Research Article |
Corresponding author: Sulayman Mamtimin ( ) Academic editor: Matt von Konrat
© 2021 Xiao-Rui Wang, Min Li, John R. Spence, Jian-Cheng Zhao, Sulayman Mamtimin.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Wang X-R, Li M, Spence JR, Zhao J-C, Mamtimin S (2021) Haplodontium altunense (Bryaceae, Bryopsida), a new moss species from Northwest China. PhytoKeys 183: 9-19.
Haplodontium altunense X.R.Wang & S.Mamtimin, a new moss species of the family Bryaceae from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China is described and illustrated. Genetic analysis based on ITS sequences shows that this species is a member of the Bryaceae and in the same clade as Anomobryum. Particularly distinctive features of the new species include: double peristome; the exostome has raised and membranous chomata with united lamellae between two teeth proximally; the endostome is poorly developed and all the endostomial material tightly adherent to the exostome.
Altun Mountain, Bryum, ITS, Plagiobryoides, Ptychostomum
Haplodontium Hampe, classified in the family Bryaceae, has been confused with the genus Mielichhoferia Hornsch.
Microscopic examination was carried out using traditional methods. The collections of Haplodontium and relevant species of Bryaceae in the herbarium of Hebei Normal University (HBNU), Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IFP), Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (KUN), Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (PE) and Xinjiang University (XJU) were examined.
Authors observed the plants under the dissecting microscope and examined the leaves, capsules and peristome under the compound light microscope and scanning electron microscope. Light micrographs were photographed using a Nikon E-800 microscope with a Nikon DXM1200F digital camera. The peristome and spores were mounted on double sided sticky tape on aluminium stubs, gold-coated and viewed using a Hitachi S-4800 field emission SEM. All line drawings were made using the drawing tube attachments of these optical microscopes.
Twenty-one samples were used for the analyses (Table
Voucher information and GenBank accession numbers of taxa used in the phylogenetic analyses.
Taxon | Voucher (Herbarium) | Origin | GenBank No. | Source |
Anomobryum auratum 1 | L.B. Li 20073626 (HBNU) | China | MZ470251 | This study |
Anomobryum auratum 2 | L.B. Li 20073628 (HBNU) | China | MZ470252 | This study |
Anomobryum julaceum | L.B. Li 20072925 (HBNU) | China | FJ796895 |
Bryum argenteum | X.R. Wang 20150512031 (HBNU) | China | MZ470253 | This study |
Bryum paradoxum | J.C. Zhao 0610067 (HBNU) | China | EU878207 |
Bryum recurvulum | W.Q. Li 040900 (HBNU) | China | EU878217 |
Gemmabryum caespiticium | X.R. Wang 20156001 (HBNU) | China | MZ470254 | This study |
Haplodontium altunense | S. Mamtimin 16752 (XJU) | China | MZ470255 | This study |
Plagiobryum zierii | W.Q. Li 000514 (HBNU) | China | EU878219 |
Ptychostomum arcticum | S. Mamtimin 15457 (HBNU) | China | MZ470256 | This study |
Ptychostomum bimum | L. Hedenas B90015 (S) | Sweden | DQ381780 |
Ptychostomum cernuum | YL Niu 110002 (HBNU) | China | MZ470257 | This study |
Ptychostomum inclinatum | N. Cao 20050085 (HBNU) | China | EU878227 |
Ptychostomum lonchocaulon | N. Cao 20050187 (HBNU) | China | FJ796878 |
Ptychostomum neodamense | L. Hedenas B65900 (S) | Sweden | DQ381772 |
Ptychostomum pallens | M.X. Xiao 20091246 (HBNU) | China | MZ470258 | This study |
Ptychostomum pallescens | S. Mamtimin 15265 (HBNU) | China | MZ470259 | This study |
Ptychostomum pendulum | J.C. Zhao 20060463 (HBNU) | China | FJ796811 |
Ptychostomum pseudotriquetrum | D.T. Holyoak B90021 (S) | Ireland | DQ381774 |
Ptychostomum purpurascens | Y.L. Niu 110045 (HBNU) | China | MZ470260 | This study |
Ptychostomum turbinatum | S. Mamtimin 15095 (HBNU) | China | MZ470261 | This study |
Genomic DNA was extracted from freshly collected and silica gel-dried plants using a Plant Genomic DNA Kit (TIANGEN Biotech (Beijing) Co., Ltd.) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. One nuclear marker ITS was chosen. The following primers were used to amplify the marker: ‘18SF’ and ‘26SR’ for the ITS region, or sometimes ‘18SF’ and ‘5.8SR’ for ITS1, and ‘5.8SF’ and ‘26SR’ for ITS2 (
Sequence chromatograms were compiled using SeqMan II (DNASTAR Inc., Madison, WI, USA) and then aligned manually in PhyDE 0.9971 (
The maximum likelihood (ML) method was performed using RAxML v.8.2.12 on the CIPRES Science Gateway (, and inferred under the default settings (
China. Xinjiang, Ruoqiang County, Altun Mountain National Nature Reserve, 37°0.42'N, 88°36.35'E, 4290 m a.s.l., 22 July 2011, S Mamtimin 16752 (holotype: HBNU!; isotype: XJU!).
Haplodontium altunense A plant (wet) B capsule (wet) C capsules (dry) D leaves E transverse section of leaf F superficial stoma G annulus growing on the capsule mouth H dorsal views of peristome I transverse section of stem J apical laminal cells and margin K apical laminal cells L median laminal cells M basal laminal cells. Drawn by Xiaorui Wang from the holotype (HBNU!).
Particularly distinctive features of the new species including: double peristome; the exostome has raised and membranous chomata with united lamellae between two teeth proximally; the endostome is poorly developed and all the endostomial material tightly adherent to the exostome.
Light micrographs of Haplodontium altunense A–C plants (dry) D Capsule (dry) E capsule (wet) F annulus growing on the capsule mouth G annulus falling off the capsule mouth H dorsal views of median peristome showing the large papillae along the horizontal and median vertical lines I dorsal views of distal peristome showing adherent endostomial material and exostome teeth J transverse section of stem K transverse section of midleaf L transverse section of costa M leaf apex N median laminal cells O basal laminal cells P leaves. Photographed by Xiaorui Wang from the holotype (HBNU!).
Plants small, soft and dull, brown-green. Stems short, 2.5–6 mm high, weakly julaceous, branched, circular or pentagonal circular in transverse section with small and thick-walled peripheral cells surrounding 2–3 layers gradually larger and thin-walled cortical cells, central strand weakly developed. Leaves imbricate when dry, erect when moist, enlarged towards stem apex, ovate to broadly ovate, concave, 0.5–1.1×0.3–0.7 mm; base not decurrent; margins plane or recurved medially, 1-stratose, limbidium absent, smooth or finely serrulate distally; apex broadly acute; costae not reaching apex, guide cells weakly developed, 2–4 in one layer in costal transverse section, ventral and dorsal stereid bands present; alar cells not differentiated from juxtacostal cells; laminal cells lax; distal laminal cells rhomboidal, 30–44×11–21 μm, with slightly thickened walls; medial laminal cells long rhomboidal to rectangular, 37–69×12–20 μm, somewhat narrower in 2 or 3 rows toward the margins but not forming a distinct border; proximal laminal cells long rectangular, 37–56×20–28 μm. Dioicous(?). Perigonia not seen. Perichaetia at the end of short, inconspicuous stems, appearing laterally because of well-developed innovations; perichaetial leaves larger than vegetative leaves. Setae single, light brown, 15–19 mm long. Capsules nutant and symmetric, reddish brown, obovoid, 1.5–2 mm, neck short and indistinct, mouth small, stomata abundant in the neck, superficial; opercula long-conic with short rostrate; annulus present, consisting of two rows of cells, revoluble and cells with slit-like lumen; peristome double, exostome inserted below the mouth, teeth lanceolate, red-brown and pored, raised and membranous chomata with united lamellae between two teeth proximally, pale yellow to hyaline and largely papillose along horizontal and median vertical lines distally; endostome poorly developed, basal membrane smooth, segments and cilia rudimentary, all the endostomial material strongly adhere to the exostome. Spores spherical, 20–22 μm in diameter, minutely papillose.
Scanning electron micrographs of Haplodontium altunense A dorsal views of peristome B dorsal views of peristome with annulus C dorsal surface of exostome teeth proximally showing the pores and the raised and membranous chomata horizontal lines with united lamellae between two teeth D dorsal surface of exostome teeth distally showing the large papillae along the median vertical lines E dorsal surface of exostome teeth distally showing the endostomial material adherent to the teeth F ventral views of peristome G ventral surface of peristome proximally showing the smooth endostome basal membrane H ventral views of peristome distally I, J ventral surface of peristome medially and distally showing the endostomial material adherent to the teeth K spore L exine ornamentation of spore. Photographed by Xiaorui Wang from the holotype (HBNU!).
The specific epithet altunense refers to the type locality in Altun Mountain National Nature Reserve in the Northwestern China.
China (Xinjiang). Only known from the type locality, on soil substrates at 4290 m in the Altun Mountain National Nature Reserve. The population grows in a dry, cold, and windy habitat with intense evaporation. The companion species include some xerophytic mosses of the family Pottiaceae.
阿尔金拟缺齿藓 (ā ěr jīn nĭ quē chĭ xĭan)
The present phylogenetic analysis, based on the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region ITS1–5.8S–ITS2 (hereafter, ITS) region, included 20 species from six genera, as well as Bryum argenteum Hedw. as outgroup (Fig.
Pending a careful examination of Bryaceae in the Altun Mountains, we discovered an unusual collection with distinctive morphological features of the peristome: endostome poorly developed and strongly adherent to the exostome. We thought this collection could belong to the genus Synthetodontium Cardot at first sight based on its fused peristome. Phylogenetic analysis showed that this collection was nested into Bryaceae clade. It is genetically distinct from the closely related Anomobryum group (Fig.
The gametophytes of Haplodontium species are similar to those of Plagiobryum and Plagiobryoides J.R.Spence (
The gametophyte characters of Haplodontium altunense are similar to Plagiobryoides brachyneura (Kindberg) J.R.Spence (
Haplodontium altunense is also similar to Ptychostomum pendulum Hornschuch (
1 | Peristome double, exostome teeth lanceolate, raised and membranous chomata with united lamellae between two teeth proximally, endostome reduced, all the endostomial material strongly adhere to the exostome | H. altunense |
– | Peristome single, exostomial | 2 |
2 | Leaves lanceolate; costae excurrent, ending in long denticulate awns, awns 140–310 μm long | H. himalayanum |
– | Leaves ovate to oblong-ovate; costae subpercurrent to ending in short awns, awns 0–130 μm long | 3 |
3 | Leaf apex cucullate; capsules pyriform; exostome teeth regularly lanceolate, not perforate, vertically striped on dorsal surface, smooth on ventral surface | H. sinensis |
– | Leaf apex plane; capsules subglobose to short pyriform; exostome teeth irregularly linear-lanceolate, sometimes perforate, smooth or finely papillose | H. zangii |
We thank the curators and staff of IFP, KUN and PE for specimen loaning. We are grateful to Dr. Ning-Ning Yu from Institute of Botany, The Chinese Academy of Sciences for providing literature. Thanks are also extended to Mr. Jim Shevock for constructive comments and suggestions on the manuscript. This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (32060050, 31660052), the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province (D2019106006, C2019205115), the Initial Scientific Research Foundation for Doctoral Teachers of Shijiazhuang University (20BS027), the Key Scientific Research Fund Project of Hebei Normal University (L2019Z06).