Research Article |
Corresponding author: Chun-Lei Xiang ( ) Academic editor: Eberhard Fischer
© 2020 Ya-Ping Chen, Alan J. Paton, Chun-Lei Xiang.
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Chen Y-P, Paton AJ, Xiang C-L (2020) Hanceola suffruticosa (Lamiaceae, Nepetoideae), a new species from the Sino-Vietnamese border. PhytoKeys 145: 131-138.
Hanceola is a genus of eight herbaceous species previously thought to be endemic to southern China. However, H. suffruticosa, a new species described here from China and Vietnam, differs from all other species of Hanceola by its subshrubby habit. It is also distinct in its shallowly bicrenate laminae and densely purplish glandular puberulent inflorescences. The morphological description, illustrations, and distribution of the new species are presented. A key to all species of Hanceola is also provided.
Hanceola, Hanceolinae, new species, Ocimeae, Sino-Vietnamese border
Comprising about eight species, the genus Hanceola Kudô (Ocimeae, Nepetoideae, Lamiaceae) is endemic to the evergreen and mixed forests in southern China (
Hemsley established the genus Hancea Hemsl. with type species H. sinensis Hemsl. based on two syntypes, Faber 666 and 681, both collected from Mt. Omei of Sichuan Province (
During our recent field investigations in Malipo County of Yunnan Province, southwestern China, an unusual species of Hanceola was discovered at the Sino-Vietnamese border. Further morphological studies suggested that it represents an undescribed species. Hereafter, we describe it as Hanceola suffruticosa Y.P. Chen, A.J. Paton & C.L. Xiang.
This study was based on comparison of herbarium specimens of Hanceola from 13 public herbaria AU, E, FJSI, HHBG, IBK, IBSC, LBG, K, KUN, NAS, PE, SM, and SZ (herbarium acronyms follow Index Herbariorum;
China. Yunnan Province: Malipo County, Tianbao Town, Bajiaoping Village, under the evergreen mixed forest, elevation 1140 m, 1 Dec 2018, Y.P. Chen & L.Q. Jiang EM748 (holotype: KUN!; isotypes: K!, KUN!, PE!).
Hanceola suffruticosa differs from other species of Hanceola by being a subshrub with woody rather than herbaceous stems, shallowly bicrenate margin of laminae rather than coarsely dentate, and densely purplish glandular puberulent inflorescences rather than subglabrous or with white glandular or eglandular hairs.
Subshrubs 50–100 cm tall. Stems woody, erect, branched, old stems greyish brown, subterete, glabrous, young stems and branchlets obtusely 4-angled, densely purplish puberulent. Leaves opposite; laminae oblong, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, papery, 7–22 × 3–9 cm, apex acute to acuminate, base cuneate, margin shallowly bicrenate, adaxially green, subglabrous to sparsely puberulent, abaxially light green or purple, subglabrous, glandular, puberulent on veins; lateral veins 4–5 paired; petioles 2–8 cm long, densely purplish puberulent. Inflorescence axillary and terminal, to 20 cm long, cymes (1–) 3–7-flowered; peduncles 2–5 mm long, pedicels 5–10 mm long, densely purplish glandular puberulent; bracts lanceolate to linear, 2–5 mm long, bracteoles linear, 1–2 mm long, densely purplish puberulent. Calyx campanulate, ca. 4 mm long, 10-veined, densely purplish glandular puberulent and glandular outside, glandular puberulent inside; 2-lipped to 1/2 its length, posterior lip 3-toothed, teeth broadly triangular, apex acuminate, medium lobe larger, anterior lip 2-toothed, teeth triangular, apex acuminate, fruiting calyx dilated to ca. 1.2 cm long, slightly curved. Corolla light purple to reddish purple, 3–4 cm long, sparsely puberulent outside, tube slightly curved, long exserted, ca. 1–2 mm in diameter at base, gradually dilated to 1 cm at apex, sparsely pubescent inside at base; limb 2-lipped, dotted with purple spots inside, posterior lip 2-lobed, lobes reflexed, orbicular, ca. 3 mm long, anterior lip 3-lobed, lobes oblong, ca. 6 mm long. Stamens 4, inserted at apical 1/3 the length of corolla, unequal, anterior pair longer, slightly exserted, posterior pair included; anthers ovoid, cells 2, divaricate, confluent at apex; filaments puberulent. Style included, apex shallowly 2-cleft; disc 4-lobed, lobes alternating with mericarps, anterior lobe much larger. Mericarps yellowish brown, oblong, ca. 3 × 2 mm, glabrous.
Flowering from October to December, fruiting from November to January next year.
The epithet of the new species refers to its suffrutescent habit, which is distinct in the genus.
Mu Jing Si Lun Xiang (木茎四轮香; Chinese name).
Hanceola suffruticosa is now only known at the Sino-Vietnamese border of Malipo County in Yunnan Province, China and Quan Ba District of Ha Giang Province, Vietnam (Fig.
Vietnam. Ha Giang Province: Quan Ba District, Can Ti Municipality, vicinities of Sing Xuoi Ho Village, in closed evergreen mixed wet forest along tops of karst remnant limestone ridge at elevation 1100–1150 m, 12 Oct 1999, N.T. Hiep et al. NTH3572 (K000479731!).
Hanceola can be distinguished from all other genera of tribe Ocimeae by its pedunculate and bracteolate cymes, 2-lipped (3/2) calyx, 2-lipped (2/3) corolla abruptly dilating toward apex, as well as free filaments inserted near the throat of corolla (
With all other species of Hanceola being endemic to southern China, H. suffruticosa is now the only species of the genera to be reported from China and Vietnam (Fig.
Though only nine species have been reported from Hanceola, most of them are only known from several old specimens. More efforts are needed to further reveal the relationships within these species. Here we provide a key to the nine species of Hanceola below.
1 | Base of lamina not decurrent on petiole | 2 |
– | Base of lamina decurrent on petiole | 3 |
2 | Subshrubs, corolla slightly curved | H. suffruticosa |
– | Perennial herbs, corolla strongly curved | H. cordiovata |
3 | Stamens exserted | H. exserta |
– | Stamens included | 4 |
4 | Stamens subequal, corolla yellow | H. sinensis |
– | Anterior stamens longer, corolla purple | 5 |
5 | Corolla longer than 3 cm | 6 |
– | Corolla shorter than 2.5 cm | 7 |
6 | Lamina elliptic, inflorescence glandular puberulent | H. tuberifera |
– | Lamina lanceolate, inflorescence subglabrous | H. labordei |
7 | Inflorescence subglabrous | H. cavaleriei |
– | Inflorescence densely glandular puberulent | 8 |
8 | Stems ascending, flexuous | H. flexuosa |
– | Stems erect, straight | H. mairei |
We would like to thank Ms. Li-Qiong Jiang of Kunming Institute of Botany (KIB), Chinese Academy of Sciences for her assistance in field collection. Thanks are also extended to the staff of following herbaria for their valuable help in research facilities: E, IBSC, K, KUN, NAS, PE, and SZ. This work was supported by the CAS “Light of West China” Program to YPC and CLX, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant no. 31670197), the Special Funds for the Young Scholars of Taxonomy of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant no. ZSBR-006), the “Ten Thousand Talents Program of Yunnan” (YNWR-QNBJ-2018-279), and the “Excellent Young Scholars Program of Yunnan” (2019FI009) granted to CLX.