Data Paper |
Corresponding author: Gloria Martínez-Sagarra ( ) Academic editor: Dennis Stevenson
© 2019 Gloria Martínez-Sagarra, Juan Antonio Devesa.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Martínez-Sagarra G, Devesa JA (2019) Vascular plants dataset of the herbarium (COFC) of the University of Cordoba, Spain. PhytoKeys 133: 77-94.
This paper describes the herbarium (COFC) dataset of vascular plants of the University of Cordoba (SW Spain). This dataset is made up of two collections, the General collection (61,377 specimens) and the Historical collection (1,614 specimens). This study has focused mainly on the General collection, which contains the largest number of vascular plant specimens, predominantly angiosperms, mainly provincial and regional (Andalusia, Spain), but also with a good representation of other areas of the Iberian Peninsula and neighboring countries. The place of collection is specified in 99.7% of the labels, about 35% being georeferenced, and it is estimated that, currently, about 86% of the material housed in the herbarium has been databased using Elysia v1.0. software. With more than 178 families, 1,178 genera, and 3,750 species, this collection not only has educational importance, but is a valuable research tool that has been useful for the development of important works such as "Flora Vascular de Andalucía Occidental" and the "Flora iberica". The dataset described in this paper is registered with GBIF (accessible at
Western Andalusia, Cordoba, COFC, herbarium collection, "Flora iberica", Spain, taxonomy, University of Cordoba, vascular plants
The herbarium (COFC) of the University of Cordoba (Spain) is located in the Rabanales Campus, on the outskirts of the city of Cordoba. It was created in 1977 and is associated with the Department of Botany, Ecology and Plant Physiology (Botany Section, Faculty of Sciences). The herbarium, of which Prof. J.A. Devesa is currently the curator, is registered in the Index Herbariorum with the acronym COFC (
The Historical collection, created by the multifaceted man of religion José de Jesús Muñoz Capilla (who lived 1771−1840), contains a total of 1,614 specimens of vascular plants arranged in 22 classes according to the Linnaean system (
The General collection has a total of 61,377 specimens that have been recorded with different herbarium number, and there are more than 12,000 duplicate specimens of the gatherings. This collection is the fourth largest among the Andalusian collections in terms of the number of specimens (based on the information obtained from the
The main Andalusian herbaria (Source:, accessed 2019). (*) Information from the
Acronyms | Collection | Institution | Estimated number of specimens (year of estimate)* | Number of records published in GBIF (accessed 2019) |
SEV | Herbarium of the University of Seville | University of Seville | 350,000 (2007) | 226,498 |
COA | COA Herbarium | Botanical Garden of Cordoba | 80,000 (2008) | 39,835 |
MGC | MGC-Cormof Herbarium | Department of Plant Biology, Faculty of Sciences | 74,683 (2012) | 78,930 |
COFC | COFC Herbarium of the University of Cordoba: General collection | Department of Botany, Ecology and Plant Physiology, Faculty of Sciences | 72,0001 (2019) | 60,566 |
GDA | Collection of vascular plants of the herbarium of the University of Granada | University of Granada | 1,442 (2011) | 55,2192 |
HUAL | Herbarium of the University of Almeria | University of Almeria. Department of Plant Biology and Ecology | 24,304 (2012) | 14,971 |
JAEN | Herbarium of vascular plants | University of Jaen. Faculty of Experimental Sciences | 34,000 (2012) | No data |
UPOS | Herbarium of the University Pablo de Olavide | University of Pablo de Olavide | 10,000 (2008) | No data |
This collection regularly increases, by about 1,250 specimens per year, and the dataset is periodically uploaded to the GBIF portals. The data referring to this collection can be found at (entries through 2018−12−31), except for the data related to the genus Festuca, which have not been uploaded yet since they are still under study.
The collection of vascular plants has 61,377 specimens belonging to 178 families, 1,178 genera, and 3,750 species. Of the specimens in the collection, 97.8% are identified at the species level and the remaining 2.2% (about 1,350 specimens) only at the level of the genus, awaiting their review by a specialist.
The majority of the specimens in the collection are angiosperms (Angiospermae) belonging to the classes Magnoliopsida (49,140 specimens; 80.06%) and Liliopsida (10,893 specimens; 17.75%). These are followed, in terms of representation, by ferns and related groups, with 991 specimens (1.61%) and the following distribution: class Polypodiopsida (740 specimens), Equisetopsida (139 specimens), Lycopodiopsida (107 specimens), and Psilotopsida (5 specimens). Finally, for gymnosperms (Gymnospermae) there are 353 specimens (0.58%), with the following distribution: Cycadopsida (2 specimens), Ginkgoopsida (1 specimen), Gnetopsida (51 specimens), and Pinopsida (299 specimens). In terms of diversity, Magnoliopsida (124 families, 886 genera, and 2,966 species), Pinopsida (4 families, 15 genera, and 34 species), and Polypodiopsida (15 families, 31 genera, and 62 species) are the most diverse classes within each large group of vascular plants (Fig.
The ten families that contribute most, in percentage terms, to the plant specimens conserved in the herbarium are: Asteraceae (8,625 specimens; 14.05%), Fabaceae (7,929 specimens; 12.92%), Poaceae (6,324 specimens; 10.30%), Lamiaceae (3,105 specimens; 5.06%), Caryophyllaceae (2,156 specimens; 3.51%), Plantaginaceae (2,033 specimens; 3.31%), Brassicaceae (1,851 specimens; 3.02%), Apiaceae (1,707 specimens; 2.78%), Ranunculaceae (1,319 specimens; 2.15%), and Boraginaceae (1,111 specimens; 1.81%) (Fig.
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Tracheophyta
Class: Cycadopsida, Equisetopsida, Ginkgoopsida, Gnetopsida, Liliopsida, Lycopodiopsida, Magnoliopsida, Pinopsida, Polypodiopsida, Psilotopsida.
Family: Acanthaceae, Adoxaceae, Aizoaceae, Alismataceae, Amaranthaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Anacardiaceae, Annonaceae, Apiaceae, Apocynaceae, Aquifoliaceae, Araceae, Araliaceae, Araucariaceae, Arecaceae, Aristolochiaceae, Asparagaceae, Asphodelaceae, Aspleniaceae, Asteraceae, Athyriaceae, Balsaminaceae, Begoniaceae, Berberidaceae, Betulaceae, Bignoniaceae, Blechnaceae, Boraginaceae, Brassicaceae, Bromeliaceae, Butomaceae, Buxaceae, Cactaceae, Campanulaceae, Cannabaceae, Capparaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Casuarinaceae, Celastraceae, Ceratophyllaceae, Cistaceae, Cleomaceae, Clusiaceae, Colchicaceae, Commelinaceae, Convolvulaceae, Coriariaceae, Cornaceae, Crassulaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Culcitaceae, Cupressaceae, Cycadaceae, Cymodoceaceae, Cynomoriaceae, Cyperaceae, Cystopteridaceae, Cytinaceae, Davalliaceae, Dennstaedtiaceae, Didiereaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Drosophyllaceae, Dryopteridaceae, Ebenaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Elatinaceae, Ephedraceae, Equisetaceae, Ericaceae, Escalloniaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Fagaceae, Frankeniaceae, Garryaceae, Gentianaceae, Geraniaceae, Ginkgoaceae, Grossulariaceae, Haloragaceae, Heliotropiaceae, Hydrangeaceae, Hydrocharitaceae, Hypericaceae, Iridaceae, Isoetaceae, Juglandaceae, Juncaceae, Juncaginaceae, Lamiaceae, Lauraceae, Lentibulariaceae, Liliaceae, Linaceae, Linderniaceae, Lycopodiaceae, Lythraceae, Magnoliaceae, Malvaceae, Marantaceae, Marsileaceae, Martyniaceae, Melanthiaceae, Meliaceae, Menispermaceae, Menyanthaceae, Molluginaceae, Montiaceae, Moraceae, Musaceae, Myricaceae, Myrtaceae, Nephrolepidaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Nymphaeaceae, Oleaceae, Onagraceae, Ophioglossaceae, Orchidaceae, Orobanchaceae, Osmundaceae, Oxalidaceae, Paeoniaceae, Papaveraceae, Passifloraceae, Paulowniaceae, Phrymaceae, Phyllanthaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Pinaceae, Piperaceae, Pittosporaceae, Plantaginaceae, Platanaceae, Plumbaginaceae, Poaceae, Polemoniaceae, Polygalaceae, Polygonaceae, Polypodiaceae, Portulacaceae, Potamogetonaceae, Primulaceae, Proteaceae, Pteridaceae, Rafflesiaceae, Ranunculaceae, Resedaceae, Rhamnaceae, Rosaceae, Rubiaceae, Ruppiaceae, Rutaceae, Salicaceae, Salviniaceae, Santalaceae, Sapindaceae, Saxifragaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Selaginellaceae, Simaroubaceae, Smilacaceae, Solanaceae, Tamaricaceae, Taxaceae, Tetradiclidaceae, Thelypteridaceae, Thymelaeaceae, Tropaeolaceae, Typhaceae, Ulmaceae, Urticaceae, Verbenaceae, Violaceae, Vitaceae, Zygophyllaceae.
Most of the specimens in the collection are from Spanish territory (60,847 specimens; 99.14%), with the peninsular area being the best represented (Fig.
Within Spain, Andalusia (Southern Spain) is the region with the highest number of specimens; specifically, within Andalusia, the province of Cordoba has the greatest representation (46,505 specimens), followed by Seville (2,244 specimens), Jaen (1,714 specimens), Huelva (1,640 specimens), and Cadiz (1,396 specimens) (Fig.
In the province of Cordoba, an important collection effort was made immediately after creation of the herbarium (Fig.
The collection includes specimens collected from 1935 to the present (Fig.
On the other hand, as expected, high seasonality can be seen in the collections: more contributions are made in spring and summer than in winter. Thus, the months of greatest collection effort are April, May and June (almost 40,000 specimens); while the minor ones are December, January and November (only about 2,500).
The usual procedures for the processing and storage in the herbarium of the plant material have been employed. The fresh material is dried by pressing, sometimes with simultaneous drying using an oven or heater. When it is dry, and prior to storage, the rotary freezing technique (at -18 °C) is used for four days in order to conserve the material and prevent its destruction by fungi and insects, thus avoiding subsequent infestations. This procedure is repeated approximately every six months. The specimens are stored in boxes inside compactor cabinets located in an isolation unit with controlled temperature and humidity. The families are arranged alphabetically, as are the genera within each family and the species within each genus.
Once processed, the specimens go along the assembly line, where they are assembled and labeled. Subsequently, they are assigned a COFC accession number and databased using Elysia v1.0. software (
The care and control of the collection includes its monitoring through the management and registration of all incoming and outgoing botanical gatherings that are the responsibility of the Herbarium Service, with the curator’s supervision. The process includes space planning, sample relocation, sample assembly and repair, freezing to minimize the potential for insect infestation, and general repairs. Periodic checks are made in the storage area of the collections to detect possible effects of insects and harmful fungi.
The quality control is mainly performed at three levels:
1. In the identification phase/taxonomic criteria: For their inclusion in the herbarium, the specimens must be identified at the level of the species and, if appropriate, the infraspecific category, although for many genera there is material without identification of the species that is waiting to be reviewed by specialists. The main works used to identify the material are: "Flora Vascular de Andalucía Occidental" (
2. Georeferencing and technical validation: It is estimated that only 33% of the specimens in the collection contain information regarding the coordinates (UTM, MGRS, or geographic) of the place of origin, with greater or lesser precision. At present, the georeferencing of the collection is being done using MGRS coordinates (1 km2 of precision) based on the information contained in the original label, using the tools of Google Earth ( and Iberpix ( These coordinates are automatically transformed into geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude are expressed in decimal degrees in the WGS84 datum) when the herbarium information is transferred to the GBIF portal.
3. In the phase of databasing and data export to the GBIF/Data records network: The first stage of the databasing of the collection was carried out with Herbar v3.7.1 software (
COFC herbarium does not yet have its own funding. Since its creation, it has been dependent on the personnel and resources of the Department of Botany, Ecology and Plant Physiology of the University of Cordoba. Only more recently has it received additional funding, fruit of the efforts made by the two Curators who have been in charge, Profs. E. Ruiz de Clavijo (1977−2010) and J. A. Devesa (2011−present). It had two grants at the beginning of the databasing of the collection (Complementary Funding of the Ministry of Education and Science), and since 2011 it has benefitted from the work of technical personnel hired for the maintenance, databasing, and georeferencing of the collection, in some cases financed by the Government of Spain, and in others by the Junta de Andalucía. These grants and contracts are summarized below.
Funding body: Ministry of Education and Science
Reference: CGL2007-28813-E
Lead researcher: E. Ruiz de Clavijo
Duration: January 2008 to December 2008
Amount: 32,900 euros
Funding body: Ministry of Education and Science
Reference: CGL2008-02241-E/BOS
Lead researcher: E. Ruiz de Clavijo
Duration: January 2009 to December 2009
Amount: 23,000 euros
Program: Adaptation of the Herbaria of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Cordoba to the GBIF framework (Subprogram: Complementary Actions)
Funding body: Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities
Lead researcher: E. Ruiz de Clavijo
Duration: July 2006 to April 2007
Program: Adaptation of the Herbaria of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Cordoba to the GBIF framework (Subprogram: Complementary Actions)
Funding body: Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities
Lead researcher: E. Ruiz de Clavijo
Duration: January 2008 to December 2008
Program: Adaptation of the Herbaria of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Cordoba to the GBIF framework (Subprogram: Complementary Actions)
Funding body: Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities
Lead researcher: E. Ruiz de Clavijo
Duration: March 2009 to December 2009 (extended until 30−10−2010)
Contracts for technical staff member:
Program: Technical Personnel to Assist Research
Funding body: Ministry of Science and Innovation
Reference: PTA2010-3438-I
Lead researcher: J. A. Devesa
Duration: February 2011 to January 2014
Program: Technical Personnel to Assist Research
Funding body: Ministry of Education and Vocational Training
Reference: PTA2017-13723-I
Lead researcher: J. A. Devesa
Duration: 2019−2021
Contracts from the Youth Employment Plan:
Program: National Youth Guarantee System
Funding body: Ministry of Employment and Social Security
Lead researcher: PEJ-2014-A-82677
Researcher: J. A. Devesa
Duration: 2016−2017
Program: National youth guarantee system and the youth employment operational program
Funding body: Junta de Andalucía
Reference: EJ-17-Herb
Lead researcher: J. A. Devesa
Duration: June 2017 to May 2018
Program: National youth guarantee system and the youth employment operational program
Funding body: Junta de Andalucía
Reference: EJI-17-RNM-260
Lead researcher: J. A. Devesa
Duration: January 2018 to July 2019
Program: National youth guarantee system and the youth employment operational program
Funding body: Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitivity, and Junta de Andalucía
Reference: EJI-17-RNM-260
Lead researcher: J. A. Devesa
Duration: March 2019 to February 2020
The following activities are being prioritized by the technical staff.
a) Mounting, databasing, and inclusion of specimens from old collections: About 10,000 sheets of unmounted and unfiled specimens that accumulated in the period 1977−1987 are pending allocation of a sheet number or accession number, as well as databasing and inclusion in the General collection. Also, some 4,000 sheets have been allocated an accession number, but their data have not been registered in the database, probably due to a lack of technical personnel during that period and/or the absence of standardized databases. All this material has been identified, and most of it has been mounted. It has been arranged by family in distinctive blue boxes; currently, it is being databased using Elysia v1.0.
These data were not available and so these specimens were not included in the taxonomic analysis or geographical coverage of this paper.
b) Update the software and publication of data in GBIF: First, the migration of the database to the new version 2.0 of the Elysia software (
The General collection of COFC is fundamental for our knowledge of the Andalusian flora, and had great importance in the writing of the "Flora Vascular de Andalucía Occidental" (
In addition, 34 types (7 holotypes and 27 isotypes) of various described taxa of the Iberian Peninsula are preserved in COFC (Table
Type material of vascular plants conserved in COFC. Acronyms of the herbaria according to
Type | Taxon and authority | Publication | Herbarium voucher | Collection location (direct quote) |
Holotype | Centaurea susannae Invernón & Devesa | Phytotaxa 74: 42, 43 (2012) | COFC 57935 (1 isotype in COFC) | Algarve, Cabo de San Vicente, 6 May 2010 |
Holotype | Centaurea molesworthiae E. López, Devesa & García Rojas | Nordic J. Bot. 30: 422 (2012) | COFC 59475 (1 isotype in COFC) | Cádiz, Tarifa, Sierra de Ojén, Loma de El Chivato, 19 June 2010 |
Holotype | Centaurea susannae var. paivae Invernón & Devesa | Acta Bot. Malac. 38: 66 (2013) | COFC 60956 (1 isotype in COFC) | Algarve, Aljezur, Monte Clérigo […], 5 June 2012 |
Holotype | Centaurea stuessyi Arnelas, Devesa & E. López | Phytotaxa 115: 43, 45 (2013) | COFC 57443 (1 isotype in COFC) | Tarragona, Rasquera, balneario de Cardó, 1 July 2009 |
Holotype | Mantisalca cabezudoi E. Ruiz & Devesa | Nordic J. Bot. 32: 18, 19 (2014) | COFC 31890 (1 isotype in COFC) | Granada, Jerez del Marquesado, barranco de Alcázar, 13 June 2007 |
Holotype | Festuca greuteri Martínez-Sagarra & Devesa | Phytotaxa 395: 253 (2019) | COFC 65825 (1 isotype in COFC) | Granada, Sierra de Guillimona, puerto de la Losa, 4 June 2014 |
Holotype | Festuca greuteri subsp. camarolensis Martínez-Sagarra & Devesa | Phytotaxa 395: 257 (2019) | COFC 65824 (9 isotypes in COFC) | Málaga, Villanueva del Rosario, Sierra de Camarolos, 10 June 2015 |
Isotype | Erica andevalensis Cabezudo & Rivera | Lagascalia 9: 224 (1980) | COFC 12422 (Holotype in SEV) | Huelva, Zalamea la Real, 21 July 1979 |
Isotype | Silybum × gonzaloi Cantó, Sánchez Mata & Rivas Mart. [S. eburneum Cosson & Durieu x S. marianum (L.) Gaertner] | Itin. Geobot. 15: 707 (2002) | COFC 61148 (Holotype in MAF) | Ciudad Real, Pedro Muñoz, laguna del Retamar, 8 May 2001 |
Isotype | Centaurea catellanoides subsp. talaverae E. López & Devesa | Acta Bot. Malac. 33: 60 (2008) | COFC 30665 (Holotype in UNEX) | Toledo, Noblejas, carretera en dirección a Dos Barrios, 7 July 2005 |
Isotype | Centaurea beturica E. López & Devesa | Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 65: 334 (2008) | COFC 30719 (Holotype in UNEX) | Badajoz, camino hacia La Garganta, 10 July 2005 |
Isotype | Centaurea castellanoides subsp. arundana E. López & Devesa | Acta Bot. Malac. 3: 60 (2008) | COFC 30681. (Holotype in UNEX) | Málaga, Parque Natural de la Sierra de las Nieves […], 10 July 2004 |
Isotype | Centaurea langei subsp. dominguezii E. López, Devesa & Arnelas | Ann. Bot. Fenn. 48: 7 (2011) | COFC 30666 (Holotype in UNEX) | Salamanca, presa de Aldedávila de la Ribera, 1 July 2003 |
Isotype | Orobanche subbaetica Triano & A. Pujadas | Acta Bot. Malac. 39: 275 (2014) | COFC 61244 (Holotype in COA) | Córdoba, Las Angosturas, 22 May 2010 |
Isotype | Foeniculum sanguineum Triano & A. Pujadas | Acta Bot. Mal. 40: 75 (2015) | COFC 62161 (Holotype in COA) | Cádiz, Benamahoma, Sierra de Grazalema, 19 June 2006 |
Isotype | × Tritordeum martinii A. Pujadas [Triticum durum Desf. × Hordeum chilense Roem. & Schult.] | Acta Bot. Malac. 41: 327 (2016) | COFC 63411 (Holotype in COA) | Córdoba, La Carolota, finca El Patronato, 29 May 2016 |
Isotype | Poa flaccidula subsp. guadianensis F.M. Vázquez | Folia Bot. Extremad. 9: 66 (2016) | COFC 62937 (Holotype in HSS) | Badajoz, Nogales, Los Madroñales, 9 March 2015 |
Isotype | Festuca discreta F.M.Vázquez | Folia Bot. Extremad. 10: 66 (2016) | COFC 62911 (Holotype in HSS) | Badajoz, Puebla del Maestre, proximidades del rio Viar, 8 May 1998 |
Isotype | Narcissus nevadensis subsp. herrerae Algarra, Blanca, Cueto & J. Fuentes | Phytotaxa 371(2): 134 (2018) | COFC 66040 (Holotype in GDA) | Granada, Jayena, Sierra de Almijara, barranco de la Culebra, 9 April 2016 |
Object name: Darwin Core Archive Dpto de Botánica, Ecología y Fisiología Vegetal (COFC). Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Córdoba
Character encoding: UTF-8
Format name: Darwin Core Archive format
Format version: 1.0
Publication date of data: 2019-07-19
Language: Spanish
Licences of use: Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License
Metadata language: Spanish
Date of metadata creation: 2019-06-18
Hierarchy level: Dataset
We gratefully acknowledge the technical staff members of COFC, especially P. Abad for her help with data cleaning. We also thank K. Cezón (GBIF Spain) for her help in checking and uploading this resource. This study was supported by the "Flora iberica" project (CGL2008-02982-C03-03; CGL2011-28613-C03-02; CGL2014-52787-C3-3-P; CGL2017-85204-C3-3-P) of the Spanish Government, co-financed by The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).