Research Article
Research Article
Taxonomic reconsideration of Prunus veitchii (Rosaceae)
expand article infoBaohuan Wu, Chaoyu Liu, Daniel Potter§, Dafang Cui
‡ South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China
§ University of California, Davis, United States of America
Open Access


Prunus veitchii was published in 1912 and was treated as a synonym of P. serrulata var. pubescens. The information about this taxon is relatively scarce. When consulting specimens of Prunus L., type materials of Prunus veitchii were found to belong to three taxa and P. veitchii, P. concinna, P. japonica var. zhejiangensis, C. jingningensis and C. xueluoensis were found to be conspecific. The taxonomic status of P. veitchii is reconsidered in the present paper. Morphometric analyses were performed to evaluate the significance of differences between P. veitchii and P. serrulata var. pubescens. The results show that the leaves of P. veitchii are significantly smaller and narrower than the leaves of P. serrulata var. pubescens and the peduncle and pedicels are shorter. According to the results of morphometric analyses, P. veitchii should be treated as a separate species. To address these results, a lectotype of P. veitchii is designated here and P. concinna, Cerasus jingningensis and C. xueluoensis are here designated as synonyms of P. veitchii.


Prunus , Prunus serrulata var. pubescens, typification, synonyms, China


Cerasus A. Gray, the taxon that includes species commonly known as cherries, is a group that is famous for germplasm resources of edible fruits and flowering trees and shrubs. Historically, Cerasus has been treated either as a subgenus of Prunus L. or as a separate genus (Wen et al. 2008). In the past twenty years, molecular phylogenetic analyses (Bortiri et al. 2001; Lee and Wen 2001; Wen et al. 2008; Shi et al. 2013; Chin et al. 2014) have supported recognition of Prunussensu lato, including Cerasus, as a single genus and have also shown that, with the removal of the species in sect. Microcerasus, a monophyletic Cerasus can be recognised. Although the inclusion of Cerasus within Prunus is no longer as controversial as it used to be, there are still many problems with the taxonomy of this clade (Wu et al. 2018).

Prunus veitchii Koehne (Koehne 1912) is a species of shrub cherry that occurs at altitudes above 1000 m in western Hubei Province, China. It was treated as a synonym of P. serrulata var. pubescens Wilson by Wilson (1916), a treatment followed by “Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae” (Yü and Li 1986) and “Flora of China” (Li and Bartholomew 2003) and also by Koehne (1917), albeit with reservation. We found that the type materials of P. veitchii actually belonged to three taxa and that the voucher of Wilson’s treatment is not the same plant as the specimen on which Koehne’s description was based. This means that the taxonomic status of P. veitchii needs to be redefined.

Meanwhile, we also found that P. veitchii, P. concinna, P. japonica var. zhejiangensis, Cerasus jingningensis and C. xueluoensis should all be conspecific due to their similarities in morphology and habitat. The histories of all of these taxa are relevant and are described below.

First, along with the publication of P. veitchii, Koehne (1912) described another shrub cherry, P. concinna, from a similar habitat. Due to the lack of materials, Koehne was uncertain about its status and the name is still unresolved today. Second, Chang (1992) described P. japonica var. zhejiangensis based on Zhang Fanggang & Li Zhiyun 5309, which was collected from southern Zhejiang Province. This variety (Figure 1) was thought to be different from the typical variety in its persistent ovate stipules and black fruit (Chang 1992). However, it is strange that Chang did not include this variety in “Flora of Zhejiang” (Editorial Board 1993), which was published in the following year and for which Chang was involved in compiling most of the content for Rosaceae, including Prunus L. Although the taxon was later included in “Flora of China” (Li and Bartholomew 2003), it was overlooked in later publications (Wang 2014, Yan et al. 2017). Third, Xu et al. (2012) described a new species of cherry, C. jingningensis (Fig. 1), based on specimens collected from southern Zhejiang Province. Recently, P. japonica var. zhejiangensis was treated as a synonym of C. jingningensis by Liu et al. (2017). Finally, C. xueluoensis was published by Nan et al. (2013) based on Cheng-Hui Nan 040301, which was collected from western Hubei Province.

Figure 1. 

Holotypes of Prunus japonica var. zhejiangensis (left, photograph by Fanggang Zhang) and Cerasus jingningensis (right).

Here, we use morphometric analyses to test the distinct nature of P. veitchii and P. serrulata var. pubescens and conclude that the former should be recognised as a separate species. We designate a lectotype for P. veitchii and reduce P. concinna, Cerasus jingningensis and C. xueluoensis to its synonymy.

Materials and methods

Herbarium specimens from A, AU, CSFI, DAV, E, GH, HBG, HHBG, HX, IBK, IBSC, IFP, JJF, JXU, K, KUN, LBG, MO, NAS, NF, NY, PE, UC, US, ZJFC and ZM (Chinese Academy of Sciences 2018, Thiers, [continuously updated].) were examined by visiting the herbaria or through the Chinese Virtual Herbarium (Chinese Academy of Sciences 2018) and Global Plant database (JSTOR 2018). To evaluate the differences between P. veitchii and P. serrulata var. pubescens, specimens from different origins were selected to gather morphological data and which were subjected to morphometric analyses. Seven floral characters and eight leaf characters (Table 1) were selected for analyses, following Chang et al. (2007), though some characters used by Chang et al. (2007) were discarded because it was not possible to collect enough relevant data from the available specimens. A total of 26 specimens for floral characters and 44 specimens for vegetative characters were measured (see Appendix 1). Measurements were made manually with rulers for borrowed specimens or performed using Digimizer version 4.6.0 (MedCalc Software 2018) for online images.

Table 1.

Floral characters and vegetative characters used in morphometric analyses.

Code Floral Character Code Vegetative Characters
A Peduncle length (cm) H Petiole length (cm)
B Pedicel length (cm) I Leaf length (cm)
C Length of calyx tube (cm) J Leaf width (cm)
D Diameter of calyx tube top (cm) K Angle of leaf base (°)
E Length of calyx lobe (cm) L Angle of leaf apex (°)
F Width of calyx lobe (cm) M Length of leaf apex (cm)
G Ratio of length and width of calyx lobe N Ratio of leaf length and petiole length
O Ratio of length and width of leaf

A non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA was conducted to evaluate the significance of the difference in measured characters between P. veitchii and P. serrulata var. pubescens in each character, as not all characters follow a normal distribution. Box plots were created to illustrate the differences. Data analyses were performed in R version 3.5.1 (R Core Team 2011) and diagrams were created by using ggplot2 package (Wickham 2016).


After examining the type specimens, other collections, relevant literature and plants in the field, we determined that P. veitchii, P. concinna, P. japonica var. zhejiangensis, C. jingningensis and C. xueluoensis must be conspecific. Their original descriptions are not essentially different (Table 2). Although the type specimens of these taxa cannot all be compared directly because they were collected in different seasons and stages of development, it was clear that they are conspecific after consulting specimens collected from the type localities in different seasons.

Table 2.

Characteristic description of Prunus veitchii, P. concinna, P. japonica var. zhejiangensis, Cerasus jingningensis and C. xueluoensis, from the original literature (the description of P. concinna contains Koehne’s description (Koehne 1912) in the original literature and Rehder’s description (Rehder 1940) is based on the individuals introduced in Harvard Arnold Arboretum).

P. veitchii P. concinna P. japonica var. zhejiangensis C. jingningensis C. xueluoensis
Life Form Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub, small tree
Lamina narrow-elliptic to oblong-ovate, oblong-obovate ovate, ovate-elliptic, obovate-elliptic elliptic, obovate-elliptic
Leaf Length 3–6 (8) cm 3–6 cm 3–7 cm
Leaf Width 1.5–3 cm 1.5–3 cm
Leaf Margin Incisively serrate Sharply and rather finely serrate, doubly serrate Acuminately serrate, biserrate Serrate, biserrate
Leaf Apex - Acuminate, cuspidate Acuminate, caudate
Leaf Base Cuneate, rounded Cuneate, rounded Subrounded to broadly cuneate
Petiole 3–8 mm 4–10 mm 5–9 mm
Inflorescence Umbellate, 1–3 flowered Umbellate (Koehne, 1912), 1–4 flowered (Rehder, 1940), 1–2 flowered (Koehne, 1912) Umbellate, subumbellate, 1–3 flowered Umbellate, 2–4 flowered
Peduncle No No Very short or no peduncle Inconspicuous
Bract Leaf like Leaf like, subovate, ovate-oblong Obovate, spatulate, fan-shaped, lobate
Pedicel 0.8–1.3 cm 0.8–1.5 cm (Rehder 1940), 0.8–0.9 cm (Koehne 1912) 0.8–1.8 cm 0.6–2.5 cm
Calyx Tube Tubular with acute base, obconical, 8–10 mm long Tubular (Rehder, 1940), obconically-tubular (Koehne, 1912), 9 mm long Tubular-campanulate Narrow tubular, apical enlarged, 6–10 mm long
Sepal Ovate, oblong, entire Ovate to ovate-oblong (Rehder 1940), ovate-triangular (Koehne 1912), entire Ovate-triangular, entire Ovate-triangular, entire
Published year 1912 1912 1992 2012 2013

The result of basic statistics and Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA are summarised in Table 3. The box plots (Figure 2) show that there is no significant overlap between P. veitchii and P. serrulata var. pubescens for most of the measured characters. Moreover, ANOVA showed that the means of almost all measured characters differ significantly, except width of the calyx lobes.

Table 3.

Arithmetic average ±standard deviation and Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA for measured morphological characters. A, Peduncle length (cm). B, Pedicel length (cm). C, Length of calyx tube (cm). D, Diameter of calyx tube top (cm). E, Length of calyx lobe (cm). F, Width of calyx lobe (cm). G, Ratio of length and width of calyx lobe. H, Petiole length (cm). I, Leaf length (cm). J, Leaf width (cm). K, Angle of leaf base (°). L, Angle of leaf apex (°). M, Length of leaf apex (cm). N, Ratio of leaf length and petiole length. O, Ratio of length and width of leaf.

Variates Prunus veitchii P. serrulata var. pubescens Chi-Square value (ANOVA) P value (ANOVA)
A 0.34±0.24 0.96± 0.44 12.639 <0.001
B 1.09±0.37 1.79± 0.45 9.536 <0.01
C 0.77±0.08 0.61± 0.07 14.158 <0.001
D 0.34±0.04 0.28± 0.04 7.424 <0.01
E 0.38±0.04 0.45± 0.06 6.869 <0.01
F 0.2±0.02 0.18± 0.03 0.925 0.364
G 1.95±0.22 2.5± 0.38 12.639 <0.001
H 0.74±0.16 1.88±0.31 30.6 <0.001
I 6.18±1.23 8.65±0.96 25.988 <0.001
J 2.71±0.59 4.62±0.67 29.021 <0.001
K 115.53±20.7 162.63±38.39 15.341 <0.001
L 75.9±8.61 94.39±13.18 19.991 <0.001
M 0.61±0.21 1.1±0.24 22.205 <0.001
N 8.55±1.89 4.68±0.71 30.069 <0.001
O 2.29±0.11 1.89±0.19 24.535 <0.001
Figure 2. 

Univariate statistics with the minimum and maximum values for discriminating characters of Prunus veitchii and P. serrulata var. pubescens. PS, P. serrulata var. pubescens. PV, P. veitchii. A, Peduncle length (cm). B, Pedicel length (cm). C, Length of calyx tube (cm). D, Diameter of calyx tube top (cm). E, Length of calyx lobe (cm). F, Width of calyx lobe (cm). G, Ratio of length and width of calyx lobe. H, Petiole length (cm). I, Leaf length (cm). J, Leaf width (cm). K, Angle of leaf base (°). L, Angle of leaf apex (°). M, Length of leaf apex (cm). N, Ratio of leaf length and petiole length. O, Ratio of length and width of leaf.


Prunus veitchii was treated as a synonym of P. serrulata var. pubescens by Wilson, a treatment that was followed by Koehne with reservation (Koehne 1917). Koehne (1917) mentioned that the sepals of P. veitchii are ovate and shorter and the leaflets are smaller than those of P. serrulata var. pubescens. Consistent with Koehne’s observation, our morphometric analyses show that the leaves of P. veitchii are smaller, while the sepals are shorter and wider. The leaves of P. veitchii are also obviously narrower than the leaves of P. serrulata var. pubscens, while the calyx tubes are longer and the peduncles and pedicels are shorter. These results indicate that P. veitchii should not be treated as a synonym of P. serrulata var. pubescens.

The short peduncle was thought to be an important feature that distinguished P. sargentii Rehder from members of the P. serrulata complex (Chang et al. 2007). According to the key to classify the P. serrulata complex and its related species published by Chang et al. (2007), P. veitchii is similar to P. sargentii, having an umbellate or subumbellate inflorescence, sessile or short-pedunculate, consisting of 1–4 flowers with tubular hypanthia, triangular-lanceolate sepals with entire margins and white to reddish petals. Nonetheless, P. veitchii is definitely different from P. sargentii, which has small and elliptic or obovate-elliptic shaped leaves and short petioles, as opposed to the leaves of P. sargentii are elliptic-obovate or oblong-obovate and the length of leaves and petioles can reach 12 cm and 3 cm long (Rehder 1940). In addition, the distribution of P. veitchii is significantly different from that of P. sargentii. The former is mainly distributed around central and eastern China, while the latter is mainly distributed in northern Japan, the Korean peninsula and far eastern Russia (Chang et al. 2007). Therefore, we think that it is better treated as an separate species, based on current evidence.

E. H. Wilson 66 (Veitch Expedition) collected in April 1900, was cited as the voucher when Koehne described P. veitchii. However, this collection number is a source of some confusion. Number “66” was re-used by Wilson for a specimen collected in 1907 during his expedition for Arnold Arboretum, which was determined by Koehne (1912) as a certain form of P. triflora. Another number “66a”, also collected in April 1900, was cited as P. tenuiflora by Koehne in “Plantae Wilsonianae” (Koehne 1912). There are 7 sheets (Table 4) designated as Wilson 66, collected in April 1900, in the Global Plant database (JSTOR 2018), three of which are not congruent with the original description. Amongst these three specimens, one of them, A00241703, contains Wilson’s handwriting, which says ‘Prunus serrulata var. pubescens’, indicating it is the voucher for Wilson’s treatment of P. veitchii as a synonym of P. serrulata var. pubescens. It is reasonable to infer that the mixed collection led Wilson to propose a taxonomic treatment, different from Koehne.

Table 4.

Type and original materials of Prunus veitchii, P. concinna, P. japonica var. zhejiangensis, Cerasus jingningensis and C. xueluoensis.

Specimen Type Collecting locality Identification
E. H. Wilson 66 – E00417568 Original material W. Hubei P. veitchii
E. H. Wilson 66 – HBG511147 Original material W. Hubei P. veitchii
E. H. Wilson 66 – Y00415930 Original material W. Hubei P. veitchii
E. H. Wilson 66 – US00130697 Original material (lectotype designated in this paper) W. Hubei P. veitchii
E. H. Wilson 66 – A00032230 W. Hubei A small branch is P. veitchii, the other 3 branches are P. pseudocerasus
E. H. Wilson 66 – A00241703 W. Hubei P. tenuiflora (P. serrulata var. pubescence)
E. H. Wilson 66 – K000737109 W. Hubei P. tenuiflora (P. serrulata var. pubescence)
E. H. Wilson 2825 Type of P. concinna W. Hubei P. veitchii
Zhang Fanggang & Li Zhiyun 5309 Type of P. japonica var. zhejiangensis S. Zhejiang P. veitchii
Y.K.Xu, C.G.Zhao etc. JN1205001 Type of C. jingningensis S. Zhejiang P. veitchii
Cheng-Hui Nan 040301 Type of C. xueluoensis W. Hubei P. veitchii

As for why this species was published again several times, we believe that there are several reasons besides the confusing voucher. First, the vouchers of this species are deposited in different herbaria in different countries, so it would have been difficult to consult all of them in the past. Second, few sources, especially those easily accessible to Chinese plant taxonomists, record this species. P. veitchii is not included in “Flora Hubeiensis” (Fu 2002) and it is listed as one of the synonyms of P. serrulata var. pubescens in “Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae” (Yü and Li 1986) and “Flora of China” (Li and Bartholomew 2003), which makes it easy to be ignored. And neither “Flora Hubeiensis” (Fu 2002) nor “Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae” (Yü and Li 1986) record P. concinna, which is only listed as a species that could not be treated in “Flora of China” (Li and Bartholomew 2003) because the authors had not seen the type specimens. Third, this species sometimes has three winter buds growing side by side, which has led some authors to treat it mistakenly as a member of section Microcerasus (Nan et al. 2013, Wang 2014, Liu et al. 2017). However, this trait is quite unstable. From observations of herbarium specimens and plants in the field, we found that the number of buds varies from one to three or four and mostly only one bud can be found (Figure 3).

Figure 3. 

P. veitchii. A. Flower branch. B. Fruit Branch. C. Individual. D. Variation of the winter buds.

According to the International Code of Nomenclature (ICN) (McNeill et al. 2012), it is necessary to designate a lectotype of P. veitchii, since the voucher points to more than one taxon. We choose the barcoded sheet US00130697 as the lectotype, since a label with Koehne’s handwriting, ‘Prunus veitchii Koehne’ is affixed to it.

Taxonomic treatment

Prunus veitchii Koehne, Pl. Wilson. (Sargent) 1(2): 257. 1912

Figure 3

Type: China, western Hubei, April 1900, E.H. Wilson 66 (lectotype, designated here: US! [US00130697]; isolectotypes E! [E00417568], HBG! [HBG511147], NY! [NY00415930], A! [A00032230 in part]).

Prunus concinna Koehne, Pl. Wilson. (Sargent) 1(2): 210. 1912, syn. nov. Type: China, western Hubei, 7 April 1907, E.H. Wilson 2825 (holotype: K! [K000737137]).

Prunus japonica Thunb. var. zhejiangensis Y. B. Chang, Bull. Bot. Res. 12(3): 271–274, 1992. Type: China, Zhejiang, Suichang, Daixikeng, Tieluyang, 26 May 1986, F. G. Zhang & Z. Y. Li 5309 (holotype: ZM!).

Cerasus jingningensis Z. H. Chen, G.Y. Li & Y. K. Xu, Jour. of Zhejiang For. Sci. & Tech. 32(4): 81–83, 2012, syn. nov. Type: China, Zhejiang, Jingning She Autonomous County, Dayanghu, 22 May 2012, Y. K. Xu, C. G. Zhao et al. JN1205001 (holotype: ZJFC!).

Cerasus xueluoensis C. H. Nan & X. R. Wang, Ann. Bot. Fennici 50: 79–82, 2013, syn. nov. Type: China, Hubei, Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Xuanen County, Xueluozhai, 3 April 2009 C. H. Nan 040301 (holotype: NF!).


Small trees, sometimes shrubs, deciduous, up to 3 m tall. Winter buds ovoid, apex acute, 1–3(4). Stipules lanceolate, sometimes ovate and lobed. Leaves elliptic to obovate-elliptic, 3–8 × 1.5–3.5 cm, apex acuminate, base subrounded to broadly cuneate, abaxially pale green and glabrous, sparsely pilose or sometimes pilose when young, adaxially green and glabrous or sparsely pubescent, margin serrate or biserrate. Petiole 4–10 mm, glabrous or sparsely pilose, apex with 2 nectaries or not. Inflorescence umbellate or sometimes corymbose, peduncle short or inconspicuous, 1–4-flowered, involucral bracts spatulate or obovate-elliptic, bracts ovate, obovate or spatulate, margin serrate. Pedicel 6–25 mm, glabrous or sparsely pilose. Hypanthium tubular, 6–10 × 1.5–3 mm, reddish-green to purplish, glabrous or sparsely pubescent. Sepals ovate-triangular to triangular-lanceolate, 3–5 mm, margin entire. Petals white or pinkish, obovate, apex emarginate, ca. 10 mm long. Stamens ca. 30–40. Style glabrous. Drupe ovoid or globose, ca. 8–10 mm in diam., glabrous, black when ripe. Flowering March-April, fruiting May-June.

Distribution and habitat

Anhui, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang Provinces, usually occurs in mountain-top thickets at elevations of 800 to 1700 m (Figure 4).

Figure 4. 

Distribution and habitat of P. veitchii. A. Distribution. B. Habitat.

Specimens examined

Fruit or leaf branch, JianJun Zhou 16050702, Xunlin Yu & Hui Zhou 14051515 (CSFI); Fusong Peng 728, 551, Anonymous 23060, Anonymous & Qibai Xiang 844, Laiguan Lin 5976, Linhan Liu 1838, Xianyu He 21316, C. Y. Wu L72, Jiangxidiaochadui 348, Jiangxidui 1242 (PE); Anonymous 11758 (NAS); Choufen Liang 34522; 34484, 34442 (IBK); Xianyu He 23025, Wukaodui 2386 (IBSC); Yaoguo Xiong 07753, 08772 (LBG); Changming Xie et al. L8633-304, Jianshe Fang et al. L8635-320, Maochun Liu 840044, Chensen Ding & Xianglin Shen 5234, 5342, 5215 (ZJFC). Flower branch, H. H. Chung s. n. (AU); Xu Zhang 2015033003, Xunlin Yu, Fan Zhang, Ronghui Tu 16040517, Xunlin Yu, Si Feng, Fanxun Zhang 16040506 (CSFI); HZ017025 (HZ); Lai & Shan 647, Niemin Xiang 92022 (NAS); Anonymous 4218, Jiangxidui 81 (PE); Chensen Ding et al. 5008, Liang Chen 0219 (ZJFC).


This study was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC, 31370246). We are grateful to A, AU, CSFI, DAV, E, GH, HBG, HHBG, HX, IBK, IBSC, IFP, JJF, JXU, K, KUN, LBG, MO, NAS, NF, NY, PE, UC, US, ZJFC and ZM for access to the specimens and their work on the specimen digitisation, making digital images of specimens available on the internet. We also thank Dr. Chenghui Nan and Fanggang Zhang for providing information and the images of the type specimens of Cerasus xueluoensis and Prunus japonica var. zhejiangensis.


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P. serrulata var. pubescens


China: Anonymous 118 (IFP), E. H. Wilson 20 (A00241699), E. H. Wilson 20 (A00241700), E. H. Wilson 13, 66, 69 (A), Anonymous s. n. (NAS00358158), H. F. Chow 40129 (PE), Z. Wang 2283 (PE).

North Korea: C. S. Chang & S. A. Ryue sky 0038 (PE).


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P. serrulata var. pubescens determined as P. leveilleana



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P. veitchii


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