Checklist |
Corresponding author: Suzana Maria Costa ( ) Academic editor: Reyjane Patricia Oliveira
© 2016 Suzana Maria Costa, Tiago Domingos Mouzinho Barbosa, Volker Bittrich, Maria do Carmo Estanislau do Amaral.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Costa SM, Barbosa TDM, Bittrich V, Amaral MCE (2016) Floristic survey of herbaceous and subshrubby aquatic and palustrine angiosperms of Viruá National Park, Roraima, Brazil. PhytoKeys 58: 21-48.
We provide and discuss a floristic survey of herbaceous and subshrubby aquatic and palustrine angiosperms of Viruá National Park (VNP). The VNP is located in the northern Amazon basin and displays phytophysiognomies distributed in a mosaic where these plants occur, as flooded forests, hydromorphic white-sand savannas, “buritizais” and waterbodies. After expeditions between February/2010 and January/2015 and the analysis of specimens from regional herbaria, we list 207 species of herbaceous and subshrubby aquatic and palustrine angiosperms for the VNP, distributed in 85 genera in 37 families. We recorded six new occurrences for Brazil, two for the northern Brazilian region and 21 for Roraima state. These new occurrences, added to the other species listed here, highlight the floristic similarity between the study site and the Guiana Shield, an adjacent phytogeographical unit and geologically related to the origin of white-sand savannas.
(Lista Florística de angiospermas herbáceas e subarbustivas aquáticas e palustres do Parque Nacional do Viruá, Roraima, Brasil) Esse estudo foi realizado objetivando a elaboração de uma lista florística das angiospermas herbáceas e subarbustivas aquáticas e palustres do Parque Nacional do Viruá (PNV). O PNV está localizado na região norte da Bacia Amazônica e apresenta fitofisionomias distribuídas em mosaico onde esse grupo de plantas ocorre, como florestas inundáveis, savanas sobre solos de areia branca hidromórficas, buritizais e corpos d’água. Após coletas entre Fevereiro/2010 e Janeiro/2015 e a análise de espécimes depositados em herbários regionais, foram listadas 207 espécies de angiospermas herbáceas e subarbustivas aquáticas e palustres no PNV, distribuídas em 85 gêneros e 37 famílias. Foram registradas seis novas ocorrências para o Brasil, duas para a região norte do Brasil e 21 para o estado de Roraima. Essas novas ocorrências, juntamente com as demais espécies listadas, evidenciam a similaridade florística entre a área de estudo e o Escudo das Guianas, uma unidade fitogeográfica adjacente e geologicamente relacionada com a origem das savanas sobre solos de areia branca.
“Campinaranas”, Guiana Shield, flora, aquatic macrophytes
“Campinaranas”, Escudo das Guianas, flora, macrófitas aquáticas
Aquatic and palustrine (A&P) plants are able to survive in permanent or periodic submersion of at least their root system and share a few of the adaptations to these habitats (
Aquatic and palustrine species are important for the structure and maintenance of the habitats where they occur. These plants determine the environmental heterogeneity and water quality of natural and artificial waterbodies (
The Amazon region contains complex river systems with different physicochemical characteristics resulting in two contrasting types of inundated forests, one known as várzea – along white-waters rivers rich in nutrients and suspended sediment – and the other as igapó – along rivers poor in nutrients and, generally, poor in suspended sediments with dark or clear waters (
The Viruá National Park (VNP) is among the few protected areas that preserves ecosystems favorable to wetland communities. It receives water discharges from different rivers, of different sizes and mostly with igapó characteristics (
Reports of some preliminary studies in the VNP mention a high floristic richness (Gribel et al., unpublished data) but unfortunately, if there are vouchers from these expeditions, none are in any herbaria known to us. Additionally, Gribel et al. (unpublished data) rarely identified herbs and subshrubs at species level, and often listed wetland plants by popular names or only at family or genus level. In fact, these authors never published formal checklists or indicated the material identified during their inventories.
Keeping in mind the existence of vast areas of periodically or permanently inundated ecosystems in the Viruá National Park and the lack of knowledge relative to wetland plants in the region and in areas influenced by igapó rivers, we provide and discuss the floristic survey of herbaceous and subshrubby aquatic and palustrine angiosperms found there.
The Viruá National Park (VNP; Figure
Viruá National Park (location). A Roraima state in Brazil B the VNP in the central-southern region of Roraima C the actual limits of protected area (black line), the area aimed to be included during extension (green line) and the collecting points [.shp files provided by
The VNP contains in its 227,011 ha different plant formations distributed in a mosaic (
Viruá National Park: habitats and physiognomies. A–B waterbodies with turbid (A) and translucid (B) water; C–D Areas with saturated soils during rainy season (C) and dry season (D); E–G Forested (E given by K.G. Cangani), arboreal (F) and herbaceous (G) white-sand savannas (“campinaranas”).
We investigate the herbaceous and subshrubby aquatic and palustrine angiosperms. The expeditions to collect fertile botanical samples encompassed the local dry and wet seasons, between February/2010 and January/2015. We followed
We chose the collecting points non-systematically but they tended to be more concentrated in peripheral areas and along “Estrada Perdida”, due to their accessibility, and in areas where aquatic and palustrine plants are abundant (white-sand savannas of hydromorphic soils, “buritizais” and waterbodies) (Figure
Our identifications were based on regional floras of the Amazon and Guiana regions and specialized bibliography of each family:
Additionally, we studied images of specimens deposited at F, K,
Information on geographic distribution and authors of the species were based on TROPICOS (last access sept/2012), “Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil” (
We classified the species analyzed according to morphoanatomical characters and indicated the functional ecological group that they belong (“life forms”). The categories represent a continuum from less to more specialized adaptations to the aquatic environment: palustrine plants (growing in saturated soils); emergent plants; rooted with floating leaves; free floating; and submersed plants (with life cycle entirely or partially under water) (
For floristic comparisons, we unite some representative lists from northern Brazil and other adjacent floras, namely: savannas from northern Roraima (
Aquatic and palustrine herbaceous and subshrubby angiosperms of the Viruá National Park [in brackets the number of genera and species of each family; (*) = new occurrences for Roraima state; (#) = new occurrences for northern Brazil; (&) = new occurrences for Brazil; (¥) = commercialization incompatible with species survival according to UNEP World Conservations Monitoring Centre; ($)= in Brazil, occurs only in Roraima; pal = palustrine; emer = emergent; fleav = with floating leaves; ffloat = free floating; sub = submerged. When the accepted names are different in the TROPICOS database and in
SPECIES | Life form | Occurrence in Brazil | Also listed at | Selected Vouchers |
ALISMATACEAE (2/4) | ||||
Helanthium tenellum (Martius) Britton | pal, emer, sub | ??? | F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1094 ( |
Sagittaria guayanensis Kunth | emer, fleav | N, |
M&A, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1097 ( |
Sagittaria rhombifolia Cham. | emer | N, |
M&A, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1110 ( |
APOCYNACEAE (1/3) | ||||
Cynanchum guanchezii Morillo | pal | N, |
F |
Cynanchum sobradoi Morillo [=Ditassa sobradoi (Morillo) Liede] | pal | N | F |
Cynanchum strictum (Gleason & Moldenke) R.W.Holm * [=Tassadia stricta (E.Fourn.) Liede & Rapini] | pal | N | F |
ARACEAE (2/2) | ||||
Montrichardia arborescens (L.) Schott | pal, emer | N, |
M&A, J&P, C, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 768 ( |
Pistia stratiotes L. | ffloat | N, |
J&P, C, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1403 ( |
ARECACEAE (1/1) | ||||
Bactris campestris Poepp. | pal | N, |
F |
ASTERACEAE (1/1) | ||||
Eclipta aff. alba (L.) Hassk. | pal | N, |
J&P, F, MJr |
BROMELIACEAE (1/1) | ||||
Ananas cf. parguazensis Camarco & L.B.Sm. | pal | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1438 ( |
BURMANNIACEAE (1/2) | ||||
Burmannia bicolor Mart. | pal | N, |
F |
Burmannia capitata (Walter ex J.F.Gmel.) Mart. | pal | N, |
F |
CABOMBACEAE (1/2) | ||||
Cabomba schwartzii Rataj [= Cabomba aquatica Aubl.] | sub, fleav | N, |
F, P?, MJr? | TDM Barbosa 1230 ( |
Cabomba furcata Schult. & Schult. f. | sub, fleav | N, |
F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1201 ( |
CYPERACEAE (14-15/45) | ||||
Bulbostylis conifera (Kunth) C.B. Clarke | pal | N, |
M&A, F | TDM Barbosa 1392 ( |
Bulbostylis junciformis (Kunth) C.B.Clarke | pal | N, |
M&A, F | TDM Barbosa 1115 ( |
Bulbostylis lanata (Kunth) Lindm. | pal | N, |
M&A, F | TDM Barbosa 1331 ( |
Calyptrocarya monocephala Hochst. ex Steud. $ | pal | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1294 ( |
Cyperus aggregatus (Willd.) Endl. | pal | N, |
M&A, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1113 ( |
Cyperus haspan L. | pal, emer | N, |
M&A, J&P, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1104 ( |
Cyperus simplex Kunth | pal | N, |
F | TDM Barbosa 1413 ( |
Cyperus surinamensis Rottb. | pal | N, |
M&A, J&P, C, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1112 ( |
Cyperus sp. | pal | - | TDM Barbosa 1404 ( |
Diplacrum cf. capitatum (Willd.) Boeckeler | pal, emer | N, |
F | TDM Barbosa 1126 ( |
Diplacrum guianense (Nees) T.Koyama | pal, emer | N, |
F |
Eleocharis acutangula (Roxb.) Schult. | pal, emer | N, |
F | TDM Barbosa 1195 ( |
Eleocharis fluctuans (L.T. Eiten) E.H. Roalson & C.E. Hinchliff |
sub | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1237 ( |
Eleocharis geniculata (L.) Roem. & Schult. | pal, emer | N, |
C, F, MJr |
Eleocharis interstincta (Vahl) Roem. & Schult. | pal, emer | N, |
M&A, C, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1298 ( |
Eleocharis sp | sub | - | ||
Exochogyne amazonica C.B. Clarke | pal | N, |
F |
Fimbristylis vahlii (Lam.) Link. | pal | N, |
F |
Fuirena umbellata Rottb. | pal, emer | N, |
M&A, C, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1253 ( |
Hypolytrum pulchrum (Rudge) H. Pfeiff. | pal | N, |
F | TDM Barbosa 1164 ( |
Lagenocarpus celiae T. Koyama & Maguire + | pal | N | F | TDMB Barbosa 1263 ( |
Lagenocarpus eriopodus T.Koyama & Maguire * + | pal, emer | N | F |
Lagenocarpus glomerulatus Gilly | pal | N | F |
Lagenocarpus rigidus (Kunth) Nees | pal | N, |
M&A, F |
Lagenocarpus sabanensis Gilly | pal | N | F |
Lagenocarpus verticillatus (Spreng.) T.Koyama & Maguire [=Cryptangium verticillatum (Spreng.) Vitta] | pal | N, |
F |
Oxycaryum cubense (Poepp. & Kunth) Lye | emer | N, |
C, F, MJr |
Pycreus polystachyos (Rottb.) P.Beauv. | pal | N, |
F, MJr |
Rhynchospora barbata (Vahl) Kunth | pal | N, |
M&A, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1328 ( |
Rhynchospora cephalotes (L.) Vahl | pal | N, |
M&A, F | TDM Barbosa 1189 ( |
Rhynchospora emaciata (Nees) Boeck. | pal | N, |
M&A, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1127 ( |
Rhynchospora globosa (Kunth) Roem. & Schult. | pal, emer | N, |
M&A, F, MJr |
Rhynchospora hirsuta (Vahl) Vahl | pal | N, |
M&A, F |
Rhynchospora holoschoenoides (Rich.) Herter | pal, emer | N, |
M&A, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1076 ( |
Rhynchospora longibracteata Boeck. | pal, emer | N | F |
Rhynchospora maguireana T. Koyama& | pal, emer | - | F | TDM Barbosa 1169 ( |
Rhynchospora riparia (Nees) Boeck. | pal | N, |
F | TDM Barbosa 1123 ( |
Rhynchospora rugosa (Vahl) Gale | pal | N, |
F | TDM Barbosa 1278 ( |
Rhynchospora schomburgkiana (Boeck.) T. Koyama | pal | N | F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1432 ( |
Rhynchospora trichochaeta C.B.Clarke * | pal | N, |
F | TDM Barbosa 1326 ( |
Rhynchospora trispicata (Nees) Schrad. | pal, emer | N, |
F | TDM Barbosa 1254 ( |
Scleria amazonica Camelbeke, M.Strong & Goetgh.& | pal, emer | - | F | TDM Barbosa 1259 ( |
Scleria cyperina Kunth | pal | N, |
F |
Scleria cf. lacustris C.Wright | emer | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1267 ( |
Scleria reticularis Michx. | pal | N, |
DROSERACEAE (1/2) | ||||
Drosera amazonica Rivadavia, A. Fleischm. & Vicent. | pal | N (vide |
- | (vide |
Drosera kaieteurensis Brumm.-Ding. & | pal | F | TDM Barbosa 1284 ( |
ERIOCAULACEAE (4/15) | ||||
Eriocaulon setaceum L. | sub | N, |
TDM Barbosa 1219 ( |
Eriocaulon tenuifolium Klotzsch ex Körn. $ | pal, emer, sub | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1051 ( |
Paepalanthus tortilis (Bong.) Mart. | pal | N, |
F | TDM Barbosa 1064 |
Syngonanthus anomalus (Körn.) Ruhland | sub | N | F, MJr | MCE Amaral 2011/17 ( |
Syngonanthus caulescens (Poir.) Ruhland | pal | N, |
F, MJr |
Syngonanthus cuyabensis (Bong.) Giul., Hensold & L.R. Parra* | pal | N, |
F | FN Cabral 501 ( |
Syngonanthus fenestratus Hensold | pal | N | F | MCE Amaral 2011/26 ( |
Syngonanthus gracilis (Bong.) Ruhland | pal | N, |
F, MJr |
Syngonanthus humboldtii (Kunth) Ruhland | pal | N, |
F | TDM Barbosa 1046 ( |
Syngonanthus longipes Gleason | pal | N, |
F |
Syngonanthus spongiosus Hensold | pal | N | MCE Amaral 2011/5 ( |
Syngonanthus tenuis (Kunth) Ruhland | pal | N, |
F | MCE Amaral 2011/29 ( |
Syngonanthus trichophyllus Moldenke | pal | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1321 ( |
Syngonanthus umbellatus (Lam.) Ruhland | pal | N, |
F |
Tonina fluviatilis Aubl. | pal | N, |
F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1066 ( |
EUPHORBIACEAE (1/1) | ||||
Croton subserratus Jabl. & | emer | - | TDM Barbosa 1080 ( |
GENTIANACEAE (3/4) | ||||
Chelonanthus alatus (Aubl.) Pulle | pal | N, |
F | TDM Barbosa 1059 ( |
Coutoubea reflexa Benth. | pal | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1139 ( |
Irlbachia pratensis (Kunth) L.Cobb & Maas + | pal, emer | N | F |
Irlbachia pumila (Benth.) Maguire * | pal | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1067 ( |
HAEMODORACEAE (1/1) | ||||
Schiekia orinocensis (Kunth) Meisn. | pal | N, |
M&A, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1194 ( |
Elodea granatensis Bonpl. [=Apalanthe granatensis (Bonpl.) Planch.] | sub | N, |
F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1323 ( |
LEGUMINOSAE (2/2) | ||||
Aeschynomene scabra G.Don# | pal, emer |
F | MCE Amaral 2011/13 ( |
Zornia latifolia Sm. | pal | N, |
F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1118 ( |
Genlisea filiformis A.St.- Hil. | pal | N, |
F |
Genlisea oxycentron A.St.-Hil.* | pal | N, |
Genlisea pygmaea A.St.- Hil. | pal | N, |
F |
Utricularia amethystina Salzm. ex A. St.-Hil. & Girard | pal | N, |
F |
Utricularia benjaminiana Oliv. $ | sub | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1106 ( |
Utricularia breviscapa Wright ex Griseb. | sub | N, |
F, MJr |
Utricularia chiribiquetensis Fernandez-Pérez* | pal | N | F |
Utricularia costata P. Taylor | pal | N, |
F | TDM Barbosa 1320 ( |
Utricularia cucculata A.St.-Hil. & Girard | sub | N, |
F |
Utricularia foliosa L. | sub | N, |
M&A, J&P, P, C, F, MJr |
Utricularia gibba L.* | sub | N, |
M&A, J&P, C, F, MJr |
Utricularia guyanensis A.DC.* | pal | N, |
M&A, F, MJr |
Utricularia hispida Lam.* | pal | N, |
F |
Utricularia hydrocarpa Vahl* | sub | N, |
F |
Utricularia juncea Vahl | pal | N, |
F | SMCosta 746 ( |
Utricularia longeciliata DC. | pal | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1345 ( |
Utricularia myriocista A.St.-Hil. & Girard | sub | N, |
M&A, C, F, MJr |
Utricularia nana A.St.-Hil. & Girard* | pal | N, |
F |
Utricularia olivacea Wright ex. Girard* | sub | N, |
F |
Utricularia pusilla Vahl | pal | N, |
M&A, F, MJr |
Utricularia sandwithii P. Taylor | pal | N | F |
Utricularia simulans Pilg. | pal | N, |
M&A, F, MJr |
Utricularia subulata L. | pal | N, |
M&A, F, MJr |
Utricularia triloba Benj. | pal | N, |
M&A, F, MJr |
Utricularia viscosa Spruce ex Oliver | pal | N, |
F |
LINDERNIACEAE (1/1) | ||||
Lindernia diffusa (L.) Wettst. | pal | N, |
F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1250 ( |
LYTHRACEAE(1/1) | ||||
Cuphea cf. gracilis Kunth& | pal | F | TDM Barbosa 1132 ( |
MAYACACEAE (1/2) | ||||
Mayaca fluviatilis Aubl. | pal, sub | N, |
F, MJr |
Mayaca longipes Mart. ex Seub. | pal, sub | N, |
F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1099 ( |
Acisanthera crassipes (Naudin) Wurdack | pal, emer | N, |
F | MJR Rocha 747 ( |
Acisanthera tetraptera (Cogn.) Gleason | pal, emer | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1386 ( |
Comolia microphylla Benth. | pal | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1111 ( |
Comolia villosa (Aubl.) Triana | pal | N, |
F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1182 ( |
Macairea lasiophylla (Benth.) Wurdack + | pal | N | M&A, F | KG Cangani 160 ( |
Pachyloma coriaceum DC. | pal | N | F | R Goldenberg 1591a ( |
Pachyloma huberioides (Naudin) Triana | pal | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1205 ( |
Rhynchanthera grandiflora (Aubl.) DC. | pal | N, |
F, MJr |
Siphanthera cowanii Wurdack & + | pal | F |
Tibouchina aspera Aubl. | pal | N, |
M&A, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1317 ( |
MENYANTHACEAE (1/1) | ||||
Nymphoides indica (L.) Kuntze | fleav | N, |
M&A, C, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1101 ( |
MOLLUGINACEAE (1/1) | ||||
Glinus radiatus (Ruiz & Pav.) Rohr. | pal | N, |
F |
NYMPHAEACEAE (1/3) | ||||
Nymphaea amazonum Mart. & Zucc.* | fleav | N, |
J&P, F | MCE Amaral 2015/19 ( |
Nymphaea gardneriana Planch. | fleav | N, |
C, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1229 ( |
Nymphaea rudgeana G.Mey. | fleav | N, |
M&A, F, P, MJr |
OCHNACEAE (1/3) | ||||
Sauvagesia erecta L. | pal | N, |
M&A, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1102 ( |
Sauvagesia ramosa (Gleason) Sastre | pal | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1335 ( |
Sauvagesia sprengelii A.St.-Hil. | pal | N, |
M&A, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1166 ( |
ONAGRACEAE (1/4) | ||||
Ludwigia hyssopifolia (G.Don) Exell | pal, emer | N, |
F, MJr |
Ludwigia leptocarpa (Nutt.) H.Hara | pal, emer | N, |
J&P, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1410 ( |
Ludwigia nervosa (Poir.) H.Hara | pal, emer | N, |
M&A, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1234 ( |
Ludwigia sedoides (Humb. & Bonpl.) H.Hara | sub, fleav | N, |
M&A, C, F, MJr |
ORCHIDACEAE (8/10) | ||||
Catasetum discolor (Lindley) Lindley | pal | N, |
(vide |
(vide |
Cleistes rosea Lindl. | pal, emer | N, |
M&A, F |
Cleistes tenuis (Reichenbach f. ex Grisebach) Schlechter | pal | N, |
(vide |
(vide |
Duckeella pauciflora Garay ¥ $ | pal | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1424 ( |
Epidendrum orchidiflorum Salzmann ex Lindley | pal | N, |
(vide |
(vide |
Epistephium lucidum Cogn. | pal | N, |
F | E Pessoa 742 ( |
Epistephium parviflorum Lindley | pal | N, |
(vide |
(vide |
Galeandra devoniana M.R. Schomb. ex Lindl. | pal | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1270 ( |
Habenaria schwackei Barb. Rodr. | pal, emer | N, |
TDM Barbosa 1309 ( |
Nohawilliamsia pirarensis (Reichenbach f.) M.W.Chase & Whitten | pal | N | (vide |
(vide |
OROBANCHACEAE (1/1) | ||||
Agalinis hispidula (Mart.) D’Arcy | pal | N, |
F | FN Cabral 473 ( |
Bacopa egensis (Poepp.) Pennell* | pal, sub | N, |
F, MJr |
Bacopa reflexa (Benth.) Edwall | sub | N, |
F, MJr |
POACEAE (7/12) | ||||
Andropogon bicornis L. | pal | N, |
M&A, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1276 ( |
Andropogon leucostachyus Kunth | pal | N, |
M&A, F | TDM Barbosa 1150 ( |
Andropogon virgatus Desv.* | pal | N, |
M&A, F | TDM Barbosa 1261 ( |
Axonopus fissifolius (Raddi) Kuhlm.* | pal | N, |
F |
Axonopus pubivaginatus Henr. | pal | N, |
F | TDM Barbosa 1072 ( |
Echinolaena inflexa (Poir.) Chase | pal, emer | N, |
F | TDM Barbosa 1183 ( |
Oryza rufipogon Griff.* | emer | N, |
F, P | TDM Barbosa 1231 ( |
Otachyrium grandiflorum Send. & Soderstr. | pal | N, |
F | TDM Barbosa 1062 ( |
Otachyrium versicolor (Döll) Henrard | pal | N, |
F | TDM Barbosa 1109 ( |
Paspalum cf. lacustre Chase ex Swallen* | emer | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1245 ( |
Paspalum repens P.B. Bergius | emer | N, |
M&A, C, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1204 ( |
Trichanthecium cyanescens (Nees ex. Trin.) Zuloaga & Morrone | pal | N, |
MJr | |
POLYGALACEAE (1/5) | ||||
Polygala adenophora DC. | pal | N, |
M&A, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1218 ( |
Polygala appressa Benth. | pal | N, |
M&A, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1145 ( |
Polygala longicaulis Kunth | pal | N, |
M&A, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1185 ( |
Polygala trichosperma Jacq. | pal | N, |
F, MJr |
Polygala violacea Aubl. | pal | N, |
F |
cf. Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms | ffloat | N, |
F, MJr | - |
Eichhornia diversifolia (Vahl) Urb. | emer, sub, fleav | N, |
M&A, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1187 ( |
Eichhornia heterosperma Alexander | emer, sub | N, |
F | TDM Barbosa 1352 ( |
RAPATEACEAE (4/6) | ||||
Cephalostemon affinis Körn.+ | pal, emer | N, |
F | TDM Barbosa 1256 ( |
Duckea squarrosa (Willd. ex Link) Maguire * | pal, emer | N | F | TDM Barbosa1273 ( |
Monotrema aemulans Körn.* + | pal, emer | N, |
F | SMCosta 882 ( |
Monotrema bracteatum Maguire & + | pal, emer | F | TDM Barbosa 1281 ( |
Monotrema xyridoides Gleason + | pal, emer | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1225 ( |
Spathanthus bicolor Ducke | pal, emer | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1297 ( |
RUBIACEAE (4/7) | ||||
Borreria alata (Aubl.) DC. | pal | N, |
F | TDM Barbosa 1190 ( |
Borreria capitata (Ruiz & Pav.) DC. | pal | N, |
M&A, F |
Borreria verticillata (L.) G.Mey. | pal | N, |
M&A, F, MJr |
Declieuxia fruticosa (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) Kuntze | pal | N, |
F | TDM BArbosa 1131 ( |
Perama galioides (Kunth) Poir. | pal | N, |
F | TDM Barbosa 1143 ( |
Perama hirsuta Aubl. | pal | N, |
M&A, F | TDM Barbosa 1308 ( |
Sipanea pratensis Aubl. | pal | N, |
M&A, F, MJr | TDM Barbosa 1178 ( |
SOLANACEAE (1/1) | ||||
Melananthus ulei Carvalho# | pal |
F | FN Cabral 392 ( |
VERBENACEAE (1/1) | ||||
Stachytarpheta angustifolia (Mill.) Vahl * | pal | N, |
F, MJr |
XYRIDACEAE (2/20) | ||||
Abolboda americana (Aubl.) Lanj. | pal | N, |
F |
Abolboda killipii Lasser + | pal | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1095 ( |
Abolboda macrostachya Spruce ex Malme | pal | N, |
F | TDM Barbosa 1332 ( |
Abolboda pulchella Humb. & Bonpl. | pal | N, |
F | TDM Barbosa 1346 ( |
Xyris cryptantha Maguire & L.B. Sm. + | pal | N | F |
Xyris dilatatiscapa Kral & Jans.-Jac. + $ | pal | N |
Xyris fallax Malme | pal | N, |
F |
Xyris guianensis Steud. | pal | N | F |
Xyris involucrata Nees | pal | N | F |
Xyris jupicai Rich. | pal | N, |
F, MJr |
Xyris laxifolia Mart. [=X. macrocephala Vahl] | pal | N, |
M&A, F, MJr |
Xyris malmeana L.B.Sm.+ | pal | N, |
F |
Xyris mima L.B. Sm. & Downs | pal | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1442 ( |
Xyris paraensis Poepp. ex Kunth | pal | N, |
M&A, F, MJr |
Xyris savanensis Miq. | pal | N, |
M&A, F, MJr |
Xyris subglabrata Malme | pal | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1217 ( |
Xyris subuniflora Malme | pal | N | F | TDM Barbosa 799 ( |
Xyris surinamensis Spreng. | pal | N | F | TDM Barbosa 1306 ( |
Xyris uleana var. angustifolia Lanj. | pal | N | F |
Xyris uleana var. uleana Malme | pal | N, |
F |
Xyris sp. | pal | - |
Wetland basal angiosperms and monocots of Viruá National Park (selected examples). A Nymphaea amazonum Mart. & Zucc. B Cabomba furcata Schult. & Schult. f. C Helanthium tenellum (Mart. ex Schult. & Schult. f.) Britton D Bactris campestris Poepp. E Burmannia bicolor Mart. F Eleocharis fluctuans (L.T. Eiten) E.H. Roalson & C.E.Hinchliff G Syngonanthus fenestratus Hensold H Schiekia orinocensis (Kunth) Meisn. I Mayaca longipes Mart. ex Seub. J Echinolaena inflexa (Poir.) Chase K Duckeella pauciflora Garay L Abolboda pulchella Humb. & Bonpl.
Wetland eudicots of Viruá National Park (selected examples). A Cynanchum guanchezii Morillo B Drosera kaieteurensis Brumm.-Ding. C Aeschynomene scabra G.Don D Irlbachia pratensis (Kunth) L.Cobb & Maas E Utricularia chiribiquetensis Fernandez-Pérez F Lindernia diffusa (L.) Wettst GCuphea cf. gracilis Kunth H Acisanthera tetraptera (Cogn.) Gleason I Nymphoides indica (L.) Kuntze J Ludwigia sedoides (Humb. & Bonpl.) H.Hara K Bacopa egensis (Poepp.) Pennell L Sipanea pratensis Aubl.
The richest families are Cyperaceae (45 spp.), Lentibulariaceae (25 spp.) and Xyridaceae (20 spp.) and the richest genera are Utricularia L. (Lentibulariaceae; 22 spp.), Xyris L. (Xyridaceae; 16 spp.) and Rhynchospora Vahl (Cyperaceae; 15 spp.).
We recorded six new occurrences and one probable new occurrence for Brazil, two new occurrences for the northern region and 21 new occurrences for the state of Roraima. Our list presents six new occurrences for Brazil, namely: Rhynchospora maguireana T. Koyama and Scleria amazonica Camelbeke, M.Strong & Goetgh. (Cyperaceae), Drosera kaieteurensis Brumm.-Ding. (Droseraceae), Croton subserratus Jabl. (Euphorbiaceae), Siphanthera cowanii Wurdack (Melastomataceae) and Monotrema bracteatum Maguire (Rapateaceae); and a probable new occurrence: Cuphea cf. gracilis Kunth (Lythraceae). Additionally, there are two new records for the northern Brazilian region (Aeschynomene scabra G.Don and Eichhornia heterosperma Alexander).
All life forms were registered in the VNP (see Table
As regards A&P angiosperms listed here, only 13 species appear to be restricted to white-sand savannas (see Table
On the identification of A&P plants occurring at VNP, it required the examination of several references, online collections and specialists. This correct identification is important as it allows the accurate list and comparison of subsampled vegetation (white-sand savannas;
We still are studying some specimens of VNP, but especially when they belong to large genera, such as Eleocharis R.Br. (Cyperaceae), this process can take considerable time in the gathering of scattered and sometimes hardly accessible references.
We observed a population of cf. Eichhornia crassipes in the VNP but all individuals were sterile. The identification of sterile specimens is sometimes imprecise but floating islands of Eichhornia crassipes were observed in the Branco River (near the urban area of Caracaraí and out of the VNP) and the sterile population shown the aerenchymatous petiole characteristic of this species (
A peculiar case of complex identification in the VNP is the case of Bacopa egensis (Poepp.) Pennell (currently in Plantaginaceae). The identification to genus or even family was difficult, as the floras and taxonomical works consulted did not include the respective genus or contained errors in the identification keys and/or inaccurate descriptions. Not even the description provided by
Our data indicated new occurrences to both Roraima state and Brazil. It includes species previously registered for the Guiana Shield, an adjacent phytogeographical unit to the north (
Additionally, at least seven species among the new registers to Roraima are widely distributed in other Brazilian regions, e.g., Syngonanthus cuyabensis (Bong.) Giul., Hensold & L.R. Parra (Eriocaulaceae), Utricularia gibba L., U. hydrocarpa Vahl, U. nana A.St.-Hil. & Girard (Lentibulariaceae), Nymphaea amazonum Mart. & Zucc. (Nymphaeaceae), Andropogon virgatus Desv. and Axonopus fissifolius (Raddi) Kuhlm. (Poaceae). The two new records to northern Brazil, Aeschynomene scabra and Eichhornia heterosperma, are widely distributed species (
Among A&P plants, only a few taxa are unique to a vegetation type and/or present restricted distributions (
There is no species endemic to the VNP and the endemic species of white-sand savannas belonging to the A&P plants that we listed here are not restrict to Brazilian territory and occur in other northern South American countries (such as Venezuela, Guyana and/or Colombia) (Table
We registered in the VNP all life forms usually recognized to these plants (
Gribel et al. (unpublished data) reported the occurrence of species belonging to two genera of free floating plants in the “buritizais” in the study area (Wolffia Horkel ex Schleid. and Spirodela Schleid.), but we did not find specimens of these genera during our expeditions or in herbaria we consulted. Free-floating species depend on the nutrients dissolved in the water column (
Concerning to the floristic comparisons, 189 species listed here were also found in
There are relatively few floristic lists for wetland plants in the Amazon region (
Another study focusing on A&P plants also carried out in the VNP is yet unpublished (
The similarity of the aquatic and palustrine flora of the Viruá National Park with that of the Guiana Shield is evident, only 17 species of our list are absent in
Two species reported in our list, namely Bacopa egensis (otherwise collected in the Solimões River, in Central America – including in rice-fields – and even in swamps near New Orleans, Louisiana;
The comparison of our list with that of an area of várzea near Manaus (
Few studies have been carried out in areas of igapó that focus on the diversity of herbaceous and subshrubby aquatic and palustrine plants (
At northern Roraima there is other non-forest vegetation with different abiotic conditions enclosed in the matrix of Amazonian rainforest, the savannas (
The floristic survey published by
In the updated checklist of macrophytes from northern Brazil, that is based on previous lists plus recent data collected by the authors and data contained in the SpeciesLink and “Lista da Flora do Brasil” platforms, Júnior et al. (2015) listed about 540 spp. of A&P plants, among those species only 68 are in common with our list (Table
Despite the need for more collecting effort in the inner parts of the VNP, its flora of aquatic and palustrine herbaceous and subshrubby angiosperms is clearly connected to the flora of the Guiana Shield, an adjacent phytogeographical region to the north and geologically related to the origin of white-sand savannas, the predominant physiognomy in the protected area studied here.
Only the
To allow for the identification of the species here listed, our group is currently producing keys (including interactive multi-access keys), descriptions with images, taxonomic comments, geographical distribution and field observations of the listed taxa. We will provide these resources shortly, in the format of an eFlora on a website about the Viruá National Park (Costa et al. in prep.).
This work is part of first author’s master thesis and was financed by the programs PNADB (Programa Nacional de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento da Botânica) and PROCAD (Programa Nacional de Cooperação Acadêmica). The first author’s scholarship was granted by CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior) and CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico) and the Plant Biology Program (Institute of Biology – UNICAMP), MCEA is a CNPq research fellow. We are truly grateful to the staff of the Viruá National Park, represented by Antônio Lisbôa (director of the protected area) and to Mike Hopkins (