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Corresponding author: Jun Wen ( ) Academic editor: Alexander Sennikov
© 2020 Bin-Bin Liu, Yu-Bing Wang, De-Yuan Hong, Jun Wen.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.
Liu B-B, Wang Y-B, Hong D-Y, Wen J (2020) A synopsis of the expanded Rhaphiolepis (Maleae, Rosaceae). PhytoKeys 154: 19-55.
As part of the integrative systematic studies on the tribe Maleae, a synopsis of the expanded Rhaphiolepis is presented, recognizing 45 species. Three new forms were validated: R. bengalensis f. contracta B.B.Liu & J.Wen, R. bengalensis f. intermedia B.B.Liu & J.Wen, and R. bengalensis f. multinervata B.B.Liu & J.Wen, and four new combinations are made here: R. bengalensis f. angustifolia (Cardot) B.B.Liu & J.Wen, R. bengalensis f. gigantea (J.E.Vidal) B.B.Liu & J.Wen, R. laoshanica (W.B.Liao, Q.Fan & S.F.Chen) B.B.Liu & J.Wen, and R. latifolia (Hook.f.) B.B.Liu & J.Wen. Furthermore, one new name, Rhaphiolepis yui B.B.Liu & J.Wen is proposed here, and three taxa were reduced as new synonyms. We also provide lectotypification for 13 names: Crataegus bibas, Eriobotrya philippinensis, Mespilus spiralis, Opa integerrima, Photinia luzonensis, Rhaphiolepis brevipetiolata, R. ferruginea var. serrata, R. fragrans, R. gracilis, R. hainanensis, R. kerrii, R. indica subsp. umbellata var. liukiuensis, and R. parvibracteolata.
Eriobotrya, lectotype, new name, nomenclature, taxonomy, typification, validation
The three-subfamily classification system of Rosaceae, Amygdaloideae, Dryadoideae, and Rosoideae, has been accepted and stabilized with a series of molecular phylogenetic studies (
A recent phylogenomic analysis of Rhaphiolepis Lindl. and Eriobotrya Lindl. in the framework of Maleae (Rosaceae) strongly supported the paraphyly of Eriobotrya, with Rhaphiolepis nested within it (
Most of the species of the expanded Rhaphiolepis are trees and shrubs, distributed from subtropical East Asia to tropical Southeast Asia. The loquat species (Rhaphiolepis bibas = Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.) belongs to this genus, and has been widely cultivated all over the world as fruits and ornamentals. Furthermore, several other species, such as Rhaphiolepis indica (L.) Lindl. and R. umbellata (Thunb.) Makino have been used as ornamentals with their abundant white flowers and persistent red fruits.
We reviewed all names published previously, by checking all available online resources, such as
= Eriobotrya Lindl., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 13: 96, 102. 1821. Type: Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. ≡ Mespilus japonica Thunb. (= Rhaphiolepis bibas (Lour.) Galasso & Banfi).
= Opa Lour., Fl. Cochinch.: 304, 308. Sep 1790. Type (vide
=× Rhaphiobotrya Coombes, Plantsman n.s., 7(3): 164. 2008 (Eriobotrya Lindl. × Rhaphiolepis Lindl.).
Rhaphiolepis indica (L.) Lindl.≡Crataegus indica L.
Trees, small trees, or shrubs , 40–100[–200] dm. Stems ca. 1, erect; bark gray-brown; short shoots absent; unarmed; hairy. Leaves persistent, cauline, simple; stipules deciduous or ± persistent, free, on the extreme base of petiole, rarely intrapetiolarly connate, subulate, caducous, or subulate, small, margin entire; petiole present; blade ± elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, 2–40 cm, leathery, margins flat or reflex, serrate, dentate or entire, venation penninerved (craspedodromous or camptodromous). Inflorescences in terminal racemes, panicles, or compound racemes, many-flowered. Pedicels present, short, or nearly absent. Flowers: perianth and androecium epigynous, 15–20 mm diam.; hypanthium campanulate, cupular, tubular, or obconical, the free part inside lined with an intrastaminal disk, open at the top; sepals 5, persistent or caducous; petals 5, white, yellow, or pink, obovate or orbicular, base clawed; stamens 15–20(-40); ovary inferior, carpels 2–5, ventrally and laterally connate (in upper part ventrally free), or completely connate with each other and dorsally adnate to the hypanthium, the hairy apex exposed; ovules normally 2 per carpel, rarely more; styles 2–5, connate at base and often pubescent; stigma truncate. Fruits a pome, yellowish, yellowish red, brown, dark purplish-brown, bluish, or purplish-black, subglobose, globose, or obovate, fleshy or dry, flesh mostly of hypanthial origin, sclereids absent or present, endocarp (core) thin, membranous. Seeds 1–3, large, with a thin but firm testa; endosperm absent, cotyledons thick. 2n = 34.
About 45 species (
≡ Eriobotrya angustissima Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India [J. D. Hooker] 2(5): 372. 1878. Type: India. Khasia. alt. 5000 ft., without date, J.D. Hooker & T. Thomson s.n. (lectotype, designated by
≡ Pyrus angustissima (Hook.f.) M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 95. 2018. Type: Based on Eriobotrya angustissima.
India (Mt. Khasia) and Vietnam.
≡ Eriobotrya balgooyi K.M.Wong & Ent, Pl. Ecol. Evol. 147(1): 136. 2014. Type. Malaysia. Sabah, Ranau District, Bukit Babi [Pig Hill] on the south-east side of Mount Kinabalu, 6°03'N, 116°36'E, 2000–2300 m, 25 May 1984, J.H. Beaman et al. 9871 (holotype: K [barcode K000618095]!; isotype: MSC).
Malaysia (Borneo on Mt. Kinabalu and Mt. Tambuyukon).
≡ Mespilus bengalensis Roxb., Fl. Ind. (ed. 1832) 2: 510. 1832. Type: India. 1824, N. Wallich 668.2 (neotype, designated by
≡ Eriobotrya bengalensis Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India [J. D. Hooker] 2(5): 371. 1878. Type: Based on Mespilus bengalensis.
= Alsodeia grandis Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind., Eerste Bijv. 3: 391. 1861. Type: Indonesia. “Sumatra orient. in regionibus interioribus prov. Palembang, prope Muara-enim”, s.coll. HB4023 (holotype: U [barcode U0005827]!).
= Eriobotrya tinctoria Kurz, Prelim. Rep. For. Veg. Pegu, App. B. 48. 1875, in clavi. Type: not designated.
widely distributed from East Himalaya (Sikkim and Assam) through Bangladesh (Chittagong) to Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo.
≡ Eriobotrya bengalensis var. angustifolia Cardot, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 3: 371. 1918. Type: China. Yunnan: Hay-y près Lou-Lan, Pau Ngueou, 29 March 1907, F. Ducloux 4719 (lectotype, designated by
≡ Eriobotrya bengalensis f. angustifolia (Cardot) J.E.Vidal, Adansonia, n.s. 5: 569. 1965. Type: Based on Eriobotrya bengalensis var. angustifolia.
China (Yunnan).
≡ Eriobotrya bengalensis f. contracta J.E.Vidal, Adansonia, n.s. 5: 569. 1965, nom. inval. Type: Vietnam. Annam: sommet du Nui Bach Ma, Station d’altitude un peu au Sud de Huê Alt. 1400–1500 m, Le 6 September 1938, E. Poilane 27620 (holotype: P [barcode P03650248]!, isotype: P [barcode P03650249]!). Annam: Nui Bach Ma Station d’altitude de Huê 1400–1500 m, d’alt. Lé 12 December 1940, E. Poilane 31104 (paratypes: P [barcode P03650258, P03650259]!). Bachma (Centre-Vietnam), 23 August 1943, J.E. Vidal 36 (paratype: P [barcode P03650257]!). Annam: Col des nuages près Tourane Forêt 900 m, d’altitude Le 14 September 1923, E. Poilane 7986 (paratypes: P [barcode P03650251, P03650253]!). Prov. Quang Nam: E. Poilane 11 (syntype). Annam: Massif du Ngok Guga près de Dakto prov. du Kontum Le 25 February 1946, alt. 1000 m, E. Poilane 35584 (paratypes: P [barcode P03650240, P03650241)!). S. Annam: massif du Hon Ba, 31 August 1918, A. Chevalier 38718 (paratype: P [barcode P03650239]!). Sud. Annam: Prov. Nha Trang: Massif du Hon Ba, 1000–1100 m alt., 4 September 1918, A. Chevalier 38832 (paratypes: P [barcode P03650246, P03650247]!). Prov. Nha Trang: Massif du Hon Ba, 1000–1500 m alt., 4 September 1918, A. Chevalier 38892 (paratypes: P [barcode P03650233, P03650238, P03650245]). [Note A]
Rhaphiolepis bengalensis f. contracta B.B.Liu & J.Wen, f. nov.
≡ Eriobotrya bengalensis f. gigantea J.E.Vidal, Adansonia, n.s. 5: 569. 1965. Type: Myanmar. Parkinson 314 (holotype: K)
≡ Eriobotrya bengalensis f. intermedia J.E.Vidal, Adansonia, n.s. 5: 568. 1965, nom. inval. Type: Myanmar. “In thicket on the western flank of the N’Maikha-Salween divide, east of Hpimaw. Lat. 26°N, alt. 10000 feet. East Upper Burmah”, April 1919, G. Forrest 17845 (holotype: E [barcode E00072976]!; isotypes: E [barcode E00072977]!, K). Région de Huê, “Bachma, Centre Vietnam, 1200 m”, 21 January 1944, J.E. Vidal 35A (paratype: P [barcode P03650235]!); “Km. 13, Route de Bachma, Centre Vietnam, 1200 m”, 12 March 1944, J.E. Vidal 35B (paratype: P [barcode P03650234]!); “Km. 12.5 Route de Bachma Centre Vietnam”, 6 April 1944, J.E. Vidal 35C (paratype: P [barcode P03650231]!). [Note B]
A forma typica differt stylis 4 frequentioribus (
Four gatherings were cited in the protologue by
≡ Eriobotrya bengalensis f. multinervata J.E.Vidal, Adansonia, n.s. 5: 569. 1965, nom. inval. Type: Thailand. Siam, Chiang Mai, Doi Angka (now as Doi Inthanon), ca. 1400 m, 16 July 1922, A.F.G. Kerr 6293 (holotype: P [barcode P03650228]!). Siam: Doi Pa Kao, ca. 1200 m, 7 May 1921, A.F.G. Kerr 5372 (paratype: P [barcode P03650229]!). 1964, B. Hansen et al. 10797 (paratypes: C, P [barcode P03650232]!). Siam. Kanchanaburi: Si Sawat, ca. 600 m, 17 January 1926, A.F.G. Kerr 10235 (paratypes: K, P [barcode P03650230]!). [Note C]
A forma typica differt lamina venis utrinque 15–20 (
Eriobotrya bengalensis f. multinervata was invalidly published (Art. 40.1:
≡ Crataegus bibas Lour., Fl. Cochinch. 1: 319. 1790. Type: Plukenet, L. 1705. Amaltheum botanicum pag. 26. tab. 371. fig. 2. (lectotype, designated here). [Note D]
≡ Pyrus bibas (Lour.) M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 98. 2018. Type: Based on Crataegus bibas.
= Mespilus japonica Thunb., Fl. Jap. (Thunberg) 206. 1784. Type: Japan. Thunberg s.n. (holotype: UPS-THUNB accession no. 11908).
≡ Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 13: 102. 1821. Type: Based on Mespilus japonica.
≡ Photinia japonica (Thunb.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Asch. & Schweinf., Mém. Inst. Égypt. [Illustr. Fl. Egypt.]. Type: Based on Mespilus japonica.
≡ Rhaphiolepis loquata B.B.Liu & J.Wen, Front. Plant Sci. 10-1731: 11. 2020. nom. illeg. Type: Based on Mespilus japonica.
Native in Chongqing (Nanchuan) and Hubei (Yichang) of China. As an economically important fruit, this species has been widely cultivated in central & south China, as well as in Japan, Korea, India, and some countries in Southeast Asia.
Vietnam. “Prov. de Khanh Hoa (Nha Trang): région de Nha Trang, 1600 m”, 19 May 1922, E. Poilane 3464 (lectotype, designated here: P [barcode P03206033]; isolectotype: P [barcode P03206032]). [Note E]
Vietnam (Nha Trang).
≡ Hiptage cavaleriei H.Lév., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 10: 372. 15 March 1912. Type: China. Kouy-Tcheou (Guizhou): Pin-fa, montagne en pente, 20 May 1907, J. Cavalerie 3220 (lectotype, designated by
≡ Eriobotrya cavaleriei (H.Lév.) Rehder, J. Arnold Arbor. 13: 307. 1932. Type: Based on Hiptage cavaleriei.
≡ Pyrus athenae M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 96. 2018. Type: Based on Hiptage cavaleriei.
= Eriobotrya grandiflora Rehder & E.H.Wilson, Pl. Wilson. (Sargent) 1(2): 193. 30 April 1912. Type: China. Western Szech’uan (Sichuan): alt. 1600m, May 1904, E.H. Wilson 3506 (lectotype, designated by
≡ Eriobotrya deflexa var. grandiflora (Rehder & E.H.Wilson) Nakai, J. Arnold Arbor. 5(2): 72. 1924. Type: Based on Eriobotrya grandiflora.
= Eriobotrya brackloi Hand.-Mazz., Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. 59: 102. 1922. Type: China. Kwangtung (Guangdong): In silva ad austro-occid. jugi Tsatmukngao prope oppidum Lienping ad bor.-or. urbis Kanton sita ad rivos, 800 m, substr. crystallino, 15, 27 July 1920, R.E. Mell 659 (lectotype, designated by
≡ Eriobotrya cavaleriei var. brackloi (Hand.-Mazz.) Rehder, J. Arnold Arbor. 13(3): 308. 1932. Type: Based on Eriobotrya brackloi.
= Eriobotrya brackloi var. atrichophylla Hand.-Mazz., Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. 59: 103. 1922. Type: China. Hunan: austro-occ.: In monte Yün-scha prope urbem Wukang, in silva elata frondosa umbrosa. alt. 950 m, 6 June 1918, H.F. von Handel-Mazzetti 12032 (lectotype, designated by
China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, and Sichuan) and North Vietnam (Hòa Bình and Lao Cai).
≡ Eriobotrya condaoensis X.F.Gao, Idrees & T.V.Do, Phytotaxa 365(3): 290. 2018. Type: Vietnam. Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province: Con Dao National Park, growing on the slope of hill under tropical evergreen forest, 20m, 8°41'30"N, 106°38'00"E, 21 March 2017, T.V.Do VNMN_CN 633 (holotype: VNMN!; isotype: CDBI!).
Southeast Vietnam (Ba Ria-Vung Tau: Con Dao National Park).
≡ Eriobotrya × daduheensis H.Z.Zhang ex W.B.Liao, Q.Fan & M.Y.Ding, Phytotaxa 212(1): 97. 2015. Type. China. Sichuan: Hanyuan County, Dashu Town, Xinmin Village, Mt. Shizishan, in the forest edge at the foot of the mountain, 970 m, 29°17'48.18"N, 102°39'44.94"E, 19 December 2007, Q. Fan 9292 (holotype: SYS [barcode 190936]!; isotypes: SYS!, IBSC!).
As a putative natural hybrid between Rhaphiolepis bibas (=Eriobotrya japonica) and R. prinoides (=E. prinoides), this species is restricted to Daduhe River Basin in Sichuan, China (
≡ Photinia deflexa Hemsl., Ann. Bot. 9: 153. 1895. Type: China. Formosa (Taiwan): Bankinsing, May 1894, A. Henry 498 (lectotype, designated by
≡ Eriobotrya deflexa (Hemsl.) Nakai, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 30: 18, in adnot. 1916. Type: Based on Photinia deflexa.
= Photinia buisanensis Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formosan. 3: 100. 1913. Type: not designated.
≡ Eriobotrya deflexa f. buisanensis (Hayata) Nakai, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 30(349): 18. 1916. Type: Based on Photinia buisanensis.
≡ Eriobotrya buisanensis (Hayata) Kaneh., Formosan Trees 218. 1918. Type: Based on Photinia buisanensis.
≡ Eriobotrya deflexa var. buisanensis (Hayata) Hayata, Catal. Governm. Herb. Formos. 246. 1930. Type: Based on Photinia buisanensis.
≡ Eriobotrya buisanensis (Hayata) Makino & Nemoto, Fl. Japan., ed. 2 (Makino & Nemoto) 464. 1931. Type: Based on Photinia buisanensis.
= Eriobotrya deflexa var. koshunensis Kaneh. & Sasaki, Catal. Gov’t Herb. Formosa 246. 1930. Type: not designated.
≡ Eriobotrya deflexa f. koshunensis (Kaneh. & Sasaki) H.L.Li, Lloydia 14(4): 232. 1951. Type: Based on Eriobotrya deflexavar. koshunensis.
China (Guangdong, Hainan, and Taiwan) and Vietnam (Nha Trang).
≡ Photinia dubia Lindl., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 13(1): 104, t. 10. 1821. Type: Nepal. N. Wallich 668.1 (neotype, designated by
≡ Eriobotrya dubia (Lindl.) Decne., in Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Ser. I, x. 145. 1874. Type: Based on Photinia dubia.
= Mespilus tinctoria D.Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 238. 1825. Type: not designated.
Bhutan, India (Sikkim), Myanmar (Kachin, Mandalay, and Shan), and Nepal.
≡ Eriobotrya elliptica Lindl., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 13(1): 102. 1821. Type: Nepal. Narainhetty. 1 February 1803, F. Buchanan-Hamilton s.n. (holotype: BM [barcode BM000521994]!).
≡ Cotoneaster ellipticus (Lindl.) Loudon, Encyc. Pl. 1208. 1841. Type: Based on Eriobotrya elliptica.
≡ Pyrus elliptica (Lindl.) M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 102. 2018. Type: Based on Eriobotrya elliptica.
= Mespilus cuila Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 238. 1825, nom. nov. superfl. Type: Based on Eriobotrya elliptica Lindl.
China (Tibet) and Nepal (Narainhetty).
≡ Eriobotrya elliptica var. petelotii J.E.Vidal, Adansonia sér. 2, 5: 552. 1965. Type: Vietnam. “prov. de Lao Kay, Chapa, 1500 m”, January 1929, M. Pételot s.n. (lectotype, designated by
N Vietnam (Lao Cai).
≡ Pyrus sodomacea M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 121. 2018. Type: China. Guangdong: Tapu District, Tung Koo Shan, 8–29 September 1932, W.T. Tsang 21587 (holotype: A [barcode 00032516]!; isotypes: K [barcode K000758194]!, P [barcode P02143130]!).
China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, and Hainan).
China. Guangdong: Lung-tau Mt., near Iu Village, May 22-July 5, 1924, To & Tsang 12546 (lectotype, designated here: A [barcode 00032518]!; isolectotype: A [barcode 00032517, 00032519]!). [Note F]
China (Fujian, Guangdong, and Guangxi).
To & Tsang 12546 was designated as the type in the protologue. We located three specimens in herbarium A, therefore, they are syntypes. A subsequent lectotypification is necessary. We designated the sheet (A00032518) in a better condition as the lectotype herein.
≡ Eriobotrya fulvicoma Chun ex W.B.Liao, F.F.Li & D.F.Cui, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 49(4): 264. 2012. Type: China. Guangdong: Xinyi County, Dawuling Natural Reserve, 45 m, 28 April 1932, Z. Huang 32257 (holotype: WUK [barcode 0109531]!; isotypes: IBK [barcode IBK00060958, IBK00060976]!, IBSC [barcode 0298975]!, KUN [barcode 0116268]!, PE [barcode 00799336]!, SZ [barcode 00194329]!).
China (Guangdong).
≡ Eriobotrya glabrescens J.E.Vidal, Adansonia sér. 2, 5: 554. 1965. Type: Myanmar. Kachin State: “N. Birmanie, Triangle, Hkinlum village, 2500 m, en fleurs”, 4 April 1953, F. Kingdon-Ward 20616 (lectotype, designated by
≡ Pyrus serpentae M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 121. 2018. Type: Based on Eriobotrya glabrescens.
North Myanmar (Triangle, Centre Ouest, and Khai Yang).
≡ Eriobotrya glabrescens var. victoriensis J.E.Vidal, Adansonia sér. 2, 5: 555. 1965. Type: Myanmar. KachinState: “Birmanie centrale, Mt Victoria, 3000 m, en fleurs”, 2 April 1956, F. Kingdon-Ward 21915 (holotype: BM [barcode BM000602190]!).
North Myanmar (Centre Ouest: Mt Victoria).
≡ Eriobotrya henryi Nakai, J. Arnold Arbor. 5: 70. 1924. Type: China. Yunnan: Szemao (Simao), 1900, A. Henry 13018 (lectotype, selected by
≡ Pyrus henryi (Nakai) M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4:106. 2018. Type: Based on Eriobotrya henryi.
China (Guizhou and Yunnan) and Myanmar (Pyin Oo Lwin).
≡ Eriobotrya hookeriana Decne., Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Ser. I 10:146. 1874. Type: India. Sikkim: Jongri, 13000–15000 ft., 10 August 1862, T. Anderson 490 (lectotype, designated by
≡ Pyrus hookeriana (Decne.) M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 107. 2018. Type: Based on Eriobotrya hookeriana.
Bhutan and India (Sikkim).
≡ Crataegus indica L., Sp. Pl. 1: 477. 1753. Type: India. s.coll. s.n. (lectotype, designated by
= Crataegus rubra Lour., Fl. Cochinch. 1: 320. 1790. Type: China. Guangdong: “Habitat agrestis prope Cantone Sinarum”, J. Loureiro 320-3 (holotype: P [barcode P00150873]!).
≡ Mespilus rubra (Lour.) Stokes, Bot. Mat. Med. iii. 110. 1812. Type: Based on Crataegus rubra.
≡ Rhaphiolepis rubra (Lour.) Lindl., Coll. Bot. (Lindley) t. 3. 1821. Type: Based on Crataegus rubra.
= Mespilus sinensis Poir., Encyc. [J. Lamarck & al.] Suppl. 4. 70. 1816. Type: not designated.
≡ Crataegus sinensis (Poir.) Loisel., Herb. Amat. iv. t. 247. 1820. Type: Based on Mespilus sinensis.
≡ Rhaphiolepis sinensis (Poir.) M.Roem., Syn. Rosifl. 3: 114. 1847. Based on Mespilus sinensis.
= Opa metrosideros Lour., Fl. Cochinch. 1: 309. 1790. Type: “Cochinchina”, J. Loureiro s.n. (holotype: BM [barcode BM000906022]!).
≡ Syzygium metrosideros (Lour.) DC., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 3: 261. 1828. Type: Based on Opa metrosideros.
≡ Eriobotrya metrosideros (Lour.) A.Chev., Cat. Pl. Jard. Bot. Saigon 64. 1919. Type: Based on Opa metrosideros.
= Rhaphiolepis crataegoides M.Roem., Syn. Rosifl. 113. 1847. Type: not designated.
≡ Rhaphiolepis indica var. crataegoides (M.Roem.) Nakai, J. Arnold Arbor. 5: 66. 1924. syn. nov. Type: Based on Rhaphiolepis crataegoides.
= Rhaphiolepis fragrans E.T.Geddes, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1929(4): 108. 1929, “Raphiolepis”. Type: Thailand. Kemarat, Ubon, Kan Kak, 100 m, 30 January 1924, A.F.G. Kerr 8257A (lectotype, designated here: K [barcode K000758246]!; isolectotypes: BM [barcode BM000602125]!, C [barcode C10017919]!, E [barcode E00011337]!). Siam: 100 m, January 1924, A.F.G. Kerr 8257 (paratype: TCD [barcode TCD0016617]!) [Note H]
= Rhaphiolepis gracilis Nakai, J. Arnold Arbor. 5: 64. 1924. Type: China. Zhejiang: S. Yentang, 600 ft (ca. 183 m), August 26, 1920, H.H. Hu 228 (lectotype, designated here: A [barcode 00032521]!). ibidem, 10 ft, August 24, 1920, H.H. Hu 220 (syntype: A [barcode 00032520]!). [Note I]
= Rhaphiolepis indica var. latifolia Cardot, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 3: 380. 1918. Type: not designated.
= Rhaphiolepis indica var. mekongensis Cardot, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 3: 380. 1918. Type: Laos. “Bassin du Mékong: rivière Selamphao”, 1876, Harmand 202 (holotype: A [barcode 00032551]!).
≡ Rhaphiolepis mekongensis (Cardot) Tagane & H.Toyama, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 66(2): 127. 2015. Type: Based on Rhaphiolepis indica var. mekongensis.
≡ Pyrus mekongensis (Cardot) M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 112. 2018. Type: Based on Rhaphiolepis indica var. mekongensis.
= Rhaphiolepis kerrii E.T.Geddes, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 4: 109. 1929, “Raphiolepis”. Type: Thailand. Siam: “Kao Krading, 1200 m”, 12 March 1924, A.F.G. Kerr 8689 (lectotype, designated here: K [barcode K000758247]!; isolectotypes: BK (barcode BK257293)!, BM (barcode BM000602126)!). [Note J]
= Rhaphiolepis loureiroi Spreng., Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 2: 508. 1825. Type: not designated.
= Rhaphiolepis parvibracteolata Merr., Philipp. J. Sci. 21: 344. 1922. Type: China. Hainan: Nodoa, roadside in wilderness, 250 m, 2 January 1922, F.A. McClure 8015 (lectotype, designated here: US [barcode 00097487]!; isolectotypes: A [barcode 00032548, 00032549]!, NY [barcode 00415903]!). [Note K]
= Rhaphiolepis rubra var. foliosa Nakai, J. Arnold Arbor. 5: 66. 1924. syn. nov. Type: not designated.
= Rhaphiolepis rubra var. lanceolata Nakai, J. Arnold Arbor. 5: 67. 1924. syn. nov. Type: not designated.
= Rhaphiolepis rugosa Nakai, J. Arnold Arbor. 5: 62. 1924. Type: China. Jiangxi: Anfu County, Woo Kung Shan, 3500 ft, 20 April 1921, H.H. Hu 711 (holotype: A [barcode 00032550]!).
Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam.
≡ Rhaphiolepis phaeostemon Lindl., Coll. Bot. (Lindley) sub t. 3. 1821. Type. Not designated.
China. Taiwan: Pingtung County, Nanjenshan, October 25, 1978, K.S. Hsu & Y.P. Yang s.n. (holotype: TAIF).
China (Taiwan).
≡ Mespilus spiralis Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. 17: 1102, 1826. Type: Indonesia. Java: C.L. Blume s.n. (lectotype, designated here: L [barcode L0019710]!; isolectotypes: L [barcode L0019711, L0019712, L0019713]!, NY [barcode 00436082]!). [Note L]
≡ Rhaphiolepis spiralis (Blume) G.Don, Gen. Hist. 2: 602. 1832. Type: Based on Mespilus spiralis.
≡ Crataegus spiralis (Blume) Steud., Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 2. i. 434. 1841. Type: Based on Mespilus spiralis.
≡ Opa spiralis (Blume) Seem., J. Bot. 1: 281. 1863. Type: Based on Mespilus spiralis.
Indonesia (Java).
Not designated.
China (Taiwan).
≡ Rhaphiolepis impressivena Masam., Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 30: 340. 1940. Type: China. Taiwan: “In rocky place between 1000–1200 m, Mt. Seisui-zan (Chingshui), Karengun, April 8, 1939”, T. Nakamura 365 (holotype: TI).
China (Taiwan).
≡ Rhaphiolepis umbellata var. minor Makino, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 16: 14. 1902. Type: Japan. Prov. Mushashi: Tokyo, Bot. Gard. Koishikawa, cult. 19 May 1880, T. Makino s.n. (syntype: TI); 20 May 1890, T. Makino s.n. (syntype: TI); May 1896, T. Makino s.n. (syntype: TI).
≡ Rhaphiolepis minor (Makino) Koidz., Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 23: 171. 1909. Type: Based on Rhaphiolepis umbellata var. minor.
≡ Rhaphiolepis rubra var. minor (Makino) Nakai, J. Arnold Arbor. 5: 67. 1924. Type: Based on Rhaphiolepis umbellata var. minor.
≡ Rhaphiolepis indica var. minor (Makino) Kitam., Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 26(1–2): 2. 1974. Type: Based on Rhaphiolepis umbellata var. minor.
Japan (Tokyo).
≡ Opa integerrima (Hook. & Arn.) Seem., J. Bot. 1: 281. 1863. Type: Japan. “Bonin [in] Loa Choo”, Beechey s.n. (lectotype, designated here: K [barcode K000758198]!; isolectotypes: K [barcode K000758197, K000758199, K000758200]!).
≡ Rhaphiolepis japonica var. integerrima (Hook. & Arn.) Hook.f., Bot. Mag. 91: pl. 5510. 1865. Type: Based on Opa integerrima.
≡ Rhaphiolepis integerrima (Hook. & Arn.) Hort., ex Handl. Trees Kew Pt. i. [Polypet.] 217. 1894. Type: Based on Opa integerrima.
≡ Rhaphiolepis umbellata f. integerrima Rehder, Mitt. Deutsch. Dendrol. Ges. 24: 223. 1915. Type: Based on Opa integerrima.
≡ Rhaphiolepis umbellata var. integerrima (Hook. & Arn.) Masam., Sci. Rep. Kanazawa Univ. 3: 3. 1955. Type: Based on Opa integerrima.
≡ Pyrus godiva M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 105. 2018. Type: Based on Opa integerrima.
= Rhaphiolepis mertensii Siebold & Zucc., Fl. Jap. (Siebold) 1: 164. 1841. Type: not designated.
≡Opa mertensii (Siebold & Zucc.) Seem., J. Bot. 1: 281. 1863. Type: Based on Rhaphiolepis mertensii.
≡ Rhaphiolepis umbellata var. mertensii (Siebold & Zucc.) Makino, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo), 16(179): 14. 1902. Type: Based on Rhaphiolepis mertensii.
≡ Rhaphiolepis integerrima var. mertensii (Siebold & Zucc.) Makino ex Koidz., J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 34(2): 72. 1913. Type: Based on Rhaphiolepis mertensii.
China (Taiwan) and Japan (Ryukyu Islands).
≡ Pyrus jiulongjiangensis (P.C.Huang & K.M.Li) M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. :4: 108. 2018. Type. China. Fujian: Hua’an County, Jiulongjiang, 120 m, April 1987, K.M. Li 30439 (holotype: NJF).
China (Fujian).
≡ Pyrus lanceolata (Hu) M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 110. 2018. Type: China. Guangxi: “Seh-feng Dar-shan, S. Nanning, alt. 775 m”, 21 Oct. 1928, R.C. Ching 8060 (holotype: A [barcode 00032543]!; isotypes: A [barcode 00032544, 00032545]!, NY [barcode 00415902]!).
= Rhaphiolepis hainanensis F.P.Metcalf, Lingnan Sci. J. 18: 511. 1939. “Raphiolepis” Type: China. Hainan: Po-ting, 1300 ft, September 25, 1935, F.C. How 73712 (lectotype, designated here: A [barcode 00032523]!). Dung Ka to Wen Fa Shi, 1700 ft, March 3, 1932, N.K. Chun & C.L. Tso 43670 (syntypes: A [barcode 00032522]!, P [barcode P02143129]!). Yaichow, July 9, 1933, H.Y. Liang 61989 (paratype). [Note M]
= Rhaphiolepis indica var. angustifolia Cardot, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 3: 380. 1918. Type: Vietnam. “province de Quant-tri, vallée de haute rivière de Cu-Bi”, Eberhardt 2057 (holotype: P; isotypes: A [barcode 00032540]!).
China (Guangdong?, Guangxi, and Hainan).
In the protologue of Rhaphiolepis hainanensis, two specimens was designated as types, they are N.K. Chun & C.L. Tso 43670 as “type flower”, and F.C. How 73712 as “type fruit”, which are therefore syntypes. Metcalf also cited the specimens H.Y. Liang 61989 but without designating it as a type; it is, therefore, a paratype. It is necessary to choose one specimen as the lectotype from the two types; we, therefore, designated the “type fruit” specimen “F.C. How 73712” in a better condition as the lectotype herein.
≡ Eriobotrya laoshanica W.B.Liao, Q.Fan & S.F.Chen, PhytoKeys 146: 64 (2020). Type: China. Yunnan: Malipo County, Mount Laoshan, in thin forests on the slopes of limestone hills, 22°59.08'N, 104°50.48'E, 1160 m a.s.l., 14 October 2019, Q. Fan 17570 (holotype: SYS; isotypes: IBSC, SYS).
China (Yunnan).
≡ Eriobotrya latifolia Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India [J. D. Hooker] 2(5): 370. 1878. Type: Myanmar. Moalmayne, on Thoung Gyne, alt. 5000 ft., 1857, T. Lobb s.n. (holotype: K [barcode K000758400]!).
≡ Pyrus herae M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 106. 2018. Type: Based on Eriobotrya latifolia.
≡ Rhaphiolepis herae (M.F.Fay & Christenh.) B.B.Liu & J.Wen, Front. Plant Sci. 10-1731: 11. 2020. Type: Based on Eriobotrya latifolia.
Myanmar (Kayin and Taninthayi).
Rhaphiolepis latifolia Lodd. ex G.Don (in Hort. Brit. [Loudon] 202. 1830) was a naked name because this name has been published without descriptive statements in the protologue (
≡ Photinia longifolia Decne., Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Ser. I 10: 142. 1874. Type: Bangladesh. East Bengal. Mishmi Hills, W. Griffith 2093 (lectotype, designated by
≡ Eriobotrya longifolia (Decne.) Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India [J. D. Hooker] 2(5): 370. 1878. Type: Based on Photinia longifolia.
Bangladesh (East Bengal).
≡ Eriobotrya macrocarpa Kurz, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 41(4): 306. 1872. Type: not designated.
Myanmar (Bago and Mandalay).
≡ Pyrus major (Cardot) M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 111. 2018. Type: China. Fujian: Wuyishan County, Kuantun (Guadun Village), April 1898, M. de Latouche s.n. (holotype: P [barcode P02143132]!; isotypes: A [barcode 00032547]!, K [barcode K000758196]!, P [barcode P02143133, P02143134]!)
= Rhaphiolepis indica var. grandifolia Franch., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 46: 207. 1899. Type: not designated.
China (Fujian, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, and Zhejiang).
≡ Eriobotrya malipoensis K.C.Kuan, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 8(3): 231. 1963. Type: China. Yunnan: Malipo County, Hwang-jin-yinn, 1200 m, 21 January 1940, C.W. Wang et al. 86318 (holotype: PE [barcode 00004573]!; isotypes: IBSC [barcode 0299391]!, KUN [barcode 0116367]!).
≡ Pyrus malipoensis (K.C.Kuan) M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 111. 2018. Type: Based on Eriobotrya malipoensis.
China (SE Yunnan).
≡ Eriobotrya merguiensis J.E.Vidal, Adansonia sér. 2, 5: 563. 1965. Type: Myanmar. “Birmanie, Mergui, Mout Myinmolekat, 1200 m, en fruits”, 17 January 1930, R.N. Parker 3098 (holotype: K [barcode K000758399]!).
≡ Pyrus merguiensis (J.E.Vidal) M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 112. 2018. Type: Based on Eriobotrya merguiensis.
Myanmar (Mergui Archipelago and Taninthayi).
≡ Eriobotrya oblongifolia Merr. & Rolfe, Philipp. J. Sci., C 3: 102. 1908. Type: Philippines. Mindanao. Misamis: Mount Malindang, May 1906, E.A. Mearns & W.J. Hutchinson 4680 (lectotype, designated by
Philippines (Mindanao).
≡ Eriobotrya obovata W.W.Sm., Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 10: 29. 1917. Type: China. Yunnan: in the vicinity of Yunnanfu, E.E. Maire 2450 (holotype: E [barcode E00011331]!; isotypes: E [barcode E00284668]!, K [barcode K000758390]!).
≡ Pyrus obovata (W.W.Sm.) M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 114. 2018. Type: Based on Eriobotrya obovata.
China (C Yunnan).
≡ Eriobotrya petiolata Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India [J. D. Hooker] 2(5): 370. 1878. Type: Sikkim, 9000 ft, J.D. Hooker s.n. (lectotype, designated by
≡ Pyrus petiolata (Hook.f.) M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 115. 2018. Type: Based on Eriobotrya petiolata.
Bangladesh (Chittagong), Bhutan, India (Khasia and Sikkim), and Myanmar (Chin).
≡ Eriobotrya philippinensis S.Vidal, Revis. Pl. Vasc. Filip. 123. 1886. Type: Philippines. Luzon: “Santa Cruz, Pr. Zambales”, S. Vidal 1350 (lectotype, designated here: K [barcode K000758204]!, isolectotype: MA [barcode MA729287]!). “Infanta, Pr. Zambales”, S. Vidal 1353 (syntype: K [barcode K000758205]!, MA [barcode MA729288, MA729288-2]!). [Note O]
≡ Pyrus philippinensis (S.Vidal) M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 115. 2018. Type: Based on Eriobotrya philippinensis.
= Photinia luzonensis Merr., Publ. Bur. Sci. Gov. Lab. 17: 18. 1904. Type: Philippines. Luzon: Lamao River Mt. Mariveles, Provence of Bataan, Oct. 1903, E.D. Merrill 3223 (lectotype, selected by
≡ Eriobotrya luzonensis (Merr.) Nakai, J. Arnold Arbor.5: 69. 1924. “luzoniensis”. Type: Based on Photinia luzonensis.
= Eriobotrya acuminatissima Nakai, J. Arnold Arbor. 5: 71. 1924. Type: Philippines. Luzon: Panay Province, mt. Salibongbong Capiz, June 1919, A. Martelino & G. Edano 35622 (lectotype, designated by
Philippines and Malaysia (Borneo: Sabah).
≡ Eriobotrya platyphylla Merr., Brittonia 4(1): 80. 1941. Type: Myanmar. Upper Burma: hills east of Fort Hertz, 8 December 1931, F. Kingdon-Ward 10205 (lectotype, designated by
≡ Pyrus platyphylla (Merr.) M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 116. 2018. Type: Based on Eriobotrya platyphylla.
Myanmar (Kachin).
≡ Eriobotrya poilanei J.E.Vidal, Adansonia sér. 2, 5: 557. 1965. Type: Vietnam. Haut Donnai: Annam, Canton de Laouan Délégation de Djiriing, alt. 1200 m, 5 June 1933, E. Poilane 22591 (lectotype, designated by
≡ Pyrus poilanei (J.E.Vidal) M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 116. 2018. Type: Based on Eriobotrya poilanei.
Vietnam (Haut-Donnai).
≡ Eriobotrya prinoides Rehder & E.H.Wilson, Pl. Wilson. (Sargent) 1(2): 194. 1912. Type. China. Yunnan: Mengtze (Mengzi), alt. 1500 m, A. Henry 9878 (lectotype, designated by
≡ Pyrus prinoides (Rehder & E.H.Wilson) M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 116. 2018. Type: Based on Eriobotrya prinoides.
China (Sichuan and Yunnan) and Laos.
≡ Eriobotrya prinoides var. laotica J.E.Vidal, Adansonia sér. 2, 5: 573. 1965. Type. Laos. Xièng Khouang: 1200 m, en fleurs, 3 November 1920, E. Poilane 2243 (lectotype, designated by
Laos (Xièng Khouang).
≡ Pyrus gomorrana M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 105. 2018. Type: not designated.
= Rhaphiolepis cheniana F.P.Metcalf, Lingnan Sci. J. 18: 509. 1939. “Raphiolepis” Type: China. Fujian: Nanputo, Amoy, January 2, 1927, H.H. Chung 5912 (holotype: A [barcode 00032513]!; isotype: A [barcode 00032514]!).
= Rhaphiolepis kwangsiensis Hu, J. Arnold Arbor. 13: 335. 1932. Type: China. Guangxi, Me-Kom, Seh-feng Dar-Shan, S. Nanning, 800m, R.C. Ching 8360 (holotype: A [barcode 00032541]!, isotype: A [barcode 00032542]!).
China (Fujian, Guangdong, and Guangxi) and Vietnam (Quang Tri and Thua Thiên).
≡ Eriobotrya salwinensis Hand.-Mazz., Symb. Sin. Pt. 7(3): 475. 1933. Type: China. Yunnan: Im str. Laubwalde des birm. Mons. am Ufer des Salwin um Tschamutong von Sijitong bis unter Tjiontson, Phyllit und kristallinischer Kalk, 1625–1700 m, 13 July & 17 August 1916, H.F. von Handel-Mazzetti 9573 (lectotype, designated by
≡ Pyrus salwinensis (Hand.-Mazz.) M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 120. 2018. Type: Based on Eriobotrya salwinensis.
China (NE Yunnan and Tibet), India, and Myanmar.
≡ Symplocos seguinii H.Lév., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 10: 431. 1912. Type: China. Kouy-Tchéou (Guizhou): Environs de Ou-La-Gay et de Hoang-Ko-Chou, Mars 1899, J. Séguin & R.P. Bodinier 2617 (lectotype, selected by
≡ Eriobotrya seguinii (H.Lév.) Cardot ex Guillaumin, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 71: 287, in obs. 1924. Type: Based on Symplocos seguinii.
= Eriobotrya pseudorhaphiolepis Cardot, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 3: 371. 1918. nom. nov. superfl. Type: Based on Symplocos seguinii (Referring to the note
China (SW Guizhou and SE Yunnan).
≡ Eriobotrya serrata J.E.Vidal, Adansonia sér. 2, 5: 558. 1965. Type: Laos. Xièng Khouang: Ban Na Poun, 1200 m, en fleurs, 19 November 1920, E. Poilane 2345 (lectotype, designated by
≡ Pyrus serrata (J.E.Vidal) M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 121. 2018. Type: Based on Eriobotrya serrata.
China (Guangxi and Yunnan) and Laos (Xièng Khouang).
≡ Eriobotrya stipularis Craib, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1929(4): 109. 1929. Type: Thailand [Siam]: Satul, Adang, 1500 m, on rocky ridge, 16 January 1928, A.F.G. Kerr 14125 (lectotype, designated by
≡ Pyrus stipularis (Craib) M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 122. 2018. Type: Based on Eriobotrya stipularis.
Cambodia and Thailand (Satun).
≡ Eriobotrya tengyuehensis W.W.Sm., Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 10: 30. 1917. Type: China. Yunnan: Shweli-Salween divide, Lat. 25°5'N, alt. 7000 ft., tree of 40–60 ft., flowers creamy-yellow, open forests, May 1913, G. Forest 9857 (lectotype, designated by
≡ Pyrus tengyuehensis (W.W.Sm.) M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 123. 2018. Type: Based on Eriobotrya tengyuehensis.
China (NW Yunnan and Tibet) and Myanmar (Kachin).
≡ Laurus umbellata Thunb., Fl. Jap. (Thunberg) 175. 1784. Type: Japan. Thunberg s.n. (holotype: UPS-THUNB accession no. 9844).
≡ Rhaphiolepis umbellata C.K.Schneid., Ill. Handb. Laubholzk. i. 705. 1906. Type: Based on Laurus umbellata.
≡ Rhaphiolepis indica subsp. umbellata (Thunb.) Hatus. 1970. Type: Based on Laurus umbellata.
≡ Rhaphiolepis indica f. umbellata (Thunb.) Hatus., J. Geobot. 25(4): 126. 1978. Type: Based on Laurus umbellata.
≡ Rhaphiolepis indica var. umbellata (Thunb.) H.Ohashi, J. Jap. Bot. 63(1): 4. 1988, pro parte. Type: Based on Laurus umbellata.
= Mespilus sieboldii Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. 17: 1102. 1826. Type: not designated.
≡ Photinia sieboldii (Blume) G.Don, Gen. Hist. 2: 602. 1832. Type: Based on Mespilus sieboldii.
≡ Rhaphiolepis sieboldii (Blume) Hassk., Flora 25(2): 47. 1842. Type: Based on Mespilus sieboldii.
= Rhaphiolepis japonica Siebold & Zucc., Fl. Jap. (Siebold) 1: 162. 1841. Type: not designated.
≡ Opa japonica (Siebold & Zucc.) Seem., J. Bot. 1: 281. 1863. Type: Based on Rhaphiolepis japonica.
= Rhaphiolepis ovata Briot, Rev. Hort. [Paris]. 348. 1870–1871. Type: not designated.
≡ Rhaphiolepis umbellata f. ovata (Briot) C.K. Schneid., Ill. Handb. Laubholzk.1: 706. 1906. Type: Based on Rhaphiolepis ovata.
≡ Rhaphiolepis mertensii var. ovata (Briot) Nakai, Fl. Sylv. Kor. 6: 32. 1916. Type: Based on Rhaphiolepis ovata.
China (Taiwan and Zhejiang), Korea, and Japan.
≡ Rhaphiolepis indica subsp. umbellata var. liukiuensis Koidz., J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 34 (2): 73. 1913. Type: South Korea. Jeju Island: “Quelpaert: in rupibus littoris”, May 1907, U. Faurie 1562 (lectotype, selected by
≡ Rhaphiolepis liukiuensis (Koidz.) Nakai, J. Arnold Arbor. 5: 63. 1924. Type: Based on Rhaphiolepis indica subsp. umbellata var. liukiuensis.
≡ Rhaphiolepis umbellata subsp. liukiuensis (Koidz.) Masam. & Yanagih., Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa XXXI: 274. 1941. Type: Based on Rhaphiolepis indica subsp. umbellata var. liukiuensis.
≡ Rhaphiolepis indica var. liukiuensis (Koidz.) Kitam., Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 26(1–2): 2. 1974. Type: Based on Rhaphiolepis indica subsp. umbellatavar. liukiuensis.
China (Taiwan), Japan (Kyushu and Ryukyu), and Korea (Jeju Island).
≡ Eriobotrya wardii C.E.C.Fisch., Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1929(6): 205. 1929. Type: Myanmar. Namkiu Mountains. Valley of the Sheinghku, 6000–7000 ft., in flower in October, F. Kingdon-Ward 7618 (holotype: K [barcode K000758392]!; isotype: A [barcode 00026488]! image of the holotype with a small fragment of inflorescence).
≡ Pyrus alabaster M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 94. Feb. 2018. Type: Based on Eriobotrya wardii.
≡ Pleiosorbus wardii (C.E.C.Fisch.) Rushforth, Phytologia 100(4): 233. 21 Dec. 2018. Type: Based on Eriobotrya wardii.
Myanmar (Kachin and North Triangle).
≡ Eriobotrya fragrans Champ., Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 4: 80. 1852. Type: China. Hong Kong: Mt. Victoria, J.G. Champion s.n. (lectotype, designated by
≡ Pyrus williamtelliana M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 126. 2018. Type: Based on Eriobotrya fragrans.
China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Hongkong, and Tibet) and Vietnam.
≡ Eriobotrya fragrans var. furfuracea J.E.Vidal, Adansonia sér. 2, 5: 557. 1965. Type: Vietnam (Sud-Annam). Nha Trang: Massif du Hon Ba, 1000–1500 m, en fleurs, 5 September 1918, A. Chevalier 38893 (lectotype, designated by
Vietnam (Nha Trang).
China. Hainan: Mt. Wuzhishan, 1830 m, 5 August 2005, Q. Fan 6087 (holotype: SYS; isotype: MO).
China (Hainan).
≡ Eriobotrya kwangsiensis Chun ex X.H.Yang & S.Q.Lin, Acta Hortic. 750: 221. 2007. Type: China. Guangxi: Xiangzhou County, Shangguchen, Wuzhishan, 18 June 1936, C. Wang 39423 (holotype: IBK [barcode IBK00061038, herbarium accession number 35925]!; isotypes: PE [barcode 00799311]!, SZ [barcode 00194327]). [Note S]
China (Guangxi).
The species epithet “kwangsiensis” has been pre-occupied by Rhaphiolepis kwangsiensis Hu, J. Arnold Arbor. 13: 335. 1932, thus a new name is needed for this taxon (
Artificial hybrid species:
Rhaphiolepis × delacourii André, Rev. Hort. [Paris]. 72: 698. 1900.
≡ Pyrus × delacourii (André) M.F.Fay & Christenh., Global Fl. 4: 101. 2018. Type: France. Golfe-Juan, May 1900, s.coll. s.n. (holotype: K [barcode K000758248]!). [Note T]
Note T. This hybrid species was produced by M. Delacour, a gardener of the Villa Allerton, in Cannes, and it was hybridized between Rhaphiolepis indica and R. ovata (= R. umbellata).
Doubtful names associated with Rhaphiolepis :
Photinia luzonensis var. acuminatissima Merr., nom. nud.
Rhaphiolepis crassifolia Hort. ex Voll & Brade, Rodriguésia i. No. 3, 61. 1935, nom. nud.
Rhaphiolepis hiiranensis Kaneh., Formosan Trees, ed. rev. 276. 1936, anglice et japonice. ≡ Rhaphiolepis indica var. hiiranensis (Kaneh.) H.L.Li, Lloydia 4: 235. 1952. ≡ Rhaphiolepis umbellata var. hiiranensis (Kaneh.) Hatus., Fl. Ryukyus 312. 1971. nom. nud.
Rhaphiolepis indica var. insularis Hatus., Fl. Ryukyus 844. 1971. nom. illeg. & nom. nud.
Rhaphiolepis laevis Lodd. ex G.Don, Hort. Brit. [Loudon] 202. 1830, “Raphiolepis”. nom. nud.
Rhaphiolepis latifolia Lodd. ex G.Don, Hort. Brit. [Loudon] 202. 1830, “Raphiolepis”. nom. nud.
Rhaphiolepis pheostemonia St.-Lag., Ann. Soc. Bot. Lyon vii. 133. 1880. nom. nud.
We thank Everly Robin (US) for assistance in obtaining literature from other libraries, the reviewer Gerwin Kasperek (Frankfurt, Germany) and subject editor Alexander Sennikov for their constructive comments. We also thank Bing Liu (PE) and Yun-Fei Deng (IBSC) for their advice on the nomenclature, and Fang Wen (IBK) and Chun-Rui Lin (IBK) for providing the holotype image of Rhaphiolepis yui. This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 31620103902).