Research Article |
Corresponding author: Yue-Hua Wang ( ) Corresponding author: Wei-Bang Sun ( ) Academic editor: Sandy Knapp
© 2021 Rong-Li Liao, Lei Cai, Zhi-Yong Yu, Yue-Hua Wang, Wei-Bang Sun.
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Liao R-L, Cai L, Yu Z-Y, Wang Y-H, Sun W-B (2021) Impatiens wutaishanensis (Balsaminaceae), a new species from Southeast Yunnan, China. PhytoKeys 176: 43-53.
Impatiens wutaishanensis R.L. Liao & Lei Cai, a new species from Southeast Yunnan, China, is here described and illustrated. This new species is most similar to Impatiens parvisepala S.X. Yu & Y.T. Hou in its racemose inflorescences, its four lateral sepals, the leaf arrangement, and in having yellow flowers. However, it differs in the height of the plants, the length of the petiole, the size and shape of the leaf blade, the shape of the spur, and the number of flowers in each inflorescence. A detailed description, color photographs, and a provisional IUCN red list assessment are provided, and its geographical distribution, ecology, and morphological relationship with relevant similar species are discussed.
China, Flora of Yunnan, Impatiens parvisepala, Impatiens wutaishanensis, morphology
The genus Impatiens
The material for this study was mainly collected during field surveys assessing the conservation status of the plants of Yunnan Province, China. Herbarium specimens were made carefully and dissected flowers were dried separately to enable examination and illustration in the laboratory. Additionally, flowers were preserved in formalin-acetic acid-alcohol (FAA) solution, and field notes were taken. The morphological characteristics of the new species were measured using a ruler and vernier calipers from both dried herbarium specimens and mature individuals of living plants in the field. Morphological features of the flowers were described and measured using a dissecting microscope.
Fresh pollen grains and leaf blades were collected from the living plants introduced from the field and cultivated at Kunming Botanical Garden (KBG) and loaded on the cryo-specimen holder and cryo-fixed in slush nitrogen (-210 °C), then sublimed and sputter-coated with Pt in a vacuum scanning electron microscopy (SEM) chamber at -140 °C. Morphological characters were observed, examined, and photographed with a cryo-SEM. The morphology of 30 pollen grains was measured and described according to terminology of pollen grains (
China, Yunnan Province, Jinping County, Maandi, alt. 1650 m a.s.l., 22°46'19.97"N, 103°28'29.78"E, 10 September 2016, Lei Cai & Z.Y. Yu CL16050 (holotype:1498854, KUN!; isotypes:1498855, KUN!).
This species is similar to Impatiens parvisepala S.X. Yu & Y.T. Hou (2011: 57) (
Impatiens wutaishanensis R.L. Liao & Lei Cai (drawn by R.M. Zhang) A habit B root C inner lateral sepal D outer lateral sepal E dorsal petal F lateral united petals (F1: upper petal F2: lower petal) G lower sepal H ovary and stamens I flower in front view J flower in lateral view K partial view of leaf margin.
Perennial herb, 10–35 cm tall, glabrous. Root-system shallow, with runners and adventitious roots. Stem fleshy, erect, simple, lower nodes swollen. Leaves simple, alternate, aggregated or subverticillate at stem apex; petiole 0.5–2.4 cm long, leaf blade 3.5–12 × 1.5–4 cm, elliptic, lanceolate, or lanceolate-oblong, base cuneate, margin roughly crenate, mucronulate, apex acuminate, adaxial surface dark green, abaxial surface pale green, lateral veins 4–8 pairs. Racemes in the upper leaf axils, 1–4, 4.2–28 cm long, erect, each with up to 22 flowers. Pedicels 0.6–2.5 cm long, bracteate at base. Bracts ca. 8 mm long, lanceolate to subulate, apex acute, base obtuse, margin entire. Flowers yellow. Lateral sepals 4, light green, the outer pair ca. 5–8 × 3–4 mm, ovate or obovate; the inner pair ca. 8–13 × 1–3 mm, sickle-shaped, obliquely lanceolate, apex acuminate or caudate. Lower sepal 1.5–2.2 × 1.2–2 cm excluding the spur, yellow to yellowish green with reddish patches, obliquely infundibuliform, base gradually constricted into a spur, spur 1.2–3 cm long, slightly incurved or narrowing to incurved, apex rostellate. Dorsal petal 1.3–2.3 × 0.7–1.6 cm, yellow with nearly transparent base, obovate to ovate, apex acuminate, with an inconspicuous dorsal crest, base truncate or cuneate. Lateral united petals ca. 1.6–3 cm long, yellow with nearly transparent base and reddish patches; the upper petals ca. 1.5–2.3 × 0.7–1 cm, oblong; the lower petal ca.1.2–1.8 × 0.6–0.8 cm, reniform. Stamens 5, filaments linear, ca. 3 mm long, anthers obtuse. Ovary fusiform, slightly curved. Placentation axile with four locules. Capsule (immature) clavate, 2–2.5 cm long.
Pollen grains triangular-round with three equal sides in polar view, and the equatorial view is elliptic, long-elliptic, P×E=16.56±1.78 (14.51–21.73)× 30.00±0.98 (28.35–32.11) μm. 3-colpate, linear, the entire surface is covered with reticulate ornamentation, granules in lumina (Fig.
The anticlinal walls of the epidermal cells on the adaxial surfaces are straight, while those of the abaxial surface are sinuate. The stomata only appeared on the abaxial surface of the leaf, the shape was anomocytic and the outline of the guard cells was suborbiculate (Fig.
This new species was observed flowering from August to November, and fruiting from September to December.
This species is currently known from only two small subpopulations less than 10 km away (Shidong and Biaoshuiyan) in Jinping County of Southeast Yunnan, China (Fig.
This new species has a runner with adventitious root produced from the nodes and was collected growing in the understory of forest at an elevation of 1300–1650 m. In the subpopulation in Shidong, the plants found coexist with the cultivated Amomum tsaoko Crevost & Lemarie (Zingiberaceae). In the subpopulation in Biaoshuiyan, the plants were found beside the artificial trail in a scenic area. The main accompanying species were Begonia Linn. sp. (Begoniaceae), Didymocarpus purpureobracteatus W.W. Smith (Gesneriaceae), Epigeneium amplum (Lindl.) Summerh. (Orchidaceae), Hedychium villosum Wall. (Zingiberaceae), Polygala fallax Hemsl. (Polygalaceae) and Vaccinium Linn. sp. (Ericaceae).
This species is currently known only from Jinping County, Yunnan, China with one type locality and a subpopulation. The Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is less than 100 km2 and the known Area of Occupancy (AOO) is less than 15 km2. The conservation status can be evaluated as Vulnerable (VU) D2 based on IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (
The specific epithet ‘wutaishanensis’ refers to the type locality where the new species was found, located in the Wutaishan area of Jinping Fenshuiling National Nature Reserve, Jinping County, Southeast Yunnan, China. The Chinese name is given as “五台山凤仙花”.
Paratypes. China. Yunnan Province: Jinping County, Maandi Town, Shidong. 22°46'19.97"N, 103°28'29.78"E, 1650 m a.s.l., 5 August 2015, Lei Cai et al., CL155 (KUN!); The same locality, 2 August 2020, R.L. Liao & X.Y. Li, LRL202008003 (KUN!); Yunnan Province: Jinping County, Maandi Town, Biaoshuiyan, 22°43'56.61"N, 103°30'36.58"E, 1311 m a.s.l., 2 August 2020, R.L. Liao & X.Y. Li, LRL202008001 (KUN!)
The new species is most similar to Impatiens parvisepala in its racemose inflorescence, its yellow flowers with four lateral sepals. However, I. wutaishanensis is usually a shorter plant and its petiolate leaf blades are smaller and elliptic, lanceolate, or lanceolate-oblong. Its nectar spur is slightly incurved or narrowing to an incurved spur, and each inflorescence may have up to 22 flowers (Figs
In order to illustrate the morphological circumscription of the new species, we compare the new species with four species with similar morphological characters in Table
Comparison of morphological characters in Impatiens wutaishanensis (n=30 for the measurements), I. parvisepala (data from
Character | I. wutaishanensis | I. parvisepala | I. apalophylla | I. clavigera | I. tianlinensis |
Plant height | 10–35 (16.71±5.30) cm | 35–60 cm | 30–60 cm | 50–60 cm | 50–80 cm |
Length of petiole | 0.5–2.4 (1.02±0.44) cm | sub-sessile or sessile | 2–4 cm | 1–2 cm | (0.5–) 1–2 cm |
Shape of leaf blade | elliptic, lanceolate, or lanceolate-oblong | obovate or obovate-lanceolate | oblong-ovate or oblong-oblanceolate | obovate or oblanceolate | obovate to oblanceolate |
Size of leaf | 3.5–12 (7.53±1.86) × 1.5–4 (2.90±0.79) cm | 12–20 × 3.5–6 cm | 10–22 × 4–8 cm | 8–15 (–18) × 3.5–5 cm | 10–15 (–18) × 5–8 cm |
Length of peduncle | 4–28 (13.00±6.71) cm | 15–17 cm | 7–15 cm | 8–10 cm | 10–15 cm, |
No. of flowers in an inflorescence | up to 22 flowers | 6–8 flowers | 4–10 flowers | 5–9 flowers | 3–5 (–7) flowers |
Shape and length of spur | slightly incurved or incurved, gradually constricted, 1.2–3 (2.06±0.45) cm long | nearly straight, gradually constricted, 2–2.5 cm long | incurved, abruptly elongated, 2–2.5 cm long | incurved, abruptly narrowed, 5–6 mm long | involuted, abruptly constricted, 1–1.5 cm long |
Bracts | lanceolate to subulate, persistent | lanceolate or subulate, persistent | invisible | ovate, caducous | ovate, deciduous |
Lower sepal | obliquely infundibuliform, with reddish patches, 1.2–2.8 (1.94±0.38) × 0.8–2.2 (1.38±0.37) cm | obliquely infundibuliform, with reddish patches, 1.8–2 × 2.5–3 cm | narrowly funnel-shaped, with reddish patches, 3 cm | narrowly funnel-shaped, absent patch, 2 × 3 cm | slightly narrowly funnel-shaped, with reddish patches, 2.5–3.5 cm |
Dorsal petal | ovate, 1.3–2.3 (1.80±0.28) × 0.7–1.6 (1.15±0.26) cm | obovate, 1.8–2.2 × 1.5–2 cm | ellipticum, 1–4 cm | obovate, ca. 2 cm | ovate, 10–12 × 7–9 mm |
Lateral united petals | 1.6–3 cm long, with reddish patches | 2.8–3 cm long, with reddish patches | 2–3 cm long, with apparent reddish patches | 2–6 cm long, absent patch | 2–2.5 cm long, with reddish patches |
Pollen grains | 30.00±0.98 (28.35–32.11) × 16.56±1.78 (14.51–21.73) μm | 28.84 (27.98–30.17) × 20.57 (19.70–21.63) μm | 31.85 (30.96–32.73) × 5.57 (5.13–6.75) μm | Missing data | 30.13 (29.62–30.47) × 12.95 (12.68–13.54) μm |
The authors are grateful to Ms. Rongmei Zhang for her beautiful drawings. We also thank Shiwei Guo, Xianyao Li and Zongli Liang for their help in collecting specimens, and Zhijia Gu for the help in cryo-SEM. Special thanks are also given to Dr. Shengxiang Yu for his assistance on species identification and providing valuable suggestions. Also, we would like to thank the anonymous reviewer for the kindly edited assistance. This work was supported by the National Science & Technology Basic Resources Investigation Program of China: Survey and Germplasm Conservation of Plant Species with Extremely Small Population in South-west China (2017FY100100), and the Yunnan Science and Technology Innovation Team Program (2019HC015).