Research Article |
Corresponding author: Mateusz Rybak ( ) Academic editor: Kalina Manoylov
© 2021 Mateusz Rybak, Andrzej Witkowski, Łukasz Peszek, John P. Kociolek, Yenny Risjani, Duc Hung Nguyen, Jinpeng Zhang, Yunianta, Van Duy Nguyen, Romain Gastineau, Thi Thuy Duong, Philippe Rosa, Vona Meleder.
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Rybak M, Witkowski A, Peszek L, Kociolek JP, Risjani Y, Nguyen DH, Zhang J, Yunianta, Nguyen VD, Gastineau R, Duong TT, Rosa P, Meleder V (2021) Marine and brackish Luticola D.G.Mann (Bacillariophyta) species from the Java Sea and South China Sea coasts with the description of three new species. PhytoKeys 183: 115-142.
In this study, samples were collected from the Java Sea coasts, from the South China Sea in Hainan Island coasts and Quảng Yên region and Rú Chá mangrove near Hue in Central Vietnam. In studied samples a total of eight Luticola species have been observed. Three of the taxa studied are described herein as species new to science – Luticola orientalis sp. nov., L. cribriareolata sp. nov. and L. halongiana sp. nov. Under light microscopy (LM) L. orientalis sp. nov. and L. cribriareolata sp. nov. are similar with rhombic-lanceolate to rhombic/ elliptic-lanceolate to elliptic valve shapes and narrowly rounded apices. Both species can be easily distinguished by stria density (higher density in L. orientalis). Under SEM L. cribriareolata is characterized by cribrate areola occlusions, a character thus far observed only in three established species. The remaining species of the whole genus known thus far are characterized by hymenate areola. Similar morphology Luticola species have been observed from tropical mangrove forests from Madagascar but they all can be easily distinguished based on the lack of grooves in the central area. The third species – L. halongiana sp. nov. has rhombic-elliptic to rhombic-lanceolate valves with broadly rounded to slightly protracted apices in larger specimens. This species has a relatively broad central area. Also unique among brackish-water Luticola is the small, rounded stigma positioned almost midway between the valve center and valve margin. In the habitats from which the new species are described we also identified five established Luticola taxa including, L. belawanensis, L. celebesica, L. inserata, L. seposita and L. tropica. For those species we provide detailed SEM characteristics of valve ultrastructure, as well as the range of environmental conditions and geographic distribution within the study area.
Brackish waters, Luticola genus, marine tropical coasts, morphology, offshore aquaculture
The genus Luticola was established in
Material for this study was collected from various microhabitats from coastal regions surrounding the Java Sea coasts (north coast of Java Island) and from the South China Sea in Hainan Island coasts (S China), Quang Yen, Quang Ninh province (NE Vietnam) and Ru Cha mangrove, Thua Thien Hue province (Central Vietnam). Collections were derived from a wide range of salinities, from a range of brackish water sites up to a fully marine site, and included various biofilms from tidal mudflats, oyster shells, rocks and hydrotechnical constructions that turned out to host abundant and sometimes even dominant populations of Luticola species. Most of the species observed in our samples are well-known from the tropical ocean coasts across the globe and are known to prefer brackish water environments (
The aim of this paper is to provide a description of three new species – Luticola orientalis M.Rybak, Peszek, JP.Zhang & Witkowski sp. nov., Luticola cribriareolata Witkowski, M.Rybak, Risjani & Yunianta sp. nov. and L. halongiana M.Rybak, Witkowski, H-D.Nguyen & D-V.Nguyen sp. nov. We also provide for the first time detailed characteristics of valve ultrastructure and supplementing of knowledge of the following Luticola species: L. belawanensis Levkov & Metzeltin and L. inserata (Husted) D.G.Mann, L. seposita (Hustedt) D.G.Mann and L. tropica Levkov, Metzeltin & Pavlov. Based on published sources, the geographic distribution of the established Luticola species is provided. These taxa seem to comprise a group of brackish-water to fully marine species confined to tropical coasts, primarily mangroves and tidal flats, but also biofilms on rock surfaces, oyster shells and hydrotechnical constructions.
The sampling area was located on the north coast of eastern part of Java Island bordered by the southern part of the Java Sea. In contrast to the south coast of East Java, the northern part of Java is less bright, and has lower light levels penetrating the water column due to, in some places, turbid waters heavily loaded with sediment. Measured environmental parameters according to
The sampling area was located on the coast of Hainan Island, in the NW South China Sea (Fig.
Samples characteristics and physicochemical parameters of water of studied sites (– means no data available).
Sampling site | Site 1: The Java Sea, East Java north coast | Site 2: NW South China Sea, Hainan Island | Site 3:W South China Sea, Quáng Yên, NE Vietnam | Site 4: Rú Chá mangrove, Central Vietnam |
Sample number | SZCZ 27006 SZCZ 27007 | SZCZ27176 | SZCZ26472 | SZCZ26505 |
Sample type | periphyton from a plastic pier and boulders | microbial mat developed on a pier | periphyton from oyster shells from aquaculture | sediments from mangrove area |
Water temperature [°C] | 30.0–32.6 | 24.9 | 27–32 | 29.6 |
pH | 7.7–8.3 | 8.2 | 5.6–6.6 | 6.5 |
Salinity [psu] | 27.7–30.4 | 32.8 | 22.0–23.0 | 7.0 |
Conductivity [µS/cm] | – | – | 34 700–36 500 | – |
Dissolved oxygen [%] | – | – | – | 5.9 |
Dissolved oxygen [mg/L] | 3.5–6.6 | – | – | 0.45 |
Quáng Yên is one of the coastal towns of Quáng Ninh province that is located in the northern part of Vietnam, and the biggest oyster (Ostrea edulis Linnaeus, 1758) aquaculture area of the Ha Long Bay. Quáng Yen has a climate characteristic of the tropical monsoon with cold winters. Total rainfall amounts to ca. 500–700 mm. Quáng Yên is considered an area sensitive to the impacts of climate change regarding mangrove forests and biodiversity. Periphyton from oyster shells from offshore aquaculture facility, by V. Méléder, P. Rosa and T.T. Duong on October 28th 2018. Accession number SZCZ26472. Water parameters measured in situ are in Table
Rú Chá mangrove functions as an ecotone between the mainland and the lagoon. With an overall area of about 50 to 100 hectares, the core species of the area of more than 5 hectares is Excoecaria agallocha L. The mangrove flora in Rú Chá has 27 species (10 true mangrove species and 17 mangrove associated species. In 2014, an assessment of surface water and sediment of the Rú Chá mangrove showed that the surface water had a high concentration of total nitrogen (3.4 mg L-1) and total phosphorus (0.3 mg L-1). The sediments were saline, strongly acidic, frequently waterlogged and rich in organic matter (
Diatom samples were collected using tooth brush to detach the periphyton from solid substrate (pier, boulders) and with a plastic tube pressed into the sediment in case of soft substrate (microbial mat, sediment). Diatom samples were cleaned by boiling with 30% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for a few hours. Cleaned diatom material was pipetted on to coverslips and dried, and then mounted on glass slides using Naphrax mounting medium (Brunel Microscopes Ltd, Wiltshire, U.K.). Light microscopy (LM) observations were made with a Zeiss Axio Imager A2 (Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany) using a × 100 Plan Apochromatic oil immersion objective (NA 1.46) equipped with Differential Interference Contrast (DIC). Diatom images were captured with a Zeiss AxioCam ICc5 camera (Jena, Germany). For scanning electron microscope (SEM) examination, a few drops of cleaned material were put onto Whatman Nuclepore polycarbonate membrane filters (Fisher Scientific, Schwerte, Germany). Once dried, the membranes were mounted on to aluminum stubs and coated with 20 nm of gold using a turbo-pumped Quorum Q 150T ES coater. SEM observations were performed at the University of Rzeszów, using a Hitachi SEM SU8010. The diatom terminology follows:
Class: Bacillariophyceae Haeckel
Subclass: Bacillariophycidae D.G.Mann
Order: Naviculales Bessey
Family: Diadesmidaceae D.G.Mann
Valves rhombic-lanceolate to rhombic in smaller specimens with narrowly rounded apices. Valves 9.5–22.1 μm in length, 5.4–8.5 μm in width (n = 30). Raphe filiform, axial area narrow and linear expanding into rectangular, narrow central area, stigma side of the central area bordered by 2–3 areolae, on side opposite stigma bordered by 1–2 areolae. Stigma located close to valve margin. Transapical striae easily distinguishable with LM, radiate throughout, 18–22 in 10 μm.
Valve surface flat, the transition between valve face and the mantle abrupt marked with a stripe of hyaline silica. Axial area narrow becoming broader toward the valve middle, expanding into the rectangular central area. Externally raphe filiform and straight, distally strongly hooked in the same direction on valve apices, proximal raphe endings close to each other, simple and clearly bent towards the primary valve side (opposite the stigma). Valve mantle with a single row of elliptical areolae. Internally raphe branches straight, with proximal ends simple and relatively distant, terminating at the apices as small, indistinct helictoglossae. Transapical striae composed of 4–6 rounded or slightly transapically elongated areolae, often becoming smaller close to valve margin, internally occluded by hymenes. Areola occlusions positioned at the internal valve surface. Externally elongated stigma positioned close to valve margin of the valve secondary side. Internal stigma opening with large-lipped structure. Internally longitudinal channel visible on face and mantle conjunction, with relatively large silica flap on site opposite to stigma opening. Longitudinal channel covered by hymen similar to those occluding areola.
SEM micrographs of Luticola orientalis M.Rybak, Peszek, JP.Zhang & Witkowski sp. nov. External valve view (A–C; E-G), Internal valve view (D; H–J). Detailed view of showing external view of stigma opening E distal F and proximal G raphe endings. Detailed close-ups showing internal silica flap on longitudinal channel H distal raphe endings I Detailed view of proximal raphe endings and stigma opening (J). Scale bars: 5 µm (A–D), 1 µm (E, G, I, J), 2 µm (F, H).
Slide SZCZ27007 stored in A. Witkowski Diatom Collection of the Institute of Marine and Environmental Sciences, University of Szczecin, holotype specimen is Fig.
Slide no. 2018/425 and unmounted material with the same number at the University of Rzeszów, Poland.
Indonesia. Java Island: Pantai Bentar in Probolinggo at North coast, a periphyton from a boulder, 07°46'41"S, 113°16'34"E, leg. Y. Risjani, Yunianta and A. Witkowski 1st March 2020.
The name refers to the geographical location – east (lat. orientalis – eastern).
Abundant in holotype sample SZCZ27007, and in periphyton from the plastic pier at Pantai Bentar in Probolinggo, and was also present in sample SZCZ27006 very close to the holotype habitat. The new species was also observed in an epilithic sample from Fenjiezhou Island at the coast of Hainan Island, NW South China Sea in sample SZCZ27176, and from the Xuân Thúy Mangrove in NE Vietnam where it was found in the biofilm from wild oysters, sample SZCZ26472.
Valve shape of Luticola orientalis sp. nov. is similar to Luticola cribriareolata sp. nov., however, the former species can be distinguished by stria density, which are finer than in L. cribriareolata sp. nov. Luticola orientalis sp. nov. is also similar in terms of valve outline to L. nosybeana and L. madagascarensis from Nosy Be Island, however, the former species has simple proximal raphe endings without any grooves (Table
Valves elliptic-lanceolate to elliptic with rounded apices. Valves 9.8–28.3 μm in length, 6–11.6 μm in width (n = 30). Raphe filiform, axial area narrow at apices becoming broader towards valve middle part, expanding into asymmetrical central area, broader opposite the stigma and bordered by 2–3 areolae. Stigma present close to valve margin. Transapical striae easily distinguishable with LM, radiate throughout, 14–16 in 10 μm.
Valve surface flat with the transition to the mantle abrupt and marked with distinct hyaline stripe. Axial area narrow becoming broader toward the valve middle, expanding into the rectangular central area. Raphe filiform and straight, external proximal raphe endings close to each other, clearly bent to the valve primary side and associated with irregular in shape shallow grooves expanded in the direction opposite the stigma. External raphe distal ends strongly hooked on valve face and terminating in an indistinct groove in central area, at apical part of mantle. Valve mantle steep with a single row of oblong areolae. Girdle composed of a few copulae each with two rows of small circular pores. Internally, raphe branches straight, with proximal endings slightly bent. Internally, raphe terminates in a small helictoglossae. Transapical striae composed of 2–5 large areolae. Areolae on both valve face and valve mantle are deeply embedded, and occluded with reticulated cribra positioned on the inner valve surface. Within central area ghost areolae are often observed, oblong to strongly elongated in shape. Elongated stigma positioned close to margin of the valve primary side. Externally, stigma small and slightly elongated. Internal stigma opening with large-lipped structure. Internally, longitudinal channel visible, with small silica flap on site opposite to stigma. Internally, areolae and longitudinal channel occluded with irregular hymenate structure.
Slide SZCZ27007 stored in A. Witkowski Diatom Collection of the Institute of Marine and Environmental Sciences, University of Szczecin, represented here by Fig. 2AS.
LM micrographs of size diminution series of Luticola orientalis M.Rybak, Peszek, JP.Zhang & Witkowski sp. nov. (A–AH) and Luticola cribriareolata M.Rybak, Witkowski, Risjani & Yunianta sp. nov. (AI–BM). Holotype specimen of Luticola orientalis sp. nov. – black frame (O). Holotype specimen of Luticola cribriareolata sp. nov. – black frame (AS). Scale bar: 10 µm.
Slide no. 2018/425 and unmounted material with the same number at the University of Rzeszów, Poland.
Indonesia. Java Island: Pantai Bentar in Probolinggo on the north coast, a periphyton from a boulder, 07°46'41"S, 113°16'34"E, leg. Y. Risjani, Yunianta and A. Witkowski, 1st March 2020.
SEM pictures of Luticola cribriareolata M.Rybak, Witkowski, Risjani & Yunianta sp. nov. External valve view (A–C, E–G), External view with cribrated mantle areolae C internal valve view (D, H–J). External details of distal raphe ending and areolae E proximal raphe endings with shallow grooves, and ghost areolae F proximal raphe endings with shallow grooves and stigma opening G internal details of raphe branch with distal raphe end and irregular hymenate structure H proximal raphe endings and longitudinal channel I proximal raphe endings and stigma opening J. Scale bars: 10 µm (A, C, D), 5 µm (B), 4 µm (E, I, J), 3 µm (F), 2 µm (G, H).
The species name is derived from its areola occlusions which are in the shape of reticulated cribra, hence the stem “cribr-” of the word “cribrum” is left, the connecting vowel “-i-” and “areolata” are added = cribriareolata.
Observed thus far from the holotype sample SZCZ27007, and in periphyton from the plastic pier at Pantai Bentar in Probolinggo and in sample SZCZ27006 very close to the holotype habitat.
Luticola cribriareolata has valve shape similar to Luticola orientalis sp. nov., however, the two species can be easily distinguished based on the stria density, which is coarser in L. cribriareolata. Luticola cribriareolata sp. nov. is also similar in terms of valve outline to L. nosybeana and L. madagascarensis described from Nosy Be Island from NW Madagascar. The newly described species has simple proximal raphe endings, whereas both L. madagascarensis and L. nosybeana have external proximal raphe endings with distinct grooves (
Valves rhombic-eliptic to rhombic-lanceolate with broadly rounded to slightly protracted apices in larger specimens, 9.9–22.1 μm in length and 5.4–7.7 μm in width (n = 30). Raphe filiform, slightly bent, axial area narrow, expanding into rectangular to bow-tie shaped central area bordered by 3–4 areolae. Stigma round, present near the valve margin. Transapical striae radiate throughout, 20–24 in 10 μm.
Valve face flat, the transition from valve face to the mantle abrupt, marked with distinct hyaline stripe. Axial area narrow linear, slightly broadened towards the valve middle, expanding into the bow-tie shaped central area with slit like opening of stigma bordered by 3–4 small, rounded areolae. Raphe filiform and straight. Raphe branches very slightly bent with external proximal raphe endings strongly deflected to the valve primary side (opposite to stigma) with small, rounded grooves on the stigma-bearing side. External distal raphe ends slightly hooked and terminate on the apex valve mantle. The valve mantle bearing one row of oblong areola. Internally, raphe straight, with proximal endings slightly bent, and distal raphe endings terminating in small helictoglossae. Transapical striae composed by 3–4(5) round to slightly elongate areolae. Internally, areolae covered by hymen forming continuous strip. Internal stigma opening with circular lipped structure. Internally, longitudal channel visible, with small silica flap on site opposite to stigma.
Morphological characteristics of all Luticola taxa listed here with comparisons to most similar brackish taxa based on literature data. Data marked with an asterisk (*) are obtained from photomicrographs.
Size [μm] Length/Width | Striae [in 10 μm] | Areolae characteristic | Proximal raphe endings | Distal raphe endings | Distribution | References | |
L. orientalis sp. nov. | 9.5–22.1/5.4–8.5 | 18–22 | 4–6 per striae, round or slightly elongated | slightly deflected, close to each other | hooked | Java, Hainan Island, Vietnam | this study |
L. cribriareolata sp. nov. | 9.8–28.3/6.0–11.6 | 14–16 | 3–5 per striae, with deeply positioned cribrum | slightly deflected with long irregular thread-like grooves | hooked | Java | this study |
L. halongiana sp. nov. | 9.9–22.1/5.4–7.7 | 20–24 | 3–4(5) per striae, round or slightly elongated | strongly deflected with small rounded groove | hooked | Vietnam, Java | this study |
L. belawanensis | 8.4–19.0/6.1–9.0 | 18–21 | 3–4(5) per striae mainly slightly elongated | bent with small C-shaped or irregular grooves | hooked | Vietnam | this study |
15.5–27.0/15.5–27 | 18–20 | 3–4 per striae | Deflected | – | Sumatra |
9–29/5–10 | 18–19 | 3–5 per striae* | – | – | Vietnam |
L. celebesica | 10.6–27.1/7.3–13.1 | 17–19 | 4–6 per striae | Deflected | hooked | Vietnam | this study |
11.5–39.0/11.5–39.0 | 18–21 | (4)5–6 per striae | deflected | hooked | Sulawesi |
L. nosybeana | 9–27/6.0–10.5 | 20–24 | 4–5 per striae, round to elliptic | with irregular “insect-antennae-like” or “butterfly-like” grooves | hooked | Madagascar |
L. madagascarensis | 13.0–22.5/6.0–7.5 | 20–24 | 3–4 per striae, round to elliptic or slit-like | with L-shaped grooves | hooked | Madagascar |
L. inserata | 12.2–33.5/8.2–14.0 | 15–20 | 4–5 per striae, round to elongated with small spines on margin | bent with irregular thread-like grooves | hooked | Vietnam | this study |
23–28/12 | 18 | – | – | – | Sumatra |
18–28/10.0–13.5 | 16–19 | 5–6 per striae, round to elongated | deflected | hooked | Indonesia, Australia |
15–25/9–12 | 20 | 4–6 per striae, round to elongated* | – | – | Vietnam |
L. seposita | 16.8–24.4/9.5–12.4 | 14–17 | 4–5 per striae, round to slightly elongated areolae | bent, with small C-shaped grooves | hooked | Hainan Island | this study |
23/11 | 16–18 | – | bent | bent slightly S-shaped | Sulawesi |
18–24/10–12 | 18–21 | 4–5 per striae, transapically elongated | Hook-shaped | hooked | – |
L. tropica | 11.8–21.2/7.5–11.1 | 17–20 | 4–5 per striae | clearly bent with long irregular thread-like grooves | hooked | Hainan Island, Vietnam | this study |
12–22/7–9 | 20 | – | – | – | South Africa |
15.5–24.0/8–11–5 | 20–24 | 4–5 per striae, round to transversally elongated | Bent and expanded into central pores | hooked | – |
11–24/7–9 | 20–24 | 4–5 per striae* | – | – | Vietnam |
8.8–19.8/6.3–10.3 | 16–18 | 4–5 per striae, round or slightly elongated* | slightly deflected with long irregular thread-like grooves* | hooked* | Brazil |
LM micrographs of Luticola halongiana Witkowski, M.Rybak, H-D.Nguyen & D-V.Nguyen sp. nov. in size diminution series (A–Z). Holotype specimen – black frame I external view of frustule (AA–AC). Internal view of frustule (AD). Detailed external close-ups showing distal raphe ending (AE), proximal raphe endings with small rounded grooves and opening of stigma (AF). Detailed internal close-up showing distal and proximal raphe endings, hymen structure and stigma opening (AG). Scale bars: 10 µm (A-Z), 5 µm (AA, AB, AC, AD), 3 µm (AE, AG), 1 µm (AF).
slide SZCZ26472 stored in A. Witkowski Diatom Collection of the Institute of Marine and Environmental Sciences, University of Szczecin, represented here by Fig.
Slide no. 2018/425 and unmounted material with the same number at the University of Rzeszów, Poland.
NE Vietnam: W South China Sea, Quáng Yên, in Halong region, oyster offshore aquaculture, 20°54'1"N, 106°54'17"E, leg. Vona Meleder and Philipp Rosa, 10th October 2018.
The specific epithet refers to the type location, Ha Long, NE Vietnam.
Species occur rarely, observed thus far at the type locality Quáng Yên in biofilm on shells, and on the north coast of Java in Indonesia, from periphyton from the plastic pier (slide SZCZ27006).
Luticola halongiana sp. nov. has a unique set of characters and it is difficult to point out any similar established species. The only exception is the position of the stigma, which is located almost in the middle between the valve center and valve margin. This makes it similar to L. madagascarensis, however, the latter species has external proximal raphe endings with long and distinct grooves on a side opposite the stigma; these grooves are indistinct in L. halongiana. Also, Luticola mutica (Kützing) D.G.Mann shows some similarities to L. halongiana sp. nov. but it can be easily distinguished based on the narrower central area. Also L. mutica has areolae containing cribrum which is not present in described species.
Morphological characteristic of recently established Luticola taxa observed during this study.
Valves elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate with rounded apices. Valve length 8.4–19 μm, breadth 6.1–9.0 μm, with easily distinguishable radiate striae (18–21 in 10 μm) (n = 15). Axial area lanceolate. Central area asymmetrical, with wider side opposite the stigma, bordered on each margin by a row of areolae. Stigma elongated, located close to valve margin.
Valve face flat, raphe filiform and straight, distally strongly hooked on valve face at the apices. Proximal raphe endings clearly bent to the side opposite the stigma with small C-shaped or irregular grooves evident. Internally, raphe straight, proximal endings only slightly bent, whereas distal raphe endings terminate in small helictoglossae. Transapical striae composed of 4–5 round to slightly elongate areolae. Single row of areolae occurs also on valve mantle. Internally, areolae occluded with hymen forming continuous strips. External opening of stigma slit-like, positioned close to valve margin but separated by a single areola. Internal stigma opening with large-lipped structure positioned mid-way between valve margin and valve center. Internally, longitudinal channel present along the valve margin, with small silica flap on side opposite the stigma.
LM pictures of Luticola belawanensis Levkov & Metzeltin in size diminution series (A–M). External view of frustule (N, O). Internal view of frustule (P, Q). Internal details of: raphe branch with distal raphe end and hymen structure R proximal raphe endings and longitudinal channel S proximal raphe endings and stigma opening T. Scale bars: 10 µm (A-M, P), 5 µm (N, O, Q, S), 3 µm (R, T).
Occurred rarely only in sample SZCZ26472 from Western South China Sea, Quáng Yên, in Ha Long region of NE Vietnam, collected from oyster shells in offshore aquaculture area.
Valves elliptic to rhombic-elliptic with rounded apices, 10.6–27.1 μm in length, 7.3–13.1 μm in width (n = 9). Axial area broad, clearly expanded near central area, asymmetrical bordered by shortened striae, composed of 2–3 areolae while on opposite site of a single areola. Raphe branches straight with hooked distal raphe endings and proximal endings deflected to site opposite to stigma. Transapical striae easily distinguishable, radiate, 17–19 in 10 μm. Slit-shaped stigma located close to valve margin.
This is a very rare species, observed only in sample SZCZ26505 from Rú Chá Mangrove mud flat in Hue, the western South China Sea coast, Central Vietnam. Due to the rare occurrence of this species, a detailed description of valve ultrastructure was impossible up until the present.
Valves lanceolate-elliptical to broadly elliptic with weakly undulated margins with rounded, rostrate to capitate apices, 12.2–33.5 μm in length, 8.2–14.0 μm in width (n = 20). Axial area narrow, gradually broadening towards valve center, central area rectangular, asymmetrical, bordered by two or three shortened striae with slit-like stigma located close to valve margin. Transapical striae radiate, becoming strongly radiate toward apices, 15–20 in 10 μm. Copulae open.
Valve face flat, raphe branches filiform and straight. External proximal raphe endings clearly bent to the site opposite the stigma with irregularly-shaped grooves expanded opposite the stigma. External distal raphe endings terminate on apices, strongly hooked. Internally, raphe branches straight, only proximal endings slightly bent, distal raphe endings terminating in small helictoglossae. Transapical striae composed of 4–5 round to elongate areolae. Single row of elongate areolae occurs also on valve mantle. Both areolae on mantle and valve face with small spines on edges. Internally, areolae covered with hymen forming continuous strips. Ghost areolae rarely present within central area. External opening of stigma small and rounded, positioned very close to valve margin. Internal stigma opening with large-lipped structure positioned mid-way between valve margin and valve center. Internally, longitudinal channel present along the valve margin, with small silica flap on side opposite the stigma.
SEM micrographs of Luticola inserata (Hustedt) D.G.Mann. External view of valve (A, B). Detailed external views showing proximal raphe endings with irregular shallow grooves C distal raphe ending, areolae D stigma opening E internal view of valve F detailed internal view showing proximal raphe endings and stigma opening G and distal raphe ending and hymenate structure H open copulae I. Scale bars: 10 µm (A, F, I), 5 µm (B–D, G), 3 µm (E), 4 µm (H).
This species was observed only in sample SZCZ26472 from Western South China Sea, Quáng Yên, in Halong region of NE Vietnam, shell scrape from oysters in offshore aquaculture area.
Valves linear-elliptic to elliptic with weakly undulate margins, with rounded, rostrate to capitate apices, 16.8–24.4 μm in length, 9.5–12.4 μm in width (n = 20). Axial area narrowly-lanceolate. Central area bordered by two or three shortened striae with slit-like stigma positioned close to the valve margin. Transapical striae radiate becoming strongly radiate toward apices, 14–17 in 10 μm.
Valve face flat, raphe filiform and straight, distally strongly hooked at the apices. External proximal raphe endings bent to side opposite the stigma with small C-shaped grooves. Internally, raphe straight, only proximal endings slightly bent, with distal raphe endings terminating in small helictoglossae. Transapical striae composed of 4–5 round to slightly elongated areolae. Single row of areolae present also on valve mantle. Internally, areolae occluded with hymen forming continuous strips. External elongate ghost areolae present within central area. External opening of stigma slightly elongate and positioned close to valve margin. Internally, as a large-lipped structure positioned mid-way between valve margin and valve center. Internally, longitudinal channel is present along the valve margin, with small siliceous flap on side opposite to stigma.
SEM micrographs of Luticola seposita (Hustedt) D.G.Mann. External view of valve (A, B). Detailed external views showing proximal raphe endings with C-shaped grooves C stigma opening D and distal raphe ending E internal view of valve F detailed internal views showing proximal raphe endings, stigma opening and hymenate structure G and distal raphe ending H. Scale bars: 10 µm (A, B, F), 3 µm (C, E), 4 µm (D), 2 µm (G, H).
This species was observed only in epilithic sample from a sampling site called Fenjiezhou Island located on the coast of Hainan Island, NW South China Sea (China) in sample SZCZ27176.
Valves elliptic-lanceolate with triundulate margins with rostrate and broadly rounded apices, 11.8–21.2 μm in length, 7.5–11.1 μm in width (n = 25). Axial area narrow linear, slightly broadening towards valve middle, expanding into rectangular central area bordered on each margin by 2–4 shortened striae. Transapical striae clearly punctate, radiate becoming strongly radiate toward apices, 17–20 in 10 μm. Stigma slightly elongated, close to the valve margin.
Valve face flat, raphe filiform and straight, distally strongly hooked at the apices. External proximal raphe endings strongly bent to the side opposite the stigma, expanding into thread-like grooves that are variable in shape. Internally, raphe straight, only proximal endings slightly bent, distal raphe endings terminate in small helictoglossae. Transapical striae composed of 4–5 round to slightly elongate areolae. Single row of areolae also occurs on the valve mantle. Internally, areolae occluded with hymen forming continuous strips. A few ghost areolae present within central area. Slightly elongate stigma positioned close to the valve margin. Internal stigma opening with large-lipped structure, located midway between raphe endings and valve margin. Internally, longitudinal channel present along the valve margin, with small siliceous flap on side opposite the stigma.
LM micrographs of Luticola tropica Levkov, Metzeltin & Pavlov in size diminution series (A–T) and isolated open copula U external view of valve (V, W) Detailed external views showing distal raphe ending X stigma opening Y proximal raphe endings with thread-like grooves (Y, Z) and areolae structure (X–Z). Internal view of valve AA detailed internal close-ups showing distal raphe ending AB proximal raphe endings and stigma opening AC. Scale bars: 10 µm (A–U), 5 µm (V, W, AA), 4 µm (X, Y, AB, AC), 3 µm (Z).
This species was abundant in epilithic sample from a sampling site called Fenjiezhou Island located on the coast of Hainan Island, NW South China Sea (China) in sample SZCZ27176, and in Xuân Thúy Mangrove in NE Vietnam, as biofilm from wild oysters, sample SZCZ26472.
The genus Luticola D.G.Mann contains species with various ecological preferences. However, most of the research on this genus concerns species inhabiting terrestrial and freshwater environments, while the brackish and marine species are still poorly studied. Likewise, poorly known is their geographic distribution and autecology, except the generitype of the genus i.e. Luticola mutica, a species widely distributed in estuaries and brackish-water basins of the Northern Hemisphere (e.g.
For the coasts studied to date, Luticola species seem to be inhabitants of mudflats and part of various kinds of biofilms related to human activity (oyster shells from offshore aquaculture, hydrotechnical constructions). These habitats have negative impacts on environmental conditions, which seem to be interconnected at least in the north coast of Java and Hainan Island (S China). The existing environmental data suggest that the North Java coast which abounds with Luticola spp. is affected by a strong human impact of densely populated coastal area. Likewise, the Vietnamese and Hainan coasts we sampled are well known to be densely populated regions. All these findings related to brackish water Luticola species from SE Asia are confirmed by the autecology of L. mutica distributed in human impacted rivers (
Two of the newly described species – L. orientalis sp. nov. and L. cribriareolata sp. nov. show a high similarity to each other in the valve shape. However, they can be easily distinguished based on the stria density. Also valve ultrastructure as resolved with SEM allows for the easy separation of these species (Table
The presence of areola occluded with cribra in Luticola cribriareolata sp. nov. is a very rarely observed character in Luticola. Up until now only 3 cribrum-bearing Luticola species are known, L. mutica from Europe, L. rionegrensis from Rio Negro in South America and L. subcrozetensis from Maritime Antarctica (
The newly described L. halongiana sp. nov. possesses slightly hooked proximal raphe endings with only small depressions on the stigma-bearing side. This species also shows highly variable shape of the valve apices. In contrast to other brackish-water Luticola with rhombic-elliptic or rhombic-linear margins, this species has a relatively broad central area. Also unique among brackish-water Luticola is the small, rounded stigma positioned almost midway between the valve center and valve margin. A similar position of the stigma is found in L. madagascarensis. However, L. madagascarensis can be distinguished from species described herein, based on their external proximal raphe endings with distinctive long grooves on the side opposite the stigma.
Also Luticola mutica (Kützing) D.G.Mann shows some similarities to L. halongiana sp. nov., however, it can be easily distinguished based on its narrower central area, less dense striae (16–18 vs. 20–24 in 10 µm) and presence of cribrum in areolae which does not occur in L. halongiana sp. nov.
The biogeography of most of the established species has been originally observed and described from Indonesian Islands (
We saw great variability in the distribution and relative abundances. For example, L. celebesica and L. belawanensis were observed only rarely and found from one sample site. L. inserata, L. seposita and L. tropica occurred in high relative abundance and from a few sampling sites. The published data on their geographic distribution shows that some of them, e.g. L. tropica, are globally distributed in tropical estuaries and marine coasts (
Likewise, Luticola inserata was described from the Sumatran coast at the mouth of the Belawan River (
Luticola seposita was described by
Luticola tropica is reported in the diatomological literature as a widely distributed species confined to tropical estuaries and marine coasts. This species is based on Navicula inserata var. undulata Hustedt (
From eight identified taxa (including three new to science), seven of them were found only in samples collected from marine ecosystems (salinity 22.0–32.8 psu). Based on the literature data as well as on the presented results, it seems that all of them are species that find their ecological optimum in marine habitats. Only L. celebesica, which was described from Sulawesi Island (Indonesia), seems to be a species that prefers waters with increased salinity (brackish environment) and does not occur in typically marine diatom assemblages.
Sampling in Vietnam and Indonesia, and part of the work, was funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 734708, acronym GHaNA and 2017–2021 research funds granted for implementation of a co-financed international research project from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The project was funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education under the name of “Regional Excellence Initiative” in the years 2019–2022 Project No. 026/RID/2018/19 (MR, ŁP). Research (AW, YR, YY) on Indonesian material has been funded within a frame of World Class Professor programme (WCP) with the staff members of the Brawijaya University by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. Sampling and research of Hainan material has been funded within bilateral international cooperative project ‘SECEB’ and ‘ERES’ implemented between the Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey, China(GZH201500207), and the University of Szczecin, Poland (Polish National Science Centre (NCN) allocated decision No. DEC-2011/01/N/ST1007708 and No. DEC-2016/21/B/ST10/02939).