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Corresponding author: Yong Yang ( ) Academic editor: Dennis Stevenson
© 2021 Yong Yang, Keith Rushforth.
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Yang Y, Rushforth K (2021) Lectotypification of Tsuga longibracteata W.C.Cheng (Pinaceae). PhytoKeys 172: 93-96.
W.C.Cheng did not clearly indicate the herbarium repository of the type specimen (Y.Tsiang 7712) when he described Tsuga longibracteata W.C.Cheng. Later, researchers suggested that the type is either in NAS or in PE. However, we found more than one duplicate of the type collection in both NAS and PE. Following the Shenzhen Code, we lectotypify the name T. longibracteata with Y.Tsiang 7712 (PE00003223) that bears a handwritten identification of W.C.Cheng.
Lectotype, nomenclature, Nothotsuga, Pinaceae, Tsuga longibracteata
≡Nothotsuga longibracteata (W.C.Cheng) Hu ex C.N.Page, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 45(2): 390 (1988, published in 1989).
China. Guizhou (贵州): Yinjiang Tujiazu Miaozu Zizhixian (印江土家族苗族自治县, as “Yin-Kiang”), Fanjing Shan (梵净山, as “van-ching-shan”), in densely shaded ravine, alt. 400–500 m, 19 December 1930, Y.Tsiang (蒋英) 7712 (Lectotype: PE00003223, designated here; isolectotypes: A00052508, A00052510, E00215871, IBSC0012857, K000288277, NAS00070063, NAS00070064, NY00001279, PE00003225, PE00003224, S-C-4796).
We are thankful to Y. Wang and Q. Lin for help with a few digitized specimens, and to D.K. Ferguson for his linguistic suggestions. Images of the type collection of Tsuga longibracteata W.C.Cheng were obtained from the Chinese Virtual Herbarium (CVH,, and Kew Herbarium ( This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [31970205 & 31770211].