Research Article |
Corresponding author: Jefferson Carvalho-Sobrinho ( ) Academic editor: Clifford Morden
© 2021 Jefferson Carvalho-Sobrinho, Vânia Nobuko Yoshikawa, Laurence J. Dorr.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.
Carvalho-Sobrinho J, Yoshikawa VN, Dorr LJ (2021) Notes on Brazilian Pachira (Malvaceae, Bombacoideae) II: Additional typifications and new synonymies. PhytoKeys 186: 53-72.
The typification and status of the names of 14 species of Pachira (Malvaceae: Bombacoideae) found in Brazil are discussed, including type material from Brazil, the Guianas, Colombia, Venezuela, and cultivated in Algeria. We designate 11 lectotypes, three neotypes, and four epitypes for these names. Six names are newly considered to be synonyms of the species accepted here. The results support a forthcoming taxonomic treatment of Pachira for the Flora of Brazil.
Bombacoideae, Bombax, Brazil, Carolinea, Malvaceae, Pachira
Pachira Aubl. is the most species-rich genus among the 17 genera of Bombacoideae (Malvaceae) (
Pachira includes several Neotropical taxa originally described in other genera, including Bombacopsis Pittier, Bombax L. (
Herein we discuss the typification and status of the names (and some of their synonyms) of 14 species of Pachira found in Brazil. Type material is from Brazil (including Brazilian material cultivated in Algeria), the Guianas, Colombia, and Venezuela. We designate 11 lectotypes, three neotypes, and four epitypes for these names. Notably, an epitype is designated here for P. aquatica Aubl., the type of the genus. Six names are newly considered to be synonyms of the species accepted here. Most significantly, P. nitida Kunth, a name often used in checklists of the Brazilian flora (see e.g.,
Protologues of names of Pachira taxa found in Brazil (and their basionyms) were examined along with relevant revisionary and floristic literature in order to determine what constituted original material, the identities of these taxa, and to establish whether these names had been typified. The specimens cited as types were either examined by us in person or via digital proxies. Herbarium acronyms for these specimens follow
For the sake of brevity, we do not provide complete synonymies for the Pachira taxa that we discuss, but rather list only names that have not been, or were previously incorrectly, typified. In a few instances, we include names that were typified earlier, but whose citations require clarification. We also list names of taxa that are considered here to be new synonyms irrespective of their typification status.
Carolinea princeps L. f., Suppl. Pl.: 314. 1782 [1781], nom. illeg. superfl. Pachira carolinea Dum. Cours., Bot. Cult., ed. 1, 3: 84. 1802, nom. illeg. superfl. Bombax aquaticum (Aubl.) K. Schum., in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3(6): 62. 1895.
Carolinea pompalis Moc. & Sessé ex DC., Prodr. 1: 478. 1824, nom. nud., pro syn.
Pachira grandiflora
Tussac, Fl. Antill. 4: 12, tt. 3, 4. 1827. Carolinea grandiflora (Tussac) Spach, Hist. Nat. Vég. 14: 206. 1847 [1848]. Type: “Antilles.” Lectotype, designated by
Carolinea macrocarpa
Schltdl. & Cham., Linnaea 6: 423. 1831. Pachira macrocarpa (Schltdl. & Cham.) Walp., Repert. Bot. Syst. 1(2): 329. 1842. Pachira longifolia Hook., Bot. Mag., ser. 3, 6: t. 4549. 1850, nom. illeg. superfl. Bombax macrocarpum (Schltdl. & Cham.) K. Schum., in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3(6): 62. 1895. Type: Mexico. Veracruz, Papantla, Feb 1829 (lf, fl bud), F. Deppe & C.J.W. Schiede 1312 (lectotype, designated by
Carolinea lovisa-carolina L. ex B.D. Jacks., Index Linn. Herb.: 52. 1912, nom. nud.
French Guiana. Cayenne, 1775 (lf), F. Aublet s.n. (lectotype, as “holotype,” designated by
The lectotype of Pachira aquatica consists solely of detached leaflets and a sterile twig. Consequently, a flowering collection from French Guiana is designated here as an epitype (Fig.
“Carolinea pompalis fl. mex. ic. ined.” was cited originally as a synonym of C. minor Sims (≡ Pachira minor (Sims) Hemsl.).
Several indices (e.g.,
Carolinea macrocarpa was described from Mexican material cultivated in Berlin. The protologue gives the type locality as “Ad ripas fluminum et rivulorum Papantlensium et Tecolutensium. Papantlae.”
Pachira longifolia is a superfluous name for P. macrocarpa (≡ Carolinea macrocarpa). The epithet of this superfluous name is often miscited as “longiflora” (see e.g.,
Bombax calophyllum K. Schum., in Martius, Fl. Bras. 12(3): 227. 1886. Bombacopsis calophylla (K. Schum.) A. Robyns, Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 33: 201. 1963.
Bombax stenopodum Ulbr., Notizbl. K. Bot. Gart. Mus. Berlin 6: 55. 1914. Type: Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, s.d. (lf, fl), L. Riedel s.n. (neotype, designated here: LE barcode 00003676; isoneotype: LE barcode 00003677; possible isoneotype: S-PLE-E4208 n.v.).
Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, s.d. (lf, fl), L. Riedel s.n. (lectotype, designated here: LE barcode 00003676; isolectotype: LE barcode 00003677; possible isolectotype: S-PLE-E4208 n.v.).
The protologue of Bombax stenopodum cites a single collection, “E. Ule n. 4631,” which was deposited in Berlin (B†; see F neg. no. 9545). Inasmuch as the Berlin specimen was destroyed in WWII and no duplicate material has been found, we designate a neotype for this name. Our choice makes this name an obligate synonym of Pachira calophylla.
Rhodognaphalopsis duckei A. Robyns, Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 33: 275, fig. 14. 1963.
Rhodognaphalopsis duckei var. obtusifolia A. Robyns, Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 33: 278. 1963, syn. nov. Type: Brazil. Amazonas, Marmellos, Rio Madeira, Mar 1902 (lf, fl), E. Ule 6077 (holotype: G barcode 00177546; isotypes: K barcode 000382340, L barcode 0012900, RB barcode 00534490, RB barcode 00534520).
Brazil. Amazonas, Manaus, Igarapé da Raiz, 30 Aug 1946 (lf, fl), A. Ducke 310 (IIa. col.) (holotype: MG barcode 018577 [= MG n.° 18.577]; isotypes: IAC 13840, IAN, SP barcode SP 003366).
Bombax endecaphyllum Vell., Fl. Flumin.: 288. 1829 [1825], Ibid., Fl. Flumin. Icones 7: t. 50. 1831 [1827]. Pseudobombax endecaphyllum (Vell.) A. Robyns, Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 33: 60. 1963.
Pachira stenopetala
Casar., Nov. Stirp. Bras.: 21. 1842. Bombax stenopetalum (Casar.) K. Schum., in Martius, Fl. Bras. 12(3): 226, t. 45. 1886. Bombacopsis stenopetala (Casar.) A. Robyns, Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 33: 221. 1963. Type: Brazil. “Occurrit passim prope Rio de Janeiro,” s.d. [Nov 1838] (fl, fl), Casaretto Herb. No. 581 (lectotype, designated by
Pachira elegans Hooibr. ex Planch., Hort. Donat. 23. 1858, syn. nov. Type: Hort. Paris, 1854 [lf], without collector (lectotype, designated here: MPU barcode 761966).
Lectotype, designated here: “Monad. Polyand. BOMBAX endecaphyllum tab. 50" (original pen and ink drawing for the Flora Fluminensis preserved in the Manuscript Section, Biblioteca Nacional do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro [cat. no.: mss1198656_054]). Epitype: Brazil. Espírito Santo, Santa Leopoldina, Morro Agudo, propr. Dona Maria, 20°05'51"S, 40°25'44"W, 28 Jan 2008 (lf, fl), V. Demuner et al. 4907 (epitype, designated here: HUEFS; isoepitypes: MBML, HVASF n.v.).
The specimen designated here as lectotype of Pachira elegans is labeled “Pachira ? elegans, Daniel” in Planchon’s hand. It was collected in 1854 before the name was published and it is now in the Herbier Planchon (MPU). It therefore can be considered original material (see
Bombax glabrum (Pasq.) A. Robyns, Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 30: 474. 1960. Bombacopsis glabra (Pasq.) A. Robyns, Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 33: 207. 1963. Pochota glabra (Pasq.) Bullock, Kew Bull. 20: 528. 1966.
Pachira oleagina Decne., Ann. Gén. Hort. 23: 49. 1881? [1880]. Bombax oleaginum (Decne.) A. Robyns, Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 29: 26. 1959. Type: Algeria. Jardin du Hamma, près d’Algers, 1879 (lf, fl), Ch. Rivière s.n. (neotype, designated here: P barcode 02286303; isoneotypes: P barcode 02286301, P barcode 02286302 [= F neg. no. 35351]).
Bombax anisophyllum Buxb., Oesterr. Bot. Z. 73: 121. 1924. Type: Brazil. Paraná, Antonina, 1904 (lf, fl), M. Wacket s.n. (lectotype, designated here: WU 0073137; isolectotypes: W barcode 19240009283, WU 0073138).
Algeria. Jardin du Hamma, près d’Algers, 1879 (lf, fl), Ch. Rivière s.n. (neotype, designated here: P barcode 02286303; isoneotypes: P barcode 02286301, P barcode 02286302 [= F neg. no. 35351]).
The labels on the neotype and one of the two isoneotypes indicate that the collection was made by “Cl. Ch. Rivière” where “Cl.” is Latin for clarissimus (i.e., distinguished). The latter label also has the initial “A.” added below this name, presumably a reference to A. Rivière who, however, was deceased before the collection was made. The horticulturists and brothers [Marie] Auguste Rivière (1821–1877) and Charles Marie Rivière (b. 1845) were successive directors of the Jardin du Hamma, the latter succeeding the former (
Bombax humilis (Spruce ex Decne.) K. Schum., in Martius, Fl. Bras. 12(3): 224. 1886. Rhodognaphalopsis humilis (Spruce ex Decne.) A. Robyns, Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 33: 294. 1963. Pochota humilis (Spruce ex Decne.) Steyerm. & W.D. Stevens, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 75: 397. 1988.
Pachira humilis Spruce ex Benth., J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 6: 108. 1862, nom. nud.
Venezuela. Amazonas, [prope] San Carlos, [ad Rio Negro], Nov 1853 (lf, fl), R. Spruce 3135 (lectotype, as “holotypus,” designated by
A collection, “Pachira humilis, Spruce, Mss. (exsicc. 3135),” is cited in the protologue, but
The synonymy and authorship of Pachira humilis Spruce ex Decne. have been confused because of the mistaken belief that
Carolinea insignis Sw., Prodr. 101. 1788. Pachira loddigesii Decne., Ann. Gén. Hort. 23: 51. 1881? [1880], nom. illeg. superfl. Bombax insigne (Sw.) K. Schum., in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3(6): 62. 1895, non Wall., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: 71, tt. 79, 80. 1830. Bombax spectabile Ulbr., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 49: 544. 1913, nom. nov.
Carolinea affinis Mart., Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. 1: 85. 1826 [1824]. Pachira affinis (Mart.) Decne., Ann. Gén. Hort. 23: 52. 1881? [1880]. Bombax affine (Mart.) Ducke, Arch. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro 5: 162. 1930. Type: Brazil. Pará, Habitat in aquaticis Archipelagi Paraënsis, s.d. (lf, fl), C.F.P. von Martius s.n. (lectotype, designated here: M barcode 0211673; isolectotype: M barcode 0211672).
Pachira macrantha Spruce ex Decne., Ann. Gén. Hort. 23: 47. 1881? [1880], nom. nud., pro syn.
Pachira spruceana Decne, Ann. Gén. Hort. 23: 46. 1881? [1880]. Bombax spruceanum (Decne.) Ducke, Arch. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro 4: 126. 1925. Type: Brazil. Amazonas, Panure ad Rio Uaupes, Oct 1852-Jan 1853 (lf, fl), R. Spruce 2884 (lectotype, designated here: P barcode 04694521 [= F neg. no. 35353]; isolectotypes: BM barcode 000645672, BR barcode 0000006960704, BR barcode 0000006962050, E barcode 00285198, F n.v., G n.v., K barcode 000382357, K barcode 000382358, LD barcode 1758563, LD barcode 1758627, LE n.v., NY n.v., P barcode 06715161, P barcode 06623110, P barcode 06623111, P barcode 04694522, RB barcode 00059374 (2 sheets), W n.v.).
Brazil. Amazonas, Paraná da Eva, Rio Amazonas, abaixo de Manaus, 27 Mar 1943 (lf, fl), A. Ducke 1211 (neotype, designated by
Pachira loddigesii is an illegitimate renaming of Carolinea insignis Sw. In his protologue,
A lectotype (second step) is designated here for the name Carolinea affinis because although
We also designate here a lectotype for Pachira spruceana. Neither Ducke (1925) nor
Bombax spectabile was proposed as a replacement name for B. insigne (Sw.) K. Schum., which is a later homonym of B. insigne Wall. Bombax insigne Wall. is a Paleotropical species found in India, south-central China, and south-east Asia.
Bombax macrocalyx Ducke, Arch. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro 4: 124. 1925. Bombacopsis macrocalyx (Ducke) A. Robyns, Bull. Jard. Bot. État 33: 203. 1963.
Pachira dolichocalyx A. Robyns, Bull. Jard. Bot. Belg. 58: 535, fig. 1988, syn. nov. Type: French Guiana. Piste de St. Elie, km 16, à proximité de nos carbets bota [Sinnamary], 28 May 1980 (fl, fr), M.F. Prévost 840 (holotype: CAY [now P barcode 0007210]; isotypes: P barcode 00077211, P barcode 05273658, U barcode 0000784, U barcode 0000785).
Brazil. Pará, Rio Xingú, margem do Rio Tucuruhy (curso superior), 24 Aug 1919 (lf, fl), A. Ducke s.n. [RB 11417] (holotype: RB barcode 00534493; isotypes: B† [= F neg. no. 9536], S-PLE-E4252 n.v., S-PLE-E4253 n.v., S-R-11282, U barcode 0000771).
In the protologue of Pachira dolichocalyx, the petals are described as greenish outside and reddish-purple inside “in vivo.” This information could only have come from whatever may have been inferred from examining the pressed and dried material and information on the type label, which simply states that the petals are wine red (“rouges lie de vin”).
Carolinea minor Sims, Bot. Mag. 34: t. 1412. 1811. Bombax minus (Sims) Ducke, Arch. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro 6: 65. 1933. Rhodognaphalopsis minor (Sims) A. Robyns, Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 33: 278. 1963. Pochota minor (Sims) Steyerm. & W.D. Stevens, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 75: 397. 1988.
Pachira nitida
Kunth, in H.B.K., Nov. Gen. Sp. (quarto ed.) 5: 302. 1822 [1821], Ibid. (folio ed.) 5: 235. 1822 [1821], syn. nov.Rhodognaphalopsis nitida (Kunth) A. Robyns, Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 33: 282. 1963. Pochota nitida (Kunth) Steyerm. & W.D. Stevens, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 75: 397. 1988. Type: Venezuela. Amazonas, Caño de Pimichin, s.d. (fl), F.W.H.A. von Humboldt & A.J.A. Bonpland 987 (lectotype, as “holotypus,” designated by
Lectotype, designated here:
In the protologue of Carolinea minor,
Bombax nervosum Uittien, Recueil Trav. Bot. Néerl. 22: 364. 1925. Bombacopsis nervosa (Uittien) A. Robyns, Bull. Jard. État Bruxelles 33: 199. 1963.
Suriname. Boschreserve (forest reserve), Sectie O, Boomnummer (Tree Number) 628, 8 May 1910 [sic, 1916 in protologue and on field ticket] (lf), Forestry Bureau 1901 (lectotype, designated by
Bombax obtusum (Spruce ex K. Schum.) Bakh., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, sér. 3, 6: 181. 1924.
Bombax poissonianum K. Schum., in Martius, Fl. Bras. 12(3): 225. 1886, syn. nov. Type: Brazil. Rio Negro, s.d. (lf, fl), sine collector (holotype: P barcode 02285965 [= F neg. No. 35362]).
Bombax utiarityi
Hoehne, Arch. Bot. São Paulo 1: 567, t. 10. 1927, syn. nov.Pachira utiarityi (Hoehne) Toledo & Handro, in Hoehne, Relat. Anual Inst. Bot. 1943: 39. 1944. Pachira utiarityi (Hoehne) Hoehne, Indice Bibliogr. Num.: 280. 1951, nom. inval. Rhodagnaphalopsis nitida var. utiarityi (Hoehne) A. Robyns, Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 33: 284. 1963. Type: Brazil. Mato Grosso, Salto do Utiarityi, Rio Papagaio, Apr 1918 (lf, fl), J.G. Kuhlmann 2145 (lectotype, as “holotypus,” designated by
Brazil. Amazonas, Prope San Gabriel da Cachoeira, ad Rio Negro, Brasiliae borealis, Jan-Aug 1852 [Feb. 1852] (lf, fl), R. Spruce 2150 (lectotype, designated here: K barcode 000382337 [“São Gabriel, Feb. 1852”; handwritten label]; isolectotypes: B†, BM barcode 000778668, E barcode 00285197, FI barcode 006090, G n.v., K barcode 000382338, LE n.v., M barcode 0211650 [= F neg. no. 19668], NY barcode 00133532, P barcode 05273649 [handwritten label], RB barcode 00060397, TDC [= TCD?] n.v., W barcode 18890017579).
The protologue of Pachira obtusa cites a single collection, “Spruce n. 2150,” which we assume Schumann examined in Berlin (B) and which was subsequently destroyed in WWII. In his revision,
In the protologue of Bombax poissonianum,
In the protologue of Bombax utiarityi,
The designation Pachira utiarityi (Hoehne) Hoehne (
Bombax paraense Ducke, Arch. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro 4: 124. 1925. Bombacopsis paraensis (Ducke) A. Robyns, Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 33: 213. 1963.
Brazil. Pará, Itaituba, Rio Tapajoz, 26 Aug 1923 (lf, fl), A. Ducke s.n. [RB 18094] (lectotype, designated here: RB barcode 00534489; isolectotypes: B† [= F neg. no. 9540], G barcode 00177452, K barcode 000382352, RB barcode 00534497 [without original label], S-R-11283, U barcode 0008391, U barcode 0008392, US barcode 00101944).
Three syntypes are cited in the protologue.
Bombax retusum Mart., Flora 8: 28. 1825, Ibid., Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. 1(4): 92–93, t. 59. 1826 [1824]. Bombacopsis retusa (Mart.) A. Robyns, Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 33: 205. 1963.
Brazil. Minas Gerais, In deserto Serro Frio, [1817–20] (fl), C.F.P. von Martius s.n. (lectotype, designated here: M barcode 0211681; isolectotype: M barcode 0211682; possible isolectotype: S-PLE-E4218 n.v.).
Bombax sordidum R.E. Schult., Bot. Mus. Leafl. 16: 75. 1953. Rhodognaphalopsis coriacea var. sordida (R.E. Schult.) A. Robyns, Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 63: 292. 1963. Pochota sordida (R.E. Schult.) Steyerm. & W.D. Stevens, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 75: 398. 1988.
Colombia. Vaupés, Río Negro, San Felipe (El Castillo), below confluence of Ríos Guainía and Casiquiare, 12 Dec 1947 (lf, fr), R.E. Schultes & F. López 9342 (lectotype, designated here: GH barcode 00066501; isolectotypes: GH barcode 00066502, GH barcode 00066503).
A single collection, “R.E. Schultes & F. López 9342,” is cited in the protologue of Bombax sordidum. When
We thank Dr. Vladimir Dorofeyev for sending us images of Riedel specimens at LE, which allowed us to resolve the typification of Bombax calophyllum. Likewise, we thank Dra. Rafaela Forzza and M.Sc. Paula Leitman for providing us with images of Bombax types deposited at RB. We are grateful to several librarians, Robin Everly (Smithsonian Institution), Lúcia Marins (Jardim Botânico de São Paulo), and Gretchen Wade (Harvard University), for locating several obscure protologues. We appreciate the assistance of Rose Gulledge (Smithsonian Institution), who prepared the figures and reviewed the manuscript. Finally, VNY thanks CAPES (process #88882.365830/2019-01) and FAPESP (process #2019/27132-0) for financial support.