1-252 issues matching your criteria:
PhytoKeys 191 (2022)
An annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Taita Hills, Eastern Arc Mountain
Benjamin Muema Watuma, Solomon Kipkoech, David Kimutai Melly, Veronicah Mutele Ngumbau, Peninah Cheptoo Rono, Fredrick Munyao Mutie, Elijah Mbadi Mkala, John Mulinge Nzei, Geoffrey Mwachala, Robert Wahiti Gituru, Guang-Wan Hu, Qing-Feng Wang
Papers published: 1
| Total pages: 158
PhytoKeys 190 (2022)
Papers published: 10
| Total pages: 146
Fabaceae (1),
Bacillariophyta (1),
Zingiberales (1),
Angiospermae (1),
Zingiberaceae (1),
Gesneriaceae (1),
Bacillariophyceae (1),
Solanaceae (1),
Costaceae (1),
Orchidaceae (1),
Amaryllidaceae (1),
Fabales (1),
Rosaceae (1),
Naviculaceae (1)
PhytoKeys 189 (2022)
Papers published: 10
| Total pages: 162
Orchidaceae (1),
Valerianaceae (1),
Caryophyllaceae (1),
Caprifoliaceae (1),
Hypnales (1),
Bromeliaceae (1),
Plagiotheciaceae (1),
Gymnospermae (1),
Bacillariophyta (1),
Angiospermae (1),
Brassicaceae (1),
Asteraceae (1),
Capparaceae (1),
Bryata (1)
PhytoKeys 188 (2022)
Papers published: 10
| Total pages: 192
Araliaceae (1),
Lamiales (1),
Angiospermae (1),
Hydrangeaceae (1),
Algae (1),
Dioscoreales (1),
Juglandaceae (1),
Burmanniaceae (1),
Bacillariophyta (1),
Cactaceae (1),
Solanaceae (1),
Lamiaceae (1),
Cyperaceae (2),
Core Eudicots: Asterids (1)
PhytoKeys 187 (2021)
Papers published: 12
| Total pages: 228
Bacillariophyceae (1),
Lomariopsidaceae (1),
Rosaceae (1),
Begoniaceae (1),
Caryophyllaceae (2),
Angiospermae (1),
Algae (1),
Bacillariophyta (1),
Gesneriaceae (1),
Chromista (1),
Ranunculaceae (1),
Achnanthidiaceae (1),
Boraginaceae (1),
Fabaceae (1)
Floristics & Distribution (1),
Phylogeny (1),
Molecular systematics (2),
Karyosystematics (1),
Bioinformatics (1),
Palaeobotany (1),
Identification key (1),
Biodiversity & Conservation (2),
Species Inventories (1),
Taxonomy (9),
Evolutionary biology (1),
Nomenclature (3)
PhytoKeys 186 (2021)
Papers published: 10
| Total pages: 168
Angiospermae (3),
Orchidaceae (1),
Malvaceae (1),
Gesneriaceae (1),
Lamiaceae (2),
Piperales (1),
Bombacaceae (1),
Orobanchaceae (1),
Dipteridaceae (1),
Moraceae (1),
Gleicheniales (1),
Fagaceae (1),
Core Eudicots: Rosids (1),
Fagales (1),
Aristolochiaceae (1),
Basal Angiosperms: Non-Monocots (1)
Iberian Peninsula (1),
China Seas (1),
South America (1),
Asia (6),
Balkans (1),
North America (1),
Far East (1),
Central America and the Caribbean (1),
Italy (1),
Vietnam (1),
Americas (2),
Europe (1),
Southern Europe and Mediterranean (1)
PhytoKeys 185 (2021)
Papers published: 10
| Total pages: 130
Chile (2),
Argentina (1),
South America (1),
China (3),
Asia (3),
Central Europe (1),
Bolivia (1),
Central Asia (1),
Andes (1),
Americas (2),
Thailand (1)
PhytoKeys 184 (2021)
Papers published: 10
| Total pages: 138
Hypnales (1),
Salicaceae (1),
Saxifragaceae (1),
Bryopsida (1),
Ebenaceae (1),
Vitaceae (1),
Rubiaceae (1),
Convolvulaceae (1),
Angiospermae (2),
Annonaceae (1),
Plagiotheciaceae (1),
Orchidaceae (1)
PhytoKeys 183 (2021)
Papers published: 10
| Total pages: 144
Taxonomy (9),
Nomenclature (3),
Evolutionary biology (1),
Marine & Freshwater ecology (1),
Identification key (1),
Phylogeny (1),
Biodiversity & Conservation (1),
Biogeography (1),
Molecular systematics (2),
Floristics & Distribution (3),
Species Inventories (1)