Research Article |
Corresponding author: Shi-Xiao Luo ( ) Academic editor: Alexander Sennikov
© 2020 Gang Yao, Zhu-Qiu Song, Bin-E Xue, Shi Shi, Yu-Ling Li, Shi-Xiao Luo.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Yao G, Song Z-Q, Xue B-E, Shi S, Li Y-L, Luo S-X (2020) Taxonomic revision of the genus Glochidion (Phyllanthaceae) in Taiwan, China. PhytoKeys 159: 137-159.
A comprehensive taxonomic revision of the genus Glochidion J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. from Taiwan in China was carried out based on the examination of herbarium specimens and filed investigations. Eight species and three varieties are recognized, including a new species endemic to Taiwan, G. lanyuense Gang Yao & S.X. Luo, which is described and illustrated. Three names, viz. G. chademenosocarpum Hayata, G. kusukusense Hayata, and G. ovalifolium F.Y. Lu & Y.S. Hsu, are reduced to the new synonyms of G. rubrum Blume, G. lanceolatum Hayata, and G. ellipticum Wight, respectively. Two names, viz. G. lanceolatum Hayata and G. suishaense Hayata, are lectotypified here. A key to the Glochidion species in Taiwan is provided.
lectotypification, new species, new synonym, Phyllantheae, taxonomy
Glochidion J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. is the second largest genus within the tribe Phyllantheae Dumort. (Phyllanthaceae Martinov) (
Taxonomic studies of Glochidion have largely been conducted at the regional level, such as in China (
In our taxonomic study of the genus Glochidion, types of aforementioned enigmatic taxa were found in the herbaria A (G. assamicum var. magnicapsulum, Fig.
A holotype of Glochidion assamicum var. magnicapsulum Croiatz & Hara (A. Henry 117, A) B holotype of G. kusukusense Hayata (B. Hayata & S. Sasaki s.n., TI) C lectotype of G. lanceolatum Hayata (T. Makino s.n., TI) D holotype of G. chademenosocarpum Hayata (B. Hayata s.n., TI) E isotype of G. rubrum Blume (C.L. von Blume s.n., NY) F isolectotype of G. suishaense Hayata (B. Hayata s.n., TI).
Specimens of Glochidion deposited in the herbaria A, HAST, K, KUN, IBSC, LINN, MA, NAS, NCAI, NY, P, PE, PH, TAI and TI, were studied carefully in the present study. Field investigations of Taiwanese Phyllantheae species were also conducted from 2015 to 2019. Additionally, most materials of Taiwanese Glochidion, which were obtained by Dr. A. Kawakita from Kyoto University, Japan, in his recent field studies of the co-evolutionary system involving Glochidion plants and Epicephala moths (
In total, over 800 specimens were examined in the present study. Morphological studies based on the careful examination of herbarium specimens and extensive filed investigations revealed that eight species and three varieties of Glochidion should be recognized in Taiwan, China, viz. G. acuminatum var. acuminatum, G. ellipticum Wight, G. lanceolatum, G. lanyuense Gang Yao & S.X. Luo, G. philippicum, G. puber, G. rubrum, G. zeylanicum var. zeylanicum, G. zeylanicum var. tomentosum Trim., among which the species G. lanyuense is new to science. Additionally, the three names G. chademenosocarpum, G. kusukusense and G. ovalifolium should be reduced to the new synonyms of G. rubrum, G. lanceolatum and G. ellipticum, respectively. Because other species were morphologically described in detail by previous authors (e.g.
Bradleia acuminata Wallich, Numer. List 7855. 1847, nom. nud. Basionym.
Nepal. “Nepalia”, Wallich 7885 (lectotype: K-000246416, photo!, designated by
General morphology of Glochidion A–C G. acuminatum var. acuminatum Müll. Arg D, E, H G. ellipticum Wight F, G G. lanceolatum Hayata I–K G. philippicum (Cav.) C.B. Rob L, P G. puberum (L.) Hutch M–O G. rubrum Blume Q–S G. zeylanicum var. zeylanicum (Gaertn.) A. Juss T–V G. zeylanicum var. tomentosum Trimen A, D, F, I, M, R, T female flowers B, E, J, S, U male flowers C, G, H, K, N–Q, V fruits L female flowers and male flowers N male flowers and fruits. Photographs: A–C, F, G, I–K, M–O, Q–U by A. Kawakita (Kyoto University, Japan) D–E, H, L, P by G. Yao V Z.Q. Song.
Glochidion hayatae Croiz. & Hara, in J. Jap. Bot. 16: 316. 1940. Type: China. Formosa (now Taiwan). Holisha, Giochi. 28 April 1916, B. Hayata s.n. (holotype: TI-01804, photo!).
The typical variety G. acuminatum var. acuminatum is widely distributed from India, Nepal, through Indo-China Peninsula, to China and Japan. In China, it occurs widely from the southwestern area to Taiwan. It grows in evergreen broad-leaved forests, open forests, valleys, or near streams, usually from low altitude to 2600 m. The species is recorded from Ilan and Taipei Hsien, through Nantou and Taichung Hsien, to Kaosiung and Pingtung Hsien, in Taiwan.
Two taxa are described under the species G. acuminatum, the typical variety G. acuminatum var. acuminatum and the variety G. acuminatum var. siamense Airy Shaw. The species is represented in Taiwan by the typical variety, and another variety is distributed in Thailand and Yunnan province of China (
China. Taiwan. Kaosiung Hsien, Shanping Station, at an elevation of 1000 m, 7 November 1991, C.C. Wang 818 (HAST); Ilan Hsien, Fushan, at roadside, 26 April 1992, S.L. Chen 927 (HAST); Nantou Hsien, at an elevation of 650 m, 5 October 2001, C.M. Wang 04509 (IBSC, PE); Nantou Hsien, Yuchih Hsiang, Lienhuachih, 23°55'08"N, 120°52'41"E, at an elevation of 640 m, 24 April 1996, C.N. Chen et al. 03316 (KUN); Nantou Hsien, Lienhuachi, 23°55'17"N, 120°54'20"E, 6 July 1936, K. Mori 1527 (TAI); Nantou Hsien, Lienhuachi, 23°53'53"N, 120°52'58"E, 24 July 1955, Y. Keng & Liu et al. s.n. (TAI); Nantou Hsien, Jenai Hsiang, Hui-Sun Experimental Forest, 24°05'34"N, 121°01'27"E, at an elevation of 660 m, 5 October 2000, C.M. Wang 04509 (IBSC, PE); Pingtung Hsien, Kueitsuchia, 21°57'56"N, 120°48'18"E, 1 January 1917, E. Matuda 1177 (TAI); Taichung Hsien, forest margin, at an elevation of 900 m, 18 April 2003, C.M. Wang 6609 (HAST); Taipei Hsien, Chutsuhu, 25°10'9"N, 121°31'54"E, 16 November 1969, C.C. Hsu 6561 (TAI); Taipei Hsien, Neihu, Naihosyo, 25°4'32"N, 121°34'49"E, 21 July 1973, C.M. Kuo 3640 (TAI); Taipei Hsien, Neihu, 25°05'0"N, 121°34'0"E, 16 October 1993, S.Y. Lu 24147 (PE); Taipei Hsien, Sekitei, 24°59'21"N, 121°38'57"E, 6 July 1949, K. Kao 1350 (TAI); Taipei Hsien, Wulai, Urai, 24°51'47"N, 121°32'34"E, 25 October 1929, S. Suzuki 3268 (TAI).
Phyllanthus assamicus
Müll. Arg. in Flora 48: 378. 1865. Glochidion assamicum (Müll.-Arg.) Hook. f. in Fl. Brit. India 5(14): 319. 1887. Type: India, upper Assam, 1861, J.D. Hooker & T. Thomson s.n. [Glochidion 51] (lectotype: G -00324994, designated by
Glochidion assamicum var. magnicapsulum
Croiatz & Hara, in J. Jap. Bot. 16: 319. 1940. Type: China. Formosa (now Taiwan), September 1938, A. Henry 117 (holotype: A!; isotype: NY) (Figure
Glochidion ovalifolium
F.Y. Lu & Y.S. Hsu, in Quarterly J. For. Res. 25(4): 87. 2003. syn. nov. Type: China. Taiwan: Chiayi Hsien, Chungpu, 3 March 2002, F.Y. Lu & Y.S. Hsu 242 (holotype: NCAI!, Figure
India, Malabar, R. Wight Kew Distrib. No. 2663 (lectotype: K-000246408, photo!, designated by
The species is widely distributed from northeastern India, Nepal, through Indo-China Peninsula, to China. In China, it occurs widely from the southwestern area to Taiwan. It usually occurs in evergreen broad-leaved forests, scrub on stream banks, roadsides, usually from low altitude to 1800 m. In Taiwan, the species is widely distributed from Keelung and Taoyuan, to Chiayi, Kaosiung, Nantou, Pingtung, Taichung and Tainan.
Glochidion ovalifolium was described from Chiayi, Taiwan, China, and it was suggested to be similar to G. lanceolatum in morphology, but differs in having hairy ovaries and fruits (
China. Taiwan. Chiayi Hsien, Meishan Hsiang, Juifeng Bridge-Juili, 23°33'N, 120°39'E, at an elevation of 600 m, 25 August 2001, C.M. Wang 05251 (IBSC); Zhuqi Hsiang, 5 October 2014, H.Y. Chen 011 (NCAI); Kaosiung Hsien, Maoning Hsiang, at an elevation of 800 m, 27 January 1989, J.C. Wang 5177 (HAST); Kaosiung Hsien, Liouhguei, roadside, at an elevation of 250–350 m, 5 May 1991, M.J. Deng & S.L. Chen 463 (HAST); Keelung Hsien, Denryoko, 25°8'2"N, 121°44'26"E, May 1931, Y. Yamamoto s.n. (TAI); Nantou Hsien, Chingshuikou, 23°47'16"N, 120°46'55"E, 16 February 1959, K.K. Huang 839 (PH); Nantou Hsien, Lienhuachih-Yuchih, 24 July 1955, H. Keng & K. Liu s.n. (PH); Nantou Hsien, 11 May 1991, Y.S. Hsu & J.C. Liaw 198, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204, 207, 208, 209 (NCAI); Pingtung Hsien, at an elevation of 1427 m, 8 February 2015, Y.J. Lin 021 (NCAI); Taichung Hsien, 25 July 1955, H. Keng, Liu & Kao s.n. (PH); Tainan Hsien, Kuantzuling, 23°20'32"N, 120°29'33"E, 3 May 1943, Senben 390 (TAI); Taoyuan, 9 September 1990, Y.S. Hsu & J.C. Liaw 70 & 71 (NCAI).
Glochidion kotoense Hayata in Icon. Pl. Form. 9: 96. 1920. Type: China. Formosa (now Taiwan), Kôtôshô, Anonymous s.n. (holotype: TI-01807, photo!).
Glochidion sphaerostigmum Hayata in Icon. Pl. Form. 9: 96. 1920. Type: China. Formosa (now Taiwan), Suisha, Anonymous s.n. (holotype: TI-01817, photo!).
Glochidion kusukusense
Hayata in Icon. Pl. Formos. 9: 96. 1920. syn. nov. Type: China. Formosa (now Taiwan), Kusukusu, July 1912, B. Hayata & S. Sasaki s.n. (holotype: TI-01808, photo!, Figure
China. Formosa (now Taiwan), Kelung, 31 October 1896, T. Makino s.n. (lectotype: TI-01810, photo!, Figure
Glochidion lanceolatum is distributed in China (only in Taiwan) and south Japan, and also recorded from the Philippines (
The morphological description of G. kusukusense provided by
Morphologically, the species G. lanceolatum is similar to the typical variety of G. zeylanicum, but differs by its smaller leaves (6–13 × 2.5–4 cm), ovaries 4–6-locular, and capsules 6–7 mm in diameter (Figure
China. Taiwan. Hsinchu Hsien, Peipu, 24°42'0"N, 121°3'5"E, 12 January 1908, U. Mori s.n. (TAI); Hualien Hsien, Tungmen, Wunlan, at an elevation of 180–250 m, 23 November 1982, Y. Tateishi 16250 (HAST); Keelung, 25°7'43"N, 121°44'9"E, 8 September 1928, S. Sasaki s.n. (TAI); Kaohsiung, Shoushan, al. 400 m, 16 October 1985, S.Y. Lu 17379 (HAST); Keelung, Ensorei, 25°7'32"N, 121°45'56"E, 14 April 1929, S. Suzuki s.n. (TAI); Keelung, Hopingtao, 25°9'33"N, 121°45'5"E, 8 December 1963, C.C. Chuang & M.T. Kao 5541 (PH, TAI); Ilan Hsien, Lotung, 24°40'58"N, 121°47'13"E, 13 November 1932, S. Suziki 12348 (TAI); Ilan Hsien, Suao, 24°35'34"N, 121°50'38"E, Y.M. Hsu 113 (TAI); Ilan Hsien, Lungtanhu, along the paved road surrounding the lake, at an elevation of 100 m, 23 January 1997, S.M. Liu 556 (HAST); Ilan Hsien, Toucheng Town, TaHSI, Taoyuanku trail, at an elevation of 50 m, 16 November 2000, J.J. Chen 539 (HAST); Miaoli Hsien, Zhuolan, at an elevation of 0–300 m, 10 July 2001, C.M. Wang 5060 (IBSC); Pingtung Hsien, Manchou Hsiang, Chunhsing Bridge-Chiatulu, 22°01'17"N, 120°48'29"E, at an elevation of 60–100, on broadleaf forest, 11 April 1998, C.M. Wang et al. 03069 (PE); Pingtung Hsien, Peiyeh-Shanpaiwan, 22°42'6"N, 120°38'31"E, 25 December 1930, S. Suzuki 6798 (TAI); Pingtung Hsien, Shihtzu Hsiang, Shouchia-Mutan, 22°14'46"N, 120°49'49"E, at an elevation of 420 m, roadside, 26 March 1999, C.M. Wang 03936 (PE); Taipei, Muchihshan, 25°1'15"N, 121°35'3"E, 12 April 1985, S.F. Huang 2780 (TAI); Taipei, Peitou, 25°7'42"N, 121°29'42"E, 13 December 1931, T. Suzuki 5904 (TAI); Taipei, Tatungshan, 25°10'22"N, 121°31'33"E, 30 December 1929, Y. Simada 1743C (TAI); Taipei, Wantan, 24°56'39"N, 121°31'49"E, 21 March 1949, H. Keng 1008 (TAI); Taipei, Chungho Shih: Yuan-Tung-Ssu, at an elevation of 50 m, 6 October 1989, C.H. Lin 258 (HAST); Taipei, Linkou Hsien, Hou-hu, roadside, at an elevation of 100–200 m, 23 September 2000, C.L. Huang & H.M. Chang 134 (HAST); Taitung Hsien, Hungtou river, Lanyu, 22°1'49"N, 121°33'13"E, T. Hosokawa 8048 (TAI); Taitung Hsien, Lanyu Hsiang, Bridge Chungaichiao, roadside, 4 December 1996, T.Y.A. Yang et al. 07749 (KUN); Taitung Hsien, Lanyu Hsiang, Langtao, Pond Hsiaotienchih, at an elevation of 180 m, roadside, 18 December 1997, T.Y.A. Yang et al. 09881 (IBSC); Taitung Hsien, Lanyu Hsiang, Langtao, Pond Hsiaotienchih, at an elevation of 150–180 m, 9 July 1997, T.Y.A. Yang et al. 08598 (IBSC); Taitung, Lanyu, Orchid Is., 22°3'23"N, 121°30'52"E, T.C Huang et al. 10552 (TAI).
The species is morphologically similar to G. lanceolatum, but differs by its female flowers usually solitary or rarely two in axillary, pedicel of female flowers and ovaries usually densely strigose, styles ovoid column and strigose at base, and fruits ca. 10 mm in diameter.
China. Taiwan, Taitung Hien, Lanyu Hsiang, Hongtoucun, on roadsides of broadleaf forest, 22°01'00"N, 121°33'27"E, at an elevation of 1–10 m, 16 September 1998, C.M. Wang 03521 (holotype: IBSC-0330741!).
Shrubs or treelets, monoecious; branchlets pubescent. Leaf blade oblong ovate, or elliptic, 6–10 × 3–4.5 cm, papery, slightly leathery, with apex acuminate or acute, and base broadly cuneate or rounded, glabrous in both surface; lateral veins 6–7 pairs, prominent beneath. Petiole 4–7 mm long, glabrous. Stipules broadly triangular, 1–1.5 mm long. Flowers in axillary solitarily or two. Male flowers: pedicles ca. 5 mm long, glabrous; sepals 6, oblong or ovate, biseriate, glabrous; stamens 3, 1–1.2 mm long. Female flowers: pedicles ca. 1 mm long, usually densely strigose; sepals 6, ovoid-triangular or ovate, biseriate, sparsely tomentose; ovary depressed globose, 5–6-locular, densely strigose; style connate into a cylindrical column, ca. 0.5 mm long, truncate at apex, densely strigose at base, 5–6-lobed apex, and then shallowly 2-lobed for each lobes. Capsules depressed globose, ca. 10 mm in diameter, sub-glabrous, 5–6-grooved.
The species is known only from its type locality, Lanyu island of Taiwan, China. It grows on roadsides of broadleaf forest at low altitude.
Glochidion lanyuense is named after its type locality, Lanyu island of Taiwan.
Glochidion lanyuense is quite different from all of the other Glochidion species recorded from China, Japan, and the Philippines by its special characters of female flowers. It is similar to G. lanceolatum in habit, but differs (Table
Morphological comparison between Glochidion lanyuense Gang Yao & S.X. Luo and G. lanceolatum Hayata A, C, E, G, I, L G. lanyuense B, D, F, H, J, K, M G. lanceolatum A, B female flower C, D ovary and style E, F pedicle of female flower G, H general view of style I–K female flowers (shown by arrowheads) L, M fruit. Scar bars: 1 mm (A–H); 3 mm (I–K); 5 mm (L).
Morphological comparison between Glochidion lanceolatum Hayata and G. lanyuense Gang Yao & S.X. Luo.
Traits | Glochidion lanceolatum | Glochidion lanyuense |
Female flower | 6–15 female flowers usually in supra-axillary cymes or rarely axillary | Solitary or rarely two in axillary |
Pedicel of female flower | Glabrous | Densely strigose |
Ovary | Glabrous, or rarely pubescent | Densely strigose |
Style | Sub-conical | Short cylindric column |
Stamen | 4–6 | 3 |
Fruit | Glabrous, 6–7 mm in diameter, usually grooved obscurely or shallowly 4–6-grooved | Sub-glabrous, ca. 10 mm in diameter, 5–6-grooved |
Glochidion formosanum Hayata, in J. Coll. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 20: 20. tab. 2G. 1904. Type: China. Formosa (now Taiwan), Tai-tong-thian, Pi-Iam, 23 December 1899, K. Miyake s.n., (holotype: TI-01802, photo!).
Bradleia philippica Cav., in Icon. 3: 48. tab. 371. 1797. Basionym.
Philippines, L. Née s.n. (lectotype: MA-475455, photo!, designated by
Glochidion philippicum is distributed in China (only in Taiwan), Malaysia, and the Philippines. The species usually occurs beside a gravelly road, forest margins, and roadsides, at low and medium altitudes. In Taiwan, the species is widely distributed from Ilan, Taichung, Changhua and Chiayi, to Hualian, Kaohsiung, Pingtung, Tainan and Taitung.
Glochidion philippicum differs from all other Glochidion species in Taiwan by its sub-hemispherical or sub-conical styles (Figure
China. Taiwan. Changhua, 30 November 1991, M.J. Deng 751 (HAST); Changhua, Pakuashan, at an elevation of 50–200 m, 7 April 1991, S.L. Chen 382 (HAST); Chiayi, Chungpu, 23°25'6"N, 120°30'57"E, December 1934, K. Mori 2339 (TAI); Chiayi, Chuchi District, Kuanghua Village: Chiehtung, at an elevation of 600–800 m, 26 October 1985, C.I. Peng 8762 (HAST); Hualian Hsien, Chuolu, at an elevation of 250 m, 17 November 1982, Y. Tateishi & J. Murata 15540 (IBSC); Hualien, Sanmin, 23°26'51"N, 121°24'25"E, 15 December 1939, Suzuki-Tokio 19781 (TAI); Hualien Hsien, Wanjung District, Hungyeh Village, Hungyeh Hot Spring, at an elevation of ca. 200–400 m, 3 July 1988, C.I. Peng et al. 11618 (PE); Hualian Hsien, Zuepei, at an elevation of 250 m, 18 November 1982, Y. Tateishi & J. Murata 15583 (IBSC); Ilan Hsien, Lotung, at an elevation of 10–20 m, 10 February 1992, S.L. Chen 807 (HAST); Kaohsiung, 22°37'39"N, 120°16'55"E, 7 August 1938, Tsuchiya 27 (TAI); Kaohsiung, Chaishan, broadleaf forest on mountain slope, at an elevation of 100 m, 24 June 1999, K.F. Chung 1389 (HAST); Pingtung Hsien, Hengchun Town, Kengting Park, 21°58'12"N, 120°48'27"E, at an elevation of 300 m, 15 July 1997, C.M. Wang & H.M. Lin 02675 (IBSC, PE); Pingtung Hsien, Kentin, at an elevation of 300 m, 16 August 1969, Y. Ando et al. 601 (KUN); Pingtung, Kenting, 21°57'6"N, 120°47'26"E, 26 September 1966, C.C. Chuang & M.T. Kao 3946 (TAI); Pingtung, Oluanpi, South Cape, 21°54'9"N, 120°50'45"E, 30 December 1928, Y. Kudo & S. Suzuki 15811 (TAI); Pingtung Hsien, Mt. Nanjen-shan, at an elevation of 450 m, 3 November 1982, H. Ohashi & Y. Tateishi 13495 (IBSC); Pingtung Hsien, Mutan Hsiang, Kaoshih-Kaoshihfo, 22°07'39"N, 120°49'35"E, at an elevation of 200–300 m, beside a gravelly road, 5 September 1998, C.M. Wang 03487 (IBSC, PE); Pingtung, Sheting Nature Park, 21°57'20"N, 120°48'32"E, 22 November 1984, J.C. Wang 2656 (TAI); Pingtung Hsien, Wutai Hsiang, on the way from Haocha to Old Haocha, 22°42'37"N, 120°41'31"E, at an elevation of 250–430 m, roadside, 19 July 1995, T.Y. Liu et al. 771 (IBSC, PE); Taichung, Fungyuan, secondary forest, roadside, at an elevation of 300–350 m, 18 July 1991, M.J. Deng 609 (HAST); Tainan, Chentoushan, 23°19'50"N, 120°30'2"E, 20 June 1937, Mori 2329 (TAI); Tainan, Mado, 23°10'38"N, 120°13'36"E, 10 August 1988, S.F. Huang & T.C. Huang 13740 (TAI); Tainan, Nanhsi Hsiang, along a paved road to Hsienkungmiao, at an elevation of 300–500 m, 16 October 2002, P.J. Lin 74 (HAST); Taitung Hsien, Chihen Hot Spring, 22°41'46"N, 120°59'49"E, 1967, C.C. Hsu & M.T. Kao 3382 (TAI); Taitung, Kannatolo, 22°51'38"N, 121°7'0"E, 28 July 1937, Y. Yamamoto & K. Mori s.n. (TAI).
Agyneia pubera L., Mant. 2: 296. 1771. Basionym.
China. Anon s.n. (holotype: LINN, sheet no. LINN-1145.2, photo!).
Glochidion puber is widely distributed in China and also recorded in Kyushu of Japan. It occurs usually on slopes, or in scrub on stream banks, forest margins, roadsides, at altitudes between 100 and 2200 m. In Taiwan, the species is distributed from Miaoli, to Changhua, Nantou and Taichung.
The species differs from all other Glochidion species in Taiwan by its annular styles (Figure
China. Taiwan. Detailed locality unknown, 23 October 1929, Anonymous s.n. (PE-00961458); Detailed locality unknown, 24 October 1929, Anonymous s.n. (IBSC-0314244); Changhua Hsien, Puhsin, 13 October 1988, S.M. Chaw 742 (HAST); Miaoli Hsien, Cholan Town, the First Cemetery, at an elevation of 450 m, 1 November 2008, P.F. Lu 17251 (HAST); Nantou Hsien, Chungming, 23°52'50"N, 120°54'42"E, 23 September 1929, K. Sasaki 15713 (TAI); Nantou Hsien, Sun Moon Lake, 23°50'26"N, 120°55'26"E, 20 September 1929, K. Sasaki 15509 (TAI); Nantou Hsien, Yuechih-Sunmoonlake, 23°52'35"N, 120°55'5"E, 23 October 1930, S. Suzuki 6513 (TAI); Nantou Hsien, 8 June 1991, Y.S. Hsu & J.C. Liaw 222 (NCAI); Nantou Hsien, 24 August 1991, Y.S. Hsu & J.C. Liaw 250, 251, 252, 253, 255, 256, 258 & 259 (NCAI); Nantou Hsien, Yuchi Hsiang, Sun-moon-lake, at an elevation of 700 m, 2 November 2007, P.F. Lu 14821 (HAST); Taichung Hsien, 27 April 1991, Y.S. Hsu & J.C. Liaw 185 (NCAI); Taichung Hsien, 2 November 1933, Suzuki-Tokio 10796 (NAS); Taichung, Shihpikeng, 24°18'6"N, 120°46'26"E, 15 December 1922, S. Suzuki s.n. (TAI); Taichung, Fengyuan, secondary forest, roadside, at an elevation of 350–450 m, 18 July 1991, M.J. Deng 605 (HAST).
Glochidion chademenosocarpum
Hayata in Icon. Pl. Formos. 9: 94. 1920. syn. nov. Type: China. Formosa (now Taiwan), Inter Onô et Kôsenpo, October 1917, B. Hayata s.n. (holotype: TI-01801, photo!, Figure
Glochidion fortunei var. longistylum H. Keng in Journ. Acard. Washington Sci. 41(6): 200. 1951. Type: China. Taiwan, Kaohsiung, 14 August 1937, Yamomoto & Mori 790 (holotype: TAI, photo!).
Glochidion fortunei var. megacarpum H. Keng in Journ Acad. Washington Sci. 41(6): 200. 1951. Type: China. Taiwan, Kaoshiung, 8 April 1929, Kudo & Suzuki 96 (holotype: TAI).
Glochidion suishaense
Hayata in Icon. Pl. Formos. 9: 97. 1920. Type: China. Formosa (now Taiwan), Suisha, 29 Apr. 1916, B. Hayata s.n. (lectotype: TI-01820, photo!, here designated; isolectotype: TI-01821, photo! Figure
Indonesia, Java, C.L. von Blume s.n. (holotype: not traced; isotypes: CAL; NY-00263451, photo!, Figure
Glochidion rubrum is recorded widely from India to Cambodia, China, south Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam. In China, it occurs in Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Zhenjiang. It grows in broad-leaved evergreen forests, roadsides from low altitude to 1800 m. The species is widely distributed from northern to southern Taiwan.
The taxonomic history of G. suishaense was similar to that of G. chademenosocarpum and G. kusukusense, except
Morphologically, G. rubrum could be distinguished from all other Taiwanese Glochidion species by its styles which are cylindrical in shape and 1–3 mm in length (Figure
China. Taiwan. Chiayi, at an elevation of 700–1300 m, 1 November 1985, C.I. Peng 8789 (HAST); Hsinchu, Senkyakuseki, 25 June 1927, Y. Simada 4147 (HAST); Hsinchu, Lienhuassu, at an elevation of 50–100 m, 30 August 1996, K.C. Yang 4908 (HAST); Hualien Hsien, Yueh-wang-ting to Yen-hai logging tract, 3 April 1991, J.C. Wang et al. 6757 (HAST); Hualien Hsien, Hsiulin Hsiang, Hoping Forest Road, 24°18'26"N, 121°41'57"E, at an elevation of ca. 875 m, 22 August 1996, S.M. Liu et al. 362 (PE); Ilan Hsien, Mohen, 24°26'54"N, 121°37'30"E, 30 September 1930, S. Suzuki 6097 (TAI); Ilan Hsien, Nanao Hsiang, on the way from hiking entrance to Machialanshan, at an elevation of 270 m, 13 January 1994, Y.R. Lin 294 (HAST); Ilan Hsien, Nanaonanhsi, at an elevation of 440 m, 16 August 1995, T.Y. Liu 817 (HAST); Kaosiung Hsien, Taoyuan Hsiang, southern Cross-Island Hwy near Likuan, broadleaf forest, 23°16'57"N, 120°52'24"E, at an elevation of ca. 1800 m, 1 April 1995, T.Y. Liu et al. 509 (IBSC); Nantou Hsien, Chen-you-lan-chi, at an elevation of 1650 m, 7 May 1988, W.H. Hu 663 (IBSC); Pingtung, Kaoshih, 22°7'54"N, 120°50'42"E, 1 January 1929, S. Suzuki 16046 (TAI); Pingtung Hsien, Mutan Hsiang, Gaushr-Mutan, 22°08'22"N, 120°49'49"E, at an elevation of 250 m, roadside, 26 March 1999, C.M. Wang 03970 (IBSC, PE); Pingtung Hsien, Mutan Hsiang, Mutan-Hsushai, 22°11'13"N, 120°51'17"E, on roadside, 12 April 1998, C.M. Wang et al. 03099 (IBSC); Pingtung Hsian, Shihtzu Hsiang, on the way from Neiwen to Shouka, along Hsien road 199, broadleaf forest, 22°13'57"N, 120°51'58"E, at an elevation of ca. 390 m, 6 December 1995, S.M. Liu et al. 140 (PE); Pingtung Hsien, Tahanshan, 22°24'N, 120°46'E, at an elevation of 600 m, 20 September 1996, T.T. Chen 7883 (PE); Taichung Hsien, Hoping Hsiang, on Hsuehshan forest, at road mileage sign 23.7 km, 24°14'57"N, 120°55'30"E, at an elevation of 1600 m, 5 May 1999, S.H. Wu 1277 (KUN); Taichung Hsien, Hoping Hsiang, at an elevation of ca. 1100 m, 29 May 1999, C.H. Chen et al. 2737 (HAST); Tainan, Lungtien, 23°12'5"N, 120°16'33"E, 17 May 1942, Senbenlin 303 (TAI); Taipei Hsien, Nankang, local hills up the Hu-Shih Park, at an elevation of ca. 50–100 m, 14 April 1991, C.I. Peng et al. 13898 (PE); Taipei, Peitou, 25°7'42"N, 121°29'42"E, 5 May 1935, H. Shimada 360 (TAI); Taipei Hsien, Yangmingshan National Park, Tatunshan, 25°22'00"N, 121°31'31"E, at an elevation of ca. 825–840 m, on exposed trail, 10 November 1994, H.Y. Shen et al. 275 (KUN); Taitung Hsien, Lanyu Hsiang, Hsiangtienchih, 22°04'50"N, 121°30'05"E, at an elevation of 180 m, semi-shaded, 28 April 1997, S.T. Chiu & J.N. Chen 04099 (IBSC); Taitung Hsien, Lanyu Hsiang, Langtao, Pond Hsiaotienchih, at an elevation of 150–180 m, 9 July 1997, T.Y.A. Yang et al. 08597 (IBSC); Taitung Hsien, Lutao Hsiang, along the paved road from Nanliao to Huoshaoshan, at an elevation of 100 m, 9 October 2001, Y.Y. Huang 753 (PE); Taoyuan Hsien, Fuhsiang Hsiang, Litungshanchuang-Shankuang, 24°40'47"N, 121°20'23"E, at an elevation of 960 m, on roadside of broadleaf forest, 4 January 1996, C.M. Wang & H.M. Lin 01953 (IBSC); Taoyuan Hsien, Nankan, 24°59'17"N, 121°18'22"E, 5 May 1929, Y. Yamamoto s.n. (TAI).
Bradleia zeylanica Gaertn., in Fruct. 2: 128. 1791.Basionym.
Gaertner, Fruct. Sem. Pl. 2: t. 109.1791 (lectotype designated by
The typical variety G. zeylanicum var. zeylanicum is widely distributed from India, Sri Lanka, through Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, to China, south Japan, Indonesia, and the Pacific islands. In China, it occurs widely from the southwest of the mainland to Taiwan island. It usually grows in sparse forests, margins of woods, humid valleys, scrub on stream banks, roadsides, and at low and medium altitudes. In Taiwan, the variety is widely distributed from Hsinchu, Ilan, Taoyuan and Taipei, to Nantou, Taichung and Pingtung.
The typical variety G. zeylanicum var. zeylanicum is similar to G. lanceolatum in habit, and morphological differences between them have been discussed under the latter species.
China. Taiwan. Hsinchu Hsien, Kuanhsi, at an elevation of 200 m, 24 September 1985, S.Y. Lu 17142 (HAST); ILan Hsien, Chiaohsi Hsiang, Lungtanhu, 24°48'00"N, 121°44'06"E, at an elevation of ca. 100 m, slope above the road with some trees, 23 January 1997, S.M. Liu et al. 556 (PE); ILan Hsien, Yuanshan, roadside, 15 April 1991, M.J. Deng 404 (HAST); Nantou, Meifeng Farm, 24°6'0"N, 121°10'55"E, 1 August 1939, Masamune et al. 2441 (TAI); Nantou, Sun Moon Lake, 23°50'26"N, 120°55'26"E, 24 October 1930, S. Suzuki 6722 (TAI); Pingtung, Kengting, at an elevation of 200–300 m, M.J. Deng & S.L. Chen 834 (HAST); Taichung Hsien, Wufeng Hsiang, Tingtai, 24°03'15"N, 120°40'24"E, open place, 22 January 2000, J.N. Chen 00047 (PE); Taihoku, September 1922, S. Sasaki s.n. (NAS); Taipei, Chihshanyen, 25°5'38"N, 121°30'57"E, 15 May 1932, T. Nonaka & K. Mori s.n. (TAI); Taipei, NTU campus, 25°0'57"N, 121°32'9"E, 9 February 1964, J.G. Kung 42 (TAI); Taipei, Tanshui, 25°9'50"N, 121°26'11"E, 10 December 1921, S. Sasaki 1910 (TAI); Taipei, Taihoku, 25°2'46"N, 121°30'43"E, September 1922, S. Sasaki 1911 (TAI); Taipei, Taihoku, 25°2'46"N, 121°30'43"E, 2 August 1927, Y. Shimada 3404 (TAI); Taipei, Wantan, 24°56'39"N, 121°31'49"E, 18 June 1936, H. Siizu 2342 (TAI); Taipei, Nei-Shuang-His, 12 December 1997, M.F. Kao 3304 (HAST); Taoyuan Hsien, Lungtan, at an elevation of 220 m, 21 July 1990, C.H. Lin 13301 (HAST, PE); Taoyuan Hsien, Yangmei, roadside, at an elevation of 50–150 m, 12 December 1990, M.J. Deng 25 (HAST); Taoyuan Hsien, Gueishan, Fongshu, at an elevation of 100–200 m, 28 September 2002, C.C. Chen 458 (HAST).
Sri Lanka, G.H.K. Thwaites 3432 (lectotype: BM-000617461, designated by
This variety G. zeylanicum var. tomentosum is widely distributed from India, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, to China and south Japan. In China, it occurs widely from southwestern areas to Taiwan. It shares a similar habitat with the typical variety G. zeylanicum var. zeylanicum. In Taiwan, G. zeylanicum var. tomentosum is distributed from Hsinchu and Taipei to Nantou.
Morphologically, the variety G. zeylanicum var. tomentosum differs from the typical variety G. zeylanicum var. zeylanicum by its hairy habit. For the hairy taxon, the name G. zeylanicum var. tomentosum was accepted by several authors in their treatment of Taiwanese Glochidion (
China. Taiwan. Detailed locality unknown, 10 June 1929, S. Sasaki s.n. (NAS); Hsinchu Hsien, Hsinfeng Hsiang, Fengshan Margin of fallow paddy, at an elevation of 5–10 m, 30 May 1991, W.P. Leu 946 (HAST); Hsinchu Hsien, Chupei Hsiang, on the slope along the riverbank of Fengshanhsi, at an elevation of 50–100 m, 27 November 1992, W.P. Leu 1645 (HAST); Hsinchu Hsien, Hsinfeng Hsiang, 22 March 2014, P.M. Zeng PM14 (NCAI); Nantou Hsien, Hsianshan-Sunmoon Lake, 23°50'29"N, 120°53'19"E, 19 September 1929, K. Sasaki 15394 (TAI); Nantou Hsien, Sun Moon Lake, 23°50'26"N, 120°55'26"E, September 1929, S. Sasaki s.n. (TAI); Nantou Hsien, Yuchih, at an elevation of 750 m, 25 December 1985, S.Y. Lu 18170 (HAST); Nantou Hsien, 26 April 1991, Y.S. Hsu & J.C. Liaw 174 (NCAI); Nantou Hsien, 8 June 1991, Y.S. Hsu & J.C. Liaw 216 (NCAI); Taipei Hsien, Shuiyuanti, 25°0'27"N, 121°31'48"E, 14 May 1929, S. Suzuki 19294 (TAI); Taipei Hsien, Sungshan, 25°2'53"N, 121°34'5"E, 27 April 1933, S. Sasaki s.n. (TAI); Taipei Hsien, Taihoku, 25°2'46"N, 121°30'43"E, 10 June 1929, S. Sasaki 9294 (TAI); Taipei Hsien, Tomitacho, 25°0'43"N, 121°32'7"E, 27 May 1932, T. Tanaka & Y. Shimada 11071 (TAI); Tomita-cho, Taihoku-shi, 27 May 1932, T. Tanaka et al. 11071 (IBSC, PE); Taipei Hsien, Kungkuan, roadside, at an elevation of 10–20 m, 20 March 1992, M.J. Deng 883 (HAST).
1 | Female flowers in axillary clusters; stamens usually 3 | 2 |
– | Female flowers usually supra-axillary cymes or rarely in axillary clusters; stamens more than 3 | 7 |
2 | Ovary usually 3–4-locular, or rarely 5-locular | 3 |
– | Ovary 5-locular or more than 5-locular | 4 |
3 | Leaves glaucous and white pubescent abaxially; styles column cylindric; capsules deeply 6–8-grooved; persistent styles obvious, ca. 1 mm long, dilated at apex | G. acuminatum var. acuminatum Müll. Arg. |
– | Leaves usually paler abaxially; styles column shortly conical; capsules grooved shallowly or obscurely; persistent styles obscure or slightly elevated | G. ellipticum Wight |
4 | Styles cylindrical, 1–3 mm long; capsules glabrous, 6–10 mm in diameter | G. rubrum Blume |
– | Styles not cylindrical, usually less than 1 mm long; capsules hairy or slightly pubescent, up to 10 mm in diameter | 5 |
5 | Female flower usually solitary or rarely two in axillary; styles ovoid column; ovary 5–6-locular | G. lanyuense Gang Yao & S.X. Luo |
– | Female flowers multiple (usually more than 5) in axillary; styles annular, caliciform or sub-conical; ovary more than 6-locular | 6 |
6 | Lateral veins of leaves 6–7 pairs; styles annular; ovary 6–10-locular; capsules 6–10-grooved, usually reddish when mature; persistent styles annular, not or slightly elevated | G. puber (L.) Hutch. |
– | Lateral veins of leaves 8–9 pairs; styles caliciform or sub-conical; ovary 5–8-locular; capsules 10–16-grooved, usually purplish when mature; persistent styles sub-conical or sub-hemispheric | G. philippicum (Cavan.) C.B. Rob. |
7 | Leaves less than 15 cm long and 5 cm wide; capsules 6–7 mm in diameter | G. lanceolatum Hayata |
– | Leaves up to 20 cm long and 8 cm wide; capsules 8–12 mm in diameter | 8 |
8 | Plant glabrous (except ovary) | G. zeylanicum var. zeylanicum (Gaertn.) A. Juss. |
– | Plant hairy | G. zeylanicum var. tomentosum Trim. |
The authors are grateful to the curators and staff of the herbaria A, HAST, K, KUN, IBSC, LINN, MA, NAS, NCAI, NY, P, PE, PH, TAI and TI for hosting our visits or providing images of specimens, to Dr. A. Kawakita from Kyoto University, Japan, for providing field images of Glochidion species (Figure