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Corresponding author: Warren L. Wagner ( ) Academic editor: Peter de Lange
© 2015 Warren L. Wagner, Peter C. Hoch, James L. Zarucchi.
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Wagner WL, Hoch PC, Zarucchi JL (2015) The correct name in Oenothera for Gaura drummondii (Onagraceae). PhytoKeys 50: 25-29.
In 2007, Wagner and Hoch proposed the new name Oenothera xenogaura W.L.Wagner & Hoch for the species then known as Gaura drummondii (Spach) Torrey & A. Gray (non O. drummondii Hooker, 1834). However, the authors overlooked the availability of Gaura hispida Bentham (1840) for this species. Accordingly, we herewith make the appropriate new combination for this species, O. hispida (Bentham) W.L.Wagner, Hoch & Zarucchi, and place O. xenogaura in synonymy.
Gaura drummondii , Gaura hispida , Oenothera hispida , Oenothera xenogaura , nomenclature
The only member of Oenothera sect. Gaura subsect. Xenogaura is a distinctive allopolyploid species that occurs from eastern Texas south through Mexico as far south as Oaxaca. When the genus Gaura L. is recognized, the correct name for this species is G. drummondii (Spach) Torrey & A. Gray, which was used in the revision of the group by
Gaura hispida Bentham, Pl. Hartw. 288. 1840.
Type. Mexico: In fields near Leon, Guanajuato, June 1837, Thomas Hartweg 1603 (Holotype: K! [Kew image]; Isotypes: BM, CAMB, G, LD!).
Schizocarya drummondii Spach, Nouv. Ann. Mus.Hist. Nat. 4: 382. 1836 [“1835”]. Gaura drummondii (Spach) Torrey & A. Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 519. 1838. Oenothera xenogaura W.L.Wagner & Hoch, Syst. Bot. Monogr. 83: 213. 2007.
Type. U.S.A. Texas: Travis Co., Austin, 1833–1834, T. Drummond III.36 (Holotype: G; isotypes: BM!, GH!, NY!, P). Note: the BM isotype is mounted on a sheet with two non-type collections of the same species: Purpus 3387 and Purpus 5383.
Gaura roemeriana Scheele, Linnaea 21: 579. 1848.
Type. U.S.A. Texas: Comal Co., New Braunfels, 1846, Ferdinand Roemer s.n. (Lectotype: MO-1833107!, here designated; Isolectotypes: CAS, HAL). The holotype at B was destroyed in World War II.
Schizocarya crispa Spach, Nouv. Ann. Mus. Paris 4: 384. 1835. Gaura crispa (Spach) D.Dietr., Syn. PI. 2: 1298. 1840.
Type. Mexico: Tamaulipas, Matamoros, April 1831, J. L. Berlandier 2313 (Holotype: G; Isotypes: BM, K, P).
Plant rhizomatous, perennial, forming extensive colonies, strigillose and often also villous. Stems 20–60(-120) cm tall, sometimes strict with a single unbranched main stem but usually somewhat decumbent with several branches from the base and usually irregular branching above. Leaves in a basal rosette and cauline, 0.5–7.5 (-9.5) × 0.1–2.2 cm; subsessile; blade narrowly lanceolate to elliptic, margin subentire to shallowly sinuate-dentate. Inflorescence a spike. Flowers 4-merous, zygomorphic, opening near sunset; floral tube 4–14 mm; sepals 7–11(-14) mm; petals white, fading red, 6-10 mm; staminal filaments 4–8.5 mm, anthers 3-6 mm; style 12–26 mm. Capsule 7–13 × 3–5 mm, erect, the body ellipsoid or ovoid, 4-angled, distal half pyramidal, the base of the pyramidal portion distinctly bulging, then immediately and sharply constricted to the terete proximal part. Seeds (2-)3-4(-8), 2–2.5 × 1–1.25 mm, ovoid, usually flattened on one or several sides by crowding in the fruit, reddish brown. 2n = 28.
Flowering from May through July, but sporadically as late as November. Oenothera hispida grows in sandy loam soils from the eastern half of Texas south through Mexico as far south Oaxaca. It is naturalized in Arkansas (Sevier Co.), coastal southern California, Georgia (Glynn Co.); its current status in both Arkansas and Georgia should be verified. It is considered an invasive species in California.
Oenothera hispida is the sole member of Oenothera sect. Gaura subsection Xenogaura.
Oenothera hispida (Bentham) W.L.Wagner, Hoch & Zarucchi A Habit, Mexico, Nuevo León, Roybal 34 (US) B Flower, lateral view, Roybal 34 (US) C Flower, face view, digital image (Ray Pistrum as “Gaura drummondii fresh flower” []) D Base of staminal filaments showing basal scales, Roybal 34 (US) E Capsule, Texas, Hall 213 (US) F Oenothera suffrutescens (Ser.) W.L.Wagner & Hoch capsule, New Mexico, Standley 6481 (US).
We appreciate the useful comments on the manuscript by Kanchi Gandhi.