Research Article |
Corresponding author: Léo-Paul M.J. Dagallier ( ) Academic editor: Yasen Mutafchiev
© 2021 Léo-Paul M.J. Dagallier, Frank M. Mbago, W.R. Quentin Luke, Thomas L.P. Couvreur.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Dagallier L-PMJ, Mbago FM, Luke WRQ, Couvreur TLP (2021) Three new species of Uvariodendron (Annonaceae) from coastal East Africa in Kenya and Tanzania. PhytoKeys 174: 107-126.
East Africa is a hotspot of biodiversity with many endemic plant species. We describe three new species of the genus Uvariodendron (Annonaceae) from the coastal forests of Kenya and Tanzania. Uvariodendron mbagoi Dagallier & Couvreur, sp. nov. is endemic to Tanzania and unique within the genus by its strong bergamot scent and its tomentose fruits having regular tufts of higher hair density. Uvariodendron dzomboense Dagallier, W.R.Q. Luke & Couvreur, sp. nov. is endemic to Dzombo Hill in Kenya and is rendered distinct by its small leaves and very densely pubescent carpels. Uvariodendron schmidtii W.R.Q. Luke, Dagallier & Couvreur, sp. nov. is endemic to Shimba Hills in Kenya and differs by its small flowers and fused sepals forming a ring. Following IUCN criteria we assessed U. mbagoi and U. dzomboense as endangered (EN) while U. schmidtii is assessed as Vulnerable (VU). We also propose a new combination: Polyceratocarpus oligocarpus (Verdc.) Dagallier, comb. nov. The description of these three new species underlines the richness in endemics in East Africa and that new discoveries might arise from further botanical exploration of this region.
Annonaceae, bergamot, Dzombo Hill, endemic, IUCN conservation status, Shimba Hills
East Africa is one of the richest regions in terms of biodiversity across the continent (
Annonaceae is a pantropical family of trees, shrubs and lianas. It is the most species rich family within the order Magnoliales, with ca. 2400 recognized species (
The genus Uvariodendron contains a total of 14 species restricted to tropical Africa (
Here we describe three new species of Uvariodendron, from coastal forests in Kenya and Tanzania. We also transfer the species known as Uvariodendron oligocarpum Verdc. within the genus Polyceratocarpus Engl. & Diels as Polyceratocarpus oligocarpus (Verdc.) Dagallier. This brings the number of Uvariodendron species up to nine for East-Africa, and 17 for the genus as a whole. A key to East-African Uvariodendron species is also presented.
We examined all the 35 herbarium specimens cited in the results. Among them, we measured 12 specimens for Uvariodendron mbagoi (three of which were also examined and measured as living individuals), three herbarium specimens for Uvariodendron dzomboense, and four herbarium specimens for Uvariodendron schmidtii. Herbarium specimens came from B,
Comparison of the main characters used to discriminate the described species with Uvariondendron kirkii. In bold: character unique to the species.
Species | U. kirkii | U. dzomboense | U. mbagoi | U. schmidtii |
Scent | none reported | none reported | strong, bergamot | none reported |
Lamina length (mm) | 86–210 | 65–132 | 76–157 | 159–188 |
Leaves margins | flat | slightly revolute | slightly revolute | flat |
Pedicel length (mm) | 5–28 | 8–30 | 0–0.6 | 10– 15 |
Sepals | free, valvate to imbricate | fused at base | free, imbricate | fused, forming a ring |
Petals length (mm) | 12–39 | 16–18 | unknown on mature flower | 10–12 |
Number of carpels | 7–20 | 50–75 | 12–16 | < 10 |
For morphological descriptions, we followed the terminology developed by
The identification key was built with the help of Xper3 comparison tools (,
To make a preliminary conservation status assessment for each species, we calculated the extent of occurrence (EOO) and the area of occupancy (AOO) using the ConR package (
The distribution map was plotted using ggmap ( package in R (
Tanzania – Tanga • L.-P.M.J. Dagallier 39 (holotype: MPU (MPU1375316), isotypes:
Differs from other Uvariodendron species by its stiff greyish–green leaves with slightly revolute margins, the strong bergamot scent (the citrusy smell of Citrus bergamia Risso, between lemon and orange scent) of crushed leaves and bark, its globose flower buds easily falling off and its tomentose fruits having regular tufts of higher hair density. Differs from Uvariodendron kirkii by having smaller leaves when looking at the greater leaves (157 mm maximum vs. 210 mm maximum) (Table
Tree or shrub 3–6 m tall, 5–10 cm in diameter at breast height (d.b.h.), slash with strong bergamot smell (the citrusy smell of Citrus bergamia Risso); young branches sparsely pubescent to glabrous, old branches glabrous. Leaves distichous, simple, entire, margins slightly revolute, stiff, greyish–green. Petiole 3–6.5 mm long, 1.2–3 mm in diameter, young petiole sparsely pubescent to glabrous, old petiole glabrous. Leaf lamina 76–157 mm long, 31–59 mm wide, length:width ratio 2.2–3.5, narrowly elliptic to elliptic to narrowly obovate, between coriaceous and cartilaginous, apex acute to shortly acuminate, acumen 5–10 mm long, base acute to slightly decurrent (sometimes cuneate), above glabrous, below sparsely pubescent to glabrous when young, glabrous when old; mid rib sunken above, raised below, above glabrous when young and old, below sparsely pubescent to glabrous when young, glabrous when old; secondary veins 10–14 pairs, weakly brochidodromous, indistinct to slightly impressed above, slightly raised to raised below, inter–secondary veins absent; tertiary veins reticulate. Inflorescence borne on trunk or old branches, of 1–2 (3) flowers. Flower sessile or subsessile, pedicel 0–0.6 mm long, 2 mm in diameter. Flowers actinomorphic, hermaphroditic, buds globose 5–9 mm in diameter, velutinous, falling off very easily. Only flower buds and old fallen flowers seen. Bracts 2–5, at base of the pedicel, upper bract 5–8 mm long, 10–15 mm wide, appressed, enclosing bud, pubescent outside, glabrous inside. Sepals 3, ca. 7–8 mm long, ca. 7–12 mm wide (measures taken from bud), imbricate, enclosing the petals in bud, velutinous outside, glabrous inside. Outer petals 3, ca. 4 mm long, ca. 4 mm wide (measures taken from bud). Inner petals 3, ca. 5 mm long, ca. 5 mm wide (measures taken from bud), shortly velutinous outside, glabrous inside. Stamens more than 400, mature length unknown, anthers linear, connective truncate. Carpels 12–16, ca. 1.5 mm long, ca. 1 mm wide (measures taken from old flower), velutinous, stigma coiled. Fruiting pedicel 0–6 mm long, ca. 4 mm in diameter, pubescent. Monocarps 1–7, 20–50 mm long, 10–12 mm wide, length:width ratio 2–4.5, cylindrical, generally curved, showing constrictions and longitudinally ridged, green–grey, tomentose with regular tufts of higher hair density, shortly stipitate, stipe 0–1.5 mm long, 5 mm wide, tomentose. Seeds 4–17 per monocarp, uniseriate to biseriate, 8–8.5 mm long, 5.5–6 mm wide, glabrous.
Uvariodendron mbagoi A trunk with flower buds B young branch C, D entire leaf: C lower side D upper side E–H pre-anthetic flower bud: E on trunk (bottom) and fallen flower bud (top) F seen from top with sepals removed G seen from top with outer petals removed H longitudinal section; br bract, ca carpel, ip inner petal, op outer petal, se sepal, st stamen I–M Fruit: I entire with 7 monocarps J indumentum K seed L tangential cut M longitudinal cut. Photos by L.-P. M.J. Dagallier from the specimens U. Bloesch s.n. (F, G), L.-P.M.J. Dagallier 39 (B, E, H, J, L), 40 (A, C, D) and 50 (I). Scale bars: 10 mm unless stated.
Closed evergreen forest dominated by Scorodophloeus fischeri, on coral rag soil. Altitude: 90–340 meters.
Endemic to Tanzania; only known from seven locations: Kimboza Forest, Msata Hill, Kwedijela forest, Kwedivikilo sacred forest, Mkwaja Ranch, Mkulumuzi river, and Hale (Fig.
This species is known from 11 records in seven locations. The current occurrence of the species in Mkulumuzi river and Hale is really unlikely given that these are now (sub)urban areas and that these records date back, respectively, more than 30 years and over a century. Changes in traditional practices and exploitation of traditionally protected forests had been observed more than 20 years ago (
For the reasons explained above, we removed the occurrences in Mkulumuzi river and Hale from the calculations of extent of occurrence (EOO) and the area of occupancy (AOO). Considering the five remaining localities, the EOO is 3867 km2 and AOO is 20 km2. Following IUCN criterion B (
Zigua (or Chizigua) language: Mchenene, Msenene (C.M. Kisena 3039), Mkenene (T.L.P. Couvreur 3, L–P.M.J. Dagallier 39, F. Mbago 3323).
The bark is used as a spice for meat meals and for tea.
Foodplant of Graphium kirbyi (Papilionidae) (T.C.E. Congdon 532).
Named after Mr. Frank Mbago, curator of the Dar es–Salaam University herbarium (
Tanzania – Morogoro • L.-P.M.J. Dagallier 50 (
Uvariodendron mbagoi is unique within Uvariodendron for the strong bergamot (Citrus bergamia Risso) scent of the crushed leaves and bark. This scent is between lemon and orange scent. Other African Annonaceae species present strong scents. For example, Uvariodendron anisatum Verdcourt (
The globose flower buds of this species easily fall off. Only flower buds were observed for this species, thus it is hard to infer the size of mature flowers. In the description above, the measures on the sepals and the petals are based on the dissection of the biggest flower bud of U. Bloesch s.n., and the carpel measurements were based on an old flower of T.C.E. Congdon 532 which has lost sepals and petals.
The fruiting specimens observed were collected from September to December. Collecting this species earlier in the year might permit the observation of flowers at anthesis.
Kenya – Coast • S.A. Robertson et al. Mrima Dzombo Expedition 207 (holotype: K, isotypes: EA, MO, WAG), Kaya Dzombo Hill; 4°25'48"S, 39°12'36"E; alt. 300 m; 07 Feb. 1989.
This species differs from other Uvariodendron species by its 50–75 carpels that are densely pubescent and its leaves smaller than 150 mm in length and narrowly elliptic to elliptic. It differs from U. kirkii by its smaller leaves (132 mm maximum versus 210 mm maximum) and higher number of carpels (50–75 versus 7–20) (Table
Uvariodendron dzomboense A young branch with leaves B petiole and young branch detail C, D young fruit: C apical view D from the side E–G old flower: E entire on trunk F from top with details of ovaries G close-up. ip inner petal, mo monocarp, ov ovary, se sepal, sts stamen scars. Photos by L.-P. M.J. Dagallier from the specimens W.R.Q. Luke 1654 (F, G), W.R.Q. Luke 7443 (B) and S.A. Robertson MDE 207 (A, C, D, F). Scale bars: 10 mm unless stated.
Tree 4–7 m tall, d.b.h. unknown, young branches sparsely pubescent to glabrous, old branches glabrous. Leaf bud ‘eragrostiform’, composed of 5, distichous, longitudinally folded, velutinous scales. Leaves distichous, simple, entire, pinnately veined. Petiole 3–4 mm long, 1–1.5 mm in diameter, slightly pubescent to glabrous. Lamina 65–132 mm long, 20–45 mm wide, length:width ratio 2.9–3.6, narrowly elliptic to elliptic, coriaceous, apex attenuate, base acute to slightly decurrent, above glabrous, below glabrous when young and old; midrib sunken above, raised below, above glabrous when young and old, below slightly pubescent to glabrous when young, glabrous when old; secondary veins 12–13 pairs, weak brochidodromous; tertiary veins reticulate. Inflorescence borne on trunk or old branches, 1-flowered. Flowering pedicel 8–30 mm long, 2–2.5 mm in diameter, densely pubescent. Flowers actinomorphic, hermaphroditic, buds spherical 4–4.5 mm in diameter, sparsely pubescent. Bracts 6 at base of the pedicel in flower bud, 1 on mature flower in the lower half of the pedicel, 5–6 mm long, 5–8 mm wide, pubescent to shortly pubescent outside, glabrous inside. Sepals 3, 5–7 mm long, 4.5–7 mm wide, fused at base, pubescent to shortly pubescent outside, glabrous inside. Outer petals 3, ca. 16 mm long, ca. 9 mm wide, shortly velutinous outside, glabrous inside, color unknown. Inner petals 3, ca. 18 mm long, 8 mm wide, shortly velutinous outside, glabrous inside, color unknown. Stamens more than 700, 2 mm long, 0.5 mm wide, anthers linear, connective truncate. Carpels 50–75, ca. 2 mm long, ca. 1–1.5 mm wide, densely pubescent. Stigma not seen. Fruiting pedicel ca. 14 mm long, ca. 4 mm in diameter, pubescent. Monocarps (unripe?) ca. 35, ca. 15 mm long, ca. 10 mm wide, length:width ratio ca. 1.5, ovoid, sessile, densely pubescent, golden brown. Seeds (unripe?) ca. 5 per monocarp, uniseriate, ca. 4.5 mm long, ca. 1 mm wide, glabrous.
Endemic to Kenya, only known from Dzombo Hill (Kaya Dzombo) (Fig.
Moist semi–deciduous forest on igneous intrusion.
This species is known from five collections from a single location. Literature found on the Dzombo Hill forest reports a surface of 2.95 km2 (
The specific epithet comes from the Dzombo Hill where the species is endemic.
Kenya – Coast • W.R.Q. Luke 1654 (EA (EA000008806), K); Kwale District, Dzombo Forest Reserve; 4°25'48"S, 39°12'36"E; alt. 270 m; 06 Jan. 1989. • W.R.Q. Luke et al. 2884 (EA, K); Kwale District, Dzombo Forest Reserve; 4°25'48"S, 39°12'36"E; alt. 270 m; 04 Oct. 1991. • W.R.Q. Luke et al. 3370 (EA); Kwale District, Dzombo Forest Reserve; 4°25'48"S, 39°12'36"E; alt. 270 m; 12 Nov. 1992. • W.R.Q. Luke & M. Pakia 7443 (K, EA (EA000008810)); Kwale District, Dzombo; 4°25'48"S, 39°12'36"E; alt. 270 m; 28 Jun. 2001.
This species is known as “Uvariodendron sp. nov. 1 of CFS” in the annotated checklist of the coastal forests of Kenya (
The only fruit known from this species (Robertson S.A. et al. MDE 207) presents ca. 35 ovoid monocarps. These are densely pubescent and have small seeds compared to other Uvariodendron species (4.5 mm long vs. 8–20 mm long). However, it is unclear whether this observed fruit is ripe or not. Further collections could bring more information. This species also presents an ‘eragrostiform’ leaf–bud (see discussion of Uvariodendron schmidtii below).
During a field trip in Tanzania in November 2019, we explored the forest of Kilulu hill (TANZANIA- Tanga, 4°46'22"S, 39°07'30"E, see Fig.
Kenya – Coast • W.R.Q. Luke 3087 (holotype: EA (EA000008814), isotypes: K, MO, US); Kwale District, Shimba hills, Longomagandi; 4°14'00"S, 39°25'00"E; alt. 380 m; 20 Apr. 1992.
This species differs from other Uvariodendron species by its flowers that are small (petals < 13 mm long), velutinous, on a 10–15 mm long pedicel, with fused sepals forming a ring around the fruit pedicel, and fewer than 10 carpels. It differs from U. kirkii by its smaller petals (< 13 mm versus more than 15 mm) and its sepals fused in a ring (versus free and valvate to imbricate) (Table
Uvariodendron schmidtii A young branch with leaves B eragrostiform axillary bud C detached monocarps and pedicels D two-flowered inflorescence E flower, apical view. br bract, ca carpel, flp flower pedicel, frp fruit pedicel, ip inner petal, mo monocarp, op outer petal, se sepals ring, sts stamen scars. Photos by L.-P. M.J. Dagallier from the specimens W.R.Q. Luke 3087 (C) and W.R.Q Luke 4717 (A, B), and by W.R.Q. Luke from a living individual (D, E). Scale bars: 10 mm unless stated.
Tree 10–12 m tall, d.b.h. unknown, young branches sparsely pubescent to glabrate, old branches glabrous. Leaf bud ‘eragrostiform’, composed of 5–7, ca. 10 mm long, 10 mm wide distichous, longitudinally folded, velutinous scales. Leaves distichous, simple, entire. Petiole 4.5–7 mm long, 1.5–2 mm in diameter, glabrate to sparsely puberulent. Lamina 159–188 mm long, 49–71 mm wide, length:width ratio 2.4–3.3, narrowly elliptic to elliptic, coriaceous, apex attenuate to acuminate, base acute to decurrent, above glabrous, below sparsely pubescent to glabrate when young, glabrous when old; midrib sunken above, raised below, above glabrous when young and old, below pubescent to glabrous when young, glabrous when old; secondary veins 10–14 pairs, weakly brochidodromous to brochidodromous; tertiary veins reticulate. Inflorescence borne on trunk and branches, 1–2 flowers. Flower pedicel 10–15 mm long, 2.5 mm in diameter, densely velutinous. Flowers actinomorphic, hermaphroditic, buds spherical, 6–7 mm in diameter, velutinous. Bracts 1–3, 1 at base of the pedicel, 1–2 between the 20–70% of the length of the pedicel, ca. 5 mm long, ca. 10 mm wide, velutinous outside, glabrous inside. Sepals 3, 5.5–7 mm long, 7–9 mm wide, fused on ca. 50% of the length, forming a ring around fruit pedicel, densely velutinous to velutinous outside, glabrous inside. Outer petals 3, 11–12 mm long, 9–11 mm wide, densely velutinous to velutinous outside, glabrous inside, brown outside, cream with purple streak at base inside. Inner petals 3, ca. 10 mm long, 8–9 mm wide, connivent at apex on ca. 50% of the length, densely velutinous to velutinous outside, glabrous inside, brown-orange with margins cream and purple at base outside, cream with purple streak at base inside. Stamens more than 500, length and shape unknown. Carpels ca. 7, ca. 1.5 mm long, ca. 1 mm wide, velutinous. Stigma not seen. Fruiting pedicel ca. 16 mm long, ca. 2.5 mm in diameter, pubescent. Monocarps 3–5, ca. 32 mm long, ca. 20 mm wide, length:width ratio ca. 1.6, rounded to ellipsoid with a longitudinal ridge, sessile, sparsely pubescent, green turning orange. Seeds not seen.
Endemic to Kenya; only known from the Longomwagandi forest (also found spelled “Longomagandi” or “Longo-Magandi” in the literature) in the Shimba Hills National Reserve, in Kenya (Fig.
Lowland forest on ridge with Antiaris, Milicia, Lovoa, Celtis, Quassia, Hymenaea, Julbernardia, Diospyros, Memecylon, and many Rubiaceae shrubs in understorey.
This species is known from seven collections from a single location. Literature for the Shimba Hills forest reserve reports a surface between 0.22 km2 (
Copious seedlings are found below parent trees, but few survive to maturity. Many of these “wildlings” were moved to the Base Titanium indigenous tree nursery and have been out-planted there as part of their mine rehabilitation program.
Mbebeneka in Kidigo language (R. Schmidt 788).
This species is named after Robert Schmidt, a PhD student studying the ecology of the Shimba Hills National Reserve who first collected it in September 1988 and brought it to the attention of W.R.Q. Luke.
Kenya – Coast • W.R.Q. Luke & S.A. Robertson 2737 (EA, K, MO, US); Kwale District, Shimba hills, Longomagandi; 4°14'00"S, 39°25'00"E; alt. 390 m; 18 Mar. 1991. • W.R.Q. Luke 2919 (EA (EA000008817), K, MO, US); Kwale District, Shimba hills, Longomagandi; 4°14'00"S, 39°25'00"E; alt. 390 m; 15 Oct. 1991. • W.R.Q. Luke 4717 (P (P02084012), Ukunda); Kwale District, Shimba hills, Longomwagandi; 4°14'00"S, 39°25'00"E; alt. 380 m; 12 Sep. 1997. • W.R.Q. Luke 11676 (EA, K, MO, US); Kwale District, Shimba hills, Longomagandi; 4°14'00"S, 39°25'00"E; alt. 380 m; 30 Dec. 2006. • S.A. Robertson 7556 (EA, K, WAG (WAG0129164)); Kwale District, Shimba Hills, Longomagandi; 4°14'00"S, 39°25'00"E; alt. 450 m; 04 Jun. 2005. • R. Schmidt 788 (EA); Kwale District, Shimba Hills, Longomagandi; 07 Sep. 1988.
This species shows ‘eragrostiform’ leaf–buds, a feature described in Uvariodendron gorgonis Verdcourt (
Uvariodendron oligocarpum Verdcourt, Kew Bulletin 41(2): 289, 1986.
Tanzania – Tanga • J. Lovett 259 (holotype: K (K000198888)); Lushoto District, Ambangulu, West Usambara; alt. 1300 m; 2 Mar. 1984.
We examined 11 specimens (including the type specimen) of Uvariodendron oligocarpum Verdc. and found they have percurrent tertiary venation and pitted seeds. These characteristics are typical of the genus Polyceratocarpus Engl. & Diels (
Tanzania – Tanga • A. Borhidi 86249 (K); Muheza District, East Usambaras Mts., Kwamkoro F.R. SE of Kwamkoro Tea Estate; alt. 1030 m; 28 Oct. 1986. • A. Borhidi 87241 (K); Muheza District, East Usambaras Mts., Kwamkoro F.R. bordering Kwamsambia F.R; alt. 990 m; 05 May. 1987. • L.-P.M.J. Dagallier 63 (
1 | Longest leaf lamina equal to or longer than 35 cm long | 2 |
– | Longest leaf lamina shorter than 35 cm long | 4 |
2 | Number of secondary veins pairs equal to or less than 20; fruit monocarps less than 10 mm wide and with a length:width ratio over 5, stipe 5–11 mm long | U. gorgonis (pro parte) |
– | Number of secondary veins pairs more than 20; fruit monocarps more than 13 mm wide and with a length:width ratio below 4, stipe less than 6 mm long | 3 |
3 | Young branches sparsely pubescent to glabrous; leaf lamina oblong to obovate, base rounded to subcordate | U. usambarense |
– | Young branches pilose covered with long soft hair quickly falling off; leaf lamina obovate, base acute | U. magnificum |
4 | Greatest leaf lamina equal to or shorter than 16 cm long, margins slightly revolute | 5 |
– | Greatest leaf lamina longer than 16 cm long, margins flat | 6 |
5 | Bark and crushed leaves emitting a strong bergamot scent; flower and fruits (sub)sessile, pedicel less than 6 mm long; carpels 12 to 16; monocarps cylindrical, green-grey, tomentose with regular tufts of higher hair density | U. mbagoi |
– | Bark and crushed leaves not emitting a bergamot scent; flower and fruits pedicel 8–30 mm long (but flower buds sessile); carpels 50 to 75; monocarps ovoid, golden-brown, densely pubescent | U. dzomboense |
6 | Leaf lamina up to 40 cm long, base rounded to acute; carpels 40 to 50; monocarp length:width ratio over 5 | U. gorgonis (pro parte) |
– | Leaf lamina up to 32 cm long, base acute to decurrent; carpels up to 40; monocarp length:width ratio below 4 | 7 |
7 | Leaf lamina apex attenuate to acuminate; flower pedicel equal to or less than 15 mm; sepals fused at base over more than 20% of their length | 8 |
– | Leaf lamina apex acute to attenuate; flower pedicel equal to or more than (5)-10 mm; sepals connivent or fused at base over less than 10% of their length | 9 |
8 | Bark of trunk and branch peeling off, reddish; leaf lamina length:width ratio equal to or more than 3.4; petals 31–36 mm long, carpels 29 to 40 | U. pycnophyllum |
– | Bark of trunk and branch not peeling off, greyish; leaf lamina length:width ratio equal to or less than 3.3; petals 10–12 mm long, carpels fewer than 10 | U. schmidtii |
9 | Plant emitting a strong anise scent; longest leaves up to 32 cm; flower pedicel 15–65 mm long; fruit monocarps 38–70 mm long, ripe fresh fruit dark blue-black | U. anisatum |
– | Plant not emitting anise scent; longest leaves up to 22 cm; flower pedicel (5)10–30 mm long; fruit monocarps 23–36 mm long, ripe fresh fruit dull-orange | U. kirkii |
The three new species described here (Uvariodendron mbagoi Dagallier & Couvreur, Uvariodendron dzomboense Dagallier, W.R.Q. Luke & Couvreur and Uvariodendron schmidtii W.R.Q. Luke, Dagallier & Couvreur) occur in the coastal forests of Kenya and Tanzania. Due to their restricted ranges, they are all threatened following our IUCN preliminary conservation status assessments. Endemism is high in East Africa for plants and animals (
The new combination and the three new species described here bring the number of East African Uvariodendron species to nine across East Africa, and to 17 across Africa. The described species show characters that have never been found in the family, such as the strong bergamot scent of Uvariodendron mbagoi or in the genus, such as the very densely pubescent carpels and monocarps of U. dzomboense.
We are grateful to COSTECH for delivering the necessary research permit (permit no. 2019-529-NA-2019-320) and all local authorities for permitting fieldwork in Tanzania. We are grateful to Yusuph Shekilango for the driving and technical support during this fieldwork mission, as well as to all the local guides. The visit to the K herbarium was made possible thanks to SYNTHESYS+ grant (GB-TAF-45). We are very grateful to Aurélie Grall and all the Kew herbarium staff for the warm welcome. We are also grateful to B herbarium, EA herbarium and Dr Paul Musili, and MO herbarium for the loans of the specimens; to the P herbarium and Dr Thierry Deroin for allowing the visit to the collections. We thank very much the