An annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Aberdare Ranges Forest, a part of Eastern Afromontane Biodiversity Hotspot
expand article infoSolomon Kipkoech§|, David Kimutai Melly|§, Benjamin Watuma Muema|§, Neng Wei|, Peris Kamau§, Paul Muigai Kirika§, Qingfeng Wang|, Guangwan Hu|
‡ University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
§ National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya
| Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China
¶ Sino-Africa Joint Research Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China
Open Access


The Aberdare Ranges Forest, located in the Central highlands of Kenya, is an isolated volcanic mountain in the East African Rift Valley with unique flora. Despite its refugial importance to rare and endemic plant species, the diversity of plants in the Aberdare Ranges Forest remains poorly understood. The checklist presented here is a collation of data obtained from multiple floristic surveys and from herbarium specimen collections from the forest. A total of 1260 vascular plants taxa representing 136 families, 613 genera, 67 subspecies and 63 varieties are documented. The ferns comprised 84 species, lycophytes seven, gymnosperms six and angiosperms were 1163 taxa. This represents 17.9% of the Kenyan taxa, 1.7% of the African taxa and 0.3% of all the vascular plants known in the world. A total of 18 taxa were endemic and 14 taxa were found to be threatened globally. The life form, voucher specimen(s), habitat and distribution range of each taxon and a brief analysis of taxa diversity is presented in this checklist. This is the first comprehensive inventory of vascular plants in the entire Aberdare Ranges, providing a solid basis for more sustainable management and improved conservation of this montane forest. The checklist is also an important contribution to the world checklist of plants required by the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation.


Checklist, conservation, floristic surveys, plant diversity, world flora


Tropical montane forests have been classified as biodiversity hotspots (Clark et al. 1999; Myers et al. 2000; Murphy and Bowman 2012) and they represent the Earth’s most biologically rich, yet threatened areas that need to be prioritised for conservation and other biodiversity investments (Brooks et al. 2002; CEPF 2012). The Eastern Afromontane Biodiversity Hotspot (EABH) is amongst the eight known hotspots in Africa with globally significant diversity and endemism (Myers et al. 2000; CEPF 2012). This region stretches over a curving arc of widely scattered, but biogeographically similar mountains, including the East African mountains, that have attracted the interest of plants scientists due to the complex processes shaping the species richness and the accumulation of local plant diversity (Burgess et al. 2007; Chen et al. 2015; Liu et al. 2016). The East African mountains are of relatively young geological age and share similar tropical climates, but they tend to be isolated from each other (Liu et al. 2016).

Floristic explorations, with subsequent inventorying and digitisation of plants species in many parts of the world, are far from complete (Schmitt et al. 2010). The species-rich biodiversity regions in tropical Africa remain poorly sampled to date, underlining the need for thorough explorations and documentation especially with the current unprecedented rate of species extinction (Christenhusz and Byng 2016; Stropp et al. 2016; Sosef et al. 2017). Indeed, the partial and uneven species-occurrence data have created a taxonomic impediment that have substantially impacted the effective conservation and sustainable utilisation of biodiversity (Callmander et al. 2005; Küper et al. 2006). In order to halt the continuing loss of plant diversity, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), through the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC), has over the past two decades advocated for intense exploration and documentation of plants species with the aim of achieving a complete world checklist of flora in the near future (COP 2002; Paton et al. 2008; Joppa et al. 2013; Sharrock et al. 2014).

In Kenya, floristic inventorying of the highly fragmented forests (Peltorinne 2004) has been intensified in the recent past. In particular, major forest ecosystems with significant socio-economic importance have been documentend, i.e. Mount Elgon (Tweedie 1976), Taita Hills (Beentje 1988; Thijs et al. 2014), Bura Tana River (Gachathi et al. 1994), Mount Nyiru (Bytebier and Bussmann 2000), Shimba Hills (Luke 2005), Kakamega Forest (Fischer et al. 2010), Nandi Forest (Girma et al. 2015), Mount Kenya (Zhou 2017) and Cherangani Hills (Mbuni et al. 2019). In the Aberdare Ranges (AR) Forest, previous floristic studies have either focused on a single or a few selected taxa (Wimbush 1937, 1945; Agnew 1985; Chuah-Petiot 1997) or on partial regions of the mountain (Oliver and Hooker 1885; Fries and Fries 1948; Hedberg 1951; Dale and Greenway 1961; Schmitt 1991). Thus, an exhaustive inventory of plants’ taxa in the entire montane forest is lacking.

The AR Forest is the only East African mountain situated at the Equator and flanks the Gregory Rift Valley to the east (Muiruri 1978; Bennun and Njoroge 1999). The rugged terrain, deep ravines, undulating hills and permanent streams coupled with tropical climates and broad elevation gradient provides diverse microhabitats for unique and diverse vegetation communities (Schmitt 1991). Despite the enormous socio-economic values attached to the AR ecosystem (Lambrechts et al. 2003; Louppe et al. 2009; Ark and Group 2011), the future of biodiversity in this forest is increasingly threatened by adverse land-use changes and exploitation of natural resources within the forest (KWS 2010; Kipkoech et al. 2019). Significant patches of indigenous forest have been cleared to pave way for subsistence agriculture or degraded through unsustainable extraction of forest products (Butynski 1999; Lambrechts et al. 2003).

The goal of this study was to provide a broad checklist of vascular plants in the entire AR Forest. Knowledge of plant diversity in the AR is critically important in designing appropriate conservation and management interventions to curb further biodiversity loss in this ecosystem. Specific objectives were to (i) document the vascular plants of the entire AR Forest, (ii) document the endemic and threatened vascular plants in the AR Forest and (iii) document the life forms and habitats of all the vascular plants in the AR Forest.

Materials and methods

Study site

The Aberdare Mountain, formerly known as Nyandarua Range, is the third highest mountain in Kenya, located at the equator and forms part of the easternmost wall of the Gregory Rift Valley (Muiruri 1978; Lambrechts et al. 2003; Georgiadis et al. 2007). The AR, together with Mount Kenya, constitute the Central Highlands of Kenya. It extends approximately 120 km southwards from the equator through Nyeri, Nyandarua, Muranga and Kiambu Counties to the Kikuyu escarpment, between 36°30'E, 0°05'S and 36°55'E, 0°45'S (Schmitt 1991; KFS 2010) (Fig. 1). The altitude ranges between 1800–4001 m a.s.l. The two highest peaks, Oldonyo Lesatima (4,001 m a.s.l.) on the northern side and Il Kinangop (3,906 m a.s.l.) on the southern side of the AR, are co-joined by a flat ramp slightly tilted to the east above 3000 m elevation (Bennun and Njoroge 1999). The AR covers an area of 2,162 km2 with a boundary perimeter of 565 km (Butynski 1999).

Figure 1. 

The locality of Aberdare Ranges Forest. (i) Five major water catchment forests in Kenya (ii) Two sections of the Aberdare Ranges Forest with numerous watersheds.

The general topography of the AR is diverse and comprises numerous undulating hills formed through volcanism and faulting of the earth’s surface from the early Tertiary to the Pleistocene periods (Peltorinne 2004). On the eastern side, the slopes are gradual, while on the western side, the slopes drop dramatically to Kinangop plateau and finally to the Gregory Rift Valley. The AR Forest is governed by two institutions, Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), which manages the Aberdare National Park with an area of ca. 76,700 ha and the Kenya Forest Service (KFS) which governs the Aberdare Forest Reserve measuring ca. 139,500 ha. The National Park encompasses the summit of the AR above 3000 m a.s.l. and a narrow salient extending to the east to 1900 m a.s.l. (Chuah-Petiot 1997; Butynski 1999). The regions below and around the Park constitute the Forest Reserve, composed of three major forest blocks; Aberdare block, Kikuyu Escarpment block and Kipipiri Forest block (Butynski 1999; KWS 2010).

The AR harbours a tropical montane forest characterised by discontinuous vegetation structures along altitudinal and climatic gradients (Hedberg 1951; Lovett 1996). Four broad vegetation zones have been described, including montane humid forest at lower altitudes, sub-montane forest at mid elevations, sub-alpine vegetation at the moorlands and dry xeromorphic evergreen forest at the northern parts of the forest (Butynski 1999). The climate in the AR Forest is influenced by the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone north and south during its annual cycle, producing a bimodal rainfall distribution (CEPF 2012). Long rainfall periods are experienced from March to May, while short rainfall periods are received from October to November. Annual rainfall varies with altitude and exposure to the dominant winds from the Indian Ocean, ranging from 700 mm on the drier north-western slopes to 3000 mm on the wetter south-eastern slopes (Schmitt 1991; Chuah-Petiot 1997; Lambrechts et al. 2003). The average temperature in the AR decreases with increasing altitude. The mean daily temperature varies between 10.3° to 25.8 °C, with the lowest temperatures experienced between July and August (KFS 2010; CEPF 2012).

Floristic surveys and checklist collation

A botanical team from the National Museums of Kenya (NMK) and Sino-Africa Joint Research Center (SAJOREC) carried out field investigations from 2016 to 2019. Floristic surveys were done during both wet and dry seasons to capture a wide range of phenological cycles of taxa, especially flowering and fruiting. General walk-over surveys were used in specimen collection and habitat characterisation (Gonçalves and Goyder 2016 and references therein). Field investigations targeted pristine areas not surveyed before, as well as thorough re-surveys of previously investigated areas. Plant specimens were collected in quadruplicates and each specimen was tagged with labels containing its scientific name, collection date, location and herbarium specimen number. Fertile voucher specimens with either flower, fruit or both were collected and identified with the names of taxa recorded in the field and confirmation done at the East African herbarium (EA). Standard botanical references were used in identification of specimens, i.e. Flora of Tropical East Africa (FTEA 1952–2012), Blundell (1992), Agnew and Agnew (1994), Beentje et al. (1994) and Agnew (2013). Specimens were preserved by pressing and drying. A pair of each of the taxon collected was deposited in the EA herbarium in Nairobi and another in the Wuhan Botanical Garden herbarium (HIB) in China. Herbarium acronyms follow Thiers (2020 onward:

Vascular plants specimens, previously collected for varied purposes from the AR and deposited in the EA, were compiled with our collections to develop a checklist of vascular plants. Habitat(s) and relative distribution range for each taxon were determined using our collections, herbarium specimens in the EA and published bibliographies. The broadest altitude ranges, that is between the minimum and maximum altitude a taxon is known to occur, were searched and recorded. Thence, the distribution ranges of plants’ taxa were not restricted to the AR as some taxa had wide distribution ranges extending to the sea level. Life forms of taxa collected were categorised as herbs (plants less than 50 cm high or less than 100 cm, but annual and without persistent woody stems), shrubs (plants between 50 cm to 5 m high with woody stems branching at or near the ground), climbers (plants with twining herbaceous or woody stems) and trees (plants taller than 5 m with a clear main trunk) (Schmitt 1991; Beentje 2016). Standard bibliographies, for example, (FTEA 1952–2012), Blundell (1992), Beentje et al. (1994) and Agnew (2013), were also used to define life forms, particularly from herbarium specimens. Endemic taxa were obtained by searching all the vascular plants recorded, including existing endemics cited in literature, in an on-line occurrence database in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) ( Moreover, the conservation status of all the vascular plants recorded were assessed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species ( and categorised as Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN), Vulnerable (VU) and Near Threatened (NT). The current taxonomic circumscription of each taxon recorded was checked in the Tropicos database (, African Plant Database ( and the Catalogue of Life, 2019 Annual Checklist ( Finally, the recorded plants’ taxa were grouped into their respective classes and families and presented alphabetically.


Taxa diversity

A total of 1260 vascular plants representing 136 families, 613 genera, 67 subspecies and 63 varieties were recorded, which represented indigenous, naturalised, exotic or introduced plants in the AR. Ferns and fern-allies were 91 in total, with 1169 taxa of seed plants. The most diverse class was Magnoliopsida (72.9% of the total species recorded), followed by Liliopsida (19.4%), then Polypodiopsida (6.6%), Lycopodiopsida (0.6%) and the least diverse was Pinopsida (0.5%) of the total taxa recorded (Fig. 2). The top taxa-rich families were Asteraceae (11.1%), Poaceae (8.2%), Fabaceae (6.6%) and Lamiaceae (3.9%) of the total vascular plants recorded (Table 1). The most diverse genera were Cyperus (20), Helichrysum (19), Senecio (17), Asplenium (17), Crotalaria (15) and Solanum (15), while other genera had less than 14 taxa (Table 1).

Table 1.

The 10 largest families and genera of vascular plants in Aberdare Ranges Forest.

Family Taxa Genera Genus Taxa Family
Asteraceae 141 58 Cyperus 20 Cyperaceae
Poaceae 103 48 Helichrysum 19 Asteraceae
Fabaceae 83 32 Senecio 17 Asteraceae
Lamiaceae 49 18 Asplenium 17 Aspleniaceae
Cyperaceae 46 8 Crotalaria 15 Fabaceae
Rubiaceae 37 20 Solanum 15 Solanaceae
Orchidaceae 34 15 Carex 14 Cyperaceae
Euphorbiaceae 33 16 Euphorbia 12 Euphorbiaceae
Brassicaceae 29 18 Plectranthus 12 Lamiaceae
Apiaceae 27 16 Alchemilla 12 Rosaceae
Galium 10 Rubiaceae

A total of 54 exotic plants’ taxa from varied origins were recorded (Appendix I). The majority of the exotic taxa were from Australia (14), followed by South America (12), Mexico (six), Europe (five), North America (three), while the other regions had less than three taxa. Taxa in the genus Eucalyptus were all from Australia. Herbs were the majority with 24 taxa, followed by trees 18 then shrubs and climbers with 11 and three taxa, respectively.

Figure 2. 

The classes of vascular plants taxa in Aberdare Ranges Forest.

Plants life forms

Herbs were the commonest life form with 723 taxa, followed by shrubs with 148, trees with 137 taxa, while other intermediate life forms had fewer taxa (Table 2). Epiphytes accounted for 2.9% while aquatic herbs were 0.5% of total taxa recorded.

Table 2.

The life forms of vascular plants in Aberdare Ranges Forest.

Life form Taxa Percentage (%)
Herbs 723 57.38
Shrubs 148 11.74
Trees 137 10.87
Woody herbs or subshrubs 84 6.67
Herbaceous climbers 58 4.6
Epiphytes 36 2.86
Shrubs or small trees 35 2.78
Woody climbers or liana 33 2.62
Aquatic herbs 6 0.48

Endemic and threatened taxa

Our checklist contains a total of six endemic taxa in the AR Forest (Appendix II). However, there are additional 12 taxa that are endemic in both the AR Forest and Mt. Kenya Forest. The two montane forests are in close proximity and form the Central Highlands of Kenya with enormous socio-economic value (Muiruri 1978; Schmitt 1991). The majority of endemic taxa were in the family Asteraceae (nine) and Apiaceae (three) (Appendix II). The herbs (nine taxa) were the dominant life form amongst endemic plants, followed by shrubs (six), then woody herbs (two taxa) and a single tree.

A total of 13 taxa were found to be threatened or near-threatened globally in the AR Forest (Appendix III). The taxa-rich families were Asteraceae (four) and Cyperaceae (three taxa). The majority of the threatened taxa were herbs (nine), then trees (three) and the remaining were shrubs (two taxa).


The AR Forest is a significant regional centre of plant diversity. With a total of 1,260 taxa recorded, it represents 17.9% of the total 7,004 vascular plants in Kenya, 10.2% of the 12,317 vascular plants in East Africa, 1.7% of the estimated 74,000 taxa in Africa and 0.3% of the estimated world flora of 422,127 taxa (Govaerts 2001; MEWNR 2015). Globally, lycophytes were 0.5% of the total 1,290 lycophytes, ferns were 0.8% of the total 10,560 ferns, gymnosperms were 0.6% of the total 1,079 gymnosperms, while angiosperms were 0.4% of the total 295,383 angiosperms in the world (Christenhusz and Byng 2016). The ferns correspond to 12.9% of the 706 ferns recorded in Africa, gymnosperms represent 13.6% of 44 African species and angiosperms corresponded to 3.6% of 32,424 and 2.3% of 50,136 angiosperms in Tropical Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa, respectively (Klopper et al. 2007; MEWNR 2015). However, there could be changes in this richness as new taxa are being described, other taxa are being synonymised, exotic or invasive taxa are being introduced, while other taxa become extinct (Pimm and Joppa 2015; Christenhusz and Byng 2016).

The taxa-rich families in the AR, Asteraceae, Fabaceae and Poaceae, were consistent with studies done in other regions in Kenya, such as Kakamega Forest (Fischer et al. 2010), North and South Nandi Forests (Girma et al. 2015), Mount Kenya Forest (Zhou 2017) and Cherangani Hills Forest (Mbuni et al. 2019). These families are the most diverse and widespread in Kenyan vegetation, especially in upland forests. They are also amongst the largest families of plants in Sub-Saharan Africa, Tropical Africa and in the world flora (Klopper et al. 2007; Christenhusz and Byng 2016). Herbs were the dominant life form in the AR which supports the widely reported observation of the herbaceous layer as the most diverse community in forest ecosystems (Albrecht et al. 1997; Bhattarai and Vetaas 2003; Whigham 2004; Zhao and Fang 2006; Lee et al. 2013; Trigas et al. 2013). The herbaceous layer, as an understorey community, plays a fundamental role in carbon dynamics and energy flow, nutrient cycling and influences seedling growth for the overstorey community (Roberts 2004; Whigham 2004; Gilliam 2007). Thus, the high richness of herbaceous taxa in the AR promotes the self-productivity and viability of this Afromontane ecosystem.

Endemic taxa in the Central Highlands of Kenya, comprising the AR and Mt. Kenya Forests, represent 3.1% of the total 577 endemics in Kenya and 0.8% of the total 2,350 endemics in the EABH (CEPF 2012; MEWNR 2015; Zhou et al. 2017). This signifies the critical role the AR plays in harbouring restricted taxa in unique habitats, particularly at higher elevations. Ancient isolation of the East African mountains after their formation (Chorowicz 2005) and the harsh climatic conditions associated with high elevations are thought to have facilitated taxa adaptation and speciation, resulting in the high endemic richness that was observed in this study (Lovett and Friis 1994; Lovett et al. 2000, 2005). The threatened taxa represent 1.1% of the total vascular plants in the AR and 3.4% of the total 356 threatened plants’ taxa known in Kenya (MEWNR 2015). This further exemplifies the regional and global importance of this forest, underlining the need of efficient conservation strategies. Plant species such as Warbugia ugandensis Sprague, Lactuca inermis Forssk, Carissa spinarum L., Prunus africana (Hook. Fil.) Kalkm and others, are traditionally utilised by the local community as remedies for various illnesses (Kokwaro 2009; Kamau et al. 2016a, b). With the rising popularity of herbal therapy in Kenya (Kokwaro 2009), such medicinal plants are over-exploited, hence the urgent need for close monitoring and protection to conserve their already shrinking populations. In addition, Pinus radiata D. Don, Prunus africana (Hook.f.) Kalkm and Croton alienus Pax are faced with logging and charcoal burning threats, thus, they should also be prioritised in conservation planning (Muiruri 1978; Lambrechts et al. 2003; KFS 2010). On the other hand, species such as Ficus sur Forssk., Ficus thonningii Blume and Indigofera erecta Thunb are considered sacred and they are strictly conserved by the local community living around the AR Forest (Muiruri 1978; Schmitt 1991; KWS 2010).


The AR Forest harbours a notably diverse flora with endemic taxa. This study provides a floristic checklist with up-to-date nomenclature that will underpin future research into the diversity and conservation of the AR ecosystem. Varied environmental aspects can be researched within the AR, particularly with its mosaic of microhabitats, broad elevation gradient and associated temperature and rainfall variations within a short span of land. Our study provides the baseline data for such studies. In general, the checklist is a major step towards building a holistic biodiversity knowledge of the AR ecosystem.


An annotated checklist of the vascular plants of the AR Forest is presented below. Vascular plants are grouped into five classes and arranged alphabetically in their respective families. Families in Lycopodiopsida and Polypodiopsida are arranged, based on the Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group I system (PPG I 2016), Pinopsida is arranged according to Christenhusz et al. (2011), while Liliopsida and Magnoliopsida are arranged, based on the APG IV 2016 system (Chase et al. 2016). Taxa preceded by (E) are endemic while those with (*) are exotic and/or naturalised in the AR Forest. For each taxon recorded, full authority is given, life form, brief notes on habitat and distribution range, voucher specimen number and the herbarium where it was deposited. The broadest altitude range of each taxon is indicated in metres (m) which mostly extends beyond the elevation of the AR Forest. EA refers to the East African herbarium in Nairobi, Kenya, while HIB refers to Wuhan Botanical Garden herbarium in Wuhan, China. The collectors are abbreviated as follows: SK means Solomon Kipkoech, SAJIT refers to Sino-Africa Joint Investigation Team, FOKP means Flora of Kenya Project, KEFRI refers to Kenya Forestry Research Institute and EANHS stands for East Africa Natural History Society.

Part 1. Lycopodiopsida

F1. Lycopodiaceae

Austrolycopodium aberdaricum (Chiov.) Holub – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upper parts of montane forest, 3000 m. Voucher: Balbo 475 (EA).

Lycopodium clavatum L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest, 1500–3050 m. Vouchers: Mutangah 2 (EA), SK 0148 (EA, HIB).

Phlegmariurus dacrydioides (Baker) A.R.Field & Bostock – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Woodland and riverine forest, 1550–2700 m. Voucher: Faden 69/1113 (EA).

Phlegmariurus saururus (Lam.) B.Øllg. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Near streams and damp sites in moorland, 2200–4400 m. Voucher: Hedberg 1627 (EA).

Phlegmariurus verticillatus (L.f.) A.R.Field & Testo – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist woodland and wet forest, 950–2300 m. Vouchers: Someren s.n., Balbo 819 (EA).

F2. Selaginellaceae

Selaginella goudotiana var. abyssinica (Spring) Bizzarri – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Near waterfalls and riverbanks in evergreen forest, 750–2450 m. Vouchers: Ng’weno 15129, Kuchar 12753 (EA).

Selaginella kraussiana (Kunze) A.Braun – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest, 1100–3350 m. Voucher: Lind and Agnew 5013 (EA).

Part 2. Polypodiopsida

F3. Aspleniaceae

Asplenium abyssinicum Fée – Life form: Herb. Habitat: often epiphytic in moist forest and damp sites in moorland, 1350–3150 m. Voucher: Kamau 364 (EA).

Asplenium actiniopteroides Peter – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Rocky sites in upland forest, 2500–4250 m. Voucher: Someren 1054 (EA).

Asplenium adamsii Alston – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet rocky sites in moorland and heath zone, 2400–3400 m. Voucher: Polhill 12026 (EA).

Asplenium aethiopicum (Burm.f.) Bech. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in moist forest and wooded grassland, 1150–3700 m. Voucher: Mutanga 13 (EA).

Asplenium boltonii Hook. ex Schelpe – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in moist forest, 1200–2750 m. Voucher: Robertson et al. 3895 (EA).

Asplenium bugoiense Hieron. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland moist forest and along streams, 1650–2700 m. Voucher: Faden et al. 74/1346 (EA).

Asplenium elliottii C.H.Wright – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest, 1050–3000 m. Voucher: Kuchar 12407 (EA).

Asplenium erectum Bory ex Willd. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in upland forest floors, 1300–2750 m. Voucher: Faden 69/004 (EA).

Asplenium friesiorum C.Chr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in moist forest, swamps and along streams, 1100–3000 m. Voucher: Mutanga 10 (EA).

Asplenium linckii Kuhn – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Shady places in moist forest, 1600–2700 m. Voucher: Faden 74/1317 (EA).

Asplenium loxoscaphoides Baker – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in moist montane forest and Hagenia woodlands, 1850–3650 m. Voucher: Kuchar 5218 (EA).

Asplenium monanthes L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest and bamboo thickets, 1950–3400 m. Voucher: Kamau 366 (EA).

Asplenium praegracile Rosenst. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest and bamboo zone, 2400–3100 m. Voucher: Faden et al. 71/880 (EA).

Asplenium rutifolium (P.J.Bergius) Kunze – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in moist forest and riverine forest, 750–2300 m. Voucher: Faden 69/2075 (EA).

Asplenium sandersonii Hook. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in moist montane forest and forest margins, 680–3100 m. Voucher: Faden 69/012 (EA).

Asplenium theciferum (Kunth) Mett. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in moist forest and bush thickets, 850–2900 m. Voucher: Kibui 50 (EA).

Asplenium uhligii Hieron. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in upland woodland, 2400–4200 m. Voucher: Kuchar 13077 (EA).

F4. Athyriaceae

Athyrium newtonii Baker – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland rocky forest margins, 1150–3500 m. Voucher: Tweedie 1882 (EA).

Athyrium scandicinum (Willd.) C.Presl – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest and bamboo zone, 1150–3500 m. Voucher: Faden 70/63 (EA).

Deparia boryana (Willd.) M.Kato – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 1460–2550 m. Voucher: FOKP 1983 (EA, HIB).

F5. Blechnaceae

Blechnum australe L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Mixed bamboo forest and wet grassland, 1500–2500 m. Vouchers: Cameron 18, Gilbert 6315 (EA).

Blechnum tabulare (Thunb.) Kuhn – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Mixed bamboo forest and wet grassland, 1600–2600 m. Voucher: Gilbert 6337 (EA).

F6. Cyatheaceae

Cyathea manniana Hook. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Moist forest and along streams, 1500–2500 m. Voucher: Napper 721 (EA).

F7. Cystopteridaceae

Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Damp rocky sites in evergreen forest, 1700–3600 m. Voucher: Fries & Fries 762 (EA).

F8. Dennstaedtiaceae

Blotiella glabra (Bory) R.M.Tryon – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest, 1350–3000 m. Voucher: Faden 71/202 (EA).

Hypolepis goetzei Reimers Life form: – Herb. Habitat: Moist forest, 2100–3050 m. Voucher: Faden 71/886 (EA).

Hypolepis sparsisora (Schrad.) Kuhn – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest, 900–2800 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 3989 (EA).

Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wooded grassland and forest margins, 2640–2850 m. Vouchers: Otieno 12609, Kuchar 7827 (EA).

F9. Dryopteridaceae

Arachniodes webbiana var. foliosa (C.Chr.) Gibby, Rasbach, Reichst., Widén & Viane – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest and streams banks, 1380–2600 m. Vouchers: Gardner 967, Kamau 471 (EA).

Dryopteris antarctica (Baker) C.Chr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland and moorland, 2500–3320 m. Voucher: Faden 69/803 (EA).

Dryopteris fadenii Pic.Serm. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest and riverine forest, 1700–2500 m. Voucher: Faden et al. 69/900 (EA).

Dryopteris lewalleana Pic.Serm. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest and riverine forest, 1400–2300 m. Voucher: Faden 70/55 (EA).

Dryopteris manniana (Hook.) C.Chr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest, 1450–2250 m. Voucher: Faden et al. 69/289 (EA).

Elaphoglossum angulatum (Blume) T.Moore – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in moist montane forest, 2470–2750 m. Voucher: Faden 71/201 (EA).

Elaphoglossum aubertii (Desv.) T.Moore – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in moist montane forest, 1400–2800 m. Voucher: Someren 387 (EA).

Elaphoglossum conforme (Sw.) Schott – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest, 2100–3000 m. Voucher: Balbo 769 (EA).

Elaphoglossum deckenii (Kuhn) C.Chr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in moist montane forest, 2100–3500 m. Voucher: Hedberg 1635 (EA).

Elaphoglossum hybridum (Bory) Brack. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest and damp places in the moorland, 1800–3600 m. Voucher: Faden et al. 74/1340 (EA).

Elaphoglossum lastii (Baker) C.Chr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in moist montane forest, 1500–2600 m. Voucher: Faden et al. 74/1324 (EA).

*Elaphoglossum piloselloides (C.Presl) T.Moore – Life form: Exotic herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest, 900–2450 m. Voucher: Peter 41097 (EA).

Elaphoglossum spatulatum var. uluguruense (Reimers) Schelpe – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest and along streams, 900–2450 m. Voucher: Faden et al. 71/74 (EA).

Elaphoglossum subcinnamomeum (Christ) Hieron. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upper parts of wet montane forest, 2800–3600 m. Voucher: Kenya Exploration Society 157 (EA).

Megalastrum lanuginosa (Willd. ex Kaulf.) Holttum – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest near streams, 1400–2400 m. Voucher: Faden et al. 71/282 (EA).

Nothoperanema squamisetum (Hook.) Ching – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest, 1850–2950 m. Voucher: Molesworth Allen 3638 (EA).

Polystichum sinense (Christ) Christ – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 1920–4100 m. Voucher: Mwangangi 987 (EA).

Polystichum transvaalense N.C.Anthony – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest, 1350–2700 m. Voucher: Andrew 4461 (EA).

Polystichum volkensii (Hieron.) C.Chr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest and Hagenia forest, 2800–3600 m. Voucher: Rabb et al. 7 (EA).

Polystichum wilsonii Christ – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Shaded grounds in moist forest, 2320–3650 m. Voucher: Someren 1053 (EA).

F10. Equisetaceae

Equisetum ramosissimum Desf. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Along streams and rivers, 150–2100 m. Voucher: Greenway 13100 (EA).

F11. Hymenophyllaceae

Crepidomanes melanotrichum (Schltdl.) J.P.Roux – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Shades in moist forest, 750–2650 m. Voucher: Beentje 2950 (EA).

Crepidomanes ramitrichum (Faden) Beentje – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland moist forest and rocky waterfalls, 2300–2600 m. Voucher: Faden & Grumbley 72/338 (EA).

Didymoglossum erosum (Willd.) J.P.Roux – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Shady sites in moist forest, 0–2400 m. Voucher: Faden et al. 74/1336 (EA).

Hymenophyllum capillare var. alternialatum (Pic.Serm.) Faden – Life form: herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in moist montane forest, 1650–3480 m. Voucher: Agnew et al. 5620 (EA).

Hymenophyllum polyanthos var. kuhnii (C.Chr.) Schelpe – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in moist montane forest, 1400–3000 m. Voucher: Faden et al. 71/199 (EA).

Hymenophyllum tunbrigense (L.) Sm. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in upland moist forest, 1900–2700 m. Voucher: Faden et at. 74/1338 (EA).

Polyphlebium borbonicum (Bosch) Ebihara & Dubuisson – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest and stream banks, 1400–2600 m. Voucher: Faden et al. 71/196 (EA).

F12. Marsileaceae

Marsilea minuta L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Aquatic in shallow water pools, edges of streams and seasonal swampy grassland, 0–1950 m. Voucher: Perkins 11502 (EA).

F13. Ophioglossaceae

Ophioglossum vulgatum subsp. africanum Pocock ex J.E.Burrows – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland, 1000–3250 m. Vouchers: Dale 1321, Faden & Faden 71/890 (EA).

F14. Polypodiaceae

Drynaria volkensii Hieron. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Riverine forest and woodland, 1600–2300 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 2767 (EA).

Grammitis cryptophlebia (Baker) Copel. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in moist montane forest, 1900–2150 m. Voucher: Faden 71/280 (EA).

Lepisorus excavatus (Bory ex Willd.) Ching – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane forest, 1150–3490 m. Voucher: Kamau 373 (EA).

Lepisorus schraderi (Mett.) Ching – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland forest, 1200–2450 m. Voucher: Faden 74/904 (EA).

Loxogramme abyssinica (Baker) M.G.Price – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in moist forest, 900–2900 m. Voucher: Kirika et al. 70 (EA).

Melpomene flabelliformis (Poir.) A.R.Sm. & R.C.Moran – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in bushland, upland forest and bamboo zone, 1000–4200 m. Voucher: Fries 1325 (EA).

Pleopeltis macrocarpa (Bory ex Willd.) Kaulf. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upper parts of montane forest, 1000–3600 m. Voucher: Vorontsova 55 (EA).

F15. Pteridaceae

Adiantum poiretii Wikstr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane forest, 1000–2700 m. Voucher: Luke 1106 (EA).

Adiantum raddianum C.Presl – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet rocky sites in montane forest, 1000–2700 m. Vouchers: Faden 68/765 & 68/849 (EA).

Aleuritopteris farinosa (Forsk.) Fée – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Swampy places in montane forest, 1460–3600 m. Voucher: Kamau 531 (EA).

Cheilanthes bergiana Schltdl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest, 1300–2300 m. Voucher: Kamau 101 (EA).

Cheilanthes quadripinnata (Forssk) Kuhn – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Rocky grounds in moist forest, 1275–2750 m. Voucher: Maas Geesteranus 5043 (EA).

Coniogramme africana Hieron. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest and along streams, 1000–2250 m. Voucher: Bytebier 3229 (EA).

Oeosporangium viride (Forssk.) Fraser-Jenk. & Pariyar – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest and shades in bushlands, 650–2250 m. Voucher: Faden 012/2003 (EA).

Pteris catoptera Kunze – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet or dry forest, 1000–3050 m. Voucher: Zogg 2547 (EA).

Pteris dentata Forssk. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet or dry forest, 1000–3000 m. Voucher: Kuchar 5203 (EA).

F16. Tectariaceae

Arthropteris monocarpa (Cordem.) C.Chr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in moist forest and riverine forest, 1250–2450 m. Voucher: Gillett and Holttum 20096 (EA).

Tectaria gemmifera (Fée) Alston – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest, 600–2550 m. Voucher: Strange 117 (EA).

F17. Thelypteridaceae

Amauropelta oppositiformis (C.Chr.) Holttum – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet or swampy sites in evergreen forest, 1200–3000 m. Voucher: Bytebier 222 (EA).

Christella dentata (Forssk.) Brownsey & Jermy – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Along streams and damp places in forest, 45–2200 m. Voucher: Luke 148 (EA).

Pneumatopteris unita (Kunze) Holttum – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest and bamboo thicket, 1450–2500 m. Voucher: Kamau 466 (EA).

Pseudocyclosorus pulcher (Bory ex Willd.) Holttum – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Riverine forest and swampy sites in forest, 750–2250 m. Voucher: Faden 68/988 (EA).

Phegopteris cruciata (Willd.) Mett. ex Kuhn – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist evergreen forest and stream banks, 1450–2350 m. Voucher: Faden & Evans 69/891 (EA).

Stegnogramma pozoi var. petiolata (Ching) Sledge – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet montane forest, 2050–3350 m. Vouchers: Bytebier et al. 48, Faden & Faden 69/898 (EA).

Part 3. Pinopsida

F18. Cupressaceae

*Cupressus lusitanica Mill. – Life form: Exotic tree. Habitat: Cultivated, 2600–2640 m. Voucher: Dyson 526 (EA).

Juniperus procera Hochst. ex Endl. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland dry evergreen forest, 1050–3250 m. Voucher: SK 0106 (EA, HIB).

F19. Pinaceae

*Pinus patula Schiede ex Schltdl & Cham. – Life form: Exotic tree. Habitat: Cultivated, common in moist or dry forest, 1700–3000 m. Voucher: Althof s.n. (EA).

Pinus radiata D.Don – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Moist or dry forest, 1700–3000 m. Voucher: Dillon 4 (EA).

F20. Podocarpaceae

Afrocarpus falcatus (Thunb.) C.N.Page – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Dry evergreen forest, 1250–2700 m. Voucher: SK 0123 (EA, HIB).

Podocarpus latifolius (Thunb.) R.Br. ex Mirb. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Dry evergreen forest, 1500–3350 m. Voucher: SK 0102 (EA, HIB).

Part 4. Liliopsida

F21. Alismataceae

Alisma plantago-aquatica L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Marshes and stream banks, 900–2340 m. Voucher: Lubai 14 (EA).

F22. Amaryllidaceae

Scadoxus multiflorus (Martyn) Raf. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest, 0–2700 m. Voucher: Mungai 1/83 (EA).

F23. Araceae

Arisaema mildbraedii Engl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet and shaded places in montane forest, 1400–2620 m. Voucher: SK 0219 (EA, HIB).

Culcasia falcifolia Engl. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Moist forest, 500–2100 m. Voucher: Luke 14154 (EA).

Lemna minor L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Surface of water pools and slow running streams, 0–1800 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 718b (EA).

Zantedeschia pentlandii (R.Whyte ex W.Watson) Wittm. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Along streams and swamps, 1400–1800 m. Voucher: SK 0255 (EA, HIB).

F24. Arecaceae

Phoenix reclinata Jacq. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Open rocky slopes in rainforest, 0–3000 m. Voucher: Napier 5377 (EA).

F25. Asparagaceae

Anthericum angustifolium Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1800–2850 m. Voucher: Leaky 8547 (EA).

Asparagus africanus Lam. – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Forest margins and wooded grassland, 0–3500 m. Voucher: SK 0191(EA, HIB).

Asparagus aridicola Sebsebe – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Wooded grassland and bush thickets, 10–2750 m. Voucher: Luke 10850 (EA).

Asparagus asparagoides (L.) Druce – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Moist forest and forest margins, 1100–3000 m. Voucher: Someren 1156 (EA).

Asparagus falcatus L. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Bush thickets and forest margins, 10–2750 m. Voucher: Zogg et al. 10/255 (EA).

Asparagus natalensis (Baker) J.-P.Lebrun & Stork – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Dry forest and forest margins, 900–2700 m. Voucher: Luke 18171 (EA).

Asparagus racemosus Willd. – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Forest margins and wooded grassland, 1160–2900 m. Voucher: SK 0215 (EA, HIB).

Asparagus setaceus (Kunth) Jessop – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Forest margins, 1740–2300 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 3628 (EA).

Chlorophytum comosum (Thunb.) Jacques – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Undergrowth in rainforest, 20–2450 m. Voucher: SK 0168 (EA, HIB).

Chlorophytum polystachys Baker – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Open woodland, 150–2900 m. Voucher: Hooper and Townsend 1651 (EA).

Dracaena afromontana Mildbr. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 1600–2700 m. Voucher: SK 0143 (EA, HIB).

Dracaena ellenbeckiana Engl. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Rocky slopes in moist forest, 1050–2100 m. Voucher: Perdue and Kibuwa 8259 (EA).

Dracaena steudneri Engl. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Moist forest margins, 850–2300 m. Voucher: Perdue and Kibuwa 8023 (EA).

Ornithogalum gracillimum R.E.Fr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet grounds in grassland and swamps, 1800–2700 m. Voucher: Polhill 406 (EA).

Sansevieria parva N.E.Br. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Dry forest and rocky sites in bushland, 1600–2200 m. Voucher: Hansen 770 (EA).

Sansevieria Perrotii Warb. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wooded grassland, 550–1950 m. Voucher: Someren 8505 (EA).

F26. Colchicaceae

Androcymbium striatum Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and bushland, 1500–3400 m. Voucher: Rayner 66 (EA).

Wurmbea tenuis subsp. hamiltonii (Wendelbo) B.Nord. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 2130–2750 m. Vouchers: Chandler 2415, Rayner 66 (EA).

F27. Commelinaceae

Aneilema leiocaule K.Schum. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest mostly in shades, 1000–2740 m. Voucher: Dyson 570 (EA).

Commelina africana L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grassland and woodland, 300–2980 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 619 (EA).

Commelina imberbis Ehrenb. ex Hassk. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grassland and bushland, 1000–2910 m. Voucher: SK 0166 (EA, HIB).

Commelina latifolia Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1250–2270 m. Voucher: Kenya Forest excursion 26 (EA).

Commelina reptans Brenan – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist grassland, 1200–2550 m. Voucher: Faden 71/889 (EA).

Floscopa glomerata (Willd. ex Schult. & Schult.f.) Hassk. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Swampy grassland and along streams, 900–2200 m. Voucher: Bally 13225 (EA).

Murdannia clarkeana Brenan – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Swampy grassland, 1500–1850 m. Voucher: Hooper et al. 1695 (EA).

Murdannia simplex (Vahl) Brenan – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grassland and bushland, 30–2200 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 561 (EA).

F28. Cyperaceae

Bulbostylis glaberrima Kük. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Damp sites in moorland, 3000–3600 m. Voucher: Fries and Fries 2394 (EA).

Carex bequaertii De Wild. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest and bamboo thickets, 1950–3800 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 1769 (EA).

Carex chlorosaccus C.B.Clarke – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest and riparian forest, 1300–3300 m. Voucher: Napper 715 (EA).

Carex conferta Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland moist forest and moorland, 2200–3650 m. Voucher: Robertson 7373(EA).

Carex elgonensis Nelmes – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Bamboo thicket margins and afro-alpine stream banks, 2400–3650 m. Voucher: Hedberg 854 (EA).

Carex johnstonii Boeckeler – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upper parts of montane forest and bamboo zone, 2200–3300 m. Voucher: Musili et al. 422 (EA).

Carex lycurus K.Schum. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Stream banks in grassland and woodland, 1500–3350 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 1770 (EA).

Carex monostachya A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upper regions of bamboo zone and moorland, 2700–4500 m. Voucher: Musili et al 439 (EA).

Carex peregrina Link – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest, 2300–3440 m. Voucher: Muasya et al. 050 (EA).

Carex phragmitoides Kük. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Bogs and marshes in montane forest, 2500–3100 m. Voucher: Taylor 1354 (EA).

E Carex runssoroensis var. aberdarensis Kük. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Rocky grounds in moorland, 3000–4400 m. Vouchers: Hedberg 4327, Muasya et al. 048 (EA).

Carex simensis Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Swampy places in upland grassland and moorland, 1850–3900 m. Voucher: Brich 61/13 (EA).

Carex vallis-rosetto K.Schum. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist sites in forest and forest edges, 1000–3300 m. Voucher: Luke 15347 (EA).

Cyperus afroalpinus Lye – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Open sites in montane forest and bamboo thickets, 1000–3000 m. Voucher: Haines 1969 (EA).

Cyperus ajax C.B.Clarke – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in upland forest and bush thickets, 950–2600 m. Voucher: Napper 1826 (EA).

Cyperus aterrimus Hochst. ex Steud. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Damp sites in upland montane forest, 1000–3350 m. Voucher: Brown 358 (EA).

Cyperus cyperoides (L.) Kuntze – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides and forest clearings, 600–2400 m. Voucher: Kibui 43 (EA).

Cyperus denudatus L.f. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Damp grassland and riversides, 0–2000 m. Voucher: Kuchar 7820 (EA).

Cyperus dereilema Steud. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest and bamboo zone, 2100–3050 m. Voucher: Luke 15351 (EA).

Cyperus dichroostachyus Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest, 1200–2750 m. Voucher: Robertson 7372 (EA).

Cyperus esculentus L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Swamps and wet grassland, 0–2200 m. Voucher: Faden 68/854 (EA).

Cyperus karisimbiensis (Cherm.) Kük. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Woodland, 1850–3000 m. Voucher: Fries and Fries 1037 (EA).

Cyperus kerstenii Boeckeler – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland and moorland, 2400–3600 m. Voucher: Beentje et al. 62 (EA).

Cyperus papyrus L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest and wet grassy slopes, 1800–3120 m. Voucher: Wood 779 (EA).

Cyperus rigidifolius Steud. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Seasonally wet grassland and bushland, 1700–2800 m. Voucher: Robertson 7399 (EA).

Cyperus rotundus L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet grassland, 0–2200 m. Voucher: Robertson 7368 (EA).

Cyperus tomaiophyllus K.Schum. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest and damp grassy slopes, 1800–3120 m. Voucher: Kuchar 12533 (EA).

Eleocharis marginulata Hochst. ex Steud. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Swampy grassland, 1500–2600 m. Voucher: Robertson 7369 (EA).

Fimbristylis complanata subsp. keniaeensis (Kük.) Lye. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Swampy grassland, 1500–2700 m. Vouchers: Faden 67/771, Kabuye 378 (EA).

Fimbristylis ovata (Burm.f.) J.Kern – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet wooded grassland, 0–2200 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 3253 (EA).

Fuirena pubescens (Poir) Kunth – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Seasonally wet grassland, 850–2300 m. Voucher: Musili et al. 191(EA).

Isolepis costata Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest and stream banks, 1700–3500 m. Voucher: Taylor 1274 (EA).

Isolepis fluitans (L.) R.Br. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Bogs in moorland, 1200–3700 m. Voucher: Okwaro 34 (EA).

Isolepis sepulcralis Steud. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland wet grassland, 1800–2300 m. Voucher: Bogdan 1514a (EA).

Isolepis setaceae (L.) R.Br. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet montane grassland, 2400–3800 m. Voucher: Kuchar 8278 (EA).

Kyllinga brevifolia var. lurida (Kük.) Beentje – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland and forest clearings, 1300–3300 m. Voucher: Hansen 754 (EA).

Cyperus erecta (Schumach.) Mattf. & Kük. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet depressions and swamps, 0–2000 m. Voucher: Musili et al. 244 (EA).

Kyllinga odorata Vahl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland forest margins and woodland, 1300–3300 m. Voucher: Robertson 7370 (EA).

Cyperus aethiops Welw. ex Ridl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet or swampy grassland, 900–2200 m. Voucher: Agnew et al. 8608 (EA).

Cyperus elegantulus Steud. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet grassland and moist forest margins, 1100–3050 m. Voucher: Napper 1488 (EA).

Cyperus mundii var. uniceps (C.B.Clarke) Kük. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet grassland and swampy forest, 200–2300 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 427 (EA).

Cyperus nigricans Steud. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Marshy grounds and bogs in upland forest, 1700–3600 m. Voucher: Kuchar 9559 (EA).

Cyperus nitidus Lam. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wetland and swamps edges, 1000–2150 m. Voucher: Bogdan 2894 (EA).

Carex uhligii K.Schum ex C.B.Clarke – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Open sites in moist forest and upland grassland, 1050–2800 m. Voucher: Hansen 850 (EA).

Carex spartea Wahlenb. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest edges and wet upland grassland, 1650–2800 m. Voucher: Polhill 436 (EA).

F29. Eriocaulaceae

Eriocaulon mesanthemoides Ruhland – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Stream-sides in montane grassland and moorland, 2400–3100 m. Voucher: Agnew et al. 8157 (EA).

Eriocaulon schimperi Körn. ex Ruhland – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet montane grassland, 2000–3500 m. Voucher: Wood 773 (EA).

Eriocaulon volkensii Engl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland and moorland, 2500–3900 m. Voucher: Agnew 7226 (EA).

F30. Hydrocharitaceae

Egeria densa Planch. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Still or slow flowing freshwater, 360–2400 m. Voucher: Powys 373 (EA).

F31. Hypoxidaceae

Hypoxis angustifolia Lam. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Open woodland and forest margins, 0–3000 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 1965 (EA).

Hypoxis kilimanjarica subsp. prostrata Ellen Holt & Staubo – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland, 2900–3500 m. Vouchers: Mabberlay 372, Beentje 2611 (EA).

F32. Iridaceae

Aristea alata Baker – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest and forest edges, 1800–3500 m. Voucher: Mbale et al. 850 (EA).

Aristea angolensis Baker – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet sites in grassland, 1750–2700 m. Voucher: Battiscombe 831 (EA).

Dierama cupuliflorum Klatt – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland, 2000–3900 m. Vouchers: Kuchar 12699, Beentje 2414 (EA).

Gladiolus dalenii Van Geel – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grassland with scattered trees, 300–3600 m. Voucher: Bally 8255B (EA).

Gladiolus watsonioides Baker – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Forest clearings in montane forest, 2000–3800 m. Voucher: Lind 2901 (EA).

Hesperantha petitiana (A.Rich.) Baker – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Rocky cliffs at subalpine grassland, 1800–3100 m. Voucher: Napier 1254 (EA).

Romulea congoensis Bég. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland, 3300–4200 m. Voucher: Stephenson 383 (EA).

Romulea fischeri Pax – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 2150–4200 m. Voucher: Dyson 435 (EA).

F33. Juncaceae

Juncus bufonius L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet places in upland grassland, 2400–2800 m. Voucher: Musili et al. 441 (EA).

Juncus dregeanus subsp. bachitii (Hochst. ex Steud.) Hedberg. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Along streams in upland forest and moorland, 2100–3400 m. Vouchers: Hedberg 4328, Kuchar 12445 (EA).

Juncus effusus L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest and streams banks, 1500–3300 m. Voucher: Kuchar 10330 (EA).

Juncus oxycarpus E.Mey ex Kunth – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Marshy sites in grassland, 1500–3080 m. Voucher: Handa 007 (EA).

Luzula abyssinica Parl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Damp sites in upper montane forest and moorland, 2000–4550 m. Voucher: Hedberg 1541 (EA).

Luzula johnstonii Buchenau – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Shaded grounds in rainforest, 2400–4200 m. Voucher: Agnew et al. 7088 (EA).

F34. Orchidaceae

Aerangis confusa J.Stewart – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in shaded trunks and branches in upland forest, 1600–2500 m. Voucher: Bally 8461 (EA).

Aerangis thomsonii (Rolfe) Schltr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in shaded trunks and branches in upland forest, 1600–2600 m. Voucher: SK 0260 (EA, HIB).

Angraecum chamaeanthus Schltr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in upland montane forest, 1600–2400 m. Voucher: Smart 27 (EA).

Angraecum conchiferum Lindl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in montane forest, 1250–2400 m. Voucher: Archer 20/9/1959 (EA).

Angraecum humile Summerh. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in moist montane forest and riparian forest, 1650–2500 m. Voucher: Someren 413 (EA).

Angraecum sacciferum Lindl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in upland moist forest, 900–2200 m. Voucher: Bytebier 505 (EA).

Bulbophyllum sandersonii (Hook.f.) Rchb.f. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in shades in forest, 200–2700 m. Voucher: Cameron 14863 (EA).

Calanthe sylvatica (Thouars) Lindl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest floors and near streams, 900–3000 m. Voucher: Gardner 1411 (EA).

Cynorkis anacamptoides Kraenzl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 1050–3350 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 434 (EA).

Cyrtorchis arcuata (Lindl.) Schltr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in woodland and open forest, 0–3300 m. Vouchers: Gardner 2554, Padwa 59 (EA).

Diaphananthe rohrii (Rchb.f.) Summerh. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in montane forest, 2100–3000 m. Voucher: Smart 22 (EA).

Disa fragrans subsp. deckenii (Rchb.f.) H.P.Linder – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Open sites and edges of montane forest up to the moorland, 2350–3700 m. Vouchers: Kokwaro 1929, Agnew et al. 8186 (EA).

Disa stairsii Kraenzl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassy swamps and damp sites in moorland, 2100–3750 m. Voucher: Kokwaro 3249 (EA).

Disperis dicerochila Summerh. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 1650–2600 m. Voucher: Williams 15379 (EA).

Disperis kilimanjarica Rendle – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Shaded grounds in evergreen forest, 2100–3000 m. Voucher: SK 0133 (EA, HIB).

Epipactis africana Rendle – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane evergreen forest and bamboo thickets, 2330–3750 m. Voucher: Verdcourt et al. 3022 (EA).

Habenaria attenuata Hook.f. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 2700–4000 m. Voucher: Davis 7A (EA).

Habenaria decorata Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Rocky sites in moorland, 2200–3300 m. Voucher: Ward s.n (EA).

Habenaria keniensis Summerh. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland rainforest, 1950–2950 m. Voucher: Belcher 151/54 (EA).

Habenaria macrantha Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 2550–3000 m. Voucher: Dale 2842 (EA).

Habenaria petitiana (A.Rich) T.Durand & Schinz – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Forest edges and bushland, 1500–3300 m. Voucher: William 15380 (EA).

Habenaria schimperiana Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Swamps and wet grassland, 1250–2800 m. Voucher: Dale 2876 (EA).

Habenaria tweedieae Summerh. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: In grass on rocky hills, 1950–2600 m. Voucher: Cunningham 44 (EA).

Habenaria vaginata A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet sites in grassland, 1300–3000 m. Voucher: Dale 2354 (EA).

Holothrix brongniartiana Rchb.f. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1200–3500 m. Voucher: Williams 12362 (EA).

Liparis deistelii Schltr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic on fallen trees in shades near rivers, 1700–2750 m. Voucher: Dale 2861 (EA).

Polystachya caespitifica subsp. latilabris (Summerh.) P.J.Cribb & Podz. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in montane forest, 1800–2200 m. Voucher: Lucs et al. 274 (EA).

Polystachya cultriformis (Thouars) Lindl. ex Spreng – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest, 1800–2200 m. Vouchers: SK 0140, SK 00227 (EA, HIB).

Polystachya heckmanniana Kraenzl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 1200–2000 m. Voucher: Turner 3231 (EA).

Polystachya transvaalensis Schltr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest, 1200–2900 m. Vouchers: Turner 3239 & 2385 (EA).

Satyrium crassicaule Rendle – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet grassland and swamps, 1000–3150 m. Voucher: Bytebier 500 (EA).

Satyrium macrophyllum Lindl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland wet grassland, 1200–3150 m. Voucher: Dale 75 (EA).

Satyrium schimperi Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 2100–3200 m. Voucher: Pierce 2696 (EA).

Satyrium volkensii Schltr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and bushland, 1050–2400 m. Voucher: Piers 143/51 (EA).

F35. Poaceae

Acritochaete volkensii Pilg. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Shaded grounds in upland forest and bamboo thicket, 2300–3300 m. Voucher: Agnew et al. 8180 (EA).

Agrostis gracilifolia C.E.Hubb. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet places in upland grassland and moorland, 2800–3980 m. Voucher: Beentje 3269(EA).

Agrostis keniensis Pilg. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Along streams and moist forest margins, 2200–3000 m. Voucher: Turner 1569 (EA).

Agrostis kilimandscharica Mez – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland forest clearings and margins up to bamboo zone, 2000–4000 m. Voucher: Agnew et al. 8134 (EA).

Agrostis producta Pilg. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 2400–4000 m. Voucher: Robertson 2162 (EA).

Agrostis trachyphylla Pilg. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet places in upland grassland and moorland, 3500–4900 m. Voucher: AfroAlp II team 1063 (EA).

Agrostis volkensii Stapf – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 3000–3900 m. Voucher: AfroAlp II team 0974 (EA).

Aira caryophyllea L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Rocky soils in upland grassland and moorland, 2000–4500 m. Voucher: Rauh 407 (EA).

Andropogon abyssinicus R.Br. ex Fresen. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 200–3100 m. Voucher: Kuchar 12501 (EA).

Andropogon amethystinus Steud. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Open or clearings in montane forest and moorland, 1400–4000 m. Voucher: Grant 1238 (EA).

Andropogon chrysostachyus Steud. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist upland grassland and evergreen forest, 2100–3300 m. Voucher: Napper 745 (EA).

Andropogon distachyos L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland dry grassland, 1700–3000 m. Voucher: Kuchar 12321 (EA).

Andropogon lima (Hack.) Stapf – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland and dry moorland, 2400–4000 m. Voucher: Rauh 522 (EA).

Anthoxanthum nivale K.Schum. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland moist grassland and moorland, 2500–3980 m. Voucher: Kuchar 12739(EA).

Aristida adoensis Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Deciduous bushland, 1300–2300 m. Voucher: Robertson 332 (EA).

Aristida junciformis Trin. & Rupr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Dry rocky hilltops, 400–2100 m. Voucher: Bogdan 4163 (EA).

Avena fatua L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 2100–2400 m. Voucher: Ghosh 4 (EA).

Avena sterilis L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 2600–2600 m. Voucher: Someren 13/12/1956 (EA).

Bothriochloa insculpta (A.Rich.) A.Camus – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grassland, 0–2250 m. Voucher: Hansen 800 (EA).

Brachypodium flexum Nees – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest and bamboo thickets, 2000–3000 m. Voucher: Kuchar and Msafiri 5422 (EA).

Briza maxima L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in forest, 2400–2700 m. Voucher: Edwards 2833/6 (EA).

Bromus catharticus Vahl – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Disturbed grounds and roadsides, 2300–2700 m. Vouchers: Greenway 10399 & 9574 (EA).

Bromus diandrus Roth – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Disturbed grounds and roadsides, 2300–3000 m. Voucher: Muchiri 580 (EA).

Bromus leptoclados Nees – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and forest clearings, 2300–4300 m. Voucher: Bogdan 2646 (EA).

Calamagrostis epigejos (L.) Roth – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and forest clearings, 2000–3000 m. Voucher: Kokwaro 3340 (EA).

Calamagrostis hedbergii Melderis – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Rocky moorland, 3500–4250 m. Voucher: Hedberg 1810 (EA).

Chloris virgata Sw. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Scattered-tree grassland and bushland, 10–2120 m. Voucher: Robertson 2218 (EA).

Coelachne friesiorum C.E.Hubb. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest, 3000–3000 m. Voucher: Fries 2407 (EA).

Colpodium hedbergii (Melderis) Tzvelev – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moorland, 3580–4000 m. Voucher: Hanid 157 (EA).

Cymbopogon nardus (L.) Rendle – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1000–3000 m. Voucher: Waiganjo 39 (EA).

Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in grassland, 0–2000 m. Voucher: Mbevi 194 (EA).

Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P.Beauv. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Damp places in moorland, 2900–4000 m. Voucher: Polhill 12035 (EA).

Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 2600–3920 m. Voucher: Agnew et al. 8135A (EA).

Digitaria abyssinica (A.Rich.) Stapf – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Ruderal sites in upland grassland, 0–3000 m. Voucher: Turner 1564 (EA).

Digitaria diagonalis (Nees) Stapf – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grassland, 0–2640 m. Voucher: Mbale 1024 (EA).

Digitaria gazensis Rendle – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1200–2600 m. Voucher: Barney 1031 (EA).

Digitaria longiflora (Retz.) Pers. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Deciduous bushland, 0–2300 m. Voucher: Robertson 2131 (EA).

Digitaria thouaresiana (Flüggé) A.Camus – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest, 0–2400 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 1359 (EA).

Digitaria velutina (Forssk.) P.Beauv. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides and other disturbed places, 0–2300 m. Voucher: Robertson 7337 (EA).

Ehrharta erecta Lam. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland forest glades and margins, 1500–2700 m. Voucher: Robertson 7350 (EA).

Eleusine jaegeri Pilg. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and open sites in forest, 1800–3300 m. Voucher: Turner 1573 (EA).

EEragrostis amanda Clayton – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Glades in bamboo thickets, 2400–2900 m. Voucher: Dyson 442 (EA).

Eragrostis chalarothyrsos C.E.Hubb. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Swampy grassland, 1100–2500 m. Voucher: Lepelley 5 (EA).

Eragrostis olivacea K.Schum. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Rocky sites in grassland, 1300–3300 m. Voucher: Napper 1699 (EA).

Eragrostis patula (Kunth) Steud. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides and disturbed sites, 0–2800 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 3642 (EA).

Eragrostis schweinfurthii Chiov. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland evergreen forest, 1300–3000 m. Voucher: Beentje 3234 (EA).

Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides and disturbed areas, 750–2500 m. Voucher: Frazer 195 (EA).

Exotheca abyssinica (Hochst. ex A.Rich.) Andersson – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 2000–4000 m. Voucher: Coe 771 (EA).

Festuca africana (Hack.) Clayton – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Shaded sites in upland forest and bamboo thickets, 2000–3000 m. Voucher: Bogdan 2832 (EA).

Festuca arundinacea Schreb. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Along stream banks in upland forests, 2300–3090 m. Voucher: Bogdan 4760 (EA).

Festuca camusiana St.-Yves – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland forest and bamboo thicket, 2100–3500 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 1428 (EA).

Festuca costata Nees – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 2400–3000 m. Voucher: Schelpe 2684 (EA).

Festuca mekiste Clayton – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Forest edges and open sites in upland forest, 2300–3480 m. Voucher: Bogdan 3274 (EA).

Festuca pilgeri St.-Yves – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moorland, 2700–4250 m. Voucher: Agnew and Timberlake 11165 (EA).

Festuca simensis Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Shaded places in upland forest, 2000–3300 m. Voucher: Robertson 3935 (EA).

Harpachne schimperi A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grassland and open bushland, 500–3000 m. Voucher: Faden et al. 74/613 (EA).

Helictotrichon elongatum (Hochst. ex A.Rich.) C.E.Hubb. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland forest edges and grassland, 1800–3800 m. Voucher: Kuchar and Msafiri 5407 (EA).

Helictotrichon milanjianum (Rendle) C.E.Hubb. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist shaded places in montane forest and bamboo thicket, 2300–3500 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 1424 (EA).

Helictotrichon umbrosum (Hochst. ex Steud.) C.E.Hubb. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and margins of bamboo thickets, 1850–4000 m. Voucher: Peacock 58 (EA).

Hyparrhenia mobukensis (Chiov.) Chiov. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Margins of montane evergreen forest and bamboo forest, 2500–3300 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 1353 (EA).

Hyparrhenia tamba (Hochst. ex Steud.) Andersson ex Stapf – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 2000–3300 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 431 (EA).

Hyparrhenia umbrosa (Hochst.) Andersson ex Clayton – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in lower montane forest, 1500–2300 m. Voucher: Glover et al. 1424 (EA).

Koeleria capensis Nees – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 1800–5300 m. Voucher: Grout 1247 (EA).

Leersia denudata Launert – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Swampy grassland, 1500–2300 m. Voucher: Faden 74/671(EA).

Lolium temulentum L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grazed pasture in moist forest, 1900–2300 m. Voucher: Lundin 5097 (EA).

Oplismenus hirtellus (L.) P.Beauv. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Shaded grounds in forest, 0–2500 m. Voucher: Nattrass 716 (EA).

Oplismenus undulatifolius (Ard.) Roem & Schult. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Shaded grounds in forest, 1400–2500 m. Voucher: Bogdan 378 (EA).

Panicum calvum Stapf – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Shades in forest and forest margins, 1000–3000 m. Voucher: Davidse 7050 (EA).

Panicum hymeniochilum Nees – Life form: Herb. Habitat: River banks and swamps, 700–3120 m. Voucher: Kabuye & Wood 100 (EA).

Panicum monticola Hook.f. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Shaded forest floors, 600–2600 m. Voucher: Napper et al. 1719 (EA).

Panicum pusillum Hook.f. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland or bushland, 1300–3300 m. Voucher: Bogdan 4881 (EA).

Panicum subalbidum Kunth – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Along rivers and swamps, 200–3400 m. Voucher: Kuchar 7835 (EA).

*Paspalum notatum Flüggé – Life form: Exotic herb. Habitat: Grassland, 500–2100 m. Voucher: Hindorf 693 (EA).

Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst. ex Chiov. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1400–3300 m. Voucher: Mungai 65 (EA).

Pennisetum hohenackeri Hochst. ex Steud. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1100–2400 m. Voucher: Robertson 7322 (EA).

Pennisetum riparium Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Swamps, 1400–2700 m. Voucher: Bogdan 3514 (EA).

Pennisetum sphacelatum (Nees) T.Durand & Schinz – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and evergreen forests, 1500–3200 m. Voucher: Bally 1177 (EA).

Pennisetum thunbergii Kunth – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland pasture and roadsides in moist forest, 1500–3500 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 1422 (EA).

Pennisetum trachyphyllum Pilg. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest often along paths and glades, 1000–2500 m. Voucher: Napper 1718 (EA).

Pentameris borussica (K.Schum.) Galley & H.P.Linder – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 3000–4680 m. Voucher: Kuchar 12524 (EA).

Pentameris pictigluma (Steud.) Galley & H.P.Linder – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 2600–4500 m. Voucher: Hedberg 1538 (EA).

Phalaris arundinacea L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Stream banks and swamps margins, 1950–3000 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 876 (EA).

Poa annua L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Disturbed grounds in upland forest, 2000–3550 m. Voucher: Vorontsova 767 (EA).

Poa leptoclada Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland forest margins and grassland, 1800–4750 m. Voucher: Vorontsova 768 (EA).

Poa schimperiana Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 1980–4200 m. Voucher: Hedberg 1595 (EA).

Poecilostachys oplismenoides (Hack.) Clayton – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Shaded places in evergreen forest, 1000–2500 m. Voucher: Bogdan 1504 (EA).

Polypogon schimperianus (Hochst. ex Steud.) Cope – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Along rivers and moist places in upland grassland and moorland, 1500–4000 m. Voucher: Greenway 10400 (EA).

Pseudechinolaena polystachya (Humb., Bonpl. & Kunth) Stapf – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland moist forest often in shady grounds, 1000–2500 m. Voucher: Faden 67374 (EA).

Setaria atrata Hack. ex Engl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Swamps, 2000–2600 m. Voucher: Bogdan 2787 (EA).

Setaria megaphylla (Steud.) T.Durand & Schinz – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Shaded places in forest, 200–2350 m. Voucher: SK 0246 (EA, HIB).

Setaria sphacelata (Schumach.) Stapf & C.E.Hubb. ex Moss – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wooded grassland, 0–3300 m. Voucher: Robertson 7312 (EA).

Snowdenia polystachya (Fresen.) Pilg. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 2100–2700 m. Voucher: Luke et al. 16120 (EA).

Sporobolus africanus (Poir.) Robyns & Tournay – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grazed grassland, 1300–2640 m. Voucher: Robertson 7312 (EA).

Sporobolus agrostoides Chiov. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Shades in upland evergreen forest, 1300–2800 m. Voucher: Robertson 7348 (EA).

Sporobolus fimbriatus (Trin.) Nees – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Open deciduous bushland, 30–2000 m. Voucher: Mwadime et al. 30 (EA).

Sporobolus olivaceus Napper – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 2010–4000 m. Voucher: Turner 1568 (EA).

Sporobolus quadratus Clayton – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grassland and disturbed sites, 2200–3000 m. Voucher: Turner 1571 (EA).

Sporobolus spicatus (Vahl) Kunth – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grassland and open bushland, 0–2600 m. Voucher: Hammilton 384 (EA).

Stipa dregeana Steud. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist evergreen forest, 1940–2770 m. Voucher: Robertson 7342 (EA).

Streblochaete longiarista (A.Rich) Pilg. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Undergrowth in moist forest and bamboo thickets, 1500–3280 m. Voucher: Magogo 1529 (EA).

Themeda triandra Forssk. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Open deciduous bushland, 0–3200 m. Voucher: Turner 1577 (EA).

Vulpia bromoides (L.) Gray – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Rocky grounds in upland grassland, 2500–3500 m. Voucher: Kuchar 12326 (EA).

Yushania alpina (K.Schum.) W.C.Lin – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Upland moist bush thickets and forested slopes, 2300–3300 m. Voucher: Fries 2565 (EA).

F36. Potamogetonaceae

Potamogeton pusillus L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Aquatic in slow flowing streams, 600–2000 m. Voucher: Colgahoum (EA).

Potamogeton richardii Solms – Life form: Herb. Habitat: In water pools and streams, 1150–3450 m. Voucher: Verdcourt & Steele 913 (EA).

F37. Smilacaceae

Smilax aspera L. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moist forest and associated bushland, 1450–2745 m. Voucher: Luke 14245 (EA).

F38. Xanthorrhoeaceae

Aloe kedongensis Reynolds – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Rocky sites in open woodland, 1825–2300 m. Voucher: Robertson 1747 (EA).

Aloe ngongensis Christian – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Open deciduous woodland and forest margins, 1370–1900 m. Voucher: Perdue and Kibuwa 8068 (EA).

Aloe nyeriensis Christian & I.Verd. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland open bushland, 1760–2100 m. Voucher: Napier 2186 (EA).

Kniphofia thomsonii Baker – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Along stream and swampy sites in forest, 1850–3960 m. Voucher: SK 0060 (EA, HIB).

F39. Xyridaceae

Xyris capensis Thunb. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Bogs and marshes in montane forest, 1100–3000 m. Voucher: Gilbert 4875 (EA).

Part 5. Magnoliopsida

F40. Acanthaceae

Asystasia lorata Ensermu – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wooded grassland and bushland, 1400–2000 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 3553 (EA).

Barleria ventricosa Hochst. ex Nees – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Upland dry woodland and thickets, 1500–3590 m. Voucher: Napier 10542 (EA).

Crossandra tridentata Lindau – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland rainforest in shaded places, 700–2700 m. Voucher: Napier 2711 (EA).

Dicliptera laxata C.B.Clarke – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Moist montane forest and forest margins, 1300–2800 m. Voucher: Luke 9586 (EA).

Dicliptera maculata subsp. usambarica (Lindau) I.Darbysh. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest, 1150–3050 m. Vouchers: Napier 620, Luke 8243 (EA).

Dyschoriste keniensis subsp. keniensis Malombe, Mwachala & Vollesen – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Wooded grassland and bushland, 900–2500 m. Voucher: Perdue and Kibuwa 8182 (EA).

Dyschoriste nagchana (Nees) Bennet – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet grasslands and swamps, 0–1800 m. Voucher: Faden 74/697 (EA).

Dyschoriste radicans (Hochst. ex A.Rich) Nees – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Upland bushland and grassland, 900–2500 m. Voucher: Mailnnes 69 (EA).

Hypoestes aristata (Vahl) Roem. & Schult. – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Forest margin, 200–3000 m. Voucher: Napier 619 (EA).

Hypoestes forskaolii (Vahl) R.Br. – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Dry grassland and bushland, 0–3000 m. Voucher: Nattrass 646 (EA).

Hypoestes triflora (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Forest margins and grassland, 900–3200 m. Voucher: Albrechtren 2618 (EA).

Isoglossa gregoryi (S.Moore) Lindau – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Forest margins and grassland, 1700–2900 m. Voucher: Chandler 2221 (EA).

Isoglossa lactea Lindau ex Engl. – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Montane forest, 1250–2350 m. Voucher: Taylor 1032 (EA).

Isoglossa substrobilina C.B.Clarke – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Undergrowth in montane forest, 1750–2600 m. Voucher: Balbo 828 (EA).

Justicia striata (Klotzsch) Bullock – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grassland and bushland, 200–2600 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 2651 (EA).

Justicia unyorensis S.Moore – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist woodland and bushland, 1150–3100 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 1389 (EA).

Mimulopsis alpina Chiov. – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Montane evergreen forest, 1900–3300 m. Voucher: Dale 2154 (EA).

Mimulopsis solmsii Schweinf. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane evergreen forest, 1200–2700 m. Voucher: Jackson (EA).

Phaulopsis imbricata (Forssk.) Sweet – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Forest edges and riverine forest, 1500–2970 m. Voucher: Faden 74/608 (EA).

Rhinacanthus ndorensis Schweinf. ex Engl. – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Upland grassland and open woodland, 1700–2150 m. Voucher: Napier 2579 (EA).

Thunbergia gibsonii S.Moore – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Montane grassland and bushland, 1700–3000 m. Voucher: Fries 2815 (EA).

Thunbergia alata Bojer ex Sims – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Wet bushland, 100–3000 m. Voucher: SK 0018 (EA, HIB).

Thunbergia fischeri Engl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1200–2500 m. Voucher: Napier 1798 (EA).

Thunbergia reniformis Vollesen – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Grassland, 1800–2400 m. Voucher: Someren 5057 (EA).

F41. Adoxaceae

Sambucus africana Standl. – Life form: Herb or shrub. Habitat: Roadsides in bamboo zone and montane forest, 1750–3370 m. Voucher: SK 0046 (EA, HIB).

Sambucus ebulus L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Clearings and edges of moist bamboo thickets, 2320–3370 m. Voucher: Williams 1305 (EA).

F42. Amaranthaceae

Achyranthes aspera L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest and open grassland, 0–3080 m. Voucher: SK 0206 (EA, HIB).

Aerva lanata (L.) Juss. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest edges and bushland, 0–2200 m. Voucher: Kirika et al. 152 (EA).

Alternanthera caracasana Kunth – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides and forest edges, 0–2020 m. Voucher: Kokwaro 2795 (EA).

Alternanthera pungens Kunth – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides and river banks, 0–2020 m. Voucher: Bally 4609 (EA).

Amaranthus graecizans L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grassland, 950–2900 m. Voucher: Hansen 85 (EA).

Amaranthus hybridus L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides and forest edges, 1500–2600 m. Voucher: Mbevi 182 (EA).

Celosia anthelminthica Asch. – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Moist forest margins and clearings, 500–2300 m. Voucher: Someren 810 (EA).

Chenopodium album L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in moist forest, 1650–2600 m. Voucher: Lochhead 610 (EA).

Chenopodium carinatum R.Br. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides and pasture grounds, 900–2100 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 391 (EA).

Chenopodium fasciculosum Aellen – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in moist forest, 1310–2600 m. Voucher: Bogdan 4169 (EA).

Chenopodium murale L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grazing areas in lower parts of montane forest, 1070–2750 m. Voucher: Mungai 57 (EA).

Chenopodium opulifolium Schrad. ex W.D.J.Koch & Ziz – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides and forest edges, 760–2100 m. Voucher: Bally 14439 (EA).

Cyathula cylindrica Moq. – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Moist forest and open rocky bushland, 1300–3240 m. Voucher: SK 0258 (EA, HIB).

Cyathula uncinulata (Schrad.) Schinz – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grassland and open bushland, 900–2730 m. Voucher: Faden 74/606 (EA).

Dysphania schraderiana (Schult.) Mosyakin & Clemants – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides and forest margins, 1600–2300 m. Voucher: Fries 138 (EA).

Gomphrena celosioides Mart. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Forest edges and roadsides, 0–2150 m. Voucher: SK 0156 (EA, HIB).

Pupalia lappacea (L.) Juss. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Open sites in forest and forest edges, 10–2060 m. Voucher: Faden 74/664 (EA).

F43. Anacardiaceae

Rhus longipes Engl. – Life form: Shrub or small tree. Habitat: Evergreen bushland and forest margins, 1000–2400 m. Vouchers: Jackson 312, Gardner 3623 (EA).

Sclerocarya birrea (A.Rich) Hochst. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Roadsides and bushland, 800–1800 m. Voucher: SK 0167 (EA, HIB).

Searsia natalensis (Bernh. ex C.Krauss) F.A.Barkley – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Evergreen bushland and forest edges, 1–3000 m. Voucher: SK 0099 (EA, HIB).

F44. Apiaceae

Afroligusticum aculeolatum (Engl.) P.J.D.Winter – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Bushland and moist montane forest, 1360–3030 m. Vouchers: Albrechtsen 6744, Scheffler 277 (EA).

Afroligusticum elgonense (H.Wolff) P.J.D.Winter – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet sites and forest margins in montane forest, 1600–3600 m. Voucher: SK 0175 (EA, HIB).

Afroligusticum linderi (C.Norman) P.J.D.Winter – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland, 1860–3422 m. Voucher: Verdcourt & Polhill 7 (EA).

E Afrosciadium englerianum (H.Wolff) P.J.D.Winter – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Tussocky grounds in moorland, 3400–3750 m. Voucher: Townsend 2406 (EA).

E Afrosciadium friesiorum var. friesiorum (H.Wolff) P.J.D.Winter – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet grassy sites in bamboo and ericaceous zone, 2950–4260 m. Voucher: SK 0112 (EA, HIB).

E Afrosciadium friesiorum var. bipinnatum (C.C.Towns.) P.J.D.Winter – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Damp sites in moorland, 3000–3824 m. Voucher: Williams 1296 (EA).

Afrosciadium kerstenii (Engl.) P.J.D.Winter – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Open places in bamboo zone, 2550–4300 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 2055 (EA).

Agrocharis incognita (C.Norman) Heywood & Jury – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane forest margins, 900–3600 m. Vouchers: SK 0223, SK 0180 (EA, HIB).

Agrocharis melanantha Hochst. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 1520–3580 m. Voucher: RV 648 (EA).

Alepidea peduncularis Steud. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grassland and open grounds in montane forest, 1050–3600 m. Voucher: SK 0109 (EA, HIB).

Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Forest margins and clearings in montane forest, 1800–3970 m. Voucher: Hedberg 1643 (EA).

Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Stream banks and swampy sites, 1000–1900 m. Voucher: Fries & Fries 216 (EA).

Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet grassland and open grounds in moist forest, 0–3540 m. Voucher: Kayombo et al. 5290 (EA).

Haplosciadium abyssinicum Hochst. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest and moorland, 2150–4600 m. Voucher: SK 0084 (EA, HIB).

Heracleum abyssinicum (Boiss.) C.Norman – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland moist grassland, 1680–3970 m. Voucher: Townsend 2421 (EA).

Heracleum elgonense (H.Wolff) Bullock – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Damp sites in moorland, 1080–4200 m. Voucher: SK 0115 (EA, HIB).

Heracleum taylorii C.Norman – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moorland, 3000–3800 m. Voucher: Taylor 1454 (EA).

Oenanthe palustris (Chiov.) C.Norman – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Moist forest edges, 1130–3260 m. Voucher: Carmichael 1293 (EA).

Oenanthe procumbens (H.Wolff) Norman – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Moist montane forest and shades in bamboo thickets, 1360–3200 m. Voucher: Townsend 2201 (EA).

Oreoschimperella aberdarensis (Norman) Rauschert – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Along streams in upland forest, 2200–2910 m. Voucher: Napier 605 (EA).

Peucedanum elgonense H.Wolff – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet grounds in montane forest, 1600–3600 m. Vouchers: Greenway 10397 (EA), SK 0175 (EA, HIB).

Pimpinella keniensis C.Norman – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wooded grassland, 1550–2500 m. Voucher: SK 0058 (EA, HIB).

Pimpinella oreophila var. oreophila Hook.f. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest, 2300–4100 m. Voucher: Townsend 2428 (EA).

Pimpinella oreophila var. kilimandscharica (Engl.) C.C.Towns. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Glades and grassland in upper montane forest, 3040–4030 m. Voucher: Townsend 2200 (EA).

Pseudocarum eminii (Engl.) H.Wolff – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Bamboo thickets, 1750–3350 m. Voucher: Polhill 241 (EA).

Sanicula elata Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Shaded sites in bamboo thickets, 1240–3220 m. Voucher: Napier 608 (EA).

*Torilis africana Spreng. – Life form: Exotic herb. Habitat: Riverine forest and forest edges, 1360–2720 m. Vouchers: Semsei 2811, Bytebier 264 (EA).

F45. Apocynaceae

Acokanthera schimperi (A.DC.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Schweinf. – Life form: Shrub or small tree. Habitat: Dry forest margins, 250–2200 m. Voucher: Kamau 192 (EA).

* Asclepias physocarpa (E. Mey.) Schltr. – Life form: Exotic herb or subshrub. Habitat: Roadsides in montane forest, 1500–3000 m. Voucher: SK 0073 (EA, HIB).

E Brachystelma keniense Schweinf. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland dry grassland, 1600–2700 m. Voucher: Hansen 79 (EA).

Carissa spinarum L. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Bushland and riverine forest, 0–2250 m. Voucher: Kokwaro 2785 (EA).

Cynanchum abyssinicum Decne. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Bushland and forest margins, 1600–2600 m. Vouchers: Polhill 433, Gilbert 6345 (EA).

Cynanchum altiscandens K.Schum. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Forest margins, 1200–2500 m. Voucher: Mathenge 599 (EA).

Cynanchum viminale subsp. suberosum (Meve & Liede) Goyder – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Dry rocky grounds in forest, 100–2200 m. Voucher: Rayner 70 (EA).

Dregea schimperi (Decne.) Bullock – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Upland forest margins, 1500–2650 m. Voucher: SK 0001 (EA, HIB).

Gomphocarpus kaessneri (N.E.Br.) Goyder & Nicholas – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Seasonal wet pastures, 900–2300 m. Voucher: Faden 71/530 (EA).

Gomphocarpus semilunatus A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Seasonal wet grassland, 1300–2650 m. Voucher: SAJIT 006505 (EA, HIB).

Gomphocarpus stenophyllus Oliv. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Rocky sites in upland forest, 1200–3050 m. Voucher: Hooper et al 1647 (EA).

Mondia whitei (Hook.f.) Skeels – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 1600– 2000 m. Voucher: Bell 1 (EA).

Orbea sprengeri (Schweinf.) Bruyns – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland open woodland, 1400–2100 m. Voucher: Perkins s.n. (EA).

Pachycarpus concolor E.Mey. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland swampy grassland, 1450–2100 m. Voucher: Faden et al. 74/574 (EA).

Cynanchum ethiopicum subsp. angolense (N.E.Br.) Liede & Khanum – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Moist forest, 1400–2200 m. Voucher: Napier 2475 (EA).

Cynanchum gonoloboides Schltr. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Montane forest, 2400–3600 m. Voucher: SK 0196 (EA, HIB).

Pergularia daemia (Forssk) Chiov. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Dry bushland, 0–2000 m. Voucher: SK 0207 (EA, HIB).

Periploca linearifolia Quart.-Dill. & A.Rich. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Upland forest edges and riparian scrub forest, 1900–2900 m. Voucher: SK 0198 (EA, HIB).

Secamone alpini Schult. – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Montane forest, 1300–2150 m. Voucher: Luke et al. 8923 (EA).

Secamone punctulata Decne. – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Bush thickets and riverine forest, 0–2400 m. Voucher: Someren 15954 (EA).

Tabernaemontana stapfiana Britten – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Moist forest, 1400–2370 m. Voucher: Beentje 2721 (EA).

Tacazzea conferta N.E.Br. – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Moist bushlands, 1500–3000 m. Voucher: Gillett 16649 (EA).

Tylophora anomala N.E.Br. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Margins of montane forest, 2000–2500 m. Voucher: SK 0251 (EA, HIB).

Tylophora heterophylla A.Rich. – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Moist montane forest, 2200–3000 m. Voucher: Mbale et al. 858 (EA).

Tylophora lugardae Bullock – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Margins of montane forest, 2000–2500 m. Voucher: Kirrika 158 (EA).

F46. Aquifoliaceae

Ilex mitis (L.) Radlk. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 900–3150 m. Voucher: Beentje 2721 (EA).

F47. Araliaceae

Cussonia holstii Harms ex Engl. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Dry evergreen forest, 1110–2550 m. Voucher: SK 0270 (EA, HIB).

Hydrocotyle mannii Hook.f. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides and forest margins, 600–3370 m. Voucher: Luke 3887 (EA).

Hydrocotyle ranunculoides L.f. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Along streams and swamps, 700–2400 m. Voucher: Kibui et al. 2867 (EA).

Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides Lam. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Bogs, damp grassland and swamps in montane forest, 1134–3900 m. Voucher: SAJIT 006468 (EA, HIB).

Polyscias fulva (Hiern) Harms – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland moist forest and riverine forest, 1180–2300 m. Voucher: SK 0164 (EA, HIB).

Polyscias kikuyuensis Summerh. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 1750–2620 m. Voucher: Kirika 28 (EA).

Schefflera myriantha (Baker) Drake – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Moist bamboo thickets, 1540–2770 m. Voucher: Verdcourt et al. 2974 (EA).

Schefflera volkensii (Harms) Harms – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 1550–3230 m. Voucher: Muchiri 588 (EA).

F48. Aristolochiaceae

Aristolochia littoralis Parodi – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Riverine forest, 1080–1800 m. Voucher: Gachathi 76/135 (EA).

F49. Asteraceae

*Acanthospermum glabratum (DC.) Wild – Life form: Exotic herb. Habitat: Roadsides in moist forest, 150–1850 m. Voucher: Mbevi 177 (EA).

Acmella caulirhiza Delile – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Along streams and forest margins, 600–2600 m. Voucher: SK 0160 (EA, HIB).

Anthemis tigrensis J. Gay ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland and moorland, 1950–4300 m. Vouchers: SAJIT 006473, SK 0079 (EA, HIB).

Artemisia afra Jacq. ex Willd – Life form: Woody herb. Habitat: Montane forest and moorland, 1500–4050 m. Voucher: Molony s.n. (EA).

Baccharoides lasiopus (O.Hoffm.) H.Rob. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Roadsides and forest margins, 1100–2800 m. Voucher: Mungai 123(EA).

Berkheya spekeana Oliv. – Life form: Woody herb. Habitat: Rocky slopes in upland forest, 1800–3140 m. Voucher: Napier 1272 (EA).

Bidens cinerea Sherff – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Dry bushland, 900–1950 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 3198 (EA).

Bidens pilosa L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Forest margins and grassland, 750–2500 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 643 (EA).

Bidens rueppellii (Sch.Bip. ex Sch.Bip.) Sherff – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Moist forest margins, 2250–2800 m. Voucher: Pierce 2568 (EA).

Bidens whytei Sherff – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Riverine vegetation and moist forest margin, 750–2500 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 1479 (EA).

Blumea axillaris (Lam.) DC. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Swampy sites in grassland, 0–2400 m. Voucher: SK 0067 (EA, HIB).

Blumea elatior (R.E.Fr.) Lisowski – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Swampy sites in grassland, 0–2400 m. Voucher: SK 0264 (EA, HIB).

Bothriocline amplifolia (O.Hoffm. & Muschl.) M.G.Gilbert – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Montane forest, 2100–2850 m. Voucher: Mungai 89/171 (EA).

Bothriocline fusca (S.Moore) M.G.Gilbert – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Montane forest, 1800–3600 m. Voucher: SAJIT 006475 (EA, HIB).

Bothriocline glabrescens C.Jeffrey – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Montane forest, 1950–3050 m. Voucher: Schmitt and Mathenge 1061 (EA).

Bothriocline longipes (Oliv. & Hiern) N.E.Br. – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Upland grassland and forest margins, 850–2700 m. Voucher: Waiganjo 36 (EA).

Carduus afromontanus R.E.Fr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist bamboo thicket, 2350–3430 m. Voucher: Agnew et al. 5623 (EA)

Carduus keniensis R.E.Fr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist sites in moorland, 2950–4570 m. Voucher: Leakey 1226 (EA).

E Carduus millefolius R.E.Fr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moorland and open grounds in montane forest, 2750–3200 m. Voucher: Kuchar 9579 (EA).

Carduus nyassanus subsp. nyassanus (S.Moore) R.E.Fr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland moist grassland, 1650–3150 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 650 (EA).

Carduus nyassanus subsp. kikuyorum (R.E.Fr.) C.Jeffrey – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moorland and upper margins of bamboo thickets, 1500–3450 m. Voucher: Kuchar 12343 (EA).

Carduus schimperi subsp. nanus (R.E.Fr.) C.Jeffrey – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grassland and moorland, 2550–4050 m. Vouchers: Coe 774, Meinertyhegen AH (EA).

Carduus silvarum R.E.Fr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland dry forest, 1700–2300 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 3268 (EA).

Centrapalus pauciflorus (Willd.) H.Rob. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Dry forest margins, 800–2200 m. Voucher: Mungai 119 (EA).

Cineraria deltoidea Sond. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane forest and forest edges, 1890–4050 m. Vouchers: SAJIT 006474, SK 0080, 0179 & 0267 (EA, HIB).

Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in upland grassland, 1790–2400 m. Voucher: Kuchar 9566 (EA).

Conyza clarenceana Oliv. & Hiern – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Damp sites in moorland, 2300–3300 m. Voucher: Kuchar 10306 (EA).

Conyza hochstetteri Sch.Bip. ex A.Rich. Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wooded grassland, 1050–3600 m. Voucher: Townsend (EA).

Conyza hypoleuca A.Rich. – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Upland dry forest and forest margins, 1800–3000 m. Voucher: Kirika et al. 915 (EA).

Conyza newii Oliv. & Hiern – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Upland forest margins and bushlands, 1500–3050 m. Voucher: Luke 15354 (EA).

Conyza pallidiflora R.E.Fr. – Life form: Woody herb. Habitat: Upland moist forest and river banks, 1800–3000 m. Voucher: SK 0181 (EA, HIB).

Conyza ruwenzoriensis (S.Moore) R.E.Fr. – Life form: Herb or shrub. Habitat: Afromontane grassland, 2500–3700 m. Voucher: Napier 599 (EA).

Conyza schimperi Sch.Bip. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1650–3000 m. Voucher: Kirika et al. 1051 (EA).

Conyza subscaposa O.Hoffm. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Afromontane grassland, 1200–4400 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 1519 (EA).

Conyza tigrensis Oliv. & Hiern – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in montane forest, 1350–3000 m. Voucher: Verdcourt & Lucas 320 (EA).

Conyza vernonioides (Sch.Bip. ex A.Rich.) Wild – Life form: Shrub or small tree. Habitat: Montane forest margins, 2300–4000 m. Voucher: Battiscombe 946 (EA).

Cotula abyssinica Sch.Bip. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland and forest margins, 2100–3650 m. Voucher: Agnew and Timberlake 11121 (EA).

Crassocephalum crepidioides (Benth.) S.Moore – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in moist forest, 0–2500 m. Voucher: Mutanga 33 (EA).

Crassocephalum montuosum (S.Moore) Milne-Redh. – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 900–3260 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 671 (EA).

Crassocephalum vitellinum (Benth.) S.Moore – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Bushland and forest margins, 1500–2800 m. Voucher: Ericksson 607 (EA).

Crepis carbonaria Sch.Bip. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland, 2960–3850 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 1393 (EA).

Crepis newii subsp. oliveriana (Kuntze) C.Jeffrey & Beentje – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland, 1650–3750 m. Vouchers: Hedberg 1639, Coe & Kirika 422 (EA).

Crepis rueppellii Sch.Bip. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1300–3200 m. Vouchers: SAJIT 006470, SK 0173, SK 0056 (EA, HIB).

Dendrosenecio battiscombei (R.E.Fr. & T.C.E.Fr.) E.B.Knox – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Wet sites in afro-alpine zones, 2950–4000 m. Voucher: Dale 6981 (EA).

E Dendrosenecio brassiciformis (R.E.Fr. & T.C.E.Fr.) Mabb. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Afro-alpine zone, 2950–3950 m. Voucher: Mabberley 379 (EA).

E Dendrosenecio keniensis (Baker f.) Mabb. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Afro-alpine zone, 3300–4275 m. Voucher: Faden 70/697 (EA).

E Dendrosenecio keniodendron (R.E.Fr. & T.C.E.Fr.) B.Nord. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Afro-alpine zone, 3650–4350 m. Voucher: Kirika et al. 51 (EA).

Dichrocephala chrysanthemifolia var. alpina (R.E.Fr.) Beentje – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Damp sites in moorland, 2200–3600 m. Vouchers: Bally 1227, Napier 625 (EA).

Dichrocephala integrifolia (L.f.) Kuntze – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest margins and wooded grassland, 1100–3670 m. Voucher: Mwangangi 985 (EA).

Echinops aberdaricus R.E.Fr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland and moorland, 2400–3450 m. Voucher: Kuchar 12706 (EA).

Echinops angustilobus S.Moore – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Bushed grassland, 2000–2850 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 2945 (EA).

Echinops hoehnelii Schweinf. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Open sites in montane forest, 2200–3500 m. Voucher: SK 0149 (EA, HIB).

*Erigeron bonariensis L. – Life form: Exotic herb. Habitat: Roadsides in grassland, 300–2850 m. Voucher: Perdue and Kibuwa 8414 (EA).

Ethulia scheffleri S.Moore – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Marshy grassland and river banks, 1500–2500 m. Voucher: Bally 13211 (EA).

Euryops brownei S.Moore – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Upper parts of montane forest and heath zone, 2300–4000 m. Voucher: SK 0088 (EA, HIB).

Euryops chrysanthemoides (DC.) B.Nord. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Montane grassland and bushland, 1500–2100 m. Voucher: SK 0190 (EA, HIB).

Euryops jacksonii S.Moore – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Montane grassland and bushland, 2000–3300 m. Voucher: Durie 1533 (EA).

Gerbera piloselloides (L.) Cass. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet woodland, moist forest and moorland, 900–3700 m. Voucher: Napier 646(EA).

Gnaphalium unionis var. tweediae (Hilliard) Beentje – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland, 1600–3200 m. Voucher: Townsend 2313 (EA).

Guizotia jacksonii (S.Moore) J. Baagøe – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane forest glades and moorland, 2350–3900 m. Voucher: SK 0052 (EA, HIB).

Gutenbergia rueppellii Sch.Bip. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Open woodland and grassland, 900–2300 m. Voucher: Rauh 500 (EA).

Gymnanthemum urticifolium (A.Rich.) H.Rob. – Life form: Shrubland. Habitat: Upland forest margins, 2160–3000 m. Voucher: Greenway 9734 (EA).

Gynura scandens O.Hoffm. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Moist forest margins and glades, 0–2200 m. Voucher: Napier 2452 (EA).

Haplocarpha rueppellii (Sch.Bip.) K.Lewin – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane grassland and moorland, 2550–4650 m. Voucher: SK 0083 (EA, HIB).

Helichrysum argyranthum O.Hoffm. – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Montane grassland and moorland, 2100–3900 m. Voucher: SAJIT 006477 (EA, HIB).

E Helichrysum brownei S.Moore – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Rocky slopes and ridges, 3300–4500 m. Voucher: SK 0086 (EA).

Helichrysum chionoides Philipson – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moorland and bamboo zone, 2800–3850 m. Voucher: Coe & Kirika 327 (EA).

Helichrysum citrispinum var. hoehnelii (Schweinf.) Schweinf. & Hedberg – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Rocky sites in afro-alpine zone, 3200–5100 m. Vouchers: Young 5, Townsend 2402 (EA).

Helichrysum ellipticifolium Moeser – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Damp sites in bamboo zone, 2500–4800 m. Voucher: Kuchar 12500 (EA).

Helichrysum foetidum (L.) Cass. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland forest margins and clearings, 1350–3000 m. Voucher: Polhill et al. 319 (EA).

Helichrysum formosissimum Sch.Bip. – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Swamps and bogs in moorland, 2300–4200 m. Voucher: Kuchar 12744 (EA).

Helichrysum formosissimum var. guilelmii (Engl.) Mesfin – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Wet sites in moorland, 1800–4200 m. Voucher: Kuchar 2694 (EA).

Helichrysum forskahlii var. compactum (Vatke) Mesfin. – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Moorland, 1200–5000 m. Vouchers: Perdue and Kibuwa 8244, Kirika et al. 1063 (EA).

Helichrysum globosum Sch.Bip. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and forest margins, 900–3100 m. Voucher: Coe 783 (EA).

E Helichrysum gloria-dei Chiov. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Rocky sites in afro-alpine zone, 3650–4000 m. Voucher: Taylor 1495 (EA).

Helichrysum kilimanjari Oliv. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland and heathland, 1650–3900 m. Voucher: Agnew 7205 (EA).

Helichrysum maranguense O.Hoffm. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland forest margins and bamboo zone, 1950–2700 m. Voucher: Fries and Fries 2324 (EA).

Helichrysum newii Oliv. & Hiern – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Montane grassland, 2700–4600 m. Voucher: Knox 2851 (EA).

Helichrysum nudifolium (L.) Less. – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Upland grassland, 600–2750 m. Voucher: Faden & Evans 74/581 (EA).

Helichrysum odoratissimum (L.) Sweet – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Montane grassland and bushland, 1700–3700 m. Voucher: Kuchar 12426 (EA).

Helichrysum schimperi (Sch.Bip. ex A.Rich.) Moeser – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1350–3300 m. Voucher: Kokwaro and Mathenge 3271 (EA).

Helichrysum setosum Harv. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Clearings in forest and grassland, 1250–3000 m. Voucher: Natrass 1375 (EA).

Helichrysum stenopterum DC. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland and forest margins, 600–2800 m. Voucher: Kirika 161 (EA).

Hilliardiella aristata (DC.) H.Rob. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and woodland, 1600–2400 m. Voucher: Faden 67/722 (EA).

Hypochaeris glabra L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in grassland, 1850–3000 m. Voucher: Kuchar 12290 (EA).

Kleinia abyssinica var. hildebrandtii (Vatke) C.Jeffrey – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Dry grassland and woodland, 20–2700 m. Voucher: Bogdan 499 (EA).

Lactuca glandulifera Hook.f. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest and grassland, 1200–3600 m. Voucher: SK 0222 (EA, HIB).

Lactuca inermis Forssk. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides and disturbed sites in grassland, 500–3300 m. Voucher: Malombe & Kirika 22 (EA).

Lactuca paradoxa Sch.Bip. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland forest margins and thickets, 1950–2650 m. Voucher: Kokwaro and Mathenge 3348 (EA).

Laphangium luteoalbum (L.) Tzvelev – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland, 300–3850 m. Voucher: Muasya 2148 (EA).

Linzia glabra Steetz – Life form: Woody herb. Habitat: Roadsides in bushland, 1300–2160 m. Voucher: Gilbert and Thulin 1750 (EA).

Linzia ituriensis (Muschl.) H.Rob. – Life form: Woody herb. Habitat: Moist forest, 1200–2500 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 3267 (EA).

Melanthera scandens (Schumach. & Thonn.) Roberty – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Riverine forest and swampy sites, 250–2200 m. Voucher: Perdue and Kibuwa 8201 (EA).

Micractis bojeri DC. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest and swamp grassland, 1350–2750 m. Voucher: Verdcourt et al. 3030 (EA).

Microglossa densiflora Hook.f. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Montane forest margins, 1200–2650 m. Voucher: Mathenge 192 (EA).

Microglossa pyrifolia (Lam.) Kuntze – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Grassland and bushland, 50–2650 m. Voucher: Kokwaro 327 (EA).

Mikaniopsis bambuseti (R.E.Fr.) C.Jeffrey – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Bamboo zone, 2100–3150 m. Voucher: Vorontsova et al. 61 (EA).

Mikaniopsis usambarensis (Muschl.) Milne-Redh. – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Moist forest margins, 850–2350 m. Voucher: Malombe et al. 27/986 (EA).

Prenanthes subpeltata Stebbins – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Bamboo thicket, 2470–2500 m. Voucher: Faden et al. 71/193 (EA).

Pseudognaphalium oligandrum (DC.) Hilliard & B.L.Burtt – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland, 1050–2550 m. Voucher: Burney 18 (EA).

Psiadia punctulata (DC) Vatke – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Evergreen bushland and forest edges, 1000–2500 m. Voucher: SK 0010 (EA, HIB).

*Schkuhria pinnata (Lam.) Kuntze ex Thell. – Life form: Exotic herb. Habitat: Upland dry woodland and grassland, 1000–2220 m. Voucher: Mbevi 189 (EA).

Senecio aequinoctialis R.E.Fr. – Life form: Woody herb. Habitat: Moist afro-alpine zone, 3000–4250 m. Voucher: SK 0085 (EA, HIB).

E Senecio amplificatus C.Jeffrey – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upper regions of giant heath zone, 2900–3500 m. Voucher: Alexander 11635 (EA).

Senecio crispatipilosus C.Jeffrey – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Open sites in bamboo zone, 2050–3050 m. Voucher: Coe 754 (EA).

Senecio deltoideus Less. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest margins, 1700–2600 m. Voucher: Kuchar 12245 (EA).

Senecio hadiensis Forsk. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Riverine thickets and forest margins, 500–2600 m. Voucher: Hiepko 2678 (EA).

Senecio hochstetteri Sch.Bip. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Forest margins and wooded grassland, 900–3350 m. Voucher: Rauh 388 (EA).

Senecio jacksonii S.Moore – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane swampy grassland, 3250–4150 m. Vouchers: Hedberg 1545, Rauh 2388 (EA).

Senecio lyratus Forssk. – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Evergreen dry forest margins, 1500–2760 m. Voucher: Gillet 20736 (EA).

Senecio maranguensis O.Hoffm. – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Montane forest and bamboo thicket, 1800–3250 m. Voucher: Fries and Fries 2699 (EA).

E Senecio margaritae C.Jeffrey – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Rocky bushland, 1800–1950 m. Voucher: Bally 1013 (EA).

Senecio mesogrammoides O.Hoffm. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Open grassland, 1200–2500 m. Voucher: SK 0044 (EA, HIB).

Senecio moorei R.E.Fr. – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Montane grassland and heath zone, 1750–3500 m. Voucher: Kuchar 12527 (EA).

Senecio pseudosubsessilis C.Jeffrey – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland forest margins and swamps, 1900–3050 m. Voucher: Charles 10580 (EA).

E Senecio roseiflorus R.E.Fr. – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Rocky moorland and giant heath zone, 3100–4200 m. Vouchers: SAJIT 006490, SK 0114 (EA, HIB).

Senecio schweinfurthii O.Hoffm. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moorland and clearings in upper montane forest, 2300–4500 m. Voucher: SK 0089 (EA, HIB).

Senecio subsessilis Oliv. & Hiern – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Montane forest margins, 1800–3600 m. Voucher: Kuchar 12550 (EA).

Senecio syringifolius O.Hoffm. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Montane forest margins, 1500–3300 m. Voucher: SK 0103 (EA, HIB).

Solanecio angulatus (Vahl) C.Jeffrey – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Riverine vegetation and moist bushland, 1800–2500 m. Voucher: Faden et al. 74/657 (EA).

Solanecio mannii (Hook.f.) C.Jeffrey – Life form: Shrub or small tree. Habitat: Forest glades and margins, 80–2700 m. Voucher: SK 0165 (EA, HIB).

Solanecio nandensis (S.Moore) C.Jeffrey – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Forest margins and bushland, 1500–2700 m. Voucher: Kamau 372 (EA).

Sonchus afromontanus R.E.Fr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 2200–3700 m. Voucher: Agnew et al. 142 (EA).

Sonchus asper (L.) Hill – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1600–3000 m. Voucher: Someren 63/192 (EA).

Sonchus bipontini Asch. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, forest glades and margins, 1700–3370 m. Voucher: Hooper and Townsend 1389 (EA).

Sonchus camporum (R.E.Fr.) Boulos ex C.Jeffrey – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1800–2300 m. Voucher: Fries & Fries 513b (EA).

Sonchus luxurians (R.E.Fr.) C.Jeffrey – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in grassland and montane forest margins, 1600–3800 m. Voucher: Young 1001 (EA).

Sonchus stenophyllus R.E.Fr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and forest edges, 2200–3700 m. Voucher: Fries & Fries 123 (EA).

Sphaeranthus suaveolens (Forsk.) DC. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Stream banks and marshy sites, 350–2500 m. Voucher: Kuchar 8276 (EA).

Stoebe kilimandscharica O.Hoffm. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moist afro-alpine zone, 1950–3900 m. Voucher: Bally 1167 (EA).

*Tagetes minuta L. – Life form: Exotic herb. Habitat: Roadsides and disturbed sites, 850–2750 m. Voucher: Spjut 2791 (EA).

Taraxacum campylodes G.E.Haglund – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in montane forest, 2350–2500 m. Voucher: Dyson 638 (EA).

*Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A.Gray – Life form: Exotic woody herb or subshrub. Habitat: Roadsides and forest margins, 0–1950 m. Voucher: SK 0204 (EA, HIB).

Tolpis capensis (L.) Sch.Bip. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Open woodland and grassland, 1800–3300 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 1457 (EA).

Tripteris vaillantii Decne. – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Upland grassland and bushland, 1200–3000 m. Voucher: Faden et al. 74/646 (EA).

Vernonia auriculifera Hiern – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Montane forest margins and glades, 750–3000 m. Voucher: Kuchar 8342 (EA).

Vernonia hochstetteri Sch.Bip. ex Walp. – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Moist forest and bushlands, 1000–2400 m. Voucher: Polhill 76 (EA).

Vernonia pteropoda Oliv. & Hiern – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Wet evergreen forest, 1800–2750 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 2311 (EA).

Vernonia subscandens R.E.Fr. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moist forest and forest margins, 1650–2100 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 3706 (EA).

Vernonia syringifolia O.Hoffm. – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Moist forest and forest margins, 1550–3050 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 465 (EA).

Vernonia amygdalina Delile – Life form: Shrub or small tree. Habitat: Grassland and woodland, 200–2300 m. Voucher: SK 0016 (EA, HIB).

Vernonia galamensis subsp. afromontana (R.E.Fr.) M.G.Gilbert – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Dry forest margins and glades, 800–2200 m. Voucher: SK 0205 (EA, HIB).

F50. Balsaminaceae

Impatiens fischeri Warb. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist shaded sites in upland forest, 2000–3100 m. Voucher: SK 0127 (EA, HIB).

Impatiens hoehnelii T.C.E.Fr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist shaded sites in rainforest, 1475–3350 m. Voucher: SK 0126 (EA, HIB).

Impatiens meruensis subsp. cruciata (T.C.E.Fr.) Grey-Wilson – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest and bamboo thickets, 1100–3630 m. Voucher: Napier 722 (EA).

Impatiens tinctoria A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Waterfalls and stream banks in wet upland forests, 1800–3630 m. Voucher: SK 0178 (EA, HIB).

F51. Basellaceae

Basella alba L. – Life form Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Bush thickets and forest edges, 0–2450 m. Voucher: Faden 74/712 (EA).

F52. Begoniaceae

Begonia meyeri-johannis Engl. – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Moist forest, 1350–2800 m. Vouchers: SK 0183, SK 0187 (EA, HIB).

F53. Berberidaceae

Berberis holstii Engl. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland forest margins and bushland 1500–3450 m. Voucher: Battiscombe 203 (EA).

F54. Bignoniaceae

*Jacaranda mimosifolia D.Don – Life form: Exotic tree. Habitat: Cultivated, 1970–1970 m. Voucher: Perdue and Kibuwa 8096 (EA).

Kigelia africana subsp. moosa (Sprague) Bidgood & Verdc. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Moist evergreen forest and swampy forest, 1050–2250 m. Vouchers: Perdue and Kibuwa 8421, Nyakundi 421 (EA).

Spathodea campanulata P.Beauv. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Montane forest and riverine forest, 1500–2000 m. Voucher: SK 0202 (EA, HIB).

F55. Boraginaceae

Cordia africana Lam. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Forest edges and wooded grassland, 450–2100 m. Voucher: SK 0224 (EA, HIB).

Cynoglossum aequinoctiale T.C.E.Fr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 2100–2870 m. Voucher: Lacey 24A (EA).

Cynoglossum amplifolium var. amplifolium Hochst. ex A.DC. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grassland and open sites in bamboo thickets, 1800–3200 m. Voucher: Brown 1717 (EA).

Cynoglossum amplifolium var. subalpinum (T.C.E.Fr.) Verdc. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland and open sites in bamboo thickets, 2100–3430 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 1418 (EA).

Cynoglossum coeruleum var. kenyense B. Verdcourt – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grassland and forest edges, 1100–3200 m. Vouchers: SAJIT 006460, SK 0075, SK 0174 (EA, HIB).

Cynoglossum lanceolatum Forssk. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grassland and bushland, 1100–3220 m. Voucher: Kuchar 12236 (EA).

Ehretia cymosa var. silvatica (Gürke) Brenan – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Moist forest and bushland, 960–2250 m. Vouchers: Kenya Forest excursion 88 (EA), SK 0154 (EA, HIB).

Heliotropium scotteae Rendle – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Open sites in upland forests and bushland, 1500–2170 m. Voucher: McDonald 879 (EA).

Heliotropium zeylanicum (Burm.f.) Lam. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in grassland and bushland, 0–2317 m. Voucher: SK 0171 (EA, HIB).

Lithospermum afromontanum Weim. – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Montane forest margins, 1560–3950 m. Voucher: SAJIT 006483 (EA, HIB).

Myosotis abyssinica Boiss. & Reut. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 1560–3590 m. Voucher: Mabberley 381 (EA).

Myosotis vestergrenii Stroh – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet sites in moorland and bamboo thickets, 2000–4250 m. Voucher: Rauh et al. 527 (EA).

Trichodesma ambacense subsp. hockii (De Wild.) Brummitt. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Burnt grassland and woodland, 780–3000 m. Vouchers: Shayse 8835, Bally 8835 (EA).

Trichodesma physaloides (Fenzl) A.DC. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wooded grassland, 700–2400 m. Voucher: SK 0184 (EA).

F56. Brassicaceae

Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane bushland and moorland, 1750–4250 m. Voucher: Coe & Kirika 290 (EA).

Arabis alpina L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Damp sites in moorland, 2450–4800 m. Voucher: SAJIT 006461 (EA, HIB).

Barbarea intermedia Boreau – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Streamsides in upper parts of montane forest, 3050–3950 m. Voucher: Muninentyhegen 9313 (EA).

*Brassica napus L. – Life form: Exotic herb. Habitat: Escaped cultivation common along roadsides and disturbed sites, 1750–2300 m. Voucher: Someren s.n (EA).

*Brassica rapa L. – Life form: Exotic herb. Habitat: Escape cultivation common along roadsides, 1500–2600 m. Voucher: Someren 603 (EA).

Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in montane forest, 1600–2500 m. Voucher: Greenway 10206 (EA).

Cardamine africana L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest, 1000–3400 m. Voucher: Muninentyhegen 9304 (EA).

Cardamine obliqua Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest up to moorland, 2000–4900 m. Voucher: Hedberg 1596 (EA).

Cardamine hirsuta L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet open grounds in montane forest, 500–4600 m. Vouchers: SAJIT 006466, SK 0177 (EA, HIB).

Erucastrum arabicum Fisch. & C.A.Mey. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in upland forests, 0–3170 m. Voucher: John Terry 180 (EA).

Farsetia stenoptera Hochst. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in open bushland, 500–3613 m. Voucher: SK 0094 (EA, HIB).

Farsetia undulicarpa Jonsell – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Bushland and wooded grassland, 1750–2300 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 2159 (EA).

Lepidium africanum (Burm.f.) DC. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Along the streams and roadsides in upland grassland, 1200–2120 m. Voucher: Harper 2143 (EA).

*Lepidium bonariense L. – Life form: Exotic herb. Habitat: Roadsides in upland grassland, 1460–2650 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 2767 (EA).

Lepidium didymum L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides and forest clearings, 1350–2800 m. Voucher: Kroo 13173 (EA).

Nasturtium microphyllum (Boenn. ex Rchb.) Rchb. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland stream banks, 1500–2000 m. Voucher: Bally 8653 (EA).

Nasturtium officinale R.Br. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Muddy soils along rivers, 1500–2700 m. Voucher: Bogdan 2140 (EA).

Oreophyton falcatum O.E.Schulz – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Rocky sites in afro-alpine zone, 3820–4900 m. Voucher: Hedberg 1557 (EA).

*Raphanus raphanistrum L. – Life form: Exotic herb. Habitat: Roadsides and other ruderal sites, 15–2750 m. Voucher: Someren 549-556 (EA).

*Raphanus sativus L. – Life form: Exotic herb. Habitat: Roadsides, 15–2650 m. Voucher: Someren 550 (EA).

Rorippa cryptantha (A.Rich.) Robyns & Boutique – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Stream banks and wet sites in forest, 1800–3000 m. Voucher: Bogdan 4757 (EA).

Rorippa micrantha (Roth) Jonsell – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Along streams and muddy sites, 10–2400 m. Voucher: Gillett (EA).

Rorippa nudiuscula Thell. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland moist forest and stream banks, 2200–3000 m. Voucher: Kuchar 8288 (EA).

Sisymbrium erysimoides Desf. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Clearings in forest and disturbed sites, 2000–2400 m. Voucher: Meinertzhagen 9309 (EA).

Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides and waste places, 1350–1800 m. Voucher: Frank Msafiri 20 (EA).

Sisymbrium orientale L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides and waste places, 15–2000 m. Voucher: Greenway 14910 (EA).

Subularia monticola A.Braun ex Schweinf. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest and moorland, 2750–4750 m. Voucher: SAJIT 006467 (EA, HIB).

Thlaspi alliaceum L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upper montane forest and moorland, 3050–3600 m. Voucher: Gillet 16229 (EA).

Turritis glabra L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in upland moist forest, 920–2700 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 3206 (EA).

F57. Burseraceae

Commiphora africana var. oblongifoliolata (Engl.) J.B.Gillett – Life form: Shrub or small tree. Habitat: Bushed grassland, 20–1890 m. Voucher: Adamson (EA).

Commiphora africana var. rubriflora (Engl.) Wild – Life form: Shrub or small tree. Habitat: Bushed grassland, 640–2070 m. Voucher: Gillett 19442 (EA).

F58. Campanulaceae

Campanula edulis Forssk. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1500–3700 m. Voucher: Napier 2107 (EA).

Canarina eminii Asch. & Schweinf. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Often epiphytic in moist forests, 1600–3200 m. Voucher: SK 0141 (EA, HIB).

Lobelia aberdarica R.E.Fr. & T.C.E.Fr. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Swampy sites in montane forest, 1800–3500 m. Voucher: Rauh 520 (EA).

Lobelia bambuseti R.E.Fr. & T.C.E.Fr. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland forests and bamboo thickets, 2350–4000 m. Voucher: Taylor 1361 (EA).

Lobelia baumannii Engl. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Forest floors and margins, 800–2400 m. Voucher: Knox 2575 (EA).

Lobelia duriprati T.C.E.Fr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides and forest margins, 1675–3550 m. Voucher: Agnew and Timberlake 11144 (EA).

E Lobelia gregoriana subsp. sattimae (R.E.Fr. & T.C.E.Fr.) E.B.Knox – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Wet places in moorland and stream banks, 3350–3900 m. Vouchers: Hedberg 1608, Kirika and York 1192 (EA).

Lobelia holstii Engl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 900–3520 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 412 (EA).

Lobelia lindblomii Mildbr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moorland and swampy grounds in montane grassland, 3100–4250 m. Voucher: Knox 2519 (EA).

Lobelia minutula Engl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 2125–3940 m. Voucher: Polhill 166 (EA).

Lobelia telekii Schweinf. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 2950–4550 m. Voucher: Kirika et al. 905 (EA).

Monopsis stellarioides subsp. schimperiana (Urb.) Thulin – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 1100–3600 m. Vouchers: Kuchar 12413, Napier 730 (EA).

Wahlenbergia capillacea subsp. tenuior (Engl.) Thulin – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and rocky sites in bamboo zone, 1500–3500 m. Vouchers: Gardner 10120, Leakey 14 (EA).

Wahlenbergia krebsii subsp. arguta (Hook.f.) Thulin – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 1500–4000 m. Vouchers: Kuchar 9612, 10395 (EA).

Wahlenbergia pusilla Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 2800–4500 m. Voucher: Hedberg 4297 (EA).

Wahlenbergia scottii Thulin – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1500–3000 m. Voucher: Bogdan 4451 (EA).

Wahlenbergia silenoides Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and forest margins, 2200–3350 m. Voucher: Chandler 2317 (EA).

Wahlenbergia virgata Engl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1100–2700 m. Voucher: H & F 4850 (EA).

F59. Canellaceae

Warburgia ugandensis Sprague – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Moist forest, 1100–2230 m. Voucher: Trapnell 2143 (EA).

F60. Cannabaceae

Celtis africana Burm.f. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland rainforest and riverine forest, 30–2400 m. Voucher: Kamau 418 (EA).

F61. Capparaceae

Cadaba farinosa Forssk. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Deciduous bushland and grassland, 0–1900 m. Voucher: SK 0007 (EA, HIB).

Capparis fascicularis var. elaeagnoides (Gilg) DeWolf – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Deciduous bushland and grassland, 900–2100 m. Vouchers: Battiscombe 1091 (EA), SK 0004 (EA, HIB).

Capparis tomentosa Lam. – Life form: Shrub or small tree. Habitat: Bushland and grassland, 0–2500 m. Voucher: Someren 1769 (EA).

Capparis viminea Oliv. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moist forest, 0–2030 m. Voucher: Battiscombe 562 (EA).

Maerua triphylla A.Rich. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Grassland and bushland, 0–2300 m. Voucher: Agnew et al. 8724 (EA).

Ritchiea albersii Gilg – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland rainforest, 1100–2400 m. Voucher: SK 0155 (EA, HIB).

Thylacium africanum Lour. – Life form: Shrub or small tree. Habitat: Wooded grassland and deciduous bushland, 1–2400 m. Voucher: SK 0026 (EA, HIB).

F62. Caprifoliaceae

Dipsacus pinnatifidus Steud. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Clearings in upland forests and bamboo thickets, 2000–3950 m. Voucher: Napier 664 (EA, HIB).

Scabiosa columbaria L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 2100–4100 m. Voucher: SK 0092 (EA, HIB).

Valeriana capensis Thunb. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland moist forests and moorland, 1500–3400 m. Voucher: Coe 757 (EA).

Valeriana kilimandscharica Engl. – Life form: Woody herb. Habitat: Wet sites in moorland and tussocky grassland, 2800–4500 m. Voucher: Dale 294 (EA).

Valerianella microcarpa Loisel. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moorlands and upper parts of bamboo zone, 2800–3500 m. Voucher: Kokwaro et al. 2423 (EA).

F63. Caryophyllaceae

Cerastium afromontanum T.C.E.Fr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moorland, 2100–3940 m. Voucher: SK 0061 (EA).

Cerastium lanceolatum (Poir.) Volponi – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Forest margins and glades, 1050–3600 m. Voucher: Drummond and Hemsley 4283 (EA).

Cerastium octandrum var. adnivale (Chiov.) Möschl – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane bushland edges and open grassland, 1920–4200 m. Vouchers: Gillett 18988, Kuchar 12460 (EA).

Corrigiola litoralis L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in montane forest, 1200–2190 m. Voucher: Mathenge 208 (EA).

Drymaria cordata (L.) Willd. ex Schult. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in forest and bushland, 870–2700 m. Voucher: SK 0136 (EA, HIB).

Sagina abyssinica Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Damp sites in moorland, 2150–4250 m. Voucher: Coe 784 (EA).

Sagina afroalpina Hedberg – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Bogs and swamps in montane forest, 2980–4600 m. Voucher: Hedberg 1542 (EA).

Silene burchellii Otth ex DC. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Rocky grounds in moorland, 1500–4050 m. Voucher: Kuchar 10349 (EA).

Silene macrosolen Steud. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland rocky grassland, 1800–3300 m. Voucher: Bally 906 (EA).

Stellaria sennii Chiov. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in upland wet forests, 1650–3440 m. Voucher: Young 1002 (EA).

Uebelinia crassifolia T.C.E.Fr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grassy glades in bamboo thickets and moorland, 2500–4000 m. Voucher: Miss Dent 1306 (EA).

F64. Celastraceae

Cassine buchananii Loes. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Dry evergreen forest and wooded grassland, 1000–2330 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 3049 (EA).

Gymnosporia buchananii Loes. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Dry evergreen forest, 60–2640 m. Voucher: Bogdan 467 (EA).

Gymnosporia heterophylla (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Loes. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moist forest and riverine forest, 0–2670 m. Voucher: Ward 3049 (EA).

Gymnosporia putterlickioides Loes. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Dry woodland, 850–1800 m. Vouchers: H & J 6603 (EA) SK 0100 (EA, HIB).

Hippocratea goetzei Loes. – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Evergreen forest, 0–3000 m. Voucher: SK 0247 (EA, HIB).

Maytenus obscura (A.Rich.) Cufod. – Life form: Shrub or small tree. Habitat: Moist forest, 2100–2550 m. Voucher: Bogdan 468 (EA).

Maytenus undata (Thunb.) Blakelock – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Moist forest, 0–3150 m. Voucher: Kuchar 10284 (EA).

Cassine aethiopicum (Thunb.) Loes. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Moist forest, 0–2550 m. Voucher: Hansen 804 (EA).

Pristimera goetzei (Loes.) R. H. Archer – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Moist forest, 90–3000 m. Voucher: Beentje and Mungai 2898 (EA).

F65. Cleomaceae

Cleome gynandra L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides and disturbed sites, 0–2400 m. Voucher: Ward 10861 (EA).

F66. Clusiaceae

Garcinia volkensii Engl. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Moist or dry evergreen forest, 30–2400 m. Voucher: Kuchar et al. 5455 (EA).

F67. Connaraceae

Agelaea pentagyna (Lam.) Baill. – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Upland wet forest, 1200–2100 m. Voucher: Ndonge 37 (EA).

Rourea thomsonii (Baker.) Jongkind – Life form: Shrub or small tree. Habitat: Upland wet forest, 0–2500 m. Voucher: Kuchar 5460 (EA).

F68. Convolvulaceae

Convolvulus farinosus L -. Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Upland grassland, 450–2600 m. Voucher: Faden 67/270 (EA).

Convolvulus kilimandschari Engl. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Moist forest margins and bamboo thicket, 1800–3750 m. Voucher: Svarreush 18 (EA).

Convolvulus siculus L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grassland, 1800–2300 m. Voucher: Faden 67/270 (EA).

Cuscuta australis R.Br. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Parasitic in swampy vegetation, 1750–2170 m. Voucher: Gillett 16568 (EA).

Cuscuta kilimanjari Oliv. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Parasitic in upland moist forest, 500–2770 m. Voucher: Faden 74/709 (EA).

Cuscuta planiflora var. madagascarensis (Yunck.) Verdc. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Parasitic in upland grassland, 1500–3000 m. Vouchers: Bogdan 839, Gillett 16568 (EA).

Dichondra repens J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1650–2520 m. Voucher: Faden 67418 (EA).

Ipomoea alba L. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Moist forest, 420–3393 m. Voucher: SAJIT 006487 (EA, HIB).

Ipomoea purpurea (L.) Roth – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Escaped cultivation common on roadsides and other waste places, 900–2040 m. Voucher: Greenway 10950 (EA).

Ipomoea tenuirostris subsp. tenuirostris Steud. ex Choisy – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland bushland, 1350–2250 m. Vouchers: Faden 68/283 (EA), SK 0048 (EA, HIB).

Ipomoea wightii (Wall.) Choisy – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and montane forest margins, 1040–2400 m. Voucher: Beentje 3195 (EA).

F69. Cornaceae

Cornus volkensii Harms – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Moist forest and riparian forest, 1200–3000 m. Vouchers: Dale 402 (EA), SK 0131 (EA, HIB).

F70. Crassulaceae

Crassula alata subsp. pharnaceoides (Fisch. & C.A.Mey.) Wickens & Bywater – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist rocky sites and stream banks, 1900–2100 m. Vouchers: Hedberg 6278, Gilbert 4835 (EA).

Crassula alsinoides (Hook.f.) Engl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Along streams and swamps, 1300–3500 m. Voucher: Agnew 7164 (EA).

Crassula granvikii Mildbr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Along streams in alpine zone and damp open soils, 1200–4250 m. Voucher: Gillet 18059 (EA).

Crassula rhodesica (Merxm.) Wickens & M.Bywater – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Forest shades especially on rocky grounds, 1200–2100 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 670 (EA).

Crassula schimperi Fisch. & C.A.Mey. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist rocky places in grassland, 1050–3820 m. Voucher: Bogdan 4635 (EA).

Kalanchoe densiflora Rolfe – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland forest margins and grassland, 1000–3000 m. Voucher: SK 0072 (EA, HIB).

Sedum crassularia (Schwienf.) R.-Hamet – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Rocky sites in moorland, 3300–4300 m. Voucher: Hedberg 1552 (EA).

Sedum meyeri-johannis Engl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in moist forest and rocky heathland, 2100–3150 m. Voucher: SK 0265 (EA, HIB).

Sedum ruwenzoriense Baker f. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Rocky grounds in moorland, 2400–4500 m. Voucher: Mwangani 318 (EA).

Umbilicus botryoides Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in wet montane forest, 2100–3900 m. Voucher: Kirika et al. 19 (EA).

F71. Cucurbitaceae

Cucumis ficifolius A.Rich. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Grassland, 1070–2800 m. Voucher: Ekkens 661 (EA).

Dactyliandra stefaninii (Chiov.) C.Jeffrey – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Bushlands, 500–2594 m. Vouchers: SK 0036, SK 0071 (EA, HIB).

Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) C.Jeffrey – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Moist forest and swampy grassland, 0–1830 m. Vouchers: SK 0220, SK 0066 (EA, HIB).

Lagenaria abyssinica (Hook.f.) C.Jeffrey – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Upland moist forest and riparian forest, 900–3000 m. Voucher: SK 0230 (EA, HIB).

Momordica calantha Gilg – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Moist forest margins and valley grassland, 400–1900 m. Voucher: SK 0213 (EA, HIB).

Momordica foetida Schumach. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Moist forest edges and open sites or glades, 1200–3000 m. Voucher: SK 0211 (EA, HIB).

Momordica friesiorum (Harms) C.Jeffrey – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Upland moist forest margins and glades, 1500–2850 m. Vouchers: SK 0211, SK 0214, SK 0232, SK 0252, SK 0218, SK 0188 (EA, HIB).

Oreosyce africana Hook.f. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Moist forest margins and bamboo thickets, 900–3000 m. Voucher: SK 0144 (EA, HIB).

Peponium vogelii (Hook.f.) Engl. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Moist forest and bamboo thickets, 10–2600 m. Voucher: Kamau 338 (EA).

Zehneria minutiflora (Cogn.) C.Jeffrey – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Moist forest, 1100–3350 m. Voucher: Faden et al. 74/702 (EA).

Zehneria scabra Sond. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Riverine forest and damp sites in bushland, 80–3350 m. Voucher: SAJIT 006501 (EA).

Zehneria subcoriaceae Y.D.Zhou & Q.F.Wang – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Moist montane forest, 2000–3000 m. Voucher: SK 0137 (EA, HIB).

F72. Dichapetalaceae

Dichapetalum madagascariense var. brevistylum F.J.Breteler – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Upland evergreen forest, 1500–2400 m. Vouchers: Luke 384, Perdue and Kibuwa 8391 (EA).

F73. Ebenaceae

Diospyros abyssinica (Hiern) F.White – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Montane bushland, 0–2400 m. Voucher: SK 0008 (EA, HIB).

Euclea divinorum Hiern – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Grassland and open bushland, 0–2700 m. Voucher: Gardner 1392 (EA).

Agarista salicifolia (Lam.) G.Don – Life form: Shrub or tree. Habitat: Dry and moist forests, 1050–3500 m. Voucher: SK 0254 (EA, HIB).

F74. Ericaceae

Erica arborea L. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upper montane forest and moorland, 1600–3900 m. Voucher: Gardner 1694 (EA).

Erica mannii (Hook.f.) Beentje – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Forest clearings in hilltops, 1200–2650 m. Vouchers: Mlawton 1803, Kuchar 10283 (EA).

Erica silvatica (Welw. ex Engl.) Beentje – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Rocky grounds in moorland, 1650–4200 m. Voucher: Kokwaro 3242 (EA).

Erica whyteana Britten – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moist sites in moorland, 1900–3650 m. Voucher: Hedberg 1511 (EA).

Erica filago (Alm & T.C.E.Fr.) Beentje – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Rocky sites in moorland, 2700–4350 m. Voucher: Kirika et al. 908 (EA).

F75. Euphorbiaceae

Acalypha volkensii Pax – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Forest undergrowth and bushland, 800–3000 m. Voucher: SK 0192 (EA, HIB).

Bridelia micrantha (Hochst.) Baill. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Evergreen forest and riparian forest, 0–2300 m. Voucher: SK 0034 (EA, HIB).

Clutia abyssinica var. abyssinica Jaub. & Spach – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland bushland and wooded grassland, 1000–3700 m. Voucher: SK 0069 (EA, HIB).

Clutia abyssinica var. usambarica Pax & K.Hoffm – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Dry evergreen forest, 300–2600 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 3135 (EA).

Clutia kilimandscharica Engl. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Forest edges and bushland, 1700–3600 m. Voucher: Bally 13958 (EA).

Croton alienus Pax – Life form: Shrub or small tree. Habitat: Upland dry evergreen forest, 1525–1825 m. Voucher: Kamau 319 (EA).

Croton macrostachyus Hochst. ex Delile – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Forest margins and along streams, 1350–2300 m. Voucher: SK 0033 (EA, HIB).

Croton megalocarpus Hutch. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Wet and dry evergreen forest, 700–2400 m. Voucher: Kamau 319 (EA).

Erythrococca bongensis Pax – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Forest margins and bushland, 200–2440 m. Voucher: Kirika et al. 32 (EA).

Euphorbia brevicornu Pax – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest, 2000–3600 m. Voucher: Napier 657 (EA).

Euphorbia brevitorta P.R.O.Bally – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Dry bushland in rocky slopes, 1500–2000 m. Voucher: Kuchar 5105 (EA).

Euphorbia depauperata Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Rocky grounds in grassland and forest clearings, 1200–3350 m. Vouchers: Napier 655 (EA), SAJIT 006502 (EA, HIB).

Euphorbia engleri Pax – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland forest undergrowth and dense bushland, 1500–2800 m. Voucher: Hooper 1686 (EA).

Euphorbia inaequilatera Sond. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Swampy patches in upland grassland, 1990–2090 m. Voucher: Faden et al. 74/648 (EA).

Euphorbia magnicapsula S.Carter – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Open deciduous bushland, 1000–2165 m. Vouchers: Kirika & Muthoka 6, Perdue and Kibuwa 8264 (EA).

Euphorbia scarlatina S.Carter – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Open deciduous bushland, 600–2000 m. Voucher: Kirika 12 (EA).

Euphorbia schimperiana var. velutina N.E.Br. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Open sites in montane forests and grassland, 2970–3760 m. Voucher: Hooper et al. 1684 (EA).

Euphorbia ugandensis Pax & K.Hoffm. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moist forest and bamboo thicket, 1980–3350 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 478 (EA).

Euphorbia wellbyi var. wellbyi N.E.Br. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moist upper parts montane forest zone and stream-sides in moorland, 3000–4000 m. Vouchers: Faden 74/856, Mabberley 333 (EA).

Euphorbia wellbyi var. glabra S.Carter – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upper montane forest edges and heathland, 2900–4000 m. Voucher: Beentje 2625 (EA).

Euphorbia candelabrum Trémaux ex Kotschy – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Open wooded grassland, 900–2180 m. Voucher: Perdue and Kibuwa 8265 (EA).

Heywoodia lucens Sim – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland riparian forests, 1200–1950 m. Vouchers: JKCAT 1538, Seki (EA).

Homalanthus populifolius Graham – Life form: Shrub to small tree. Habitat: Undergrowth in evergreen forests, 950–2100 m. Voucher: Gillett 20454 (EA).

Macaranga capensis (Baill.) Sim – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Moist evergreen forest, 75–3050 m. Voucher: SK 0170 (EA, HIB).

Macaranga kilimandscharica Pax – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Moist evergreen forest, 1310–3000 m. Voucher: Kuchar 5450 (EA).

Micrococca holstii (Pax) Prain – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moist evergreen forest, 1000–2400 m. Vouchers: Battiscombe 678, Faden & Evans 70/71 (EA).

Neoboutonia macrocalyx Pax – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland moist forest margins and forest clearings, 1100–2700 m. Voucher: Someren 3555 (EA).

Phyllanthus boehmii var. boehmii Pax – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest and woodland, 1050–3270 m. Vouchers: Kahurananga 2825, Verdcourt 400 (EA).

Phyllanthus boehmii var. humilis Radcl.-Sm. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Damp sites in upland grassland and moorland, 2100–3250 m. Voucher: Napier 693 (EA).

Phyllanthus fischeri Pax – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Forest edges and along seasonal streams, 1450–2960 m. Voucher: Kamau 320 (EA).

Tragia brevipes Pax – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Forest edges and riverine vegetation, 600–2600 m. Voucher: SK 0157 (EA, HIB).

Tragiella natalensis (Sond.) Pax & K.Hoffm. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Forest edges and associated bushland, 80–2300 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 546 (EA).

*Vernicia fordii (Hemsl.) Airy Shaw – Life form: Exotic tree. Habitat: Cultivated along moist forest edges. Voucher: Patterson 324/58 (EA).

F76. Fabaceae

Acacia abyssinica Benth. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Woodland and wooded grassland, 1500–2300 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 1501 (EA).

Acacia xanthophloea Benth. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Riverine forest, 600–1980 m. Voucher: Ahiti 131 (EA).

Adenocarpus mannii (Hook.f.) Hook.f. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moorland, 1500–4000 m. Voucher: SK 0113 (EA, HIB).

Aeschynomene schimperi A.Rich. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Swampy areas and along streams, 60–2340 m. Voucher: Battiscombe 193 (EA).

Albizia gummifera (J.F.Gmel.) C.A.Sm. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Moist forest, 0–2440 m. Voucher: Poster (EA).

Amphicarpaea africana (Hook.f.) Harms – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Upland moist forest and bamboo zone, 1680–2700 m. Voucher: Battiscombe 298 (EA).

Argyrolobium friesianum (Hook.f.) Harms – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Margins of upland moist forest, 1800–3000 m. Voucher: Mbale et al. 847 (EA).

Argyrolobium rupestre subsp. aberdaricum (Harms) Polhill – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 1900–3500 m. Voucher: Bally 2756 (EA).

Argyrolobium rupestre subsp. kilimandscharicum (Taub.) Polhill – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 2250–3700 m. Voucher: Sir Charles 10607 (EA).

Astragalus atropilosulus var. astropilosulus (Hochst.) Bunge – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and forest margins, 1200–4200 m. Voucher: Beentje 2452 (EA).

Astragalus atropilosulus subsp. bequaertii (De Wild.) J.B.Gillett – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in grassland, 1200–4200 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 402 (EA).

Astragalus atropilosulus subsp. burkeanus (Harvey) J.B.Gillett – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Bushland margins and open sites in bamboo forest, 2100–2700 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 691 (EA).

*Caesalpinia decapetala (Roth) Alston – Life form: Exotic woody climber. Habitat: Open sites in montane forest and bushland, 880–2200 m. Voucher: Ament et al. 121 (EA).

Calpurnia aurea (Aiton) Benth. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland rainforest margins and riverine forest, 1300–2260 m. Voucher: Kirika et al. 881 (EA).

Chamaecrista hildebrandtii (Vatke) Lock – Life form: Woody herb. Habitat: Wooded grassland, 1470–2300 m. Voucher: Faden 67419 (EA).

Chamaecrista stricta E.Mey. – Life form: Woody herb. Habitat: Roadsides in open bushland, 880–2040 m. Voucher: Whyte (EA).

Chamaecrista usambarensis (Taub.) Standl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Rocky grounds in upland grassland, 1760–2590 m. Voucher: Yyne-Watt 1187 (EA).

Crotalaria agatiflora subsp. agatiflora Schweinf. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and deciduous bushland, 1500–3150 m. Voucher: SK 0051 (EA, HIB).

Crotalaria agatiflora subsp. engleri (Baker f.) Polhill. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland forest margins and riverine forest, 1500–3500 m. Voucher: Kimani 16 (EA).

Crotalaria axillaris Aiton – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Forest margins and deciduous woodland, 0–2500 m. Voucher: Perdue 8064 (EA).

Crotalaria brevidens var. parviflora (Baker f.) Polhill – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland dry evergreen forest, 1500–3000 m. Vouchers: Verdcourt 2920, Strange 286 (EA).

Crotalaria fascicularis Polhill – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Margins of upland rainforest, 1950–2950 m. Voucher: Gilbert 4896 (EA).

Crotalaria incana var. purpurascens (Lam.) Milne-Redh. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1050–2600 m. Vouchers: Kokwaro 346, Kuchar 12255 (EA).

Crotalaria jacksonii Baker f. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland grassland and margins of moist forest, 2200–3000 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 4590 (EA).

Crotalaria keniensis Baker f. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moist forest margins and clearings, 1500–2850 m. Voucher: Becky 2175 (EA).

Crotalaria lebrunii Baker f. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moist forest margins and clearings, 1350–2760 m. Voucher: Mathenge 206 (EA).

Crotalaria mauensis Baker f. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland forest margins, 1600–2800 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 681 (EA).

Crotalaria natalitia Meissner – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Riverine forest and upland moist forest, 0–3000 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 481 (EA).

Crotalaria prittwitzii Baker f. – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Riverine forest and upland moist forest, 0–3000 m. Voucher: Napper 637 (EA).

Crotalaria pseudospartium Baker f. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland wooded grassland, 1400–2500 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 3571 (EA).

Crotalaria rhizoclada Polhill – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Roadsides in upland grassland, 1200–2500 m. Voucher: Lacey (EA).

Crotalaria tabularis Baker f. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Margins of upland rainforest, 1200–3000 m. Voucher: Mainwaring 2407 (EA).

Dolichos sericeus subsp. glabrescens Verdc. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland bushland and dry evergreen forest, 1200–2780 m. Voucher: SK 0225 (EA, HIB).

Dolichos sericeus subsp. pseudofalcatus Verdc. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1200–2780 m. Voucher: Someren 1151 (EA).

Eriosema scioanum subsp. lejeunei (Staner & De Craene) Verdc. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland forest glades and grassland, 1500–2580 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 1605 (EA).

Erythrina abyssinica DC. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Scattered-tree grassland, 200–2100 m. Vouchers: Kirika 163, 157 (EA).

Hylodesmum repandum (Vahl) H.Ohashi & R.R.Mill – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Shaded grounds in upland moist forest, 1000–3000 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 473 (EA).

Indigastrum costatum (Guill. & Perr.) Schrire – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Short grassland, 500–1900 m. Voucher: Bally 955 (EA).

Indigofera arrecta A.Rich. – Life form: Woody herb. Habitat: Bushland and forest edges, 300–2700 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 392 (EA).

Indigofera atriceps Hook.f. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and forest margins, 1000–3200 m. Vouchers: Kerfoot 1443 (EA), SK 0041 (EA, HIB).

Indigofera circinella Baker f. – Life form: Woody herb. Habitat: Grassland, 50–2200 m. Voucher: Napier 1794 (EA).

Indigofera demissa Taub. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in grassland, 900–2500 m. Voucher: Nattras 1285 (EA).

Indigofera nairobiensis subsp. nairobiensis Baker f. – Life form: Woody herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1900–2300 m. Voucher: Bogdan 4624 (EA).

Indigofera nairobiensis subsp. vicida J.B.Gillett – Life form: Woody herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1900–2300 m. Voucher: Gillet 19364 (EA).

Indigofera swaziensis Bolus – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland evergreen forest margins, 1200–2700 m. Voucher: Hansen 762 (EA).

Indigofera trita subsp. scabra (Roth) Ali – Life form: Woody herb. Habitat: Grassland and bushland, 0–2500 m. Voucher: Malombe et al. 1381 (EA).

Kotschya recurvifolia subsp. keniensis Verdc. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Dry evergreen bushland, 2340–3000 m. Vouchers: Gardner 1135, Dale 2684 (EA).

Lathyrus hygrophilus Taub. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Wet sites in moorland and bamboo forest, 1800–4100 m. Voucher: Mabberley 377 (EA).

Lotus becquetii Boutique – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 2000–3200 m. Voucher: Hawery 168B (EA).

Lotus corniculatus L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet sites in upland grassland, 1400–2700 m. Voucher: Allnechtsen 10 (EA).

Lotus goetzei Harms – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland forest edges and grassland, 1500–3700 m. Voucher: Napier 689 (EA).

Medicago lupulina L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1800–2900 m. Voucher: Kirika et al. 77 (EA).

Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in grassland, 2000–2000 m. Voucher: Kulkarni 14116 (EA).

Neonotonia wightii (Wight & Arn.) J.A.Lackey – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Grassland and bushland, 0–2500 m. Voucher: Fries 537 (EA).

Ormocarpum trachycarpum (Taub.) Harms – Life form: Shrub or small tree. Habitat: Grassland and woodland, 950–1800 m. Voucher: Perdue and Kibuwa 8263 (EA).

Otholobium foliosum (Oliv.) C.H.Stirt. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland grassland and forest margins, 1200–3200 m. Voucher: Fries 1581 (EA).

Parochetus communis D.Don – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland moist forest and bamboo forest, 1500–3450 m. Voucher: Kuchar and Msafiri 5442 (EA).

Rhynchosia congensis subsp. orientalis Verdc. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grassland, 45–2280 m. Voucher: SK 0022 (EA, HIB).

Rhynchosia densiflora subsp. stuhlmannii (Harms) Verdc. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Upland grassland with scattered trees, 1200–2160 m. Vouchers: Nattrass 375, 588 (EA).

Rhynchosia hirta (Andrews) Meikle & Verdc. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grassland and forest edges, 0–1850 m. Voucher: KEFRI & Omondi 106 (EA).

Rhynchosia minima var. prostrata (Harv.) Meikle. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Grassland, 45–2280 m. Vouchers: Verdcourt 1606, Agnew 7685 (EA).

Rhynchosia usambarensis subsp. inelegans Verdc. Life form: Woody herb. Habitat: Upland forest edges and bushland, 1200–2400 m. Vouchers: Napier 2454, Robertson 1545 (EA).

Senna didymobotrya (Fresen.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moist forest edges and riverine forest, 1500–2250 m. Voucher: SK 0209 (EA, HIB).

*Senna septemtrionalis (Viv.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby – Life form: Exotic shrub. Habitat: Dry or moist forest, 910–3200 m. Vouchers: Mainwaring 2192 (EA) SK 0030 (EA, HIB).

Senna singueana (Delile) Lock – Life form: Shrub or small tree. Habitat: Wooded grassland, 0–2130 m. Voucher: Perdue and Kibuwa 8216 (EA).

Stylosanthes fruticosa (Retz.) Alston – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Grassland and bushland, 10–2720 m. Voucher: Perdue and Kibuwa 8183 (EA).

Trifolium burchellianum Ser. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Clearings in upland forest and bamboo thickets, 1600–3980 m. Voucher: SK 0063 (EA, HIB).

Trifolium cryptopodium Steud. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest clearings and moorland, 1800–4200 m. Voucher: Gillett 19289 (EA).

Trifolium lanceolatum (J.B.Gillett) J.B.Gillett – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1950–2800 m. Voucher: Achlactoe 2749 (EA).

Trifolium multinerve A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist upland grassland and moorland, 1800–3700 m. Voucher: Mabberley 352 (EA).

Trifolium polystachyum Fresen. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest margins, 1600–2800 m. Voucher: Meinertzhagen (EA).

Trifolium semipilosum var. semipilosum Fresen. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1500–3000 m. Voucher: Beentje 320g (EA).

Trifolium semipilosum var. glabrescens J.B.Gillett – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1200–2700 m. Vouchers: Trapnell 2111, Scott Elliot 6606 (EA).

Trifolium simense Fresen. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1500–3100 m. Voucher: Muasya et al. 002 (EA).

Trifolium steudneri Schweinf. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and forest margins, 1800–2400 m. Voucher: Bogdan 3222 (EA).

Trifolium tembense Fresen. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet places in upland forest and moorland, 2000–3800 m. Voucher: Polhill 438 (EA).

*Vicia benghalensis L. – Life form: Exotic herb. Habitat: Disturbed areas in upland forest, 2400–2800 m. Voucher: Agriculture Dept 11568 (EA).

Vicia hirsuta (L.) Gray – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland forest glades and grassland, 1950–3360 m. Voucher: Bogdan 1985 (EA).

Vicia sativa L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1700–3350 m. Voucher: Mabberley 376 (EA).

*Vicia villosa subsp. varia (Host) Corb. – Life form: Exotic herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1860–2700 m. Vouchers: Agric. Dept 11570, Blacklands 16293 (EA).

Vigna luteola (Jacq.) Benth. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Swampy forest and wet grassland, 650–1920 m. Vouchers: Battiscombe 1123, Kirrika 230, Napper 412 (EA).

Vigna membranacea subsp. macrodon (Robyns & Boutique) Verdc. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 1275–2100 m. Vouchers: Verdcourt 661, EANHS KF/77 (EA).

Vigna parkeri Baker – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Upland grassland with scattered trees, 1050–2900 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 1369 (EA).

F77. Gentianaceae

Sebaea brachyphylla Griseb. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forests and moorlands, 1400–3470 m. Voucher: SK 0118 (EA, HIB).

Sebaea leiostyla Gilg – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Stream-sides and marshes in upland grassland, 1800–3500 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 1369 (EA).

Sebaea pentandra var. burchellii E.Mey. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Stream-sides and marshes in upland grassland, 1450–2450 m. Voucher: Greenway 13569 (EA).

Swertia crassiuscula var. crassiuscula Gilg – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moorland, 2700–4500 m. Vouchers: Copley 138 (EA), SK 0087 (EA, HIB).

Swertia crassiuscula var. leucantha (T.C.E.Fr.) Sileshi – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moorland, 2700–4500 m. Voucher: Dowson 101 (EA).

Swertia eminii Engl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet grassland and swamp margins, 1200–2250 m. Voucher: Paulo et al. 888 (EA).

Swertia kilimandscharica Engl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Open sites in montane forest, 2100–3840 m. Voucher: Bally 8643 (EA).

Swertia lugardiae Bullock – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland, 2450–3550 m. Voucher: Naper 1231 (EA).

Swertia volkensii Gilg – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upper parts of montane forest to the moorland, 2800–4250 m. Voucher: Hedberg 1544 (EA).

F78. Geraniaceae

Geranium aculeolatum Oliv. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland rainforest, 1200–3400 m. Voucher: Mathenge 220 (EA).

Geranium arabicum subsp. arabicum Forssk. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Rainforest and moist sites in grassland and moorland, 1100–3940 m. Voucher: SAJIT 006498 (EA, HIB).

Geranium arabicum subsp. latistipulatum (Hochst. ex A.Rich.) Kokwaro – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and bushland, 1100–2800 m. Vouchers: Mwangangi 989, Kokwaro 32 (EA).

Geranium kilimandscharicum Engl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Rocky sites in moorland, 2260–4300 m. Voucher: SK 0059 (EA, HIB).

Geranium mascatense Boiss. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and evergreen bushland, 1000–2900 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 679 (EA).

Geranium ocellatum Cambess. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland wooded grassland and evergreen bushland, 1000–2900 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 679 (EA).

Geranium purpureum Vill. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland rainforest and riverine forest, 1300–3000 m. Vouchers: Napier 729, Pierce 1682 (EA).

Geranium vagans subsp. vagans Baker – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 1370–4500 m. Vouchers: SAJIT 006478, SK 0108 (EA, HIB).

Geranium vagans subsp. whytei (Baker) J.R.Laundon – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 1370–4500 m. Voucher: Kuchar 12495 (EA).

Pelargonium alchemilloides (L.) Aiton – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Bushland and montane forest edges, 700–2800 m. Voucher: Townsend 2319 (EA).

Pelargonium inquinans (L.) L’Her. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Bushland and wooded grassland, 700–2800 m. Voucher: SK 0269 (EA, HIB).

F79. Gesneriaceae

Streptocarpus glandulosissimus Engl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest, 900–2600 m. Voucher: Bally 8517 (EA).

F80. Gunneraceae

Gunnera perpensa L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland riparian forest, 1560–4000 m. Voucher: Gardner 1882 (EA).

F81. Hamamelidaceae

Trichocladus ellipticus Eckl. & Zeyh. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 1350–2800 m. Voucher: Hansen 808 (EA).

F82. Hypericaceae

Hypericum kiboense Oliv. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland dry evergreen forests and grassland, 2100–3900 m. Voucher: Battiscombe 710 (EA).

Hypericum lalandii Choisy – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Marshes and damp sites in upland grassland, 1080–2250 m. Voucher: Taylor 1511 (EA).

Hypericum lanceolatum Lam. – Life form: Shrub or small tree. Habitat: Upland dry evergreen forests, 1800–3360 m. Voucher: Edwards 2843/16 (EA).

Hypericum peplidifolium A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet places in moorland, 1170–3600 m. Voucher: Coe 788 (EA).

Hypericum revolutum subsp. revolutum Vahl – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland dry evergreen forest, 2100–3250 m. Vouchers: SAJIT 006484, SK 0117 (EA, HIB).

Hypericum revolutum subsp. keniense (Schweinf.) N.Robson – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Dry evergreen forest, 2700–3800 m. Voucher: Knox 3722 (EA).

Hypericum scioanum Chiov. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet sites in moorland, 1830–3590 m. Voucher: Mabberley 344 (EA).

F83. Icacinaceae

Apodytes dimidiata E.Mey. ex Arn. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 1000–2500 m. Voucher: SK 0146 (EA, HIB).

F84. Lamiaceae

Achyrospermum schimperi (Hochst. ex Briq.) Perkins – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane forest undergrowth, 1200–3000 m. Voucher: SK 0208 (EA, HIB).

Ajuga integrifolia Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 1000–3400 m. Voucher: SK 0197 (EA, HIB).

Clerodendrum johnstonii Oliv. – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 1200–2550 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 3780 (EA).

Clinopodium abyssinicum var. condensatum (Hedberg) Ryding – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Wet evergreen bushland and grassland, 1000–3950 m. Vouchers: Lind 2934, Agricultural Dept 62 (EA).

Clinopodium kilimandschari (Gürke) Ryding – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moorland and heath zone, 2900–4400 m. Voucher: SK 0090 (EA, HIB).

Clinopodium simense (Benth.) Kuntze – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist grassland and open woodland, 1700–3500 m. Voucher: Fries and Fries 2429 (EA).

Clinopodium uhligii (Gürke) Ryding – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Montane forest edges and evergreen bushland, 3350–4180 m. Voucher: Kuchar 10360 (EA).

Fuerstia africana T.C.E.Fr. – Life form: Woody herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1200–2550 m. Voucher: Kuchar 8357a (EA).

Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R.Br. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and bushland, 1000–2290 m. Voucher: Napier 2587 (EA).

Leonotis ocymifolia var. raineriana (Vis.) Iwarsson. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Margins of montane forest, 600–3700 m. Vouchers: Verdcourt 3813 (EA), SK 0097 (EA, HIB).

Leucas deflexa Hook.f. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist forest, 1000–2500 m. Voucher: Gilbert 6312 (EA).

Leucas grandis Vatke – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Upland evergreen forest, 500–2780 m. Voucher: Kamau 367 (EA).

Leucas masaiensis Oliv. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland forest glades and margins, 1300–3200 m. Voucher: Kirika et al. 163 (EA).

Leucas masaiensis var. venulosa (Baker) Sebald – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1300–3200 m. Voucher: Faden et al. 74/577 (EA).

Leucas oligocephala var. oligocephala Hook.f. Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and forest margins, 1600–2990 m. Vouchers: Verdcourt 1010, 1023 (EA).

Leucas volkensii var. parviflora Sebald. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Open sites in montane forest, 2000–2600 m. Vouchers: Taylor 1237, Beentje 3254 (EA).

Mentha aquatica L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland marshes, 1100–2150 m. Voucher: Kuchar 9573 (EA).

Mentha longifolia (L.) L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and marshes, 1650–2450 m. Vouchers: MacDonald 1344, Poster 3234 (EA).

Micromeria imbricata var. imbricata (Forssk.) C.Chr. – Life form: Woody herb. Habitat: Upland open woodland and dry grassland, 1200–4000 m. Voucher: Napier 1761 (EA).

Micromeria imbricata var. villosa (Elly Walther & K.H. Walther) Ryding – Life form: Woody herb. Habitat: Upland evergreen bushland and grassland, 1850–4100 m. Voucher: Dawson 415 (EA).

Nepeta azurea R.Br. ex Benth. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland evergreen bushland and grassland, 1700–3800 m. Voucher: SK 0120 (EA, HIB).

Ocimum decumbens Gürke – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Grassland, 950–4000 m. Voucher: Lind 3138 (EA).

Ocimum gratissimum L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Dry montane forest, 1100–2400 m. Voucher: Perdue and Kibuwa 8046 (EA).

Ocimum kenyense Ayob. ex A.J.Paton – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet places in grassland, 1050–2300 m. Voucher: Mainwaring 2406 (EA).

Ocimum kilimandscharicum Gürke – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1100–2350 m. Voucher: Faden 68/721 (EA).

Ocimum lamiifolium Hochst. ex Benth. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland forest edges and bushland, 1000–2500 m. Voucher: Kokwaro et al. 2344 (EA).

Platostoma denticulatum Robyns – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Damp sites in grassland and open woodland, 100–2480 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 639 (EA).

Plectranthus alboviolaceus Gürke – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland moist forest and along rivers, 1500–2800 m. Voucher: Kimani 22 (EA).

Plectranthus alpinus (Vatke) Ryding – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moist forest and along streams, 1900–2750 m. Voucher: Napper 657 (EA).

Plectranthus caespitosus Lukhoba & A.J.Paton – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1500–2850 m. Voucher: Someren 28 (EA).

Plectranthus kamerunensis Gürke – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Glades in moist forest and bamboo zone, 1200–2700 m. Voucher: Young 1021 (EA).

Plectranthus laxiflorus Benth. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Glades in moist forest and bamboo forest, 1600–3120 m. Voucher: Alexander 11636 (EA).

Plectranthus longipes Baker – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Rocky grounds in bushland and woodland, 700–2440 m. Voucher: Patel 164 (EA).

Plectranthus melleri Baker – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Open areas in moist montane forest, 1300–2400 m. Voucher: Kokwaro and Mathenge 2981 (EA).

Plectranthus mollis (Aiton) Spreng. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and forest margins, 1200–2900 m. Voucher: SK 0231 (EA, HIB).

Plectranthus montanus Benth. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Dry evergreen forest, 500–2400 m. Voucher: Bally 2602 (EA).

Plectranthus parvus Oliv. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and forest margins, 1200–2900 m. Voucher: Faden 67/838 (EA).

Plectranthus punctatus subsp. edulis (Vatke) A.J.Paton – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest up to bamboo zone, 1800–3200 m. Vouchers: Kerfoot 51, Mwangangi 977 (EA).

Plectranthus sylvestris Gürke – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moist montane forest up to bamboo zone, 1750–3280 m. Voucher: Agnew 7705 (EA).

Rotheca myricoides var. myricoides (Hochst.) Steane & Mabb. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Grassland and open woodland, 900–2400 m. Voucher: Faden 74/570 (EA).

Rotheca myricoides var. discolor (Klotzsch) Verdc. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Grassland and open woodland, 900–2400 m. Voucher: Hansen 781 (EA).

Salvia merjamie Forssk. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland and moorland, 2250–4100 m. Voucher: Mbale et al. 861 (EA).

*Salvia nilotica Juss. ex Jacq. – Life form: Exotic herb. Habitat: Montane grassland and forest edges, 1350–3700 m. Voucher: Harvey 179 (EA).

Stachys aculeolata Hook.f. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist sites in bamboo zone and moorland, 1400–3650 m. Voucher: Napier 698 (EA).

Stachys alpigena T.C.E.Fr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane moorland and ericaceous zone, 2900–3750 m. Vouchers: Kokwaro 1908 (EA), SK 0064 (EA, HIB).

Stachys argillicola Sebsebe – Life form: Woody herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1660–2200 m. Voucher: Evans 60/167 (EA).

Tinnea aethiopica Kotschy ex Hook.f. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wooded grassland, 0–2300 m. Voucher: Faden 74/578 (EA).

Vitex keniensis Turrill – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Moist evergreen forest, 1290–2100 m. Voucher: SK 0248 (EA, HIB).

F85. Lauraceae

Ocotea kenyensis (Chiov.) Robyns & R.Wilczek – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Moist montane forest, 1140–2400 m. Voucher: Elliot 2356 (EA).

Ocotea usambarensis Engl. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Moist montane forest, 900–3000 m. Voucher: Forest Dept. 176 (EA).

F86. Lentibulariaceae

Utricularia gibba L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Aquatic in shallow flowing water and freshwater pools, 10–2550 m. Vouchers: William 12346 & 12347 (EA).

Utricularia livida E.Mey. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet grassland, 0–2730 m. Voucher: Gilbert 4868 (EA).

F87. Linaceae

Linum keniense T.C.E.Fr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and open grounds in bamboo thickets, 2200–3360 m. Vouchers: SAJIT 006471 & 006489 (EA, HIB).

Linum volkensii Engl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet grassland and stream banks, 1300–2750 m. Voucher: Symes 131 (EA).

F88. Loganiaceae

Buddleja polystachya Fresen. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Margins and clearings in upland rainforest, 1000–2700 m. Voucher: Birch 61/31 (EA).

Nuxia congesta R.Br. ex Fresen – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland rainforest, 1550–2850 m. Voucher: Kokwaro 4421 (EA).

F89. Loranthaceae

Agelanthus brunneus (Engl.) Balle & N.Hallé – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moist evergreen forest and riparian forest, 1000–1800 m. Voucher: Someren 3191 (EA).

Agelanthus pennatulus (Sprague) Polhill & Wiens – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moist montane forest, 1650–2400 m. Voucher: Kuchar and Msafiri 5461 (EA).

Agelanthus sansibarensis subsp. montanus Polhill & Wiens – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moist montane forest, 0–2500 m. Vouchers: Wiens 4564, Mainwaring s.n. (EA).

Agelanthus subulatus (Engl.) Polhill & Wiens – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Bushland and wooded grassland, 10–2300 m. Voucher: Faden & Evans 74/706 (EA).

Englerina woodfordioides (Schweinf.) Balle – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moist montane forest and riverine forest, 1350–3050 m. Vouchers: SK 0070, SK 0240 (EA, HIB).

Oncocalyx sulfureus (Engl.) Wiens & Polhill -Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in upland dry evergreen forest, 1700–3000 m. Voucher: Hepper 4916 (EA).

F90. Lythraceae

*Parsonsia micropetala (Kunth) Standl. – Life form: Exotic shrub. Habitat: Escaped cultivation common on stream-sides and disturbed sites. Voucher: Hooper and Townsend 1691 (EA).

Lythrum rotundifolium Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland water pools and swamps, 1650–3300 m. Voucher: Kahurananga et al. 2820 (EA).

Nesaea kilimandscharica var. ngongensis Verdc. – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Upland grassland and bushland, 1650–2130 m. Vouchers: Hansen 816, Gillett 17342 (EA).

Nesaea schinzii subsp. subalata (Koehne) Verdc. – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Scattered-tree grassland, 1080–2100 m. Vouchers: Dowson 541, Dowson 541 (EA).

F91. Malvaceae

Abutilon longicuspe var. longicuspe Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Open sites in dry evergreen forest, 1650–3300 m. Voucher: Faden 67719 (EA).

Abutilon longicuspe var. pilosicalyx Verdc. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland grassland and dry forest margins, 1700–2400 m. Voucher: Dyson 456 (EA).

Abutilon mauritianum (Jacq.) Medik. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Woodland and forest edges, 0–2300 m. Voucher: Kokwaro & Kabuye 329 (EA).

Dombeya kirkii Mast. – Life form: Shrub or small tree. Habitat: Bushland and forest margins, 600–2400 m. Voucher: SK 0132 (EA, HIB).

Dombeya rotundifolia (Hochst.) Planch. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Forest edges and wooded grassland, 1000–2400 m. Voucher: Someren 692 (EA).

Dombeya torrida (J.F.Gmel.) Bamps – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland open forests and forest margins, 1700–3050 m. Voucher: Brasnett 200 (EA).

Grewia similis K.Schum. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Woodland and grassland, 600–2250 m. Voucher: Fukuoka 106 (EA).

Hibiscus fuscus Garcke – Life form: Woody herb. Habitat: Upland bush thickets and grassland, 1400–2650 m. Voucher: Kokwaro & Kabuye 340 (EA).

Hibiscus macranthus Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland forest edges and bushland, 1500–2900 m. Voucher: Kuchar 12297 (EA).

Hibiscus vitifolius subsp. vitifolius Brenan & Exell – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Dry bushland, 420–3000 m. Vouchers: Robertson 1805, McDonald 922 (EA).

Malva verticillata L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest, 1200–4050 m. Voucher: McDonald 1285 (EA).

Pavonia burchellii (DC.) R.A.Dyer – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Woodland and rainforest margins, 750–2300 m. Voucher: SK 0203 (EA, HIB).

Pavonia schimperiana Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Upland short grassland and forest edges, 1100–2400 m. Voucher: Smith et al. 66 (EA).

Pavonia urens Cav. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Forest margins and riparian vegetation, 600–3000 m. Vouchers: SK 0020, SK 0068, SK 0261 (EA, HIB).

Sida cordifolia L. – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Upland bushland, 1300–2291 m. Voucher: SK 0163 (EA, HIB).

Sida rhombifolia L. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Open woodland, 900–2250 m. Voucher: SK 0242 (EA, HIB).

Sida schimperiana Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1200–2700 m. Voucher: Smith et al. 66 (EA).

Sida tenuicarpa Vollesen – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Roadsides in forest, 750–2400 m. Voucher: SK 0015 (EA, HIB).

Sida ternata L.f. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Dry montane forest, 1350–3280 m. Voucher: Taylor 1586 (EA).

Sparmannia ricinocarpa (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Kuntze – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland grassland with moist forest edges, 1550–3380 m. Voucher: Blake 10858 (EA).

Triumfetta brachyceras K.Schum. – Life form: Woody herb or shrub. Habitat: Moist forest clearings and margins, 1200–3000 m. Voucher: Musili et al. 187 (EA).

Triumfetta longicornuta Hutch. & M.B.Moss – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Glades in dry evergreen forest, 1350–2150 m. Voucher: SK 0125 (EA, HIB).

Triumfetta pilosa Roth – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moist forest and swamp edges, 1200–2250 m. Voucher: Stroud 78 6732 (EA).

F92. Meliaceae

Ekebergia capensis Sparrm. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Montane forest and riparian forest, 600–2750 m. Voucher: Gardner 380 (EA).

Lepidotrichilia volkensii (Gürke) Leroy – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland forest margins, 1550–2600 m. Voucher: Napper 1491 (EA).

Trichilia dregeana Sond. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Moist forest and riparian forest, 775–1800 m. Voucher: Gachathi 2/81 (EA).

Turraea abyssinica Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Shrub or small tree. Habitat: Montane forest, 1820–2225 m. Voucher: Gardner 542 (EA).

Turraea mombassana subsp. cuneata (Gürke) Styles & F.White – Life form: Shrub or small tree. Habitat: Upland dry forest and bushlands, 1525–2225 m. Vouchers: Faden 6742, Hansen 760 (EA).

F93. Melianthaceae

Bersama abyssinica Fresen. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 1140–2550 m. Vouchers: Davidse 7058 (EA), SK 0013, SK 0139, SK 0233 (EA, HIB).

F94. Menispermaceae

Cissampelos friesiorum Diels – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 2000–2100 m. Voucher: Fries 1625 (EA).

Stephania abyssinica var. abyssinica (Quart.-Dill & A.Rich.) Walp. – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Moist shaded sites in wooded grassland, 1450–3500 m. Vouchers: SAJIT 006465, SK 0035 (EA, HIB).

Stephania abyssinica var. tomentella (Oliv.) Diels – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Moist shaded sites in wooded grassland, 1450–3500 m. Voucher: SK 0159 (EA, HIB).

F95. Moraceae

Dorstenia afromontana R.E.Fr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland rainforest, 2000–2600 m. Voucher: Kirika et al. 76 (EA).

Dorstenia hildebrandtii Engl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Epiphytic in moist forest and stream banks, 300–2170 m. Voucher: Napier 2182 (EA).

Ficus cordata subsp. salicifolia (Vahl) C.C.Berg – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Riparian forest and seasonal streams, 950–2400 m. Vouchers: Verdcourt 3548, Makin 26 (EA).

Ficus sur Forssk. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Riverine forest, 350–2500 m. Vouchers: SK 0228, SK 0229 (EA, HIB).

Ficus thonningii Blume – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Moist forest, 350–2500 m. Voucher: Kamau 310 (EA).

F96. Myricaceae

Morella salicifolia subsp. meyeri-johannis (Engl.) Verdc. & Polhill. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 2700–3700 m. Vouchers: Beentje 3240, Thairu 16861 (EA).

F97. Myrtaceae

*Corymbia calophylla (R.Br. ex Lindl.) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson – Life form: Exotic tree. Habitat: Cultivated in roadsides and moist forest edges. Voucher: Muasya 2020 (EA).

*Corymbia gummifera (Gaertn.) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson – Life form: Exotic tree. Habitat: Cultivated in roadsides and moist forest edges. Voucher: Pudden 16 (EA).

*Eucalyptus crebra F.Muell. – Life form: Exotic tree. Habitat: Cultivated in roadsides and moist forest edges. Voucher: Greenway 8762 (EA).

*Eucalyptus globulus subsp. maidenii (F.Muell.) J.B.Kirkp. – Life form: Exotic tree. Habitat: Cultivated in roadsides and moist forest edges. Vouchers: Verdcourt 12800, Forest Dept 16083 (EA).

*Eucalyptus longifolia Link & Otto. – Life form: Exotic tree. Habitat: Cultivated in roadsides and moist forest edges. Voucher: Forest Dept 16098 (EA).

*Eucalyptus microcorys F.Muell. – Life form: Exotic tree. Habitat: Cultivated in roadsides and moist forest edges. Voucher: Forest Dept 16108 (EA).

*Eucalyptus muelleriana Howitt – Life form: Exotic tree. Habitat: Cultivated in roadsides and moist forest edges. Voucher: Pudden 26 (EA).

*Eucalyptus obliqua L’Hér. – Life form: Exotic tree. Habitat: Cultivated in roadsides and moist forest edges. Voucher: Pudden 054 (EA).

*Eucalyptus paniculata Sm. – Life form: Exotic tree. Habitat: Cultivated in roadsides and moist forest edges. Voucher: Stuart 2 (EA).

*Eucalyptus pellita F.Muell. – Life form: Exotic tree. Habitat: Cultivated in roadsides and moist forest edges. Voucher: Greenway 8754 (EA).

*Eucalyptus punctata A.Cunn. ex DC. – Life form: Exotic tree. Habitat: Cultivated in roadsides and moist forest edges. Voucher: Darling 31 (EA).

*Eucalyptus siderophloia Benth. – Life form: Exotic tree. Habitat: Cultivated in roadsides and moist forest edges. Voucher: Verdcourt 1963 (EA).

*Eucalyptus viminalis Labill. – Life form: Exotic tree. Habitat: Cultivated in roadsides and moist forest edges. Voucher: Forest Dept. 16137 (EA).

Syzygium guineense subsp. afromontanum F.White – Life form: Exotic tree. Habitat: Upland riverine and moist forest, 1500–2550 m. Vouchers: Battiscombe 555, Moore 762 (EA).

F98. Ochnaceae

Ochna holstii Engl. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 900–2350 m. Voucher: Polhill 165 (EA).

Ochna insculpta Sleumer – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Evergreen forest, 1050–2450 m. Voucher: Agnew et al. 7939 (EA).

F99. Olacaceae

Strombosia scheffleri Engl. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Moist forest, 800–2500 m. Voucher: SK 0028 (EA, HIB).

F100. Oleaceae

Chionanthus mildbraedii (Gilg & G.Schellenb.) Stearn – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland moist forest and riverine forest, 1200–2100 m. Voucher: SK 0238 (EA, HIB).

*Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall – Life form: Exotic tree. Habitat: Cultivated in roadsides. Voucher: SK 0127 (EA, HIB).

Jasminum abyssinicum Hochst. ex DC. – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Forest undergrowth and forest margins, 690–3000 m. Voucher: McDonald 1336 (EA).

Jasminum schimperi Vatke – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Rainforest and wooded grassland, 690–3000 m. Voucher: Miss Mainwaring 2404 (EA).

Olea europaea L. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland wet forest, 950–2400 m. Voucher: Napper 1697 (EA).

Olea capensis L. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland dry forest, 1150–2680 m. Voucher: SK 0105 (EA, HIB).

F101. Onagraceae

Epilobium hirsutum L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Damp sites in upland grassland and moorland, 1190–2590 m. Voucher: SK 0237 (EA, HIB).

Epilobium stereophyllum Fresen. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Damp sites in upland grassland and moorland, 1750–3500 m. Voucher: SK 0116 (EA, HIB).

*Fuchsia arborescens Sims – Life form: Exotic shrub or tree. Habitat: Moist forest, 1220–2490 m. Voucher: SK 0130 (EA, HIB).

Ludwigia adscendens subsp. diffusa (Forssk.) P.H.Raven – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Swamps and freshwater pools, 600–1900 m. Voucher: SK 0161 (EA, HIB).

F102. Orobanchaceae

Hedbergia abyssinica (Benth.) Molau – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane grassland and forest margins, 2000–3980 m. Voucher: Hedberg 1646 (EA).

Orobanche minor Sm. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Forest edges and disturbed grounds, 540–3000 m. Voucher: Townsend 2294 (EA).

Orobanche ramosa L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in upland grassland and woodland, 1735–2250 m. Vouchers: The Wallis 15436, Scaham 22 (EA).

F103. Oxalidaceae

Oxalis corniculata L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Forest glades, 0–3600 m. Voucher: SAJIT 006481 (EA, HIB).

F104. Papaveraceae

Corydalis cornuta Royle – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane forest up to the moorland, 2300–3300 m. Voucher: Napier 720 (EA).

Corydalis mildbraedii Fedde – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane forest up to moorland, 2200–3600 m. Vouchers: SAJIT 006463, SK 0176 (EA, HIB).

Fumaria abyssinica Hammar – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Montane forest up to moorland, 1300–3200 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 3207 (EA).

F105. Passifloraceae

Adenia globosa subsp. pseudoglobosa (Verdc.) W.J. de Wilde – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Deciduous and dry evergreen forest, 0–1850 m. Vouchers: Verdcourt 2677, 3547 (EA).

Adenia gummifera (Harv.) Harms – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Dry or moist forest and bushland, 0–1850 m. Voucher: SK 0195 (EA, HIB).

*Passiflora edulis Sims – Life form: Exotic herbaceous climber. Habitat: Moist forest edges and bush thickets, 0–2500 m. Voucher: Greenway 10899 (EA).

*Passiflora mollissima L.H.Bailey – Life form: Exotic woody climber. Habitat: Moist forest edges, 1000–3000 m. Voucher: SK 0065 (EA, HIB).

Passiflora subpeltata (Kunth) L.H.Bailey – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Moist forest edges, 1500–2060 m. Voucher: SK 0003 (EA, HIB).

F106. Penaeaceae

Olinia rochetiana A.Juss. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland dry and moist evergreen forest, 1700–3100 m. Vouchers: Verdcourt 3283, Holyoak 712 (EA).

F107. Phytolaccaceae

Phytolacca dodecandra L’Hér. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Riparian vegetation and bushland, 500–2400 m. Vouchers: SK 0032, SK 0236 (EA, HIB).

F108. Piperaceae

Peperomia abyssinica Miq. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest, 1600–2950 m. Voucher: SK 0142 (EA, HIB).

Piper capense L.f. – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Upland swampy forest edges and wet forest floors, 1200–2700 m. Voucher: SK 0134 (EA, HIB).

F109. Pittosporaceae

Pittosporum viridiflorum Sims – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 900–2400 m. Voucher: Faden et al. 74/858 (EA).

F110. Plantaginaceae

Callitriche oreophila Schotsman – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Aquatic in water pools and streams, 1150–3300 m. Voucher: Chandler 2322 (EA).

Callitriche vulcanicola Schotsman – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist grounds in montane grassland, 3000–4050 m. Vouchers: Hedberg 1650, Gilbert and Thulin 1047 (EA).

Plantago palmata Hook.f. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides and clearings in upland forest, 1170–3300 m. Voucher: Bally 8519 (EA).

Veronica abyssinica Fresen. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland forest and bushy grassland, 1200–3900 m. Vouchers: SK 0050, SAJIT 006464 (EA, HIB).

Veronica anagallis-aquatica L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Stream-sides, 480–2400 m. Voucher: Glover & Samuel 445 (EA).

Veronica glandulosa Hochst. ex Benth. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland forest margins, 2850–3980 m. Voucher: Mabberlay 350 (EA).

F111. Polygalaceae

Polygala ohlendorfiana Eckl. & Zeyh. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 1800–3050 m. Voucher: Beentje 2658 (EA).

Polygala sadebeckiana Gürke – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Upland grassland, 10–2500 m. Voucher: SK 0257 (EA, HIB).

Polygala sphenoptera Fresen. – Life form: Herb or subshrub. Habitat: Wooded grassland and bushland, 0–3300 m. Voucher: Kokwaro 2797 (EA).

Polygala steudneri Chodat – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland, 3000–4050 m. Voucher: Coe 775 (EA).

F112. Polygonaceae

Harpagocarpus snowdenii Hutch. & Dandy – Life form: Herbaceous climber. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 1350–2650 m. Voucher: Gedye 6700 (EA).

Oxygonum sinuatum (Hochst. & Steud ex Meisn.) Dammer – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Waste places in grassland, 0–2250 m. Voucher: Margareta 6 (EA).

Oxygonum stuhlmannii Dammer – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Waste places in grassland, 10–2250 m. Voucher: Aement et al. 150 (EA).

Persicaria decipiens (R.Br.) K.L.Wilson – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet places often in water pools, 1100–2291 m. Voucher: SK 0162 (EA, HIB).

Persicaria nepalensis (Meisn.) H.Gross – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and forest edges, 1140–3500 m. Voucher: Kimani 9 (EA).

Persicaria setosula (A.Rich.) K.L.Wilson – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Along streams in upland forest, 1050–2670 m. Voucher: Kerfoot 609 (EA).

Persicaria strigosa (R.Br.) Nakai – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland moist forest and river banks, 1110–1920 m. Voucher: Faden 68/706 (EA).

Polygonum afromontanum Greenway – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland rainforest and moorland, 2100–3490 m. Voucher: Townsend 2316 (EA).

*Polygonum aviculare L. – Life form: Exotic herb. Habitat: Upland roadsides and disturbed areas, 2100–3490 m. Voucher: Albrechtsen 5238 (EA).

*Rumex acetosella L. – Life form: Exotic herb. Habitat: Montane grassland, 2400–3160 m. Voucher: Luke 15363 (EA).

Rumex nepalensis Spreng. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and bushland, 690–3700 m. Voucher: Blain 10915 (EA).

Rumex ruwenzoriensis Chiov. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and moorland, 1950–3700 m. Voucher: SK 0172 (EA, HIB).

F113. Portulacaceae

Portulaca nitida (Danin & H.G.Baker) Ricceri & Arrigoni – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides and waste places in grassland, 0–2350 m. Voucher: Faden 74/835 (EA).

F114. Primulaceae

Lysimachia arvensis (L.) U.Manns & Anderb. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Dry evergreen bushland, 1350–2635 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 715 (EA).

Lysimachia hexamera (P.Taylor) U.Manns & Anderb. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Swampy sites in upland grassland, 2100–2600 m. Voucher: Hedberg 1085(EA).

Lysimachia serpens (Hochst. ex A.DC.) U.Manns & Anderb. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Damp sites in moorland, 2600–3960 m. Vouchers: Kuchar 9604 (EA), SK 0074 (EA, HIB).

Ardisiandra sibthorpioides Hook.f. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist evergreen forest, 900–2670 m. Voucher: Chandler 2227 (EA).

Ardisiandra wettsteinii J.Wagner – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland moist forest and bamboo thickets, 1580–3600 m. Voucher: Albrechtsen 5946 (EA).

E Embelia keniensis R.E.Fr. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 1500–2100 m. Voucher: Luke 447 (EA).

Lysimachia ruhmeriana Vatke – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet montane forest, 2020–3500 m. Voucher: Kirika and York 1061 (EA).

Maesa lanceolata Forssk. – Life form: Shrub or tree. Habitat: Riverine forest and moist forest margins, 360–2800 m. Voucher: Wimbush 1118 (EA).

Myrsine africana L. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland wooded grassland, 1200–3600 m. Voucher: SK 0055 (EA, HIB).

Rapanea melanophloeos (L.) Mez – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Moist forest, 900–3800 m. Voucher: SK 0101 (EA, HIB).

F115. Proteaceae

Faurea arborea Engl. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland dry forest, 1280–3100 m. Voucher: Gardner 7063 (EA).

Faurea rochetiana (A.Rich.) Chiov. ex Pic.Serm. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Wooded grassland, 900–2400 m. Voucher: Dyson 745 (EA).

Faurea saligna Harv. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Grassland with scattered trees, 700–1800 m. Voucher: Bono 10 (EA).

Protea caffra subsp. kilimandscharica (Engl.) Chisumpa & Brummitt – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Montane grassland and forest edges, 2300–3700 m. Vouchers: Beentje 3241 (EA), SK 0110 (EA, HIB).

Protea gaguedi J.F.Gmel. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Woodland and scattered-tree grassland, 900–2100 m. Voucher: Holyoak 711 (EA).

F116. Putranjivaceae

Drypetes gerrardii var. gerrardii Hutch. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Dry or moist evergreen forest, 1150–2300 m. Voucher: Fries 234 (EA).

Drypetes gerrardii var. tomentosa Radcl.-Sm. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland evergreen forest, 1150–2000 m. Voucher: Kirika 496 (EA).

F117. Ranunculaceae

Anemone thomsonii Oliv. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet rocky sites in moorland, 2500–4000 m. Vouchers: SK 0182, SK 0054 (EA, HIB).

Clematis simensis Fresen. – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Bushland and forest margins, 1000–3360 m. Vouchers: SK 0027, SK 0081 (EA, HIB).

Delphinium macrocentrum Oliv. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and bamboo thicket margins, 1650–3900 m. Voucher: SK 0107 (EA, HIB).

E Ranunculus aberdaricus Ulbr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Clearings in moist bamboo forest, 2550–3660 m. Voucher: Coe 789 (EA).

Ranunculus multifidus Forssk. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Stream banks and moist bushland, 1170–3450 m. Voucher: Mathenge 23 (EA).

Ranunculus oreophytus Delile – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Wet and boggy places in moorland, 2240–4200 m. Voucher: Milne-Redhead et al. 1617 (EA).

Ranunculus stagnalis Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Bogs and water pools in moorland, 3000–4750 m. Voucher: Hedberg 994 (EA).

Ranunculus volkensii Engl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Marshy sites in moorland, 2700–4050 m. Voucher: SK 0119 (EA, HIB).

Thalictrum rhynchocarpum Quart.-Dill. & A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Undergrowth in upland forest, 1550–3275 m. Voucher: SK 0145 (EA, HIB).

F118. Resedaceae

Caylusea abyssinica (Fresen.) Fisch. & C.A.Mey. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides in upland grassland, 1100–3000 m. Voucher: SK 0124 (EA, HIB).

F119. Rhamnaceae

Helinus mystacinus (Aiton.) E.Mey. ex Steud. – Life form: Woody climber. Habitat: Wooded grassland and forest margins, 100–2400 m. Voucher: SK 0019 (EA, HIB).

Rhamnus prinoides L’Hér. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland moist forests and bushland, 1500–3700 m. Vouchers: SK 0006, SK 0263 (EA, HIB).

Rhamnus staddo A.Rich. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland evergreen bushland and dry forest margins, 1000–3600 m. Voucher: SAJIT 006504 (EA, HIB).

Scutia myrtina (Burm.f.) Kurz – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Forest margins and bushland, 0–2750 m. Voucher: SK 0266 (EA, HIB).

F120. Rhizophoraceae

Cassipourea celastroides Alston – Life form: Shrub or small tree. Habitat: Rocky hills in evergreen bushland, 250–1850 m. Voucher: Fries 2103 (EA).

Cassipourea gummiflua Tul. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland wet evergreen forest, 2000–2300 m. Vouchers: Luke et al. 7171, Medley 665 (EA).

Cassipourea malosana (Baker.) Alston – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Moist or dry forest, 750–2600 m. Voucher: SK 0025 (EA, HIB).

F121. Rosaceae

Alchemilla argyrophylla Oliv. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Damp sites in moorland, 2250–4650 m. Vouchers: Vorontsova 43 (EA), SK 0053 (EA, HIB).

Alchemilla cryptantha Steud. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist moorland and bamboo thickets, 1300–4050 m. Voucher: Townsend 2436 (EA).

Alchemilla abyssinica subsp. cyclophylla (T.C.E.Fr.) Kalheber – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist moorland and bamboo thickets, 2900–4300 m. Voucher: SK 0095 (EA, HIB).

Alchemilla elgonensis Mildbr. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moist moorland and bamboo thickets, 2700–4250 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 3777 (EA).

Alchemilla ellenbeckii Engl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist moorland and bamboo thickets, 2100–3900 m. Voucher: Hedberg 1501 (EA).

Alchemilla fischeri Engl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist montane forest and bamboo thickets, 2320–3440 m. Voucher: Muasya et al. 018(EA).

Alchemilla pedata Hochst. ex A.Rich. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Damp sites in upland grassland, 2120–3120 m. Voucher: Napier 683 (EA).

Alchemilla hageniae T.C.E.Fr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist bamboo thickets and montane evergreen bushland, 3000–3490 m. Voucher: Muasya et al. 052 (EA).

Alchemilla johnstonii Oliv. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Moist moorland and bamboo thickets, 2400–4260 m. Voucher: Mabberley 324 (EA).

Alchemilla kiwuensis Engl. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist upland forest and bamboo forest, 1250–3000 m. Voucher: Verdcourt 601 (EA).

Alchemilla microbetula T.C.E.Fr. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moist moorland, 3350–4400 m. Voucher: Hedberg 4430 (EA).

Alchemilla rothii Oliv. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Moorland and upper edges of montane forest, 2700–4000 m. Voucher: Kuchar 12468(EA).

Cliffortia nitidula (Engl.) R.E.Fr. & T.C.E.Fr. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Damp sites in moorland, 2040–3150 m. Voucher: Kuchar 10289 (EA).

Fragaria vesca L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland grassland and forest edges, 2400–2850 m. Voucher: Mungai 50 (EA).

Hagenia abyssinica (Bruce ex Steud.) J.F.Gmel. – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 2400–3600 m. Voucher: SK 0122 (EA, HIB).

Prunus africana (Hook.f.) Kalkman – Life form: Tree. Habitat: Upland moist forest and riverine forest, 1350–2750 m. Voucher: Moon 765 (EA).

Rosa rubiginosa L. – Life form: Herb. Habitat: Upland forest margins, 1600–3000 m. Voucher: SK 0264 (EA, HIB).

Rubus apetalus Poir. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 1275–2700 m. Voucher: Logic/Bally 7958 (EA).

Rubus friesiorum Gust. – Life form: Shrub. Habitat: Upland moist forest, 3050–3400 m. Vouchers: Kuchar 12476 (