Research Article |
Corresponding author: Vicki A. Funk ( ) Academic editor: Alexander Sennikov
© 2016 Vicki A. Funk, D.J. Nicholas Hind.
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Funk VA, Hind DJN (2016) Typification of species names in Adenocaulon and Eriachaenium (Compositae/Asteraceae, Subfamily Mutisioideae, Tribe Mutisieae, Subtribe Adenocaulinae). PhytoKeys 69: 121-128.
During the course of a recent research project on Adenocaulon and Eriachaenium it became apparent that some of the species names had not been typified. In this study we located and designated as much type material as possible for these two genera. We indicate holotypes or lectotypes where appropriate, including one for the type of the genus Adenocaulon.
Asteraceae , Composiate, North, Central and South America, Asia, Asia-America disjunct distribution
In the process of preparing a manuscript on the phylogenetic placement of Eriachaenium Sch. Bip. and Adenocaulon Hook. (
The species of Eriachaenium and Adenocaulon are listed below along with their Type citations [! indicates that the specimen was seen by one of the authors and * indicates that it was seen on-line at either
Adenocaulon bicolor W.J. Hooker, Botanical Miscellany 1(1): 19–20. Apr 1829. Plate XV.
[Although the cover page of Botanical Miscellany volume 1 lists the publication date as 1830, according to
Syntype 1. USA [Washington State], Dense forest of Straits of Juan de Fuca, and near Fort Vancouver and Columbia River, West coast of North America, [1824–1825], John Scouler s.n. [1017] [Lectotype: K! here designated; isolectotypes: E00230668*, NY00158065!;
Scouler’s trip to Northwest USA was in 1824–1825 (
Syntype 2. North America, in the Rocky Mountains, [1825–1827], Thomas Drummond s.n. [K! (not yet available on JSTOR-GP)]
Lanjouw and Stafleu (1954) reported that Drummond’s collections could also be in A,
Adenocaulon integrifolium T. Nuttall, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, New Series 7[1]: 289. 1841. Type material: United States, Oregon, Shady woods of the Wahlamet, near its confluence with the Oregon, [1834], T. Nuttall, s.n. [Holotype: GH00000615*; isotypes: K! (not yet available on JSTOR-GP); PH00224269*]
Adenocaulon chilense E.F. Poeppig ex C.F. Lessing, Linnaea 6: 107–108. 1831.
Chile. Antuco, [Dec 1828], E.F. Poeppig 225, diar. 755. [Holotype most likely at B and destroyed; Lectotype here designated as W* (W1889-0050720); isolectotypes: G00495616*, HAL0110867*, M0029893*, P02505554*, W0064359*, & W0064360*].
Lessing’s descriptions seem to be based on specimens that he examined at B. They were most likely collected by B staff/associates or sent to B as a gift/exchange. The Compositae herbarium at B was destroyed during WWII (
There is some confusion as to the collecting number: on many specimens there are two numbers, the number of the printed labels differing somewhat from the “diario” numbers that are often handwritten. As a result, some records for this particular collection have the number 755 but others list 255 (likewise JSTOR-GP entries list one or the other). Some specimens clearly have both 755 & 225 printed on the labels and others do not. It is possible that the collecting number is 755 as it appears handwritten on the lectotype (and on the printed lables as “diar. 755”) and other type material has 255 printed on the labels and this may be a species number. Vitek (pers. comm.) provided an example of how the collecting number might be cited and we have followed that.
Adenocaulon lechleri C.H. Schultz Bipontinus, Flora 38: 113. 1855. Type material. Chile. Ad portum Port Famine, s.d. [1850–1853], W. Lechler 1245 [Holotype: P02505548* ex Herb. Sch. Bip.; isotypes, BR0000005630134*, G00222157*, G00222158*, G00222159*, GH00000617*, M0029894*, M0029895*, NY00158067*, P02505546*, P02505547*, P03313093*]. On JSTOR-GP there is specimen from K from Herbarium Hookerianum collected by Lechler (s.n.) but with a date of 20 January 1854 and a different location. This is not believed to be type material.
Boerhavia nudicaulis R.A. Philippi, Linnaea 29: 37. 1857. Type material. Chile. Chillán, 1 Dec 1855, P. Germain s.n [Holotype: SGO000001680*; isotypes: G00414903*; K000500419!. K000500419 is not listed as a type in JSTOR-GP and the date printed on the label is ‘1856 et 1857”, but it has the correct location and was originally identified as B. nudicaulis so it is probably an isotype.]
According to Lanjouw and Stafleu (1957), Germain was in Chile 1854–1890 and they indicated that there may be additional specimens at
Adenocaulon himalaicum M.P. Edgeworth, Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 20: 64. 1851.
Himalaya in sylvis, 7000–9000 ft, between Nagkanda and Kotgurh [India, Himachal Pradesh], 1844, M.P. Edgeworth 15 [Holotype: K000250901!; Probable isotypes: K! K000250901,
The printed label on the Holotype has a date of 1844, the
Adenocaulon adhaerescens C.J. Maximowicz, Primitiae florae Amurensis: 152–154. 1859.
Russia, Amur, [7 July 1855], C.J. Maximowicz s.n.
Amur is an area in Siberia (Russia) near the border with China. Vegter (1976) indicated that Maximowicz went to Amur in 1854–1856 and again in 1859–1860 but the latter years are too late for this species description. The lectotype selected below has the date of 7 July 1855 on the label.
According to the protologue there are five syntypes all collected by Maximowicz from Amur, the Khabarovsk Region of Russia. Maximowicz worked at
Syntype 1. Borbi (an Nadelholzrändern, 27 June fl. pr.) [Borbi, Russia: 51.24, 139.36; 14 Km SSE of Tsimmermanovka and the Amur River (
Syntype 2. Ussuri-Mündung [mouth of the Ussuri River], Wäldern, and especially frequent in Waldstegen, Poddale, 20 May (sterile)
Syntype 3. Chungar [Khungari River], 11 July (fl. pr.) Lectotype here designated: LE01013892* (not yet available in JSTOR-GP); Isolectotypes: H1023222*, K000768768!, S0940878*)
Syntype 4. Dshare [mouth of “Dondon” (now Anyuy) River], 18 July (flor. et frf.)
Syntype 5. Ssargu [now Sharga Lake], 14 July 1855 (fl. et defl.)
Syntype 3 was selected as the lectotype because the location, day and month are the same as those listed in the protologue. All other specimens either had no information on the actual sheet or conflicting information. Vegter (1976) listed other herbaria that might hold type material: L,
Adenocaulon lyratum S.F. Blake, Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 24: 435–436. 1934.
Guatemala. In open woods, Chichavac, Dept. Chimaltenango, alt. 2530 m, 20 Sept 1933, A.F. Skutch 622, [Holotype: US00128315!; Isotypes: CAS0000062!; GH00000616*; K000500423*; LL00374377*; MICH1108850*]
Adenocaulon nepalense M. Bittmann, Candollea 45: 403–405. 1990.
Nepal, Jaljale, 3400 m, 22 Aug 1984, M. Farille & G. Lachard 847509 [Holotype: GOET000995*; isotype: G (as cited by Bittman 1990a; not found in the G herbarium, pers.comm. L. Gautier)]
Eriachaenium magellanicum C.H. Schultz Bipontinus, Flora 38: 120–121. 1855.
Chile. Prov. Magallanes: Oazy Harbour, s.d. [1850–1853], W. Lechler 1256 [Holotype: P04388712* ex Herb. Sch. Bip.; isotypes: K000500417!, K000500418!, P04388711*, S10-34491*]
We thank our colleagues at the following herbaria for their assistance in tracking down specimens that were not listed on line: CGE (C. Bartram); E (L. Scott); G (L. Gautier & L. Loze);
TYPE collections [collector(s) and number, date collected, basionym, current species name]
Drummond T., s.n., [1925–1927], Adenocaulon bicolor WJ Hooker
Edgeworth M.P., 15, 1844, Adenocaulon himalaicum Edgeworth
Farille M. & Lachard G. 847509, 22 Aug 1984, Adenocaulon nepalense M Bittmann
Germain P., s.n., 1 Dec 1855, Boerhavia nudicaulis Phil. = Adenocaulon chilense Lessing
Lechler W., 1245, [1850–1853], Adenocaulon lechleri Sch. Bip. = Adenocaulon chilense Lessing
Lechler W., 1256, [1850–1853], Eriachaenium magellanicum Sch. Bip.
Maximowicz C.J., s.n., s.d. [1854–1856], Adenocaulon adhaerescens Maximowicz = Adenocaulon himalaicum Edgeworth
Nuttall T., s.n., s.d. [1834], Adenocaulon integrifolium T Nuttall = Adenocaulon bicolor WJ Hooker
Poeppig E.F., 225 and/or 755, s.d. [1827–1829], Adenocaulon chilense Lessing
Scouler J., s.n, s.d. [1824–1825], Adenocaulon bicolor JD Hooker
Skutch A.F., 622, 20 Sep 1933, Adenocaulon lyratum SF Blake