Research Article |
Corresponding author: Paweł Kwiatkowski ( ) Academic editor: Peter de Lange
© 2022 Paweł Kwiatkowski, Otakar Šída, Jacek Urbaniak.
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Kwiatkowski P, Šída O, Urbaniak J (2022) Pimpinella saxifraga subsp. rupestris (Apiaceae) – taxonomy and nomenclature of stenoendemic taxon from Karkonosze Mountains (Sudetes, Poland). PhytoKeys 213: 111-118.
Pimpinella saxifraga subsp. rupestris (Apiaceae) grows in a glacial cirque (Karkonosze Mountains, Sudetes, Poland) on a basalt substrate. Specimens of this species were first collected and described at the end of the 19th century, and their taxonomic distinctiveness and endemic status were determined by Weide in 1962. The typification of the name Pimpinella saxifraga subsp. rupestris is discussed. The protologue of the name and the diagnostic phrase are evaluated based on herbarium specimen. The lectotype is designated. The paper also presents diagnostic morphological features of this and a closely related species Pimpinella saxifraga subsp. saxifraga.
endemic taxon, lectotypification, morphology, Poland, Sudetes, tribe Pimpinelleae
The genus Pimpinella L. is one of the most numerous genus in the family Apiaceae, subfamily Apioideae, tribe Pimpinelleae, and consists of ca. 180 species. Its wide geographic scope covers Europe, Asia and Africa, including Madagascar. However, nearly 70% of the species grow in Asia. It is also introduced to North and South America and southern Australia (
Pimpinella saxifraga, the type species of the genus (
We have studied specimens held by the herbaria G, JE, KRA, KRAM, PR, WRSL (acronyms according to
The typification process follows Article 9.12 of the ICN Schenzen Code (
–Poland. Europe, Sudetes: Kleine Schneegrube des Riesengebirges (Hirte, Naturwissenschaftlichen Museum Coburg) [missing, Heimo Rainer, pers. comm.]. – Lectotype (designated here): Poland. Flora des Westsudeten. Basalt in der Kleinen Schneegrube [Karkonosze Mountains–Mały Śnieżny Kocioł Cirque, basaltic rocks, ca 1300 m a.s.l.], 14 August 1891, leg. G. Hirte, (PR 162605! – Fig.
All specimens (isolectotypes) come from the same collection by G. Hirte (August 14, 1891) and were sent as duplicates to various herbaria (Geneva, Jena, Pruhonice).
Plants (5-)10–35 cm tall. Rosette leaves with ± long petioles, 2-pinnate with 3–6(-8) pairs of sessile leaflets; leaflets rounded to ovate, evenly dentate or serrate. Stems cylindrical, sometimes slightly striate, rarely branched in the upper part, leafless or with 1–3 cauline leaves. Lower cauline leaves 1-pinnate, dentate with obtuse teeth, light green; middle cauline leaves 2-pinnate, sessile with short sheaths; leaflets of upper cauline leaves reduced, linear or lanceolate. Umbels small, with 7–14 rays of uneven length; rays smooth or ± ciliate; involucres and involucels usually absent. Petals whitish, yellowish, sporadically pink, up to 0.7–1.0 mm long, cordate, incurved at tips. Fruits 1.0–2.0(–2.5) × 0.5–1.5(–2.0) mm, ovoid, slightly compressed, smooth with ribs distinct only at maturity (Fig.
Living plants of Pimpinella saxifraga subsp. rupestris
Morphological differences between the subspecies of Pimpinella saxifraga in Karkonosze Mountains.
Characters | P. saxifraga subsp. saxifraga | P. saxifraga subsp. rupestris |
Stems | angular to slightly striate; | cylindrical (oval), slightly striate; |
(20)50–100(150) cm high; | (5)10–35 cm high; mostly single stems, very rarely branched in upper part | |
usually branched; only lower parts hairy | ||
Leaves | ± shiny, from light to dark green | ± dull, from light to dark green |
Rosette leaves | 2-pinnate with (2)3–5(8) pairs of ovate or oval, evenly dentate leaflets | on ± long petioles, 2- pinnate, with 3–6(8) pairs of oval, unevenly dentate or serrate leaflets |
Umbells | with (7)9–16(26) peduncles which reach a length of 2.0–4.0 cm | with (7)8–11(14) smooth or ± ciliated peduncles of unequal length |
Flowers | with white, yellow or red petals up to 1.0–1.5 mm long | with whitish, white-yellowish or sporadically pink petals up to 0.7–1.0 mm long |
Fruits | spherical-ovate, slightly laterally compressed, dimensions 1.5–2.5 × 1.0–2.0 mm | ovate, slightly laterally compressed, dimensions 1.0–2.0 (2.5) × 0.5–1.5 (2.0) mm |
Poland. Sudetes: Riesengebirge [Karkonosze Mountains]: Kleine Schneegrube [Mały Śnieżny Kocioł Glacial Cirque], 14 August 1891, Hirte (Flora silesica exsiccata No 375, 1891), ut Pimpinella saxifraga var. alpestris Spreng. (G00379179, G00848072, JE00028397); Am Basalt in der Kleinen Schneegrube [basalt outcrop in the Mały Śnieżny Kocioł Glacial Cirque], 14 August 1891, Hirte, ut Pimpinella saxifraga var. alpestris Spreng. (G00379180, JE00028396, JE00028398, PR162605); M. Sněžná jáma [Mały Śnieżny Kocioł Glacial Cirque], August 1921, Pilát, ut Pimpinella saxifraga var. petraea (PR162596).
This particular population of Pimpinella saxifraga from Mały Śnieżny Kocioł in the Polish side of Karkonosze Mountains (Sudetes) was formally recognized for the first time under the name Pimpinella saxifraga var. alpestris Sprengel by Rudolf von Uechtritz in the late 19th century, and reported in publications by
In the mid-twentieth century,
Further research was conducted by Josef
The authors thank the curators of the herbaria listed in the Material and Methods section for help in finding original material or providing digital images of the specimens, Lidia Przewoźnik (Karkonoski Park Narodowy, Jelenia Góra, Poland) for taking photographs, Prof. Jean Pierre Reduron (Mulhouse, France) for sending scans of hard-to-access literature, and Dr. Matthew Renner and the anonymous Reviewer for their helpful comments and suggestions.