1-252 issues matching your criteria:
PhytoKeys 140 (2020)
Papers published: 11
| Total pages: 158
Lauraceae (2),
Lamiaceae (1),
Santalaceae (1),
Ranunculaceae (1),
Solanaceae (1),
Orchidaceae (1),
Lentibulariaceae (1),
Euphorbiaceae (1),
Laurales (1),
Caryophyllaceae (1),
Myrsinaceae (1)
Asian Russia (1),
Comores (1),
Asia (2),
Africa (1),
Peru (1),
Indian Ocean Islands (1),
South America (1),
China (2),
Americas (3),
Taiwan (1),
Madagascar (1)
PhytoKeys 139 (2020)
Papers published: 10
| Total pages: 118
Orchidaceae (1),
Zingiberaceae (1),
Poaceae (1),
Asteraceae (2),
Lamiaceae (1),
Asparagaceae (1),
Podocarpaceae (1),
Solanaceae (1),
Bambusoideae (1),
Angiospermae (3),
Rosaceae (1)
PhytoKeys 138 (2020)
Plant diversity of Southeast Asia-II
Edited by Jin X-H, Xia N-H, Tan Y-H
The special issue of plant diversity in Southeast Asia will focus on the documentation of new discoveries in SE Asia. There are four global biodiversity hotspots in Southeast Asia. Although there are many plans to protect this rich biodiversity, however, the rich biodiversity in SE Asia is under threat due to economic development and population growth. There is a huge gap between our knowledge and biodiversity in SE Asia. During the last six investigations, many new taxa, including new species, new genera, have been discovered. This special issue will bring the rich but little known biodiversity to the public and protect them.
The special issue of plant diversity in Southeast Asia will focus on the documentation of new discoveries in SE Asia. There are four global biodiversity hotspots in Southeast Asia. Although there are many plans to protect this rich biodiversity, however, the rich biodiversity in SE Asia is under thr ...
Papers published: 18
| Total pages: 240
Equisetales (1),
Annonaceae (1),
Zingiberaceae (3),
Asteraceae (2),
Equisetaceae (1),
Orchidaceae (3),
Bambusoideae (2),
Rubiaceae (1),
Araceae (1),
Lauraceae (1),
Begoniaceae (2),
Angiospermae (1)
PhytoKeys 135 (2019)
Papers published: 11
| Total pages: 132
Malpighiaceae (1),
Gymnospermae (1),
Crassulaceae (1),
Brassicaceae (1),
Hydrocharitaceae (1),
Isoetales (1),
Alismatales (1),
Araceae (1),
Characeae (1),
Orchidaceae (1),
Theaceae (1),
Saxifragaceae (1),
Monilophytes (1),
Lycopodiophyta (1),
Angiospermae (2),
Core Eudicots: Rosids (1),
Brassicales (1),
Caryophyllaceae (1)
Conservation Biology (1),
Identification key (1),
Taxonomy (7),
Biodiversity & Conservation (1),
Biogeography (2),
Phylogeny (2),
Floristics & Distribution (3),
Molecular systematics (2),
Nomenclature (1),
Aquatic (1),
Species Inventories (1)
Americas (1),
Morocco (1),
South America (1),
Central Asia (1),
Far East (1),
Kenya (1),
North Africa (1),
Colombia (1),
Andes (1),
Africa (2),
China (1),
Netherlands (1),
Asia (4),
Europe (1)