Research Article |
Corresponding author: Wen-Hong Chen ( ) Academic editor: Ming-Xun Ren
© 2020 Yu-Min Shui, Jian-Yong Wu, Zhi-Yong Yu, Shi-Wei Guo, Li Chen, Fang Wen, Wen-Hong Chen.
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Shui Y-M, Wu J-Y, Yu Z-Y, Guo S-W, Chen L, Wen F, Chen W-H (2020) Deinostigma fasciculatum, a new species of Gesneriaceae in Yunnan, China. In: Shui Y-M, Chen W-H, Ren M-X, Wen F, Hong X, Qiu Z-J, Wei Y-G, Kang M (Eds) Taxonomy of Gesneriaceae in China and Vietnam. PhytoKeys 157: 199-206.
A new species of Deinostigma (Gesneriaceae) from Yunnan, China, Deinostigma fasciculatum W.H.Chen & Y.M.Shui, sp. nov., has been discovered and described. In the genus, the new species is similar to D. cicatricosum (W.T. Wang) D.J. Middleton & Mich. Möller and D. cyrtocarpum (D. Fang & L. Zeng) Mich. Möller & H.J. Atkins in dark purple flowers and falcate fruit, but differs from them mainly in the inflorescences with fasciculate flowers, calyx lobes (reflexed, narrowly lanceolate and 1.2–1.3 cm long), corolla tubes (sharply contracted below middle and white outside and below throat). The above three species grow nearby non-limestone wet cliffs and geographically isolated with different distributions (the new species in Southeast Yunnan, D. cicatricosum in Eastern Guangxi and D. cyrtocarpum in Southern Guangxi and Guangdong, China).
Deinostigma cicatricosum, Deinostigma cyrtocarpum, new species, Sino-Vietnamese border, Yunnan
The genus Deinostigma W.T. Wang & Z.Y. Li (Gesneriaceae) was established in 1992, based on the type species D. poilanei (Pellegr.) W.T. Wang & Z.Y. Li which was transferred from Hemiboea Clarke, from South of Vietnam (
Previous orthography of species epithets in Deinostigma has used the feminine ending (i.e., D. "cycnostyla", see Möller et al. 2016). The generic name Deinostigma is neuter however, and so all epithets have been corrected here (e.g., to Deinostigma cycnostylum) to comply with Article 62.2(c) of the ICN.
After the surveys in the Sino-Vietnamese border (Fig.
Morphological comparison between Deinostigma fasciculatum sp. nov., D. cicatricosum and D. cyrtocarpum in China.
Characters | Deinostigma fasciculatum | D. cicatricosum | D. cyrtocarpum |
Leaf base | often slightly peltate | seldom peltate | often slightly peltate |
Inflorescences | with fasciculate flowers | with remote flowers | with remote flowers |
Calyx lobes | narrowly lanceolate, 12–13 × ca. 2 mm, inside sparsely glandular villous | narrowly oblong, 8–10 × 1.8–2.5 mm, inside nearly glabrous | narrowly oblong, 5–8 × 1–2 mm, inside nearly glabrous |
Calyx margin | margin reflexed | margin compacted | margin compacted |
Corolla tube | outside white, sharply contracted below throat | outside purple, slightly contracted | outside purple, gradually contracted |
Capsule | narrowly oblong | linear | narrowly oblong |
Locality | Southeast Yunnan, China | Southern Guangxi and Guangdong, China | Eastern Guangxi, China |
Altitude | 500–850 m | 300–737 m | 100–200 m |
We observed the morphology of the species and took photographs of the habitat and macro-morphological characters, both during the fieldwork in Jinping County, South-eastern Yunnan, China and at Kunming Botanical Garden. We also examined the specimens of Deinostigma in the herbaria (E, KUN, P & PE). All micro-morphological characters were observed and photographed with a Leica S8 APO stereomicroscope (Shanghai, China) and a Nikon D700 microscope camera (Tokyo, Japan).
China. Yunnan province, Jinping County, Ma-an-di town, 22°58'33"N, 104°50'32"E, 11 August 2018, collected from the living plants at Kunming Botanical Garden, Y.M. Shui & S.W. Guo B2018-493 (holotype, KUN!).
Deinostigma fasciculatum W.H.Chen & Y.M.Shui, sp. nov. A habit B mature fruits C frontal view of flower D leaf abaxial side E top and back view of flowers F top view of opened corolla showing the interior surface of corolla tube, stamens and staminodes G pistil and calyx, arrow showing the calyx H ovary, calyx and bract. (b = bract, c = calyx, d = disc).
The new species is similar to D. cicatricosum and D. cyrtocarpum in dark purple flowers and falcate fruit, but differs from the latter two species in the inflorescences with fasciculate flowers (vs. with remote flowers), calyx lobes reflexed (vs. compacted), corolla tubes white outside and below throat (vs. purple) (Figs
Photographs of Deinostigma cicatricosum (W.T. Wang) D.J. Middleton & Mich. Möller (A–H) and D. cyrtocarpum (D. Fang & L. Zeng) Mich. Möller & H.J. Atkins (I & J) A habit B adaxial surface of leaf C frontal view of flower D top view of flower E opened corolla showing the interior surface of corolla tube, stamens and staminodes, arrows showing the staminodes F stamens and staminodes, arrows showing the staminodes G pistil and calyx H bract and young flower I inflorescence of D. cyrtocarpum J lateral view of inflorescence (b = bract, c = calyx, d = disc).
Stems pendulous, 30–60 cm long, densely glandular villous. Leaves alternate near stem apex; petiole 2–3.5 cm long, densely glandular villous; leaf blade herbaceous, ovate, elliptic or cordate, 3–9 × 2.5–4 cm, base oblique, often slightly peltate, cuneate, cordate or round, apex acuminate, margin serrate, adaxially densely glandular villous, abaxially densely glandular villous; venation penninerved, lateral veins 3–5 on each side of mid-rib. Cymes axillary near stem apex, fasciculate; peduncle 1.5–11.5 cm long, densely glandular villous; bracts 2, ovate, caducous, 0.8–1.2 × ca. 0.6 cm, adaxially sparsely glandular villous, abaxially densely glandular villous; bracteoles 2, lanceolate, caducous, ca. 0.6 × 0.2 cm, adaxially sparsely glandular villous, abaxially densely glandular villous; pedicel ca. 0.5 cm long, densely glandular villous. Calyx 5-parted to the base, segments lanceolate, 1.2–1.3 × ca. 0.2 cm, apex acute, margin entire, outside densely glandular villous, inside sparsely glandular villous. Corolla funnelform, zygomorphic, 3.5–4 cm long, ca. 1 cm wide at the throat, outside dark purple, densely glandular pubescent, inside dark purple, glabrous; tube ca. 2.5 cm long; limb 2-lipped, adaxial lip 2-lobed, lobes semi-circular, ca. 0.8 cm long, 0.5 cm in diam. at base; abaxial lip ca. 1.5 cm long, 3-lobed, middle lobes orbicular, ca. 0.5 × 0.5 cm, lateral lobes orbicular, ca. 0.5 × 0.6 cm. Stamens 2, adnate to corolla tube ca. 1.5 cm from base, coherent; anthers densely villous; filaments densely villous, ca. 1.2 cm long; staminode 3, lateral 2, villous, slightly coherent with the anthers, adnate to corolla tube ca. 1.5 cm from base, ca. 0.8 cm long; middle 1, adnate to corolla tube ca. 1.5 cm from base, ca. 1 mm long. Disc ring-like, ca. 1 mm high. Pistil ca. 3.5 cm long; ovary linear, densely glandular pubescent, ca. 0.8 cm long; style linear, ca. 2.7 cm long; stigmas obtrapeziform, emarginate. Capsule obliquely narrowly oblong, 2–2.5 cm long, curved.
Flowering is from May to August and fruiting from July to September.
The name refers to the flowers, which are fasciculate on inflorescences of the new species.
Cù Huā Qí Zhù Jù Tái (Chinese pronunciation); 簇花奇柱苣苔 (Chinese name).
The new species only grows on the wet cliff in the valley and only occurs at the type locality, Jinping County, Yunnan province, China.
China. Yunnan province: Jinping county, Ma-an-di town, 22°58'33"N, 104°50'32"E, in valleys, alt. 500 m a.s.l., with fruits, 22 January 2016, Y.M. Shui & W.H. Chen B2016-084 (KUN!). The same county, Ma-an-di town, Maguaitang village, on wet cliff, alt. 520–850 m a.s.l., with buds, 1 May 2019, Z.Y. Yu B2019-001 (KUN!).
The new species has been only observed from the type locality in the nature reserve, with ca. 30, 000 m2 area (300 m × 100 m) and ca. 160 mature individuals on the cliff. The type locality is located in a deep valley with a small power station. Occasionally, local people go there to camp. Additionally, due to the building of a road, some of the slopes may become unstable and fall, resulting in some individuals being destroyed in the future. So, we hereby assessed the new species as “Critically Endangered (CR)” (C2+a+ii or B2+b+iii). (
Deinostigma cyrtocarpum is easily distinguished from D. cicatricosum and D. fasciculatum by its short calyx (Figs
We thank Mr Zong-Li Liang in the Managing Department of Jinping Fengshuiling National Nature Reserve for providing the help in the fieldwork. We greatly acknowledge the support from Biodiversity Survey, Observation and Assessment Program of Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grants no. 31470306, 31370228), Monitoring program of the Hekou Field Station of tropical karst ecosystem (2020-YN-06), and Guilin Science and Technology Foundation (20180107-6).