Research Article |
Corresponding author: Michal Hroneš ( ) Academic editor: Peter Boyce
© 2021 Michal Hroneš, Jana Leong-Škorničková, Matti A. Niissalo, Martin Dančák.
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Hroneš M, Leong-Škorničková J, Niissalo MA, Dančák M (2021) Hanguana deflexa (Hanguanaceae), a new forest species from Sarawak, Borneo. PhytoKeys 181: 9-19.
Hanguana deflexa sp. nov. (Hanguanaceae) from Lawas district, Sarawak, Malaysia (northern Borneo) is described and illustrated, bringing the total number of species in Borneo to eight. The new species differs from all other recognized Hanguana species by a combination of flat leaf blade, deflexed infructescences, one-seeded dull red fruits with centrally positioned stigma and globose seed with wedge-shaped ostiole. Revised key for Bornean Hanguana species is presented.
Commelinales, Malaysia, rainforest, taxonomy
The flora of Borneo is one of the richest in the World (
Hanguana Blume, the sole genus of the family Hanguanaceae, is distributed from Sri Lanka and Myanmar to northern Australia (
During our field work near Long Tuyo village in Lawas district of Sarawak (northern Borneo) we discovered a small species of Hanguana with “pac-man” looking seeds which does not correspond to any described species so far. It is therefore described and illustrated below as Hanguana deflexa.
This study is based on the material collected in January 2020 in northern Sarawak (Borneo, Malaysia). Morphological characters were studied using hand lens (30–60× magnification) and stereo microscope and documented by macro photography. Collected specimens were thoroughly compared with protologues and types of all Hanguana species, with particular focus on species reported from Borneo and species with similar inflorescence and seed morphology. Additionally, herbarium material of Hanguana deposited in E, K, KEP, L, P, SAN and SING was studied (herbarium codes according to
We sequenced the tissue of the type collection using ddRADseq with the methods described in full in
Similar to Hanguana loi Mohd Fahmi, Sofiman Othman & P.C.Boyce but differs in flat leaf blade (vs corrugated), pseudopetioles 0.8–2.1 cm wide (vs to 0.6 cm wide), rachis of infructescence up to 10 cm long (vs ca 58 cm long), ripe fruit ca 1 cm in diam. (vs ca 0.5 cm in diam.), and unbranched partial infructescences (vs branched).
Malaysia, Sarawak, Lawas district, Long Tuyo village, on slopes in primary rainforest above left bank of Tuyo river, ca 2.3 km ESE of village, 4°27.75833'N, 115°29.86000'E, ca 610 m a.s.l., 22 Jan 2020; M. Hroneš & M. Dančák 422020 (holotype SAR, isotype OL).
Herbaceous, dioecious mesophyte to ca 1.5 m tall. Stem terete, to 2.5 cm in diam., basally semi-ascending to erect, fully covered by leaf sheaths when young, with age becoming leafless and covered by fibrous remnants of leaf sheaths, terminally with crown of up to 10 leaves; stolons absent. Leaves 70–110 cm long, spreading then arching, bases imbricate with hyaline margins (young leaves), turning brown and erose-marcescent with age; pseudopetiole 13–70 cm long, 0.8–2.1 cm wide, accounting for 1/3–1/2 of entire leaf length, roundly channelled with sharp margins, basally greyish-white floccose; leaf blade 40–70 × 8–20 cm, narrowly elliptic to elliptic, base attenuate, tip long narrowly attenuate with apicule to 5 mm, leathery, flat, adaxially mid to dark green (in close-up with darker green blotches and transverse veins resulting in checker-like variegation), greyish-white floccose when young, falling off in older leaves, abaxially light green, prominently floccose in young leaves, falling off with age; midrib weakly impressed, pale green adaxially, round-raised, lighter green, almost glabrous and shiny abaxially. Male inflorescences not seen, female inflorescence not seen. Infructescence deflexed, procumbent to suberect, comprising of up to 5 partial, whorled, alternate-secund, spiciform infructescences ascending at 70°–80° angle, plus a terminal spike; peduncle and rachis together up to 35 cm tall, pale green when fresh, densely pale brown-grey flocculose, visible portion of peduncle up to 25 cm long; sterile bract one per peduncle, foliaceous, persistent, narrowly ovate to narrowly elliptic with a basal claw, up to ca 14–24 (incl. 2 cm long claw) × ca 3–5 cm; bracts subtending lower partial infructescences similar to sterile bracts, diminishing in size and becoming narrowly triangular distally along the infructescence, the bract supporting the most basal partial infructescence ca 7 × 1 cm (incl. ca 1.5 cm long claw), fully reduced in uppermost partial infructescences; all bracts densely pale brown-grey flocculose; partial infructescences each comprising up to 4 branches at basal levels (gradually less with up to single branch towards the apex of the infructescence), branches arising simultaneously from the axil of the subtending bract, ca 2–3 mm in diam., usually unbranched, up to 5 cm long, with up to ca 10 fruits each. Female flowers scattered, solitary, sessile, all with an associated minute bracteole; perianth composed of 6 tepals in two whorls tightly clasping ovary/fruit in fresh material, all tepals with prominent bulbous thickening at base (more prominent in outer whorl), light green, margin ca 0.5–1 mm wide, hyaline translucent white (turning brown with age); outer tepals broadly ovate, ca 0.5–1 mm long, ca 1.5–2 mm broad, connate at base (only 0.2 mm), sparsely hairy; inner tepals almost orbicular, ca 3–3.5 mm long, 2.5–3 mm broad, basally imbricate but free, sparsely hairy; staminodes 6, in two whorls, pale green, triangular to narrowly triangular, outer staminodes ca 0.5–1 mm long, ca 0.3 mm broad at base, inner staminodes longer, ca 1.5–2 mm long, ca 0.5 mm at base, each basally sheathed with orbicular to broadly ovate, apically pointed to shallowly bilobed scale, ca 1–1.4 mm long, and 0.8–1.2 mm broad, apex and margins semitranslucent (when fresh) to light brown (when dry), gradually darker brown towards the base. Stigma 3-lobed, ca 2.5–3 mm in diam., each lobe ca 1.2–1.5 mm long (fruiting material), ovate to elliptic with slightly pointed apex curved upwards, lobes connate basally with somewhat raised centre, dark brown at fruiting stage, positioned terminally in ripe fruit. Ripe fruit globose, 8–12 mm in diam., dull purplish red, finally turning black; pulp 0.5–2 mm thick, pinkish-white to pinkish-yellow, fairly hard. Seed one per fruit, ca 5–6 × 4 mm, dark brown, ¾ globose to ellipsoid, deeply excavated, ostiole wedge-shaped accounting for ca ¼ of the seeds, without any discernible appendage on the rim, cavity filled with placental tissue.
Hanguana deflexa Hroneš & Dančák A rhizome with fibre remnants of leaf sheaths B stem covered by leaf sheaths C floccose indumentum on abaxial side of pseudopetiole D peduncle with pale brown-grey floccose indumentum E structure of infructescence with sterile and fertile bracts F top view of fruit showing detail of stigma G side view of fruit H basal part of fruit with tepals I detail of inner tepals, staminodes and staminodial scales J longitudinal section of fruit K cross-section of fruit L side view of seed M top view of seed N bottom view of seed. The smallest grid (where applicable): 1×1 mm. Photographed by M. Hroneš (A, B, D, G–O from Hroneš & Dančák 422020, C, E, F from Hroneš & Dančák 452020).
The specific epithet is derived from Latin adjective deflexus (i.e. bend, deflexed) and referring to the position of infructescence, a rare character in hitherto described Hanguana species.
The species is known only from two localities in primary rainforest southeast of the village of Long Tuyo in Lawas district (northern Sarawak). Both populations occur on moderately steep slopes in altitudes around 600 m a.s.l.
The species is so far known only from two small populations ca 1.4 km apart, each consisting of up to 10 adult individuals. Both populations, considered to be a single location (sensu
Based on the seed morphology, Hanguana deflexa belongs to the small forest species clade of Hanguana (
The deflexed infructescence is a very rare trait among known Hanguana species. Except of H. bakoensis Siti Nurfazilah, Sofiman Othman & P.C.Boyce and H. nana Randi & Škorničk., all Hanguana species have erect infructescences. The protologue illustration of H. loi Mohd Fahmi, Sofiman Othman & P.C.Boyce depicts a plant with deflexed infructescence, however, it is described as erect in the main text (
Hanguana deflexa is already the sixth described species of Hanguana known to occur in Sarawak (
Genomic analyses of Hanguana deflexa Hroneš & Dančák, using ddRADseq A maximum likelihood phylogenetic reconstruction using RAxML 7.2.8 (
Malaysia, Sarawak, Lawas district, Long Tuyo village, on slopes in primary rainforest above right bank of unnamed left-bank tributary of Tuyo river, ca 2 km SE of village, 4°27.37333'N, 115°29.22667'E, ca 620 m a.s.l., 23 Jan 2020; M. Hroneš & M. Dančák 452020 (OL).
Adapted from
1a | Colonial helophytes with massive, foliaceous stolons; seeds shallowly cupuliform. Plants of open habitats (banks of large rivers, margins of freshwater bodies) | H. anthelminthica |
1b | Clump-forming mesophytes lacking stolons; seeds bowl-shaped or globose with wedge-shaped ostiole. Plants of closed-canopy forests (lowland to montane rainforests, kerangas) | 2 |
2a | Leaf blade corrugated | H. loi |
2b | Leaf blade flat to wavy, not corrugated | 3 |
3a | Leaf blade linear-lanceolate to very narrowly elliptic; all parts of the plant (sub)glabrous, without floccose indumentum; fruits weakly 3-lobed, ripening medium pink to magenta | H. bakoensis |
3b | Leaf blade broadly lanceolate, oblanceolate to elliptic, abaxially floccose, at least in juveniles; fruits variable but never 3-lobed, ripening pale yellow, red or black | 4 |
4a | Flowering plants small, up to 30 cm tall | 5 |
4b | Flowering plants usually 40–150 cm tall | 6 |
5a | Stem evenly covered by leaves; lamina elliptic; infructescence deflexed | H. nana |
5b | Stem apically with terminal crown of leaves; lamina broadly lanceolate; infructescence erect | H. bogneri |
6a | Lamina 40–70 cm long; infructescence deflexed; ripe fruits red | H. deflexa |
6b | Lamina 60–100 cm long; infructescence erect; ripe fruits pale yellow or black | 7 |
7a | Lamina oblanceolate to narrowly elliptic, with midrib round-raised abaxially; fruit lageniform, ripening black; stigma terminal, prominently stipitate | H. major |
7b | Lamina elliptic, with midrib weakly impressed; fruit globose, ripening pale yellow; stigma distinctly oblique, sessile | H. karimatae |
We thank the curators of the following herbaria for allowing us to access specimens under their care: E, K, KEP, L, P, SAN and SING. We thank Dawat Barok for guidance in the field. The research was conducted under the permits No. (298)JHS/NCCD/600-7/2/107 issued by Sarawak Forestry Department. MH was supported by internal fund of Palacký University IGA PrF-2021-001. The research of JL-Š and MAN is supported by the National Parks Board, Singapore.