Research Article |
Corresponding author: Jian-Tao Yin ( ) Academic editor: Peter Boyce
© 2020 Shi-Shun Zhou, Rui-Chang Quan, Ren Li, Qiang Liu, Jian-Tao Yin.
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Zhou S-S, Quan R-C, Li R, Liu Q, Yin J-T (2020) Colocasia kachinensis, a new species of Araceae from Myanmar. In: Jin X-H, Xia N-H, Tan Y-H (Eds) Plant diversity of Southeast Asia-II. PhytoKeys 138: 41-47.
Colocasia kachinensis S.S. Zhou & J.T. Yin, is described and illustrated as a new species of Araceae from Kachin, Mynamar. The morphological characters are compared to those of other Colocasia species. Colocasia kachinensis is closely related to C. menglaensis J.T Yin, H. Li & Z.F. Xu, 2004, but differs from in having an erect stem, no stolons, smaller size, a different pattern of surface bristle distribution and male flowers 1–4-androus with stamens connate in truncate synandrium.
Araceae, Colocasia kachinensis, Mynamar, Holotype, Colocasia menglaensis
Colocasia is a genus of about 20 species distributed in tropical and subtropical Asia (
Including the species described here, four Colocasia species are known in Myanmar (
During an expedition to Kachin in April 2016, two populations of an unusual Colocasia were encountered growing along the roadside in the understorey of a mountain rain forest. For the next two years, the authors monitored the in-situ population, as well as plants established in ex-situ collection and meticulously examined and documented flowering episodes of the species. The unusual Colocasia sp. was compared with closely allied species and the gathered evidence revealed that the species was new to science.
Colocasia sect. Caulescentes Engl.
The morphological characteristics of C. kachinensis are closely related to those of C. menglaensis but C. kachinensis differs in having an erect stem (see Fig.
MYANMAR. Kachin State. Putao Township, Hponkanrazi Wildlife Sanctuary, Namse Village, 97°18'30.3"E, 27°17'49.7"N, alt. 1238 m, 26 April 2016, Jian-Tao Yin 2483 (Fig.
Terrestrial perennial herbs with an erect stem. Plant 54 cm high; erect stem 12 cm long, 3 cm in diam. Leaves 3–4; petiole cylindric, pale greenish, glossy, 32 cm long, 0.6 cm in diam., sheath 16 cm long, 6 cm in diam.; leaf blade oblong-ovate, peltate, 18 cm long, 12 cm wide, upper surface glossy green, lower surface greyish-white; primary lateral veins pinnate, 5 pairs, pale green on upper surface, white and raised on the lower surface. Inflorescences (1-)3(-4) emerging when the leaves unfold, 27 cm long; peduncle cylindrical, pale green, glossy, 17 cm long, 0.5 cm in diam. Spathe constricted in the lower third, lower convolute part (tube) pale green, farinose, 3.5 cm long, 1.5 cm in diam., nearly cylindrical; lamina oblong-lanceolate, erect during early blooming period, pale yellow, 6.5 cm long, 3 cm wide. Spadix 7 cm long, female zone 2.5 cm long, 0.8 cm in diam.; sterile zone between female and male zones, cylindrical, white, 0.8 cm long, 0.3 cm in diam.; male zone, white, 2 cm long, 0.6 cm in diam.; appendix white, long conical, wrinkled, 2 cm long, 0.4 cm in diam. Flowers unisexual, perigone absent. Male flower: 1–4-androus, stamens connate in truncate synandrium, thecae lateral, oblong-lineal, dehiscing by apical pore. Female flower: ovary ovoid to oblong, 1 mm long, unilocular; ovules many, 42–58, n = 2, fusiform, translucent; placentae 3–5, parietal; stylar region absent; stigma discoid-capitate; berry not seen.
Flowering in March to April. Fruiting unknown.
C. kachinensis is so far known from a single population in Kachin State, northern Myanmar, where it grows in humid dense mountain rain forest (cover degree 70%) at alt. 1100–1400 m. In the same habitat, other plants encountered were C. menglaensis, Liquidambar excelsa, Terminalia myriocarpa, Caryota urens, Magnolia sp., Musa itinerans, Saprosma ternate, Dendrocalamus sp., Phrynium rheedei.
The species is named after the holotype region, Kachin State, Myanmar.
MYANMAR. Putao Township, Kachin State, alt. 1300 m, 26 April 2016, Jian-Tao Yin 2482 (paratype: HITBC!)
Colocasia kachinensis is similar to C. menglaensis, described by
Colocasia menglaensis and C. kachinenis, which were introduced from Myanmar, have been grown in a small yard of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Yunnan China. We then collected leaves of two species for observation. The lower surface of the leaf blade, observed with a 100× magnification, also shows that C. kachinensis differs from C. menglaensis. The short bristles of the former are uniformly distributed on the abaxial surface of the leaf, while those of C. menglaensis are concentrated on the veins on the abaxial surface (see Fig.
Colocasia kachinensis is also different from other species in this genus by having 1–4-androus male flowers, with stamens connate in truncate synandrium (see Figure
Characters | C. kachinensis | C. menglaensis |
Rhizome | erect | decumbent |
Stolon | none | 6–10 per plant,15–20 cm long, 4 mm in diam. |
Petiole | glossy | pubescent |
Blade | 18 × 12 cm | 40 × 25 cm |
Primary lateral vein | 5 pairs | 7–9 pairs |
Penducle | glossy | pubescent |
Spathe lamina | milk yellow, 6.5 × 3 cm | yellowish, 13–18 × 4–6 cm |
Female zone | 2.5 cm long, 0.8 cm in diam. | 2 cm long, 1 cm in diam. |
Male zone | 2 cm long, 0.6 cm in diam. | 3.5 cm long, 0.7 cm in diam. |
Appendix | 2 cm long, 0.4 cm in diam. | 3.5 cm long, 0.5 cm in diam. |
Male flower | 1–4-androus | 8–11-androus |
This work was financially supported by a project of the Southeast Asia Biodiversity Research Institute (SEABRI), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Grant No. Y4ZK111B01, (Yezin, Nay Pyi Taw 05282, Myanmar). The authors are grateful to Prof. Guy Gusman (Universtie Libre de Bruxelles, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium) for having critically reviewed the manuscript. The authors are also thankful for Mr. Bo Pan for his illustration of this new species, as well as Mr. Jian-Wu Li (Center for Integrative Conservation, Xishungbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences) for assistance provided for this work. Meanwhile, we really thank the Forest Research Institute, Myanmar for their kind cooperation during the field trip.