Xanthophytum antoanense A plant in situ B whole plant C leaf base D leaf, adaxial surface E leaf, abaxial surface F setose hairs on abaxial leaf surface (dried) G stipule H inflorescences I bracts (dried) J flower, top view K calyx lobes L opened corolla showing stamens M pistil N ovary, disc and base of style O flower, side view, with an interfloral bract (arrow) P corolla and calyx, some calyx lobes removed Q anthers R stigma (corolla removed) S cross-section of ovary.

  Part of: Nguyen HC, Nguyen-Le XB, Nguyen QD, Nguyen TQT, Luu HT (2024) Xanthophytum antoanense (Rubiaceae, Ophiorrhizeae), a new species from Vietnam. PhytoKeys 250: 215-222. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.250.137482