Research Article |
Corresponding author: Félix Llamas ( ) Academic editor: Sandy Knapp
© 2019 Félix Llamas, Carmen Acedo.
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Llamas F, Acedo C (2019) Typification of eight current and seven related names and a new section in the genus Bromus (Bromeae, Pooideae, Poaceae). PhytoKeys 121: 53-72.
During our nomenclatural revision of the genus Bromus L. (Poaceae) for Flora Iberica, we found that several names were still untypified: nine names in current use or their basionyms and five synonyms. Typifications are still needed since stabilising the names will facilitate their use. We propose lectotypes for Bromus alopecuros Poir., B. contortus Desf. (and the superfluous B. alopecuroides Poir.), B. benekenii (Lange) Trimen, B. intermedius subsp. divaricatus Bonnier & Layens, B. molliformis J.Lloyd ex Billot, B. lepidus Holmb., B. lepidus f. lasiolepis Holmb., Bromus subg. Stenobromus (Griseb.) Hack. and Bromus sect. Stenobromus Griseb. Neotypes for B. erectus Huds. and B. ramosus Huds. and an epitype for B. intermedius subsp. divaricatus Bonnier & Layens are proposed. In addition, we identify an isoneotype for B. erectus and isolectotypes for B. lepidus and B. lepidus f. lasiolepis. The area inhabited by the typified taxa includes both Africa and Europe. All the selected types are in agreement with the current use of the names and, thus, our selections contribute to stabilising the nomenclature of the genus Bromus. A discussion is provided to justify the selections. In addition, we typified two supraspecific names B. subg. Stenobromus and B. sect. Stenobromus. Finally, a new section, B. sect. Penicillius Llamas & Acedo, is described.
Africa, Bromus, Europe, nomenclature, new name, typification
The genus Bromus L. (Poaceae) includes about 200 species distributed worldwide, with the greatest diversity and most complex taxonomy in south-eastern Europe and western Asia (
In step with research carried out by various authors in the last decade on the taxonomy and nomenclature of the genus Bromus L., we here present a nomenclatural paper concerning the 8 names of well-known and floristically or coenologically important taxa belonging to Bromus that remain untypified at present and others related with them.
Besides the basic interest of the typification of the untypified names to stabilise nomenclature, it is valuable for any Flora to include type information and references to the exact places where the designation of types were published. All typifications in our work affect native and naturalised taxa occurring in the Iberian Peninsula, most of them also being present in other European countries and North Africa or have been established as aliens in many territories around the world. In any case, most of these names are applied widely due to their current distribution. We are applying Bromus sensu lato circumscription, since there is not sufficient data to split it into different genera.
This study is based on analysis of relevant literature (every protologue and location indications included) and search for specimens or images of the following herbaria to identify original material: B, BM, BRI, C, G, FI, H, GOET, L, LD, LE, LEB, LINN, K, MPU, P, PH, PI, S, UPS and W (acronyms according to
The references are consulted in the Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid (2018) at http://bibdigital. rjb.,
Currently accepted names are listed in alphabetical order, including their synonyms in each entry. Accepted names are in italic-bold, while junior synonyms are in italic-non-bold. Specimens seen are marked “!”, images of specimens seen as “image!”.
Bromus alopecuros Poir., Voy. Barbarie. 2: 100–101 (1789). Type Protologue: “Cette espèce croît dans les prairies aux environs de la Calle ”. Type: [Algeria] Numidia (lectotype, designated here: P [P02622864 image!]). (Figure 1)
Bromus contortus Desf., Fl. Atlant. 1: 95, tab. 25 (1798). Type Protologue: “Habitat prope La Calle”. Type: [Algeria] La Calle (lectotype, designated here: P [P00320328 image!]). (Figure 2)
Bromus alopecuroides Poir. in Lamarck, Encycl., Suppl. 1: 703 (1810), nom. illeg. superfl. for Bromus contortus Desf. Type Protologue: [Algeria] “Barbarie, dans les prés, aux environs de Lacalle”.
Currently, the species Bromus alopecuros Poir. has at least two synonyms: B. alopecuroides Poir. and B. contortus Desf.
In describing Bromus alopecuros,
During our search for original material in the herbaria conserving the plants of Poiret (FI, H, P and UPS), we found only one specimen collected by him. There is a sheet in P (P02622864) from Numidia (Algeria “Numidia” included in the full title of his publication), registered as original material, bearing a single plant annotated as B. alopecuros with five labels transcribed below; one of them handwritten by Poiret:
Label 1: [printed]. Herb. Poiret in Herb. Moquin-Tandom.
Label 2: [handwritten by Poiret] “brom. contortus Desf. Bromus alopecuros (n) Panicula conferta erecta spiculis oblongis subsessilibus, aristis inferne spiraliter contortis. (nobis) h. Poiret ex Numidia.
Label 3: [printed]: barcode Herbier museum Paris P 02622864
Label 4: [handwritten] Bromus alopecuros Poiret, Det. P. Smith 3/72
Label 5: [printed]. Herb. Mus. Paris
As this specimen bears a label handwritten by Poiret with his description of B. alopecuros and the word “nobis” [our], indicating the author is describing a new species, it seems sure that it is original material and it is suitable to be described as a lectotype. In addition, there is no other specimen matching with Bromus alopecuros Poir. in FI (Chiara Nepi pers. comm. 2018); nor in H (Raino Lampinen pers. comm. 1994; Henry Väre pers. comm. 2018) nor in UPS (Dr. Mats Hjertson pers. comm. 2018).
Choosing the specimen on the right of the sheet MNHN-P P00320328 (Figure 2) as lectotype, which taxonomically matches B. alopecuros Poir., the name becomes a taxonomic or heterotypic synonym (
Schedonorus benekenii Lange, Flora Danica 48: 5, t. 2826. (1871). Type Protologue: “In silvia hinc inde. Specimen depictum fig. 1 in insula Lolland legit cl. E. Rostrup, specimen fig. 2 in silva Jonstrup Vang legit cl. H. Mortensen”. Type: [Denmark] Jonstrup Vang. 29TH June 1866, H. Mortensen (lectotype, designated here: C [C10021729 image!]). (Figure 3)
Based on Schenodorus benekenii Lange.
The current widely used name Bromus benenkenii is an implicit combination by
An exhaustive search to find the material
We choose as lectotype the latter sheet since its spikelets conserve most of its florets. The other sheet is in a more advanced phenological state and conserves, in most of its spikelets, only the glumes. The Rostrup specimen still conserves its basal part, with leaves, that is missing in the lectotype.
Bromus commutatus
Schrad., Fl. Germ.: 353 (1806). Type Protologue: “Inter segetes, ad vias, sepes, alibique”. Type: Germany (lectotype designated by
The lectotype has a handwritten label by Schrader “B. commutatus / Fl. Germ. / Göttingen” and a handwritten indication as “typus-material”. Currently, there is another label on this sheet by H.Scholz 1998 marking it as Neotypus, which was published in
Bromus erectus Huds., Fl. Angl.: 39 (1762). Type Protologue: “Habitat in cretaceis circa Rochester, Dartford and Gravesend, in Cantio”. Type: United Kingdom. England: Kent, near Wye, grassland on chalk. 12 Jun. 1964, S.T. Blake 22178 (neotype, designated here: K [K000618780!]; isoneotype: BRI [BRI 252046 image!]). (Figure 4)
As a fire in his house destroyed Hudson’s personal herbarium, most specimens were lost and only those borrowed by other botanists are extant. Some specimens which Hudson sent to Linnaeus are preserved in the herbarium of the Linnean Society of London (LINN) but none of them is Bromus erectus Huds. There is also one sheet conserved in BM that does not seem to be original material. As Hudson did not give any other reference and, as no original material of B. erectus Huds. is available, a neotype must be designated (ICN, Art. 9.13). We searched for material coming from Kent (“Cantium”, England) in K and selected one specimen consistent with the protologue as neotype. It was collected in Kent, near Wye. There is a duplicate of it in BRI, which is an isoneotype.
Bromus intermedius subsp. divaricatus Bonnier & Layens, Tabl. Syn. Pl. Vasc. Fl. Fr. 369. (1894), non B. divaricatus sensu Rhode ex DC. Type Protologue: [France] “Endroits incultes, sables”. Type: [France], (lectotype, designated here: [figure] in Bonnier and Layens, Tabl. Syn. Pl. Vasc. Fl. Fr. 369. (1894); epitype, designated here: [France]: Pornichet, Loire Inférieure [Loire-Atlantique], sea shore, June 25 1856, Lloyd, BM [BM001067302 image! as Bromus molliformis Lloyd]). (Figure 5)
Bromus molliformis J.Lloyd ex Billot, Fl. Gall. & Germ. Exsicc. (Haguenau) 1: 297–298. (Feb 1854). Type Protologue: “Loire Inférieure” [Loire-Atlantique]. Type: [France]. Le Roc-Saint-Luc, commune de Pissotte, près de Fontenay-le-Comte (Vendée); June 3, 1853, (lectotype, designated here: P [P02381530 image!]; isolectotypes: P [P03354928, P03354936, P03486702, P03364411]). (Figure 6)
Serrafalcus lloydianus Godr. & Gren. in Grenier and Godron, Fl. France 3: 591 (1855). Type Protologue: “Hab. Sables maritimes; Cannes, Hyères, Montpellier, etc.; littoral de l’Océan depuis Bayonne jusqu’à l’embouchure de la Loire”.
Based on Bromus intermedius subsp. divaricatus Bonnier & Layens.
Bromus hordeaceus L. is a very variable species with a complex nomenclatural history at subspecies level. The origin of many problems in the group is the name B. molliformis J.Lloyd, Fl. Loire-Inf. (
“Racine fibreuse. Chaume de 2–4 décimètres. Feuilles et graines inférieures mollement poilues. Panicule oblongue, droite, étalée, resserrée après la floraison; pédoncules courts, simples. Epillets oblongs, étalés, velus; arête égalant la glumelle, d’abord droite, à la fin tortillée divariquée, insérée à 1 1/2 millimètre du sommet obtus, échancré”.
Serrafalcus lloydianus Godr. & Gren. (1855: 591) is a superfluous name for B. molliformis J.Lloyd ex Billot.
Bromus hordeaceus var. molliformis (J.Lloyd ex Billot)
Bromus hordeaceus subsp. molliformis (J.Lloyd) Maire & Weiller (1955: 255). This post-1953 combination, without direct citation to the basionym, nor to a potentially validating Latin description, but only to “Bromus molliformis Lloyd, Fl. Loire-Inf. 315 (1844)”, is another combination not validly published.
As Bromus intermedius subsp. divaricatus Bonnier & Layens is an untypified name, we choose, as lectotype, the figure in
The epitype of Bromus hordeaceus subsp divaricatus (Bonnier & Layens) Kerguélen is the specimen on the left with barcode BM001067302 (collected and identified by Lloyd as B. molliformis; preserved at BM (Permanent URL: Reproduced with permission.
Bromus lepidus Holmb., Bot. Not. 1924: 326 (1924).Type Protologue: “Nach ROUY kommt sie in Frankreich hier und da vor,aber ziemlich selten; Krösche hat sie nur von einem Ståndort in Norddeutschland. In Schweden kommt sie besonders in Schonen vor; ich habe sie mehrmals eingesammelt, wie in der Gegend von Lund und Malmö an mehreren Orten; Svenshög in Wallkärra; Skartofta in Öved; Gudmundtorp. Außerdem sah ich Exemplare aus Blommeröd in Öved (leg. P. Boren 1903), Skelderviken (leg. Sten Selander), Kalmar (leg. N. Blomgren), Borås (leg. C. Sandberg), Fyen, Stenlose (leg. G. Samuelsson). Kommt in Klee- und Grasfeldern, auf Rainen, Wegrändern etc. vor, oft mit B. mollis und B. commutatus zusammen; bei Malmö auch als Ruderat“. Type: SWEDEN. Scania: Malmö, in ruderatis, 18-06-1920, Otto R.Holmberg, (lectotype, designated here: LD [LD1136595 image!]; isolectotype: K [K000913599!]). (Figure 7)
Bromus lepidus f. lasiolepis Holmb., Bot. Not. 1924: 326 (1924). Type Protologue: not indicated. Type: Sweden. Scania: Vallkörra. Svenenshög. 4-07-1923. Otto R.Holmberg, (lectotype, designated here: LD [LD 1136235 image!]; isolectotype: K [K000913598!]). (Figure 8)
This taxon has a long history full of nomenclatural problems.
Bromus ramosus Huds., Fl. Angl.: 40 (1762).Type Protologue: “Habitat in sylvis et sepibus frequens”. Type: United Kingdom. England: Leighwood, North Somerset. 5 July 1884, White, J.W #s.n., (neotype, designated here: S [S-G-1020!]). (Figure 9)
≡ Bromus sect. Stenobromus Griseb., Spic. Fl. Rumel. 2: 448 1844 [1846].
(designated here): Bromus sterilis L., Sp. Pl.: 77 (1753).
This subgenus is variable enough to have two sections:
(designated by
Europe, temperate Asia and North Africa.
Panicle dense, compact, with short branches. The erect spikelets seem to be sessile. Awns more or less divaricate at maturity.
Bromus rubens L. in Cent. Pl. I: 1 (1755).
B. rubens L., B. fasciculatus C.Presl and B. matritensis L.
Southern Europe, temperate Asia and North Africa. Etymology: Named from the Latin “penicillus”, meaning brush, referring to the morphology of the inflorescence, especially in B. rubens, the name of which provides the type.
Thanks are due to the staff and institutions of the Herbaria consulted for helping us to find materials; in particular Thomas Rouillard (ANG), Olof Rydi (C), Chiara Nepi (FI), Henry U Väre (H), Roxali Bijmoe (L), Ulf Arup (LD), Juan Viruel (K) for their personal assistance with some pictures, Jean-Claude Jolinon, Elodie Lerat and Veronique Durand-Andro (P), Arne Anderberg (S) and Mats Hjertson (UPS). Mrs. Amelia Llamas and Ms. Elizabeth Bailey for proofreading the paper and English language editing. We are also very grateful to Sandra Knapp (Deputy Editor) and Kanchi N. Gandhi and the reviewers Robert Soreng, Eduardo Ruiz Sánchez and Werner Greuter for their critical comments and helpful suggestions to improve our manuscript. This work was supported by the Spanish “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MICINN” under Flora Iberica IX Grant CGL2011-28613-C03-03, and Flora Iberica X Grant CGL2014-52787-C3-1-P.