Research Article |
Corresponding author: Xiao-hua Jin ( ) Academic editor: Yun-Hong Tan
© 2018 Ting Zhou, Xiao-hua Jin.
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Zhou T, Jin X-H (2018) Molecular systematics and the evolution of mycoheterotrophy of tribe Neottieae (Orchidaceae, Epidendroideae). In: Jin X-H, Shui Y-M, Tan Y-H, Kang M (Eds) Plant diversity in Southeast Asia. PhytoKeys 94: 39-49.
Neottieae comprise about 150–200 species and are distributed mainly in temperate and subtropical zones of the northern hemisphere. Mycoheterotrophy is common in Neottieae. Based on three DNA markers and a broad sampling of Neottieae, these results indicate that Neottieae is strongly supported as monophyletic and Palmorchis is sister to the remaining genera of Neottieae. Holopogon and Neottia s.s. are deeply nested within Listera. The habit of leafless mycotrophy has independently evolved at least three times in Neottieae, one in Cephalanthera, another in Neottia s.l. and the third in the clade formed by Limodorum and Aphyllorchis.
Generic delimitation, Molecular phylogenetics, Mycoheterotrophy, Neottia , peloric form
Neottieae Lindl. is a small tribe in Orchidaceae, comprising about 150–200 species and distributed mainly in temperate and subtropical zones of the northern hemisphere with a few species extending into tropical alpine regions (
The aims of the present study are 1) to analyse phylogenetic interrelationships within Neottieae using evidence from molecular data (chloroplast matK, rbcL and nuclear ITS) and 2) to understand the evolutionary pattern of the mycoheterotrophic habit in Neottieae.
Sixty-eight species were included in this study, representing eight genera of Neottieae: Aphyllorchis, Cephalanthera, Epipactis, Holopogon, Limodorum, Listera, Neottia and Palmorchis. Outgroups include three species from tribe Orchideae: Ophrys insectifera, Ophrys apifera and Serapias cordigera. Chloroplast DNA (specifically rbcL and matK) and nuclear ITS were analysed. Voucher information and GenBank accession numbers are shown in Supplementary material
Total genomic DNA was isolated from silica-gel-dried materials using a Plant Genomic DNA Kit (Beijing Biomed Co., LTD, Beijing, China). For this study, three markers (the coding plastid gene matK, rbcL) and the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS) were used. The PCR and sequencing primers for matK, rbcL and ITS are listed in Supplementary material
Sequences were aligned using the default parameters in ClustalX v1.83 (
For BI analyses, the data were partitioned a priori on the basis of gene identity and, for coding regions, codon position. Based on Bayes factors, the partitioning strategy (rbcL, matK) was identified as optimal for these data and was applied in all subsequent Bayesian analyses. Initial analyses providing data for comparison of the different partition strategies were run for 3000000 generations and analyses applying the final best-fit model were run for 5000000 generations. Runs were started from a random tree sampled every 1000 generations of the MCMC chain, with default priors and the option prset/ratepr set as variable. Each parameter estimation, obtained from the results of two runs, was checked in Tracer v1.5 ( to ascertain whether they had obtained a proper effective sample size and to verify that the stationary state had been reached. Trees from the first 10% of generations were discarded as burn-in. The remaining trees were combined to build a 50% majority-rule consensus tree. Bayesian Inference was run on CIPRES (
In this study, 159 new sequences were obtained (60 ITS, 48 matK, 51 rbcL). In the overall matrix, the combined dataset of three markers comprised 3817 aligned nucleotides: 730 bp from ITS and 3087 bp from chloroplast regions; 24% of the combined alignment sites were parsimony-informative. The alignments of each matrix and their properties are summarised in Supplementary material
As the partition homogeneity test for plastid DNA + ITS shows there were no strongly supported incongruent results in the datasets (P = 0.17), the datasets for simultaneous analyses were therefore combined.
Phylogenetic relationships based on the ITS data had a better resolution than the two combined plastid DNA data (results not shown here). Based on the combined ITS and plastid DNA data, these findings are consistent in the overall topology of the trees produced with maximum parsimony (MP) and Bayesian Inference (BI) methods, except for a few of the collapsed nodes. Bootstrap values (BS) were often lower than the Posterior Probability (PP) from the Bayesian analysis. The BI topology from the combined dataset was chosen as the primary tree for discussion of phylogenetic relationships (Figure
The results indicated that the tribe Neottieae can be subdivided into five clades:
Clade I consists of sampled species of Epipactis and all the species can be subdivided into 2 subclades: subclade I includes 17 species (PP = 88, BP = 57); subclade II includes Epipactis veratrifolia and Epipactis flava (PP = 100, BP = 83).
Clade II consists of sampled species of Aphyllorchis and Limodorum with strong support (PP = 100, BP = 99). Aphyllorchis is moderately supported as monophyletic (PP = 100, BP = 81) and is subdivided into two groups, a temperate group and a tropical group.
Clade III includes sampled species of Holopogon, Listera, Neottia with strong support (PP = 100, BP = 99). All sampled mycoheterotrophic species of Holopogon and Neottia form a monophyletic subclade nested within Listera with strong support (PP = 100, BP = 100) and sister to an autotrophic and alpine group. Neottia alternifolia is sister to N. morrisonicola with strong support (PP = 100, BP = 99).
Clade IV includes sampled species of Cephalanthera with moderate support (PP = 100, BP = 75) and forms a polytomy with three groups: an Eastern Asian autotrophic group with 4–5 species (pp = 1.00, BP=65), a holomycotrophic group with 2 species (pp = 1.00, BP = 84) and a Central Asian Group with 2 species.
Clade V includes sampled species of Palmorchis (PP = 100, BP = 100) and is sister to the other four clades.
Phylogram obtained from Bayesian Inference analysis of combined nrDNA ITS, matK and rbcL data. Numbers at nodes are Bayesian posterior probabilities and bootstrap percentages (≥ 50%), respectively. ‘‘–’’ indicates that the node was not supported in MP analysis, asterisk (*) represent 100% support and red colour denotes species that are mycotrophic herbs.
There are some discussions about the phylogenetic relationships in Neottieae and its alliance (
Epipactis: Although Epipactis is a small to middle size genus with 15–75 species, there is much debate about species delimitation in this genus (
Aphyllorchis and Limodorum: The sister relationship between Aphyllorchis and Limodorum is supported by the shared holomycotrophic habit and several morphological characters, such as the long and slender column and two powdery pollinia with viscidium (
Neottia s.l.: Neottia s.l. is monophyletic with strong support (PP = 1.00, BS = 99). Several widespread temperate species, Neottia ovata, N. cordata + Neottia smallii, are resolved as the successive basal groups in Neottia, while the mycotrophic and alpine taxa are nested deeply within Neottia (Figure
Cephalanthera: Cephalanthera is moderately supported as monophyletic and resolved as sister to Clade I + Clade II + Clade III with weak support. Peloric forms are common in Cephalanthera, such as C. humilis, C. nanchuanica, C. falcate var. flava and C. erecta var. lanceolata. The results indicated that such peloric forms have independently evolved at least three times in Cephalanthera (Figure
Palmorchis: There is some debate about the phylogenetic treatment of Palmorchis.
Leafless mixotrophic/mycoheterotrophic orchids of Neottieae can be subdivided into two kinds. One is obligate mycoheterotrophic, such as Cephalanthera exigua and Neottia nidus-avis, characterised by achlorophyllous plants, fleshy roots without root hairs. The other is mixotrophic, such as Limodorum abortivum, characterised by leafless but more or less green plants, roots elongate, more or less hairy. The results indicate that the habit of leafless mixotrophic/mycoheterotrophic orchids has independently evolved at least three times in Neottieae, in Clade II (Cephalanthera), Clade III (Neottia s.l.) and Clade V (Limodorum + Aphyllorchis) respectively.
Julou et al. (
This research was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 31670194, 31470299), Southeast Asia Biodiversity Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. Y4ZK111B01).
Table 1
Data type: Word document.
Explanation note: List of taxa, vouchers and GenBank accession numbers downloaded from NCBI. Newly sampled sequences are in Supplementary material
Table 2
Data type: Word document.
Explanation note: A list of primers used for PCR and sequences in this study.
Table 3
Data type: Word document.
Explanation note: Analyses of datasets.
Alignment of ITS
Data type: Fasta file.
Explanation note: Alignment of ITS.
Alignment of matK
Data type: Fasta file.
Explanation note: Alignment of matK.
Alignment of rbcL
Data type: Fasta file.
Explanation note: Alignment of rbcL.