Research Article |
Corresponding author: Jie Li ( ) Academic editor: Xiao-Hua Jin
© 2020 Lang Li, Yun-Hong Tan, Hong-Hu Meng, Hui Ma, Jie Li.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Li L, Tan Y-H, Meng H-H, Ma H, Li J (2020) Two new species of Alseodaphnopsis (Lauraceae) from southwestern China and northern Myanmar: evidence from morphological and molecular analyses. In: Jin X-H, Xia N-H, Tan Y-H (Eds) Plant diversity of Southeast Asia-II. PhytoKeys 138: 27-39.
Alseodaphnopsis maguanensis and A. putaoensis, two new species of Alseodaphnopsis (Lauraceae) from southwestern China (Yunnan Province) and northern Myanmar (Kachin State), are here described and illustrated based on both morphological and molecular evidence. They are morphologically similar to Alseodaphnopsis rugosa and phylogenetically closely related to A. rugosa and A. hainanensis respectively. Their preliminary conservation status is also estimated according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.
Kachin state, phylogenetic analysis, taxonomy, tropical montane forest, Yunnan province
Alseodaphnopsis H. W. Li & J. Li, including nine species at present, is a recently described new genus of the Lauraceae (
During recent field surveys in southwestern China (Maguan, Yunnan Province) and northern Myanmar (Putao, Kachin State), two unknown Lauraceae species were collected. Based on both morphological and molecular evidence, they were confirmed as new species of Alseodaphnopsis and closely related to Alseodaphnopsis rugosa (Merr. & Chun) H. W. Li & J. Li and A. hainanensis (Merr.) H. W. Li & J. Li respectively. In the work of
Morphological characters of the two new Alseodaphnopsis species were examined in detail based on dried specimens and fresh materials in field observations and compared with possible relatives based on the specimens from the HITBC, IBK, IBSC and KUN herbaria as well as images of specimens available on JSTOR Global Plants (
Total genomic DNA was extracted from silica-gel dried leaf material using the Plant Genomic DNA Kit (Tiangen, Beijing, China). Two nuclear DNA fragments, internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and the second intron of LEAFY gene (LEAFY intron II), were amplified and sequenced following the work of
Species examined in this study, voucher information, collection locality and GenBank accession numbers for ITS and LEAFY sequences.
Taxon | Voucher | Locality | ITS | LEAFY |
Ingroups | ||||
Alseodaphne (4) | ||||
A. gigaphylla Kosterm. | Arifiani DA657 (BO) | Indonesia, Java | HQ697181 | HQ697004 |
A. gracilis Kosterm. | Li L. 20070187 (HITBC) | China, Yunnan | HQ697187 | HQ697036 |
A. huanglianshanensis H. W. Li & Y. M. Shui | Li L. 20080006 (HITBC) | China, Yunnan | HQ697182 | HQ697007 |
A. semecarpifolia Nees | Arifiani DA658 (BO) | Indonesia, Java | HQ697184 | HQ697015 |
Alseodaphnopsis (8) | ||||
A. andersonii (King ex Hook. f.) Kosterm. | Li J. & Li L. 20070074 (HITBC) | China, Yunnan | FM957793 | HQ697002 |
A. hainanensis Merr. | Li L. & Wang Z. H. JFL07 (HITBC) | China, Hainan | MG188587 | MG188634 |
Li L. & Wang Z. H. LMS10 (HITBC) | China, Hainan | MG188586 | MG188633 | |
A. maguanensis L. Li & J. Li | Li L. et al. GLQ45 (HITBC) | China, Yunnan | MN906900 | MN906896 |
Li L. et al. GLQ46 (HITBC) | China, Yunnan | MN906901 | MN906897 | |
A. petiolaris (Meissn.) Hook. f. | Chen J. Q. 07003 (HITBC) | China, Yunnan | FM957796 | HQ697008 |
A. putaoensis L. Li, Y. H. Tan & J. Li | Li L. & Ma H. MM254 (HITBC) | Myanmar, Kachin | MN906902 | MN906898 |
Li L. & Ma H. MM266 (HITBC) | Myanmar, Kachin | MN906903 | MN906899 | |
A. rugosa Merr. & Chun | Li L. & Wang Z. H. MYH02 (HITBC) | China, Hainan | MG188585 | MG188635 |
Li L. & Wang Z. H. MYH08 (HITBC) | China, Hainan | MG188584 | MG188640 | |
A. sichourensis H. W. Li | Song Y. 33225 (HITBC) | China, Yunnan | MG188597 | MG188626 |
A. ximengensis H.W. Li & J. Li | Li J. W. 1235 (HITBC) | China, Yunnan | MG188591 | MG188599 |
Dehaasia (1) | ||||
D. hainanensis Kosterm. | Li L. & Wang Z. H. 20070373 (HITBC) | China, Hainan | FJ719308 | HQ697026 |
Machilus (8) | ||||
M. duthiei King ex Hook. f. | Zhong J. S. 2006094 (HITBC) | China, Yunnan | FJ755425 | HQ697055 |
M. gongshanensis H. W. Li | Chen J. Q. 07002 (HITBC) | China, Yunnan | FJ755416 | HQ697047 |
M. grijsii Hance | Chen J. Q. et al. 2006028 (HITBC) | China, Guangdong | FJ755420 | HQ697049 |
M. kwangtungensis Yang | Chen J. Q. et al. 2006027 (HITBC) | China, Guangdong | FJ755424 | HQ697051 |
M. monticola S. Lee | Li L. & Wang Z. H. 20070323 (HITBC) | China, Hainan | FJ755418 | HQ697057 |
M. platycarpa Chun | Chen J. Q. et al. 2006073 (HITBC) | China, Guangdong | FJ755421 | HQ697067 |
M. robusta W. W. Sm. | Li J. 2002116 (HITBC) | China, Guangxi | FJ755426 | HQ697071 |
M. yunnanensis Lec. | Zhong J. S. 2006093 (HITBC) | China, Yunnan | FJ755415 | HQ697084 |
Nothaphoebe (1) | ||||
N. umbelliflora (Blume) Blume | Arifiani DA495 (BO) | Indonesia, Java | HQ697191 | HQ697088 |
Phoebe (6) | ||||
P. chekiangensis C. B. Shang | Li J. & Li L. 20070188 (HITBC) | China, Zhejiang | FJ755407 | HQ697128 |
P. cuneata (Blume) Blume | Arifiani 40 (MO) | Indonesia, Java | HQ697202 | HQ697130 |
P. formosana (Hayata) Hayata | Rohwer 156 (MJG) | Germany, Bonn | HQ697205 | HQ697136 |
P. lanceolata (Wall. ex Nees) Nees | Chen J. Q. et al. 2006093 (HITBC) | China, Guangdong | FJ755410 | HQ697141 |
P. nanmu (Oliv.) Gamble | Chen J. Q. et al. 2005002 (HITBC) | China, Yunnan | FJ755409 | HQ697150 |
P. neurantha (Hemsl.) Gamble | Li J. & Li L. 20070214 (HITBC) | China, Zhejiang | HQ697209 | HQ697151 |
Outgroups | ||||
Actinodaphne (1) | ||||
A. trichocarpa C. K. Allen | Li L. 20070282 (HITBC) | China, Sichuan | HQ697214 | HQ697166 |
Lindera (1) | ||||
L. erythrocarpa Makino | Li J. & Li L. 20070203 (HITBC) | China, Zhejiang | HQ697215 | HQ697167 |
Litsea (1) | ||||
L. auriculata Chien & Cheng | Li J. & Li L. 20070195 (HITBC) | China, Zhejiang | HQ697217 | HQ697174 |
Neolitsea (1) | ||||
N. howii C. K. Allen | Li L. & Wang Z. H. 20070379 (HITBC) | China, Hainan | HQ697220 | HQ697178 |
DNA sequences were aligned using Clustal X 2.1 (
The MP analysis was performed using PAUP* 4.0b10 (
The MP and BI analyses of the ITS + LEAFY intron II combined dataset generated congruent topologies. The Bayesian consensus tree with MP bootstrap (BS) and Bayesian posterior probability (PP) values is shown in Fig.
Bayesian consensus tree of ITS + LEAFY intron II combined dataset. MP bootstrap (BS ≥ 50%) and Bayesian posterior probability (PP ≥ 0.95) values are shown above branches. Act. = Actinodaphne, Al. = Alseodaphne, Als.= Alseodaphnopsis, Deh. = Dehaasia, Lin. = Lindera, Lit. = Litsea, Mac. = Machilus, Neo. = Neolitsea, Not. = Nothaphoebe, Pho. = Phoebe.
Alseodaphnopsis maguanensis is morphologically similar and phylogenetically closely related to A. rugosa, but can be distinguished by its much larger fruit (4–5 × 5–6 cm vs. ca. 2.5 × 3 cm), mature fruit color (brown vs. deep purple or black) and different fruiting phenology.
China. Yunnan Province: Maguan County, Houcao, Gulinqing Provincial Natural Reserve, in tropical montane forest, 800 m a.s.l., 14 May 2016, flowering, Lang Li et al., GLQ26 (holotype: HITBC!).
Trees evergreen, up to 20 m tall. Branchlets terete, 3–6 mm in diameter, grayish, glabrous, wrinkled, with lenticels and leaf scars. Terminal buds glabrous. Leaves clustered at apex of branchlet, alternate or subverticillate; petiole robust, 2–3 mm thick, 1.5–2.5 cm long, concave-convex; leaf blade green adaxially, glaucous abaxially when young but green or pale green when mature, oblong-obovate or oblong-oblanceolate, 12–32 × 3.5–9 cm, leathery, glabrous on both surfaces, midrib conspicuously elevated abaxially, impressed adaxially, lateral veins 8–12 pairs, veins and veinlets conspicuous, reticulate, elevated on both surfaces when dry, base cuneate, apex shortly acuminate. Panicles subterminal, clustered at apex of branchlet, 15–20 cm, many-flowered; peduncle 4.5–10 cm, glabrous. Pedicels slender, 5–8 mm, glabrous. Perianth lobes 6, glabrous outside, white pubescent inside, outer ones broadly ovate, ca. 2 × 1.5 mm, acute, inner ones broadly ovate, ca. 2.5 × 2 mm, acute, all deciduous when in fruit. Fertile stamens 9, ca. 2 mm in 1st and 2nd whorls, ca. 2.2 mm in 3rd whorl; filaments villous, almost as long as anthers in 1st and 2nd whorls, slightly longer than anthers in 3rd whorl, those of 3rd whorl each with 2 shortly stalked orbicular-cordate glands, others glandless; anthers of 1st and 2nd whorls ovate, with 2 upper smaller cells and 2 lower large cells, cells all introrse, anthers of 3rd whorl elliptic, with 4 extrorse cells. Staminodes conspicuous, ca. 1.5 mm, sagittate, stalked. Ovary ovoid, ca. 1.2 mm, glabrous, attenuate into a ca. 0.8 mm long style; stigma discoid, inconspicuous. Infructescence subterminal, 10–18 cm, robust, glabrous, with only one well-developed fruit. Fruit large, oblate, 4–5 × 5–6 cm, immature fruit green, brown when mature, fruit stalk robust, 3–4 mm in diameter, apex dilated, 5–10 mm in diameter, sometimes nearly cylindric, fleshy and warty when fresh.
Flowering from May to June and fruiting from July to September.
The species is named after the type locality, Maguan County, in Yunnan Province, China.
Currently known only from the type locality in Maguan, Yunnan Province, southwestern China. Tropical montane forests in valleys; ca. 800m.
Currently, A. maguanensis is only known from Maguan (Yunnan Province, China) with two populations, which are all located in a small natural reserve (ca. 71 km2), each population with less than 50 mature individuals (seedlings can be found near the mature individuals), and no other occurrence in adjacent regions of SE Yunnan and N Vietnam. Thus, the preliminary conservation status for A. maguanensis is suggested as critically endangered (CR C2a(i)) according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (
China. Yunnan Province: Maguan County, Shangba, Gulinqing Provincial Natural Reserve, in tropical montane forest, 800 m a.s.l., 28 August 2016, fruiting, Lang Li et al., 2016033 (HITBC!).
Alseodaphnopsis putaoensis is morphologically similar to A. rugosa, but phylogenetically closely related to A. hainanensis. It can be distinguished from them by its fruit stalk characters (apex slightly dilated, not fleshy, red and warty when fresh vs. apex dilated, nearly cylindric, fleshy, red and warty when fresh), much larger fruit (6–6.5 × 7–10 cm vs. ca. 2.5 × 3 cm and 1.2–2 cm), mature fruit color (brown vs. deep purple or black) and different fruiting phenology.
Myanmar. Kachin State: Putao County, on the way from Masabu to Namti, in tropical montane forest, 1000 m a.s.l., 13 May 2017, fruiting, Lang Li & Hui Ma MM271 (holotype: HITBC!).
Trees evergreen, up to 15 m tall. Branchlets terete, robust, 7–10 mm in diameter, brownish or dark brown, glabrous, wrinkled, with lenticels and leaf scars. Terminal buds glabrous. Leaves clustered at apex of branchlet, subverticillate; petiole robust, 2–3 mm thick, 2.5–4.5 cm long, concave-convex; leaf blade green adaxially, glaucous abaxially, oblong-obovate or oblong-oblanceolate, 18–35 × 6–9 cm, leathery, glabrous on both surfaces, midrib conspicuously elevated abaxially, impressed adaxially, lateral veins 8–12 pairs, veins and veinlets conspicuous, reticulate, elevated on both surfaces when dry, base cuneate, apex shortly acuminate. Flowers unknown. Infructescence subterminal, 8–10 cm, robust, glabrous, with only one well-developed fruit. Fruit large, oblate, 6–6.5 × 7–10 cm, immature fruit green, brown when mature, fruit stalk robust, 3–4 mm in diameter, apex slightly dilated, 5–6 mm in diameter.
Individuals with immature or mature fruits have been collected in May, fruiting may be from April to June.
The species is named after the type locality, Putao County, in Kachin State, Myanmar.
Currently known only from the type locality in Putao, Kachin State, northern Myanmar. Tropical montane forests on mountain slopes or in valleys; 600–1400m.
During the field survey in Putao (Kachin State, Myanmar), several populations of A. putaoensis were found and at least two of them with more than 50 mature individuals (seedlings could be found near the mature individuals) each. In future field surveys, potential populations and more individuals are expected to be found in Putao and adjacent regions. Currently, some localities of A. putaoensis have not been legally protected. The habitat fragmentation, as well as ongoing road construction and continuous logging, are threatening its survival. Thus, the preliminary conservation status for A. putaoensis is suggested as vulnerable (VU C12a(i)) according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (
Myanmar. Kachin State: Putao County, on the way from Masabu to Namti, in tropical montane forest, 900 m a.s.l., 13 May 2017, fruiting, Lang Li & Hui Ma MM254 (HITBC!).
The close relationships of Alseodaphnopsis maguanensis, A. rugosa, A. putaoensis and A. hainanensis were indicated by the phylogenetic analyses. They formed a well-supported subclade within the Alseodaphnopsis clade, and A. maguanensis is sister to A. rugosa while A. putaoensis is sister to A. hainanensis (Fig.
Alseodaphnopsis maguanensis, A. rugosa, A. putaoensis and A. hainanensis also have different fruiting phenologies. Alseodaphnopsis maguanensis is fruiting from July to September, both immature and mature fruits can be found in August. According to the work of
Comparison of key morphological characters, phenologies and distributions of Alseodaphnopsis maguanensis, A. rugosa, A. putaoensis and A. hainanensis.
Morphological characters | Alseodaphnopsis maguanensis | Alseodaphnopsis rugosa | Alseodaphnopsis putaoensis | Alseodaphnopsis hainanensis |
Leaf blade | oblong-obovate or oblong-oblanceolate, 12–32 × 3.5–9 cm, green adaxially, glaucous abaxially when young but green or pale green when mature | oblong-obovate or oblong-oblanceolate, 15–36 × 4–10 cm, green adaxially, glaucous abaxially | oblong-obovate or oblong-oblanceolate, 18–33 × 6–9 cm, green adaxially, glaucous abaxially | narrowly elliptic, 6–16 × 1.5–4.2 cm, green adaxially, glaucous abaxially when young but green or pale green when mature |
Infructescence | with only one well-developed fruit | with one or several well-developed fruits | with only one well-developed fruit | with one or several well-developed fruits |
Fruit stalk | apex dilated, 5–10 mm in diam., sometimes nearly cylindric, fleshy and warty when fresh | apex dilated, nearly cylindric, 5–8 mm in diam., fleshy, red and warty when fresh | apex slightly dilated, 5–6 mm in diam. | apex dilated, nearly cylindric, 5–8 mm in diam., fleshy, red and warty when fresh |
Fruit | oblate, 4–5 × 5–6 cm, brown when mature | oblate, ca. 2.5 × 3 cm, deep purple or black when mature | oblate, 6–6.5 × 7–10 cm, brown when mature | globose or ovoid, 1.2–2 cm, deep purple or black when mature |
Flowering Phenology | May–Jun | – | – | Jul |
Fruiting Phenology | Jul–Sep | Jul–Dec (Fruits mostly found from Oct to Dec) | Apr–Jun | Oct–Feb of next year |
Distribution | SW China (Yunnan) | S China (Hainan) | N Myanmar (Kachin) | S China (Hainan), N Vietnam (Lào Cai) |
With Alseodaphnopsis maguanensis, A. putaoensis and the recently described A. ximengensis H. W. Li & J. Li from Ximeng, Yunnan Province, China (
The authors are grateful to the staff of Gulinqing Provincial Nature Reserve, Maguan, Yunnan Province, China and Hkakaborazi National Park, Putao, Kachin State, Myanmar for their help during the field survey. This work was financially supported by grants from Southeast Asia Biodiversity Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Y4ZK111B01) and Yunnan Applied Basic Research Projects (2017FB033).