Research Article |
Corresponding author: Vicki A. Funk ( ) Academic editor: Alexander Sennikov
© 2017 Vicki A. Funk, Harold Robinson.
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Funk VA, Robinson H (2017) Nine species from Madagascar are moved from Vernonia to Distephanus (Compositae, Vernonieae). PhytoKeys 77: 89-92.
The genus Distephanus is native to Madagascar, the Mauritius, central and southern Africa, Yemen (Socotra Island), and China. The majority of the diversity is found in Madagascar. Here we provide new combinations for nine species of Vernonia that belong in Distephanus, all from Madagascar. All of the species were formerly placed in the large genus Vernonia, now greatly reduced.
Asteraceae , Asterids, flowering plants, Madagascar, Vernonia
As we continue to emerge from the “Dark Ages of Lumping” it should come as no surprise to any student of the Compositae that morphological and molecular data are being used (separately and together) to address generic limits. As a result we are seeing the breakup of many large non-monophyletic genera. In one such case, the genus Vernonia Schreb., of the tribe Vernonieae, has shrunk to about 20 species from North America and the remaining 1000 or so species from that genus are in the process of being assigned to other genera. Many of these “new” genera were previously described and subsequently sunk into Vernonia, but others needed new names and descriptions. An overview of the tribe was presented by
As part of a larger more comprehensive work on the Vernonieae of Madagascar this effort concerns the establishment of proper limits for the genus Distephanus Cass. Described by Cassini based on a type removed from Conyza (Astereae), Distephanus has long been recognized as distinctive (trees, shrubs or woody vines; yellow or orange flowers; tri-nervate leaf venation) even when it was considered part of Vernonia (herbs or subshrubs; purple, pink or white flowers; pinnate leaf venation). In addition to the type species three other species were described in Distephanus and therefore do not need to be transferred and a number of combinations have already been made: 24 by
Vernonia bakeri Vatke. Bremen Abh. Natuewiss. Vereins Bremen 9: 119. 1885.
Vernonia capuronii Humbert, Mem. Inst. Sci. Madagascar, Sér. B., Bíol. Veg. 6: 152. 1955.
Vernonia grevei Drake. Bull. Soc. Bot. France 46: 240. 1900 [dt. 1899; publ. early1900]
Vernonia ibityensis Humbert, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 13(4): 313. 1949 [dt. Apr 1948; publ. early 1949]
Vernonia poissonii Humbert, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 8(1): 6. 1939.
Vernonia polytricholepis Baker, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 21: 415. 1885
Vernonia quartziticola Humbert, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 13(4): 305. 1949 [dt. Apr 1948; publ. early 1949]
Vernonia rhodopappa Baker. J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 22: 487. 1887
Vernonia spiciformis Klatt. Ann. Nat. Hofmus. Wien 7: 296. 1892
We thank the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (P) for assistance during the work in the herbarium in Paris, as well as the staff of the Missouri Botanical Garden (MO) in Madagascar and P for their assistance in setting up and executing the field trip. We also appreciate the comments from two reviewers and the subject editor. As usual we made use of the IPNI website ( and we thank Kanchi Gandhi (GH) for helping us locate the actual publication dates of some original literature.