Research Article |
Corresponding author: Hong Truong Luu ( ) Academic editor: Petra De Block
© 2024 Hieu Cuong Nguyen, Xuan Bach Nguyen-Le, Quoc Dat Nguyen, Tran Quoc Trung Nguyen, Hong Truong Luu.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Nguyen HC, Nguyen-Le XB, Nguyen QD, Nguyen TQT, Luu HT (2024) Xanthophytum antoanense (Rubiaceae, Ophiorrhizeae), a new species from Vietnam. PhytoKeys 250: 215-222.
Xanthophytum antoanense is described as a new species endemic to Central Vietnam. It is morphologically closest to X. capitatum in having setose hairs on the abaxial leaf surface and a pedunculate head-like inflorescence but differs from the latter by a number of characteristics: shorter stem, 3-lobed stipules, narrowly lanceolate leaf blades with a cuneate-oblique base and 20–22 pairs of secondary veins, 3.5–4.5 cm long peduncle, spatulate calyx lobes, larger corollas with a 5–5.4 mm long tube and 2.4–3 mm long lobes, and an apically hairy style. A detailed description, an illustration, and information on distribution, ecology and phenology, and a provisional assessment of the conservation status of the new species are provided.
An Toan Nature Reserve, Central Vietnam, endemic, head-like inflorescence, indumentum, setose
Xanthophytum was initially proposed as a genus of the Rubiaceae by
Prior to this study, five species of Xanthophytum had been documented in Vietnam (
During our botanical inventory at An Toan Nature Reserve in Central Vietnam in May 2023, we encountered a Xanthophytum plant exhibiting a striking red ferruginous indumentum on its stem, leaves, and head-like inflorescence. Detailed morphological examination confirmed that it represents a new species, which we describe below.
The studied material was collected from Binh Dinh Province, Central Vietnam. Specimens were sampled and processed using methods described by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (
Vietnam • Binh Dinh Province, An Lao District, An Toan Commune, An Toan Nature Reserve, coordinates 14°31'31"N, 108°42'48"E, 838 m elevation, 17 May 2023, Nguyen Le Xuan Bach, Nguyen Quoc Dat, Nguyen Hieu Cuong BN1015 (Holotype: SGN!, barcode SGN006396).
Xanthophytum antoanense A plant in situ B whole plant C leaf base D leaf, adaxial surface E leaf, abaxial surface F setose hairs on abaxial leaf surface (dried) G stipule H inflorescences I bracts (dried) J flower, top view K calyx lobes L opened corolla showing stamens M pistil N ovary, disc and base of style O flower, side view, with an interfloral bract (arrow) P corolla and calyx, some calyx lobes removed Q anthers R stigma (corolla removed) S cross-section of ovary.
The new species is morphologically closest to X. capitatum Valeton but differs from the latter by its 3-lobed (vs. unlobed) stipules, narrowly lanceolate (vs. oblong to obovate) leaf blades with a cuneate-oblique (vs. symmetrically cuneate to attenuate) base and 20–22 (vs.11–16) pairs of secondary veins, 3.5–4.5 (vs. 0.5–3) cm long peduncle, spatulate (vs. bluntly triangular) calyx lobes, larger flowers with a 5–5.4 (vs. c. 1.8) mm long corolla tube and 2.4–3 (vs. c. 0.7) mm long corolla lobes, and an apically hairy (vs. glabrous) style.
Monocaul dwarf shrublet, sub-herbaceous, to 50 cm tall. Stems densely hairy, hairs septate, red, c. 1 mm long. Leaves simple, opposite, decussate; petiole 4–6 cm long, c. 0.35 cm in diameter, densely hairy with hairs septate, red, c. 1.5 mm long; lamina elongate-lanceolate, 13–24 cm long, 3–4.5 cm wide, adaxially green, glabrous, abaxially gray, densely hairy, hairs setose, red, c. 1.5 mm long; base cuneate-oblique, apex acute; venation pinnate, midrib prominent on both surfaces, adaxially sparsely and abaxially densely hairy, hairs c. 1.5 mm long, secondary veins 20–22 pairs, weakly brochidodromous, tertiary veins abaxially prominent. Stipules 1.7–2.5 cm long, 1.2 cm at widest, ovate, acuminate, slightly 3-lobed, abaxially densely hairy, hairs septate, red, c. 1.5 mm long. Inflorescences axillary, pseudo-terminal heads, erect then nodding, heads c. 2 cm in diameter, many-flowered; peduncles 3.5–4.5 cm long, 0.2–0.3 cm in diameter, densely hairy, hairs septate, red, c. 1.3 mm long. Bracts oblanceolate, 3.0–3.2 mm long, 1.1–1.3 mm wide, white, apically red-violet, ciliate, abaxially densely hairy, hairs septate, red, c. 1 mm long. Interfloral bracts linear, c. 3.5 mm long, 0.25 mm wide, white, abaxially densely hairy, hairs septate, red, c. 0.6–0.8 mm long. Flowers bisexual, probably heterostylous, sessile, c. 1.1 cm long. Calyx 5-lobed, lobes spatulate, white, apically red, 7–8 mm long, c. 1.6 mm at widest, adaxially glabrous, abaxially densely hairy, hairs septate, red, c. 1 mm long. Corolla white, turning brown, tubiform with spreading lobes; tube 5–5.4 mm long, 1.2–1.4 mm in diameter, outside glabrous, inside densely white tomentose on upper ¾, hairs 0.4–0.5 mm long; lobes 5, 2.4–3 mm long, 0.7–1 mm at widest, oblong-lanceolate, acute, outside white to red setose with 0.5–0.6 mm long stiff hairs, inside papillose. Stamens 5, inserted at corolla base, 5.3–5.5 mm long; filaments c. 5 mm long, glabrous; anthers c. 1 mm long, dorsifixed, longitudinally dehiscent. Pistil 4.8–5.0 mm long; disc white, hemispherical, c. 0.5 mm high; ovary 2-celled, c. 2 mm high, 1.5 mm wide, densely red septate hairy; ovules numerous on a globose, axile placenta in each cell; style 2.7–2.8 mm long, gradually thickened towards the apex, sparsely hairy on upper half; stigma 2-lobed, lobes lanceolate, with obtuse apex, c. 1.3–1.4 mm long. Fruit unknown.
The species epithet is derived from the location where the new taxon was discovered.
Hoàng cành An Toàn (Vietnamese).
Flowering observed in May; fruiting is unknown.
The species is known only from An Toan Nature Reserve (Binh Dinh Province, Vietnam). It grows on moist fertile soils in lower montane evergreen forests at elevations around 850 m. The forest is dominated by Rubiaceae, Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Myrtaceae, Clusiaceae, and Fabaceae.
Data Deficient (
In Xanthophytum, flower morphology varies across species, some species having heterostylous flowers and others having homostylous flowers, with different placements of stamens and stigma, as well as varying hair-ring widths inside the corolla. However, many species remain undocumented due to lack of flowering material (
Xanthophytum antoanense is morphologically closest to X. capitatum (
Xanthophytum setosum is easily distinguishable from the new taxon as it has a paniculate inflorescence. It further differs from the new species in having smaller leaf blades (7–16 cm long in X. setosum vs. 13–24 cm long) with 12–19 (vs. 20–22) pairs of secondary veins, shorter petioles (≤ 4 vs. 4–6) cm long, c. 1 cm long and unlobed (vs. 1.7–2.5 cm long and 3-lobed) stipules, minute (vs. c. 3.5 mm long) bracts, an adaxially densely pubescent (vs. glabrous) calyx with bluntly triangular and c. 1 mm long (vs. spatulate and 7–8 mm long) lobes, smaller brevistylous flowers (longistylous flowers unknown) with c. 1.8 (vs. 5–5.4) mm long corolla tube and c. 1.2 (vs. 2.4–3) mm long corolla lobes, shorter stamens (c. 2.8 vs. 5.3–5.5 mm long), and a c. 1.2 mm long and glabrous (vs. 2.7–2.8 mm long and apically hairy) style. Finally, the corolla tube in X. antoanense is densely hairy on the upper three-quarters of the inside and glabrous on the outside, whereas in X. setosum, it has a narrow ring of hairs below the throat on the inside and is sparsely hairy on the outside.
The leaf size and shape, head-like pedunculate inflorescence, and spatulate calyx lobes in Xanthophytum antoanense are reminiscent of those in X. attopevense from Laos. However, X. attopevense differs in several key characteristics: it has a cuneate to attenuate (vs. cuneate-oblique in X. antoanense) leaf base, shorter petioles (c. 2 vs. 4–6 cm long), c. 1.5 cm long and unlobed stipules (vs. 1.7–2.5 cm long and 3-lobed), flower heads c. 1.5 (vs. c. 2) cm in diameter, up to 1.5 (vs. 3.5–4.5) cm long peduncles, adaxially hairy and 1.5–2.5 mm long (vs. glabrous and 7–8 mm long) calyx lobes, a c. 2 (vs. 5–5.4) mm long corolla tube, and c. 1 (vs. 2.4–3) mm long corolla lobes. Notably, X. attopevense was not reported to have setose hairs on its leaf blades, although this type of hair is depicted in a drawing illustrating fruits attached to the type specimens Harmand 1099, collected in February 1877, Attopeu, Bassac, Laos (P, barcodes 02436251 and 02436253) (
The morphological differences among these four species are summarized in Table
Key morphological differences between Xanthophytum antoanense and its closest congeners (based on
Characteristics | X. antoanense | X. attopevense | X. capitatum | X. setosum |
Indumentum on stem | septate | sericeous to pilose | septate and setose | septate and setose |
Stipules | ovate, 1.7–2.5 cm long, 3-lobed, hairs septate | ovate, c. 1.5 by 0.8 cm, unlobed, hairs sericeous or pilose to glabrescent | triangular to ovate, 0.7 cm long, unlobed, hairs septate | lanceolate, triangular or ovate, c. 1 cm long, unlobed, hairs septate and setose |
Leaf blade | 13–24 × 3–4.5 cm, narrowly lanceolate, abaxially with dense red setose hairs, base cuneate-oblique | 11–20 × 3–5 cm, broadly lanceolate to oblong, abaxially with sericeous hairs, base cuneate to attenuate | 8–18.5 × 2.5–7 cm, oblong to obovate, abaxially with setose hairs, base cuneate to attenuate | 7–16 × 2.5–6.6 cm, lanceolate to oblong, abaxially with setose hairs, base cuneate to attenuate |
Leaf secondary veins | 20–22 pairs | 20–24 pairs | 11–16 pairs | 12–19 pairs |
Petioles | 4–6 cm long, hairs septate | 2 cm long, hairs sericeous | 3.5 cm long, hairs setose | ≤4 cm long, hairs setose |
Inflorescence | head-like, heads 2 cm in diameter | head-like, heads c. 1 cm in diameter | head-like, heads ≤1.5 cm in diameter | paniculate |
Peduncles | 3.5–4.5 cm long, hairs septate | ≤1.5 cm long, hairs sericeous | 0.5–3 cm long, hairs setose | ≤3.5 cm long, hairs septate and setose |
Bracts | oblanceolate, 3.0–3.2 mm long | triangular, 1.5–3 mm long | narrow, ≤1 cm long | minute |
Calyx | adaxially glabrous | adaxially glabrous | adaxially densely pubescent | adaxially densely pubescent |
Calyx lobes | spatulate, 7–8 mm long | band-shaped to broadly spatulate, 1.5–2.5 mm long | bluntly triangular, c. 0.6 mm long | bluntly triangular, c. 1 mm |
Corolla tube of brevistylous flowers | 5–5.4 mm long, inside densely hairy on upper ¾, outside glabrous | c. 2 mm long, inside with a ring of hairs at the upper part, outside glabrous | 1.8 mm long, inside with a 0.6 mm high ring of hairs in the upper part of the tube, outside glabrous | c. 1.8 mm, inside with a narrow ring of hairs a bit down from the throat, outside sparsely hairy |
Corolla lobes | oblong-lanceolate, 2.4–3 mm long | shape unknown, c. 1 mm long | triangular, 0.7 mm long | triangular, 1.2 mm long |
Stamens of brevistylous flowers | 5.3–5.5 mm long | c. 2 mm long | c. 2 mm long | c. 2.8 mm long |
Style of brevistylous flowers | 2.7–2.8 mm long, sparsely hairy at upper half | c. 2.5 mm long, glabrous | c. 1.4 mm long, glabrous | c. 1.2 mm long, glabrous |
1 | Inflorescence head-like | 2 |
– | Inflorescence paniculate | 3 |
2 | Lateral veins 9–16 pairs | X. kwangtungense |
– | Lateral veins ≥ 20 pairs | X. antoanense |
3 | Petioles up to 1 cm long; lateral veins 11–15 pairs | X. balansae |
– | Petioles up to 5 cm long; lateral veins 14–25 pairs | X. polyanthum |
The equipment used for this study was supplied by VAST. The managers and staff of An Toan Nature Reserve and Southern Institute of Ecology/Institute of Applied Materials Science are acknowledged for their various supporting roles during the study. We are grateful to the reviewers and editor for their constructive and critical comments, which have significantly improved the manuscript.
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
No ethical statement was reported.
This research was funded by the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) under project number UQĐTCB.06/23-24.
Conceptualization, Hong Truong Luu, Xuan Bach Nguyen-Le; Formal analysis, Hong Truong Luu, Quoc Dat Nguyen, Hieu Cuong Nguyen, Xuan Bach Nguyen-Le, Tran Quoc Trung Nguyen; Funding acquisition, Hong Truong Luu; Investigation, Quoc Dat Nguyen, Xuan Bach Nguyen-Le, Hieu Cuong Nguyen; Methodology, Hong Truong Luu, Xuan Bach Nguyen-Le, Quoc Dat Nguyen; Project admistration, Tran Quoc Trung Nguyen; Supervision, Hong Truong Luu; Visualization, Hong Truong Luu, Hieu Cuong Nguyen, Xuan Bach Nguyen-Le; Writing – original draft, all authors; Writing – review & editing, Hong Truong Luu, Xuan Bach Nguyen-Le. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Hieu Cuong Nguyen
Xuan Bach Nguyen-Le
Quoc Dat Nguyen
Tran Quoc Trung Nguyen
Hong Truong Luu
All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text.