflorescence a cyme of up to 7 flowers; stem glabrous; corolla pale lilac | 217. I. peruviana |
Key A5
Species with coriaceous sepals. Perennial erect, trailing or twining herbs or woody lianas, erect, trailing or twining, stellate hairs sometimes present. Leaves lobed or entire. Sepals coriaceous, convex, subequal, usually glabrous but sometimes indumentum from pedicels extends onto lower half of outer sepals. Corolla glabrous (except I. discolor), funnel-shaped with included stamens or hypocrateriform or suburceolate with exserted stamens. Capsule 4-seeded, seeds commonly with prominent, long marginal hairs.
1 | Corolla pubescent on the exterior (Venezuela and Guianas) | 172. I. discolor |
– | Corolla glabrous on the exterior | 2 |
2 | Stellate (branched) hairs present on leaves and stem | 3 |
– | Hairs all unbranched | 6 |
3 | Stellate hairs conspicuous, unbranched hairs absent or very few | 4 |
– | Stellate hairs inconspicuous, mixed with and partly concealed by unbranched hairs | 5 |
4 | Stellate hairs with long branches 0.5–1.5 mm long | 163. I. homotrichoidea |
– | Stellate hairs with short branches <0.5 mm long | 162. I. bonariensis |
5 | Corolla funnel-shaped; stamens included | 164. I. oranensis |
– | Corolla hypocrateriform; stamens exserted | 165. I. exserta |
6 | Stems erect; petioles < 1 cm long; leaves linear, oblong or obovate | 7 |
– | Stems twining or trailing; petioles > 1 cm long; leaves varied but if oblong, plant a liana | 10 |
7 | Leaves and stem glabrous | 8 |
– | Leaves and stem hirsute | 9 |
8 | Herb; leaves linear, 1–3 mm wide | 169. I. schomburgkii |
– | Subshrub; leaves oblong or oblanceolate, 5–25 mm wide | 155. I. franciscana |
9 | Leaves green, pubescent, imbricate, diminishing in size upwards; corolla weakly lobed | 168. I. paulistana |
– | Leaves silvery-sericeous, especially below, not conspicuously imbricate or diminishing in size upwards; corolla lobed | 167. I. argentea |
10 | Leaves 5–7-lobed to near base; vigorous cultivated liana of tropical gardens | 211. I. horsfalliae |
– | Leaves entire or lobed, but, if lobed, not lobed to near base or plant herbaceous; naturally growing herbaceous or woody climbers | 11 |
11 | Corolla suburceolate or hypocrateriform with a relatively narrow tube, sometimes leafless at anthesis; stamens exserted | 12 |
– | Corolla funnel-shaped, leaves present at anthesis; stamens included | 16 |
12 | Stems and leaves glabrous | 13 |
– | Stems and leaves hirsute | 15 |
13 | Leaves dimorphic, commonly 3-lobed, often absent at anthesis; corolla limb with ovate lobes up to 5 mm long; stem often warted (Venezuela) | 171. I. verruculosa |
– | Leaves entire, uniform in shape, present at anthesis; corolla limb very short, the lobes < 3 mm long; stem not warted | 14 |
14 | Leaves oblong-elliptic, < 2.5 cm wide (Brazil) | 153. I. ana-mariae |
– | Leaves ovate, 4–8 cm wide (Bolivia) | 150. I. suburceolata |
15 | Leaves white canescent on both surfaces, usually absent at anthesis (Brazil) | 154. I. longistaminea |
– | Leaves adaxially green, present or absent at anthesis (Bolivia) | 165. I. exserta |
16 | Leaves all conspicuously 3–7-lobed | 17 |
– | Leaves entire or occasionally with a few leaves shallowly lobed | 23 |
17 | Leaves abaxially densely silvery sericeous; corolla campanulate, < 2.5 cm long, white | 176. I. eremnobrocha |
– | Leaves abaxially glabrous or thinly pubescent; corolla funnel-shaped > 4 cm long, pink | 18 |
18 | All or most leaves 5–7-lobed | 19 |
– | All or most leaves 3-lobed | 22 |
19 | Leaf lobes linear-oblong, not widest in the middle | 156. I. platensis |
– | Leaf lobes (oblong-)elliptic, widest in the middle | 20 |
20 | Inflorescence of compound, many-flowered axillary cymes, 10–30 cm in length | 158. I. maranyonensis |
– | Inflorescence of simple or doubled axillary cymes, 10 cm long | 21 |
21 | Leaves large, 5–14 × 6–16 cm; humid tropical lowlands | 157. I. mauritiana |
– | Leaves relatively small, mostly 4–6 × 5–7 cm; mostly dry habitats in the inter-Andean valleys and the Chaco lowlands | 159. I. cheirophylla |
22 | Leaves glabrous | 160. I. blanchetii |
– | Leaves pubescent | 161. I. caloneura |
23 | Inflorescence with large persistent bracteoles which conceal calyx and capsule | 170. I. densibracteata |
– | Bracteoles small, caducous or briefly persistent, never concealing calyx and capsules | 24 |
24 | Peduncles and pedicels very short, < 7 mm long | 148. I. goyazensis |
– | Peduncles and/or pedicels at least 1 cm long, usually much more | 25 |
25 | Leaves glabrous | 26 |
– | Leaves hirsute at least beneath | 31 |
26 | Leaves oblong-ovate to oblong-obovate, base cuneate to weakly cordate; woody lianas of dry country | 27 |
– | Leaves broadly lanceolate to ovate, base truncate to cordate; plants of relatively moist areas, stems not obviously woody | 29 |
27 | Leaves oblong-ovate, base truncate to subcordate (Argentina and Bolivia) | 149. I. schulziana |
– | Leaves oblong-elliptic to obovate, base cuneate to attenuate, 0.7–2.5 cm wide (Brazil) | 28 |
28 | Leaves with 4–5 pairs of veins, apex rounded to emarginate | 152. I. serrana |
– | Leaves with 9–12 pairs of veins, apex acute to obtuse | 151. I. pintoi |
29 | Leaves 10–22 × 9–16 cm, commonly with a distinct angle or tooth on the margin; sepals 9–12 mm long (Southern Brazil) | 147. I. austrobrasiliensis |
– | Leaves mostly < 14 × 10 cm long, lacking a distinct marginal angle or tooth; sepals usually < 9 mm long | 30 |
30 | Widespread species of lowland forest; leaves ovate, usually entire | 145. I. batatoides |
– | Andean species; leaves subdeltoid, often shallowly 3-lobed | 146. I. volcanensis |
31 | Stem and leaves with stiff spreading bulbous white hairs | 142. I. pogonocalyx |
– | Stem and leaves variously hirsute but never as above | 32 |
32 | Leaf base broadly cuneate, leaves oblong-ovate | 143. I. sp . C |
– | Leaf base cordate; leaves ovate, sometimes lobed | 33 |
33 | Bracteoles caducous | 34 |
– | Bracteoles persistent (Amazonia) | 166. I. asplundii |
34 | Lowland species; indumentum usually sparse, stellate hairs absent | 145. I. batatoides |
– | Andean species (Bolivia and Argentina); indumentum dense with some stellate hairs | 164. I. oranensis |
Key A6
Species with a subcylindrical corolla tube and exserted stamens. Perennial or annual herbs of varying habit and leaf shape. Corolla subcylindrical, the tube scarcely widened upwards; stamens exserted.
1 | Corolla white or white flushed very pale blue | 2 |
– | Corolla variously coloured but never white or white flushed bluish | 6 |
2 | Corolla suburceolate, the limb very short | 423. I. scopulina |
– | Corolla hypocrateriform with a conspicuous limb | 3 |
3 | Sepals obtuse; peduncle very long, 22–40 cm | 82. I. marcellia |
– | Sepals awned or mucronate; peduncles < 20 cm long | 4 |
4 | Outer sepals with long awns 5–12 mm long; stems often with fleshy spines | 272. I. alba |
– | Outer sepals mucronate but lacking long awns; stems lacking fleshy spines | 5 |
5 | Leaves lanceolate, base rounded to cuneate (Galapagos Islands) | 390. I. habeliana |
– | Leaves ovate or suborbicular, cordate (widespread on coasts) | 389. I. violacea |
6 | Sepals terminating in a distinct awn; corolla bright red, yellow or orange; plants annual, slender | Go to Key to Quamoclit clade (page 556) |
– | Sepals obtuse or acute, sometimes mucronate, but the mucro < 1 mm long; corolla dark red, pink or purple; perennial herbs, lianas or subshrubs | 7 |
7 | Corolla pubescent at least on the exterior | 8 |
– | Corolla glabrous on theexterior | 9 |
8 | Sepals unequal, the inner 16–17 mm long; ovary and capsule hirsute | 404. I. sidifolia |
– | Sepals subequal, 10–12 mm long; ovary (and presumably capsule) glabrous | 96. I. cavalcantei |
9 | Leaves lanceolate, up to 1 cm wide (Peru) | 425. I . sp. D . |
– | Leaves of varied shape, usually ovate, at least 1.5 cm wide | 10 |
10 | Sepals coriaceous, convex; glabrous (Key A5) | 11 |
– | Sepals varied but nor coriaceous or convex, glabrous or pubescent | 14 |
11 | Leaves glabrous | 12 |
– | Leaves densely hirsute, especially abaxially | 13 |
12 | Leaves oblong-elliptic, < 2.5 cm wide (Brazil) | 153. I. ana-mariae |
– | Leaves ovate, 4–8 cm wide (Bolivia) | 150. I. suburceolata |
13 | Leaves white canescent on both surfaces, usually absent at anthesis (Brazil) | 154. I. longistaminea |
– | Leaves adaxially green, usually present at anthesis (Bolivia) | 165. I. exserta |
14 | Sepals obovate, 1.8–2.5 cm long (Venezuela) | 269. I. mirandina |
– | Sepals < 11 mm long, ovate, oblong or lanceolate | 15 |
15 | Corolla tube < 3.5 cm long (Peru and Ecuador) | 16 |
– | Corolla tube > 3.5 cm long (Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil) | 17 |
16 | Sepals very unequal, the outer 3–4 mm long | 310. I. alexandrae |
– | Sepals subequal 9–10 mm long | 309. I. nationis |
17 | Sepals obtuse to rounded; leaves commonly lobed; stems usually warted (Venezuela) | 171. I. verruculosa |
– | Sepals acute, usually mucronate; leaves always unlobed; stems not warted | 18 |
18 | Petioles < 2.2 cm; sepals unequal (Brazil) | 291. I. dumosa |
– | Petioles > 4 cm; sepals subequal (Venezuela and Colombia) | 265. I. retropilosa |
Key A7
Species with small flowers, the corolla < 3 cm long
1 | Leaves divided to base into 5 or more digitate segments | 2 |
– | Leaves entire, or, if divided, only 3-lobed, the lateral lobes sometimes forked | 8 |
2 | Corolla 1–1.2 cm long; sepals apiculate; introduced weed of dry areas in Venezuela | 328. I. costellata |
– | Corolla 1.7–3 cm long; Sepals various (apiculate only in I. longeramosa) | 3 |
3 | Perennials from a bulb-like corm; Sepals muricate, scarious-margined (High altitude Andean species) | 4 |
– | Annual or perennial lowland herbs lacking a corm-like rootstock; sepals neither muricate, nor prominently scarious-margined | 5 |
4 | Leaves imbricate, the segments filiform; outer sepals 4–5 mm; plant usually erect | 288. I. capillacea |
– | Leaves scarcely imbricate, the segments linear 1–3 mm wide; outer sepals 5.5–7 mm; plant usually decumbent to ascending | 287. I. plummerae |
5 | Peduncle coiled or at least twisted; leaflets all arising from the same origin | 6 |
– | Peduncle straight or nearly so; leaflets pedate or some forked | 7 |
6 | Sepal base abruptly truncate, margin fimbriate below | 373. I. tenera |
– | Sepal base, rounded, margin entire, not fimbriate | 374. I. heptaphylla |
7 | Corolla pale yellow with violet centre; sepals > 7 mm long, acuminate, apiculate; dry habitats | 383. I. longeramosa |
– | Corolla pink; sepals 3–3.5 mm, obtuse; wetlands in Venezuela and Colombia | 280. I. pittieri |
8 | Corolla pubescent on the exterior | 9 |
– | Corolla glabrous on the exterior | 10 |
9 | Flowers arranged in dense heads surrounded by persistent bracteoles | 244. I. neurocephala |
– | Flowers not in dense bracteate heads | 311. I. velardei |
10 | Flowers in bracteolate clusters, the bracteoles 7–25 mm long, persistent | 305. I. meyeri |
– | Inflorescence clearly cymose or flowers solitary; bracteoles inconspicuous, often caducous | 11 |
11 | Corolla white, cream or yellowish, sometimes with a dark centre | 12 |
– | Corolla pink | 18 |
12 | Leaves 3-lobed | 13 |
– | Leaves entire | 14 |
13 | Outer sepals 13–20 mm, ovate, basally cordate and auriculate; flowers usually solitary | 375. I. macedoi |
– | Outer sepals 4–5 mm, oblong, basally cuneate; inflorescence of condensed axillary cymes | 176. I. eremnobrocha |
14 | Corolla c. 0.5 cm long; sepals 2–3 mm long | 336. I. minutiflora |
– | Corolla > 1.5 cm long; sepals 5–7 mm long | 15 |
15 | Sepals oblong, > 10 mm long | 403. I. corymbosa |
– | Sepals ovate or elliptic, < 10 mm long | 16 |
16 | Sepals white-margined; capsule strongly rostrate; cymes congested, the pedicels < 5 mm long | 382. I. acanthocarpa |
– | Sepals not white-margined; capsule muticous; cymes lax, the pedicels 5–15 mm long | 17 |
17 | Annual herb; sepals ovate, acute, often mucronate; corolla 1.5–2.5 cm long (Caribbean) | 413. I. obscura |
– | Perennial herb: sepals elliptic, obtuse; corolla 2.3–3.5 cm long (moist forest, often Andean) | 87. I. reticulata |
18 | Leaves 3-lobed with the two laterals forked (Brazil) | 384. I. kraholandica |
– | Leaves entire or 3-lobed but, if 3-lobed, the laterals undivided | 19 |
19 | Low Andean herb; leaves cuneate, entire, bi- or trilobed | 287. I. plummerae |
– | Twining herbs; leaves ovate, cordate or 3-lobed | 20 |
20 | Whole plant softly grey-canescent (Bolivia near Brazil) | 387. I. deminuta |
– | Plant glabrous or pubescent, but never grey-canescent/tomentellous | 21 |
21 | Subshrub with somewhat succulent leaves; plant completely glabrous | 340. I. amnicola |
– | Slender herbs, not succulent; plants glabrous or variously hirsute | 22 |
22 | Sepals with dark blotches on abaxial surface | 281. I. dumetorum |
– | Sepals lacking dark blotches on abaxial surface | 23 |
23 | Peduncle passing through sinus of leaf base; sepals 3–5 mm long, corolla blue when fresh | 298. I. aristolochiifolia |
– | Peduncle not passing through sinus of leaf base; sepals mostly more than 5 mm long, but, if less, corolla pink when fresh | 24 |
24 | Sepals acute, not mucronate or aristate, lanceolate-deltoid; corolla, when fresh, blue with white throat | 255. I. marginisepala |
– | Sepals variously shaped (but never lanceolate-deltoid), always mucronate; corolla pink or pink with a dark throat | 25 |
25 | Flowers solitary (rarely paired); sepals ovate, gradually narrowed to an aristate point | 26 |
– | Flowers usually several in axillary cymes; sepals variously shaped but not gradually narrowed to an aristate point | 28 |
26 | Completely glabrous trailing herb (Colombia) | 357. I. colombiana |
– | Stem, leaves and/or sepals variously hirsute (Bolivia and Brazil) | 27 |
27 | Leaves entire; stem glabrous; capsule rostrate | 406. I. chiquitensis |
– | Leaves commonly lobed; stem pilose; capsule acute, not rostrate | 407. I. melancholica |
28 | Capsule strongly rostrate; seeds pilose; sepals thick in texture with white margins; leaf auricles commonly acute | 382. I. acanthocarpa |
– | Capsule muticious, style rarely persistent; sepals thin in texture, lacking white margins; leaf auricles usually rounded (Batatas Clade) | 29 |
29 | Outer sepals broadly oblong-elliptic, usually glabrous; capsule glabrous or hirsute | 30 |
– | Outer sepals lanceolate or ovate, usually hirsute; capsule usually hirsute | 31 |
30 | Ovary and capsule glabrous; capsule compressed | 230. I. ramosissima |
– | Ovary and capsule pubescent; capsule conical | 231. I. cynanchifolia |
31 | Corolla < 1.8 cm long | 229. I. triloba |
– | Corolla 2–2.5 cm long | 228. I. grandifolia |
Key A8
Plants with a white or yellow glabrous corolla. Included are tree-like shrubs or lianas with white flowers and dark purplish or pinkish centres, which have not been keyed out earlier.
If sepals with fleshy spines go to Key A1.
If corolla with cylindrical tube and exserted stamens: Go to Key A6.
If corolla < 3 cm long go to Key A7.
If an erect plant with sessile/subsessile leaves go to Key A2.
If plant with coriaceous, convex sepals, go to Key A5.
1 | Sepals very unequal, the outer conspicuously shorter than the inner sepals | 2 | |
– | Sepals equal or only slightly unequal | 5 | |
2 | Stems trailing, often rooting at the nodes | 3 | |
– | Stems twining or clambering over vegetation or arborescent | 4 | |
3 | Leaves linear or oblong, rectangular or 5-lobed (coastal) | 388. I. imperati | |
– | Leaves ovate or subreniform | 347. I. asarifolia | |
4 | Leaves tomentellous to tomentose; outer sepals 10–12 mm long | 94. I. sulina | |
– | Leaves usually glabrous; outermost sepal <3 mm long | 381. I. anisomeres | |
5 | Small trees | 6 | |
– | Lianas or perennial somewhat woody climbers | 7 | |
6 | Leaves and sepals completely glabrous | 117. I. pauciflora | |
– | Abaxial leaf surface and sepals thinly pubescent | 119. I. wolcottiana | |
7 | Liana leafless at anthesis, flowers borne towards the apex of slender branches, many metres high | 116. I. juliagutierreziae | |
– | Plant with leaves present at anthesis, the flowers borne in axillary cymes, corymbs or racemes | 8 | |
8 | Corolla large, 9–12 cm long | 9 | |
– | Corolla < 6.5 cm long | 10 | |
9 | Corolla white with dark pinkish-purple centre; leaves abaxially greyish or whitish with prominent reticulate venation | 106. I. paradae | |
– | Corolla pure white or with a very pale pink centre; leaves abaxially pale green, not conspicuously reticulate-veined | 85. I. inaccessa | |
10 | Peduncles short, < 1.5 cm long so inflorescence appearing compact | 11 | |
– | Peduncles 1.5–8 cm long | 12 | |
11 | Sepals densely pubescent; pedicels 3–5 mm long | 110. I. chrysocalyx | |
– | Sepals usually glabrous; pedicels 7–27 mm long | 400. I. lindenii | |
12 | Bracteoles 2–3 cm long, persistent, asperous-pilose | 105. I. longibracteolata | |
– | Bracteoles < 1.5 cm long, usually caducous, glabrous | 13 | |
13 | Corolla 2.5–3.5 cm long | 14 | |
– | Corolla 3.5–5 cm long | 15 | |
14 | Sepals 10–14 mm long, spreading in fruit | 403. I. corymbosa | |
– | Sepals 5–7 mm long, not spreading in fruit | 87. I. reticulata | |
15 | Sepals obtuse or rounded, not mucronate; inflorescence commonly compound | 16 Sepals mucronate or very acute; inflorescence of simple axillary cymes | 17 |
16 | Pedicels very long, 1.5–2.5 cm; corolla campanulate, pendulous; plant glabrous | 371. I. syringiifolia | |
– | Pedicels mostly less than 1.5 cm long; corolla funnel-shaped, not pendulous; plant glabrous or hirsute | 86. I. saopaulista | |
17 | Slender annual herb with yellow flowers, usually somewhat hirsute at least abaxially on the leaves; white latex absent | 412. I. ochracea | |
– | Robust perennial with white flowers, sometimes with pink centre, almost completely glabrous; white latex usually abundant (Bolivia) | 223. I. lactifera |
Key A9
Plants with flowers in subcapitate inflorescences. Inflorescence pedunculate but flowers on reduced pedicels so clustered in a head-like inflorescence, the bracteoles often persistent.
1 | Corolla subcylindrical, suburceolate (Brazil) | 423. I. scopulina |
– | Corolla funnel-shaped with expanded limb | 2 |
2 | Corolla white; peduncle up to 40 cm long; trailing liana | 82. I. marcellia |
– | Corolla pink; peduncles usually < 10 cm long | 3 |
3 | Leaves, stem and sepals grey-tomentose | 4 |
– | Leaves, stem and sepals glabrous or pubescent | 5 |
4 | Bracteoles ovate-rhomboid, 2–4 mm wide; corolla with a few hairs at tips of midpetaline bands | 353. I. amazonica |
– | Bracteoles filiform, < 1 mm wide; corolla pubescent | 69. I. argentinica |
5 | Bracteoles forming a spathe-like involucre around the flowers | 6 |
– | Bracteoles narrow or broad but not forming a spathe-like involucre | 7 |
6 | Bracteoles basally united to form a boat-shaped involucre, paler basally but not prominently veined | 419. I. involucrata |
– | Bracteoles free at the base, not forming a boat-like structure, pale green with prominent dark veins | 244. I. neurocephala |
7 | Corolla glabrous | 8 |
– | Corolla pubescent at least in bud | 386. I. eriocalyx |
8 | Bracteoles inconspicuous, caducous or somewhat persistent, up to 5 mm long | 9 |
– | Bracteoles conspicuous, persistent, > 5 mm long | 10 |
9 | Sepals ovate, very shortly mucronate, abaxially pubescent, inconspicuously veined | 422. I. fasciculata |
– | Sepals oblong to oblong-elliptic, acuminate, conspicuously mucronate, ciliate-margined or glabrous, prominently veined | 220. I. batatas |
10 | Leaves glabrous; bracteoles narrowly ovate, boat-shaped; inflorescence hispid-pilose | 240. I. spruceana |
– | Leaves usually hirsute, at least abaxially; bracteoles linear, not boat-shaped; inflorescence pubescent but not hispid-pilose | 234. I. indica |
Key A10
Trailing, climbing or twining plants not in Keys A1–9 with corolla > 3.5 cm long, pubescent on the exterior. Buds should be checked carefully as pubescence is more obvious at this stage. On mature flowers check near the apex of the midpetaline bands.
1 | Leaf base truncate, rounded, cuneate or attenuate, never cordate or sagittate; plant trailing | 2 |
– | Leaf base cordate or sagittate; plant erect, climbing, twining or trailing | 21 |
2 | Leaves all or mostly 3-lobed | 3 |
– | Leaves all simple, rarely a few weakly 3-lobed | 8 |
3 | Leaves white-tomentose or sericeous at least on the lower surface | 4 |
– | Leaves pubescent or pilose but not whitish on either surface | 6 |
4 | Flowers solitary | 68. I. pseudocalystegia |
– | Flowers in cymes | 5 |
5 | Inner sepals obtuse; adaxial leaf surface green, thinly pilose; corolla 7–8 cm long (Bolivia) | 63. I. opulifolia |
– | Inner sepals acute; adaxial leaf surface thinly floccose-tomentose; corolla c. 4.5 cm long (Brazil) | 52. I. malvaviscoides |
6 | Sepals obtuse to subacute | 21. I. delphinioides |
– | Sepals finely acuminate | 7 |
7 | Flowers solitary; corolla 8.5–9.5 cm long | 28. I. megalantha |
– | Flowers in cymes; corolla 5.5–6.5 cm long | 20. I. acutisepala |
8 | Flowers solitary or paired | 9 |
– | At least some inflorescences of 3- or more-flowered cymes | 12 |
9 | Leaves ovate to suborbicular | 23. I. chodatiana |
– | Leaves oblong to oblong-elliptic | 10 |
10 | Sepals finely acuminate (Paraguay) | 19. I. valenzuelensis |
– | Sepals obtuse to acute | 11 |
11 | Sepals acute; leaves broadly oblong, > 1.5 cm wide | 32. I. subspicata |
– | Sepals obtuse; leaves narrowly oblong, < 1.2 cm wide | 36. I. ensiformis |
12 | Leaves white-tomentose or sericeous abaxially | 13 |
– | Leaves hirsute but not whitish abaxially | 17 |
13 | Leaves white-sericeous on both surfaces | 26. I. altoparanaensis |
– | Leaves distinctly discolorous, the adaxial surface green even if with some white hairs | 14 |
14 | Leaves broadly ovate to elliptic, scarcely longer than broad | 15 |
– | Leaves narrowly ovate to oblong-ovate, 2–3 times longer than broad | 16 |
15 | Inflorescence from upper leaf axils only; leaves subrhomboid with petioles < 2 cm long (Andean Bolivia) | 56. I. mendozae |
– | Inflorescence clearly axillary; leaves ovate with petioles 1–4.5 cm long (Southern Brazil) | 22. I. uruguayensis |
16 | Leaves asperous-pilose (Brazil) | 51. I. langsdorfii |
– | Leaves white woolly, not asperous (Argentina) | 27. I. lanuginosa |
17 | Leaves all < 8 mm wide; sepals finely acuminate, 12–14 mm long | 37. I. attenuata |
– | Leaves all > 15 mm wide; sepals obtuse or acute, up to 12 mm long | 18 |
18 | Leaves glabrous or thinly pubescent | 19 |
– | Leaves conspicuously sericeous or pubescent, at least beneath | 20 |
19 | Petioles < 1 cm long; leaves completely glabrous; cymes simple (Bolivia) | 25. I. psammophila |
– | Petioles up to 4.5 cm long; leaves glabrous or thinly pubescent abaxially; cymes usually compounded (Argentina) | 24b. I. nitida subsp. krapovickasii |
20 | Leaves sericeous; sepals acute (Argentina) | 24a. I. nitida subsp. nitida |
– | Leaves pubescent; sepals obtuse to acute (Brazil) | 21. I. delphinioides |
21 | Leaves mostly 3-lobed to about halfway | 22 |
– | Leaves unlobed or a few leaves 2–3-lobed | 27 |
22 | Sepals 15–20 mm long, pale green, minutely puberulent | 5. I. cardenasiana |
– | Sepals < 15 mm long, grey-tomentose or pubescent | 23 |
23 | Sepals pilose with spreading hairs; plant of wetlands | 399. I. rubens |
– | Sepals appressed hairy to sericeous; plants of dry habitats | 24 |
24 | Leaves dimorphic with some entire and some lobed on the same plant; inflorescence subterminal | 4. I. prolifera |
– | Leaves all lobed on the same plant; inflorescence clearly axillary | 25 |
25 | Lobes acute to acuminate | 63. I. opulifolia |
– | Lobes rounded to obtuse, mucronate | 26 |
26 | Flowers solitary or subsessile at the apex of a long peduncle | 68. I. pseudocalystegia |
– | Flowers in cymes, clearly pedicellate | 67. I. mucronifolia |
27 | Leaves conspicuous grey- or white-tomentose or sericeous abaxially | 28 |
– | Leaves green abaxially, not strongly grey- or white-tomentose | 53 |
28 | Inflorescence borne on long peduncles 20–42 cm in length | 29 |
– | Inflorescence borne on peduncles < 25 cm long; corolla pink | 30 |
29 | Corolla white; stamens shortly exserted | 82. I. marcellia |
– | Corolla pink; stamens included | 100. I. descolei |
30 | Flowers all or mostly solitary (rarely up to 3) | 31 |
– | Flowers in axillary cymes of 3 or more flowers | 34 |
31 | Leaves mostly > 7 × 6 cm | 32 |
– | Leaves very small, < 5 × 5 cm | 33 |
32 | Trailing herb; sepals acute, not markedly accrescent in fruit (Bolivia) | 57. I. gypsophila |
– | Liana; sepals rounded to obtuse, accrescent to 2.8 cm (Galapagos) | 418. I. tiliifolia |
33 | Bracteoles caducous; pedicels 6–15 mm (Venezuela, Guyana) | 172. I. discolor |
– | Bracteoles persistent; pedicels very short, < 5 mm long (Brazil) | 44. I. geophilifolia |
34 | Sepals relatively large, > 14 mm long, especially in fruit; bracteoles usually > 15 mm long | 35 |
– | Sepals <13 mm long (sometimes more in glabrous leaved I. chondrosepala); bracteoles short, usually < 12 mm long | 39 |
35 | Leaves tomentellous adaxially; capsule large, 1.5–2 cm | 36 |
– | Leaves glabrous adaxially; capsule unknown | 37 |
36 | Bracteoles persistent adpressed to calyx; leaves grey-tomentose adaxially | 98. I. calyptrata |
– | Bracteoles caducous, not adpressed to calyx; leaves green-tomentose adaxially | 108. I. brasiliana var. subincana |
37 | Outer sepals 14–16 mm long | 38 |
– | Outer sepals 18–25 mm long | 396. I. pearceana |
38 | Leaves large, > 9 cm long; peduncles long, mostly > 15 cm long (Cultivated) | 393. I. nervosa |
– | Leaves small, < 6 cm long (Peru); peduncles < 4.5 cm | 114. I. mathewsiana |
39 | Sepals short, < 8 mm long | 40 |
– | Sepals 8–15 mm long | 42 |
40 | Sepals rounded, lacking black glands at base (Andes south to Peru) | 84a. I. carnea subsp. carnea |
– | Sepals acute to apiculate, commonly with dark glands at base | 41 |
41 | Vegetative parts all shortly and finely sericeous; ovary hirsute | 397. I. velutinifolia |
– | Vegetative parts, subglabrous, pubescent or appressed pilose but never uniformly sericeous; ovary glabrous | 61. I. megapotamica |
42 | Sepals with conspicuous spreading hairs | 43 |
– | Sepals appressed hairy, tomentose or sericeous | 44 |
43 | Bracteoles caducous; corolla c. 5 cm long (Wet places) | 399. I. rubens |
– | Bracteoles somewhat persistent; corolla c. 8 cm long (Dry places, Bolivia) | 70. I. longibarbis |
44 | Sepals glabrous or nearly so | 45 |
– | Sepals tomentose, sericeous or uniformly pubescent | 46 |
45 | Cymes simple; sepals ovate to elliptic | 73. I. jalapa |
– | Cymes commonly compounded and inflorescence subracemose or corymbose; sepals oblong or oblong-obovate | 394. I. abutiloides |
46 | Leaves obtuse with a 3 mm apical mucro | 66. I. walteri |
– | Leaves not as above | 47 |
47 | Bracteoles 12–20 mm long, persistent till after the flowers have fallen | 69. I. argentinica |
– | Bracteoles usually < 10 mm long, usually deciduous at anthesis | 48 |
48 | Leaves dimorphic, some lobed, some entire; inflorescence subtermina | 4. I. prolifera |
– | Leaves all entire; inflorescence axillary | 49 |
49 | Abaxial leaf surfaces with long appressed hairs; cymes usually few-flowered (Colombia) | 64. I. macarenensis |
– | Abaxial leaf surface tomentose but hairs not appressed nor long | 50 |
50 | Corolla large 9–11 cm long (Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela) | 73. I. jalapa |
– | Corolla 4.5–7 cm long | 51 |
51 | Sepals oblong; inflorescence often formed on leafy branchlets | 395. I. sericosepala |
– | Sepals ovate; inflorescence of leafless cymes | 52 |
52 | Sepals acute, not mucronate, eglandular, peduncles and pedicels usually short so inflorescence crowded (Central Brazil) | 65. I. sericophylla |
– | Sepals mucronate, usually with two large basal glands; inflorescence lax (Southern Andes) | 45. I. hieronymi |
53 | Corolla < 4 cm long (Ecuador and Peru) | 311. I. velardei |
– | Corolla > 5 cm long | 54 |
54 | Stem and inflorescence bearded with yellowish hairs; bracteoles persistent; pedicels < 10 mm long (Ecuador) | 245. I. harlingii |
– | Stem and inflorescence not bearded with yellowish hairs; bracteoles persistent or not; pedicels mostly > 10 mm long | 55 |
55 | Stem with fleshy teeth; corolla limb deeply lobed; violet with white tube | 270. I. parasitica |
– | Stem unarmed; corolla limb at most weakly lobed; tube coloured | 56 |
56 | Sepals lanceolate, much longer than broad | 57 |
– | Sepals ovate to elliptic, only slightly longer than broad | 58 |
57 | Flowers solitary (rarely paired); peduncle < 5 mm long | 417. I. chapadensis |
– | Flowers in cymes; peduncles well-developed, usually exceeding 10 mm | 416. I. regnellii |
58 | Flowers solitary (very rarely up to 3); sepals strongly accrescent and enveloping the capsule | 418. I. tiliifolia |
– | Flowers several in cymes, rarely reduced to single flowers | 59 |
59 | Sepals with a prominent swollen abaxial appendage (Bolivia) | 58. I. appendiculata |
– | Sepals lacking a prominent swollen abaxial appendage | 60 |
60 | Trailing perennial with stout stem; leaves undulate to dentate (very dry inter-Andean valleys of Bolivia and Argentina) | 71. I. lilloana |
– | Twining or climbing perennials, stems stout to slender; leaves occasionally lobed but not undulate or dentate | 61 |
61 | Corolla very large, 7–12 cm long; sepals mostly > 10 mm long | 62 |
– | Corolla 4–6.5 cm long; sepals mostly < 8 m long | 65 |
62 | Sepals glabrous; stem often winged | 72. I. subalata |
– | Sepals thinly to densely pubescent; stems unwinged | 63 |
63 | Stems minutely spinulose, thinly pilose with long white hairs; abaxial surface of leaves glabrous apart from highlighted veins (Bolivia) | 46. I. spinulifera |
– | Stems smooth, lacking spinules and long white hairs; veins not highlighted on abaxial leaf surface | 64 |
64 | Sepals 10–15 mm long (Central America, Caribbean and Ecuador) | 73. I. jalapa |
– | Sepals 8–10 mm long (Brazil) | 59. I. cearensis |
65 | Sepals rounded to obtuse; base of calyx truncate (Brazil) | 62. I. decipiens |
– | Sepals acute; base of calyx cuneate to rounded | 66 |
66 | Inflorescence clearly cymose; corolla pink; old stems not corky | 61. I. megapotamica |
– | Inflorescence often subracemose; corolla usually white; old stems corky (Chaco) | 60. I. vivianae |
Key A11
Trailing and twining plants not in Keys A1–9 with a glabrous corolla, > 3.5 cm long.
1 | Creeping seashore plant with fleshy stems and leaves; leaves apically retuse; pedicel persistent on fallen capsule | 339. I. pes-caprae |
– | Plant not growing on seashores; leaves not apically retuse and rarely fleshy; pedicel not persistent on fallen capsule | 2 |
2 | Night flowering species with dull lilac, somewhat salver-shaped corolla; stems commonly armed with soft fleshy spines | 271. I. muricata |
– | Day flowering species with pink corolla; stems lacking soft spines | 3 |
3 | Leaf base cuneate to attenuate; trailing plants of the Cerrado | 4 |
– | Leaf base truncate, cordate, hastate or sagittate; plants of varying habit and habitat | 9 |
4 | Leaves linear or narrowly oblong, attenuate at base, the petiole not clearly differentiated | 5 |
– | Leaves oblong to ovate, cuneate at base, the petiole distinct from the lamina | 6 |
5 | Sepals narrowed at base; leaves linear, 0.5–1 mm wide; stem, pedicels and leaves glabrous | 365. I. graminifolia |
– | Sepals with a broad truncate base; leaves narrowly oblong, at least 2 mm wide; stem, pedicels and leaves with long white hairs | 420. I. dolichopoda |
6 | Sepals abaxially muricate | 7 |
– | Sepals abaxially smooth | 8 |
7 | Leaves oblong or ovate; plant only woody basally | 345. I. procurrens |
– | Leaves oblong-elliptic to suborbicular; woody subshrub | 344. I. coriacea |
8 | Flowers solitary (rarely paired); inflorescence leafless | 366. I. procumbens |
– | Flowers in cymes, often somewhat leafy | 367. I. rupestris |
9 | Peduncle fused with petiole for part of its length | 92. I. connata |
– | Peduncles and petioles not fused | 10 |
10 | Sepals with a prominent abaxial appendage | 379. I. bahiensis |
– | Sepals smooth, ribbed or muricate but lacking a prominent abaxial appendage | 11 |
11 | Sepals with prominent abaxial muricate ribs | 12 |
– | Sepals abaxially smooth | 14 |
12 | Bracteoles linear 3 × 0.5 mm; corolla c. 10 cm long | 343. I. parvibracteolata |
– | Bracteoles 8–20 × 3–15 mm; corolla 2.5–8 cm long | 13 |
13 | Annual herb; corolla 2.5–3.5 cm long | 341. I. fimbriosepala |
– | Perennial herb; corolla 5.5–8 cm long | 342. I. setifera |
14 | Sepals conspicuously truncate or cordate at base, often with a lateral tooth | 15 |
– | Sepals narrowed or rounded at base, lacking teeth | 16 |
15 | Sepals ovate, cordate; leaves entire or shallowly 3-lobed | 376. I. apodiensis |
– | Sepals deltoid, truncate; leaves usually 3–5-lobed to near the base, rarely ovate-deltoid | 377. I. pantanalensis |
16 | Sepals very unequal in length, the outer conspicuously shorter than the inner | 17 |
– | Sepals all equal or slightly unequal in length | 29 |
17 | Leaves and stem white-tomentellous (Peru) | 115. I. pulcherrima |
– | Leaves and stem not white-tomentellous | 18 |
18 | Abaxial surface of sepals commonly muricate; plants of seasonally wet areas | 19 |
– | Abaxial surface of sepals smooth; plants of dry or moist habitats | 20 |
19 | Leaves ovate, sagittate | 346. I. paludicola |
– | Leaves subreniform, hastate | 347. I. asarifolia |
20 | Outermost sepal very short, < 3 mm long; plant glabrous | 233. I. cryptica |
– | Outermost sepal > 5 mm long; plant glabrous or pubescent | 21 |
21 | Leaves tomentose on both surfaces, cordate | 144. I. mirabilis |
– | Leaves glabrous or thinly pubescent, sagittate or cordate | 22 |
22 | Sepals all < 10 mm long, the margins usually white | 380. I. squamosa |
– | Inner sepals usually > 10 mm long, often somewhat scarious but not distinctly white-margined | 23 |
23 | Inner sepals < 12 mm long; leaves ovate to deltoid | 24 |
– | Inner sepals > 13 mm long; leaves varied in shape | 25 |
24 | Inner sepals acuminate; corolla < 3. 5 cm long (Colombia) | 357. I. colombiana |
– | Inner sepals obtuse to rounded, mucronate; corolla 4–6 cm long | 356. I. maurandioides |
25 | Sepals relatively large, the inner 15–28 mm long;; leaves usually rounded at apex | 360. I. paranaensis |
– | Inner sepals < 16 mm long; leaves narrowed to an obtuse or acute apex | 26 |
26 | Leaves oblong, the margins undulate | 361. I. variifolia |
– | Leaves linear, lanceolate or ovate, the margin entire | 27 |
27 | Leaves narrowly oblong, the base hastate to sagittate; peduncles very short, < 2 mm long | 362. I. tacuaremboensis |
– | Leaves ovate-deltoid or linear, sagittate; peduncles mostly more than 2 cm long | 28 |
28 | Corolla lobes terminating in a distinct mucro 5–6 mm long; lamina narrowly ovate-deltoid with prominent deltoid auricles | 359. I. mucronatoproducta |
– | Corolla unlobed or lobes not terminating in a distinct mucro; lamina linear, similar to the auricles | 358. I. aequiloba |
29 | Flowers solitary; leaves deltoid with very slender pedicels | 370. I. longirostra |
– | Flowers several in axillary cymes; leaves ovate, cordate, not strikingly deltoid or with disproportionately slender pedicels | 30 |
30 | Sepals relatively short, all < 12 mm long | 31 |
– | Sepals relatively long, some > 12 mm long | 40 |
31 | Perennial or annual herbs; sepals always mucronate, usually of papery texture; corolla usually with a dark centre, 3.5–5.5 cm long; leaves lobed or not; ovary and capsule hirsute or not | Batatas Clade (Species 218–233) |
– | Perennial herbs or subshrubs; sepals mucronate or not but never papery in texture; corolla usually lacking a dark centre, 3.5–9 cm long; leaves unlobed; ovary and capsule glabrous | 32 |
32 | Stem, petioles or abaxial leaf surface tomentose, pubescent or puberulent | 33 |
– | Plant completely glabrous | 36 |
33 | Leaves dentate (Bolivia) | 299. I. odontophylla |
– | Leaves entire or undulate | 34 |
34 | Peduncle passing through sinus of leaf base; corolla pale blue (Bolivia) | 300. I. huayllae |
– | Peduncle not passing through sinus of leaf base; corolla pink | 35 |
35 | Leaves with overlapping auricles; stamens held at corolla mouth, 2.5 cm long; seeds lanate | 88. I. tarijensis |
– | Leaf auricles not overlapping; stamens held within corolla tube, 4–5 cm long; seeds tomentellous | 289. I. jujuyensis |
36 | Corolla blue with cream tube; sepals lanceolate, acute with white margins | 37 |
– | Corolla pink (rarely white), the tube similar or darker in colour; sepals of varied shape but mostly mucronate, always lacking white margins | 38 |
37 | Corolla < 4 cm long (Andean Argentina and Bolivia) | 255. I. marginisepala |
– | Corolla 5.5–7 cm (Mexico, but widely cultivated elsewhere) | 257. I. tricolor |
38 | Leaves usually sagittate; aquatic herb rooting at nodes on mud | 391. I. aquatica |
– | Leaves ovate, cordate; subshrubs climbing to several metres | 39 |
39 | Corolla 4–5.5 cm long | 340b. I. amnicola subsp. chiliantha |
– | Corolla < 3.5 cm long | 340a. I. amnicola subsp. amnicola |
40 | Leaves white-tomentose abaxially | 41 |
– | Leaves variously hirsute or glabrous, but if ±tomentose abaxially, indumenm not white or bracts linear, persistent | 43 |
41 | Pedicels 1–4 mm, bracteoles persistent, appressed to calyx | 99. I. veadeirosii |
– | Pedicels mostly > 10 mm, not appressed to calyx, caducous | 42 |
42 | Corolla 10–12 cm long; marginal hairs on seeds up to 20 mm long | 104. I. magna |
– | Corolla 5–8 cm long; hairs on seeds up to 5 mm long | 108. I. brasiliana |
43 | Bracteoles linear to oblong, persistent; sepals commonly tapered to an elongated apex; leaves 3-lobed or, less commonly, entire; ovary trilocular; often weedy hirsute species of disturbed places (Pharbitis Clade) | 44 |
– | Bracteoles filiform to linear, caducous; sepals varied but lacking an elongated apex; leaves unlobed; ovary bilocular, glabrous or hirsute herbs or subshrubs | 49 |
44 | Sepals deltoid with a distinct truncate base | 242. I. pubescens |
– | Sepals linear-oblong, narrowed at base | 45 |
45 | Sepals 15– 35 mm long, tapering to a long point, lanceolate with a broad base, often conspicuously pilose at base; leaves 3-lobed | 46 |
– | Sepals < 20 mm long, linear-oblong, pubescent but not conspicuously pilose near base; leaves simple or 3-lobed | 47 |
46 | Sepals with fleshy recurved tips (southern USA, adventive elsewhere) | 237. I. hederacea |
– | Sepals with erect, herbaceous tips (very widespread) | 236. I. nil |
47 | Leaves very large, 11–20 × 7–20 cm; corolla 7–9 cm long; bracteoles usually caducous (Bolivia and Peru) | 247. I. magnifolia |
– | Leaves < 11 × 11 cm; corolla 4–6 cm; bracteoles always persistent (widespread) | 48 |
48 | Vegetative parts softly pubescent; sepals oblong or lanceolate; corolla usually pink; leaves usually unlobed; flowers not clustered | 238. I. purpurea |
– | Vegetative parts usually hirsute but not softly pubescent; sepals ovate; corolla usually bluish-purple; leaves commonly lobed; flowers commonly clustered | 234. I. indica |
49 | Pedicels and sepals with long shaggy hairs | 105. I. longibracteolata |
– | Pedicels and sepals glabrous or shortly pubescent | 50 |
50 | Sepals acuminate to a fine point | 51 |
– | Sepals obtuse, rounded or retuse | 52 |
51 | Sepals prominently veined; leaves sagittate; plant glabrous | 355. I. incarnata |
– | Sepals not prominently veined; leaves cordate; plant thinly pubescent | 247. I. magnifolia |
52 | Stems winged (caatinga of Bahia) | 91. I. pterocaulis |
– | Stems not winged (moist forest) | 53 |
53 | Corolla bluish or greenish or yellow; sepals oblong-lanceolate; peduncles very short, usually < 1 cm long | 400. I. lindenii |
– | Corolla pink; sepals oblong, ovate or suborbicular; peduncles usually > 1 cm long or flowers borne on leafy side shoots | 54 |
54 | Corolla tube narrow, often constricted below limb; sepals opaque, commonly reddish; inflorescence often compound, much branched | 352. I. philomega |
– | Corolla broadly funnel-shaped, not constricted upwards; sepals somewhat transparent, pale green; inflorescence of simple cymes | 369. I. chondrosepala |
This key includes all species from continental North America from Panama northwards. For plants from the Caribbean islands, go to Key C and for plants from Hawaii, go to Key D.
Several North American species are notable for having dentate leaves, often in the form of one or two lateral teeth on otherwise entire leaves. The following species are noted as having dentate leaves, at least to some degree: Ipomoea tastensis, I. jicama, I. noctulifolia, I. schaffneri, I. ignava, I. stans, I. jacalana, I. tacambarensis, I. acanthocarpa, I. rupicola, I. calcicola, I. dumetorum (at least sometimes).
Note. Options in Keys B1 to B8 should be considered before proceeding to Keys B9–10.
Key B1: Species with oblong, lanceolate or elliptic leaves, the base narrowed, cuneate to rounded, margin entire or toothed, sometimes pinnatifid, or pinnate.
Key B2: Species with leaves divided digitately to, or near to the base, into five or more free or nearly free lobes or segments.
Key B3: Species with soft fleshy spines/protuberances on the sepals.
Key B4: Species with a subcylindrical corolla tube and (usually) exserted stamens
Key B5: Species with small flowers, the corolla < 3 cm long (or calyx < 5 mm long)
Key B6: Species with white, cream or yellowish flowers > 3 cm long
Key B7 Species with very long sepals, mostly exceeding 1.8 cm in length
Key B8: Plants with subcapitate inflorescences.
Key B9: Trailing, climbing or twining plants with pubescent or hirsute sepals < 1.8 cm long
Key B10. Trailing, climbing or twining plants with glabrous sepals <1.8 cm long.
Key B1
Species with oblong, lanceolate or elliptic leaves, the base narrowed, cuneate to rounded, margin entire or toothed, sometimes pinnate or pinnatifid. Leaves never cordate, hastate, sagittate or truncate or palmately lobed or palmately divided into leaflets. Stems commonly erect, less commonly trailing or climbing.
1 | Leaves pinnatifid or strongly dentate | 2 |
– | Leaves entire or obscurely dentate, serrate or crenate | 6 |
2 | Anthers exserted; leaves with pseudo-stipules | 312. I. quamoclit |
– | Anthers included; leaves lacking pseudo-stipules | 3 |
3 | Leaves oblong with lyrate-dentate margin, usually abaxially pubescent | 4 |
– | Leaves pinnatifid with narrow segments 1–2 mm wide, glabrous | 5 |
4 | Flowers solitary or paired from the leaf axils; sepals unequal; petioles < 5 mm long | 276. I. stans |
– | Inflorescence of terminal and axillary cymes with 5–15 flowers; sepals subequal; petioles 2–4.5 cm long | 277. I. tacambarensis |
5 | Leaf segments 1–6 cm long; peduncles 3–12 cm long at anthesis; corolla white or pale lilac | 278. I. ancisa |
– | Leaf segments 0.3–2.5 cm long; peduncles 0.8–3.5 cm at anthesis; corolla purplish-blue | 279. I. sescossiana |
6 | Low, often prostrate plants of high altitudes; stems short usually < 20 cm long; sepals muricate; leaves often dimorphic | 7 |
– | Erect or climbing plants; stems > 20 cm long; sepals smooth; leaves all similar in form | 8 |
7 | Corolla 5–5.5 cm long; sepals 6–10 mm long; leaves 2–10 cm long, commonly dimorphic with some simple, some forked and, occasionally, some lobed | 286. I. madrensis |
– | Corolla 2–3 cm long; sepals 4–6 mm long; leaves < 2 cm long, all of the same form | 287. I. plummerae forma adiantifolia |
8 | Corolla glabrous on the exterior | 9 |
– | Corolla pubescent on the exterior at least in bud | 15 |
9 | Leaves oblong-elliptic or ovate; plants decumbent, climbing or twining | 10 |
– | Leaves oblong or lanceolate; plants erect | 13 |
10 | Leaves abaxially appressed pilose, silvery in colour | 179. I. steerei |
– | Leaves glabrous | 11 |
11 | Woody liana; bracteoles 15–26 mm long, oblong-elliptic; peduncles very short, 2–8 mm long | 174. I. robinsonii |
– | Perennial herbs, woody at base; bracteoles < 3 mm long; peduncles up to 7 cm long | 12 |
12 | Corolla pink, trumpet-shaped (United States) | 349. I. shumardiana |
– | Corolla orange or yellow, funnel-shaped (Mesoamerica) | 173. I. aurantiaca |
13 | Sepals very unequal, the outer 10–16 mm long, the inner 16–23 mm long | 93. I. longifolia |
– | Sepals subequal, 5–12 mm long | 14 |
14 | Leaves pubescent, 4–8 × 1.5–2.5 cm | 128. I. petrophila |
– | Leaves glabrous, 3–10 × 0.5 cm | 348. I. leptophila |
15 | Peduncles very short, <5 mm long | 16 |
– | Peduncles >1.5 cm long | 17 |
16 | Leaves, 1 cm long; sepals 7–10 mm long, obtuse | 129. I. lenis |
– | Leaves 2–3.5 cm long; sepals 12–16 mm long, acuminate | 130. I. durangensis |
17 | Twining plant; leaves finely acuminate, well-spaced; corolla pink or lilac | 78. I. kruseana |
– | Erect undershrub; leaves acute or obtuse, imbricate; corolla white | 131. I. ciervensis |
Key B2
Species with leaves palmately divided into free or almost free leaflets. This key includes species where the leaflets are pedatisect. All species have glabrous corollas.
1 | Sepals elliptic to obovate, obtuse or rounded, coriaceous; robust lianas or perennials | 2 |
– | Sepals oblong, lanceolate or ovate, commonly acuminate and apiculate; plants mostly slender, annual or perennial herbs | 3 |
2 | Corolla red, > 4 cm long; cultivated woody liana | 211. I. horsfalliae |
– | Corolla greenish-white, <3.5 cm long; native perennial of Mesoamerica | 178. I. heterodoxa |
3 | Corolla ±salver-shaped; anthers strongly exserted; sepals awned | 313. I. fissifolia |
– | Corolla ±funnel-shaped; anthers included; sepals lacking a subterminal awn | 4 |
4 | Corolla 4.5–7 cm long, pink or white; leaves with or without pseudo-stipules | 5 |
– | Corolla usually < 4.5 cm, pink, white or yellow; leaves lacking pseudo-stipules | 8 |
5 | Decumbent or ascending plant with short stems, commonly < 10 cm long; leaves lacking pseudo-stipules, usually dimorphic with some palmately lobed and some entire or bifid | 286. I. madrensis |
– | Twining plants, stems usually much more than 25 cm long; leaves of one kind, with or without conspicuous pseudo-stipules | 6 |
6 | Cylindrical basal part of corolla > 2 cm in length; leaves without conspicuous pseudo-stipules | 285. I. tenuiloba |
– | Cylindrical basal part of corolla very short, < 5 mm long; leaves usually with conspicuous pseudo-stipules | 7 |
7 | Annual herb; leaves with up to 14 linear or ensiform leaflets | 332. I. diegoae |
– | Perennial herb; leaves usually with 5 oblong-elliptic leaflets | 392. I. cairica |
8 | Outer sepals with cordate base and prominent soft spines on abaxial surface | 333. I. sororia |
– | Outer sepals neither basally cordate nor with soft spines on adaxially surface | 9 |
9 | Peduncle coiled or twisted; sepals obtuse | 374. I. heptaphylla |
– | Peduncle straight or suppressed; Sepals acute or acuminate | 10 |
10 | Plants erect 5–20 cm high, not twining; leaf segments filiform, <1 mm wide | 288. I. capillacea |
– | Plants with twining or trailing stems; leaf segments at least 2 mm wide | 11 |
11 | Corolla < 1.2 mm long | 328. I. costellata |
– | Corolla > 1.5 cm long | 12 |
12 | Corolla entirely yellow | 329. I. chamelana |
– | Corolla pink, white or bluish | 13 |
13 | Leaves twice divided, the palmate lobes pinnatifid | 331. I. perpartita |
– | Leaf segments simple, not pinnatifid | 14 |
14 | Cylindrical basal part of corolla very short, often < 5 mm | 15 |
– | Cylindrical basal part of corolla elongated, often > 10 mm long | 285. I. tenuiloba |
15 | Outer sepals usually muricate, glabrous, obtuse to acute; root a globose tuber; corolla deep pink; leaf segments obtuse | 287. I. plummerae |
– | Outer sepals smooth, glabrous or pubescent, acute to acuminate; root a small tap root; corolla pale lilac; leaf segments acute | 334. I. ternifolia |
Key B3
Plants with sepals covered in soft slightly fleshy spines or protuberances
1 | Spines and protuberances present only on the sepals | 2 |
– | Spines present on petioles, peduncles and/or stem as well as on the sepals | 216. I. setosa |
2 | Sepals with abundant spreading soft spines, resembling fleshy trichomes | 3 |
– | Sepals with few to many fleshy protuberances, wings or similar structures, not resembling fleshy trichomes | 4 |
3 | Sepals up to 35 mm long; peduncles 0–0.4 cm long; pedicels 2–4 cm long | 410. I. silvicola |
– | Sepals 12–15 mm long; peduncles 0.5–8 cm long; pedicels 0.8–2.1 cm long | 408. I. crinicalyx |
4 | Pedicels short, < 4.5 mm; corolla 2.5–3 cm long; peduncle winged | 372. I. decemcornuta |
– | Pedicels elongate, > 15 mm long; corolla 5–8 cm long; peduncle unwinged | 5 |
5 | Flowers usually numerous, cymes often much branched; corolla pubescent in bud and at tips of midpetaline bands | 414. I. pedicellaris |
– | Flowers usually solitary, rarely paired, inflorescence simple; corolla glabrous even in bud | 6 |
6 | Peduncles 4.5–7.5 cm long; pedicels notably stouter than peduncle; sepals c. 8 mm long | 415. I. tentaculifera |
– | Peduncles < 4 cm long; pedicels similar to peduncles in width; sepals 12–14 mm long | 132. I. lozanii |
Key B4
Corolla tube cylindrical for at least half its length, often to the base of the limb; stamens equal or nearly so, anthers exserted or held at mouth of corolla.
1 | Leaves pinnate; pseudo-stipules present | 312. I. quamoclit |
– | Leaves not pinnate but if pinnatifid, pseudo-stipules absent | 2 |
2 | Sepals with a distinct subterminal awn; corolla red, orange or yellow | Go to the Quamoclit Clade (312–327) |
– | Sepals lacking a subterminal awn or, if awn present; corolla pure white or blue | 3 |
3 | Corolla white, blue or pale lilac | 4 |
– | Corolla pink or red | 16 |
4 | Corolla tube cylindrical to below the limb | 5 |
– | Corolla tube cylindrical for about half its length, then gradually expanded in upper half | 8 |
5 | Sepals terminating in a prominent awn | 272. I. alba |
– | Sepals acute or obtuse, sometimes with a short mucro but never terminating in a long awn | 6 |
6 | Sepals 16–23 mm long; anthers weakly exserted or included; sea shore species | 389. I. violacea |
– | Sepals <9 mm; anthers clearly exserted; inland species | 7 |
7 | Peduncle furnished with prominent setae at base; corolla limb undulate; sepals acute, mucronate | 421. I. discoidea |
– | Peduncle glabrous at base; corolla limb distinctly 5-lobed; sepals obtuse | 138. I. macdonaldii |
8 | Corolla pubescent on the exterior at least in bud | 9 |
– | Corolla glabrous on the exterior even in bud | 11 |
9 | Sepals obtuse, equal; leaves weakly lobed, abaxially pubescent at least on the veins (Mexico) | 10 |
– | Sepals aristate, unequal; leaves entire, glabrous (Costa Rica) | 274. I. magniflora |
10 | Flowers solitary; peduncle < 2.5 cm long; sepals 13–16 mm long | 77. I. zimmermanii |
– | Flowers in cymes; peduncles very long, 11–20 cm; sepals 25–40 cm long | 248. I. ampullacea |
11 | Corolla blue orlilac; stems armed with soft spines; sepals with an aristate tip | 271. I. muricata |
– | Corolla white, occasionally pale lilac; stems unarmed; sepals sometimes mucronate but never aristate | 12 |
12 | Sepals < 7 mm long; anthers scarcely exserted | 13 |
– | Sepals > 10 mm long; anthers strongly exserted | 14 |
13 | Flowers solitary; leaves entire; corolla bluish (drying pink) | 307. I. expansa |
– | Inflorescence formed of cymes with up to 7 flowers; leaves 3-lobed; corolla white | 136. I. lottiae |
14 | Leaves with prominent lateral teeth; sepals 2–3 cm long | 297. I. tastensis |
– | Leaves entire or palmately lobed; sepals <1.6 cm long | 15 |
15 | Corolla pale blue; flowers solitary | 262. I. gilana |
– | Corolla pure white; flowers usually several | 273. I. santillanii |
16 | Corolla limb short and inconspicuous (except I. electrina), the tube cylindrical | 17 |
– | Corolla limb formed of broad obovate lobes, the tube often not strictly cylindrical | 21 |
17 | Flowers enclosed within two conspicuous persistent bracteoles forming a spathe-like inflorescence | 338. I. bracteata |
– | Flowers naked, bracteoles inconspicuous, often caducous | 18 |
18 | Exterior of the corolla conspicuously sericeous or pubescent | 181. I. concolor |
– | Exterior of the corolla glabrous or nearly so | 19 |
19 | Corolla lobes linear, > 15 mm long | 294. I. electrina |
– | Corolla lobes very short, ovate to elliptic, c. 5 mm long | 20 |
20 | Pedicels and sepals pubescent | 180. I. conzattii |
– | Pedicels and sepals glabrous | 182. I. tehuantepecensis |
21 | Sepals broadly obovate, 18–25 × 12–16 mm (Panama) | 269. I. mirandina |
– | Sepals lanceolate, ovate or oblong, < 6 mm wide | 22 |
22 | Leaves sagittate | 284. I. caudata |
– | Leaves ovate-cordate | 23 |
23 | Limb clearly lobed, the lobes short, c. 1.5 cm diameter | 293. I. tubulata |
– | Limb subentire, 3.5–5 cm diameter | 24 |
24 | Petiole and peduncle fused for part of their length, peduncle usually passing through leaf sinus; calyx usually concealed by folded lamina | 291. I. dumosa |
– | Petiole and peduncle free to their base; peduncle not passing through leaf sinus; calyx not concealed by folded leaf | 25 |
25 | Sepals lanceolate, 3–5 times longer than broad, unequal, the outer noticeably shorter than the inner | 266. I. chenopodiifolia |
– | Sepals ovate, only slightly longer than broad, subequal | 290. I. purga |
Key B5
Species with small flowers; this includes species with a calyx less than 5 mm long or a corolla less than 3 cm long. Mostly slender herbs but includes a few species of liana habit.
1 | Leaves palmatisect into separate segments | Go to Key B2 |
– | Leaves entire or lobed | 2 |
2 | Sepals very short, < 4 mm long | 3 |
– | Sepals > 4 mm long | 5 |
3 | Corolla purple; sepals with 3 distinctive wings/ protuberances | I. decemcornuta |
– | Corolla yellow; sepals smooth, unwinged | 4 |
4 | Corolla 4–5 mm long, not obviously lobed; stems pilose | 336. I. minutifolia |
– | Corolla 25–30 mm long, deeply lobed; stems glabrous or nearly so | 335. I. microsepala |
5 | Ovary and capsule pubescent | Go to key to Batatas Clade (218–232) |
– | Ovary and capsule glabrous | 6 |
6 | Sepals 10–15 mm long, narrowly lanceolate, nearly always with long, spreading stiff hairs; corolla blue | 258. I. barbatisepala |
– | Sepals glabrous or with a few short hairs, if more than 10 mm long, not narrowly lanceolate; corolla cream or pink | 7 |
7 | Corolla cream-coloured, ± campanulate; inflorescence often developing into a raceme-like structure; stems woody | 8 |
– | Corolla pink (rarely white), funnel-shaped; inflorescence of axillary cymes; stems herbaceous except at base | 9 |
8 | Sepals 5–7 mm long, deciduous in fruit | 87. I. reticulata |
– | Sepals 10–14 mm long, often persistent and speading in fruit | 403. I. corymbosa |
9 | Plant vigorous, somewhat fleshy, clearly perennial, completely glabrous; sepals oblong-elliptic, mucronate | 340. I. amnicola |
– | Plant relatively slender, not fleshy, annual or short-lived perennial; sepals not as above | 10 |
10 | Leaves strap-shaped (Florida) | 232. I. tenuissima |
– | Leaves variously shaped but never strap-shaped | 11 |
11 | Low perennial, decumbent, with short stems < 10 cm long; leaves cuneate | 287. I. plummerae |
– | Twining annual (?always) herbs, the stems usually at least 1 m long | 12 |
12 | Outer sepals obovate, mucronate; capsule depressed-globose, muticous | 230. I. ramosissima |
– | Outer sepals oblong-lanceolate to oblong-ovate; capsule ovate, rostrate | 13 |
13 | Sepals lanceolate or ovate, acute, the margins whitish, scarious | 14 |
– | Sepals not as above | 15 |
14 | Corolla blue with white tube; sepals lanceolate, 2–4 mm wide; pedicels relatively long, 1–3 cm; leaves lacking a lateral tooth | 256. I. cardiophylla |
– | Corolla pink (rarely white); sepals ovate, 3.5–7 mm wide; pedicels 2–5 mm long; leaves commonly with a lateral tooth | 382. I. acanthocarpa |
15 | Peduncle passing through leaf sinus; sepals often muricate, sometimes pubescent, never with dark spots | 298. I. aristolochiifolia |
– | Peduncle not passing through leaf sinus; sepals smooth, glabrous, the abaxial surface with dark spots | 281. I. dumetorum |
Key B6
Plants with white, cream or yellowish flowers more than 3 cm in length, often much more, the throat occasionally dark.
1 | Small trees or erect, woody, often multi-stemmed shrubs, often leafless at anthesis | Go to key to the Arborescens Clade (Species117–126) | |
– | Twining or trailing herbs or lianas | 2 | |
2 | Stamens exserted; corolla hypocrateriform or salverform or nearly so | Go to Key B4 | |
– | Stamens included; Corolla funnel-shaped or campanulate | 3 | |
3 | Corolla campanulate, not more than 3.5 cm long | 4 | |
– | Corolla funnel-shaped, hypocrateriform or salver-shaped, usually much more than 3.5 cm long | 5 | |
4 | Sepals 5–7 mm long, deciduous in fruit | 87. I. reticulata | |
– | Sepals 10–14 mm long, often persistent and spreading in fruit | 403. I. corymbosa | |
5 | Prostrate seashore plant rooting at the nodes; leaves shortly oblong, linear, lanceolate or 3–5-lobed, small, 1.5–3 × 0.8–2 cm | 388. I. imperati | |
– | Climbing herbs or lianas of inland areas; leaves ovate, mostly large or absen | t | 6 |
6 | At least some sepals 13 mm or more in length | 7 | |
– | All sepals < 13 mm in length | 12 | |
7 | Corolla and sepals tomentose or pubescent on the exterior | 8 | |
– | Corolla and sepals glabrous on the exterior | 9 | |
8 | Trailing herb of coastal regions of the United States; inflorescence clearly axillary Liana of Mexico and Central America; inflorescence arising on short shoots | 79. I. praecana | |
9 | Leaves 3-lobed; sepals aristate; inflorescence paniculate | 330. I. ramulosa | |
– | Leaves entire; sepals muticous or at most shortly mucronate; inflorescence of axillary cymes | 10 | |
10 | Cymes borne on long peduncles usually > 5 cm long | 259. I. chiriquensis | |
– | Cymes very shortly pedunculate; the peduncles usually < 1 cm long | 11 | |
11 | Pedicels very short, cymes dense, subcapitate; bracteoles conspicuous, persistent | 112. I. riparum | |
– | Pedicels 2–4 cm long, cymes relatively lax; bracteoles inconspicuous, caducous | 400. I. lindenii | |
12 | Bracteoles 1.5–2.5 cm long, oblong or oblong-elliptic, persistent; corolla relatively large, 7–8 cm long | 174. I. robinsonii | |
– | Bracteoles relatively small and inconspicuous, < 5 mm long, usually linear, filiform or squamose: corolla varied in size, often < 7 cm long | 13 | |
13 | Corolla orange or yellow; leaves ovate, unlobed, the base truncate | 173. I. aurantiaca | |
– | Corolla white or cream, sometimes with dark throat or blue-flushed; leaves ovate, usually cordate, sometimes lobed, sometimes absent at anthesis | 14 | |
14 | Corolla white with pink throat; sepals with prominent veins on abaxial surface; leaves often pandurate (United States) | 350. I. pandurata | |
– | Corolla white with a dark centre; sepals lacking prominent veins on abaxial surface; leaves entire, shallowly lobed; rarely pandurate | 15 | |
15 | Outermost sepal much shorter than inner sepals, <5 mm long | 16 | |
– | Sepals equal or nearly so, or if somewhat unequal, outer sepal at least 5 mm long | 17 | |
16 | Peduncles 5–10 cm long; bracteoles caducous; outer sepal c. 3 mm long, green | 381. I. anisomeres | |
– | Peduncles < 1 cm long; bracteoles persistent; outer sepal c. 5 mm long, whitish-green | 111. I. pochutlensis | |
17 | Sepals oblong to oblong-obovate, not coriaceous nor convex; flowers usually solitary (rarely up to 3); leaves typically very small < 4.5 cm long (if flowers several and sepals oblong-lanceolate see I. lindenii) | 133. I. hartwegii | |
– | Sepals ovate to elliptic, coriaceous, usually convex; flowers solitary or in cymes; some leaves > 4.5 cm long or leaves absent | 18 | |
18 | Corolla sericeous; plant leafless at anthesis, stem and leaves velutinous | 140. I. pruinosa | |
– | Corolla glabrous or almost so; Plant leafy or leafless at anthesis; stem and leaves glabrous or variously hirsute but not velutinous | 19 | |
19 | Stem, leaves, (and typically) pedicels and sepals pilose with stiff spreading, bristly hairs | 141. I. suaveolens | |
– | Hairs, if present, neither spreading nor bristly | 20 | |
20 | Sepals distinctly unequal; outer sepals oblong to oblong-elliptic, inner sepals up to 12 mm long; indumentum with at least some branched hairs | 135. I. scopulorum | |
– | Sepals equal or slightly unequal, varied in shape but about as broad as long; plants glabrous or with simple hairs | 21 | |
21 | Corolla hypocrateriform | 22 | |
– | Corolla funnel-shaped | 23 | |
22 | Leaves lobed; stem, leaves and sepals pubescent; peduncles < 3 cm long | 136. I. lottiae | |
– | Leaves entire; stem, leaves and sepals glabrous except on the leaf margins; peduncles > 10 cm long | 138. I. macdonaldii | |
23 | Woody lianas; leaves entire, never lobed | 24 | |
– | Perennial herb, leaves lobed or entire, or, if woody, absent at anthesis | 25 | |
24 | Leaves broadly ovate, 7–14 × 6–10 cm, pubescent | 134. I. cuprinacoma | |
– | Leaves obscurely puberulent | 118. I. populina | |
25 | Plant leafless at anthesis | 139. I. pseudoracemosa | |
– | Leaves present at anthesis | 26 | |
26 | Leaves pubescent, usually lobed; peduncles < 1 cm long | 27 | |
– | Leaves glabrous; peduncles > 3 cm long | 28 | |
27 | Leaves entire, usually glabrous; sepals oblong-lanceolate, 5–18 mm long; corolla often flushed violet | 400. I. lindenii | |
– | Leaves commonly lobed, usually pubescent; sepals ovate to orbicular up to 8 mm long; corolla white | 137. I. proxima | |
28 | Peduncles up to 13 cm long; leaves basally truncate; plant of central Mexico | 139. I. pseudoracemosa form | |
– | Peduncles usually 3–6 cm long; leaves basally cordate, flowers often pink; plant of southern Mexico | 145. I. batatoides |
Key B7
Plants with long sepals > 18 mm in length.
1 | Sepals covered in soft spines | 410. I. silvicola |
– | Sepals lacking soft spines | 2 |
2 | Sepals terminating in a prominent awn; corolla white, the tube long, narrow, cylindrical | 272. I. alba |
– | Sepals acute or obtuse, sometimes with a short mucro but never terminating in a long awn; corolla tube not long, narrow and cylindrical, white, blue or pink | 3 |
3 | Liana with winged stem; leaves palmatilobed; peduncles < 11 mm long; corolla subcampanulate, magenta | 127. I. kahloae |
– | Plants of varied habit but stems unwinged and corolla never magenta; peduncles usually > 15 mm long | 4 |
4 | Small trees or lianas; corolla white | 5 |
– | Perennial or annual herbs; corolla pink or blue, rarely white | 6 |
5 | Liana | 79. I. praecana |
– | Tree | 119. I. wolcottiana |
6 | Leaves with marginal teeth | 7 |
– | Leaves entire or lobed but lacking marginal teeth | 8 |
7 | Corolla 9–12 cm long, white; anthers exserted | 297. I. tastensis |
– | Corolla 5–6 cm, pale pink; anthers included | 296. I. jicama |
8 | Sepals distinctly pubescent or tomentose | 9 |
– | Sepals glabrous or nearly so | 18 |
9 | Corolla glabrous on the exterior | 10 |
– | Corolla pubescent, sericeous on tomentose on the exterior | 15 |
10 | Sepals with distinct white margins | 11 |
– | Sepals uniformly green | 12 |
11 | Leaves entire | 261. I. orizabensis |
– | Leaves deeply lobed | 261b. I. orizabensis subsp. collina |
12 | Flowers 1(–2); leaves usually 3–5 lobed; corolla pink | 13 |
– | Flowers usually of 2 or more flowers; leaves entire or shallowly lobed; corolla blue or pink | 14 |
13 | Corolla 7–9 cm long; sepals lanceolate, cuneate, much longer than broad | 243. I. lindheimeri |
– | Corolla < 5 cm long; sepals ovate, cordate, c. twice as long as broad | 242. I. pubescens |
14 | Corolla pink (rarely white or blue); sepals oblong-lanceolate, obtuse or acute; leaves entire or 3–5-lobed | 238. I. purpurea |
– | Corolla blue with a white tube (drying pink): sepals ovate with an elongate apex, notably accrescent in fruit | 236. I. nil |
15 | Base of sepals truncate or subcordate; leaves palmately lobed or entire | 253. I. laeta |
– | Base of sepals cuneate to rounded; leaves entire or 3-lobed | 16 |
16 | Flowers in cymes of 3–5; stigma 3-lobed; capsule 15 mm wide, not enclosed by accrescent sepals | 17 |
– | Flowers usually solitary, rarely 2–3; stigma bilobed; capsule subglobose, 20–25 mm wide, enclosed by accrescent sepals (near the sea) | 418. I. tiliifolia |
17 | Leaves entire; bracteoles deciduous | 250. I. mairetii |
– | Leaves 3-lobed; bracteoles persistent | 249. I. temascaltepecensis |
18 | Abaxial surface of outer sepals with prominent longitudinal veins | 19 |
– | Abaxial surface of outer sepals lacking prominent longitudinal veins | 21 |
19 | Bracteoles prominent, persistent; veins on sepals denticulate; corolla pink | 20 |
– | Bracts minute, deciduous; veins on sepals smooth; corolla white with a pink throat | 350. I. pandurata |
20 | Annual herb; corolla 2.5–3.5 cm long | 341. I. fimbriosepala |
– | Perennial herb; corolla 5.5–8 cm long | 342. I. setifera |
21 | Inflorescence with large boat-shaped, chartaceous, oblong-elliptic bracteoles 2–2.5 × 0. 5–1.2 cm | 22 |
– | Inflorescence with small, inconspicuous, often caducous bracteoles | 23 |
22 | Corolla glabrous | 251. I. invicta |
– | Corolla pubescent | 252. I. lambii |
23 | Sepals broadly (ob)ovate, elliptic or suborbicular, scarcely longer than broad | 24 |
– | Sepals ovate, lanceolate or oblong, distinctly longer than broad | 25 |
24 | Corolla hypocrateriform; anthers exserted (Panama) | 269. I. mirandina |
– | Corolla funnel-form; stamens included | 352. I. philomega |
25 | Sepals narrowly lanceolate, acuminate; leaves lobed | 254. I. thurberi |
– | Sepals oblong, oblong-lanceolate or oblong-ovate; leaves usually entire | 26 |
26 | Sepals with prominent white hyaline margins | 261. I. orizabensis |
– | Sepals lacking distinct white hyaline margins | 27 |
27 | Flowers solitary (rarely paired); inner sepals 22–30 mm long (Mexico southwards) | 28 |
– | Flowers several to many in cymes; inner sepals usually < 22 mm long (United States) | 350. I. pandurata |
28 | Flowers blue; stem thinly pilose with long white hairs | 401. I. clavata |
– | Flowers pink; stem glabrescent (puberlous when young) | 295. I. bernoulliana |
Key B8
Inflorescence subcapitate, flowers in compact heads, never solitary; bracteoles usually persistent.
1 | Corolla pubescent, at least in bud; bracteoles somewhat chartaceous | 2 |
– | Corolla glabrous, even in bud; bracteoles not chartaceous | 4 |
2 | Corolla, stem, bracteoles and leaves sparsely hairy | 252. I. lambii |
– | Corolla, stem, bracteoles and leaves densely hairy | 3 |
3 | Outer bracteoles ovate to suborbicular, 7–20 × 7–24 mm, pale green with darker veins | 244. I. neurocephala |
– | Outer bracteoles lanceolate to ovate, 20–25 × 5 mm, uniformly green | 246. I. villifera |
4 | Corolla white | 112. I. riparum |
– | Corolla pink or violet | 5 |
5 | Bracteoles linear/filiform, < 1 m wide | 305. I. meyeri |
– | Bracteoles expanded, ovate or oblong > 2 mm wide | 6 |
6 | Leaves forming a spathe-like structure around the terminal inflorescence | 268. I. mcvaughii |
– | Leaves not forming a spathe-like structure around the flowers; inflorescence clearly axillary | 7 |
7 | Bracteoles up to 2.5 cm long; sepals 20–23 mm long (Mexico) | 251. I. invicta |
– | Bracteoles up to 10 mm long; sepals 11–20 mm (widespread) | 234. I. indica |
Key B9
Plants not in Keys B1–8 with pubescent, pilose or tomentose sepals, < 18 mm long.
1 | Small erect trees or shrubs | 2 |
– | Perennial or annual herbs | 3 |
2 | Flowers pink; sepals < 6 mm long, densely tomentellous | 84b. I. carnea subsp. fistulosa |
– | Flowers white; Sepals > 5.5 mm long, sparsely pubescent | Go to Arborescens Clade (Species117–126) |
3 | Corolla glabrous on the exterior | 4 |
– | Corolla pubescent on the exterior at least when in bud | 13 |
4 | Sepals abruptly terminating in a distinct mucro; slender, usually annual herbs | Go to the Batatas Clade (Species 218–233) |
– | Sepals obtuse or narrowed into a terminal mucro, margin not clearly ciliate | 5 |
5 | Leaves dentate with conspicuous teeth | 6 |
– | Leaves entire | 7 |
6 | Leaf margin with numerous small teeth; sepals foliose, 1–4.5 cm long | 275. I. jacalana |
– | Leaf margin with few large teeth; bracteoles small, 3–7 mm | 302. I. schaffneri |
7 | Sepals pilose with conspicuous long spreading hairs | 8 |
– | Sepals pubescent or very shortly pilose | 11 |
8 | Sepals lanceolate, acuminate, > 9 mm long; corolla pink or blue | 9 |
– | Sepals elliptic, obtuse, < 8 mm long; corolla white | 141. I. suaveolens |
9 | Sepals glabrous in the upper half; leaves always entire; ovary bilocular | 306. I. mitchelliae |
– | Sepals hirsute to apex; leaves entire or lobed; ovary trilocular | 10 |
10 | Corolla blue, drying pink; sepals recurving, the tips strongly accrescent in fruit; leaves usually 3-lobed | 237. I. hederacea |
– | Corolla pink; sepals remaining erect, not strikingly accrescent in fruit; leaves entire or lobed | 238. I. purpurea |
11 | Pedicels 10–35 mm long, so inflorescence usually lax; leaves thinly pubescent | 12 |
– | Pedicels very short, < 12 mm, so inflorescence dense; leaves densely appressed white-pilose to tomentose abaxially | 177. I. peteri |
12 | Corolla pink; flowers in cymes; stamens included | 261. I. orizabensis |
– | Corolla pale blue; flowers solitary; stamens exserted (United States) | 262. I. gilana |
13 | Leaves absent at anthesis; corolla white with pink midpetaline bands | 140. I. pruinosa |
– | Leaves present at anthesis; corolla pink or lilac | 14 |
14 | Leaves polymorphic, some entire, some digitately 7-lobed | 75. I. leonensis |
– | Leaves all ± of the same shape, none digitately 7-lobed | 15 |
15 | Leaves slightly paler abaxially but essentially green on both surfaces | 16 |
– | Leaves distinctly discolorous; the abaxial surface whitish and strongly contrasting with the greenish adaxial surface | 20 |
16 | Leaves small, < 5 cm long and wide, margins undulate or dentate | 17 |
– | Leaves mostly > 5 cm long, margins entire | 18 |
17 | Sepals ovate, acuminate, subequal, all 12–13 mm long | 239. I. zacatecana |
– | Sepals oblong to oblong-elliptic, obtuse, unequal, the outer 8–10 mm long | 76. I. rupicola |
18 | Sepals oblong-lanceolate three times longer than broad, < 4 mm wide | 416. I. regnellii |
– | Sepals ovate to elliptic, > 4 mm wide | 19 |
19 | Flowers in cymes of 3 or more flowers; seeds long-pilose | 73. I. jalapa |
– | Flowers solitary; seeds densely pubescent | 260. I. decasperma |
20 | Sepals with prominent white margins; leaves deeply 3-lobed | 241. I. calcicola |
– | Sepals lacking prominent white margins; Leaves entire or shallowly lobed | 21 |
21 | Perennial herbs; sepals with spreading hairs | 22 |
– | Lianas; sepals sericeous with appressed hairs | 23 |
22 | Outer sepals < 10 mm long, grey-sericeous | 263. I. leucotricha |
– | Outer sepals > 10 mm long, shortly pilose | 399. I. rubens |
23 | Corolla urceolate, the tube greenish with pinkish midpetaline bands; seeds densely woolly | 24 |
– | Corolla funnel-shaped, uniformly pink; seeds pubescent | 25 |
24 | Sepals 5–7 mm long; corolla 3–3.5 cm long | 81. I. bombycina |
– | Sepals 11–15 mm long; corolla c. 4.5 cm long | 80. I. gesnerioides |
25 | Bracteoles papery, persistent, 2.5–6 cm long; flowers several in cymes; sepals 12–16 mm long | 393. I. nervosa |
– | Bracteoles small, caducous; flowers usually solitary, rarely up to 3; sepals strongly accrescent to 4 cm in fruit | 418. I. tiliifolia |
Key B10
Plants not in Keys B1–8 with glabrous sepals < 18 mm long; i.e. sepals without hairs, but some species may have fleshy teeth
1 | Prostrate seaside plant, rooting at the nodes; corolla white; flowers solitary | 388. I. imperati |
– | Plants of various habits but if maritime, corolla pink, solitary or in cymes | 2 |
2 | Prostrate seaside plant with pink flowers and large somewhat fleshy rounded to retuse leaves | 339. I. pes-caprae |
– | Usually twining inland plants but if maritime, not as above | 3 |
3 | Corolla (buds) sericeous or pubescent | 4 |
– | Corolla glabrous on the exterior even in bud | 6 |
4 | Leaves conspicuously white sericeous on lower surface (Panama) | 394. I. abutiloides |
– | Leaves green abaxially | 5 |
5 | Corolla 6–8 cm long, pink; stem always lacking soft spines; flowers numerous; sepals often winged or muricate | 414. I. pedicellaris |
– | Corolla 2.5–4 cm long, bluish with white tube; stem often with scattered soft spines; flowers few; sepals abaxially smooth, occasionally with a few hairs | 270. I. parasitica |
6 | Sepals aristate with a long attenuate mucro up to 7 mm in length; corolla lilac or bluish, open at night; stem muricate with soft spines | 271. I. muricata |
– | Sepals varied in shape, sometimes acuminate but not aristate; corolla pink or white, not lilac; stem not muricate with soft spines | 7 |
7 | Peduncles very short, < 1.5 cm long; corolla dark violet (or creamy); sepals elongate, with scarious margins | 400. I. lindenii |
– | Peduncles short or long, but if short, corolla not dark violet or creamy, nor sepals elongate with scarious margins | 8 |
8 | Pedicels very short, < 1.5 cm, calyx concealed or not by leaves or bracteoles | 9 |
– | Pedicels at least 1.5 cm long, usually much longer, the calyx exposed | 18 |
9 | Flowers in compact cymes with small, inconspicuous bracteoles | 10 |
– | Flowers solitary or, if numerous, with conspicuous large bracteoles | 12 |
10 | Leaves abaxially white, sericeous or tomentose | 11 |
– | Leaves abaxially green | 305. I. meyeri |
11 | Leaves entire | 175. I. isthmica |
– | Leaves deeply lobed | 176. I. eremnobrocha |
12 | Bracteoles ovate to suborbicular, spathe-like, completely enclosing the calyx | 13 |
– | Bracteoles not spathe-like, calyx concealed by leaves or large bracteoles | 14 |
13 | Inflorescence pedunculate, axillary | 337. I. suffulta |
– | Inflorescence terminal on the branches, subsessile | 268. I. mcvaughii |
14 | Corolla white; flowers numerous | 112. I. riparum |
– | Corolla pink; flowers in cymes of 1–4 | 15 |
15 | Corolla hypocrateriform; stamens exserted, flowers in cymes of 1–5 flowers | 291. I. dumosa |
– | Corolla funnel-shaped; stamens included; flowers solitary | 16 |
16 | Leaves partially enclosing the calyx; peduncle and petiole fused basally; leaves 1–6 cm long, acuminate | 292. I. seducta |
– | Leaves distant from calyx; peduncle and petiole not fused; Leaves < 2 cm long, obtuse | 17 |
17 | Leaves rounded in outline, the margin with large teeth | 267. I. noctulifolia |
– | Leaves broadly ovate, margin entire or obscurely dentate | 304. I. eximia |
18 | Leaves with large marginal teeth | 303. I. ignava |
– | Leaves entire or lobed but lacking marginal teeth | 19 |
19 | Sepals very unequal in length | 20 |
– | Sepals equal or only slightly unequal in length | 26 |
20 | Flowers solitary (rarely paired); leaves strongly sagittate; corolla gradually widened from a narrow base | 21 |
– | Flowers several in cymes, rarely solitary; leaves varied in shape but, if sagittate, corolla not widened as above | 22 |
21 | Corolla funnel-shaped, 4–7 cm long; sepals oblong-elliptic, 3–7 mm wide, smooth | 351. I. sagittata |
– | Corolla very narrowly funnel-shaped, 6–10 cm long; sepals lanceolate to oblong, < 3 mm wide, muricate | 301. I. elongata |
22 | Sepals up to 10 mm long, abaxially smooth | 23 |
– | Inner sepals 8–15 mm long; outer sepals often transversely muricate | 25 |
23 | Corolla pink; outermost sepal at least 5 mm long | 380. I. squamosa |
– | Corolla white; outermost sepal 2–5 mm long | 19 |
24 | Outer sepals < 3 mm long, obtuse to rounded; corolla 5–6 cm long | 381. I. anisomeres |
– | Outer sepals 2–5 mm acute; corolla 3.5–4 cm long | 308. I. puncticulata |
25 | Leaves ovate, sagittate; corolla pink 7–8.5 cm long | 346. I. paludicola |
– | Leaves subreniform, usually hastate; Corolla, white with dark centre or pale pink, 5–6 cm long | 347. I. asarifolia |
26 | Aquatic plant rooting at the nodes; leaves usually hastate or sagittate | 391. I. aquatica |
– | Terrestrial plants, usually climbing, not rooting at nodes | 27 |
27 | Flowers solitary, rarely paired | 28 |
– | Inflorescence formed of cymes of 3 or more flowers | 31 |
28 | Sepals with dark blotches, ovate, 3–8 mm long | 29 |
– | Sepals lacking dark blotches, oblong or, if ovate > 12 mm long | 30 |
29 | Corolla 4–6 cm long, reddish-purple with pale tube | 283. I. miquihuanensis |
– | Corolla 2.5–4.5 cm long, blue | 282. I. simulans |
30 | Sepals oblong to oblong-obovate, < 10 mm long, abaxially smooth; corolla white or pale pink | 133. I. hartwegii |
– | Sepals ovate, 12–14 mm long, abaxially often with a few teeth; corolla reddish-purple | 132. I. lozanii |
31 | Outer sepals scarious, papery in texture | 218. I. splendor-sylvae |
– | Outer sepals varied in texture, but not papery | 32 |
32 | Sepals oblong-deltoid, dark green with white margin; corolla blue with yellowish throat and white tube | 257. I. tricolor |
– | Sepals and corolla not as above | 33 |
33 | Sepals thin in texture, flat, conspicuously mucronate | 34 |
– | Sepals coriaceous, elliptic, usually obtuse and convex, inconspicuously mucronate | 35 |
34 | Flowers in a lax cyme | 221. I. tiliacea |
– | Flowers in a subumbellate pedunculate inflorescence | 220. I. batatas |
35 | Leaves palmately lobed | 157. I. mauritiana |
– | Leaves entire | 36 |
36 | Corolla pink | 37 |
– | Corolla white | 134. I. cuprinacoma |
37 | Sepals broadly oblong to elliptic, rounded, not more than twice as long as broad, usually < 8 mm long | 145. I. batatoides |
– | Sepals lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, c. 3 times longer than broad, usually 8–12 mm long | 266. I. chenopodiifolia subsp. bellator |
1 | Erect undershrub, usually cultivated | 84. I. carnea subsp. fistulosa |
– | Trailing or twining herbs or lianas | 2 |
2 | Leaves pinnate | 312. I. quamoclit |
– | Leaves entire, lobed or digitately divided into leaflets | 3 |
3 | Leaves borne on short brachyblasts, very small, <3 cm long | 4 |
– | Leaves not borne on brachyblasts, usually much > 3 cm long | 7 |
4 | Leaves digitately lobed (Cuba, Jamaica) | 5 |
– | Leaves reniform, bilobed, or some leaves trifoliate, the terminal leaflet bilobed (Puerto Rico and Lesser Antilles) | 6 |
5 | Leaves divided into 3 leaflets; corolla red (Cuba) | 201. I. microdonta |
– | Leaves divided mostly into 5–7 leaflets; corolla with green tube and pale pink limb (Jamaica) | 204. I. tenuifolia |
6 | Corolla funnel-shaped (Virgin Islands to Barbuda) | 202. I. eggesiana |
– | Corolla hypocrateriform (Puerto Rico) | 203. I. steudelii |
7 | Leaves palmately divided almost to or completely to the base, the leaflets free or joined only near the base | 8 |
– | Leaves entire, or shallowly lobed but, if palmately 3-lobed, divided to not more than three quarters of their length and bracteoles persistent, prominent | 21 |
8 | Sepals lanceolate, oblong, acute to mucronate, clearly longer than broad, not coriaceous | 9 |
– | Sepals elliptic to obovate, occasionally mucronate but never acute, about as broad as long, coriaceous | 12 |
9 | Corolla 4–5 cm long, pink | 10 |
– | Corolla < 3 cm long, pink or creamy yellow | 11 |
10 | Petioles usually with pseudo-stipules at base; leaflets lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate | 392. I. cairica |
– | Petioles lacking pseudo-stipules; leaflets linear to narrowly oblong (Cuba, Trinidad) | 378. I. subrevoluta |
11 | Corolla creamy yellow with dark centre; peduncle usually straight; sepals acuminate and mucronate | 383. I. longeramosa |
– | Corolla pink; peduncle twisted and commonly coiled; sepals obtuse | 374. I. heptaphylla |
12 | Corolla white or greenish-white, sometimes with pale pink lobes | 13 |
– | Corolla pink or red | 15 |
13 | Leaflets filiform; corolla small, < 2 cm long (Hispaniola) | 207. I. nematoloba |
– | Leaflets relatively broad oblong-elliptic, ovate or elliptic; corolla 3–5 cm long | 14 |
14 | Leaflets 7.5–14 cm long; leavesalways 3-lobed (Jamaica) | 212. I. ternata |
– | Leaflets < 7 cm long, leaces 3–5-lobed (Hispaniola) | 215. I. clausa |
15 | Corolla 2.5–4 cm; sepals 4–6 mm long; (Hispaniola) | 16 |
– | Corolla > 4 cm long; some or all sepals > 7 mm long | 17 |
16 | Sepals red-margined; leaflets oblong | 214. I. digitata |
– | Sepals green margined; leaflets oblanceolate | 213. I. desrousseauxii |
17 | Leaflets completely sessile or partially fused at base; plant cultivated or growing in disturbed places | 18 |
– | Leaflets with a short but distinct basal petiole; plants growing in natural situations | 19 |
18 | Woody liana, cymes commonly compound | 211. I. horsfalliae |
– | Trailing or climbing herb; cymes usually simple | 157. I. mauritiana |
19 | Corolla 5–6 cm long; leaflets usually broadest towards the base or in the middle, mostly oblong-elliptic (Jamaica) | 210. I. lineolata |
– | Corolla 4–5 cm long; leaflets mostly oblong, oblanceolate or obovate, rather narrow and broadest near apex | 20 |
20 | Leaflets up to 6.5 × 2.2 cm long; peduncles stout < 4 cm long (Cuba and Bahamas) | 208. I. carolina |
– | Leaflets up to 11 × 3.5 cm long; peduncles (Hispaniola) | 209. I. furcyensis |
21 | Corolla pubescent on the exterior (best seen in bud) | 22 |
– | Corolla glabrous on the exterior | 30 |
22 | Weedy annual herb with subsessile cymes, the peduncles < 10 mm long; corolla 7–9 mm long | 398. I. eriocarpa |
– | Annual or perennial herbs, relatively robust in habit; inflorescence pedunculate; corolla > 2.5 cm long | 23 |
23 | Sepals 5–7 mm long | 24 |
– | Sepals at least 8 mm long, often much more in fruit | 25 |
24 | Sepals about as broad as long, uniformly pubescent; corolla pink, 6–7 cm long | 84a. I. carnea subsp. carnea |
– | Sepals longer than broad, nearly glabrous but with a few scattered hairs; corolla blue with white tube, 2.5–4 cm long | 270. I. parasitica |
25 | Bracteoles caducous, absent at anthesis; corolla relatively large, > 5 cm long, usually much longer | 26 |
– | Bracteoles relatively persistent, conspicuous, 1.5–4 cm long; corolla < 5 cm long | 28 |
26 | Corolla white, cream or bluish; sepals narrowly ovate, much longer than broad; sepals and leaves usually glabrous (Jamaica) | 400. I. lindenii |
– | Corolla pink; sepals broadly ovate or ovate elliptic, not much longer than broad; sepals and leaves pubescent or sericeous | 27 |
27 | Woody liana; flowers solitary (rarely to 3); sepals strongly accrescent in fruit and enclosing the capsule | 418. I. tiliifolia |
– | Perennial herb; flowers usually in cymes of 3–5 flowers (sometimes more); sepals not strongly accrescent in fruit | 73. I. jalapa |
28 | Leaves borne in fascicles; flowers subsessile, borne on peduncles < 1.5 cm long | 205. I. lachnaea |
– | Leaves solitary, petiolate; flowers in pedunculate cymes | 29 |
29 | Bracteoles papery, pale yellow-green; sepals 12–16 mm long, elliptic to obovate (cultivated or an escape) | 393. I. nervosa |
– | Bracteoles not papery, reddish to mauve in colour; sepals 18–25 mm, ovate to lanceolate (Cuba and Hispaniola) | 354. I. racemosa |
30 | Corolla 8–11 cm long; anthers at least weakly exserted | 31 |
– | Corolla < 8 cm long; anthers included or exserted | 32 |
31 | Sepals lanceolate, terminating in a long awn-like structure | 272. I. alba |
– | Sepals elliptic to suborbicular, obtuse, sometimes shortly mucronate | 389. I. violacea |
32 | Sepals pubescent or tomentose; perennials with coriaceous, obtuse sepals and densely sericeous or pubescent leaves | 33 |
– | Sepals glabrous or, if hirsute, plants annual and weedy, leaves glabrous or pubescent; sepals acute to strongly mucronate | 39 |
33 | Corolla yellow-green; indumentum of stellate hairs (Hispaniola) | 206. I. luteoviridis |
– | Corolla pink or purple; indumentum of unbranched hairs (Cuba) | 34 |
34 | Stamens strongly exserted; corolla hypocrateriform | 35 |
– | Stamens included; corolla funnel-shaped | 37 |
35 | Plant leafless at anthesis; inflorescence of axillary clusters; sepals reddish, pubescent near base only (Cuba) | 193. I. praecox |
– | Plant leafy at anthesis; onflorescece cymose; sepals uniformly tomentose, grey | 36 |
36 | Leaves basally subcordate; bracteoles linear-lanceolate, not foliose (Cuba | 195. I. jalapoides |
– | Leaves basally cuneate; bracteoles obovate to oblanceolate, foliose (Cuba) | 192. I. argentifolia |
37 | Leaves 3-lobed (Cuba) | 188. I. passifloroides |
– | Leaves entire | 38 |
38 | Sepals pubescent only near base; flowers several in cymes (Cuba) | 196. I. montecristina |
– | Sepals uniformly tomentose; flowers solitary (Cuba) | 194. I. calophylla |
39 | Sepals elliptic to obovate, obtuse to rounded, coriaceous, glabrous; plants perennial | 40 |
– | Sepals varied, usually lanceolate, ovate or oblong, acute to acuminate, often mucronate, glabrous or hirsute; plants annual or perennial | 54 |
40 | Corolla greenish-yellow to white | 41 |
– | Corolla red, purple or pink | 45 |
41 | Leaves dentate, abaxially pubescent (Cuba) | 186. I. erosa |
– | Leaves entire or lobed but not dentate; glabrous | 42 |
42 | Stamens exserted; leaves lobed with acute lobes (Cuba) | 184. I. cubensis |
– | Stamens included; leaves entire or variously lobed | 43 |
43 | Corolla 3.5–6 cm long; seeds with long marginal hairs | 44 |
– | Corolla 1.5–1.7 cm long; seeds uniformly pilose (Cuba) | 185. I. merremioides |
44 | Leaves ovate to ovate elliptic, rarely shallowly lobed (Cuba) | 183. I. alterniflora |
– | Leaves usually deeply lobed or palmately divided into leaflets but if entire, ovate-deltoid (Hispaniola) | 215. I. clausa |
45 | Leaves pubescent or sericeous | 46 |
– | Leaves glabrous | 49 |
46 | Leaves green, pubescent or pilose abaxially; sepals often reddish | 47 |
– | Leaves silvery sericeous abaxially; sepals not reddish | 48 |
47 | Leaves large, 4–16 cm long; peduncles 3–7 cm long | 190. I. clarensis |
– | Leaves small, 1.2–5.5 cm long; peduncles < 0.6 cm long | 197. I. fuchsioides |
48 | Leaves large 5–12 cm long, cordate, sericeous below but not silvery; sepals completely glabrous | 189. I. hypargyreia |
– | Leaves up to 6.5 cm long, cuneate to weakly cordate, silvery; sepals pubescent near base | 196. I. montecristina |
49 | Stamens included | 50 |
– | Stamens exserted | 51 |
50 | Stem, peduncles and petioles with conspicuous squamose glands (Eastern Cuba) | 187. I. balioclada |
– | Plant lacking conspicuous squamose black glands (Western Cuba | 183. I. alterniflora |
51 | Corolla limb deeply divided into oblong lobes (Hispaniola) | 199. I. repanda |
– | Corolla limb entire or undulate | 52 |
52 | Leaves oblong, mostly absent at anthesis; flowers in dense clusters (Cuba) | 191. I. incerta |
– | Leaves of varied shape, present at anthesis; flowers in lax cymes | 53 |
53 | Leaves wedge-shaped (St. Eustatius) | 200. I. sphenophylla |
– | Leaves usually ovate, somewhat polymorphic (Cuba, Bahamas, Florida) | 198. I. microdactyla |
54 | Corolla hypocrateriform; stamens exserted | 55 |
– | Corolla funnel-shaped or campanulate; stamens included | 56 |
55 | Sepals c. 3 mm long with a subterminal awn of similar length | 321. I. hederifolia |
– | Sepals 10–15 mm long, without a prominent subterminal awn (Jamaica) | 235. I. jamaicensis |
56 | Trailing plants rooting at the nodes growing in wet places near the sea or in and around cultivation | 57 |
– | Twining, climbing or trailing plants, not rooting at the nodes and not usually found in wet places or on sea shores | 61 |
57 | Leaves ovate, suborbicular, linear, oblong, rectangular or 5-lobed, not, or scarcely, basally cordate; seashore plants | 58 |
– | Leaves lanceolate, ovate, subreniform or suborbicular but with cordate or sagittate base, plants of freshwater or dry habitats | 59 |
58 | Leaves shortly oblong, linear, lanceolate or 3–5-lobed, small, 1.5–3 × 0.8–2 cm; sepals very unequal; corolla white, 3.5–4 cm long | 388. I. imperati |
– | Leaves ovate to suborbicular, rounded or emarginate, 3.5–9 × 3–10 cm; sepals subequal; corolla pink, 4–5 cm long | 339. I. pes-caprae |
59 | Sepals strongly mucronate, usually ciliate or pilose; plant of cultivation or waste ground | I. batatas |
– | Sepals not mucronate, glabrous; plants usually of wetland | 60 |
60 | Sepals subequal, smooth; leaves acuminate, sagittate or hastate | 391. I. aquatica |
– | Sepals very unequal, often transversely muricate; leaves rounded, obtuse or acute, never acuminate | 347. I. asarifolia |
61 | Sepals with prominent abaxial muricate ribs; bracteoles prominent, 8–20 × 3–15 mm | 62 |
– | Sepals abaxially smooth; bracteoles prominent or not | 63 |
62 | Annual herb; corolla 2.5–3.5 cm long | 341. I. fimbriosepala |
– | Perennial herb; corolla 5.5–8 cm long | 342. I. setifera |
63 | Flowers grouped into bracteolate clusters | 64 |
– | Inflorescence clearly cymose, but, if clustered, bracteoles caducous | 65 |
64 | Corolla 2–3 cm long; stigma bilobed; capsule 4-seeded | 305. I. meyeri |
– | Corolla 5–6 cm; stigma trilobed; capsule 6-seeded | 234. I. indica |
65 | Sepals more than 10 × 10 mm in size, commonly reddish; plant a vigorous liana | 352. I. philomega |
– | Sepals < 10 mm wide, not reddish; plant herbaceous | 66 |
66 | Sepals glabrous | 67 |
– | Sepals hirsute, or at least ciliate | 74 |
67 | Corolla white or cream, rarely bluish; sepals oblong or oblong-lanceolate | 68 |
– | Corolla pink or blue; Sepals variable in shape | 69 |
68 | Corolla campanulate, 2.5–3 cm long; sepals oblong, nearly completely scarious, < 15 mm long | 403. I. corymbosa |
– | Corolla funnel-shaped, 5–6 cm long; sepals oblong-ovate, scarious only on the margins, often exceeding 14 mm (Jamaica) | 400. I. lindenii |
69 | Sepals < 11 mm long, equal in length or nearly so | 70 |
– | Sepals > 12 mm long or if less, very unequal in length | 71 |
70 | Sepals lanceolate, acute but not mucronate, scarious-margined; corolla blue with white tube and yellowish throat (cultivated or an escape) | 257. I. tricolor |
– | Sepals oblong or oblong-ovate, conspicuously mucronate, not scarious-margined; corolla pink, often with a dark centre | 221. I. tiliacea |
71 | Flowers usually solitary; leaves strongly sagittate to hastate | 72 |
– | Flowers usually several in cymes, very rarely solitary; leaves cordate or sagittate | 73 |
72 | Sepals lanceolate, 17–21 mm long, acuminate, subequal with prominent longitudinal veins (Netherlands Antilles) | 355. I. incarnata |
– | Sepals oblong-elliptic, rounded, < 12 mm long, unequal in size, not prominently veined | 351. I. sagittata |
73 | Corolla bluish; peduncles short, usually < 1.5 cm; sepals narrowly ovate acute to acuminate (Jamaica) | 400. I. lindenii |
– | Corolla usually pink or pale pink; peduncles 4–12 cm; sepals obovate to suborbicular, (Hispaniola, Trinidad) | 380. I. squamosa |
74 | Corolla white, yellow or cream, sometimes with a dark centre | 75 |
– | Corolla pink, blue or purplish | 77 |
75 | Ovary and capsule pilose; corolla white | 224. I. lacunosa |
– | Ovary and capsule glabrous; corolla yellowish, sometimes with a dark centre | 76 |
76 | Corolla large, 3–4 cm long | 412. I. ochracea |
– | Corolla small, 1.5–2.5 cm long | 413. I. obscura |
77 | Sepals obtuse, acute or acuminate but not mucronate; stigma 3-lobed; capsule 6-seeded, glabrous | 78 |
– | Sepals oblong or lanceolate, distinctly mucronate; stigma 2-lobed; capsule 4-seeded, often pilose | 80 |
78 | Corolla pink (rarely white or blue); sepals oblong-lanceolate, obtuse or acute; leaves entire or 3–5-lobed | 238. I. purpurea |
– | Corolla blue with a white tube (drying pink): sepals ovate with an elongate apex, notably accrescent in fruit | 79 |
79 | Corolla < 3.5 cm long; sepals < 2 cm long at anthesis, the tips recurving; peduncle very short | 237. I. hederacea |
– | Corolla 4–4.5 cm long; sepals c. 3 cm long at anthesis, the tips erect; peduncles long or short | 236. I. nil |
80 | Corolla < 2.5 cm long; plants annual, always slender | 81 |
– | Corolla > 2.5 cm long; plants perennial or annual, usually relatively robust | 82 |
81 | Sepals oblong, 5–6 mm long | 229. I. triloba |
– | Sepals lanceolate, 10–14 mm long | 225. I. leucantha |
82 | Slender, 1–2-flowered herb with pubescent strap-shaped sagittate leaves (Cuba, Florida, Hispaniola, Mona Island) | 232. I. tenuissima |
– | Slender or robust herbs, 1–many-flowered; leaves not strap-shaped, rarely sagittate, but, if so, completely glabrous | 83 |
83 | Sepals oblong-lanceolate; sepals chartaceous even at anthesis, unequal, the outer shorter than the inner | 219. I. trifida |
– | Sepals obovate, ovate or elliptic; sepals not chartaceous at anthesis, equal in length or nearly so | 84 |
84 | Annual herb, not rooting at nodes; cymes always lax and few-flowered, never umbellate in form | 226. I. cordatotriloba |
– | Perennial herb, often decumbent and rooting at the nodes; cymes compact, umbellate or subcapitate in form | 220. I. batatas |
1 | Leaves pinnate | 312. I. quamoclit |
– | Leaves simple or palmately lobed | 2 |
2 | Erect undershrub to c. 3 m; corolla pubescent | 84b. I. carnea subsp. fistulosa |
– | Trailing or twining herbs; corolla glabrous except in. I. tiliifolia | 3 |
3 | Leaves 5-lobed to or near the base | 4 |
– | Leaves entire or shallowly 3-(5)-lobed | 5 |
4 | Woody liana; leaves lacking pseudo-stipules; corolla orange-red | 211. I. horsfalliae |
– | Twining herb; Leaves with cnspicuous pseudo-stipules; corolla pink | 392. I. cairica |
5 | Corolla hypocrateriform, red, white or pale blue; stamens exserted or held at corolla mouth; twining plants | 6 |
– | Corolla funnel-shaped, pink, yellowish or white, stamens included; twining or prostrate plants | 8 |
6 | Corolla red; leaves usually shallowly lobed | 321. I. hederifolia |
– | Corolla white or pale blue, usually entire | 7 |
7 | Sepals terminating in a prominent awn 5–12 mm in length; habitats with fresh water | 272. I. alba |
– | Sepals obtuse, sometimes mucronulae; saline habitats | 389. I. violacea |
8 | Corolla yellowish, white or lilac tinged | 9 |
– | Corolla pink, sometimes with a dark centre | 11 |
9 | Corolla yellowish; capsule rostrate; twining anual herb | 413. I. obscura |
– | Corolla white or lilac tinged; usually trailing perennial herbs | 10 |
10 | Creeping seashore plant, rooting at the nodes; leaves linear to oblong usually basally truncate | 388. I. imperati |
– | Prostrate or twining plant of lava flows; leaves simple or lobed but characteristically cordate at base | 264. I. tuboides |
11 | Leaves rounded to retuse; creeping seahore species | 339. I. pes-caprae |
– | Leaves obtuse, acute or acuminate; plants of varied hábitats | 12 |
12 | Corolla pubescenrtin bud; leaves grey-tomentose when young, dotted with black glands beneath; sepals strongly accrescent and enclosing the capsule | 418. I. tiliifolia |
– | Corolla glabrous; leaves eglandular, rarely grey-tomentose, not gland-dotted beneath; sepals not strongly accrescent in fruit | 13 |
13 | Creeping freshwater aquatic herb | 391. I. aquatica |
– | Twining or prostrate herb, but if creeping, not growing in freshwater aquatic habitats | 14 |
14 | Stigma 3-lobed; sepals obtuse to acute but not mucronate | 15 |
– | Stigma bilobed; sepals mucronate | 16 |
15 | Flowers clustered in a subcapitate bracteolate inflorescence; pedicels very short | 234. I. indica |
– | Flowers in lax cymes; pedicels > 10 mm long; bracteoles linear, inconspicuous | 238. I. purpurea |
16 | Twining annual herb; corolla < 2.5 cm long | 229. I. triloba |
– | Perennial herb, usually prostrate; corolla > 2.5 cm long | 17 |
17 | Flowers in subumbellate pedunculate clusters; sepals usually ciliate; plant often pubescent; cultivated or escaped from cultivation | 220. I. batatas |
– | Flowers in 1–3-flowered cymes; sepals and leaves glabrous or nearly so; native species of seashores or near the sea | 222. I. littoralis |
Pilg., Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 13: 106. 1936. (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 79. 1836 [pub. 1838]. (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 79. 1836 [pub. 1838]. (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 72. 1836 [pub. 1838]. (
Lour., Fl. Cochinch. 1: 95, 134. 1790. (
St.-Lag., Ann. Soc. Bot. Lyon. 7: 120. 1880. (
A. Meeuse, Bothalia 6: 709. 1958. (
Hallier f., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 18: 120. 1894 [pub. 1893]. (
Choisy, Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève 6: 434 [52]. 1833 [pub. 1834]. (
Choisy, Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève 6: 430 [48]. 1833 [pub. 1834]. (
Bombycospermum J. Presl, Reliq. Haenk. 2: 137.1835. (Presl 1831–5: 137). Type. Bombycospermum mexicanum J. Presl (= Ipomoea bombycina (Choisy) Benth. & Hook f.).
Raf., Ann. Gén. Sci. Phys. 8: 272. 1821. (
Cav., Icon. 5: 51. 1799. (
Choisy, Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève 6: 441. 1833. [pub. 1834]. (
Klotzsch in W.C.H. Peters, Naturw. Reise Mossambique 6 (Bot. 1): 243. 1861. (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 77. 1836 [pub. 1838]. (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 80. 1836 [pub. 1838]. (
St.-Lag., Ann. Soc. Bot. Lyon 7: 128. 1880 (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 2: 12 1836 [pub.1837]. (
Gagnep., Notul. Syst. (Paris) 14: 24. 1950. (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 76 1836 [pub. 1838]. (
Raf., Ann. Gén. Sci. Phys. 8: 271. 1821. (
Gagnep., Notul. Syst. (Paris) 14: 25. 1950. (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 75. 1836 [pub. 1838]. (
Bojer ex Desjardins, Rapp. Annuel Trav. Soc. Hist. Nat. île Maurice 1: 31. 1836. (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 75. 1836 [pub. 1838]. (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 83 1836 [pub.1838]. (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 80. 1836 [pub. 1838]. (
Choisy, Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève 6: 443. 1834. (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 83. 1836 [pub. 1838]. (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 75 1836 [pub. 1838]. (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 73 1836 [pub. 1838]. (
Raf. Fl. Tellur. 4: 81. 1836 [pub. 1838]. (
Webb & Berth, Hist. Nat. Iles. Canar., Bot. 3, 2: 26. 1844. (
Lepistemon Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. 722. 1826. (Blume 1826: 722). Type. Lepistemon flavescens Blume (= Ipomoea binectarifera (Wall.) J.R.I. Wood & Scotland).
Dammer, Pflanzenw. Ost-Afrikas C: 331. 1895. (
Roxb., Fl. Ind. 2: 75. 1824. (
Choisy, Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève 10: 443. 1844. (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 81 1836 [pub. 1838]. (
Cerv. in La Llave & Lexarza, Nov. Gen. Descr. 1: 3. 1824. (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 76. 1836 [1838]. (
Choisy, Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève 6: 431. 1833 [pub.1834]. (
Roberty, Boissiera 10: 147. 1964. . (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 125 1836 [pub. 1838]. (
Raf., Fl. Ludov.: 149. 1817. (
Lejoly & Lisowski, Bull. Jard. Bot. Belg. 56: 196. 1986. (
K. Afzel., Svensk. Bot. Tidskr. 23: 181. 1929. (
Choisy, Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève 6: 438. 1833 [pub.1834]. (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 78. 1836 [1838]. (
Roberty, Boissiera 10: 147. 1964. (
Mill., Gard. Dict. Abr. ed. 4(3). 1754. (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 74. 1836 [pub. 1838]. (
Choisy, Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève 6: 407. 1833 [pub.1834]. (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 72 1836 [pub. 1838]. (
Hallier f., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 18: 159. 1894 [pub. 1893]. (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 2: 12 1836 [pub.1837]. (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 124 1836 [pub.1838]. (
Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 71. 1836 [pub. 1838]. (
Turbina Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 81. 1836 [pub. 1838]. (
Ipomoea pes-tigridis L.
Annual or perennial herbs, subshrubs, lianas, shrubs or small trees, very varied in habit but, most commonly, twining, less commonly decumbent or erect; vegetative parts glabrous or variously hirsute. Leaves without true stipules, alternate, usually petiolate, entire, lobed or compound with separate leaflets; pseudostipules sometimes present. Inflorescence characteristically of axillary cymes, but sometimes very dense and subcapitate or reduced to single flowers or corymbose to foliose paniculate in form, or subterminal and racemose to spicate in erect species; peduncles variable in length, rarely absent; bracts usually indistinguishable from leaves except in species with a terminal inflorescence; bracteoles very small to large, persistent or caducous, scarious, chartaceous or foliaceous, occasionally forming an involucre; pedicels short or long, rarely absent; calyx of five equal or unequal sepals, very variable in texture, coriaceous, herbaceous, scarious, persistent, often enlarging in fruit; corolla ±often showy, small or (usually) large, commonly funnelform, sometimes hypocrateriform, campanulate or suburceolate, pink or white with 5 distinct darker midpetaline bands, the limb distinct from the tube; stamens 5, usually included, equal or unequal in length, dilated and glandular-pilose at base, inserted near base of corolla tube; anthers usually narrowly oblong; pollen spheroidal, pantoporate, echinulate, the grains relatively large; disc annular, ovary 2(–5) locular, 4 (–10)-ovulate, glabrous or pubescent; style simple, filiform; stigma subglobose, 2(–3)-lobed, rarely (Astripomoea and some species in the Arborescens Clade) lobes somewhat elongate. Fruit a globose, 4 (–10) valved capsule or indehiscent; seeds (1–)4–6(–10), triquetous, ovoid or subglobose, glabrous or variously hirsute.
A mainly tropical genus, which is almost absent from temperate regions. In its widest circumscription (that is including Argyreia and Stictocardia), it is about equally common in all three tropical regions although the greatest numbers are found in the Americas. A feature of the genus is the existence of a group of around 30 species which are pantropical in distribution, many as the result of early or prehistoric dispersal. There are significant numbers of endemic species on some large islands including Cuba, Hispaniola, Madagascar and Australia but endemics on small islands or island groups are uncommon.
••• Clade A. (Species 1–233). This enormous clade includes over half the species found in the Americas. There is no obvious morphological character that unites the clade but it divides into three smaller clades. Species in the first two of these, Clade A1 (species 1–127) and Clade A2 (Species 128–215), appear always to have pollen with relatively few echinulae (Figure
•• Clade A1 (Species 1–127) is very heterogenous morphologically although notable for the absence of annual species and of species with a hypocrateriform corolla and exserted stamens. It includes a number of smaller clades, which are indicated in the text, as well as the following major, principally South American, radiation, which we refer to as the Jalapa radiation after its most widespread species.
• The Jalapa radiation (Species 1–83) is centred on Paraguay, Bolivia, southern Brazil and the extreme north of Argentina. It is very poorly represented in North America. The exact boundaries of the radiation are unclear but evidence suggests that Ipomoea carnea (Species 84) and subsequent species should be excluded (
The radiation appears to be actively evolving and there are several clusters of species, which are difficult to delimit or are bridged by intermediates. To date molecular studies have not shed much light on these relationships or on species monophyly. Most species are unresolved with samples of some species, notably Ipomoea malvaeoides and I. hirsutissima appearing in several places, although in other cases samples from multiple accessions indicate monophyletic species. Results from the few species for which we have extensive sequence data confirm some species relationships suggested by morphology such as Ipomoea malvaeoides with I. paludosa, or I. argentinica with I. longibarbis but raise serious questions over others that are suggested by morphology, such as I. megapotamica with both I. hieronymi and I. opulifolia or I. nitida with I. psammophila.
ARGENTINA. Córdoba, Dept. Tulumba, B. Balegno 1199 (lectotype LIL001355, designated here; isolectotype LIL).
Perennial with napiform rootstock and usually trailing, rarely twining, lanate stems, which become sparsely pilose when old. Leaves petiolate, 2.5–11 × 2.5–8 cm, deeply palmatisect with 6–9 narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate crenate acute lobes, both surfaces tomentose to thinly pilose, base cuneate; petioles 2.5–4 cm, white-pubescent. Flowers 1–3 in axillary, pedunculate cymes; peduncles 7–18 mm, pubescent; bracteoles deltoid. 2–3 mm long, caducous; pedicels 2–10 mm, pubescent; sepals subequal, 8–11 × 4–6 mm, oblong-elliptic, obtuse, white-pubescent, the inner with glabrous margins; corolla 3.5–6 cm long, funnel-shaped, pink, glabrous or with a few short hairs in bud, limb c. 2.5 cm diam. Capsules 15 × 15 mm, subglobose, rostrate; seeds 7–8 mm, long-pilose.
Endemic to the sub-Andean region of NW Argentina, growing on rocky mountains at around 1000 m, apparently most common in Córdoba.
ARGENTINA. Catamarca: La Paz, J. Brizuela 108 (P). Córdoba: sine data, E. Fielding (BM); camino de Carlos Paz a Pampa de Achala, 12 km antes de Copina, A.L. Pastore 367 (P, SI, US); Copina, A. Burkart 7460 (SI); San Alberto, T. Stuckert 10762 (CORD). San Luis: Ayacucho, Ruta 146 a S de Luján, R. Kiesling 4736 (SI); C. Galander s.n. [15/3/1882] (CORD). Santiago del Estero: Choya, A.T. Hunziker & A.E. Cucucci 17909 (CORD).
The palmatisect leaves, lanate stems and pubescent sepals are distinctive.
ARGENTINA. Misiones, Dept. Candelaria, Gramajo, G.J. Schwarz 5552 (lectotype LIL001267, designated here; isolectotypes LIL, P, S, SI).
Prostrate perennial herb; stems trailing, several metres long, pilose, glabrescent. Leaves petiolate, 3–17 × 3–20 cm, 3–7-palmatilobed, the segments elliptic to obovate, narrowed towards the base, apex obtuse and mucronate, base shallowly cordate, both surfaces thinly pubescent, the lower sometimes sericeous; petioles 1–11 cm. Inflorescence of 1–8-flowered, axillary, pedunculate often compounded cymes; peduncles 2–18 cm long; bracteoles 3–5 mm long, lanceolate, caducous; secondary peduncles 1.5–5 mm; pedicels 9–30 mm long; sepals 7.5–10 × 4–6 mm, subequal, ovate, acute and mucronate, sericeous, the inner with glabrous, scarious margins; corolla 5.5–8 cm long, pink, funnel-shaped, sericeous, limb c. 4 cm diam. Capsules subglobose, 7–8 mm wide, glabrous; seeds not seen.
An uncommon plant of degraded cerrado in NE Argentina (Misiones) and neighbouring Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil.
ARGENTINA. Misiones: Leandro, A. Krapovikas et al. 15023 (CTES); Candelaria, Posadas-Bonpland, W.A. Archer 4611 (US); Ruta Nacional 12.2 km del peaje, M.E. Rodríguez & A. Gachez (CTES, FCQ); Apóstoles, H. Keller & Franco 4907 (CTES); Concepción, H. Keller & Franco 5732 (CTES).
BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Roque Gonzales, Rincão Vermelho, P.P.A. Ferreira & J. Durigon 590 (S); São Borja caminho para Garruchos, P.P.A. Ferreira & J. Durigon 582 (CTES).
The palmatilobed pubescent leaves and sericeous exterior of the corolla help to identify this species.
S. Heinonen et al. 117 (CTES) collected in Corrientes, Dept. Ituzaingo at Puerto Valle may represent an undescribed related species. It has trifurcate, thinly appressed pilose leaves divided to near the strongly truncate base. The leaf lobes are oblong, 3–5.5 × 0.5–1.2 cm, the flowers are solitary, borne on a 3–4 cm long, pubescent peduncle with caducous bracteoles and 5–7 mm long pedicels. The corolla is pubescent and the sepals narrowly ovate, 7–8 × 3 mm, subacute and pubescent. The leaf base is very different from that of Ipomoea padillae and other species with trifurcate leaves, such as I. delphinioides.
BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul, Manoel Viana, P.P.A. Ferreira 279 (holotype ICN, isotypes K, P, SP).
Perennial twiner to 3 m, stems woody, grey-tomentose. Leaves petiolate, divided palmately to the base into five segments, 4–10 × 0.7–3 cm, narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate, acute or obtuse and mucronate, the basal lobes sometimes only lobed, noticeably larger, both surfaces grey-tomentose; petiole 2–5 cm long, grey-tomentose. Inflorescence of compound axillary cymes; peduncles 2–13 cm, tomentose; bracteoles 3–6 mm, lanceolate, caducous; secondary peduncles 1–2.5 cm; pedicels 7–10 mm, tomentose; sepals slightly unequal, outer 10–12 mm, ovate, acute, grey-tomentose, inner 11–13 mm, the margins glabrous; corolla 5–7 cm long, funnel-shaped, sericeous, pink with purple throat, limb 5–6 cm diam. Capsules 11–12 × 10 mm, subglobose, glabrous; seeds black, shortly tomentose, 7–8 mm long.
Grassy pampa. Endemic to the area around Manoel Viana in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul (
This species is probably close to Ipomoea padillae and the species represented by Heinonen et al. 117 discussed after I. padillae.
BOLIVIA. Vallegrande, on descent to Pampa Negra, J.R.I. Wood, M. Martinez & G. Aramayo 28441 (holotype USZ, isotypes LPB, OXF).
Perennial herb, clambering over shrubs or, less commonly, decumbent; stems up to c. 3 m long, pubescent with long appressed hairs. Leaves petiolate, dimorphic; upper leaves and bracts 2.5–8 × 2–10 cm, diminishing in size upwards, entire, broadly ovate-elliptic to suborbicular, rounded, base shallowly cordate to truncate, margins undulate; lower leaves 7–13 × 7–14 cm, 3–5-lobed to about halfway (rarely unequally bilobed), the lobes oblong, obtuse to acute, base shallowly cordate; both leaf forms adaxially dark green, pubescent, abaxially grey-tomentose; petioles 2.5–7.2 cm, pubescent. Inflorescence of pedunculate axillary cymes usually with 7–8 flowers, mainly near the branch tips, somewhat proliferating; peduncles (0.5) –3–4.5 cm, pubescent, often somewhat bent or twisted, diminishing in length towards apex; bracteoles caducous, not seen; secondary peduncles 0.5–2 cm; pedicels 13–20 mm, pubescent, often bent; sepals subequal, 8–9 × 5–6 mm, oblong-elliptic, densely pubescent, outer rounded with narrow scarious margins, inner with rounded or retuse with broader scarious margins; corolla 5.5–6 cm long, funnel-shaped, pale pink, pubescent, limb c. 4 cm diam.; ovary glabrous. Capsules and seeds not seen.
A narrow endemic restricted to seasonally very arid spiny bushland on descent to Pampa Negra in Vallegrande Province in Bolivia between 1650 and 1800 m.
BOLIVIA. Santa Cruz: Vallegrande, J.R.I. Wood et al. 28443 (LPB, OXF, USZ).
A scrambling or decumbent species with dimorphic leaves and stems which distinctly proliferate.
BRAZIL. Mato Grosso do Sul, Urucúm, M. Cárdenas 4448 (holotype LIL001235).
Vigorous twining perennial to 3 m; stems stout, glabrous. Leaves petiolate, 4–10 × 3–8 cm, mostly 3-lobed to half way with acute lobes but some leaves ovate with one or two marginal teeth, base broadly cordate, apex shortly acuminate and mucronate, adaxially glabrous apart from veins pubescent near base, abaxially paler, pubescent especially on the veins; petioles 2–5 cm. Inflorescence of pedunculate, axillary cymes; peduncles 2–5 cm, stout, glabrous; bracteoles c. 5 mm long, oblong, muconate, papery, caducous; secondary and tertiary peduncles 0.8–1.5 cm; pedicels 5–10 mm, pubescent; sepals slightly unequal, outer 15–20 × 10–12 mm, ovate, narrowed to an obtuse apex, minutely puberulent, pale green; inner sepals 18–22 × 12 mm, elliptic, acuminate to an obtuse apex, sericeous, palid; corolla 7–9 cm long, funnel-shaped, pale pink, pubescent in bud, limb 5 cm diam., shallowly lobed. Capsules ovoid, 15 × 10 mm, glabrous, brown, enclosed by sepals; seeds 11 × 6 mm (possibly immature), brown, pilose with very long marginal hairs.
A narrow endemic restricted to the Bolivia-Brazil border around Corumbá and Puerto Suárez at the edge of the Pantanal where it is locally common on scrubby roadsides around 100–150 m.
BRAZIL. Mato Grosso do Sul: Corumbá, Dorrien Smith 80 (K); Estrada da Codrasa, Ladãrio, Bartolotto et al. 8 (MBM).
BOLIVIA. Santa Cruz: Germán Busch, Puerto Suárez area, J.R.I. Wood & D. Villarroel 25902 (K, LPB, UB, USZ); J.R.I. Wood et al. 27885 (K, LPB, USZ).
A very distinctive species because of its large corolla, acutely 3-lobed leaves and large pale green sepals.
Ipomoea malpighipila var. aemilii
O’Donell, Arq. Mus. Paranaense 9: 228. 1952. (
Ipomoea aurita
Hassl., nom. nud., Add. Plantae Hasslerianae 18. 1917. (
Based on Ipomoea malpighipila var. aemilii O’Donell
Perennial of a pale green colour from a woody xylopodium; stems erect to 1 m high, apparently unbranched, densely hirsute with somewhat rough mostly appressed hairs. Leaves sessile, 16–27 × 0.4–0.8 cm, narrowly oblong, slightly narrowed to a cuneate base, apex obtuse and mucronate, coarsely tomentose on both surfaces, abaxially prominently 3–5-veined. Inflorescence terminal, rather short and dense < 7 cm long, formed of (1–)3-flowered cymes in the axils of leaf bracts; bracts 2–6.5 cm long, diminishing in size upwards, apparently deciduous and absent from uppermost cymes; peduncles 2–4 mm, relatively stout, densely hirsute; bracteoles c. 3 × 0.5 mm, lanceolate, acuminate, almost hidden by the indumentum; pedicels 5–7 mm, densely hirsute; sepals 7–8 × 4–5 mm, broadly elliptic, densely hirsute, slightly unequal, outer obtuse, inner rounded to retuse with glabrous, scarious margins; corolla 4–5 cm long, pink, funnel-shaped, densely pubescent on mid-petaline bands, limb 2.5–3 cm diam. Capsules glabrous; seeds not seen.
Endemic to Paraguay. In sabanas in the area north of Hernandarias, especially in the Reserva Tatí Yupí.
PARAGUAY. Alto Paraná: Reserva Tatí Yupí, Itaipú Binacional 1046 (MO); G. Caballero Mamori 1423 (CTES); Com. Puerto Palma, C. Romero Pereira 14 (SCP); Pirá Pytá, A. Schinini et al. 18152 (CTES).
Distinguished from Ipomoea malpighipila by the simple leaves and distinct indumentum.
ARGENTINA. Misiones, Dept. San Ignacio, Gob. Roca, 22 Nov. 1947, G.J. Schwarz 2338 (holotype LIL001259).
Erect perennial herb or subshrub from a xylopodium, stems 0.5–1 m long, usually simple, distinctly angled, adpressed pubescent with t-shaped hairs. Leaves shortly petiolate, 3-fid from near base, lobes 7.5–15 × 0.2–1.2 cm, narrowly oblong, shortly mucronate, base attenuate, both surfaces adpressed-pubescent, abaxially prominently veined; petioles 1–1.5 cm. Inflorescence elongate (to 10 cm), terminal, formed of shortly pedunculate cymes from the axils of leaf-like bracts, these absent in the upper part of inflorescence; peduncles 0.4–1.5 cm, adpressed pubescent; bracteoles ovate, caducous; pedicels 3–8 cm, adpressed pubescent; sepals equal, 6–8 × 4–6 mm, elliptic to suborbicular, obtuse and often mucronate, subsericeous; corolla 3.5–5 cm long, pink, funnel-shaped, adpressed pubescent. Capsules 7–10 × 7–8 mm, subglobose, glabrous; seeds 6 × 4 mm, blackish-brown, margins lanate.
Almost endemic to the province of Misiones in Argentina where it grows in seasonally flooded grassy pampa. There appear to be no recent records from Paraguay or Brazil.
ARGENTINA. Misiones: San Ignacio, D. Giambaggio s.n. (SI); G.J. Schwarz 5334 (E, LIL, S); M.E. Rodríguez & A. Gochez 1179 (MA); H. Keller et al. 6464 (CTES); J.E. Montes 458 (LIL, S).
PARAGUAY. Itapúa: Encarnación, T. Rojas 29 (SCP).
BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Agusto s.n. (ICN18804), fide
The T-shaped hairs are difficult to observe but are distinctive. Ipomoea malpighipila is usually easily identified by the terminal inflorescence and obscurely pubescent, trifid leaves with narrowly oblong lobes.
Ipomoea malveoides var. ovata
Hallier f., Bull. Herb. Boiss. 7(5): append. 1: 152. 1899. (
Based on Ipomoea malveoides var. ovata Hallier f.
Erect subshrub to at least 50 cm; stems woody below, ± glabrescent; above herbaceous, softly white-tomentose. Leaves very shortly petiolate, 2.4–7 × 3.2–5 cm, ovate, oblong or oblong-elliptic, acute and mucronate, base broadly cuneate, margin entire, both surfaces softly pubescent, abaxially more densely so, paler, adaxially somewhat glabrescent on very old leaves; petioles 0–4 mm, densely pubescent to villous. Inflorescence usually of solitary, pedunculate axillary flowers forming a long terminal raceme; occasionally of axillary cymes with up to five flowers from the uppermost leaf axils; bracts leaf-like except the uppermost of which are much reduced; peduncles 0.8–4 cm, densely white-pubescent; bracteoles 6 mm long, linear filiform; pedicels 0.6–7 cm, densely pubescent; sepals with a dark gland near base, somewhat unequal, outer 9–15 × 2–4 mm, narrowly to broadly ovate, acuminate or acute and mucronate, tomentose, inner similar bur with broad scarious margins; corolla 6–6.5 cm long, funnel-shaped, pink, pubescent, limb c. 5 cm diam. Capsules c. 1.2 × 0.8 cm, ovoid, glabrous; seeds 7 × 4 mm, blackish, glabrous.
Ipomoea cordillerae. A habit (flowering plant) B adaxial leaf surface C abaxial leaf surface D habit (fruiting plant) E portion of stem and leaves F outer sepal G inner sepal H seed J form with branched inflorescence. Drawn by Rosemary Wise A–C from Hassler 8714 (GH); D–H from Balansa 4391: J from Hassler 485. Drawn by Rosemary Wise.
Endemic to Paraguay and growing in forest clearings (fide Balansa 4391). PARAGUAY. Cordillera: E. Hassler 285 (K, P), 1903 (K, P), 8714 p.p. (BM, K).
Characterised by the relatively long acuminate or acute and mucronate sepals usually around 12 mm in length combined with the softly tomentose indumentum and ovate-elliptic leaves. In the type the leaves are silvery beneath but this is less obvious in the other cited collections. Ipomoea paraguariensis differs in the much shorter silvery sepals and more strictly terminal inflorescence and I. estrellensis differs in the shorter, obtuse to subacute sepals, the shorter peduncles and the ciliolate leaf margins. We have seen no modern collections of this species.
Specimens of Hassler 8714 are mixed, those at BM and K are this species but some specimens with this number are Ipomoea paraguariensis. They are all labelled as from Villarrica where Ipomoea paraguariensis grows but the specimens of I. cordillerae presumably came from the Pirebebuy area.
• Speces 9–18 form a complex in which Ipomoea malvaeoides is the best-known and most common species.
Ipomoea malvaeoides var. integrifolia
Chodat & Hassl., Bull. Herb. Boiss. Ser. 2, 5: 690. 1905. (
Ipomoea malvaeoides forma apiculata var. uliginosa forma apiculata
], Bull. Herb. Boiss., ser. 2, 5: 691. 1905. (
Ipomoea malvaeoides var. uliginosa
Chodat & Hassl., Bull. Herb. Boiss. Ser. 2, 5: 691. 1905. (
Ipomoea paludosa var. uliginosa
(Chodat & Hassl.) O’Donell, Lilloa 26: 373. 1953. (
ARGENTINA. Misiones, Dept. San Ignacio, Gob. Roca, G. J. Schwarz 5283 (lectotype LIL001271, designated here; isolectotypes CTES, LIL).
Erect undershrub 0.5–1.5 m from a woody rhizome, stems glabrous or with a few scattered hairs, sparingly branched, often simple. Leaves shortly petiolate, 2.5–11 × 0.6–2.2 cm, oblanceolate, acute or rounded and strongly apiculate, cuneate at base, adaxially glabrous to thinly adpressed pilose, abaxially adpressed pilose, veins prominent on both surfaces, esp. abaxially; petioles 0.5–1 cm long, thinly pubescent. Inflorescence long, terminal, raceme-like, formed of mostly2–3-flowered cymes, commonly reduced to single flowers; bracts leaf-like but diminishing in size upwards; peduncles 0.2–3 cm long; bracteoles 3–4 mm, lanceolate, caducous; pedicels 2–10 mm, pubescent; sepals 5–8 mm, ovate, acute to obtuse and apiculate, sericeous to pubescent, inner sepals similar but obtuse and with glabrous, scarious margins; corolla 3.5–5.5 cm long, pink, funnel-shaped, sericeous on midpetaline bands, limb 2–2.5 cm diam., undulate. Capsules c. 8 × 6 mm, ovoid, glabrous; seeds long-pilose.
Flooded plain in the Paraná basin in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. ARGENTINA. Misiones: San Ignacio, F.O. Zuloaga & M. Kostlin 9948 (SI); Candelaria, H. Keller & Paredes 10563 (CTES); Bonpland, E.L. Ekman 1432 (K, S); Capital, T.M. Pedersen 13661 (C, CTES).
PARAGUAY. Alto Paraná: Est. Río Bonito, E. Zardini & Vieira 41978 (FTG, PY). Amambay: Est. Carmen de la Sierra, N. Soria 4725 (CTES, FCQ). Caaguazú: Coronel Oviedo, A. Krapovickas et al. 13848 (CTES). Caazapá: Enramadita, I. Basualdo 001902 (FCQ, MO, FTG). Canindeyú: Reserva Mbaracuyú, B. Jiménez & G. Marín 1962 (BM, MA). Central: A. Schinini 5717 (CTES). Concepción: Est. Ybyraty, F. Mereles 8580 (CTES, FCQ). Cordillera: Peribebuy, B. Balansa 4392 (P); Tobatí, R.O. Vanni et al. 185 (CTES, PY). Guairá: Cordillera de Ybyturuzú, F. Mereles 3724 (FCQ). Itapúa: Yacyreta Island Reserve, E. Zardini & Gamarra 55715 (ARIZ); Trinidad, M. Ortiz 850 (FCQ). Paraguarí: 3 km antes de Caballero, Calviño et al. 3774 (FCQ). San Pedro: Est. San Antonio, N. Soria 5363 (CTES, FCQ).
BRAZIL. Mato Grosso do Sul: Faz. Campo Alto, Corumbá, A. Pott et al. 5576 (CPAP, CTES); Hatschbach et al. 76514 (MBM).
Plants from Argentina are relatively uniform but in Paraguay they are more variable, the leaves sometimes strongly apiculate and/or the inflorescence rather lax and few-flowered.
Ipomoea malvaeoides var. trifida
Hallier f., Bull. Herb. Boiss. 7 (5), append. 1: 52. 1899. (
Ipomoea malvaeoides var. heterophylla
Hallier f., Bull. Herb. Boiss. 7 (5), append. 1: 52. 1899. (
Ipomoea malvaeoides forma intermedia var. heterophylla forma intermedia
], Bull. Herb. Boiss., ser. 2, 5: 690. 1905. (
PARAGUAY. [Central], Luque, T. Morong 303 (holotype NY00319204, isotypes GH, MO, PH, US, WIS).
Erect undershrub to 1.2 m, stems below woody, glabrous, reddish above herbaceous, densely puberulent. Leaves petiolate, lower leaves 9–10 × 2–4 cm, entire, ovate obtuse to acute and mucronate, base cuneate, upper leaves (2–)3-lobed with the laterals much shorter than the central lobe which is usually lanceolate, acuminate, the uppermost leaves noticeably smaller and with narrower lobes, both surfaces finely tomentellous, abaxially paler; petioles1–2.5 cm, puberulent. Inflorescence of shortly pedunculate cymes from the upper leaf axils; peduncles 2–4 (–9) cm, puberulent; bracteoles 3–4 × 1 mm, oblong-lanceolate, caducous; secondary peduncles 0.7–1.8 cm; pedicels 6–10 mm, puberulent; sepals subequal, tomentellous, outer 7–9 × 5–6 mm, ovate, acute to obtuse, inner similar but with scarious, less hirsute margins; corolla 4.5–6.5 cm long, pink, pubescent, funnel-shaped; limb 3–5 cm diam., entire. Capsules and seeds not seen.
A–D Ipomoea malvaeoides. A habit B abaxial leaf surface C seed D leaves (var. lineariloba). E–J Ipomoea morongii. E habit F outer sepal G inner sepal H corolla opened out to show stamens J ovary and style. Drawn by Rosemary Wise A, B from Krapovickas et al. 412477; C from Schinini 30429; D from St. Hilaire 2703, E–J from Hassler 3307.