Research Article |
Corresponding author: Lei Duan ( ) Corresponding author: Hong-Feng Chen ( ) Academic editor: Stephen Boatwright
© 2021 Lei Duan, Li-Na Han, Yotsawate Sirichamorn, Jun Wen, James A. Compton, Shuang-Wen Deng, Emine Arslan, Kuddisi Ertuğrul, Brian Schrire, Hong-Feng Chen.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.
Duan L, Han L-N, Sirichamorn Y, Wen J, Compton JA, Deng S-W, Arslan E, Ertuğrul K, Schrire B, Chen H-F (2021) Proposal to recognise the tribes Adinobotryeae and Glycyrrhizeae (Leguminosae subfamily Papilionoideae) based on chloroplast phylogenomic evidence. PhytoKeys 181: 65-77.
Within the legume family, the taxonomic status of subtribe Glycyrrhizinae of tribe Galegeae and of the genus Adinobotrys has been re-assessed. Based on genome skimming data, we conducted phylogenomic analyses of the inverted repeat-lacking clade within subfamily Papilionoideae. The results support the sister relationship between Glycyrrhizeae and Adinobotrys. Glycyrrhizeae is resurrected based on Glycyrrhiza and Glycyrrhizopsis, and a new tribe, Adinobotryeae, is proposed to accommodate Adinobotrys.
Adinobotrys, Fabaceae, genome skimming, Glycyrrhiza, IRLC legumes, the GAW clade, Wisterieae
Within subfamily Papilionoideae of Leguminosae, a series of molecular phylogenetic studies have supported a monophyletic group that lost one copy of the 25-kilobase inverted repeat (IR) in the plastid genome, known as the “IR-lacking clade” or IRLC (
Within the GAW clade, the temperate herbaceous genera Glycyrrhiza L., with Meristotropis Fisch. & C.A.Mey. being treated within Glycyrrhiza, and Glycyrrhizopsis Boiss. are sister taxa (
Representative plants of Adinobotryeae and Glycyrrhizeae. Inflorescences (A) and fruits (B) of Adinobotrys atropurpureus; inflorescence (C) and infructescence (D) of Glycyrrhiza pallidiflora; inflorescence (E) and infructescence (F) of Glycyrrhiza uralensis; fruits (G) of Glycyrrhiza inflata; inflorescence (H) and part of dried infructescence [I; photographed on herbarium specimen: A. Eustace 31 (E!)] of Glycyrrhizopsis flavescens.
Apart from Glycyrrhizinae, the remaining taxa of the GAW clade included some woody genera, formerly placed in tribe Millettieae s.l., which were subsequently assigned into two clades: the liana (rarely climbing shrubs) tribe Wisterieae and the tree genus Adinobotrys Dunn (
In the present study, we used the genome skimming method (
Sampling for molecular phylogenetic analyses included the genus Adinobotrys (one species sampled), both of the genera of tribe Glycyrrhizeae (eight species sampled) and 14 of the 15 genera (Serawaia J.Compton & Schrire not included) within tribe Wisterieae (26 spp. sampled) (
We extracted the total genomic DNA following a modified CTAB protocol (
From the raw reads, we filtered out adaptors and low-quality reads in Trimmomatic v.0.33 (
We aligned the cp CDS sequences independently with MAFFT v.7 (
All the sequenced plastomes were successfully assembled into complete circular configurations. The sizes of the cp genomes ranged from 122,310 to 156,702 bp and the GC contents were between 33.7% and 35.9% (see Suppl. material
Bayesian maximum clade credibility tree of the GAW clade and related groups based on chloroplast CDSs. Bayesian posterior probabilities are given above branches, Maximum Likelihood bootstrap values below branches. Asterisks indicate PP = 1 and LBS = 100%. W. nieuwenhuisii indicates Whitfordiodendron nieuwenhuisii.
Within the GAW clade, some tropical/subtropical (rarely temperate) woody liana/tree species, formerly belonging to Millettieae s.l., clustered with the temperate herbaceous Glycyrrhiza-Glycyrrhizopsis clade (
A. Our phylogenomic analyses (Fig.
B. Our recent analyses indicated that a chloroplast capture event may have occurred in the GAW clade, and the common ancestors of Adinobotrys and Wisterieae were hypothesised to be the putative paternal and maternal parents of the Glycyrrhiza-Glycyrrhizopsis clade, respectively (
C. As far as morphological differentiation is concerned, Glycyrrhizeae, containing the widely distributed Glycyrrhiza and the Anatolian endemic Glycyrrhizopsis Boiss. (
Despite the tribal revision above, taxonomic questions still remain. Since Glycyrrhizeae, and Astragaleae sensu
Adinobotrys Dunn, Bull. Misc. Inform. 1911: 194. 1911.
Compared to the tribe Wisterieae, the monogeneric Adinobotryeae comprises four species of evergreen trees (vs. lianas in tribe Wisterieae). The species are: A. atropurpureus (Wall.) Dunn, A. katinganensis (Adema) J.Compton & Schrire, A. sarawakensis (Adema) J.Compton & Schrire and A. vastus (Kosterm.) J.Compton & Schrire. See the detailed description of Adinobotrys in
Evergreen trees, up to 20 m in height. Stipules triangular, persistent. Stipels absent. Leaves 5–9 (–11) foliolate; rachis 11–33 cm long; leaflets 5–21 × 2–11 cm, coriaceous, ovate, elliptic to obovate, glabrous, apex acuminate, base obtuse to cordate. Inflorescence a terminal panicle 10–40 cm long; bracts 2–4 mm long, ovate; peduncle sparsely hairy to tomentose. Flowers 14–20 mm long; bracteoles at base of calyx tube, persistent, ovate; pedicels densely pubescent. Calyx narrowly campanulate, oblique, green, puberulent, five lobes acute to obtuse. Standard 11–20 × 13–20 mm, broadly ovate, apex acute, outer surface glabrous, inner surface pink to reddish-purple, rarely white, nectar guide yellow, with callosities; wings 12–19 × 5–8 mm, glabrous; keel ± equal to wings in length, glabrous, apex acute to rounded. Stamens diadelphous, vexillary filament free from other nine, all curved upwards at apex. Ovary hairy; style glabrous. Pods 7–25 × 3–6 cm, dehiscent, inflated or compressed, irregularly ovate to oblong or narrowly elliptic, surface glabrous, rugose, subseptate. Seeds 1–4 per pod, ovoid to oblong or flattened-orbicular, 15–38 mm long.
Evergreen forests in Brunei, Cambodia, India, Indonesia (Java, Kalimantan and Sumatra), Laos, Malaysia (Peninsula and Sabah), Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam, below 1200 m in altitude.
≡ Glycyrrhizinae Rydb., N. Amer. Fl. 24(3): 156. 1923.
Glycyrrhiza L., Sp. Pl. 2: 741. 1753.
Mediterranean, warm temperate and continental temperate grasslands, shrublands, deserts and forest edges in the Old World [from the western Mediterranean region (Iberian peninsula in Europe and Algeria in North Africa), through the Russian Far East, Mongolia and northern China (plus Sichuan and Yunnan of south-western China) to Australia (Glycyrrhiza acanthocarpa J.M.Black), including the States of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia] and the New World [in western temperate Canada and the United States (G. lepidota Pursh) and in the temperate region of Argentina and Chile (around 40°S; G. astragalina Gillies)].
The tribe includes two genera, Glycyrrhiza and Glycyrrhizopsis, with the latter confined in S. Anatolia. The root of Glycyrrhiza is widely used as medicine and in the food industry (see
Thanks to the curators of the following herbaria for providing specimen photos, leaf samples, seeds or DNA samples: A, CSH, E, IBSC, K, KNYA, KUN, LE, MA, MO, P, PE, TASH, US, WUK and XJBI. We thank Artem Leostrin for literature searches; and Cheng Du, Hiroaki Hayashi, Imalka Kahandawala, Jia-Hui Lu, Jing-Zhi Gong, Kathryn Richardson, Liang Zhao, Pei-Liang Liu, Shi-Jin Li, Shi-Min Duan, Virginia Valcárcel, Wei Shi, Zhao-Yang Chang, Zhen-Hai Wu and Zhuo Zhou for sample collecting. The project was supported by the General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 32070229) and the Forestry Flora and Fauna Conservation Project of Guangdong Province (Grant no. E036011002).
Voucher information, characters of chloroplast (cp) genomes and GenBank BioSample accession of genome skimming raw reads in this study
Data type: XLSX. file
Explanation note: Voucher information, characters of chloroplast (cp) genomes and GenBank BioSample accession of genome skimming raw reads in this study.
Chloroplast protein coding sequences (cp CDSs) and their corresponding substitution models generated from PartitionFinder 2
Data type: XLSX. file
Explanation note: Chloroplast protein coding sequences (cp CDSs) and their corresponding substitution models generated from PartitionFinder 2.