Research Article |
Corresponding author: Agnieszka Rewicz ( ) Academic editor: Karol Marhold
© 2022 Agnieszka Rewicz, Weronika Torbicz, Liudmyla Zavialova, Oksana Kucher, Myroslav V. Shevera, Tomasz Rewicz, Marcin Kiedrzyński, Anna Bomanowska.
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Rewicz A, Torbicz W, Zavialova L, Kucher O, Shevera MV, Rewicz T, Kiedrzyński M, Bomanowska A (2022) Seed variability of Sisymbrium polymorphum (Murray) Roth (Brassicaceae) across the Central Palaearctic. PhytoKeys 206: 87-107.
This study presents the results of investigation of the micromorphology and variability of Sisymbrium polymorphum seeds collected in 49 localities in the core range and isolated populations of Central Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In addition, we compared the ultrastructure of the seeds of S. polymorphum with that of the closely-related species S. loeselii and S. linifolium. The seeds were measured with a stereoscopic microscope and a biometric programme (ImageJ) and micromorphological studies were performed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The seed variability showed intraspecific stability of the ultrastructure and low variability of metric features within the studied range. Studied species showed differences in the ultrastructure, which will be valuable for diagnostic purposes. We present and describe, for the first time, the ultrastructure of S. polymorphum seeds.
Brassicaceae, latitude variability, micromorphology, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), seed coat, taxonomy, 3D ultrastructure
The differences in the structure of seeds allow for distinguishing individual units at different levels of hierarchy, making them useful in plant taxonomy and identification (
The Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) family, commonly known as the mustards, the crucifers or the cabbage family, is widespread worldwide, including 4050 species and 341 genera (
The endo- and exomorphological features of Brassicaceae seeds have been the subject of many taxonomic studies (
Sisymbrium polymorphum (Murray) Roth is a sub-Irano-Turanian species that occurs in eastern and south-eastern Europe and reaches as far as Mongolia, the vicinity of Irkutsk and Lake Baikal, where it has a diffused range (
The genus Sisymbrium L. (comprising about 50 species) typifies a lack of clear generic boundaries and unique synapomorphies (
The presented study aims to: i) analyse differences in the ultrastructure of the seed surface and morphological features of S. polymorphum from the core range in Eastern Europe and Central Asia and from isolated localities in Central Europe; ii) indicate differences and similarities between the analysed localities; iii) analysing the variability of the examined morphological traits of seeds and iv) analysing differences in the ultrastructure of the seed surface between S. polymorphum and two most closely-related species, S. loeselii and S. linifolium.
We analysed the seeds of S. polymorphum (Suppl. material
For statistical analyses, 20–30 seeds from each locality were measured. We used a Nikon SMZ-800 DS-Fi optical stereomicroscope (Nikon Instruments, Europe B.V.), connected to a Coolview camera 2274 (Nikon) for observation and documentation. To explore the variation in micromorphology, the following features were quantified: seed length (SL), seed width (SW). The terminology follows Bojnanský and Fargašová (2007) and Barthlott et al. (1984).
Micromorphological pictures by scanning electron microscopy were obtained in the facilities: Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology, University of Lodz, Poland (Phenom Pro X) and at the Centre of Electron Microscopy of the M. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, NAS of Ukraine (JSM-6060 LA). The seeds were fixed on brass tables and were sputter-coated with a 4 nm layer of gold. The SEM photos were taken for 30 tested locations (Suppl. material
To check if seed ultrastructure showed interspecific differences, we used Sisymbrium loeselii seeds from the Herbarium Universitatis Lodziensis (LOD): 085854, 097669, 107817, 153192 and S. linifolium from the M.S. Turchaninov memorial collections (
Three-dimensional models of the ultrastructure of the surface of the seed of S. polymorphum were made using 3D Roughness Reconstruction software for the Phenom Electron Microscope.
The following features were calculated: arithmetic average (x), maximum and minimum values (max and min) and coefficient of variation for traits of S. polymorphum (Suppl. material
The Shapiro-Wilk and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests were conducted to check for a normal distribution of the data; both were not normal; therefore, the Kruskal-Wallis test (for p ≤ 0.05) was used as a non-parametric alternative to ANOVA. The post-hoc test (Dunn’s test) was used to show which populations differed significantly by the statistics. The software package STATISTICA PL. ver. 13.1 (
Sisymbrium polymorphum (Murray) Roth (Brassica polymorpha Murray, S. junceum M. Bieb.) is a perennial herb. It grows in grasslands and steppes and disturbed biotopes on the slopes of ravines, gullies, river banks, roadsides, fields and railway embankments. This continental species occurs primarily on gypsum soils, but is currently also encountered on secondarily disturbed biotopes, outcrops or even moderately saline soils (
Individuals of Sisymbrium polymorphum grow from 20–80 cm and their leaves are medium in size; scattered-bristly on both sides of the petiole, glabrous above; lower – long-petiolate, broadly lanceolate-pinnately dissected or pinnately dissected, edge from toothed to acute triangular, apex pointed, wedge-shaped base; upper – short-petiolate, narrow, from lanceolate to linear, entire, occasionally unevenly toothed or at the base with two large acute triangular teeth, which turn into elongated lanceolate pointed segments, the base is convergent; succulent-scleromorphic. Stem erect, branched (sometimes from the base), glabrous or below with long straight or twisted protruding hairs. The underground part is a caudex and has a rod-like root system. There are primrose flowers that whiten quickly after flowering. Inflorescence: compound raceme. Pollination: autogamy, entomogamy. Fruit: glabrous pod. Seed dispersal: anemochory and epizoochory. Reproduction can be vegetative (root sprouts) or generative and growth type is unitary and modular (
The analysis of S. polymorphum seeds showed no differences in their ultrastructure between the studied locations. The seeds were glossy and they were orange to brown. The shape of the seeds was observed to be polymorphous from ovate to angular with a subterminal (ST) hilum. The shape of the seeds was not constant within one locality. Pattern sculpture in all studied populations was reticulate and the cells were polygonal in shape (Table
The analysis of average values of the studied biometric traits of S. polymorphum shows that the widest seeds characterise the most northern location in Russia (41, 42RU). The highest average seed width was observed in Asian and Eastern European localities in Russia (average 0.41 mm). The maximum and minimum width values analysis shows that the highest average width occurs in seeds growing in the Russian (42RU) population (average 0.68 mm) (Suppl. material
Comparatively high values of width are demonstrated in the Polish populations (average width 0.41 mm) and Kyrgyzstan’s (49KG) population (average 0.41 mm). The longest seeds were measured in the Moldovian and Kyrgyzstan populations. The highest averages of length were observed in the following populations: Moldovian (48MO) (average 1.17 mm), as well as Kyrgyzstan’s (49KG) (average 1.03 mm). The maximum values of length (1.43 mm) were recorded in Kyrgyzstan’s (49KG) population (Suppl. material
The studied populations differ significantly in each of the analysed traits, i.e. seed length and width (p < 0.5, Kruskal-Wallis test, Fig.
Ranges of variation of seed length A and seed width B of Sisymbrium polymorphum. The boxes represent the 25th–75th percentiles, the upper and lower whiskers extend the minimum and maximum data points and the square inside boxes indicate median. The order of localities is according to Suppl. material
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed that the studied S. polymorphum populations from Russia (41RU, 42RU), Poland (35PL), Ukraine (16UA, 21UA, 27UA), Moldova (48MO) and Kyrgyzstan (49KG) are far from the centre of the PCA ordination space. Still, they cannot be said to form separate groups because the ranges of variability of the examined seed traits coincide (Fig.
The similarity analysis performed by the cluster analysis showed that only a few Ukrainian populations (4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 20, 22, 24, 30UA) belong to the same cluster (Fig.
The relationship between the biometric features of seeds and altitude showed a positive, very weak and weak correlation between the studied features. A weak correlation (R = 0.39) (Fig.
The seed ultrastructure of the three analysed species showed interspecific differences in ornamentation (Figs
Species | Colour | Shape of seeds | Sculptural pattern | Cell shape | Anticlinal wall | Periclinal wall | Length of cells (μm) | Width of cells (μm) |
S. polymorphum | orange-brown, shiny | polymorphous from ovate to angular | reticulate | from polygonal to rectangular | smooth | smooth | 43 | 30 |
S. loeselii | orange-brown, | oblong-elipsoid | reticulate | polygonal | smooth | smooth | 31 | 29 |
S. linifolium | light brown | oblong-elipsoid | acellate | circular | smooth | smooth | 41 | 39 |
There is a scarcity of literature data on the seed micromorphology of Sisymbrium polymorphum (
Our results did not show significant differences between the core range and isolated populations. However, the longest seeds belonged to the growing population in Kyrgyzstan (49KG) and the Polish populations (37PL), the most westward and second eastward localities. Thus, our research does not confirm that the seeds show variability with longitude change. The multivariate analysis of mean values of seed traits did not show any clear geographic pattern, which can be seen in the PCA analysis (Fig.
The analysed species did not show a high plasticity in terms of shape and colour of the seeds, which is consistent with reports by other authors (
Our research on the three closely-related Sisymbrium species revealed a heterogeneous seed surface structure between these species, the most distinct surface being that of Sisymbrium linifolium. The SEM data (shown in Figs
Our research proved that, despite the uncleartaxonomic position of S. polymorphum, seed ultrastructure is a stable feature and may be useful in taxonomic studies. The study of the seed surface carvings of the other two species shows a difference in the shape and arrangement of cells, especially in the case of Sisymbrium linifolium, which confirms that, in the case of this type of carpological analysis, it can be used in diagnostics. Further integrative studies combining seed ultrastructure, other morphological features and molecular data, may finally solve many taxonomic question marks within the Sisymbrium genus.
We are grateful to Dr Natalia Shyian, Curator and staff of the National Herbarium of the M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, as well as to Dr Oleksandr Shynder (M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), Dr Sc. Valery Tokhtar (Belgorod State Scientific University), Dr Stepan Senator and Dr Maria Nosova (The Tsytsin Main Botanical Garden, Russian Academy of Sciences), Dr. Vladimir Vasyukov (Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin, Russian Academy of Sciences) and Dr Olga Biryukova (Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod) for their help in preparing the materials for this manuscript. Language editing was kindly provided by Theodor C. H. Cole (FU Berlin) and we thank him for valuable advice.
This study was partially funded by the NCN-MINIATURA 1 programme, grant number 2017/01/X/NZ8/01064; partially by the statutory funds of the University of Lodz and grant number 2/IDUB/SNU/22.
Figure S1. General view of the seeds (SEM) of Sisymbrium polymorphum populations
Data type: morphological (.tiff file)
Explanation note: Figure S1. General view of the seeds (SEM) of Sisymbrium polymorphum populations: A) 35PL; B) 49KG; C) 41RU; D) 38RU; E) 5UA; cells seed 3D; F) 10UA; cells seed; G) 15UA; H) 21UA; I) 17UA; J) 34PL.
Appendix S1. List of studied localities of Sisymbrium polymorphum included in this study
Data type: occurences (.docx file)
Explanation note: List of studied localities of Sisymbrium polymorphum included in this study (* - seeds analyzed under SEM).
Appendix S2. Comparison of biometric traits of Sisymbrium polymorphum seeds in the analysed populations
Data type: morphological data (.docx file)
Explanation note: Comparison of biometric traits of Sisymbrium polymorphum seeds in the analysed populations: X arithmetic average; Min, Max maximum and minimum values; SD standard deviation; CV coefficient of variation; SL seed length; SW seed width.
Appendix S3. Result of the Test Kruskala-Wallisa Test
Data type: morphological data (.docx file)
Explanation note: Result of the Kruskal-Wallis Test: A) seed length; B) seed width.