Checklist |
Corresponding author: Emmanuele Farris ( ) Academic editor: Ricarda Riina
© 2018 Emmanuele Farris, Michele Carta, Salvatore Circosta, Salvatore Falchi, Guillaume Papuga, Peter de Lange.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Farris E, Carta M, Circosta S, Falchi S, Papuga G, de Lange P (2018) The indigenous vascular flora of the forest domain of Anela (Sardinia, Italy). PhytoKeys 113: 97-143.
The importance of mountains for plant diversity and richness is underestimated, particularly when transition zones between different bioclimates are present along altitudinal gradients. Here we present the first floristic data for a mountain area in the island of Sardinia (Italy), which exhibits Mediterranean bioclimates at the bottom and temperate bioclimate at the top. We discovered a very high floristic richness, despite the fact that the number of endemic taxa is not high and the number of exclusive taxa is very low. Many of the detected taxa are at their range periphery and/or ecological margin. We conclude that climate transition zones in Mediterranean mountains and especially on islands are key areas regarding plant biodiversity and should be better investigated and protected.
bioclimate, biodiversity, Mediterranean mountains, submediterranean, temperate
Mountains are a critical landscape and ecosystem; they not only provide water for the lowlands but are a source of well-being and inspiration for numerous people (
Mountain biodiversity can be studied at a multitude of scales in space, time and function (
Mediterranean mountains represent an interesting case, because they often have a relic temperate-like bioclimate at their top (with no or little summer drought) in a context characterised by severe water deficit for at least two consecutive months at lower altitudes. Mediterranean mountains can therefore be considered as climatic islands, where plant diversity patterns are influenced by different factors (or in different ways) with respect to temperate and boreal mountains (
The island of Sardinia, the second largest in the whole Mediterranean basin, was already known to have a prevalent Mediterranean bioclimate, with a temperate bioclimate in the two main massifs of the island, the Gennargentu (centre-eastern Sardinian, maximum elevation 1834 m a.s.l.) and the Limbara (north-eastern Sardinia, maximum elevation 1359 m a.s.l.) (
This paper goes some way to fill this knowledge gap by reporting on the indigenous flora of a forest domain located in the middle of the Marghine-Goceano range. Our aim was to provide a checklist of the flora located in this area to enable future characterisation of the biotic environment of this mountain area of Sardinia. This data will also allow the identification of target species to monitor and understand climate changes in the particular context of Mediterranean islands.
The forest domain of Anela is a public property since 1886, at present managed by the Sardinian regional agency Forestas (Fig.
The study area, Forest of Anela and its location in Sardinia (red rectangle on the inset map). Colours on the map represent different isobioclimates (derived from
In the ambit of the Sardinian-Corsican biogeographic province (as defined by
The geology of the study area comprises Palaeozoic granites and schists (
Bioclimate analysis of 1971–2000 data (
Thermo-pluviometric data of the period 1951–1985 showed annual mean temperature of 11.2 °C and annual mean rainfall of 1040 mm; after the year 2000 temperatures did not vary significantly, whereas a reduction of ca. 30% in the annual rainfall was recorded. Late spring and summer rainfall (May-August) decreased even more (more than 50%, see
The study area is entirely included in the Natura 2000 site of community importance ITB 011102 ‘‘Catena del Marghine e Goceano’’, extended on 14,984 ha and is also nominated as a Protection Oasis for wildlife “Foresta Anela”, managed by the Province of Sassari.
Floristic research started in the year 2000 and was intensified in the years 2012–17 with regular monthly sampling. Each month, we made one day excursions, which covered three altitudinal ranges (< 800 m a.s.l.; 800–1000 m a.s.l.; > 1000 m a.s.l. on the third). For each excursion, we tried to visit as many habitats as possible in order to capture the highest environmental heterogeneity. Collected plants were stored at the Herbarium SS, where we also searched for specimens collected in previous decades (if present, they are reported in the floristic list).
Plant names were derived from the Euro+Med PlantBase (
Plant authorities and names were further verified using ‘The Plant List’, ‘The World Checklist of Selected Plant Families’ and ‘The International Plant Names Index’ (IPNI). Herbarium acronyms follow
The taxonomic circumscription of orders and families, as well as their sequence in the list was derived from
For each taxon we report:
Progressive number Scientific name (with authority) Biological type, Chorologic type
Abundance (locality(ies) of collection is(are) specified only for uncommon or range restricted taxa): Habitat
Notes (eventual)
Biological types are in accordance to
Geographical abbreviations are:
Atl. Atlantic;
Cauc. Caucasian;
Circumbor. circum-boreal;
Cosmop. cosmopolitan;
Endem. endemic;
Euras. Eurasian;
Eurimedit. euri-Mediterranean;
Europ. European;
Eurosib. Euro-Siberian;
It Italy;
Itc central Italy;
Its northern Italy;
Macaron. Macaronesian;
Medit. Mediterranean;
Medit. Mont. Mediterranean montane;
S. Europ. Orof. Southern European Orophylous;
Paleotemp. paleo-temperate;
Paleotrop. paleo-Tropical;
Sib. Siberian;
Stenomedit. Steno-Mediterranean;
Subatl. sub-Atlantic;
Subcosmop. sub-cosmopolitan;
Submedit. sub-Mediterranean;
Subtrop. sub-Tropical;
Turan. Turanian.
Here we consider as endemics sensu stricto all taxa limited to the Corsican-Sardinian biogeographic province (sensu
Ag Algeria;
AT Tuscan Archipelago;
Bl Balearic Islands;
Co Corsica;
Hy Hyères islands;
Sa Sardinia;
Si Sicily.
Abundance is expressed on the basis of the following criteria:
RR range restricted: taxa present in only one locality within the study area or covering a surface not exceeding 1 hectare, i.e. Mentha requienii subsp. requienii;
U uncommon: taxa found in 2–5 localities within the study area, or covering a surface not exceeding 1 km2, i.e. Arisarum vulgare;
L localised: taxa present in 6 or more localities within the study area, but covering less than 2.5 km2, i.e. Agrostis capillaris;
C common: taxa covering more than 2.5 km2, i.e. Quercus ilex.
1 Isoetes histrix Bory G bulb, Stenomedit.-Atl.
U (Zuanne Cane Malu, near Mt. Masiennera): Temporary ponds
2 Selaginella denticulata (L.) Spring Ch rept, Stenomedit.
C: Woods, wet cliffs
3 Osmunda regalis L. G rhiz, Subcosmop.
L: Alnus glutinosa woods, streams
4 Pteridium aquilinum subsp. aquilinum G rhiz, Cosmop.
C: Woods, meadows, fringes, garrigues, shrublands
5 Anogramma leptophylla (L.) Link T caesp, Cosmop.
L: Shady rocks and cliffs
6 Asplenium adiantum-nigrum L. H ros, Paleotemp.
C: Shady rocks and cliffs, sometimes woods
Notes: since the taxon has been excluded from the Sardinian flora by
7 Asplenium onopteris L. H ros, Subtrop.
C: Woods, sometimes cliffs
8 Asplenium ceterach subsp. ceterach H ros, Euras.
L: Walls
9 Asplenium foreziense Magnier H ros, NW-Medit.-Mont.
U (Badu Edras): Shady rocks and cliffs
Notes: the taxon has been excluded from the Sardinian flora by
10 Asplenium obovatum subsp. obovatum H ros, Stenomedit.
U (Mt. Masiennera): Crevices at the top of the mountain
11 Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E. Mey. H ros, Cosmop.
C: Shady rocks and cliffs
12 Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth H Ros, Subcosmop.
L: Wet places, mainly Alnus glutinosa woods
13 Struthiopteris spicant (L.) F.W.Weiss H ros, Circumbor.
RR (Few individuals in a wet wood near Sos Sauccheddos spring): Alnus glutinosa wood
14 Polystichum setiferum (Forssk.) Woyn. G rhiz, Circumbor.
C: Woods
15 Polypodium cambricum subsp. cambricum H ros, Eurimedit.
C: Rocks, big trees
16 Polypodium interjectum Shivas H ros, Paleotrop.
U (Bidighinzos): Shady rocks
17 Arisarum vulgare O. Targ. Tozz. G rhiz, Stenomedit.
U (Bonu Trau, Badde Cherchi, Badu Edras): Woods and shrubland (lower altutides)
18 Arum italicum subsp. italicum G rhiz, Stenomedit.
L: Fringes
19 Arum pictum L. f. G rhiz, Endem. Sa-Co-AT-Bl
RR (Su Pizzu Sa Pedra): at the base of a cliff
Notes: this taxon is not considered as an Italian endemic by
20 Lemna gibba L. I nat, Subcosmop.
L: Wet places, standing water
21 Lemna minor L. I nat, Subcosmop.
RR (Su Francallossu spring): standing water
22 Dioscorea communis (L.) Caddick & Wilkin G rad, Eurimedit.
C: Woods
23 Colchicum nanum K. Perss. G bulb, Endem. Sa-Co
L: Wet pastures and meadows
24 Smilax aspera L. NP, Subtrop.
C: Woods
25 Gagea bohemica (Zauschn.) Schult. & Schult.f. G bulb, Eurimedit.
C: Pastures
26 Anacamptis laxiflora (Lam.) R. M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M. W. Chase G bulb, Eurimedit.
L: Wet meadows
Specimen examined (syn. Orchis laxiflora Lam.): Funtana Arile, Anela, 08 June 1980, B. Corrias, S. Diana (SS)
27 Anacamptis longicornu (Poir.) R. M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M. W. Chase G bulb, W-Stenomedit.
Not found in the field during this research
Specimen examined (syn. Orchis longicornu Poir.): S’Isfundadu, Anela, 13 May 1965, B. Corrias (SS)
28 Anacamptis papilionacea (L.) R. M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M. W. Chase G bulb, Eurimedit.
C: Dry grasslands
Specimen examined (syn. Orchis papilionacea L.): Funtana Arile, Anela, 08 June 1980, B. Corrias, S. Diana (SS)
29 Dactylorhiza insularis (Sommier) Landwehr G bulb, W-Stenomedit.
Not found in the field during this research
Specimen examined (syn. D. sambucina (L.) Soó): S’Isfundadu, Anela, 13 May 1965, B. Corrias (SS)
30 Limodorum abortivum (L.) Sw. G rhiz, Eurimedit.
U (Littu Majore and Minda ‘e Bassu - Minda ‘e Supra): Quercus ilex woods
31 Orchis provincialis Balb. ex Lam. & DC. G bulb, Stenomedit.
L: Clearings, fringes
Specimens examined: S’Isfundadu, Anela, 13 May 1965, B. Corrias (2 specimens, SS)
32 Serapias lingua L. G bulb, Stenomedit.
L: Wet meadows
Specimen examined: Funtana Arile, Anela, 08 June 1980, B. Corrias, S. Diana (SS)
33 Spiranthes spiralis (L.) Chevall. G rhiz, Europ.-Cauc.
U (Funtana Arile): Wet meadows
34 Crocus minimus DC. G bulb, Endem. Sa-Co
C: Pastures
35 Iris pseudacorus L. G rhiz, Euras.
U (Su Pranu): Flooded meadows, ponds
36 Romulea columnae subsp. columnae G bulb, Stenomedit.
C: Pastures
37 Romulea requienii Parl. G bulb, Endem. Sa-Co
C: Pastures
38 Asphodelus ramosus subsp. ramosus G rhiz, Stenomedit.
C: Perennial grasslands, pastures, garrigues
39 Allium chamaemoly subsp. chamaemoly G bulb, W-Stenomedit.
L: Annual grasslands (lower altitudes)
40 Allium guttatum subsp. sardoum (Moris) Stearn G bulb, Stenomedit.
C: Pastures, meadows
41 Allium parciflorum Viv. G bulb, Endem. Sa-Co
L: Garrigues, rocky habitats
42 Allium subhirsutum L. G bulb, W-Stenomedit.
C: Perennial grasslands
43 Allium triquetrum L. G bulb, W-Stenomedit.
C: Fringes, woods
44 Allium vineale L. G bulb, Eurimedit.
L: Perennial grasslands
45 Leucojum aestivum subsp. pulchellum (Salisb.) Briq. G bulb, Endem. Sa-Co-Bl
L: Wet meadows
Notes: This taxon is reported also in the Var (Southern France) (see:
46 Pancratium illyricum L. G bulb, Endem. Sa-Co-AT
L: Garrigues
47 Asparagus acutifolius L. G rhiz, Stenomedit.
L: Woods and shrubland (lower altitudes)
48 Drimia pancration (Steinh.) J. C. Manning & Goldblatt G bulb, W-Stenomedit.
L: Grasslands
49 Leopoldia comosa (L.) Parl. G bulb, Eurimedit.
C: Grasslands, pastures
50 Ornithogalum corsicum Jord. & Fourr. G bulb, Endem. Sa-Co
C: Pastures
51 Ornithogalum pyrenaicum L. G bulb, Eurimedit.
C: Deciduous woods
52 Prospero autumnale (L.) Speta G bulb, Eurimedit.
C: Grasslands, pastures
53 Ruscus aculeatus L. G rhiz, Eurimedit.
C: Woods
54 Typha angustifolia L. G rhiz, Circumbor.
L: Artificial lake, flooded areas, streams
55 Juncus articulatus L. G rhiz, Circumbor.
C: Wet meadows, temporary ponds
56 Juncus bufonius L. T caesp, Cosmop.
C: Temporary ponds, wet soils
57 Juncus capitatus Weigel T scap, Medit.-Atl.
C: Temporary ponds
58 Juncus effusus subsp. effusus H caesp, Cosmop.
C: Wet meadows, temporary ponds
59 Juncus hybridus Brot. T caesp, Medit.-Atl.
C: Temporary ponds
60 Luzula forsteri (Sm.) DC. H caesp, Eurimedit.
C: Woods
61 Carex caryophyllea Latourr. H scap, Euras.
C: Wet pastures and meadows
62 Carex distachya Desf. H caesp, Stenomedit.
C: Woods
63 Carex divisa Huds. G rhiz, Medit.-Atl.
C: Wet meadows and pastures, temporary ponds, ditches
64 Carex divulsa Stockes H caesp, Eurimedit.
C: Fringes
65 Carex microcarpa Moris He, Endem. Sa-Co-AT-Itc
L: Alnus glutinosa woods, riparian vegetation
66 Carex remota L. H caesp, Europ.-Cauc.
U (Badu Addes): Alnus glutinosa wood
67 Cyperus longus L. G rhiz, Paleotemp.
C: Wet meadows, riparian vegetation
Notes: some authors exclude the presence of this species from Sardinia (
68 Eleocharis palustris subsp. palustris G rhiz, Subcosmop.
L: Wet meadows
Gramineae (nom. altr.Poaceae)
69 Aegilops geniculata Roth T scap, Stenomedit.-Turan.
L: Annual grasslands
70 Agrostis capillaris L. H caesp, Circumbor.
L: Wet pastures and meadows
Notes: this taxon is new for the Sardinian flora following
71 Aira caryophyllea subsp. caryophyllea T scap, Subtrop.
C: Annual grasslands
72 Alopecurus bulbosus subsp. bulbosus H caesp, Eurimedit.-Subatl.
L: Wet pastures and meadows
73 Anisantha diandra (Roth) Tutin T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Annual grasslands
74 Anisantha madritensis subsp. madritensis T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Annual grasslands, pastures
75 Anthoxanthum odoratum L. H caesp, Euras.
C: Wet pastures and meadows
76 Arrhenatherum elatius subsp. sardoum (Em. Schmid) Gamisans H caesp, W-Stenomedit.
L: Garrigues, rocky habitats (higher altitudes)
77 Avena barbata subsp. barbata T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Annual grasslands
78 Brachypodium retusum (Pers.) P. Beauv. H caesp, W-Stenomedit.
C: Perennial grasslands on rocky or stony soils
79 Brachypodium sylvaticum subsp. sylvaticum H caesp, Paleotemp.
C: Woods, fringes
80 Briza maxima L. T scap, Subtrop.
C: Annual grasslands, pastures
81 Briza minor L. T scap, Subcosmop.
U (near Mt. Masiennera): Wet pastures and meadows
82 Bromus hordeaceus subsp. hordeaceus T scap, Subcosmop.
C: Annual grasslands, pastures
83 Bromus scoparius L. T scap, Stenomedit.
U (Top of Mt. Masiennera): Annual grasslands
84 Catabrosa aquatica (L.) P. Beauv. G rhiz, Circumbor.
L: Wet soils
85 Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. G rhiz, Cosmop.
C: Wet pastures and meadows
86 Cynosurus cristatus L. H caesp, Europ.-Cauc.
C: Wet pastures and meadows
87 Cynosurus echinatus L. T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Annual grasslands, fringes
88 Cynosurus effusus Link T scap, Stenomedit.
C: Annual grasslands, fringes
89 Dactylis glomerata subsp. hispanica (Roth) Nyman H caesp, Stenomedit.
C: Perennial grasslands
90 Danthonia decumbens subsp. decumbens H caesp, Europ.
L: Wet pastures and meadows
91 Dasypyrum villosum (L.) P. Candargy T Scap, Eurimedit.-Turan.
L: Annual grasslands
92 Festuca morisiana subsp. morisiana H caesp, Endem. Sa
L: Wet meadows and pastures
93 Glyceria notata Chevall. G rhiz, Subcosmop.
L: Wet habitats
94 Holcus lanatus subsp. lanatus H caesp, Circumbor.
C: Wet meadows
95 Hordeum geniculatum All. T scap, Stenomedit.
C: Wet meadows and pastures, temporary ponds
96 Lagurus ovatus subsp. ovatus T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Annual grasslands, pastures
97 Lolium perenne subsp. perenne H caesp, Euras.
C: Wet pastures
98 Lolium rigidum subsp. rigidum T scap, Subtrop.
C: Pastures on arid soil
99 Melica ciliata subsp. ciliata H caesp, Eurimedit.
U (Mt. Masiennera): Rocky habitats
100 Melica minuta L. H caesp, Stenomedit.
C: Fringes
101 Melica uniflora Retz. H caesp, Paleotemp.
L: Deciduous woods, fringes
102 Neoschischkinia pourrettii (Willd.) Valdés & H. Scholz T scap, W-Stenomedit.
L: Temporary ponds
103 Piptatherum miliaceum subsp. miliaceum H caesp, Stenomedit.
L: Road edges (lower altitudes)
104 Poa annua subsp. annua T caesp, Cosmop.
C: Annual grasslands, pastures
105 Poa balbisii Parl. H caesp, Endem. Sa-Co
U (Mt. Masiennera): Garrigues, rocky habitats
106 Poa bulbosa subsp. bulbosa H caesp, Paleotemp.
C: Pastures
107 Poa infirma Kunth T caesp, Eurimedit.
C: Mud, wet soils
108 Poa nemoralis subsp. nemoralis H caesp, Circumbor.
C: Woods
109 Poa trivialis subsp. trivialis H caesp, Euras.
C: Wet meadows
110 Vulpia ligustica (All.) Link T caesp, Stenomedit.
C: Pastures
111 Vulpia myuros subsp. myuros T caesp, Subcosmop.
C: Pastures
112 Vulpia sicula (C. Presl) Link H caesp, W-Medit.-Mont.
C: Pastures, grasslands
113 Fumaria bastardii Boreau T scap, Subatl.
C: Annual grasslands, fringes
114 Fumaria officinalis subsp. officinalis T scap, Paleotemp.
C: Annual grasslands, fringes
115 Papaver rhoeas subsp. rhoeas T scap, E-Medit.
C: Pastures, grasslands
116 Anemone hortensis subsp. hortensis G bulb, N-Medit.
RR (Su Tattharesu): Perennial grasslands
117 Clematis vitalba L. P lian, Europ.-Cauc.
C: Woods, mantles
118 Ficaria verna subsp. verna. G bulb, Euras.
C: Woods
119 Ranunculus bulbosus subsp. aleae (Willk.) Rouy & Foucaud H scap, Euras.
C: Grasslands, fringes, woods
120 Ranunculus bullatus subsp. bullatus H ros, Stenomedit.
C: Annual grasslands
121 Ranunculus cordiger subsp. cordiger H scap, Endem. Sa-Co
L: Wet meadows, temporary ponds
122 Ranunculus macrophyllus Desf. H scap, SW-Medit.
L: Wet meadows
123 Ranunculus muricatus L. T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Mud, wet meadows
124 Ranunculus ophioglossifolius Vill. T scap, Eurimedit.
L: Mud, temporary ponds
125 Ranunculus paludosus subsp. paludosus H scap, Stenomedit.
C: Pastures
126 Ranunculus sardous Crantz T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Mud, temporary ponds
127 Paeonia corsica Tausch G rhiz, Endem. Sa-Co
L: Woods, clearings
128 Saxifraga tridactylites L. T scap, Eurimedit.
L: Annual grasslands
129 Sedum caeruleum L. T scap, SW-Medit.
C: Rocky habitats, annual grasslands
130 Sedum cepaea L. T scap, Submedit.-Subatl.
C: Rocky habitats, annual grasslands
131 Sedum rubens L. T scap, Eurimedit.-Subatl.
C: Rocky habitats, annual grasslands
132 Sedum stellatum L. T scap, Stenomedit.
C: Rocky habitats, annual grasslands
133 Sedum villosum subsp. glandulosum (Moris) P. Fourn. H scap, Endem. Sa-Ag
C: Rocky habitats, annual grasslands
134 Umbilicus rupestris (Salisb.) Dandy subsp. rupestris G bulb, Medit.-Atl.
C: Rocky habitats
Leguminosae (nom. altr.Fabaceae)
135 Cytisus villosus Pourr. P caesp, W-Stenomedit.
C: Shrubland, mantles
136 Dorycnium rectum (L.) Ser. H scap, Stenomedit.
L: Wet habitats
137 Genista corsica (Loisel.) DC. NP, Endem. Sa-Co
L: Garrigues on rocky soils
138 Genista desoleana Vals. NP, Endem. Sa-Co-Its
C: Garrigues, dwarf shrubs
Specimens examined: Punta Chelchidores, Anela, 18 July 1972, F. Valsecchi (3 specimens, SS)
139 Lathyrus aphaca L. T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Pastures, fringes
140 Lathyrus sphaericus Retz. T Scap, Eurimedit.
L: Pastures
141 Lotus alpinus (DC.) Ramond H scap, Orof. S-Europ.
C: Wet pastures and meadows
142 Lotus angustissimus L. T scap, Eurimedit.
L: Temporary ponds
143 Lotus conimbricensis Brot. T scap, W- Stenomedit.
C: Annual grasslands
144 Lotus hispidus DC. T scap, W-Medit.
C: Annual grasslands
145 Lupinus angustifolius subsp. angustifolius T scap, Stenomedit.
C: Annual grasslands
146 Medicago polymorpha L. T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Pastures, annual grasslands
147 Ononis spinosa subsp. spinosa Ch suffr, Eurimedit.
C: Grasslands, pastures
148 Ornithopus compressus L. T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Annual grasslands
149 Ornithopus pinnatus (Mill.) Druce T Scap, Medit.-Atl.
L: Pastures
150 Trifolium angustifolium L. T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Annual grasslands
151 Trifolium arvense L. T scap, Paleotemp.
C: Pastures
152 Trifolium campestre Schreb. T scap, Paleotemp.
C: Annual grasslands
153 Trifolium glomeratum L. T Scap, Eurimedit.
L: Pastures
154 Trifolium incarnatum subsp. molinerii (Hornem.) Syme T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Grasslands, pastures
155 Trifolium micranthum Viv. T scap, Paleotemp.
C: Annual grasslands
156 Trifolium nigrescens subsp. nigrescens T scap, N-Medit.
C: Pastures
157 Trifolium pratense L. H scap, Eurosib.
C: Wet meadows and pastures
158 Trifolium repens subsp. prostratum Nyman H rept, Eurimedit.
C: Wet meadows and pastures
159 Trifolium spumosum L. T scap, Stenomedit.
C: Annual grasslands
160 Trifolium squarrosum L. T scap, Eurimedit.
L: Pastures
161 Trifolium stellatum L. T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Annual grasslands, pastures
162 Trifolium subterraneum subsp. yanninicum Katzn. & F. H. W. Morley T rept, E-Medit.
C: Pastures
163 Trifolium tomentosum L. T rept, Paleotemp.
C: Annual grasslands, pastures
164 Vicia cracca subsp. cracca H scap, Euras.
C: Fringes
165 Vicia lathyroides L. T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Fringes
166 Vicia lutea subsp. lutea T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Fringes
167 Vicia villosa subsp. ambigua (Guss.) Kerguélen H Scap, W-Stenomedit.
L: Fringes
168 Vicia villosa subsp. villosa T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Fringes
169 Agrimonia eupatoria subsp. eupatoria H scap, Subcosmop.
C: Fringes
170 Crataegus monogyna Jacq. P caesp, Paleotemp.
C: Shrublands, woods, mantles
171 Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca H rept, Eurosib.
C: Deciduous woods, fringes
172 Geum urbanum L. H scap, Circumbor.
C: Deciduous woods, fringes
Specimen examined: Caserma Forestale Anela, sine die, Barba (SS)
173 Malus pumila Mill. P scap, CW-Euras.
L: Woods, mantles
Notes: in accordance with
174 Potentilla reptans L. H ros, Paleotemp.
C: Wet meadows
175 Prunus avium (L.) L. P scap, Pontic
L: Woods
176 Prunus domestica subsp. insititia (L.) Bonnier & Layens P scap
U (Su Cantareddu): Mantles
177 Prunus spinosa subsp. spinosa P caesp, Europ.-Cauc.
C: Shrublands
178 Pyrus communis subsp. pyraster (L.) Ehrh. P scap, Euras.
L: Woods, mantles
179 Pyrus spinosa Forssk. P caesp, Stenomedit.
C: Shrublands, mantles, woods
180 Rosa canina L. NP, Paleotemp.
C: Shrublands
181 Rosa sempervirens L. NP, Stenomedit.
L: Woods, shrublands (lower altitudes)
182 Rosa subcanina (Christ) Vuk. NP, Europ.
C: Shrublands
183 Rubus ulmifolius Schott NP, Eurimedit.
C: Shrublands, woods
184 Sanguisorba minor subsp. balearica (Bourg. ex Nyman) Muñoz Garm. & C. Navarro H scap, Eurimedit.
C: Grasslands
185 Ulmus minor subsp. minor P caesp, Europ.-Cauc.
L: Woods
186 Celtis australis subsp. australis P scap, Eurimedit.
RR (Pedru Addes): Wood edge
187 Ficus carica subsp. carica P scap, Medit.-Turan.
U (Badu Edras): Riparian vegetation
188 Parietaria lusitanica subsp. lusitanica T rept, Stenomedit.
C: Buildings, fringes
189 Urtica atrovirens Loisel. H scap, Endem. Sa-Co-Bl-AT-Itc
L: Ruderal vegetation
190 Urtica dioica subsp. dioica H scap, Subcosmop.
C: Ruderal vegetation
191 Quercus ilex L. P scap, Stenomedit.
C: Woods
192 Quercus pubescens Willd. agg. P caesp, SE-Europ.
C: Woods
Notes: There are many controversial treatments for describing the variation within Q. pubescens (
193 Quercus suber L. P scap, W-Eurimedit.
L: Woods
194 Alnus glutinosa subsp. glutinosa P scap, Paleotemp.
L: Streams, wet places, springs
195 Oxalis corniculata subsp. corniculata H rept, Eurimedit.
L: Walls, buildings
Guttiferae (nom. altr.Clusiaceae)
196 Hypericum androsaemum L. NP, W-Eurimedit.-Subatl.
L: Wet habitats, springs
197 Hypericum hircinum subsp. hircinum NP, Endem. Sa-Co-AT
L: Springs, streams, Alnus glutinosa woods
Notes: H. hircinum includes several subspecies, amongst which the subsp. hircinum is exclusive of Sardinia, Corsica and the Tuscan Archipelago (
198 Hypericum perforatum subsp. perforatum H scap, Paleotemp.
C: Fringes, road edges
199 Viola alba subsp. dehnhardtii (Ten.) W. Becker H ros, Eurimedit.
C: Woods, fringes
200 Viola reichenbachiana Jord. ex Boreau H scap, Eurosib.
C: Deciduous woods
Notes: it was excluded for the Sardinian flora by
201 Salix cinerea subsp. oleifolia Macreight P caesp, W-Medit.-Atl.
L: Streams, springs
202 Salix purpurea L. P scap, Euras.
L: Ditches
203 Euphorbia characias subsp. characias NP, Stenomedit.
C: Woods, shrublands (lower altitudes)
204 Euphorbia helioscopia subsp. helioscopia T scap, Cosmop.
C: Annual grasslands
205 Euphorbia pithyusa subsp. cupanii (Guss. ex Bertol.) Radcl.-Sm. G rhiz, Endem. Sa-Co-Si
C: Perennial grasslands, pastures
206 Euphorbia semiperfoliata Viv. G rhiz, Endem. Sa-Co
L: Woods, fringes
207 Linum bienne Mill. H bienn, Eurimedit.
C: Annual grasslands
208 Erodium chium (L.) Willd. T scap, Eurimedit.
L: Pastures
209 Erodium ciconium (L.) L’Hér. T scap, Eurimedit.-Pontic
C: Pastures
210 Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Hér. T scap, Subcosmop.
C: Pastures
211 Geranium purpureum Vill. T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Woods, fringes
212 Geranium robertianum L. T scap, Subcosmop.
C: Woods, fringes
213 Geranium rotundifolium L. T scap, Paleotemp.
C: Woods, fringes
214 Lythrum portula (L.) D. A. Webb T rept, S-Europ.-S-Sib.
L: Temporary ponds
215 Epilobium montanum L. H scap, Euras.
C: Woods
216 Acer monspessulanum subsp. monspessulanum P caesp, Eurimedit.
L: Woods and mantles
217 Althaea hirsuta L. T scap, Eurimedit.
L: Annual grasslands
218 Malva olbia (L.) Alef. P caesp, Stenomedit.
C: Shrublands on wet soils
219 Malva sylvestris L. H scap, Eurosib.
C: Grasslands, fringes
220 Cistus monspeliensis L. NP, Stenomedit.
C: Garrigues (lower altitudes)
221 Cistus salviifolius L. NP, Stenomedit.
C: Garrigues
222 Tuberaria guttata (L.) Fourr. T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Annual grasslands
223 Sesamoides purpurascens subsp. spathulata (Moris) Lambinon & Kerguélen H Scap, W-Medit.-Mont.
C: Dirty tracks, trampled places
Cruciferae (nom. altr.Brassicaceae)
224 Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. T scap, Paleotemp.
C: Annual grasslands, pastures
225 Capsella bursa pastoris subsp. bursa-pastoris H bienn, Cosmop.
C: Annual grasslands, pastures
226 Cardamine flexuosa With. H scap, Circumbor.
C: Fringes
227 Cardamine hirsuta L. T scap, Cosmop.
C: Fringes
228 Draba muralis L. T scap, Circumbor.
L: Cliffs, road edges
229 Erophila verna subsp. praecox (Steven) Walters T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Annual grasslands
230 Morisia monanthos (Viv.) Asch. H ros, Endem. Sa-Co
U (Near Mt. Masiennera): Wet meadows
231 Nasturtium officinale (L.) R. Br. H scap, Cosmop.
L: Muds, streams
232 Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. raphanistrum T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Grasslands
233 Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop. T scap, Paleotemp.
C: Pastures
234 Teesdalia coronopifolia (J.P. Bergeret) Thell. T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Pastures
235 Osyris alba L. NP, Eurimedit.
L: Woods, clearings, rocky habitats
236 Armeria sardoa subsp. sardoa Ch suffr, Endem. Sa
L: Garrigues, rocky habitats
237 Rumex bucephalophorus subsp. bucephalophorus T scap, Eurimedit.-Macaron.
C: Annual grasslands
238 Rumex crispus L. H scap, Subcosmop.
C: Wet meadows
239 Rumex pulcher subsp. pulcher H scap, Eurimedit.
C: Wet meadows
240 Rumex scutatus subsp. glaucescens (Guss.) Brullo, Scelsi & Spamp. H scap, Endem. Sa-Si
L: Rocky habitats
241 Rumex thyrsoides Desf. H scap, W-Medit.
C: Fringes
242 Arenaria balearica L. Ch suffr, Endem. Sa-Co-Bl-AT
L: Shady rocks and cliffs
Specimens examined: S’Isfundadu, Anela, 25 May 1966, B. Corrias (2 specimens, SS); S’Isfundadu, Anela, 18 June 1965, F. Valsecchi (1 specimen, SS).
243 Cerastium gibraltaricum Boiss. Ch suffr, Orof. W-Medit.
L: Garrigues
Notes: in the Euro+Med Plantbase, Cerastium boissierianum Greuter et Burdet is considered a synonym of C. gibraltaricum
244 Cerastium glomeratum Thuill. T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Pastures
245 Cerastium ligusticum subsp. palustre (Moris) P. D. Sell et Whitehead T scap, Endem. Sa-Co
RR (near Mt. Masiennera): Wet pastures and meadows
246 Corrigiola telephiifolia Pourr. H Ros, W-Medit.
L: Trampled sites, dirty roads
Specimen examined: Badu Addes, Anela, September 1962 (sine die), sine coll. (SS)
247 Dianthus ichnusae subsp. toddei Bacch., Brullo, Casti et Giusso H scap, Endem. Sa
L: Garrigues, rocky habitats
Notes: this taxon is exclusive for the Goceano mountain range (
248 Moenchia erecta (L.) P. Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb. subsp. erecta T scap, Medit.-Atl.
C: Pastures
249 Petrorhagia dubia (Raf.) G. López & Romo T scap, S-Medit.
C: Pastures
250 Petrorhagia saxifraga (L.) Link H caesp, Eurimedit.
C: Garrigues, rocky habitats
251 Sagina apetala Ard. T scap, Eurimedit.
L: Annual grasslands, dirty tracks
252 Sagina procumbens L. H caesp, Subcosmop.
L: Wet places, springs
Specimen seen: Badu Addes, Anela, sine die, Barba (SS)
253 Sagina subulata (Sw.) C. Presl H caesp, Medit.-Atl.
L: Wet meadows, rocky habitats (higher altitudes)
Notes: for this taxon, recently the name S. alexandrae Iamonico has been proposed (
254 Silene gallica L. T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Pastures
255 Silene laeta (Aiton) Godr. T scap, W-Stenomedit.
L: Muddy places, wet meadows, temporary ponds
256 Silene latifolia Poir. H bienn, Paleotemp.
C: Fringes
257 Silene vulgaris subsp. vulgaris H scap, Paleotemp.
C: Fringes
258 Spergula arvensis L. T scap, Subcosmop.
C: Pastures
259 Stellaria media subsp. media T rept, Cosmop.
C: Ruderal vegetation, woods, fringes
260 Chenopodium album subsp. album T Scap, Subcosmop.
Not found in the field during this research
Specimens examined: Badu Addes, Anela, 09 September 1962, Barba (2 specimens, SS).
261 Montia fontana subsp. amporitana Sennen T scap, Medit-Mont. Subatl.
C: Mud, flooded soils
262 Anagallis arvensis L. T rept, Eurimedit.
C: Annual grasslands
263 Asterolinon linum-stellatum (L.) Duby T Scap, Stenomedit.
L: Annual grasslands, pastures
264 Cyclamen repandum subsp. repandum G bulb, NW-Stenomedit.
C: Woods
265 Arbutus unedo L. P caesp, Stenomedit.
RR (Littu Majore): Wood
266 Erica arborea L. P caesp, Stenomedit.
C: Shrublands, woods
267 Cruciata glabra (L.) Ehrend. H scap, Euras.
C: Grasslands, pastures
Specimen examined: Badu Addes, Anela, 18 July 1972, B. Corrias, S. Diana, F. Valsecchi (SS).
268 Galium aparine subsp. aparine T scap, Euras.
C: Fringes
269 Galium corsicum Spreng. H scap, Endem. Sa-Co
L: Rocky habitats
270 Galium debile Desv. H scap, Eurimedit.
L: Wet habitats
271 Galium rotundifolium L. H scap, Orof.-W-Euras.
L: Woods (higher altitudes)
272 Rubia peregrina subsp. peregrina P lian, Stenomedit.-Macaron.
C: Woods
273 Sherardia arvensis L. T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Pastures, annual grasslands
274 Theligonum cynocrambe L. T scap, Stenomedit.
C: Annual grasslands, fringes
275 Exaculum pusillum (Lam.) Caruel T scap, W-Eurimedit.
RR (Minda ‘e Bassu): Temporary pond
276 Anchusa hybrida Ten. H scap, Stenomedit.
Not found in the field during this research
Specimens examined: Badu Addes, Anela, 22 October 1963, F. Valsecchi, Barba (3 specimens, SS).
277 Cynoglossum creticum Mill. H bienn, Eurimedit.
L: Fringes
278 Echium plantagineum L. T Scap, Eurimedit.
C: Pastures, grasslands
279 Myosotis arvensis subsp. arvensis T scap, Europ.-W-Asian
C: Annual grasslands, pastures
280 Myosotis sicula Guss. T scap, N-Eurimedit.
L: Wet meadows, temporary ponds
281 Convolvulus althaeoides L. H scand, Stenomedit.
C: Perennial grasslands
282 Convolvulus arvensis L. G rhiz, Paleotemp.
C: Perennial grasslands
283 Cuscuta epithymum subsp. corsicana (Yunck.) Lambinon T par, Endem. Sa-Co
L: Garrigues (mainly parasite on Genista desoleana)
284 Solanum dulcamara L. NP, Paleotemp.
U (Su Pranu): Riparian vegetation
285 Phillyrea latifolia L. P caesp, Stenomedit.
C: Woods, shrubland (lower altitude)
286 Callitriche stagnalis Scop. I rad, Euras.
L: Temporary ponds, springs, muddy soils
287 Cymbalaria aequitriloba subsp. aequitriloba Ch rept, Endem. Sa-Co-Bl-AT
L: Shady rocks and cliffs
288 Digitalis purpurea subsp. purpurea H scap, W-Eurimedit.
C: Fringes, clearings
289 Linaria arvensis (L.) Desf. T scap, Submedit.-Subatl.
C: Annual grasslands
290 Linaria pelisseriana (L.) Mill. T scap, Medit.-Atl.
C: Pastures
291 Plantago coronopus L. T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Grasslands, pastures
292 Plantago lagopus subsp. lagopus T scap, Stenomedit.
C: Annual grasslands, pastures
293 Plantago lanceolata L. H ros, Euras.
C: Grasslands
294 Plantago major subsp. major H ros, Euras.
L: Wet meadows
295 Plantago weldenii Rchb. T scap, Stenomedit.
C: Annual grasslands
296 Veronica anagallis-aquatica subsp. anagallis-aquatica H scap, Cosmop.
L: Mud, springs, ditches
Specimen examined: Punta Chelchidores est, Anela, 18 July 1972, B. Corrias, S. Diana, F. Valsecchi (SS)
297 Veronica arvensis L. T scap, Subcosmop.
C: nitrophilous vegetation
298 Veronica hederifolia subsp. hederifolia T scap, Euras.
C: Woods, fringes
299 Veronica verna subsp. brevistyla (Moris) Rouy T scap, Endem. Sa-Co
L: Pastures (higher altitudes)
300 Scrophularia trifoliata L. H caesp, Endem. Sa-Co-AT
L: Rocky habitats
Specimen examined: Badu Addes, Anela, 18 July 1972, F. Valsecchi (SS)
301 Scrophularia umbrosa subsp. umbrosa H Scap, Euras.
Not found in the field during this research
Specimens examined: Badu Addes, Anela, 18 July 1973, F. Valsecchi (3 specimens, SS)
302 Verbascum pulverulentum Vill. H bienn, Europ.
C: Clearings, fringes
Labiatae (nom. altr.Lamiaceae)
303 Clinopodium nepeta subsp. glandulosum (Req.) Govaert H scap, Stenomedit.
C: Fringes
304 Clinopodium vulgare subsp. orientale Bothmer H scap, E-Stenomedit.
C: Fringes
Notes: The Italian Flora Checklists (
305 Glechoma sardoa (Bég.) Bég. H rept, Endem. Sa
L: Woods, fringes
306 Lamium maculatum (L.) L. H scap, Euras.
U: Forest near forestry headquarters, under Quercus ilex
Notes: according to
307 Lamium purpureum L. T scap, Euras.
C: Fringes
308 Lavandula stoechas subsp. stoechas NP, Stenomedit.
C: Garrigues
309 Mentha aquatica L. H scap, Paleotemp.
L: Wet meadows
310 Mentha pulegium subsp. pulegium H scap, Eurimedit.
C: Wet meadows, temporary ponds
311 Mentha requienii subsp. requienii H rept, Endem. Sa-Co
RR (Su Cantareddu spring): Wet rocks, spring
312 Mentha suaveolens subsp. insularis (Req. ex Gren. & Godr.) Greuter H scap, Endem. Sa-Co-AT-Bl
U (Funtana Arile spring): Fringes
313 Micromeria graeca subsp. graeca Ch suffr, Stenomedit.
C: Garrigues
314 Prunella vulgaris subsp. vulgaris H scap, Circumbor.
C: Wet meadows, fringes, clearings
315 Salvia verbenaca L. H scap, Medit.-Atl.
C: Grasslands
Notes: following the Euro+Med PlantBase, in this taxon we include ecotypes referred to Salvia clandestina L.
316 Stachys arvensis (L.) L. T scap, Europ.
L: Annual grasslands, pastures
317 Stachys corsica Pers. H rept, Endem. Sa-Co
L: Shady rocks and cliffs
Specimens examined: S’Isfundadu, Anela, 18 June 1965, F. Valsecchi (SS); Badu Addes, Anela, 18 July 1972, B. Corrias, S. Diana, F. Valsecchi (SS)
318 Stachys glutinosa L. Ch frut, Endem. Sa-Co-AT
L: Garrigues, rocky habitats
319 Teucrium chamaedrys subsp. chamaedrys Ch suffr, Eurimedit.
U (near the helicopter base): Pastures, grasslands
320 Thymus herba-barona Loisel. Ch rept, Endem. Sa-Co-Bl
C: Garrigues
321 Orobanche hederae Duby T par, Eurimedit.
C: Woods
322 Orobanche minor Sm. T par, Paleotemp.
C: Grasslands, pastures
323 Orobanche nana (Reut.) Beck T par, Medit.-Macaron.
L: Grasslands, pastures
324 Orobanche ramosa L. T par, Paleotemp.
L: Road sides, pastures
325 Orobanche rapum-genistae Thuill. T par, Subatl.
L: Garrigues with Genista sp.
326 Orobanche rigens Loisel. T par, Endem. Sa-Co
L: Garrigues with Genista sp.
327 Parentucellia latifolia subsp. latifolia T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Pastures
328 Parentucellia viscosa (L.) Caruel T scap, Medit.-Atl.
C: Annual grasslands
329 Ilex aquifolium L. P caesp, Submedit.-Subatl.
C: Woods
330 Jasione montana L. H scap, Europ.-Cauc.
C: Pastures and rocky habitats
Compositae (nom. altr.Asteraceae)
331 Achillea ligustica All. H scap, W-Stenomedit.
C: Fringes
332 Anthemis arvensis subsp. arvensis T scap, Stenomedit.
C: Pastures
333 Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. H bienn, Eurimedit.
C: Fringes, clearings
334 Bellis annua subsp. annua T scap, Stenomedit.
C: Annual grasslands on wet soils
335 Bellis perennis L. H ros, Europ.-Cauc.
C: Wet meadows
336 Bellis sylvestris Cirillo H ros, Stenomedit.
L: Perennial grasslands (lower altutides)
337 Bellium bellidioides L. H ros, Endem. Sa-Co-Bl-AT
C: Temporary ponds, wet soils
338 Carlina corymbosa L. H scap, Stenomedit.
C: Pastures
339 Carthamus lanatus subsp. lanatus T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Pastures, nitrophilous vegetation near sheep pens
340 Centaurea calcitrapa subsp. calcitrapa H bienn, Eurimedit.
C: Pastures
341 Chamaemelum fuscatum (Brot.) Vasc. T scap, W-Stenomedit.
L: Temporary ponds
342 Chondrilla juncea L. H scap, S-Europ.-S-Sib.
C: Pastures
343 Cichorium intybus subsp. intybus H scap, Paleotemp.
L: Perennial grasslands
344 Cirsium scabrum (Poir.) Bonnet & Barratte H scap, SW-Medit.
L: Fringes, road edges (lower altitudes)
345 Cirsium vulgare subsp. silvaticum (Tausch) Arènes H bienn, Eurimedit.
C: Fringes, road edges
346 Crepis bellidifolia Loisel. T scap, W-Stenomedit.
L: Pastures
347 Crepis leontodontoides All. H ros, W-Medit.-Mont.
C: Pastures
348 Crepis vesicaria subsp. vesicaria T scap, Submedit.-Subatl.
C: Pastures
349 Crupina vulgaris Cass. T scap, S-Sib.-Eurimedit.
L: Pastures, perennial grasslands
350 Filago gallica L. T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Annual grasslands
351 Filago germanica (L.) Huds. T scap, Paleotemp.
U (S. Giorgio): Annual grasslands
352 Galactites tomentosus Moench H bienn, Stenomedit.
C: Pastures
353 Glebionis coronaria (L.) Spach. T scap, Stenomedit.
L: Pastures, annual grasslands (lower altitudes)
354 Helichrysum italicum subsp. tyrrhenicum (Bacch., Brullo et Giusso) Herrando, J.M. Blanco, L. Sáez & Galbany Ch frut., Endem. Sa-Co-Bl
C: Garrigues
Notes: for this taxon, we follow
355 Hyoseris radiata L. H ros, Stenomedit.
C: Pastures, meadows
356 Hypochaeris achyrophorus L. T scap, Stenomedit.
C: Annual grasslands
357 Hypochaeris cretensis (L.) Bory & Chaub. H scap, NE-Medit.-Mont.
L: Dry pastures and rocky habitats
358 Hypochaeris glabra L. T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Pastures, meadows
359 Hypochaeris radicata subsp. radicata H ros, Europ.-Cauc.
C: Pastures, meadows
360 Hypochaeris robertia (Sch. Bip.) Fiori H ros, Endem. Sa-Co-Si-It
L: Wet rocks and cliffs
361 Lactuca muralis (L.) Gaertn. H scap, Europ.-Cauc.
C: Woods, fringes
362 Leontodon tuberosus L. H ros, Stenomedit.
C: Grasslands, pastures
363 Pilosella ziziana (Tausch) F. W. Schultz & Sch. Bip. H scap, Europ. (?)
L: Grasslands
364 Ptilostemon casabonae (L.) Greuter H scap, Endem. Sa-Co-AT-Hy
U (Entrance of the Domain): Road edge
365 Pulicaria odora (L.) Rchb. H scap, Eurimedit.
C: Woods, fringes (lower altitude)
366 Reichardia picroides (L.) Roth H scap, Stenomedit.
L: Rocky habitats (lower altitudes)
367 Rhagadiolus stellatus (L.) Gaertn. T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Annual grasslands
368 Scolymus hispanicus subsp. hispanicus H bienn, Eurimedit.
C: Pastures
369 Senecio vulgaris subsp. vulgaris T scap, Eurimedit.
C: Pastures, ruderal vegetation
370 Sonchus asper subsp. asper T scap, Euras.
C: Ruderal vegetation
371 Sonchus oleraceus L. T scap, Euras.
C: Ruderal vegetation
372 Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. H bienn, Medit.-Turan.
C: Ruderal vegetation, pastures
373 Taraxacum sect. Erythrosperma (H. Lindb.) Dahlst. or Taraxacum sect. Scariosa Hand.-Mazz. H ros, Circumbor.
C: Wet meadows
374 Urospermum dalechampii (L.) F.W. Schmidt H scap, Eurimedit.
C: Grasslands
375 Sambucus ebulus L. G rhiz, Eurimedit.
L: Streams
376 Sambucus nigra L. P caesp, Europ.-Cauc.
C: Woods, shrublands
377 Dipsacus ferox Loisel. H bienn, Endem. Sa-Co-Itc
C: Pastures
378 Valerianella eriocarpa Desv. T scap, Stenomedit.
C: Annual grasslands
379 Hedera helix L. P lian, Eurimedit.
C: Woods
Umbelliferae (nom. altr.Apiaceae)
380 Bunium corydalinum DC. G bulb, Endem. Sa-Co
C: Garrigues, rocky habitats
381 Chaerophyllum temulum L. T scap, Euras.
L: Woods, fringes
382 Eryngium campestre L. H scap, Eurimedit.
C: Pastures
383 Ferula communis subsp. communis H scap, S-Eurimedit.
L: Pastures, clearings (lower altitudes)
384 Oenanthe crocata L. H scap, Medit.-Atl.
L: Alnus glutinosa woods, streams
385 Oenanthe lisae Moris H scap, Endem. Sa
U (Funtana Arile spring): Wet meadows
Specimen examined: Funtana Arile, Anela, 08 June 1980, B. Corrias, S. Diana (SS)
386 Oenanthe pimpinelloides L. H scap, Medit.-Atl.
C: Woods, fringes
387 Sanicula europaea L. H scap, Paleotemp.
C: Woods, fringes
388 Smyrnium perfoliatum subsp. rotundifolium (Mill.) Bonnier & Layens H bienn, Stenomedit.
C: Fringes, woods
389 Thapsia garganica subsp. garganica H scap, S-Medit.
C: Pastures, grasslands
390 Torilis africana Spreng. T scap, Medit.-Macaron.
C: Pastures, annual grasslands
391 Torilis nodosa (L.) Gaertn. T scap, Medit.-Turan.
C: Pastures, annual grasslands
Here we assess the presence in the forest domain of Anela of 391 taxa, belonging to 32 orders and 74 families.
Of the listed taxa, 5 (Anacamptis longicornu (Orchidaceae), Anchusa hybrida (Boraginaceae), Chenopodium album subsp. album (Amaranthaceae), Dactylorhiza insularis (Orchidaceae), Scrophularia umbrosa (Scrophulariaceae)) were not found during our investigation. Excluding these species, then we recorded a total of 386 indigenous taxa within the domain. Two species are new for the Sardinian flora (Agrostis capillaris, Asplenium adiantum-nigrum) and, for 17 taxa, our findings determine an important enlargement of their known range on the island (Arrhenatherum elatius subsp. sardoum, Asplenium foreziense, Clinopodium vulgare subsp. orientale, Colchicum nanum, Danthonia decumbens subsp. decumbens, Euphorbia semiperfoliata, Exaculum pusillum, Festuca morisiana subsp. morisiana, Lamium maculatum, Mentha requienii subsp. requienii, Morisia monanthos, Poa balbisii, Prunus domestica subsp. insititia, Ranunculus cordiger subsp. cordiger, Rosa subcanina, Veronica verna subsp. brevistyla, Viola reichenbachiana).
Overall, we found 141 hemicryptophytes (36.1%), 137 therophytes (35.0%), 56 geophytes (14.3%), 27 phanaerophytes (6.9%), 15 nano-phanaerophytes (3.8%), 11 chamaephytes (2.8%), 3 hydrophytes (0.8%), and 1 helophyte (0.3%).
A total of 239 taxa belong to the Mediterranean element (61.1%), 53 are Eurasian sensu lato (including the true Eurasian, plus European, Euro-Siberian, Euro-Caucasian and Pontic district: overall 13.6%), 42 are Boreal-Temperate taxa (paleotemperate + circumboreal: 10.7%), 36 are widespread (cosmopolitan, sub-cosmopolitan and sub-tropical: 9.2%) and 19 are Atlantic (4.9%). We were not able to assign a geographical category to Prunus domestica subsp. insititia.
Hemicryptophytes dominate within the Boreal-Temperate and the Eurasian components; annual species prevail within the widespread and the Mediterranean-Atlantic groups. The Mediterranean component hosts similar percentages of annuals and hemicryptophytes (Fig.
The Mediterranean component is dominated by the euri-Mediterranean sub-element (94 taxa, 24.0% of the whole flora), followed by the steno-Mediterranean (77 taxa, 19.7%) and the endemics (45 entities, 11.5%). A total of 23 Mediterranean taxa belonged to other chorotypes (mountain-Mediterranean, Mediterranean-Turanian, Mediterranen-Macaronesian).
The endemic component of the flora of Anela is dominated by those of the Sardinian-Corsican biogeographic province (sensu
On the basis of our criteria, 241 taxa (61.6%) can be considered common at the local level, 113 (28.9%) are localised, 23 (5.9%) are uncommon, 9 (2.3%) are range restricted and 5 (1.3%) are locally extinct in the last 50 years. Common taxa are the dominant category in all the geographic groups, whereas range restricted taxa are found only in the widespread, Boreal-Temperate and the Mediterranean groups (Fig.
A total of 176 out of 387 taxa were found mainly in grasslands habitats (45.5%) including dry pastures (61 taxa), annual and perennial grasslands (52 and 31 taxa, respectively) and wet pastures and meadows (32 taxa). Woodland habitats hosted 97 taxa (25.1%), comprising woods (57 taxa), fringes and clearings (30 taxa) and shrubs (10 taxa). Wet habitats (including Alnus glutinosa woods, springs, temporary ponds, ditches, muds, streams) hosted 53 taxa (13.7%). Rocky habitats (cliffs, rocks, screes) harbour 24 taxa (6.2%), then the garrigues hosted 21 taxa (5.4%) and finally the anthropogenic habitats (ruderal vegetation, buildings, walls, trampled sites, road edges) were the main habitat for 15 taxa (3.9%).
Percentage of abundance categories for each chorologic element detected in the vascular flora of Anela (390 taxa). c = common; l = localized; u = uncommon; rr = range restricted; ex = extinct. ; boreo.temp = Boreal-temperate taxa; med.atlan = Mediterranean-Atlantic taxa; med = Mediterranean; nd = not determined.
Our research discovered a high species density at the study area (30.6 taxa km-2), that is one of the highest ever documented in the Sardinian mountain floras (Table
The hemicryptophytes/therophytes (H/T) ratio, as previously noted by
Important differences with the regional (Sardinian) value (
The composition of the flora of the Forest Domain of Anela is also peculiar because it is one of the few examples, not only in Sardinia but in the whole Mediterranean area, with no native Gymnosperms. Junipers (Juniperus phoenicea subsp. turbinata (Guss.) Nym. and J. oxycedrus subsp. macrocarpa (Sibth. & Sm.) Neilr.) in NW Sardinia are mainly confined in coastal areas (
Despite the fact that in 2004 (last forest census) 90.4% of the domain area was covered by forest or shrub communities (
Synthetic data on mountain floras from Sardinia and the regional flora, based on different sources (see notes below).
Site | Altitudinal interval | Area (km2) | No. taxa | Taxa / km2 | H/T | No. endemics | % endemics | Source |
Anela forest domain | 600–1158 | 12.8 | 391 | 30.6 | 1.03 | 45 | 11.5 | This work |
Gennargentu | 1500–1834 | 16.8 | 214 | 12.7 | 2.5 | 66 | 30.8 |
Gennargentu | 1000–1834 | 240 | 675 | 2.8 | 1.25 | 105 | 15.6 |
Gennargentu | 1000–1834 | 500 | 897† | 1.8 | 1.03‡ | n.d. | 28§ |
Supramontes | 0–1463 | 335 | n.d. | n.d. | n.d. | 138 | 30 § | Fenu et al. 2010 |
Mt. Albo | 900–1127 | 68 | 659 | 9.7 | 0.61 | 48 | 7.3 |
Mt. Gonare | 538–1083 | 10 | 520 | 52 | 0.85 | 23 | 4.4 |
Mt. Limbara | 160–1359 | 166.24 | 923 | 5.5 | 0.75 | 80 | 8.7 | Calvia and Ruggero unpublished |
Mt. Limbara | 800–1359 | 49.46 | 687 | 13.9 | 0.84 | 72 | 10.5 | Calvia and Ruggero unpublished |
Mt. Limbara | 500–1359 | n.r. | 506 | n.d. | 1.18 | 55 | 10.9 |
Sardinia | 0–1834 | 24090 | 2028 | 0.084 | 0.70 | n.d. | 7.1 |
Sardinia | 0–1834 | 24090 | 2400 | 0.099 | n.d. | n.d. | n.d. |
Sardinia | 0–1834 | 24090 | 2408| | 0.1 | 0.74¶ | 290# | 12 | Various (see notes) |
Sardinia | 0–1834 | 24090 | 2149 | 0.09 | n.r. | 290 | 13.5 | Médail 2017, table 2 |
Sardinia | 0–1834 | 24090 | 2301 | 0.095 | n.r. | 331 | 14.4 |
Even if rarity is not always linked to threat (
The 5 taxa, locally extinct, have no relationship with a particular habitat or human use from which they are (were) dependent for their survival in the area, with the exception of Chenopodium album whose disappearance could be explained with the above-mentioned abandonment of pastoral activities, as it is a nitrophilous species. Their disappearance in the last decades, inferred from herbarium records, can be therefore a normal turnover in the composition of the local indigenous flora or an artifact derived from our sampling method (in the sense that these taxa are maybe still present in the area but we were not able to find them during our monthly sampling excursions).
Amongst the flora we inventoried, it is worth mentioning that several populations represent peripheral populations regarding the overall distribution of the taxa. First, a group of uncommon or range restricted species in the domain, are common plants in the Mediterranean bioclimate areas of Sardinia and sometimes in the whole basin. They are here confined to warm niches in the mountain area under study (Anemone hortensis, Arbutus unedo, Arisarum vulgare, Arum pictum, Celtis australis, Ficus carica, Ptilostemon casabonae), places relatively scattered through this mountain landscape. Oppositely, several Boreal-Temperate and Eurasian taxa confined in this sub-Mediterranean bioclimate island represent peripheral populations isolated sometimes by over 1000 km of their northern range. Those constitute rear edge populations (
Even if biodiversity hot-spots definition at multiple spatial scales is commonly based on the presence, density and distribution of endemic taxa (
E.F. acknowledges the Amministrazione Provinciale di Sassari – Settore Ambiente e Agricoltura Nord Ovest, for funding the project “Monitoraggio di flora, vegetazione e habitat delle oasi di protezione faunistica del Goceano per la gestione delle popolazioni di animali selvatici” for the years 2014–17.
P.d.L. and E.F. thank the project Visiting Professor (Sardinian regional laws 3/2008 and 2/2009) for funding P.d.L. journey to Sardinia in 2013 (Protocol No. 13574 of the 07.05.2012 of the University of Sassari).
Giacomo Calvia and Alessandro Ruggero kindly offered their unpublished quantitative data on the flora of Mt. Limbara for Table
Authors thank all the workers and staff of the forest station of Foresta Demaniale Anela belonging to the Sardinian regional agency Forestas for their help and genuine hospitality given throughout the entire research period.