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Corresponding author: Gianniantonio Domina ( ) Academic editor: Alexander Sukhorukov
© 2021 Gianniantonio Domina, Giovanni Astuti, Gianluigi Bacchetta, Giulio Barone, Ivana Rešetnik, Ana Terlević, Melanie Thiébaut, Lorenzo Peruzzi.
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Domina G, Astuti G, Bacchetta G, Barone G, Rešetnik I, Terlević A, Thiébaut M, Peruzzi L (2021) Typification of 14 names in the Dianthus virgineus group (Caryophyllaceae). PhytoKeys 187: 1-14.
The nomenclature of 14 taxa from Central and Southern Europe within the Dianthus virgineus group is discussed. Dianthus aggericola Jord., D. collivagus Jord., D. consimilis Jord., D. orophilus Jord., D. saxicola Jord., D. juratensis Jord. are here lectotypified by specimens from the Jordan herbarium in LY, while D. godronianus Jord. by a specimen in P. Dianthus subacaulis Vill. is neotypified by a specimen collected on Mont Ventoux (S. France) and housed in MPU. For D. sylvestris Wulfen, a lectotype is here designated and its previous neotypification is discussed. Dianthus caryophyllus var. tenuifolius Moris, D. caryophyllus f. minor Moris and D. sylvestris var. garganicus Ten. are lectotypified by specimens housed in herbarium Moris (TO) and herbarium Tenore (K). Dianthus virgineus var. tergestinus Rchb. is lectotypified by a drawing from the Icones florae Germanicae & Helveticae, while D. contractus var. evolutus Lojac. is neotypified by a specimen in P. For each taxon the currently accepted name is provided including new synonymies. The type indication is followed by nomenclatural and taxonomic notes, in which the original material found is commented and the reasons for the identification of the types are discussed.
Dianthus, France, Italy, Slovenia, nomenclature
Dianthus L. (Caryophyllaceae) includes about 300 species from the temperate regions of the Old World, many of which are narrow endemics (
The D. virgineus L. group can be considered as one of the richest and most complex in the genus. Many taxa have been described from Central and Southern Europe, albeit their actual taxonomical value is often doubtful. The genus has undergone extensive taxonomic investigations since the 18th century (
In this study, the nomenclature of 14 taxa is discussed: Dianthus aggericola Jord., D. collivagus Jord., D. consimilis Jord, D. godronianus Jord., D. orophilus Jord., D. saxicola Jord., D. juratensis Jord., and D. subacaulis Vill. from S. France; D. sylvestris Wulfen from NE Italy/SW Slovenia; D. virgineus var. tergestinus Rchb. from NE Italy; D. caryophyllus var. tenuifolius Moris and D. caryophyllus f. minor Moris from Sardinia; D. sylvestris var. garganicus Ten. from S Italy; and D. contractus var. evolutus Lojac. from Sicily.
As part of an ongoing project aimed to push forward the taxonomic knowledge on selected genera of the Italian vascular flora, this study aims to lay the foundations for further taxonomic investigations by an integrated approach based on morphometric and molecular data (
We examined the scientific literature for the effective place of publication of surveyed Dianthus names described from Central and South Europe. The bibliographic data was searched in the available digital sources and in the libraries of the European institutions, while the original material of the investigated species was searched in the main European herbaria: B, C, FI, G, K, MA, MPU, NAP, P, PAL, RAB, RO, TO, W, WU, and ZA; herbarium acronyms follow
= D. virgineus L., Sp. Pl. 1: 412. 1753. Ind. Loc.: “du Reculet (Ain)”.
(lectotype here designated): Dianthus aggericola Jord., du Reculet, 8 July 1854 [A. Jordan], LY0079734!
No other original material was found in the surveyed herbaria. According to the label, this plant was originally collected in Reculet and then grown in Jordan’s garden, where it was collected in July. As a matter of fact, besides his huge herbarium and library, Alexis Jordan owned a one-hectare experimental garden. We know that he used it to sow most species every year, while maintaining alive perennial ones, and that he regularly made herbarium sheets from these cultivated plants. In this context, the notion of original material requires particular attention (
The lectotype designated here matches the protologue and corresponds to the current application of the name, which is considered a heterotypic synonym of D. godronianus Jord. in
≡ D. siculus subsp. tenuifolius (Moris) Arrigoni, Parlatorea 7: 20. 2005.
= D. genargenteus Bacch., Brullo, Casti & Giusso, Nordic J. Bot. 28(2): 145. 2010. Ind. Loc.: “In sterilibus frequens [Sardinia]”.
(lectotype here designated): Dianthus caryophyllus tenuifolia, prope Belvì, July, inter rupe / Mus. Bot. Horti Taurinensis, Herb. Moris Barbey Cat Sard. N.156, TO!
Three herbarium sheets are kept in TO, with several individuals each. All three specimens bear labels handwritten by Moris but lack the year of collection. Two of them come from generic localities (“in arenis maritimis” and “in collibus”), while one is from Belvì in the centre of Sardinia (Nuoro). All the specimens are complete and in good condition but refer to different collections: two specimens have been collected in inner localities, whereas another one comes from the coast. Moris reports that the scape bears a single flower and that another taxon (D. caryophyllus var. tenuifolius f. minor) grows in arenosis maritimis [sandy coast]. Thus, here we propose the specimen from Belvì as lectotype, despite not being dated, assuming that the herbarium in TO hosts the original material by Moris as already done by
Based on the specimen in TO coming from the coast (referring actually to f. minor),
= D. morisianus Vals., Boll. Soc. Sarda Sci. Nat. 24: 333. 1985. Ind. Loc.: “In arenosis maritimis [Sardinia]”.
(lectotype here designated): Dianthus caryophyllus var tenuifolia, in arenosis maritimis, S. Nicolai flumini major Majo junio / Mus. Bot. Horti Taurinensis, Herb. Moris Barbey Cat Sard. N.156, TO!
A single sheet was found in TO. Albeit it may represent the holotype, it is cautiously designated here as a lectotype.
The selected specimen, uniflorous, has fixed seven portions of plants whose leaves and flower scapes are smaller than those of the typical form. All other characters of the flowers correctly match the protologue. This taxon is a heterotypic synonym of D. morisianus, a species described by
≡ D. caryophyllus var. collivagus (Jord.) Cariot & St-Lager Étude Fl., éd. 8, 2: 104. 1889.
= D. sylvestris Wulfen in Jacq., Coll. 1: 237. 1786. [January-September 1786]. Ind. Loc.: “abonde sur les côteaux du Rhône près de Lyon”.
(lectotype here designated): Dianthus scheuchzeri Rchb., Dianthus sylvestris auct. Gall. ex parte non Wulf, Lyon a Néron, Jordan, odor levis, folia ramis trigemina semper angustissima; Dianthus scheuchzeri Jord. non Rchb., Dianthus collivagus Jord., Lyon à Neron, ex herbis Jordan, July 1854, CLF056818!
Other six specimens collected by Jordan are preserved at LY, but they are not original material, since they are lacking a date or reporting dates later than the protologue.
The lectotype designated here matches the protologue and corresponds to the current application of the name, which is considered as a heterotypic synonym of D. sylvestris subsp. sylvestris in
≡ D. caryophyllus var. consimilis (Jord.) Rouy & Foucaud in Rouy, Fl. Fr. 3: 195. 1896.
= D. sylvestris Wulfen in Jacq., Coll. 1: 237. 1786. [January-September 1786]. Ind. Loc.: “Alpes de l’Oisans”.
(lectotype here designated): Dianthus consimilis Jord., June-July 1855, [A. Jordan] Roux, Herbier Jordan, LY0079676!
At LY we found another specimen citing “Lautaret (H. Alpes, May, June-July 1855, ex Horto Alexis Jordan, LY0079674!” but lacking basal leaves.
The lectotype designated here matches the protologue and corresponds to the current application of the name, which is considered as a heterotypic synonym of D. sylvestris subsp. sylvestris in
= D. arrostoi C.Presl, Delic. Prag. 60. 1822. Ind. Loc.: “Sulle più alte vette delle Nebrodi sui terreni ghiaiosi o sulle rupi calcaree di Serre di Quacedda. Juntera Minà Pal!”.
(neotype here designated): Dianthus contractus Jan., Dianthus constrictus Janka, In asperis calcareis elatioribus montis Nebrodes, Julio, M. Lojacono Pojero, P05052873 (photo!).
Neither the original material nor traces of this taxon were found in the herbaria consulted and among the documents accompanying the centuries distributed by Lojacono (
The neotype designated here matches the protologue and allows to consider this name as an heterotypic synonym of D. arrostoi C.Presl. Compared to the lectotype of D. contractus designated by
≡ D. caryophyllus subsp. godronianus (Jord.) P.Martin, Soc. Ech. Pl. Vasc. Eur. Bassin Médit. 19: 93. 1984.
≡ D. sylvestris var. godronianus (Jord.) Kerguélen, Lejeunia, Nouv. Sér., 120: 81. 1987.
= D. virgineus L., Sp. Pl. 1: 412. 1753. Ind. Loc.: Coteaux stériles de la région des oliviers. Provence, Hyères, Marseille, Toulon, Apt, mont Ventoux, Vaucluse, Villeneuve; Dauphinée, Rabou près de Gap, Valence, Avignon, Languedoc, Viviers, pont du Gard, Uzés, Montpellier, Mende, Perpignan Corse, Calvi, Bastia, Cervione, Evisa, Otta, Campitello.
(lectotype here designated): Soleirol, Herb. Cors., 959 Dianthus virgineus L. (Gren. et Godr.), Dianthus sylvestris Duby, Bastia - mai 1823, P05000349 (photo!).
This specimen corresponds with the protologue and with the current application of the name. In
≡ D. caryophyllus var. orophilus (Jord.) Rouy & Foucaud, Fl. Fr. 3: 195. 1896 [July-August 1896]
= D. sylvestris Wulfen in Jacq., Coll. 1: 237. 1786. [January-September 1786]. Ind. Loc.: “schistes au Lautaret et dans le province de Maurienne (Savoie)”.
(lectotype here designated): Dianthus orophilus, Dianthus sylvestris var. gracilior, du Lautaret May [18]53-June [18]55 […], LY0825955!
Two syntypes from Col de Lautaret are housed at LY: LY0825955 and LY0087623, both in good condition. We have designated here the most complete one as lectotype. The selected type comes from Jordan’s garden, where it was cultivated since its first collection in 1853.
This specimen conforms to the description of the protologue and corresponds to the current application of the name, which is considered as a heterotypic synonym of D. sylvestris subsp. sylvestris in
≡ D. caryophyllus var. saxicola (Jord.) Cariot & St-Lager, Étude Fl., éd. 8, 2: 103. 1889.
= D. sylvestris Wulfen in Jacq., Coll. 1: 237. 1786. [January-September 1786]. Ind. Loc.: “in lapidosis et rupestribus calcareis Beugesi et Delphinatus prope Lyon ubi eum legi”.
(lectotype here designated): Dianthus saxicola Jord., Serrières (Ain) près de Lyon, 7 June 1852, A. Jordan, LY0682162!
Two specimens belonging to the original material are housed at LY: LY0682162 and LY0088790. Both are in good condition. We have designated here the most complete one as the lectotype.
This specimen conforms to the description of the protologue and corresponds to the current application of the name, which is considered a distinct species by
≡ D. caryophyllus var. juratensis (Jord.) Gren., Fl. Chaîne Jurass.: 105. 1865.
= D. sylvestris Wulfen in Jacq., Coll. 1: 237. 1786. [January-September 1786]. Ind. Loc.: “du Mont Reculet (Ain)”.
(lectotype here designated): Dianthus juratensis Jord., mont Reculet (Ain), 24 August 1854, [A. Jordan], LY0083755!
Another herbarium sheet (LY08259243) is preserved at LY; it contains plants collected in 1855 in Villeurbanne, where they were cultivated after being originally collected in the wild at Reculet (Ain).
The lectotype designated here matches the protologue and corresponds to the current application of the name, which is considered as a heterotypic synonym of D. sylvestris subsp. sylvestris in
≡ D. sylvestris var. subacaulis (Vill.) W.D.J.Koch, Syn. Fl. Germ. Helv. 1: 97. 1835.
≡ D. virgineus var. subacaulis (Vill.) Ser., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 1: 361. 1824.
≡ D. pungens subsp. subacaulis (Vill.) Bernal, Laínz, Muñoz Garmendia & Pedrol, Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 44(2): 571. 1987.
= D. sylvestris Wulfen in Jacq., Coll. 1: 237. 1786. [January-September 1786]. Ind. Loc.: “aux environs du Buis, sur le Mont Ventoux”.
(neotype here designated): Herbier A. Dubuis, Dianthus subacaulis subsp. subacaulis, Pentes rocailleuses dénudées près du somment du Mont Ventoux (1912 m). (Vaucluse), 7 July 1955, MPU329773 (photo!).
No original material was found in GRM and in the other surveyed herbaria. Also A. P. V. Mutel’s Herbarium was checked because he used to include Villars specimens in his own herbarium (M. Lefebvre, pers. comm.).
The neotype designated here matches the protologue and corresponds to the current application of the name, which is accepted by both
≡ D. caryophyllus subsp. sylvestris (Wulfen) Rouy & Foucaud, Fl. France 3: 193. 1896. Ind. Loc.: – “in montibus illis prope Ponewitsch Baronis Wolkensberg in Carniolia, tum in M. Utocsek prope Pillichgraz; in iis. Vallis Rablensis; denique & in iis Vallis Canalensis &c.”.
(lectotype here designated): The water-coloured iconography published by
The iconography designated by
The lectotype here selected agrees with the current application of the name by numerous authors, e.g.,
≡ D. caryophyllus subsp. garganicus (Ten.) Grande, Boll. Soc. Bot. Ital. 1912: 178. 1912.
≡ D. caryophyllus var. garganicus (Ten.) Fiori, Nuova Fl. Italia 1: 512. 1924.
≡ D. sylvestris subsp. garganicus (Ten.) Pignatti, Giorn. Bot. Ital. 107: 211. 1973.
≡ D. garganicus (Ten.) Brullo, Braun-Blanquetia 2: 31. 1988.
= D. tarentinus Lacaita, Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. n.s., 18(4): 511. 1911. Ind. Loc.: “Gargano”.
(lectotype here designated): Dianthus sylvaticus, D. sylvestris Ten. Fl. Neap. Prodr. (1811) p. xxv. - Eiusd. Fl. Nap. I (1811–1815) p. 231, Gargano, Tenore misit Nov 1827 / Herb. J. Gay., Presented by Dr. Hooker, February 1868, K000725365 (photo!).
In the same herbarium sheet three herbarium specimens, sent by Michele Tenore to Jaques Étienne Gay, are mounted. K000725363 was collected by Tenore from Calmaldoli (Campania, Italy) in November 1825; K000725364 by Nicolas Bové from La Calle (Algeria) in June 1839, and K000725365 by Tenore from Gargano (Apulia, Italy) in November 1827. In NAP there is a specimen from Gargano with the handwriting by Michele Tenore, lacking a date.
The lectotype designated here matches the protologue and corresponds to the current application of the name, which is considered as a heterotypic synonym of D. tarentinus Lacaita (
≡ D. tergestinus (Rchb.) A.Kern., Sched. Fl. Exs. Austro-Hung. 2: 71. 1883.
≡ D. caryophyllus var. tergestinus (Rchb.) Tanfani in Caruel, Fl. Ital. 9(2): 283. 1892.
≡ D. sylvestris subsp. tergestinus (Rchb.) Hayek, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 30(1, 2): 247. 1924. Ind. Loc.: none [but Trieste, Italy, can be easily inferred from the epithet “tergestinus” that means “from Trieste”].
(lectotype here designated): Rchb., Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. 6: pl. 266 fig. 5049β. 1842–1844.
The main text (Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. 6: 47. 1842–1844. [1844 publ. 1842–1844]) lacks a written diagnosis or description, and, in any case, it is not clear if the plate was published simultaneously with the main text.
This taxon is considered as a subspecies of D. sylvestris by
We thank Hans-Joachim Esser (M), Laura Guglielmone (TO), Matthieu Lefebvre (GRM) and the other curators of herbaria listed in Material and Methods section for their help with searching for the original material. A special thanks to W. Greuter (PAL) for nomenclatural advice. This work was supported by the “Progetto di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale” (PRIN) “PLAN.T.S. 2.0 – towards a renaissance of PLANt Taxonomy and Systematics” led by the University of Pisa, under the grant number 2017JW4HZK (Principal Investigator: Lorenzo Peruzzi). The work of Ana Terlević and Ivana Rešetnik has been supported by Croatian Science Foundation under the project UIP-2017-05-2882 (AmphiAdriPlant), as well as by the “Young researchers’ career development project – training of doctoral students” of the Croatian Science Foundation funded from the European Social Fund.