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Corresponding author: David H. Lorence ( ) Academic editor: Petra De Block
© 2018 David H. Lorence, Thomas R. Van Devender, George M. Ferguson.
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Lorence DH, Van Devender TR, Ferguson GM (2018) Chiococca grandiflora (Rubiaceae), a new species from Northern Mexico. PhytoKeys 98: 73-83.
The new species Chiococca grandiflora Lorence & T.Van Devender from Sinaloa and Sonora, Mexico differs from its congeners by its larger, showy white flowers in compact cymes of 3–9, and infundibuliform corollas 16–20 mm long with tubes 13–17 mm long and lobes 3–3.5 mm long. Its distribution, habitat, and relationships are outlined. The conservation status for this species is estimated to be Endangered (EN) based on IUCN Red List Criteria.
La nueva especie, Chiococca grandiflora Lorence & T.Van Devender, de Sinaloa y Sonora, México, difiere de sus congenéricas por sus grandes y vistosas flores blancas, en cimas compactas de 3–9 flores, y corolas infundibuliformes de 16–20 mm de longitud, con tubos de 13–17 mm y lóbulos de 3–3.5 mm de longitud. Se presentan datos de distribución, hábitat y relaciones. De acuerdo con los criterios de la Lista Roja de la IUCN, se estima que el estado de conservación de esta especie debe ser como En Peligro (EN, por sus siglas en Inglés).
Chiococca , conservation, Mexico, Rubiaceae , Sinaloa, Sonora
Chiococca P. Browne (Rubiaceae, Cinchonoideae: Chiococceae) is a taxonomically complex genus of about 25 species of Neotropical shrubs and small trees. The type species is Chiococca alba (L.) Hitchc., a widespread and morphologically extremely variable shrub or small tree ranging from northern Mexico and the Caribbean south to Argentina.
Traditionally within RubiaceaeChiococca has been placed in subfamily Cinchonoideae, tribe Chiococceae which is strongly supported by recent molecular evidence (
A distinctive new species of Chiococca with large white flowers was discovered and collected by Sally Walker in 1970 in Sinaloa, Mexico, two miles west of El Palmito near the Durango-Sinaloa border, and also at 19 km west of El Palmito (Figure
MEXICO. Sonora, Municipio Alamos. Near Tepopa NNW of Chiribo, 27°19'N, 108°43.5'W, 1100–1400 m, 22 August 1992 (fl), P. S. Martin, P. Comtois, C. Lindquist, S. A. Meyer, B. Risner, & D. A. Yetman s.n. sub P. Jenkins 92-135 (Holotype: ARIZ-309922!; Isotypes ARIZ-383348!, PTBG-105887!) (Figures
Chiococca grandiflora differs from other members of the genus by its relatively larger, showy white flowers in compact cymes of 3–9, and its infundibuliform corollas 16–20 mm long with tubes 13–17 mm long and lobes 3–3.5 mm long.
Shrubs to 3 m tall, branches erect-ascendent, branchlets glabrous or sometimes persistently short hirtellous with white trichomes 0.05–0.1 mm long. Leaves of a pair equal, petiolate; blades ovate, 1.8–6.5 cm long, 0.8–2 cm wide, glabrous or sometimes minutely hirtellous on both surfaces, stiffly chartaceous to subcoriaceous, apex acute or acuminate to short-acuminate, base cuneate, decurrent, margin weakly revolute, secondary veins 3–5 on each side, brochidodromous, inconspicuous on both surfaces; petioles 3–4 mm long, glabrous or sometimes short-hirtellous; stipules triangular, 2–3 mm long, acute and aristate, the awn subulate, 1.5–2.5 mm long, the base 1–1.5 mm long, thick and persistent, externally glabrous or sometimes short hirtellous, internally with colleters. Inflorescences axillary, 3–4 cm long, 2–2.5 cm wide, racemose or sometimes with a pair of basal secondary branches, glabrous or sometimes short-hirtellous, rachis 5–12 mm long, floral bracts 1–3 mm long, triangular to linear-subulate, acute, glabrous or the margins short-hirtellous; flowers 3–9, pendulous, hypanthium 1.5–2.2 mm long, obovoid-ellipsoid, laterally compressed, glabrous or sometimes short-hirtellous; calyx limb below the lobes 0.5–0.7 mm long, tubular, short-hirtellous or only the margins hirtellous, calyx lobes 5, 0.4–1.0 mm long, triangular-subulate, acute, recurved, glabrous or the margins hirtellous, glabrous within; corolla infundibuliform, 16–20 mm long, white, externally sparsely hirtellous, internally glabrous, tube 13–17 mm long, 6–11 mm wide at throat, lobes 5, triangular, 3–3.5 mm long and wide, recurved at anthesis; stamens with tips exserted for 1–2 mm, filaments 8–12 mm long, minutely strigillose, attached near base of tube, anthers linear, 3–3.2 mm long; style exserted for 2–3 mm, 16–18 mm long, glabrous, tip swollen for ca. 1 mm, with stigmatic portion decurrent for ca. 5 mm laterally. Fruits drupaceous, spongy at maturity, 5–5.5 mm in diameter, broadly ellipsoid to subglobose, compressed, white, glabrous. Seeds not seen.
Chiococca grandiflora Lorence & T.Van Devender. A flowering branch B node showing stipule and petiole bases, glabrous form C node showing stipule and petiole bases, pubescent form D flower in bud E flower at anthesis F flower with corolla removed showing stamens and pistil G immature fruit. A, B, D–F based on P. S. Martin, P. Comtois, C. Lindquist, S. A. Meyer, B. Risner, & D. A. Yetman s.n. sub P. Jenkins 92-135 (ARIZ-383348) C based on S. Walker s.n. (UTC-00263027) G based on T. Walker s.n. (ARIZ-212520).
MEXICO. Sinaloa. Municipio Concordia. Rock Slide, El Palmito, Sinaloa, elev. 7000 ft, 18 March 1978 (fr), T. Walker s.n. (ARIZ-212520); Municipio Concordia, 2 miles W of El Palmito, Sinaloa, 7000 ft, pine oak, 1 September 1970 (fl), S. Walker s.n. (UTC-00263027; ARIZ-181630); Municipio Concordia, 19 km W of El Palmito, Sinaloa, in Sinaloa, 6200 ft., 1 September 1970 (fl), S. Walker 70,043 (K, loan # H2017/00697).
Chiococca grandiflora displays some variation in vegetative and floral pubescence. We were at first inclined to select as holotype the most amply floriferous specimen, from Sinaloa 2 miles W of El Palmito collected by Sally Walker s.n. on 1 September 1970 (UTC-00263027), since there is a putative duplicate of this collection (ARIZ-181630; gathered at the same locality on the same date). However, the UTC specimen has uniformly short-hirtellous twigs, leaves, and inflorescences with white trichomes 0.05–0.1 mm long (Figure
Regarding the type collection, Paul Martin was most likely the actual collector, although Martin did not assign numbers to his collections, only dates. Consequently, Phil Jenkins catalogued the specimen and assigned it his number 92-135. The paratype collections by Sally Walker (and Tim Walker) are from near the Durango border and were originally designated on the specimen label as either “west of El Palmito, Durango in Sinaloa” or “near El Palmito, in Durango” as the state line was not exactly known. El Palmito and immediate surroundings are in Sinaloa, however, and the state line is farther east than they realized.
The relationships of Chiococca grandiflora within its genus are unclear, along with those of all the other species, and molecular phylogenetic studies have not yet been undertaken for the genus. Based on its exceptionally large corollas, this new species does not closely resemble any of the three other species occurring in northern Mexico. Chiococca henricksonii M.C.Johnst. is a distinctive, narrowly endemic microphyllous species from Coahuila having tiny leaves with petioles 1–2 mm long, blades 4–9 mm long, and small solitary flowers with corollas only 7 mm long. Chiococca petrina Wiggins ranges from central Sonora to Chihuahua and Sinaloa. It also has relatively small puberulent leaves with petioles 1–2 mm long, blades 0.6–2 cm long, and much smaller, externally puberulent corollas 4–6 mm long with lobes about half as long as the tube. The widespread and variable Chiococca alba reaches its northernmost range in southern Florida, the southern tip of Texas, and also occurs in the Río Mayo region of Sonora. It differs in having inflorescences with more numerous flowers borne on a longer floral rachis and much smaller, externally glabrous corollas 6–8 mm long. Leaf size is extremely variable with petioles 3–10 mm long and blades 1.3–13 cm long, usually glabrous except the margin sometimes minutely hirtellous. Considering its morphological variability, C. alba may be most closely related to C. grandiflora.
[Description by George M. Ferguson based on field notes and collections made at Tepopa, Sonora on 18 March 1992 and 16–17 March 1993 with Mark Fishbein, and from El Palmito, Sinaloa 12–13 April 1999 with Andy Sanders. The El Palmito site was visited by T. Van Devender in October 2017.] Chiococca grandiflora occurs in strikingly similar habitats at two known localities, despite a 500 km latitudinal distance apart on the Pacific versant of the Sierra Madre Occidental (Figure
Near the paratype locality at 2 miles northwest of El Palmito in Sinaloa is Rancho Liebre (23.58, -105.85), located at ca. 2100 m elevation (Figure
The paratype localities near El Palmito are along a ridge with a divide on the rim of a spectacular, immense barranca system draining toward the northwest and another to the south. The north-facing slope of the barranca heading here has a resemblance to a cloud forest with dominant trees being Abies durangensis Martínez, Quercus laurina Bonpl., Q. mcvaughii, Q. rugosa Née, Cornus disciflora Moc. & Sessé ex DC., Magnolia schiedeana Schltdl., Ostrya virginiana K.Koch, Prunus serotina Ehrh., Tilia mexicana Schltdl., with species of Clethra Gronov. ex L., Cercocarpus Kunth, Cinnamomum Schaeffer, and Ilex L. At the old Rancho Liebre is an orchard and other ornamental plantings such as Sambucus nigra L., Hesperocyparis Bartel & Price, Iris Tourn. ex L., and Rosa Tourn. ex L. At the most southern paratype locality 19 km west of El Palmito, which is near the Tropic of Cancer at 1890 m along Mexico Highway 40, the vegetation here (23.466, -105.831) is lower pine-oak forest with Pinus oocarpa Schiede ex Schltdl. and Pinus yecorensis as the dominant pines and near the lower limit of Pinus herrerae with an abundance of oaks including Quercus macvaughii, Q. obtusata Bonpl., and Q. tarahumara Spellenb., J.D.Bacon & Breedlove, with Arbutus xalapensis, and Arctostaphylos pungens Kunth.
The more northern holotype locality for Chicocca grandiflora is at Tepopa, Sonora at 1100–1400 m, which is ca. 500–1000 m lower in elevation than the paratype localities (Figure
The vegetation at Tepopa is transitional oak woodland above the uppermost tropical deciduous forest on dry slopes. Oak Woodland (with a few scattered Pinus oocarpa on north-facing slopes) occurs at ca. 1000–1200 m with the dominant trees being Quercus oblongifolia Torr. (often with an epiphytic orchid, Laelia eyermaniana Rchb.f.), Q. tarahumara, Q. chihuahuensis Trel., Q. viminea Trel., Lysiloma watsonii Rose, and Ipomoea arborescens var. pachylutea Gentry. Understory shrubs include Bouvardia, Cuphea, Dodonaea viscosa, Rhus terebinthifolia Schltdl. & Cham., Rubus, Tithonia calva Sch. Bip., and the succulents Agave bovicornuta Gentry, Dasylirion gentryi Bogler, and Ferocactus pottsii (Salm-Dyck) Backeb.
Intergrading with oak woodland on the north-facing slopes just above Tepopa at 1200 m and upward to the mesa top at 1400 m is pine-oak forest of Pinus oocarpa, P. yecorensis, Quercus epileuca Trel. (with Encyclia Hook. orchids), Berberis Tourn. ex L., Clethra, Heliocarpus L., Prunus serotina Ehrh. with an understory of Gaultheria odorata Bredem. ex Willd., Nolina microcarpa S.Watson, and Roldana hartwegii (Benth.) H.Rob. & Brettell. Along the streambed from 900 to 1250 m is a northern extent of tropical evergreen riparian forest consisting of Aphananthe monoica (Hemsl.) J.-F.Leroy, Brahea Mart. ex Endl., Cinnamomum hartmannii (I.M.Johnst.) Kosterm., Cornus disciflora, Ficus Tourn. ex L., Ilex rubra S.Watson, Oreopanax peltatus Linden ex Regel, Persea podadenia S. F. Blake, Prunus zinggii Standl., Piper villiramulum C.DC., Quercus tuberculata Liebm., Sideroxylon tepicense (Standl.) T.D.Penn., Urera Gaudich., epiphytic Tillandsia cretacea L.B.Sm. and a large orchid, Stanhopea maculosa Knowles & Westc., at its northern-most distribution.
Endangered: EN B1ab(iii) + 2ab (iii). It is possible that Chiococca grandiflora is more widespread and/or abundant than the small number of collections suggests, since areas between and around the known sites in Sinaloa and Sonora have not been well explored botanically. However, based on the best available evidence this species falls into the IUCN Red List Criteria (
We are grateful to Ariel Ramseth for the excellent pen and ink illustration, and to Elaine Nakash (USGS) for preparing the distribution map. We thank the curators of the ARIZ, K, PTBG, and UTC herbaria for loan of specimens. Sally and Tim Walker provided useful information on the location of their collections. We wish to thank the reviewers Charlotte M. Taylor and Helga Ochoterena Booth for valuable suggestions and comments that improved the manuscript and translation of the abstract into Spanish.