Research Article |
Corresponding author: Fang Wen ( ) Corresponding author: Qiang Fan ( ) Academic editor: Alan Paton
© 2024 Fang Wen, Qiang Fan.
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Wen F, Fan Q (2024) Several new combinations from previous Didymocarpus to Palmatiboea (Gesneriaceae). PhytoKeys 250: 1-6.
The recently published species, Didymocarpus pingyuanensis, is transferred here to the recently re-circumscribed genus, Palmatiboea. Two varieties, recently assigned to Palmatiboea, have been raised to the rank of species. Their Chinese vernacular names are also revised and provided here.
China, Didymocarpus, Didymocarpus pingyuanensis, Gesneriacese, nomenclature, Palmatiboea
The genus, Didymocarpus Wall., which was established over 200 years ago (
A revision 27 years ago defined the narrow sense of Didymocarpus s. str., which includes two sections: Didymocarpus sect. Didymocarpus and Didymocarpus sect. Elati Ridl., distributed across Southwest China, the greater Himalayan region, and the Indochinese Peninsula (
After the publication of Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (Vol. 69) (
After multiple revisions, the number of species included in the genus Didymocarpus has decreased from over 180 species at its peak to approximately 110 species. However, some unresolved taxonomic issues remain. Recently, the study by
The species originally from Didymocarpus that have been reassigned to Palmatiboea in
No. | The original scientific names of species in Didymocarpus | The original Chinese name | The revised species scientific names in Palmatiboea | The revised Chinese name |
1 | Didymocarpus cortusifolius (Hance) Lévl. | 温州长蒴苣苔 | Palmatiboea cortusifolia (Hance) F.P.Liu & Y.Z.Wang* | 温州掌脉苣苔 |
2 | Didymocarpus dissectus F.Wen, Y.L.Qiu, Jie Huang & Y.G.Wei | 深裂长蒴苣苔 | Palmatiboea dissecta (F.Wen, Y.L.Qiu, Jie Huang & Y.G.Wei) F.P.Liu & Y.Z.Wang* | 深裂掌脉苣苔 |
3 | Didymocarpus heucherifolius Hand.-Mazz. | 闽赣长蒴苣苔 | Palmatiboea heucherifolia (Hand.-Mazz.) F.P.Liu & Y.Z.Wang* | 闽赣掌脉苣苔 |
4 | Didymocarpus heucherifolius var. gamosepalus Xin Hong & F.Wen | 合萼长蒴苣苔 | Palmatiboea heucherifolia var. gamosepala (Xin Hong & F.Wen) F.P.Liu & Y.Z.Wang* | 合萼掌脉苣苔 |
5 | Didymocarpus heucherifolius var. yinzhengii J.M.Li & S.J.Li | 印政长蒴苣苔 | Palmatiboea heucherifolia var. yinzhengii (J.M.Li & S.J.Li) F.P.Liu & Y.Z.Wang* | 印政掌脉苣苔 |
6 | Didymocarpus lobulatus F.Wen, Xin Hong & W.Y.Xie | 浙东长蒴苣苔 | Palmatiboea lobulata (F.Wen, Xin Hong & W.Y.Xie) F.P.Liu & Y.Z.Wang* | 浙东掌脉苣苔 |
7 | Didymocarpus sinoprimulinus W.T.Wang | 报春长蒴苣苔 | Palmatiboea sinoprimulia (W.T.Wang) F.P.Liu & Y.Z.Wang* | 报春掌脉苣苔 |
8 | Didymocarpus reniformis W.T.Wang | 肾叶长蒴苣苔 | Palmatiboea reniformis (W.T.Wang) F.P.Liu & Y.Z.Wang* | 肾叶掌脉苣苔 |
9 | Didymocarpus salviiflorus Chun | 迭裂长蒴苣苔 | Palmatiboea salviiflora (Chun) F.P.Liu & Y.Z.Wang* | 迭裂苣苔(应更正为迭裂掌脉苣苔) Should be changed as 迭裂掌脉苣苔 |
10 | Didymocarpus yuenlingensis W.T.Wang | 沅陵长蒴苣苔 | Palmatiboea yuenlingensis (W.T.Wang) F.P.Liu & Y.Z.Wang* | 沅陵掌脉苣苔 |
In the study by
≡ Didymocarpus pingyuanensis Ling H.Yang, Q.Fan & F.Wen in Yang et al., Phytokeys 224: 218 (2024).
China • Guangdong Province: Meizhou City, Pingyuan Town, 24°32'N, 115°50'E, 491 m a.s.l., 1 April 2023 (fl.), Qiang Fan, Xing-yue Zhang, Li-Juan Liao, Jie-Hao Jin, Ling-Han Yang DNPC 3352 (holotype: SYS!; isotypes: IBK! IBSC! SYS!)
平远掌脉苣苔 (Píng Yuǎn Zhǎng Mài Jù Tái).
≡ Didymocarpus heucherifolius var. yinzhengii J.M.Li & S.J.Li, in Phytotaxa 156 (3): 187. 2014.
≡ Palmatiboea heucherifolia var. yinzhengii (J.M.Li & S.J.Li) F.P.Liu & Y.Z.Wang, in Journal of Systematic and Evolution doi: 10.1111/jse.13124:13.2024.
China • Hunan: near Yongxing County. alt. 300 m, 26°17'10"N, 113°11'25"E, 6 May 2011, Jia-Mei Li 1105062 (holotype: HEAC!); ibid. Jia-Mei Li 11501 (paratype: IBK!).
≡ Didymocarpus heucherifolius var. gamosepalus Xin Hong & F.Wen, in PhytoKeys 128: 34. 2019.
≡ Palmatiboea heucherifolia var. gamosepala (Xin Hong & F.Wen) F.P.Liu & Y.Z.Wang, in Journal of Systematic and Evolution doi: 10.1111/jse.13124: 13. 2024.
China • Guangxi Province, cultivated in the nursery of Gesneriad Conservation Center of China (GCCC), introduced from north of Guangdong Province: Pingyuan County, Meizhou City, growing in rocky crevices at the foot of a calcareous sedimentary rocky hill. 22 February 2019, flowering, WF20190222-05 (holotype: IBK!; isotype: AHU!)
We have noticed that several newly revised species and genera names use the name abbreviation of the corresponding author Yin-Zheng Wang as “Y.Z.Wang,” such as the names of the two new genera, Palmatiboea F.P.Liu & Y.Z.Wang and Hequnia Y.Z.Wang & F.P.Liu in
We like to thank Robert Mill for critical comments on the manuscript. We also thank anonymous reviewers for their comments on an earlier draft of this paper.
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
No ethical statement was reported.
This study was financially supported by the Guangxi Natural Science Foundation (2024GXNSFAA010462), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (32260782, 32460422), the Guangdong Provincial Special Research Grant for the Creation of National Parks (2021GJGY034).
All authors have contributed equally.
Fang Wen
Qiang Fan
All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text.