Research Article |
Corresponding author: Maria das Graças Lapa Wanderley ( ) Academic editor: Peter Boyce
© 2017 Maria das Graças Lapa Wanderley.
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Wanderley MGL (2017) Typification of binomials in Xyris section Nematopus (Xyridaceae) published by L.A. Nilsson. PhytoKeys 80: 65-76.
A nomenclatural revision of fifteen taxa of Xyris (Xyridaceae) described by L.A.
É apresentada a revisão nomenclatural de quinze taxa do gênero Xyris (Xyridaceae) descritos por L.A.
Xyris , Xyridaceae , lectotype, holotype, nomenclature
The family Xyridaceae comprises about 400 species (
While undertaking taxonomic studies of Brazilian Xyridaceae, it was discovered that a number of species of the genus Xyris needed nomenclatural revision. Although
In this paper, we revised the typification of fifteen Brazilian taxa described by L.A.
In this study, we analysed the protologues and morphological features from specimens of the following herbaria (* visited herbaria): B*, BR, K*, M*, NY*, P*, S*, US* and UPS* (see
“Brasilien”. Bahia “in paludosis ad Itahype flum. Com. Dos Ilheos”, Martius s.n. (lectotype, designated here: M! pro parte: plant marked as M0241131). Other: “Brasilien”. Minas Gerais, Vila do Príncipe, “in editis camporum humidis prope V. do Principe”, Martius s.n. (syntype: M! pro parte: plant marked as M0241116).
=Xyris minarum Seub. in Martius, Fl. Bras. 3(1): 215. 1855.
This species is a synonym of X. minarum Seub.
The collection from Minas Gerais includes the other syntype of Xyris cristata, but also plants of a third species, X. subsetigera Malme. The specimens of each species mixed together in this Martius collection agree with their respective protologues and both names are validly published. The mixed collection has been separated into three exsiccatae; the plants of X. subsetigera are now registered as M0241136 and M0241137, whereas that of X. cristata is registered as M0241116. This latter plant is a poor sample of X. cristata, represented only by three peduncles and three spikes.
After studying the two syntypes (M0241131, M0241116), the Bahian collection was selected as the lectotype of Xyris cristata, because it is a more complete specimen.
“Brasilien”. Minas Gerais, Caldas, Regnell III 2051, “in palude inter gramineas altas” (lectotype, designated by Smith & Downs, 1968: S! [S-R-6569]; isolectotypes: UPS!, US! [US00088150]).
In the protologue of the species, two collections were cited: Regnell III 2051 and Lindberg s.n. The choice of lectotype was previously made by
“Brasilien”. Glaziou 6747 (lectotype, designated as type by Smith & Downs, 1968: B! [B10 0243260]; isolectotypes: P! [P01679919], K! [K000587085]).
The Glaziou 6747 specimen from Brazil has three duplicates, of which B10 0243260 is the lectotype, designated as “type” by
“Brasilien”. Minas Gerais, Caldas, Regnel III 2065 (in herb. UPS) (holotype: UPS!; isotype: S! [S-R-6575]).
In his Xyris glandacea protologue,
“Brasilien”, Glaziou 8004 (B†; lectotype, designated here: P! [P00753734]; isolectotypes: NY! [NY00246945], BR [BR000000694356, scan!], P! [P00753735]).
= Xyris augusto-coburgii Szyszyl. ex G.Beck., Itin. Princ. S. Coburgii 2: 94. 1888.
This name is a synonym of Xyris augusto-coburgii Szyszyl. ex G.Beck. Although cited in the protologue as deposited in B, the type material of X. glaziowii is no longer to be found there. Dr. Robert Vogt, curator of B, has confirmed that the type material of Xyris glaziowii probably disappeared as a result of World War II damage to the B herbarium. Duplicates of Glaziou 8004 at P, BR, NY, and a photograph at F were therefore examined with a view to selection of a lectotype.
“Brasilien”. Minas Gerais, “in campis alpestribus ad Serro Frio”, Martius s.n. (in herb. Monac.) (lectotype, designated here: M! [M0241098]; isolectotype: M! [M0241097]).
According to the protologue, the Martius’s type collection is from Serro, Minas Gerais state, Brazil, but with no information of the collector number and date. It is deposited at the Munich herbarium (M) where there are two sheets of the same collection (M0241097 and M0241098). According to
“Brasilien”. Rio de Janeiro, Glaziou 1327 (lectotype, designated by Smith andDowns, 1968: B! [B100242250]; isolectotype: K! [K000587092]).
According to the protologue, the Glaziou 13277 collection was used to describe the species, but without indication of the depository herbarium where it was deposited. Considering the intention of
“Brasilien”. Minas Gerais, “in palustribus Serra do Caraca”, Martius s.n. (holotype: M! [M0241109]).
In the protologue
“Brasilien”. Rio de Janeiro, Glaziou 15513 (lectotype, designated by Smith & Downs, 1968: P! [P00752388]); isolectotypes: P! [P00752436]), K! [K000587098]), BR [BR000000694390, scan!]. Other: Sellow s.n. (syntype: B! [B 10 0242237]).
We examined two syntype collections of X. nigricans. Both are of good quality: 1) Glaziou 15513, has two sheets at P (P00752388; P00752436), one at K (K000587098) and one at BR (BR000000694390); 2) Sellow s.n. has a single sheet at B (B 10 0242237). The lectotype is confirmed as sheet P00752388 of the Glaziou 15513 collection, previously indicated by
“Brasilien”, Sellow s.n. (“in herb. Berol.”) (holotype: B! [B10 0242234]).
“Brasilien”, Minas Gerais, Caldas, Regnell III 2050 (lectotype, designated by Smith & Downs, 1968: S! [S-R-6609]; isolectotype: UPS!, pro parte P! [P01676114]). Other: “Brasilien”, Minas Gerais, Caldas, Regnell III 2050 “loco paludoso in consortione graminearum excelsiorum” (syntype: UPS!).
In the protologue of the species,
The P01676114 collection at Paris (P) is part of the type collection of Xyris regnellii (Regnell III 2050), and can be considered as a syntype, but only in part (pro parte), as it consists of a mixture of specimens of Xyris regnellii and X. filifolia. This sheet does not have a date of collection or any of the other information mentioned above, showing only the collector’s name and number. It is, however, the only reference to X. regnellii currently available on the JSTOR Global Plants (
Guyana: “British Guiana”, Rich. Schomburgk 897 (in herb. Berol.) (holotype: B! [B10 0242218]; isotype: K! [K000308887]).
In his species description,
“Brasilien”, Minas Gerais, Caldas. Regnell III 1276 (lectotype, designated by Smith & Downs, 1968: S! [S 05-5679]; isolectotypes: UPS!; US [US00433375, image!]).
= Xyris tortula Mart. Flora 24(Beibl. 2): 55. 1841.
The lectotype of the Regnell III 1276 (S 05-5679) material, designated as “type” by
Brasil. Glaziou 7999 (in herb. Berol.) (holotype: B! [B100242212]; isotypes: S! [S-R-6620], K! [K00494720]; P! [P00753728, P00753729]).
The holotype (B100242212) is the single sheet of Glaziou 7999 at the B herbarium. It is from Brazil, undated, lacks a more precise location, and was indicated in the protologue as deposited at the B herbarium. The holotype consists of several plants and dried material that was used by
These disagreements in location attribution are thought to have occurred when Glaziou’s duplicates were distributed to the different herbaria.
“Brasilien”. Glaziou 4286 (lectotype, designated by Smith & Downs, 1968: P! [P00753726]; isolectotypes: K! [K00587113], US! [US00088220]). Other: Glaziou 8003 (Itatiaia) (syntype: K! [K000587112]; isosyntype: P! [P01677114]); GH n.v.
[GH00028828]; Sellow s.n. (syntype: B! [B10 0242206]; isosyntypes: K! [K000837563, K000837566, K000837567]).
In the protologue, Nilsson cited three collections he had examined: Glaziou 4286, Glaziou 8003 and Sellow s.n., indicating the B herbarium as depository, however only the Sellow collection was found at B.
Duplicates of the syntype Glaziou 8003 are deposited at K (K000587112) and P (P01677114), with annotations giving different origins. The P duplicate (P0167114), states its origin as Brazil, São Paulo, Fazenda Bocaina, near Cascatinha Manbucabo, collected on February 11, 1876. The K duplicate (K000587112) label annotation states the collection is from Rio de Janeiro, while another duplicate at GH (GH00028828) has data identical to the P specimen (Fazenda Bocaina, São Paulo). Despite this divergent locality information, there is no doubt that they all belong to the same Glaziou 8003 collection.
The duplicates of the syntype Sellow s.n. (B100242206, K000837563, K000837563, K000837566, K7000837567) indicate their origin only as from Brazil, with all bearing the number 204 on the label, confirming that all belong to the same Sellow collection. The collections examined revealed leaves with dark edges that can vary from bright to opaque, smooth to rugulose, variations observed in recent specimens of this species. The globular or ovoid spikes with brown bracts having a conspicuous macula are also very variable, sometimes making it difficult to identify this species, which overlaps in some characters with other similar species such as Xyris rigida Kunth.
I would like to thank the curators and staff at the following herbaria for allowing me to access their collections and/or for providing images complementary to the study: B, BR*, F*, K, M, S, UPS, US and P (* not visited). Visits to K, P, S and UPS were supported by CNPq, FAPESP and Reflora Project (CNPq). And special thanks to Dr. Simon Mayo and Dr. Jefferson Prado for the valuable comments and suggestions and the careful review of the editorial committee and reviewers.