Beyond nutmeg, mace, and cloves: Checklist of the liverworts and hornworts of Maluku Islands (Moluccas), Indonesia
expand article infoAinun Nadhifah§, Ida Haerida§, Fandri Sofiana Fastanti§, Lars Söderström|, Anders Hagborg, Matt von Konrat
‡ University of Tennessee, Knoxville, United States of America
§ National Research and Innovation Agency, West Java, Indonesia
| Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
¶ Gantz Family Collections Center, Science & Education, Field Museum, Chicago, United States of America
Open Access


The first ever liverwort and hornwort checklist is provided for the Maluku Islands (Moluccas/Spice Islands) of Indonesia. We report 355 accepted and 16 doubtful species and reject 22 species previously reported for Maluku Islands. The list is based on the specimens housed in the Herbarium Bogoriense (BO) and reports from over 500 literature references, including monographs, regional studies, and molecular investigations. The Maluku Islands are part of the Wallacea Biodiversity Hotspot with many unique species found only in Wallacea. Publications focusing on liverworts and hornworts of Maluku Islands are few and scattered. Considering regionally widespread species that have been recorded elsewhere, we predict that further fieldwork exploring the diversity of habitats coupled with collections unveiled from regional herbaria, a number of new records remain to be reported.

Key words

Checklist, hornworts, Indonesia, liverworts, Maluku, Moluccas


The Maluku Islands (Moluccas) is an island archipelago of over 1,000 islands situated in eastern Indonesia south of the Philippine island of Mindanao and east of Sulawesi, scattered in a series of irregular arcs spanning the Maluku, the Banda, and the Seram Seas (Zerner 1994; Leunufna and Evans 2014). The Maluku Islands were also formerly known as the Spice Islands because the archipelago held great geopolitical significance due to the abundance in spices as a commodity (Van Gils and Cox 1994). For instance, the spice nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) a small-holder’s crop, with 3500 years of antiquity, is indigenous to the Banda Islands, and is now grown in about 12 countries including some secondary centers of domestication (Peter 2001; Sasikumar 2021).

The biogeographical region of Maluku Islands (Fig. 1) encompasses the Indonesian geopolitical provinces of North Moluccas (Maluku Utara Province) and part of South Moluccas (Maluku Province) (Rutgrink et al. 2018). The major island groups in the north Moluccas are Halmahera, Bacan, Morotai, Obi, Sula, Ternate, and Tidore whereas Seram (previously known as Ceram), Buru, Banda, and Ambon are situated in the south. Many of the islands of Maluku are comprised of fragments of continental crusts (Monk et al. 1997) and are one of the most complex biogeographical and oceanographic areas on Earth (Pitriana et al. 2020). The island groups have experienced considerable, but very different tectonic displacements. During the last 10 million years, the North Moluccas moved westwards along the north coast of New Guinea to their current position. The Southern Moluccas moved northwards from Australia, west of New Guinea (Rutgrink et al. 2018). Not surprisingly the flora shows a marked similarity to those of New Guinea and Australia but also includes many endemic species and at least two endemic genera (Parakibara Philipson and Siphokentia Burret) (Burret 1927; Philipson 1985).

Figure 1. 

Moluccas in the Indonesian archipelago (inset) as defined in the present paper and the islands and archipelagos here used.

Famously, western exploration of the natural history of the Maluku Islands dates back to the 17th century, starting with Georg Everhard Rumphius, and later, for example, Alfred Russel Wallace (Strack 1993; Lamoureux 1990). Notably, Wallace (1863), proposed a sharp boundary of the Indo-Australian Archipelago based upon land-mammal and land-bird distributions. It has since achieved iconic status and today its significance is recognized well beyond the confines of the biogeography community (Ali and Heaney 2021). Yet, it is noteworthy that the application in recent years of modern analytical techniques has not led to a consensus view on where the lines/areas should run/be placed (Ali and Heaney 2021). The Maluku Islands are part of what is termed as the Wallacea Biodiversity Hotspot, a region that covers an area of 338 thousand square kilometers with thousands of islands supporting highly diverse biological communities with many unique species found only in Wallacea (van Welzen et al. 2005; CEPF 2014). Wallacea was identified as one of the original 25 biodiversity hotspots in the world (Myers et al. 2000).

Maluku Islands are situated in the “Tropical and Subtropical Moist Broadleaved Forests” biome (Olson et al. 2001) and contribute approximately 24% of forest cover of the Wallacea land surface. The archipelago as here defined is separated into four ecoregions, eastern part of “Sulawesi Lowland Rainforests”, “Buru Rainforests”, “Halmahera Rainforests” and “Seram Rainforests” (Fig. 3, and is considered home to much endemic flora (CEPF 2014). The Maluku Islands are one of the few places in the Indonesian archipelago where it is possible to find a complete altitudinal sequence of vegetation, with few places elsewhere in the tropics providing a comparable range (Edwards et al. 1993). Many of the forests in Maluku are lowland evergreen and semi-evergreen forests (Fig. 2), especially on Halmahera and adjacent islands, tropical montane forests, limestone (karst) geologies, and ultrabasic (serpentine) geologies (Ellen 1997; Abdo 2017).

Figure 2. 

Vegetation of the Aketajawe-Lolobata National Park in Halmahera. Photo: Ida Haerida.

Figure 3. 

Ecoregions of the Moluccas Islands.

Liverworts and hornworts are, together with mosses, commonly referred to as bryophytes. They represent three early diverging clades of land plants forming the second largest group of green land plants after flowering plants and are of critical biological, ecological, and phylogenetic significance. Bryophytes serve as the “macrophytes,” providing a matrix where many microscopic organisms live, including tardigrades, mites, rotifers, micro-molluscs, microalgae, microfungi, and prokaryotes (Gerson 1982; Huttunen et al. 2017; Muggia and Grube 2018). They also play an important role as possible indicators of climate change (e.g., Lindo et al. 2013; Ruklani et al. 2021), in nutrient cycling (Rieley et al. 1979) and through their water retention reducing soil nutrient loss and flooding risk (Anderson et al. 2010). Because of their physiological properties they have therefore been used extensively as ecological indicators (e.g., Pakeman et al. 2019; Déleg et al. 2021). Resolving relationships among bryophytes and their relationships to the remaining land plants is critical for understanding the evolution of fundamental innovations within land plants (Leebens-Mack et al. 2019).

Historically, relatively few publications have focused on plant collections from the Maluku Islands, despite the significance of the flora. Approximately 4,442 species of plants and fungi were recorded from Maluku Islands until 2017 (Retnowati and Rugayah 2019). Herbarium Amboinense, a classic work by Rumphius (1741–1755), contains descriptions of plants commonly found in Ambon and the surrounding islands. However, the floristic knowledge of liverworts and hornworts remains poor, especially compared to seed plants, and has scarcely been published. Seram and Ambon have been the most investigated areas for liverworts and hornworts and have been reported by several authors (e.g. Akiyama 2009; Doei 1987a, 1987b; Hasegawa 1986; Hattori 1986b; Inoue 1986; Mizutani 1986a). One of the most significant contributions to bryophytes of the Maluku Islands is the checklist of bryophytes from Seram and Ambon by Akiyama (2009) who recorded as many as 226 species of liverworts. One species, Lepidozia integrifolia Doei, is an endemic species of Seram (Doei 1987a).

We here present the first ever checklist of liverworts and hornworts for Maluku Islands in an effort to further promote bryological research, especially in the eastern part of Indonesia. The checklist complements recently published checklists for Indonesia including Söderström et al. (2010) for Java and Nadhifah et al. (2021) for the Lesser Sunda Islands. The significance of checklists is summarized by Söderström et al. (2008), including outlining the utility of checklists as powerful and important tools, and their applicability to taxonomy, systematics, and conservation.

Liverwort types from Maluku

Not less than 113 names (9 of them invalid) have original material from the Maluku Islands. Of the validly published names, 13 have holotypes and 47 of the rest are lectotypified. However, 43 names remain to be typified. Here we designate lectotypes, or validate earlier unsuccessful lectotypifications, for 13 names. For a discussion on lectotypification procedures, including the concept of inadvertent lectotypifications, see Söderström and Hentschel (2023). In the list below we cite the lectotypification source and indicate where further typifications are needed.

Chandonanthus gracilis Herzog, Hedwigia 66 (6): 341, 1926 (Herzog 1926b).

Original citation. Ceram: Hoale-Paß, ca. 1600 m, leg. E. Stresemann, 1911.

Lectotype (here designated, cf. Váňa et al. 2013: 30 as “holotype”). Indonesia, Moluccas, Seram, Hoale Pass, 1600 m., 1911, Stresemann s.n. (JE04005601,

Note. Only one specimen has been located but it cannot be ruled out that there exist duplicates elsewhere. Váňa et al. (2013: 30) call it “holotype” but this is too late for an inadvertent lectotypification. The specimen is also annotated as holotype by K. Amamoto in 2020. In case duplicates are found, we here formally designate it as a lectotype.

Currently accepted name. Plicanthus hirtellus (F.Weber) R.M.Schust. (see Váňa et al. 2013).

Lepidozia longifolia Steph., Sp. Hepat. (Stephani) 3: 606, 1909 (Stephani 1909a).

Original citation. Hab. Amboina (Karsten).

Lectotype (here designated). Indonesia, Moluccas, Ambon, Karsten (G00069659

Note. The lectotype is annotated “type” by Mizutani in Feb. 1975.

Lophocolea deningeri Herzog, Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 38 (2): 321, 1921 (Herzog 1921).

Original citation. Buru: Im Urwald des Kapalamadang, leg. Dr. K. Deninger †, 1906.

Lectotype (here designated). Indonesia, Moluccas, Buru, Im Urwald des Kapalamadang, Deninger 1906 (JE04005314

Note. JE04005314 is marked as “holotype” by R. Grolle. We are not aware of any other type material.

Lopholejeunea sagrana var. dentistipula Schiffn. ex P.Syd., Just’s Bot. Jahresber. 19 (1): 246, 1894 (Sydow 1894) (‘ sagraeana ’).

Original citation. Ins. Amboina, in iisdem locis ac typica, pauca tantum frustula sed c. per. et ♂ inventa sunt (7. 6. 75).

Lectotype (here designated, Zhu and Gradstein 2005: 85 as “holotype”). Indonesia, Moluccas, Ambon, 7 Jun 1875, D. Naumann (FH).

Note. Zhu and Gradstein (2005: 85) call it “holotype” but this is too late for an inadvertent lectotypification.

Currently accepted name. Caudalejeunea reniloba (Gottsche) Steph. (see Zhu and Gradstein 2005).

Madotheca crenilobula Herzog, Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 38 (2): 328, 1921 (Herzog 1921).

Original citation. Buru: Im Urwald des Kapalamadang, leg. Dr. K. Deninger †, 1906.

Lectotype (here designated). Indonesia, Moluccas, Buru, Im Urwald des Kapalamadang, 1906, K. Deninger (JE04001514, isotype JE04001515

Note. The lectotype was annotated “Type!” and the isotype “isotype” by S. Hattori in 1968 but has apparently never been published.

Currently accepted name. Porella javanica (Gottsche) Inoue (see Hattori 1975e).

Mastigobryum deningeri Herzog, Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 38 (2): 322, 1921 (Herzog 1921).

Original citation. Buru: In den Bergen Mittelburus, ca. 1500 m, leg. Dr. K. Deninger †, 1911.

Lectotype (here designated). Indonesia, Moluccas, Buru, Mittelburu, ca. 1500 m, 1911, Deninger 10 (JE04006158, isolectotype JE04006157

Note. The selected lectotype is richer than the isolectotype and has a label in Herzog’s handwriting marked “n.sp.”. The isolectotype is marked “Typus” and annotated as type and syn. to Bazzania longicaulis by Kitagawa 18 Nov 1978 but no typification seems to have been published.

Currently accepted name. Bazzania longicaulis (Sande Lac.) Schiffn., syn. nov.>

Mastigobryum nigricans Herzog, Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 38 (2): 322, 1921 (Herzog 1921).

Original citation. Buru: Im Urwald des Kapalamadang, leg. Dr. K. Deninger †, 1906.

Lectotype (here designated). Indonesia, Moluccas, Buru, Kapalamadang, 1906, K. Deninger 112 (JE04006129

Note. The lectotype is marked “n.sp.” on the label and annotated by N. Kitagawa 1991 as type.

Mastigobryum stresemannii Herzog, Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 38 (2): 324, 1921 (Herzog 1921).

Original citation. Ceram: Paßhöhe zwischen Mansela und Wolu (Useahánpaß), ca. 1750 m, leg. E. Stresemann, 1911.

Lectotype (here designated). Indonesia, Moluccas, Seram, between Mansela and Wolu ca. 1750 m, 1911, E. Stresemann 110, (JE04005944

Note. The lectotype is marked “n.sp.” on the label by Herzog and annotated as type by N. Kitagawa in 1978.

Currently accepted name. Bazzania stresemannii (Herzog) N.Kitag.

Mastigobryum vermiculare Herzog, Hedwigia 66 (6): 339, 1926 (Herzog 1926b).

Original citation. Ceram: Hoale, ca.1100m, leg. E. Stresemann, 1911.

Lectotype (here designated). Indonesia, Moluccas, Seram, Hoale, ca. 1100 m, 1911, Stresemann (JE04006130

Note. Only one specimen is online in JE and without any annotation.

Pycnolejeunea ventricosa Schiffn. ex P.Syd., Just’s Bot. Jahresber. 19 (1): 246, 1894 (Sydow 1894).

Original citation. In insula Amboina cum aliis Lejeuniis parcissime, cum fl. ♀ et periantbiis vetustis (7. 6. 75) [cf. Schiffner 1890: 32].

Lectotype (here designated, cf. Zhu and Lai 2005: 200 as “holotype”). Indonesia, Moluccas, Ambon, Gazellen Expedition, 7.6.1875, Naumann (FH00284228

Note. “Holotype” by Zhu and Lai (2005: 200) is too late to be an inadvertent lectotype (cf. ICN2018 Art. 7.11) and is here designated as lectotype.

Currently accepted name. Cheilolejeunea ventricosa (Schiffn. ex P.Syd.) Xiao L.He

Schistochila amboinensis Steph., Sp. Hepat. (Stephani) 4: 77, 1909 (Stephani 1909c).

Original citation. Hab. Amboina.

Lectotype (here designated, cf. So 2003a: 87 as “holotype”). Indonesia, Moluccas, Ambon, 1883, Luerssen 1270 (G00067852

Note. So (2003a: 87 as “holotype”) is too late for an inadvertent lectotypification.

Currently accepted name. Schistochila beccariana (De Not.) Trevis. (see So 2003a).

Schistochila inversa Herzog, Hedwigia 66 (6): 342, 1926 (Herzog 1926b).

Original citation. Ceram: Hoale-Paß, ca. 1600 m, leg. E. Stresemann, 1911; in Bruchstücken aus Lepidozia ceramensis und L. Ferdinandi Mülleri herausgelesen.

Lectotype (here designated, cf. So 2003a: 98 as “holotype”). Indonesia, Moluccas, Seram, Hoale-Pass, ca. 1600 m, 1911, E. Stresemann s.n. (JE04002842

Note. So (2003a: 98 as “holotype”) is too late to be an inadvertent lectotypification.

Currently accepted name. Schistochila sciurea (Nees) Schiffn. (see So 2003a).

Schistochila purpurascens Herzog, Hedwigia 66 (6): 341, 1926 (Herzog 1926b).

Original citation. Ceram: Hoale-Paß, ca. 1600 m, leg. E. Stresemann, 1911.

Lectotype (here designated, cf. So 2003a: 80 as “holotype”). Indonesia, Moluccas, Seram, Hoale-Pass, ca. 1000 m, Mar-Aug 1911, E. Stresemann 201 (JE04002840, isotype L-937.235.12

Note. “holotype” by So (2003a: 80) is too late for an inadvertent lectotypification.

Currently accepted name. Schistochila acuminata Steph. (see So 2003a).

Materials and methods

Nomenclature and taxonomy follow the world checklist of hornworts and liverworts (Söderström et al. 2016) with some updates from recent literature. Sources include more than 500 publications found through the work with Early Land Plants Today (ELPT) database of liverwort taxonomy and distribution, and with some consultation with taxonomic experts. In addition, we also examined the specimens collected from the Maluku Islands in the Herbarium Bogoriense (BO). The checklist follows a similar format of a series of previous liverwort and hornwort regional checklists by the authors, e.g., Java, Lesser Sunda Islands (Söderström et al. 2010; Nadhifah et al. 2021). References citing primary reports (citing specimens or material seen by the author) are given in bold. Secondary references not citing any material seen are given in normal font. In cases where we are not aware of any primary source, or the earliest report is a secondary source without any clear connection to a primary source published later, we comment on the situation. In the current checklist we note under which name a taxon is reported except when it is reported under the currently accepted name.

We here accept reports of 355 species from the area in addition to 16 reported species that we consider as doubtful and 21 species reported whose occurrence we reject from the islands. Species number known varies a lot between the islands/archipelagos (Table 1, Fig. 4). We are not aware of a single report from Sula while 258 species are known from Seram. Thus, we expect that with further investigations the number of species will rise considerably for many of the islands in the region.

Figure 4. 

Species richness on the different islands/archipelagos of Moluccas. The darker the more species known (cf. Table 1). White (Sulu I) means that no liverwort or hornwort species are known from the area.

Table 1.

Number of accepted, doubtful and rejected species of liverworts and hornworts from Moluccas and the recognized areas (islands/archipelagos) within the Moluccas.

Area Accepted Doubtful Rejected
Ambon 143 11 10
Bacan 26 0 0
Banda 7 2 0
Buru 13 0 2
Halmahera 31 3 0
Morotai 2 0 0
Obi 2 0 0
Seram 258 7 5
Sulu 0 0 0
Ternate/Tidore 22 0 2
Moluccas 355 16 22

Taxa accepted for Moluccas


Dendroceros Nees

Dendroceros acutilobus Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE [Piippo 1993a: 44], LECTOTYPE of Dendroceros karstenii [to be designated], Schiffner 1898 as Dendroceros karstenii, Stephani 1909b, Stephani 1917 as Dendroceros karstenii, Stephani 1917, Bonner 1965 also as Dendroceros karstenii, Hasegawa 1980, 1982, 1986, 2002, Piippo 1993a, Peñalosa et al. 2019. Seram: Akiyama 1986, Hasegawa 1986, 2002, Akiyama 2009.

Dendroceros cavernosus J.Haseg. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, Hasegawa 1986, 2002, Akiyama 2009.

Dendroceros crispus (Sw.) Nees. MOLUCCAS: Amélio et al. 2021. Ambon: Schiffner 1893b.

Dendroceros foliicola J.Haseg. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, Hasegawa 1986 as Dendrocerosfoliicala’, Akiyama 2009.

Dendroceros javanicus (Nees) Nees. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009, Hasegawa 1986.

Dendroceros pedunculatus Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE [Hasegawa 1980: 306], Stephani 1909b, 1917, Bonner 1965, Hasegawa 1980, Piippo 1993a, Peñalosa et al. 2019.

Dendroceros seramensis J.Haseg. MOLUCCAS: Seram: HOLOTYPE, Akiyama 1986, 2009, Hasegawa 1986, Engel 1993, Crosby and Engel 2006, Peñalosa et al. 2019.

Folioceros D.C.Bharadwaj

Folioceros amboinensis (Schiffn.) Piippo. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1890, 1898 both as Anthoceros amboinensis, Sydow 1894 as Anthoceros amboinensis, Stephani 1916 as Aspiromitus amboinensis, Meijer 1954 as Anthoceros amboinensis, Bonner 1962b as Aspiromitus amboinensis and Anthoceros amboinensis, Hasegawa 1993 as Anthoceros amboinensis.

Folioceros appendiculatus (Steph.) J.Haseg. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, Hasegawa 1986, 2002 as Anthoceros appendiculatus, Akiyama 2009.

Folioceros glandulosus (Lehm. et Lindenb.) D.C.Bharadwaj. MOLUCCAS: Inoue and Miller 1965 as Anthoceros glandulosus, Inoue 1965 as Anthoceros glandulosus, Miller et al. 1983 as Anthoceros glandulosus, Bapna and Kachroo 2000a. Banda: Meijer 1957 as Anthoceros glandulosus. ?Seram: Piippo 1993a. Note: we are not aware of any first hand report from Seram.

Megaceros Campb.

Megaceros flagellaris (Mitt.) Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1893b, 1898 both as Anthoceros grandis, Merrill 1906 as Anthoceros grandis, Miller et al. 1983 as Megaceros grandis. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009, Hasegawa 1986.

Phaeoceros Prosk.

Phaeoceros carolinianus (Michx.) Prosk. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 both as Phaeoceros laevis subsp. carolinianus, Hasegawa 1986 as Phaeoceros laevis subsp. carolinianus.

Phaeomegaceros R.J.Duff, J.C.Villarreal, Cargill et Renzaglia

Phaeomegaceros hirticalyx (Steph.) R.J.Duff, J.C.Villarreal, Cargill et Renzaglia. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Hasegawa 1986 as Phaeoceros polyandrus, Campbell and Hasegawa 1993 as Phaeoceros hirticalyx, Akiyama 2009 as Phaeoceros polyandrus.


Acrolejeunea (Spruce) Steph.

Acrolejeunea fertilis (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: LECTOTYPE of Ptychocoleus tener [Gradstein 1975: 86], Bapna and Kachroo 2000b, Singh et al. 2010. Ambon: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Phragmicoma fertilis, Schiffner 1898, Gradstein 1975.

Acrolejeunea pycnoclada (Taylor) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Mizutani 1977, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b, Haerida et al. 2010, Siregar et al. 2014, Siregar 2015. Ambon: Verdoorn 1934a, 1934b both as Ptychocoleus pycnocladus, Swanson and Miller 1969 as Ptychocoleus pycnocladus, Kamimura 1974 as Ptychocoleus pycnocladus, Miller et al. 1983 also as Ptychocoleus pycnocladus. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

— subsp. pycnoclada. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Acrolejeunea rostrata [Gradstein 1975: 109], LECTOTYPE of Ptychocoleus brunneus [Gradstein 1975: 109 as “holotype”], ORIGINAL MATERIAL of Acrolejeunea rostrata var. major, ORIGINAL MATERIAL of Acrolejeunea rostrata var. minor, Schiffner 1890 as Acrolejeunea rostrata and its var. major and var. minor, Bonner 1962b as Acrolejeunea rostrata and its var. Major and var. minor, Gradstein 1975, Miller et al. 1983 as Ptychocoleus brunneus, Geissler and Bischler 1987 as Lejeunea rostrata var. Minor, Geissler and Bischler 1989 as Ptychocoleus brunneus.

Acrolejeunea securifolia (Nees) Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a as Acrolejeunea securifolia, Akiyama 2009.

— subsp. hartmannii (Steph.) Gradst. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Gradstein 1975, Bonner 1977, Gradstein et al. 2002, Piippo et al. 2002.

Acromastigum A.Evans

Acromastigum aurescens A.Evans. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Grolle 1978.

Acromastigum bancanum (Sande Lac.) A.Evans. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Grolle 1978 as Acromastigum bidenticulatum.

Acromastigum divaricatum (Nees) A.Evans ex Reimers. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1893b, 1898 both as Bazzania divaricata, Evans 1934, Brown and Renner 2014. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Acromastigum echinatiforme (De Not.) A.Evans. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1893b, 1898 as Bazzania echinatiformis, Stephani 1909a as Mastigobryum echinatiforme, Evans 1934, Bonner 1962b, 1963a as Bazzania echinatiformis, Grolle 1965, 1978, Pócs 1971, Miller et al. 1983, Piippo 1991, Schuster 2000a. Seram: Grolle 1978, Miller et al. 1983, Piippo 1991.

Acromastigum inaequilaterum (Lehm. et Lindenb.) A.Evans. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Evans 1934, Jovet-Ast 1958, Bonner 1962b, Sharma and Srivastava 1993, Schuster 2000a.

Acromastigum lobuliferum A.Evans. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Grolle 1978.

Acroscyphella N.Kitag. et Grolle

Acroscyphella tjiwideiensis (Sande Lac.) N.Kitag. et Grolle. MOLUCCAS: Piippo 1985 as Clasmatocolea tjiwideiensis. Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Chiloscyphus falcifolius [Bonner 1963b: 733], Stephani 1907c as Chiloscyphus falcifolius, Bonner 1963b as Chiloscyphus falcifolius, Grolle 1984 as Clasmatocolea tjiwideiensis, 1986, Enroth 1991 as Clasmatocolea tjiwideiensis.

Allorgella Tixier

Allorgella semperiana (Steph.) Bechteler, G.E.Lee, Schäf.-Verw. et Heinrichs. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a as Otolejeunea semperiana, Akiyama 2009 as Otolejeunea semperiana.

Allorgella zantenii (Grolle) Bechteler, G.E.Lee, Schäf.-Verw. et Heinrichs. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Bi et al. 2019.

Anastrophyllopsis (R.M.Schust.) Váňa et L.Söderstr.

Anastrophyllopsis revoluta (Steph.) Váňa et L.Söderstr. MOLUCCAS: Ah-Peng et al. 2010 as Anastrophyllum revolutum. Seram: Akiyama 1986 as Anastrophyllum revolutum, Váňa and Piippo 1989b as Anastrophyllum revolutum, Váňa 1991b as Anastrophyllum revolutum, Akiyama 2009 as Anastrophyllum revolutum.

Anastrophyllum (Spruce) Steph.

Anastrophyllum piligerum (Nees) Steph. MOLUCCAS: Váňa and Engel 2013. Halmahera: Váňa and Piippo 1989b, Váňa 1991b.

Aneura Dumort.

Aneura amboinensis Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE [Bonner 1962b: 86], Stephani 1899b, Bonner 1962b.

Aneura pinguis (L.) Dumort. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1893b as Aneura pinguis f. normalis, 1898 as Riccardia pinguis.

Balantiopsis Mitt.

Balantiopsis ciliaris S.Hatt. subsp. novoguineensis S.Hatt. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Bazzania Gray

Bazzania asymmetrica (Steph.) N.Kitag. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Herzog 1926b as Mastigobryum asymmetricum.

Bazzania cadens N.Kitag. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Bazzania cincinnata (De Not.) Trevis. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Bazzania commutata (Lindenb. et Gottsche) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Bazzania conophylla (Sande Lac.) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Mastigobryum longidens [Kitagawa 1973: 263 as “type”], Stephani 1886a, 1886b, 1908c all as Mastigobryum longidens, Schiffner 1893b, 1898 as Bazzania longidens, Bonner 1963a as Bazzania longidens, Kitagawa 1973. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Bazzania crassitexta Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE [Bonner 1963a: 340], Stephani 1893c, 1908c as Mastigobryum crassitextum, Schiffner 1898, Bonner 1963a, Kitagawa 1979b.

Bazzania distans (Nees) Trevis. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Bazzania erosa (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Trevis. MOLUCCAS: Del Rosario 1975b. Halmahera: Meijer 1960, Kitagawa 1978, Miller et al. 1983, Meagher 2015, Lestari and Ariyanti 2017, Siregar et al. 2018, Haerida et al. 2023. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Bazzania fallax (Sande Lac.) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Stephani 1908c as Mastigobryum fallax.

Bazzania horridula Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Geissler and Bischler 1985 as Mastigobryum horridulum. Ambon: LECTOTYPE [Kitagawa 1967: 254], Schiffner 1893b, 1898, Stephani 1908d as Mastigobryum horridulum, Bonner 1963a, Kitagawa 1967, Grolle 1968b, Del Rosario 1975b, He et al. 2013, Cheah and Yong 2016, Lestari and Ariyanti 2017.

Bazzania insignis (De Not.) Trevis. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1893b, 1898, Stephani 1908c as Mastigobryum insigne, Evans 1932, Del Rosario 1975b. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Bazzania intermedia (Gottsche et Lindenb.) Trevis. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1893b, 1898, Stephani 1908c as Mastigobryum intermedium, 1908d as Mastigobryum concinnum, Bonner 1963a also as Bazzania concinna, Inoue and Miller 1965, Pócs et al. 1967, Pócs 1968, Tixier 1971, Miller et al. 1983 as Bazzania concinna, Bapna and Kachroo 2000a. ?Banda: Pócs 1968. Note: we are not aware of any first hand report from Banda,

— var. sarawakiana (De Not.) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: ?Ambon: Bonner 1963a. Note: we are not aware of any first hand report of this variety from Moluccas and we are do not know if it is worth recognizing.

Bazzania irregularis (Steph.) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Mastigobryum irregulare [to be designated], Stephani 1886b, 1908c both as Mastigobryum irregulare, Schiffner 1898, Bonner 1963a.

Bazzania javanica (Sande Lac.) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Khotimperwati et al. 2018. Seram: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Mastigobryum javanicum, Schiffner 1898, Stephani 1908e as Mastigobryum javanicum, Meijer 1960, Kitagawa 1967, Del Rosario 1975b, Miller et al. 1983, Meagher 2015.

Bazzania kernii Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Bazzania kokawana N.Kitag. et T.Kodama. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Bazzania longicaulis (Sande Lac.) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Buru: LECTOTYPE of Mastigobryum deningeri [here designated], Herzog 1921 as Mastigobryum deningeri, Herzog 1926a as Mastigobryum deningeri. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Bazzania loricata (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Trevis. MOLUCCAS: Kitagawa 1967, Siregar and Pasaribu 2019. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Bazzania merrillana (Steph.) Inoue ex Bonner. MOLUCCAS: ?Buru: Herzog 1926a as Mastigobryum merrillanum. Seram: Herzog 1921 as MastigobryumMerillanum’. Note: we are not aware of any first hand report from Buru.

Bazzania parvitexta Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Bazzania pectinata (Lindenb. et Gottsche) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Siregar and Pasaribu 2019. Ambon: Schiffner 1893b, 1898, Stephani 1908c as Mastigobryum pectinatum, Evans 1932, Bonner 1963a, 1977, Sari 2014, Khotimperwati et al. 2018. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Bazzania praerupta (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Trevis. MOLUCCAS: Khotimperwati et al. 2018. Seram: Meijer 1960, Miller et al. 1983.

Bazzania spiralis (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Meijer. MOLUCCAS: Halmahera: Meijer 1960, Miller et al. 1983. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Bazzania stresemannii (Herzog) N.Kitag. MOLUCCAS: Seram: LECTOTYPE of Mastigobryum stresemannii [here designated], Herzog 1921, 1926a both as Mastigobryum stresemannii, Kitagawa 1979b.

Bazzania subtilis (Sande Lac.) Trevis. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Stephani 1908d as Mastigobryum subtile, Meijer 1960 [with doubt], Bonner 1963a, Del Rosario 1975b, Meagher 2010, Sari 2014, Thouvenot et al. 2018.

Bazzania tridens (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Trevis. var. tridens. MOLUCCAS: Khotimperwati et al. 2018, Siregar and Pasaribu 2019. Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Mastigobryum amboinense [Kitagawa 1972: 449 as “type”], Stephani 1924 as Mastigobryum amboinense, Kitagawa 1972 as Bazzania oshimensis, Miller et al. 1983 as Bazzania australis and Bazzania intermedia, Sharma and Srivastava 1993. ?Banda: Pócs 1969b. Seram: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Mastigobryum tridens, Schiffner 1898, Stephani 1908c as Mastigobryum tridens, Evans 1932, Meijer 1960, Bonner 1963a, Inoue and Miller 1965, Inoue 1965, Mizutani 1967, Hattori 1968, Del Rosario 1975b, Pócs 1971, Kamimura 1975, Miller et al. 1983, Akiyama 1986, Akiyama 2009, 2009 both also as Bazzania australis, Sharma and Srivastava 1993, Bapna and Kachroo 2000a, Khotimperwati et al. 2018.

Bazzania uncigera (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Trevis. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1893b, 1898, Stephani 1908e as Mastigobryum uncigerum, Bonner 1963a, Hattori 1975b, Miller et al. 1983.

Bazzania vittata (Gottsche) Trevis. MOLUCCAS: ?Ambon: Stephani 1909a as Mastigobryum vittatum, Hattori 1951, Miller et al. 1983, Sari 2014, Siregar et al. 2018. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009. Note: we are not aware of any first hand report from Ambon.

Bazzania wallichiana (Lindenb.) Trevis. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Stephani 1908d as Mastigobryum wallichianum, Hattori 1951.

Calatholejeunea K.I.Goebel

Calatholejeunea paradoxa (Schiffn.) K.I.Goebel. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Lejeunea paradoxa [Mizutani 1984: 331 as “holotype”], Schiffner 1893b as Lejeunea paradoxa, 1898 as Colurolejeunea paradoxa, Stephani 1916 as Colura paradoxa, Jovet-Ast 1954, Bischler 1961, Bonner 1963a, 1963b as Colura paradoxa, Grolle 1966a, Schuster 1969, Mizutani 1984, Gradstein 1985, Piippo 1992.

Calypogeia Raddi

Calypogeia goebelii (Schiffn.) Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Caudalejeunea Schiffn.

Caudalejeunea cristiloba (Steph.) Gradst. MOLUCCAS: Mizutani 1977 as Caudalejeunea circinata. ?Ambon: Thiers and Gradstein 1989, Gradstein et al. 2002, Sass-Gyarmati 2003. Seram: Verdoorn 1934a as Caudalejeunea circinata, 1934b as Caudalejeunea circinata, Jovet-Ast 1958 as Caudalejeunea circinata, Miller et al. 1983 as Caudalejeunea circinata, Mizutani 1986a as Caudalejeunea circinata, Akiyama 2009 as Caudalejeunea circinata. Note: we are not aware of any first hand report from Ambon.

Caudalejeunea reniloba (Gottsche) Steph. MOLUCCAS: Mizutani 1977, Siregar 2015. Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Lopholejeunea sagrana var. dentistipula [here designated], Sande Lacoste 1864 as Phragmicoma reniloba, Schiffner 1890 as LopholejeuneaSagraeana var. dentistipula, 1898 as Lopholejeunea dentistipula and Thysananthus renilobus, Sydow 1894 as LopholejeuneaSagraeana var. dentistipula, Miller et al. 1983 also as Thysananthus renilobus, Geissler and Bischler 1987 as Lejeunea sagrana var. dentistipula, Mizutani 1988, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b, Zhu and Gradstein 2005 as Lopholejeunea dentistipula, Siregar et al. 2014, Rosyanti et al. 2018. Seram: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Lejeunea recurvistipula and Phragmicoma reniloba, Schiffner 1898 as Caudalejeunea recurvistipula and Thysananthus renilobus, Verdoorn 1934a, 1934b, Jovet-Ast 1958, Miller 1968, Swanson and Miller 1969, Tixier 1970a, 1970b as Caudalejeunearenilyba’, Miller et al. 1983 also as Thysananthus renilobus, Mizutani 1986a, Mizutani 1988 also as Caudalejeunea recurvistipula, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b, Akiyama 2009, Siregar et al. 2014, Siregar 2015, Rosyanti et al. 2018, Ginting and Batubara 2019.

Cephalozia (Dumort.) Dumort.

Cephalozia stolonacea (Herzog) Váňa. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Váňa 1993 as Metahygrobiella stolonacea, Schuster 2002 as Metahygrobiella stolonacea.

Ceratolejeunea (Spruce) J.B.Jack et Steph.

Ceratolejeunea belangeriana (Gottsche) Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Zhu et al. 2005, Akiyama 2009.

Ceratolejeunea moniliata Herzog. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Cheilolejeunea (Spruce) Steph.

Cheilolejeunea ceylanica (Gottsche) R.M.Schust. et Kachroo. MOLUCCAS: Mizutani 1978. Bacan: Hoffmann 1935 as Pycnolejeunea ceylanica. Ambon: Schiffner 1893b as Lejeunea connivens, 1898 as Pycnolejeunea ceylanica, Tixier 1967b, 1972, 1973b, Kamimura 1974, Miller et al. 1983 also as Xenolejeunea ceylanica, Braggins et al. 2014. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, 2009.

Cheilolejeunea falsinervis (Sande Lac.) R.M.Schust. et Kachroo. MOLUCCAS: Bacan: Zwickel 1932 as Pycnolejeunea falsinervis, Hoffmann 1935 as Pycnolejeunea falsinervis.

Cheilolejeunea gigantea (Steph.) R.M.Schust. et Kachroo. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Pycnolejeunea gigantea [Thiers 1992: 16 as “holotype”], Stephani 1896b as Pycnolejeunea gigantea, Schiffner 1898 as Pycnolejeunea gigantea, Stephani 1914 as Pycnolejeunea gigantea, Hoffmann 1935 as Pycnolejeunea gigantea, Thiers 1992.

Cheilolejeunea incisa (Gottsche) R.M.Schust. et Kachroo. MOLUCCAS: Bacan: Hoffmann 1935 as Pycnolejeunea incisa.

Cheilolejeunea intertexta (Lindenb.) Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Grolle 1979b, Mizutani 1982, Miller et al. 1983, Asthana et al. 1995, Zhu and So 1999, Piippo et al. 2002. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Cheilolejeunea lindenbergii (Gottsche) Mizut. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Euosmolejeunea integristipula [Bonner 1965: 153], Stephani 1896b as Euosmolejeunea integristipula, Schiffner 1898 as Euosmolejeunea integristipula, Bonner 1965 as Euosmolejeunea integristipula, Mizutani 1972, Pócs et al. 1994, Szabó 1997.

Cheilolejeunea longidens (Steph.) R.M.Schust. et Kachroo. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Thiers 1986 as Pycnolejeunea demissa.

Cheilolejeunea occlusa (Herzog) T.Kodama et N.Kitag. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Cheilolejeunea trapezia (Nees) Kachroo et R.M.Schust. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1893b as Lejeunea trapezia, 1898 as Pycnolejeunea trapezia, Hoffmann 1935 as Pycnolejeunea meyeniana, Zhu and Grolle 2004. Seram: Mizutani 1986a as Cheilolejeunea meyeniana and Cheilolejeunea imbricata, Akiyama 2009 as Cheilolejeunea imbricata and Cheilolejeunea meyeniana.

Cheilolejeunea trifaria (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Mizut. MOLUCCAS: Mizutani 1977. Ternate/Tidore: LECTOTYPE of Lejeunea heterophylla [to be designated], Sande Lacoste 1856a, 1856b both as Lejeunea heterophylla, Schiffner 1898 as Euosmolejeunea heterophylla, Bonner 1965 as Euosmolejeunea heterophylla. Ambon: Schiffner 1890 as Euosmolejeunea trifaria, 1898 as Lejeunea trifaria, Sydow 1894 as Euosmolejeunea trifaria, Miller et al. 1983. Seram: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Lejeunea heterophylla, Schiffner 1898 as Euosmolejeunea heterophylla, Bonner 1965 as Euosmolejeunea heterophylla.

Cheilolejeunea ventricosa (Schiffn. ex P.Syd.) Xiao L.He. MOLUCCAS: Furuki and Yamaguchi 2005, Pócs et al. 2013. Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Pycnolejeunea ventricosa [here designated], Schiffner 1890, 1898 both as Pycnolejeunea ventricosa, Sydow 1894 as Pycnolejeunea ventricosa, Stephani 1914 as Pycnolejeunea ventricosa, Zhu et al. 2002, Zhu and Lai 2005, Pócs and Streimann 2006, Renner 2011.

Cheilolejeunea vittata (Steph. ex G.Hoffm.) R.M.Schust. et Kachroo. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Zhu and So 1999, Zhu et al. 2002, Akiyama 2009.

Chiastocaulon Carl

Chiastocaulon braunianum (Nees) S.D.F.Patzak, M.A.M.Renner, Schäf.-Verw. et Heinrichs. MOLUCCAS: Halmahera: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Plagiochila brauniana, Schiffner 1898, 1900 both as Plagiochila brauniana, Hattori 1952 as PlagiochilionBraunianus’, Miller et al. 1983 as Plagiochilion braunianum.

Chiastocaulon dendroides (Nees) Carl. MOLUCCAS: Jovet-Ast 1951, Grolle 1965. Bacan: Carl 1931a. Ternate/Tidore: New to Ternate: Ternate Piek v. Ternate Oosthelling (Ake abdas), 1951.09.02, D.R. Pleyte 33 (BO11333). Ambon: Stephani 1903a as Plagiochila dendroides, Bonner 1963b, Miller et al. 1983. Seram: Inoue 1986 as Plagiochila dendroides, Akiyama 2009 as Plagiochila dendroides.

Chiastocaulon oppositum (Reinw., Blume et Nees) S.D.F.Patzak, M.A.M.Renner, Schäf.-Verw. et Heinrichs. MOLUCCAS: Ternate/Tidore: LECTOTYPE of Plagiochila opposita γ filiformis [to be designated], Reinwardt et al. 1824 as Jungermannia opposita, Lindenberg 1843 as Plagiochila opposita γ filiformis, Gottsche et al. 1844 as Plagiochila opposita γ filiformis, Sande Lacoste 1856a as Plagiochila opposite and Plagiochila opposita γ filiformis, 1864 as Plagiochila opposita, Schiffner 1898 as Plagiochila opposite and Plagiochila opposita var. filiformis, Hattori 1942 as Plagiochila opposita, Inoue 1958 as Noguchia opposita, Miller et al. 1983 as Plagiochilion oppositum, Zheng et al. 2005 as Plagiochilion oppositum. Ambon: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Plagiochila opposita, Schiffner 1893b, 1898 both as Plagiochila opposita, Stephani 1904b as Plagiochila opposita, Hattori 1942 as Plagiochila opposita, Inoue 1958 as Noguchia opposita, Miller et al. 1983 as Plagiochilion oppositum, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b as Plagiochilion oppositum, Zheng et al. 2005 as Plagiochilion oppositum. Seram: Herzog 1921 as Plagiochila opposita, Carl 1931b as Plagiochila opposita, Akiyama 1986, Akiyama 2009 both as Plagiochilionoppositus’.

Cladoradula (Spruce) M.A.M.Renner, Gradst., Ilk.-Borg. et F.R.Oliveira-da-Silva

Cladoradula campanigera (Mont.) M.A.M.Renner, Gradst., Ilk.-Borg. et F.R.Oliveira-da-Silva. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 both as Radula campanigera, Yamada 1989 as Radula campanigera.

Cololejeunea (Spruce) Steph.

Cololejeunea aequabilis (Sande Lac.) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Inoue and Miller 1965 as Cololejeunea yulensis, Miller et al. 1983 as Cololejeunea yulensis. Seram: Mizutani 1986a as Cololejeunea yulensis, Akiyama 2009 as Cololejeunea yulensis.

Cololejeunea angustiflora (Steph.) Mizut. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a as Cololejeunea crenulata and Cololejeunea javanica, Akiyama 2009 as Cololejeunea javanica and Cololejeunea crenulata.

Cololejeunea dozyana (Sande Lac.) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Bonner 1963b, Mizutani 1977, Tixier 1980, Pócs and Piippo 2011. Bacan: Benedix 1953. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Zhu and So 1998b, Zhu and So 1999, Akiyama 2009, Müller et al. 2016.

Cololejeunea equialbi Tixier. MOLUCCAS: Pócs et al. 2011. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Pócs et al. 1994, Zhu and So 2001, Eggers 2006, Akiyama 2009 as Cololejeuneaequalbi’, Pócs and Piippo 2011, Pócs and Podani 2015.

Cololejeunea falcata (Horik.) Benedix. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a as Cololejeunea falcatoides, Akiyama 2009 as Cololejeunea falcatoides.

Cololejeunea floccosa (Lehm. et Lindenb.) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Cololejeunea hamata Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE [Bonner 1963b: 830], Stephani 1895, Schiffner 1898, Stephani 1916 as Physocolea hamata, Bonner 1963b.

Cololejeunea haskarliana (Lehm.) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009 as Cololejeuneahasskarliana’.

Cololejeunea inflectens (Mitt.) Benedix. MOLUCCAS: Jovet-Ast and Tixier 1962 as Cololejeunea ciliatilobula, Tixier 1967b, 1971, 1979 all as Cololejeunea ciliatilobula, Mizutani 1975 as Campylolejeunea inflectens, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b as Campylolejeunea inflectens. Ambon: Stephani 1916 as Physocolea ciliatilobula, Benedix 1953 as Cololejeunea ciliatilobula, Bischler 1961 as Campylolejeunea ciliatilobula, Bonner 1963a as Campylolejeunea ciliatilobula, 1963b as Cololejeunea ciliatilobula. Seram: Mizutani 1986a as Cololejeunea peculiaris, Akiyama 2009 as Cololejeunea peculiaris.

Cololejeunea koponenii (Pócs) Pócs. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Bi et al. 2019.

Cololejeunea lanciloba Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Pócs et al. 1994, Akiyama 2009.

Cololejeunea metzgeriopsis (K.I.Goebel) Gradst., R.Wilson, Ilk.-Borg. et Heinrichs. MOLUCCAS: Miller et al. 1983 as Metzgeriopsis pusilla. Bacan: Schiffner 1893a as Metzgeriopsis pusilla, Schiffner 1893c as Lejeunea pusilla, 1898 as Metzgeriopsis pusilla, Stephani 1916 as Metzgeriopsis pusilla, Gradstein et al. 2006. Seram: Mizutani 1986a as Metzgeriopsis pusilla, Gradstein et al. 2006, Akiyama 2009 as Metzgeriopsis pusilla.

Cololejeunea obliqua (Nees et Mont.) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a as Cololejeunea nymannii, Akiyama 2009 as Cololejeuneanymanii’.

Cololejeunea papillosa (K.I.Goebel) Mizut. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Cololejeunea plagiophylla Benedix. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Cololejeunea planissima (Mitt.) Abeyw. var. planissima. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a as Cololejeunea planissima, Akiyama 2009 as Cololejeunea planissima.

Cololejeunea raduliloba Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Cololejeunea stephanii Schiffn. ex Benedix. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Cololejeunea triapiculata (Herzog) Tixier. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Cololejeunea trichomanis (Gottsche) Besch. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a as Cololejeunea goebelii, Akiyama 2009 as Cololejeunea goebelii.

Colura (Dumort.) Dumort.

Colura acroloba (Prantl) Jovet-Ast. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Eggers et al. 1998, Akiyama 2009.

Colura amboinensis Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE [to be designated], ORIGINAL MATERIAL of Colurolejeunea superba var. typica, Schiffner 1890 as ‘Coluro-Lejeuneasuperba var. typica, Stephani 1916, Bonner 1963b, Miller et al. 1983 as Colurolejeunea superba.

Colura ari (Steph.) Steph. MOLUCCAS: Halmahera: Jovet-Ast 1953, Bonner 1963b, Grolle 1965, Pócs et al. 1967, Tixier 1967a, Onraedt 1979, Miller et al. 1983. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Colura conica (Sande Lac.) K.I.Goebel. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Colura imperfecta Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Colura karstenii K.I.Goebel. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE [Jovet-Ast 1953: 230, Bonner 1963b: 869], Stephani 1896b as Colurolejeunea karstenii, 1916, Schiffner 1898 as Colurolejeunea karstenii, Schiffner and Stephani 1901 as Colurolejeunea karstenii var. latifolia, Jovet-Ast 1953, Bonner 1963b, Tixier 1970a, Zhu and So 2001, Pócs 2013, Sangrattanaprasert et al. 2018.

Colura maxima Jovet-Ast. MOLUCCAS: Halmahera: LECTOTYPE [to be designated], Jovet-Ast 1953, Bonner 1963b.

Colura ornata K.I.Goebel. MOLUCCAS: Pócs and Ninh 2012. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Pócs et al. 1994, Akiyama 2009.

Colura superba (Mont.) Steph. MOLUCCAS: Reiner-Drehwald 1999 as Lejeunea superba var. typica. Ambon: Bonner 1963b as Colurolejeunea superba, Geissler and Bischler 1987 as Lejeunea superba var. typica. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Conoscyphus Mitt.

Conoscyphus trapezioides (Sande Lac.) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, Akiyama 2009.

Cryptolophocolea L.Söderstr., Crand.-Stotl., Stotler et Váňa

Cryptolophocolea costata (Nees) L.Söderstr. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 both as Lophocolea giulianettii.

Cuspidatula Steph.

Cuspidatula contracta (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1893b, 1898 both as Anastrophyllum contractum, Schiffner 1900 as Anastrophyllum contractum, Stephani 1901c, Bonner 1962b as Anastrophyllum contractum, Bonner 1963b, Kitagawa 1970, Grolle 1971, Bizot and Pócs 1974, Miller et al. 1983, Engel and Glenny 2008. Seram: Akiyama 1986 as Jamesoniella contracta, Akiyama 2009 as Jungermannia contracta.

Cuspidatula flaccida (Steph.) K.Feldberg, Váňa, Hentschel et Heinrichs. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 both as Anomacaulis flaccidus.

Cuspidatula flexicaulis (Nees) Váňa et L.Söderstr. MOLUCCAS: Miller et al. 1983 as Jamesoniella flexicaulis. Ambon: Grolle 1971 as Jamesoniella flexicaulis. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 both as Jungermannia flexicaulis.

Denotarisia Grolle

Denotarisia linguifolia (De Not.) Grolle. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Jungermannia ovifolia [Grolle 1971: 11 as “holotype”], Schiffner 1893b, 1898, 1900 all as Jamesoniella ovifolia, Stephani 1901b as Jamesoniella ovifolia, Grolle 1966a as Jamesoniella ovifolia, 1971, Bonner 1976 as Jungermannia ovifolia, Miller et al. 1983 also as Jamesoniella ovifolia and Jungermannia ovifolia, Váňa and Piippo 1989b, Váňa 1991b. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Dinckleria Trevis.

Dinckleria singularis (Schiffn.) M.A.M.Renner, Schäf.-Verw. et Heinrichs. MOLUCCAS: Ternate/Tidore: Gottsche et al. 1844 as Plagiochila trapezoidea β tenera, Sande Lacoste 1856a, 1856b both as Plagiochila trapezoidea β tenera, Schiffner 1898 as Plagiochila trapezoidea var. tenera. Seram: So 2000a, 2001a, 2001b all as Plagiochila singularis, Renner et al. 2016.

Diplasiolejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn.

Diplasiolejeunea cavifolia Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Diplasiolejeunea patelligera Herzog. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Drepanolejeunea (Spruce) Steph.

Drepanolejeunea blumei Steph. var. angustistipa Herzog. MOLUCCAS: Bonner 1965. Bacan: Herzog 1936.

Drepanolejeunea dactylophora (Nees, Lindenb. et Gottsche) J.B.Jack et Steph. MOLUCCAS: Mizutani 1961 as Drepanolejeunea dactylophora, Inoue 1965, Kamimura 1974, Mizutani 1975 as Drepanolejeunea dactylophora, Mizutani 1977 as Drepanolejeunea dactylophora, Mizutani 1978 as Drepanolejeunea dactylophora. Bacan: Schiffner 1893c. ?Ambon: Stephani 1913 as Drepanolejeunea dactylophora, Tixier 1962 as Drepanolejeunea dactylophora, 1972, Bonner 1965 as Drepanolejeunea dactylophora, Pócs et al. 1967, Miller et al. 1983 as Drepanolejeunea dactylophora, Zhu and So 2001 as Drepanolejeunea dactylophora. Seram: Mizutani 1986a as Drepanolejeunea dactylophora, Zhu and So 2001 as Drepanolejeunea dactylophora, Akiyama 2009. Note: we are not aware of any first hand report from Ambon.

Drepanolejeunea foliicola Horik. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a as Leptolejeunea foliicola.

Drepanolejeunea grandis Herzog. MOLUCCAS: LECTOTYPE [to be designated], Herzog 1939, Bonner 1965, Pócs et al. 1995, Pócs et al. 2019a. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Drepanolejeunea hampeana Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Stephani 1913, Bonner 1965, Miller et al. 1983.

Drepanolejeunea intermedia Zwickel. MOLUCCAS: O’Shea et al. 1997. Bacan: Grolle 1976. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Drepanolejeunea levicornua Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a as Drepanolejeunea levicornua var. levicornua, 1990, Streimann 1991, Szabó 1997, Eggers et al. 1998, Zhu and So 2001, Akiyama 2009 as Drepanolejeunea levicornua var. levicornua, Siregar et al. 2017, Pócs et al. 2019b, Susilo et al. 2023.

Drepanolejeunea longicornua (Herzog) Mizut. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a as Drepanolejeunea levicornua var. longicornua, 1990, Akiyama 2009 as Drepanolejeunea levicornua var. longicornua.

Drepanolejeunea longicruris (Steph.) Grolle et R.L.Zhu. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a as Rhaphidolejeunea longicruris, Grolle and Zhu 2000, Akiyama 2009 as Rhaphidolejeunea longicruris.

Drepanolejeunea lyrata Grolle. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Drepanolejeunea moluccensis Herzog. MOLUCCAS: Bacan: LECTOTYPE [Nadhifah et al. 2021: 6], Herzog 1934, Nadhifah et al. 2021.

Drepanolejeunea obliqua Steph. MOLUCCAS: Pócs et al. 1967. Bacan: Herzog 1939.

Drepanolejeunea pentadactyla (Mont.) Steph. MOLUCCAS: Jovet-Ast 1958 as Drepanolejeunea micholitzii, Jovet-Ast and Tixier 1962 as Drepanolejeunea micholitzii var. genuina, Bonner 1965 as Drepanolejeunea micholitzii var. genuina, Miller 1968 as Drepanolejeunea micholitzii, Tixier 1970b as Drepanolejeunea micholitzii, Kitagawa 1981 as Drepanolejeunea micholitzii, Miller et al. 1983 as Drepanolejeunea micholitzii. Bacan: ORIGINAL MATERIAL of Drepanolejeunea micholitzii var. genuina, Herzog 1934 as Drepanolejeunea micholitzii var. genuina. Seram: Mizutani 1986a as Drepanolejeunea micholitzii, Zhu and So 2001, Akiyama 2009 as Drepanolejeunea micholitzii, Asthana and Shukla 2009, Dey et al. 2013, Susilo et al. 2023.

— var. dactylophoroides (Herzog) Pócs. ?MOLUCCAS: Tixier 1979 as Drepanolejeunea micholitzii var. dactylophoroides. Note: we are not aware of any first hand report of this variety from Moluccas although it is reported to occur on neighbouring islands.

Drepanolejeunea spinosocornuta Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, 1990, Akiyama 2009, Pócs et al. 2019a.

Drepanolejeunea tenera K.I.Goebel. MOLUCCAS: Jovet-Ast 1958, Bonner 1965 as Drepanolejeunea tenera var. genuina, Pócs 1969a, Tixier 1974b. Bacan: ORIGINAL MATERIAL of Drepanolejeunea tenera var. genuina, Herzog 1934 as Drepanolejeunea tenera var. genuina. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Drepanolejeunea ternatensis (Gottsche) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Inoue 1965, Miller 1968, Pócs 1969a, Kamimura 1974, Mizutani 1975, 1977, 1978, Udar and Awasthi 1982 as Drepanolejeunea ternatensis var. ternatensis, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b as Drepanolejeunea ternatensis var. ternatensis, Xiong and Cao 2018, Siregar et al. 2020a. Bacan: Herzog 1939 as Drepanolejeunea ternatensis var. ternatensis as Drepanolejeunea ternatensis. Ternate/Tidore: LECTOTYPE of Lejeunea ternatensis [to be designated], Gottsche et al. 1845b as Lejeunea ternatensis, Sande Lacoste 1856a, 1856b both as Lejeunea ternatensis, Stephani 1890b as Lejeunea ternatensis, Schiffner 1898, Mizutani 1961, Miller et al. 1983 as Lejeunea ternatensis, Microlejeunea ternatensis and Drepanolejeunea ternatensis, Zhu and So 2001, Dey et al. 2013. Seram: Mizutani 1986a as Drepanolejeunea ternatensis, Zhu and So 2001, Akiyama 2009, Dey et al. 2013, Siregar et al. 2017, Susilo et al. 2023.

Drepanolejeunea thwaitesiana (Mitt.) Steph. var. thwaitesiana. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1990, Zhu and So 2001, Haerida 2009, Siregar et al. 2017, Susilo et al. 2023.

Drepanolejeunea tricornua Herzog. MOLUCCAS: Seram: LECTOTYPE [Bonner 1965: 105], Herzog 1936, Bonner 1965, Tixier 1979, Mizutani 1990, Pócs et al. 2011, Pócs et al. 2013, Pócs et al. 2014, Siregar et al. 2017, Samarakkody et al. 2018, Kasiani et al. 2019.

Dumortiera Nees

Dumortiera hirsuta (Sw.) Nees. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Sopacua et al. 2020 as Dumortierahirsute’ [Saparua I]. Note: we are not aware of any first hand report from Moluccas although it is reported to occur on neighbouring islands.

Frullania Raddi

Frullania akiyamae S.Hatt. MOLUCCAS: Seram: HOLOTYPE, Hattori 1986b, Engel 1993, Crosby and Engel 2006, Akiyama 2009.

Frullania apiculata (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Nees. MOLUCCAS: Verdoorn 1930, Inoue and Miller 1965, Inoue 1965, Pócs et al. 1967, Miller 1968, Swanson and Miller 1969, Tixier 1972, Haerida et al. 2023. Halmahera: Sande Lacoste 1864, Schiffner 1898, Umagap 2019. Ambon: Schiffner 1890, 1898, Sydow 1894. Seram: Sande Lacoste 1864, Schiffner 1898, Hattori 1986b, Akiyama 2009.

— var. apiculata. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1893b, Miller et al. 1983. Seram: Miller et al. 1983.

— var. goebelii Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Tixier 1971. Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Frullania karstenii [to be designated], Schiffner 1893b, 1898 both as Frullania karstenii, Stephani 1911 as Frullania karstenii, Bonner 1965 as Frullania karstenii.

Frullania armatifolia Verd. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Hattori 1986b, Akiyama 2009.

Frullania attenuata Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Hattori 1986b, Akiyama 2009.

Frullania berthoumieui Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Hattori 1975a, 1976, Hattori et al. 1977, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b.

Frullania claviloba Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE [Bonner 1965: 266], Stephani 1911, Verdoorn 1930, Bonner 1965, Pócs et al. 1967, Kamimura 1974, Hattori 1975a, 1975d, 1976, 1982, Hattori et al. 1977, Sukkharak 2018.

Frullania cordistipula (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Nees. MOLUCCAS: Halmahera: Sande Lacoste 1864, Schiffner 1898, Merrill and Merritt 1910, Hattori 1977, Miller et al. 1983.

— var. dentistipula S.Hatt. MOLUCCAS: Seram: HOLOTYPE, Hattori 1986b, Engel 1993, Crosby and Engel 2006, Akiyama 2009.

Frullania ericoides (Nees) Mont. MOLUCCAS: Verdoorn 1930 as Frullania squarrosa var. planescens, Bonner 1965 as Frullania squarrosa f. campanuloides, Bai 2002 as Frullania ericoides var. planescens, Haerida et al. 2023. Seram: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Frullania squarrosa, Schiffner 1898 as Frullania squarrosa, Miller et al. 1983 as Frullania squarrosa, Hattori 1986b, Akiyama 2009.

Frullania fallax Gottsche. MOLUCCAS: Halmahera: Sande Lacoste 1864, Schiffner 1898, Hattori 1975a as Frullania fallax var. fallax.

Frullania gaudichaudii (Nees et Mont.) Nees et Mont. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1893b, Schiffner and Stephani 1901, Verdoorn 1930, Bonner 1965, Swanson and Miller 1969, Kamimura 1971, Miller et al. 1983, Haerida et al. 2023. Seram: Hattori 1986b, Akiyama 2009.

Frullania gracilis (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Nees. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Frullania lacerifolia [Bonner 1965: 345], Stephani 1911 as Frullania lacerifolia, Verdoorn 1930 as Frullania gracilis var. lacerifolia, Bonner 1965 as Frullania gracilis var. lacerifolia and Frullania lacerifolia, Kamimura 1974, Miller et al. 1983. Seram: Hattori 1986b.

— var. gracilis. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 2009.

— var. vittata S.Hatt. MOLUCCAS: Seram: HOLOTYPE, Hattori 1986b, Engel 1993, Crosby and Engel 2006, Akiyama 2009.

Frullania grandistipula Lindenb. MOLUCCAS: Bacan: Verdoorn 1930. Halmahera: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Frullania rugosa, Schiffner 1898 as Frullania rugosa, Pócs et al. 1967, Hattori 1974b, 1975a, 1976 as Frullania grandistipula var. grandistipula, 1979, 1982, Miller et al. 1983, Hattori and Piippo 1986.

Frullania hasskarliana Lindenb. MOLUCCAS: Haerida et al. 2023.

— var. gracilis S.Hatt. MOLUCCAS: Seram: HOLOTYPE, Hattori 1986b, Engel 1993, Crosby and Engel 2006, Akiyama 2009.

— var. hasskarliana. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Hattori 1986b, Akiyama 2009.

— var. parvidentata S.Hatt. MOLUCCAS: Seram: HOLOTYPE, Hattori 1986b, Engel 1993, Crosby and Engel 2006, Akiyama 2009.

Frullania heteromorpha Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Hattori 1986b, Akiyama 2009.

Frullania integristipula (Nees) Nees

— var. emarginata Verd. MOLUCCAS: Halmahera: Verdoorn 1930, Hattori 1980, Hattori 1982, Hattori and Piippo 1986.

— var. integristipula. MOLUCCAS: Halmahera: Hattori 1980 as Frullania integristipula.

Frullania intermedia (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Nees. MOLUCCAS: Inoue and Miller 1965, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b. Seram: Miller et al. 1983.

— subsp. intermedia. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Frullania amboinensis [Bonner 1965: 228], LECTOTYPE of Frullania billardiereana [Bonner 1965: 248], Montagne 1843, 1856 both as Frullania billardiereana, Gottsche et al. 1845b as Frullania billardiereana, Schiffner 1890, 1898 both as Frullania amboinensis, 1898 as Frullania billardiereana, Sydow 1894 as Frullania amboinensis, Schiffner and Stephani 1901 as Frullania amboinensis, Stephani 1911 as Frullania amboinensis, Verdoorn 1930 as Frullania intermedia f. ‘billardieriana’, Verdoorn 1930 as Frullania intermedia var. amboinensis, Bonner 1965 as Frullania intermedia f. ‘billardierianaa’, Bonner 1965 as Frullania intermedia var. a mboinensis, Frullania amboinensis and Frullania billardiereana, Hattori 1976 as Frullania intermedia f. ‘billardierianaa’, 1980 as Frullania billardiereana, 1982, 1986 both as Frullania intermedia f. ‘billardierianaa’, Miller et al. 1983 as Frullania intermedia f. ‘billardierana’. Seram: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Frullania billardiereana, Schiffner 1898 as Frullania billardiereana, Verdoorn 1930 as Frullania intermedia f. ‘billardierianaa’, Bonner 1965 as Frullania intermedia f. ‘billardierianaa’, Hattori 1976 as Frullania intermedia f. ‘billardieriana’, 1980 as Frullania billardiereana, 1982, 1986 both as Frullania intermedia f. ‘billardieriana’, Miller et al. 1983 as Frullania intermedia f. ‘billardierana’.

Frullania junghuhniana Gottsche

— var. junghuhniana. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Hattori 1986b, Akiyama 2009.

— var. tenella (Sande Lac.) Grolle et S.Hatt. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Hattori 1986b, Akiyama 2009.

Frullania multilacera Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Hattori 1986b, Akiyama 2009.

Frullania nepalensis (Spreng.) Lehm. et Lindenb. MOLUCCAS: Bacan: Verdoorn 1930, Hattori 1952, 1973b, Kamimura 1961, Pócs et al. 1967.

Frullania nigricaulis (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Nees. MOLUCCAS: Halmahera: Verdoorn 1930, Hattori 1974b, 1975c, Hattori et al. 1977.

Frullania nobilis Steph. var. cochleata (Steph.) S.Hatt. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Hattori 1986b, Akiyama 2009.

Frullania nodulosa (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Nees. MOLUCCAS: Verdoorn 1930 as Frullania nodulosa β plana, Frullania nodulosa f. dapitana and Frullania nodulosa f. irreflexa, Kamimura 1943 as Frullania nodulosa f. dapitana, Bonner 1965 as Frullania nodulosa f. dapitana, Bonner 1965 as Frullania nodulosa f. irreflexa, Miller et al. 1983 as Frullania dapitana and Frullania nodulosa f. irreflexa, Haerida et al. 2023. Morotai: Hattori 1975a, Hattori 1980 as Frullania nodulosa var. nodulosa, Miller et al. 1983. Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Frullania nodulosa β plana [to be designated], Sande Lacoste 1864 also as Frullania thuillieri, Schiffner 1890 as Frullania nodulosa var. nodulosa and Frullania nodulosa β plana, 1893b, 1898 also as Frullania replicate and Frullania nodulosa β plana, Sydow 1894 as Frullania nodulosa β plana, Verdoorn 1930, 1932 as Frullania nodulosa f. irreflexa, Hattori 1951, Bonner 1965 as Frullania nodulosa β plana, Swanson and Miller 1969, Hattori 1975a, 1980 as Frullania nodulosa var. nodulosa, Miller et al. 1983. Seram: Sande Lacoste 1864, Verdoorn 1930, Hattori 1951, Swanson and Miller 1969, Hattori 1980 as Frullania nodulosa var. nodulosa, 1986b, Miller et al. 1983, Akiyama 2009.

Frullania orientalis Sande Lac. MOLUCCAS: Bapna and Kachroo 2000b, Haerida et al. 2023. Seram: Hattori 1986b, Akiyama 2009.

Frullania ornithocephala (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Nees. MOLUCCAS: Haerida 2015. Ambon: Merrill and Merritt 1910, Verdoorn 1930, Bonner 1965, Hattori 1974c, 1975c, 1976, Hattori et al. 1977. Seram: Verdoorn 1930, Bonner 1965, Hattori 1974c, 1975c, 1976, Hattori et al. 1977.

— var. major (Nees) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1893b, 1898.

— var. ornithocephala. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Hattori 1974a, 1975a. Seram: Hattori 1974a, 1975a as Frullania ornithocephala.

Frullania pauciramea Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Hattori 1986b, Akiyama 2009.

Frullania piptophylla S.Hatt. var. minor S.Hatt. MOLUCCAS: Seram: HOLOTYPE, Hattori 1986b, Engel 1993, Crosby and Engel 2006, Akiyama 2009.

Frullania pulogensis Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Hattori 1986b, Akiyama 2009.

Frullania ramuligera (Nees) Mont. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Hattori 1986b, Akiyama 2009.

Frullania reflexistipula Sande Lac. var. reflexistipula MOLUCCAS: Haerida et al. 2023. Seram: Sande Lacoste 1864, Schiffner 1898, Verdoorn 1930, Hattori 1973b, 1974a, 1974c, 1975a, 1976, 1982, 1986b, Miller et al. 1983, Hattori and Piippo 1986, Akiyama 2009.

Frullania repandistipula Sande Lac. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Stephani 1911, Verdoorn 1930 [rejecting Stephani’s reports], Bonner 1965, Hattori 1973a [rejecting earlier reports], Bizot et al. 1978. Seram: Hattori 1986b, Akiyama 2009. Note: the only report from Ambon is rejected as Frullania tricarinata by Verdoorn (1930).

Frullania serrata Gottsche. MOLUCCAS: Pócs 1971, Hattori 1974a, Miller et al. 1983. Bacan: Verdoorn 1930.

— var. ceramensis S.Hatt. MOLUCCAS: Seram: HOLOTYPE, Hattori 1986b, Engel 1993, Crosby and Engel 2006, Akiyama 2009.

— var. hamatispina (S.Hatt.) S.Hatt. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Hattori 1986b, Akiyama 2009.

— var. serrata. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Hattori 1986b as Frullania serrata f. crispulo-dentata, Akiyama 2009 as Frullania serrata f. crispulo-dentata.

Frullania subcaduca S.Hatt. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Hattori 1986b, Akiyama 2009.

Frullania sublignosa Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Hattori 1986b, Akiyama 2009.

Frullania subnigricaulis S.Hatt. var. subtruncata S.Hatt. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Hattori 1986b, Akiyama 2009.

Frullania subocellata S.Hatt. MOLUCCAS: Seram: HOLOTYPE, Hattori 1986b, 1988, Engel 1993, Crosby and Engel 2006, Akiyama 2009, Pócs et al. 2014.

Frullania ternatensis Gottsche. MOLUCCAS: Haerida 2015, Haerida et al. 2023. Bacan: Verdoorn 1930, Tixier 1962, Kamimura 1974. Ternate/Tidore: LECTOTYPE [Bonner 1965: 451], Gottsche et al. 1846, Sande Lacoste 1856a, 1856b, Schiffner 1898, Verdoorn 1930, Tixier 1962, 1970a, 1971, 1972, Kamimura 1974, Miller et al. 1983. Ambon: Verdoorn 1932. Seram: Verdoorn 1932, Miller et al. 1983.

— var. non-appendiculata S.Hatt. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Hattori 1986b, Akiyama 2009.

— var. ternatensis. MOLUCCAS: Ternate/Tidore: Hattori 1974a. Seram: Hattori 1975a.

Frullania tricarinata Sande Lac. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1893b, 1898, Verdoorn 1930.

Frullania trichodes Mitt. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Frullania picta [Bonner 1965: 400; here affirmed], Stephani 1894a as Frullania picta, Schiffner 1898 as Frullania picta, Verdoorn 1930 as Frullania picta, Svihla 1955, 1959 both as Frullania picta, Kamimura 1961, 1974 both as Frullania tenuicaulis, Arnell 1965 as Frullania picta, Bonner 1965 as Frullania picta, Kitagawa 1969 as Frullania picta, Tixier 1973b as Frullania tenuicaulis, 1974b as Frullania picta.

Frullania vaginata (Sw.) Nees. MOLUCCAS: Ternate/Tidore: Reinwardt et al. 1824 as Jungermannia vaginata, Nees 1830 as Jungermannia vaginata. Ambon: Sande Lacoste 1864 [Saparoea I], Verdoorn 1930, Hattori 1975a, 1975c 1982, Hattori and Piippo 1986.

Gottschelia Grolle

Gottschelia schizopleura (Spruce) Grolle. MOLUCCAS: Váňa and Piippo 1989b, Váňa 1991b, Schuster 2002, Long and Váňa 2007. Halmahera: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Jungermannia flexicaulis β microphylla. Ternate/Tidore: Schiffner 1898 as Jamesoniella flexicaulis var. microphylla, 1900 as Jamesoniella microphylla, Stephani 1901b as Jamesoniella microphylla, Bonner 1966 as Jamesoniella microphylla, Grolle 1968a, Bizot and Pócs 1974, Miller et al. 1983. Seram: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Jungermannia flexicaulis β microphylla, Schiffner 1898 as Jamesoniella flexicaulis var. microphylla, 1900 as Jamesoniella microphylla, Stephani 1901b as Jamesoniella microphylla, Bonner 1966 as Jamesoniella microphylla, Grolle 1968a, Miller et al. 1983, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b.

Hattoriolejeunea Mizut.

Hattoriolejeunea akiyamae Mizut. MOLUCCAS: Seram: HOLOTYPE, Mizutani 1986a, Engel 1993, Crosby and Engel 2006, Akiyama 2009.

Herbertus Gray

Herbertus longifissus Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Herbertus longispinus J.B.Jack et Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1893b as ‘Herberta longispina’ [but represents Herbertus pilifer], 1898 as “Herberta longispina’ [but citing only the type of Herbertus pilifer]. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Herbertus pilifer (Steph.) H.A.Mill. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Schisma pilifera [Miller 1965: 327], Stephani 1909c as Schisma pilifera, Miller 1965 as ‘Herberta pilifera’, Miller et al. 1983 as Herbertus pilifer and Schisma piligerum, Piippo 1984a as Herbertus pilifer, So 2003b as Herbertus pilifer, Juslén 2006 as Herbertus pilifer.

Herbertus ramosus (Steph.) H.A.Mill. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 both as Herbertus javanicus.

Herbertus sendtneri (Nees) Lindb. MOLUCCAS: Seram: LECTOTYPE of Schisma divaricatum [Miller 1965: 325 as “type”], Herzog 1921, 1926a both as Schisma divaricatum, Miller 1965 as ‘Herberta divaricata’, Del Rosario 1975a as ‘Herberta divaricata’, Piippo 1984a as Herbertus armitanus, Akiyama 1986, 2009 both as Herbertus armitanus, Gao 2003 as Herbertus divaricatus, So 2003b as Herbertus armitanus, Juslén 2006 as Herbertus armitanus.

Heteroscyphus Schiffn.

Heteroscyphus amboinensis (Schiffn.) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Chiloscyphus endlicherianus δ amboinensis [to be designated], Schiffner 1890 as Chiloscyphus endlicherianus δ amboinensis, 1898 as Chiloscyphus amboinensis, Stephani 1907 as Chiloscyphus amboinensis, Bonner 1963b as Chiloscyphus decurrens var. amboinensis [error for C. endlicherianus δ amboinensis] and Chiloscyphus amboinensis, Miller et al. 1983 as Chiloscyphus endlicherianus δ amboinensis.

Heteroscyphus argutus (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Heteroscyphus aselliformis (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1893b, 1898 both as Chiloscyphus aselliformis, Stephani 1907 as Chiloscyphus aselliformis, Bonner 1963b as Chiloscyphus aselliformis and Gamoscyphus aselliformis, Grolle 1965 as Chiloscyphus aselliformis, Inoue 1965, Bonner 1966, 1976 as Jungermannia aselliformis, Kitagawa 1979a as Chiloscyphus aselliformis, Miller et al. 1983, Piippo 1985, 1989b, Yamada and Hayashi 2003. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Heteroscyphus coalitus (Hook.) Schiffn. var. coalitus MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Chiloscyphus coalitus, Schiffner 1890, 1898 both as Chiloscyphus coalitus, Sydow 1894 as Chiloscyphus coalitus, Inoue and Miller 1965 as Heteroscyphuscoaltitus’, Miller et al. 1983, Piippo 1985, 1989b, 1993b. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Heteroscyphus splendens (Lehm. et Lindenb.) Grolle. MOLUCCAS: Halmahera: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Chiloscyphus decurrens, De Notaris 1874 as Chiloscyphus decurrens, Schiffner 1898 as Chiloscyphus decurrens, Pócs 1971 as Heteroscyphus decurrens, Miller et al. 1983 as Heteroscyphus decurrens. Ambon: Schiffner 1893b, 1898 both as Chiloscyphus decurrens, Grolle 1965 as Chiloscyphus decurrens, Pócs 1971 as Heteroscyphus decurrens, Kitagawa 1979a as Chiloscyphus decurrens, Miller et al. 1983 as Heteroscyphus decurrens, Piippo 1985, 1989b, 1993b, Piippo and Tan 1992, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b as Chiloscyphus decurrens, Yamada and Hayashi 2003, Hayashi and Yamada 2004. Seram: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Chiloscyphus decurrens, Schiffner 1898 as Chiloscyphus decurrens, Herzog 1921 as Chiloscyphus decurrens, Grolle 1965 as Chiloscyphus decurrens, Pócs 1971 as Heteroscyphus decurrens, Kitagawa 1979a as Chiloscyphus decurrens, Miller et al. 1983 as Heteroscyphus decurrens, Piippo 1985, Akiyama 1986, Piippo 1989b, 1993b, Piippo and Tan 1992, 1993b, Yamada and Hayashi 2003, Hayashi and Yamada 2004, Akiyama 2009.

Heteroscyphus zollingeri (Gottsche) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Kurzia G.Martens

Kurzia geniculata Mizut. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Kurzia gonyotricha (Sande Lac.) Grolle. MOLUCCAS: Del Rosario 1971, 1975b both as Microlepidozia gonyotricha, Pócs et al. 2011. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Leiomitra Lindb.

Leiomitra breviseta (Steph.) R.M.Schust. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 both as Trichocolea breviseta.

Lejeunea Lib.

Lejeunea albescens (Steph.) Mizut. MOLUCCAS: Miller et al. 1983. Bacan: Eifrig 1936 as Taxilejeunea albescens. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009, Lee 2013.

Lejeunea anisophylla Mont. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Pócs 2010, Lee 2013. Seram: Mizutani 1986a as Lejeunea catanduana, Akiyama 2009 as Lejeunea catanduana.

Lejeunea discreta Lindenb. MOLUCCAS: Mizutani 1971, Tixier 1973a, 1979 both as Hygrolejeunea discreta, Mizutani 1975, 1977, Miller et al. 1983, Long and Grolle 1990, Parihar et al. 1994, Zhu and So 1999, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b, Chantanaorrapint et al. 2003, 2004, Alam and Srivastava 2009, Haerida 2009, Lee et al. 2010. Bacan: Eifrig 1936 as Hygrolejeunea discreta.

Lejeunea exilis (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Grolle. MOLUCCAS: Pócs et al. 2011. Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Harpalejeunea exigua [Grolle & Reiner-Drehwald 1999: 41 as “holotype”], Stephani 1913 as Harpalejeunea exigua, Grolle 1988 as Lejeunea microstipula, Grolle and Reiner-Drehwald 1999 as Microlejeunea microstipula. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Lejeunea fissistipula (Steph.) Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Eulejeunea fissistipula [Bonner 1965: 138], Stephani 1896b as Eulejeunea fissistipula, 1915, Schiffner 1898 as Eulejeunea fissistipula, Bonner 1965 as Eulejeunea fissistipula, Miller et al. 1983 also as Eulejeunea fissistipula. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Lejeunea flava (Sw.) Nees subsp. orientalis R.M.Schust. MOLUCCAS: LECTOTYPE of Jungermannia indica [to be designated]. Ternate/Tidore: Reinwardt and Nees 1823 as Jungermannia indica.

Lejeunea lumbricoides (Nees) Nees. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Taxilejeunea karstenii [to be designated], Schiffner 1893b, 1898 as Taxilejeunea lumbricoides, Stephani 1914 as Taxilejeunea karstenii, Eifrig 1936 as Taxilejeunea lumbricoides, Kamimura 1974, Lee et al. 2014. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009, Lee 2013.

Lejeunea microloba Taylor. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Zhu and Reiner-Drehwald 2004 as Lejeunea chalmersii, Akiyama 2009, Lee 2013.

Lejeunea sordida (Nees) Nees. MOLUCCAS: Mizutani 1977, Miller et al. 1983 also as Hygrolejeunea parkinsonii, Pócs et al. 2011. Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Hygrolejeunea amboinensis [to be designated], Schiffner 1890, 1898 both as Hygrolejeunea amboinensis, Sydow 1894 as Hygrolejeunea amboinensis, Stephani 1914 as Hygrolejeunea amboinensis, Eifrig 1936 as Taxilejeunea laxiretis and Taxilejeunea sordida, Miller et al. 1963, 1968 both as Hygrolejeunea sordida, Mizutani 1964 as Taxilejeunea sordida, Inoue and Miller 1965 as Hygrolejeunea sordida, Swanson and Miller 1969 as Hygrolejeunea sordida, Miller et al. 1983 also as Hygrolejeunea sordida and Hygrolejeunea amboinensis, Thiers 1986, Lee 2013. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Lejeunea stenodentata M.A.M.Renner et Pócs. MOLUCCAS: Mizutani 1977 as Drepanolejeunea dentata, Thouvenot 2015, Pócs et al. 2019a. Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Drepanolejeunea dentata [Bonner 1965: 82], Stephani 1896b, 1913 both as Drepanolejeunea dentata, Schiffner 1898 as Drepanolejeunea dentata, Bonner 1965 as Drepanolejeunea dentata, Mizutani 1972 as Drepanolejeunea dentata, Pócs et al. 1995 as Stenolejeunea dentata, Schuster 2000b as Stenolejeunea dentata, Renner et al. 2013.

Lejeunea umbilicata (Nees) Nees. MOLUCCAS: Ternate/Tidore: Sande Lacoste 1856a, 1956b both as Omphalanthus umbilicatus, Schiffner 1898 as Hygrolejeunea umbilicata.

Lepicolea Dumort.

Lepicolea rara (Steph.) Grolle. MOLUCCAS: Pócs et al. 2011. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Lepicolea yakusimensis (S.Hatt.) S.Hatt. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Lepidolejeunea R.M.Schust.

Lepidolejeunea bidentula (Steph.) R.M.Schust. MOLUCCAS: Geissler and Bischler 1989 as Pycnolejeunea decurvifolia. Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Hygrolejeunea decurvifolia [Mizutani 1978: 133], Stephani 1896b, 1910a both as Hygrolejeunea decurvifolia, Hoffmann 1935 as Pycnolejeunea decurvifolia, Bonner 1966 as Hygrolejeunea decurvifolia, Mizutani 1978 as Pycnolejeunea badia, Miller et al. 1983 as Hygrolejeunea decurvifolia. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Lepidozia (Dumort.) Dumort.

Lepidozia borneensis Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009, Doei 1987b.

Lepidozia brotheri Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Doei 1987b, Akiyama 2009.

Lepidozia ceramensis Herzog. MOLUCCAS: Seram: LECTOTYPE [to be designated], Herzog 1926b, Doei 1987b.

Lepidozia cladorhiza (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Nees. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009, Doei 1987b.

Lepidozia ferdinandii-muelleri Steph. MOLUCCAS: Halmahera: Engel 1987. Seram: Herzog 1926a as LepidoziaFriderici Mülleri’, 1926b as LepidoziaFerdinandi Mülleri’, Grolle 1968b as Lepidoziafernandi-muelleri’], Mizutani 1968b, 1974, Miller et al. 1983, Piippo 1984b, Akiyama 1986, 2009 as Lepidoziaferdinandii-muelleri’, Doei 1987b, Enroth 1991, Schuster 2000a.

Lepidozia griseola Herzog. MOLUCCAS: Seram: LECTOTYPE [to be designated], Herzog 1926b, Doei 1987b.

Lepidozia haskarliana (Gottsche, Lindenb. et Nees) Steph. MOLUCCAS: Siregar et al. 2018. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 as Lepidoziahasskarliana’, Doei 1987b as Lepidoziahasskarliana’, von Konrat et al. 2014, Siregar and Pasaribu 2019.

Lepidozia integrifolia Doei. MOLUCCAS: Seram: HOLOTYPE, Doei 1987a, 1987b, Engel 1993, Crosby and Engel 2006, Akiyama 2009.

Lepidozia longifolia Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE [here designated], Stephani 1909a, Miller et al. 1983.

Lepidozia massartiana Schiffn. ex Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Stephani 1909a, Kitagawa 1973, Miller et al. 1983, Geissler and Bischler 1985.

Lepidozia subintegra Lindenb. MOLUCCAS: Inoue and Miller 1965, Mizutani 1968a, 1976, Del Rosario 1975b, Miller et al. 1983, Bapna and Kachroo 2000a, Bakalin et al. 2021. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 [misidentification of Lepidozia subtrichodes fide Doei (1987b: 525).].

Lepidozia subtrichodes Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Herzog 1926b, 2009, Doei 1987b.

Lepidozia trichodes (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Nees. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1893b, 1898, Mizutani 1968a, 1974, Pócs 1968, Del Rosario 1975b, Kamimura 1975 as Lepidoziatricodes’], Miller et al. 1983, Piippo 1984b, Doei 1987b, Siregar et al. 2018. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009, Doei 1987b.

Leptolejeunea (Spruce) Steph.

Leptolejeunea dentistipula Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009 as ‘Lepidolejeuneadentistipula.

Leptolejeunea elliptica (Lehm. et Lindenb.) Besch. MOLUCCAS: Dey et al. 2009. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009 as ‘Lepidolejeuneaelliptica.

Leptolejeunea epiphylla (Mitt.) Steph. MOLUCCAS: Bapna and Kachroo 2000b. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009 as ‘Lepidolejeuneaepiphylla.

Leptolejeunea foliicola Steph. MOLUCCAS: Tixier 1974b, Parihar et al. 1994, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b. Seram: Akiyama 2009 as ‘Lepidolejeuneafoliicola.

Leptolejeunea maculata (Mitt.) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Vanden Berghen 1977, Haerida 2009, Siregar et al. 2020a. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009 as ‘Lepidolejeuneamaculata.

Leptolejeunea schiffneri (Steph. ex Schiffn.) Steph. MOLUCCAS: Tixier 1972 as Leptolejeunea schiffneri, Mizutani 1975 as Leptolejeunea schiffneri, Miller et al. 1983 as Leptolejeunea schiffneri, Geissler and Bischler 1985 as Leptolejeunea schiffneri f. angustifolia, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b. Bacan: Herzog 1942 as Leptolejeunea schiffneri var. genuina.

Leptolejeunea vitrea (Nees) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Jovet-Ast 1958, Jovet-Ast and Tixier 1962, Tixier 1970a, 1970b, 1971, 1973a, 1977, 1979, 1980, Miller et al. 1983, Pócs et al. 1994, Eggers 2006, Siregar et al. 2020a. Bacan: Herzog 1942.

Lobatiriccardia (Mizut. et S.Hatt.) Furuki

Lobatiriccardia coronopus (De Not.) Furuki. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Furuki 1996 as Lobatiriccardia lobata, Furuki 2006.

— subsp. coronopus. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Preussing et al. 2010.

Lophocolea (Dumort.) Dumort.

Lophocolea deningeri Herzog. MOLUCCAS: Buru: LECTOTYPE [here designated], Herzog 1921.

Lophocolea kurzii Sande Lac. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Lopholejeunea (Spruce) Steph.

Lopholejeunea applanata (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Ternate/Tidore: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Lejeuneaadplanata’, Schiffner 1898. Ambon: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Lejeuneaadplanata’, Miller et al. 1983. Seram: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Lejeuneaadplanata’, Schiffner 1898, Miller et al. 1983.

Lopholejeunea eulopha (Taylor) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Haerida et al. 2010, Siregar et al. 2020a. Halmahera: Verdoorn 1934a, 1934b, Hattori 1951, Kamimura 1974, Miller et al. 1983. Ternate/Tidore: Mizutani 1979, Miller et al. 1983, Zhu and Gradstein 2005. Ambon: Schiffner 1890 as Lopholejeunea eulopha, Sydow 1894, Verdoorn 1934a, 1934b, Hattori 1951, Kamimura 1974, Miller et al. 1983. Seram: Mizutani 1979, 1986a, Miller et al. 1983, Akiyama 2009.

Lopholejeunea horticola Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Haerida et al. 2010, Siregar et al. 2014, Siregar 2015. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Lopholejeunea nigricans (Lindenb.) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Mizutani 1994, Haerida et al. 2010, Siregar et al. 2014, Siregar et al. 2020a. Ternate/Tidore: Verdoorn 1934b. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009 also as Lopholejeunea javanica.

Lopholejeunea subfusca (Nees) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Mizutani 1994, Haerida 2009, Haerida et al. 2010, Siregar et al. 2014, 2020a, Siregar 2015, Rosyanti et al. 2018. Ambon: Schiffner 1893b as LejeuneaSagraeana’, 1898 as Lopholejeunea sagrana var. subfusca, Stephani 1912b as Lopholejeunea pyriflora, Verdoorn 1934a, 1934b, Hattori 1951, Jovet-Ast 1958, Inoue and Miller 1965, Tixier 1966, 1967a, 1967b, Pócs et al. 1967, Swanson and Miller 1969, Miller et al. 1983 also as Lopholejeunea pyriflora and Lopholejeunea sagrana, Geissler and Bischler 1985 as Lopholejeunea pyriflora, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b, Gradstein et al. 2002, Zhu and Gradstein 2005. Banda: Verdoorn 1934b, Jovet-Ast 1958, Tixier 1966, 1967a, Swanson and Miller 1969. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Zhu and Gradstein 2005, Akiyama 2009.

Lopholejeunea wiltensii Steph. MOLUCCAS: Haerida et al. 2010, Siregar 2015. Halmahera: Umagap 2019. Ternate/Tidore: Mizutani 1979, Zhu and Gradstein 2005. Seram: Mizutani 1979, Zhu and Gradstein 2005, Siregar et al. 2014, Siregar 2015.

Marchantia L.

Marchantia emarginata Reinw., Blume et Nees. MOLUCCAS: Siregar et al. 2013, Siregar 2015, Ginting and Batubara 2019, Siregar et al. 2020b, Ruklani and Rubasinghe 2022. Ternate/Tidore: Bischler and Piippo 1991. Seram: Bischler and Piippo 1991.

— subsp. emarginata. MOLUCCAS: Bischler 1989, Singh and Singh 2013. Ternate/Tidore: Bischler-Causse 1989. Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Marchantia amboinensis [Bischler-Causse 1989: 183 as “type”, second-step lectotypification needed], Montagne 1838, 1856 both as Marchantia amboinensis, Gottsche et al. 1846 as Marchantia amboinensis, Schiffner 1898 as Marchantia amboinensis, Stephani 1899a as Marchantia amboinensis, Miller et al. 1983 as Marchantia amboinensis, Bischler-Causse 1989, Bischler and Piippo 1991. Seram: Bischler-Causse 1989.

Marchantia geminata Reinw., Blume et Nees. MOLUCCAS: Halmahera: Umagap 2019.

Marchantia polymorpha L. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Sopacua et al. 2020 [Saparua I].

Marchantia rubribarba Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Bischler-Causse 1989, Bischler and Piippo 1991.

Mastigophora Nees

Mastigophora diclados (Brid. ex F.Weber) Nees. MOLUCCAS: Buru: Herzog 1921. Halmahera: LECTOTYPE of Sendtnera vrieseana [to be designated], Sande Lacoste 1864 as Sendtnera diclados β calcarata and Sendtnera vrieseana, Schiffner 1898 also as Mastigophora vrieseana, Stephani 1909c as Mastigophora vrieseana, Inoue and Miller 1965, Miller et al. 1983. Ternate/Tidore: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Sendtnera diclados α scorpioides, Schiffner 1898 as Mastigophora diclados var. scorpioides, Inoue and Miller 1965, Miller et al. 1983. Ambon: Schiffner 1898, Inoue and Miller 1965, Miller et al. 1983. Seram: Herzog 1921, Akiyama 1986, 2009.

— var. borneensis (De Not.) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1893b, 1898.

— var. diclados. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1893b as Mastigophora diclados.

Metalejeunea Grolle

Metalejeunea cucullata (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Grolle. MOLUCCAS: Grolle 1995. Ambon: SYNTYPE of Microlejeunea parallela [lectotype to be designated], Schiffner 1890 as Microlejeunea parallela, 1898 as Eulejeunea parallela, Sydow 1894 as Microlejeunea parallela, Stephani 1915 as Microlejeunea parallela. Seram: Mizutani 1986a as Lejeunea cucullata, Akiyama 2009 as Lejeunea cucullata.

Metzgeria Raddi

Metzgeria ciliata Raddi. MOLUCCAS: Halmahera: Umagap 2019 as Metzgeria decipiens.

Metzgeria foliicola Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Ternate/Tidore: So 2003c. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Metzgeria furcata (L.) Corda. MOLUCCAS: Halmahera: Umagap 2019.

Metzgeria leptoneura Spruce var. leptoneura MOLUCCAS: Engel 1976, Schuster 1983. Buru: So 2003c. Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Metzgeria hamatiformis [to be designated], Schiffner 1893b, 1898 both as Metzgeria hamatiformis, Stephani 1899d as Metzgeria hamatiformis, Kuwahara 1966 as Metzgeria hamata, 1984, Schuster 1992, Engel 1978, Miller et al. 1983, So 2003c, Costa 2008. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Microlejeunea (Spruce) Steph.

Microlejeunea filicuspis (Steph.) Heinrichs, Schäf.-Verw., Pócs et S.Dong. MOLUCCAS: Grolle 1979a as Harpalejeunea filicuspis, Miller et al. 1983 as Drepanolejeunea filicuspis. Ambon: Grolle 1979a as Harpalejeunea filicuspis.

Mnioloma Herzog

Mnioloma fuscum (Lehm.) R.M.Schust. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 both as Calypogeia fusca.

Neolepidozia Fulford et J.Taylor

Neolepidozia cuneifolia (Steph.) Fulford et J.Taylor. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Engel and Smith Merrill 2004 as Telaranea cuneifolia, von Konrat et al. 2014.

Neolepidozia papulosa (Steph.) Fulford et J.Taylor. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 both as Lepidozia papulosa, Doei 1987b as Lepidozia papulosa.

Neolepidozia wallichiana (Gottsche) Fulford et J.Taylor. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Lepidozia wallichiana, De Notaris 1874 as Lepidozia wallichiana, Schiffner 1893b, 1898 both as Lepidozia wallichiana, Hattori and Mizutani 1958 as Lepidozia wallichiana, Inoue and Miller 1965 as Lepidozia wallichiana, Swanson and Miller 1969, Mizutani 1974, 1976 both as Lepidozia wallichiana, Del Rosario 1975b as Lepidozia wallichiana, Kamimura 1975 as Lepidozia wallichiana, Miller et al. 1983, Piippo 1984b as Lepidozia wallichiana, Doei 1987b as Lepidozia wallichiana, Sharma and Srivastava 1993 as Lepidozia wallichiana, Bapna and Kachroo 2000a as Lepidozia wallichiana, Engel and Smith Merrill 2004 as Telaranea wallichiana. Seram: Doei 1987b as Lepidozia wallichiana, Akiyama 2009 as Lepidozia wallichiana.

Pallavicinia Gray

Pallavicinia ambigua (Mitt.) Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Grolle and Piippo 1986, Koponen et al. 2000, Furuki 2002.

Pallavicinia lyellii (Hook.) Gray. MOLUCCAS: Inoue and Miller 1965, Swanson and Miller 1969, Miller et al. 1983, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b, Manju et al. 2015. Halmahera: Umagap 2019.

Plagiochila (Dumort.) Dumort.

Plagiochila abietina (Nees) Mont. et Nees. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Stephani 1903b, Bonner 1962a, Miller et al. 1983.

Plagiochila akiyamae Inoue. MOLUCCAS: Seram: HOLOTYPE, Inoue 1986, Engel 1993, Grolle and So 1998, Grolle and So 1999, So and Grolle 2000, So 2001b, Crosby and Engel 2006, Akiyama 2009, Singh and Rawat 2020.

Plagiochila amboynensis Taylor. MOLUCCAS: Geissler and Bischler 1989 [type, Amboina], So and Grolle 2000 [type, Amboina]. Ambon: LECTOTYPE [So and Grolle 2000: 201 as “holotype”], Taylor 1846, Gottsche et al. 1847 as Plagiochilaamboinensis’, Schiffner 1898 as Plagiochilaamboinensis’, Stephani 1904a as Plagiochilaamboinensis’, Bonner 1962a, Inoue 1984, So 2001c, Schuster 2021.

Plagiochila arbuscula (Brid. ex Lehm. et Lindenb.) Lindenb. MOLUCCAS: Halmahera: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Plagiochila belangeriana, Schiffner 1898 as Plagiochila belangeriana, Miller et al. 1983. Ternate/Tidore: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Plagiochila belangeriana, Miller et al. 1983. Ambon: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Plagiochila belangeriana [Saparoea I], Schiffner 1893b, 1898 both as Plagiochila belangeriana, Miller et al. 1983. Seram: Inoue 1986, So 2001b, Akiyama 2009.

Plagiochila bantamensis (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Mont. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Inoue 1986, Akiyama 2009.

Plagiochila bicornuta Steph. MOLUCCAS: Pócs et al. 2011. Ambon: Stephani 1903a, Bonner 1962a, Inoue 1981, Miller et al. 1983, So 2000a, 2001a, Schuster 2021. Seram: So 2000a, 2001a.

Plagiochila blepharophora (Nees) Lindenb. MOLUCCAS: Ternate/Tidore: Schiffner 1898, 1900, Stephani 1903c, Miller et al. 1983.

Plagiochila chauviniana Mont. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Inoue 1986 as Plagiochila novae-guineae, Akiyama 2009 as Plagiochila novae-guineae.

Plagiochila frondescens (Nees) Lindenb. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Plagiochila frondescens γ rigida, Schiffner 1893b, 1898 1900 all as Plagiochila frondescens var. tenerrima, 1898 as Plagiochila frondescens γ rigida, Stephani 1903a, Swanson and Miller 1969, Miller et al. 1983, Piippo 1989a. Seram: Inoue 1986, Akiyama 2009.

Plagiochila gymnoclada Sande Lac. MOLUCCAS: Singh Deo and Singh 2014. Buru: Herzog 1921, Carl 1931b, Inoue 1984, Inoue 1989. Ternate/Tidore: Sande Lacoste 1864, Schiffner 1898, 1900, Stephani 1903b. Seram: Inoue 1986 as Plagiochila pseudaberrans, Akiyama 2009 as Plagiochila pseudaberrans.

Plagiochila hampeana Gottsche. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Inoue 1986 as Plagiochila gedeana, So and Grolle 2001, Akiyama 2009 as Plagiochila gedeana.

Plagiochila junghuhniana Sande Lac. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: So 2000b, 2001b.

Plagiochila kuhliana Sande Lac. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Sande Lacoste 1864, Schiffner 1898, 1900, Stephani 1903d, Bonner 1962a, Geissler and Bischler 1989.

Plagiochila kurzii Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Plagiochila bantamensis var. denticulata, Schiffner 1898 as Plagiochila bantamensis var. denticulata, Bonner 1962a as Plagiochila bantamensis var. denticulata.

Plagiochila massalongoana Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Inoue 1986, Akiyama 2009.

Plagiochila pulvinata Steph. MOLUCCAS: So and Grolle 1999. Seram: HOLOTYPE of Plagiochila ceramica, Inoue 1986 as Plagiochila ceramica, Engel 1993 as Plagiochila ceramica, So and Grolle 2000, Crosby and Engel 2006 as Plagiochila ceramica, Akiyama 2009 as Plagiochila ceramica.

Plagiochila renitens (Nees) Lindenb. MOLUCCAS: ?Halmahera: Schiffner 1900, Stephani 1903b. Seram: Inoue 1984, 1986, 1989, Piippo 1989a, Akiyama 2009, Schuster 2021. Note: we are not aware of any first hand report from Halmahera.

Plagiochila salacensis Gottsche. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Inoue 1986, Akiyama 2009.

Plagiochila sandei Dozy. MOLUCCAS: So and Grolle 1999. Ternate/Tidore: Schiffner and Stephani 1901 as Plagiochila blepharophora var. major. Ambon: Sande Lacoste 1864 [Saparoea I], Schiffner 1898, 1900 [both Saparoea I], Stephani 1903d [Saparoea I], Grolle 1968b as Plagiochila seemannii, Miller et al. 1983 as Plagiochila seemannii, Inoue 1986 as Plagiochila seemannii, Piippo 1989a as Plagiochila seemannii. Seram: Sande Lacoste 1864, Stephani 1903d, Inoue 1986 also as Plagiochila seemannii, 1989, Müller and Schäfer-Verwimp 1999, Akiyama 2009 also as Plagiochila seemannii.

Plagiochila sciophila Nees. MOLUCCAS: ?Ambon: Pócs 1971 as Plagiochila acanthophylla. Seram: Inoue 1986 also as Plagiochila decidua, 1989, Akiyama 2009 also as Plagiochila decidua. Note: we aree not aware of any first hand report from Ambon.

Plagiochila teysmannii Sande Lac. MOLUCCAS: So and Grolle 1999. Bacan: LECTOTYPE of Plagiochila batjanensis [Inoue 1984: 90 as “type”], Herzog 1938 as Plagiochila batjanensis, Bonner 1962a as Plagiochila batjanensis, Inoue 1984, Geissler and Bischler 1989 as Plagiochila batjanensis, Piippo 1989a, So and Grolle 2000. Ambon: Schiffner 1893b, 1898 both as Plagiochila semialata. Seram: Inoue 1986, 1989, Akiyama 2009 as Plagiochilateysmanii’.

Plagiochila trabeculata Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: So 2001b.

Pleurozia Dumort.

Pleurozia conchifolia (Hook. et Arn.) Austin. MOLUCCAS: Pócs et al. 2011. Ambon: Schiffner 1898 Pleuroziaconchaefolia’, Miller et al. 1983.

Pleurozia gigantea (F.Weber) Lindb. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1893b, 1898, Horikawa 1935, Pócs et al. 1967, Tixier 1973b, 1974b, Bizot and Pócs 1974, Miller et al. 1983, Thiers 1993. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Plicanthus R.M.Schust.

Plicanthus hirtellus (F.Weber) R.M.Schust. MOLUCCAS: Seram: LECTOTYPE of Chandonanthus gracilis [here designated], Herzog 1921 as Chandonanthus hirtellus, 1926a as Chandonanthus gracilis, Herzog 1926b, 1926b both as Chandonanthus hirtellus, Bonner 1963b as Chandonanthus gracilis, Akiyama 1986, 2009 both as Chandonanthus hirtellus, Váňa et al. 2013.

Podomitrium Mitt.

Podomitrium malaccense (Steph.) Campb. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Troll 1930 as Hymenophyton malaccense, Grolle 1966a, Schuster 1969 as Podomitriummallacense’, Miller et al. 1983, Grolle and Piippo 1986. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Porella L.

Porella acutifolia (Lehm. et Lindenb.) Trevis. var. acutifolia MOLUCCAS: Halmahera: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Madotheca acutifolia, Schiffner 1898 as Madotheca acutifolia, Hattori 1970 as Porella acutifolia var. subligulifera.

Porella geheebii (Steph.) S.Hatt. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Bi et al. 2019.

Porella javanica (Gottsche) Inoue. MOLUCCAS: Hattori 1978, Miller et al. 1983. Buru: LECTOTYPE of Madotheca crenilobula [here designated], Herzog 1921, 1926a both as Madotheca crenilobula.

Psiloclada Mitt.

Psiloclada clandestina Mitt. subsp. clandestina MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Psiloclada unguligera [to be designated], Schiffner 1893a, 1893b, 1898 all as Psiloclada unguligera, Stephani 1909a, Herzog 1953, Arnell 1955, Fulford and Taylor 1959 as Psiloclada unguligera, Arnell 1963, Mizutani 1974, 1976, Schuster 1980, Hürlimann 1983, Miller et al. 1983. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

— subsp. melanesica R.M.Schust. ?MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Miller 1985, Schuster 2000a with a “?”], Engel and Glenny 2008. Note: we are not aware of any positively identified specimen of this subspecies from Moluccas.

Ptychanthus Nees

Ptychanthus striatus (Lehm. et Lindenb.) Nees var. striatus. MOLUCCAS: Mizutani 1977, Miller et al. 1983 as Ptychanthus moluccensis, Haerida et al. 2010, Siregar et al. 2014, Siregar 2015, Siregar et al. 2020a. Buru: Herzog 1921, 1926a both as Ptychanthus moluccensis. Halmahera: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Ptychanthus javanicus, Schiffner 1898 as Ptychanthus javanicus, Verdoorn 1934a, 1934b, Umagap 2019. Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Ptychanthus squarrosus [to be designated], Lehmann 1844 as Ptychanthus squarrosus, Gottsche et al. 1845a as Ptychanthus squarrosus, Montagne 1856 as Ptychanthus squarrosus, Stephani 1890a, Schiffner 1898, Verdoorn 1933 as Ptychanthus moluccensis, 1934a, Mizutani 1961, Tixier 1971, Kamimura 1974, Miller et al. 1983, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b. Seram: SYNTYPE of Ptychanthus moluccensis [lectotype to be designated], Sande Lacoste 1864 as Ptychanthus moluccensis, Schiffner 1898 as Ptychanthus moluccensis, Verdoorn 1933 as Ptychanthus moluccensis, 1934b, Miller et al. 1983 as Ptychanthus striatus, Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Pycnolejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn.

Pycnolejeunea cavistipula (Steph.) Mizut. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Strepsilejeunea cavistipula [Mizutani 1972: 161 as “type”], Stephani 1896b as Strepsilejeunea cavistipula, 1913 as Trachylejeunea cavistipula, Schiffner 1898 as Strepsilejeunea cavistipula, Mizutani 1972, Thiers 1986.

Pycnolejeunea connivens Schiffn. ex P.Syd. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Pycnolejeunea connivens [to be designated], Schiffner 1890 as Pycnolejeunea connivens, Sydow 1894.

Radula Dumort.

Radula anceps Sande Lac. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009, Yamada 1989, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b.

Radula densifolia Castle. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009, Yamada and Piippo 1989, Yamada 1989, Yamada 2002.

Radula formosa (C.F.W.Meissn. ex Spreng.) Nees. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Radula pycnolejeuneoides [Castle 1950: 267; second-step lectotypification needed], Schiffner 1893b, 1898 both as Radula pycnolejeuneoides, Stephani 1910b also as Radula pycnolejeuneoides, Jovet-Ast 1949, Castle 1950, 1968, Steere 1953, Inoue and Miller 1965, Grolle 1966a, Kitagawa 1979a as Radula formosa var. pycnolejeuneoides, Miller et al. 1983 also as Radula pycnolejeuneoides, So 2006. ?Seram: Yamada 1979, 1989, Miller et al. 1983, Siregar 2015, Ginting and Batubara 2019. Note: we are not aware of any first hand report from Seram.

Radula javanica Gottsche. MOLUCCAS: Buru: New to Moluccas: Buru, E hoe, 1921.09, Toxopens 299a, det. H. Castle (BO4137]. Seram: LECTOTYPE of Radula ceramensis [to be designated], LECTOTYPE of Radula ovalifolia [Castle 1966: 68; second-step lectotypification needed)], Stephani 1884 as Radula ovalifolia and Radula ceramensis, Schiffner 1898 as Radula ceramensis and Radula ovalifolia, Stephani 1910b, 1924 both as Radula ceramensis, Castle 1966 as Radula wallichiana, Miller et al. 1983 as Radula ceramensis, Akiyama 1986, 2009, Yamada 1989.

Radula multiflora Gottsche ex Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986.

Radula nymannii Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Swanson and Miller 1969, Miller et al. 1983. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 as Radulanymanii’, Yamada 1989 as Radulanymanii’.

Radula reflexa Nees et Mont. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE [Castle 1965: 374], Montagne 1843, 1846, 1856, Gottsche et al. 1845a, Schiffner 1898, Castle 1965, 1968, Yamada 1976, 1979, 2002, Miller et al. 1983, So 2005, 2006. Seram: LECTOTYPE of Radula subsimilis [Castle 1965: 376 as “type”], Sande Lacoste 1864, Stephani 1884 as Radula subsimilis, Schiffner 1898 also as Radula subsimilis, Stephani 1910b as Radula subsimilis, Castle 1965, 1968 both as Radula subsimilis, Yamada 1979 as Radula subsimilis, 1987, Miller et al. 1983 also as Radula subsimilis, Yamada and Piippo 1989, Streimann 1991 as Radula subsimilis, Piippo et al. 2002, So 2006, Siregar 2015.

Radula sumatrana Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009, Yamada 1989.

Radula tjibodensis K.I.Goebel. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009, Yamada 1989, Zhu 1999, Zhu and So 2001.

Radula van-zantenii K.Yamada. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 as Radulavanzantenii’, Yamada and Piippo 1989.

Radula vrieseana Sande Lac. MOLUCCAS: Siregar 2015. Obi: Yamada 1979. Banda: Sande Lacoste 1864, Schiffner 1898. Seram: LECTOTYPE [Castle 1965: 372], Sande Lacoste 1864, Schiffner 1898, Stephani 1910b as Radulavriesei’, Castle 1965, 1968 both as RadulaVriesei’, Yamada 1974 as Radulavriesei’, 1979, Akiyama 1986, 1989, 2009, Yamada and Piippo 1989, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b, Siregar 2015.

Riccardia Gray

Riccardia albomarginata (Steph.) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Aneura albomarginata [Bonner 1962b: 85, cf. also Furuki 1995: 112 as “holotype”], Stephani 1893a, 1893b, 1899c all as Aneuraalbo-marginata’, Schiffner 1898, Bonner 1962b as Aneura albomarginata, Grolle 1967, 1968b, Miller et al. 1983 also as Aneura albomarginata, Furuki 1995, Thouvenot et al. 2018.

Riccardia aspera (Steph.) Grolle. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Furuki 1998.

Riccardia karstenii (Steph.) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Aneura karstenii [Bonner 1962b: 114], Stephani 1893a, 1893b, 1899c all as Aneura karstenii, Schiffner 1898, Bonner 1962b as Aneura karstenii.

Riccia L.

Riccia amboinensis Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE [to be designated], Schiffner 1890, 1898, Sydow 1894, Stephani 1898, Campbell 1915 as Ricciaamboiniana’.

Riccia billardierei Mont. et Nees. MOLUCCAS: Bapna and Kachroo 2000b, Chaudhary et al. 2006. Halmahera: Meijer 1958, Jovet-Ast 2000, 2003. Banda: Jovet-Ast 2003.

Riccia junghuhniana Nees et Lindenb. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Xiang et al. 2022.

Saccogynidium Grolle

Saccogynidium muricellum (De Not.) Grolle. MOLUCCAS: Miller et al. 1983, Enroth 1991. Bacan: Grolle and Schultze-Motel 1972. ?Ambon: Piippo 1985, 1989b, Gao et al. 2001. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009. Note: we are not aware of any first hand report from Ambon.

Saccogynidium rigidulum (Nees) Grolle. MOLUCCAS: Inoue and Miller 1965, Grolle and Schultze-Motel 1972, Miller et al. 1983, Enroth 1991. Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Chiloscyphus granulatus [to be designated], Schiffner 1893b, 1898 as Chiloscyphus granulatus, Stephani 1908a as Saccogyna rigidula, Hattori 1951 as Saccogyna rigidula, Bonner 1963b as Chiloscyphus granulatus, Inoue and Miller 1965, Grolle 1968b as Saccogynidium jugatum, Miller et al. 1983 also as Chiloscyphus granulatus, Piippo 1985, 1989b, Gao et al. 2001.

Sandeothallus R.M.Schust.

Sandeothallus radiculosus (Schiffn.) R.M.Schust. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Akiyama 2009. Seram: Akiyama 1986.

Schiffneria Steph.

Schiffneria hyalina Steph. MOLUCCAS: Engel 1987, Long and Grolle 1990, Piippo and Tan 1992, Váňa 1993, O’Shea et al. 1997, Bapna and Kachroo 2000a, Schuster 2002. Halmahera: Bacan: LECTOTYPE [Grolle and Piippo 1984: 305 ad “holotype”], Stephani 1894b, 1908a, Schiffner 1898, Kitagawa 1973, Grolle and Piippo 1984, Asthana et al. 1994, Váňa et al. 2014.

Schiffneriolejeunea Verd.

Schiffneriolejeunea cumingiana (Mont.) Gradst. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Verdoorn 1934a, 1934b both as Ptychocoleus cumingianus, Tixier 1966, 1967b, 1972 all as Ptychocoleus cumingianus, Miller 1968 as Ptychocoleus cumingianus, Swanson and Miller 1969 as Ptychocoleus cumingianus, Kachroo 1970 as Ptychocoleus cumingianus, Miller et al. 1983, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b. Seram: Verdoorn 1934a, 1934b both as Ptychocoleus cumingianus, Miller 1968 as Ptychocoleus cumingianus, Swanson and Miller 1969 as Ptychocoleus cumingianus, Gradstein and Terken 1981, Miller et al. 1983.

Schiffneriolejeunea pulopenangensis (Gottsche) Gradst. MOLUCCAS: Bapna and Kachroo 2000b, Siregar et al. 2020a. Ambon: ORIGINAL MATERIAL of Acrolejeunea densifolia, Schiffner 1890 as Acrolejeunea densifolia, 1898 as Acrolejeunea pulopenangensis, Sydow 1894 as Acrolejeunea densifolia, Stephani 1912b as Ptychocoleus densifolius, Verdoorn 1934b as Ptychocoleus pulopenangensis, Bonner 1962b as Acrolejeunea densifolia, Mizutani 1964 as Ptychocoleus pulopenangensis, Miller et al. 1983 also as Acrolejeunea densifolia, Hürlimann 1989.

Schiffneriolejeunea tumida (Nees) Gradst. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Gradstein and Terken 1981. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

— var. haskarliana (Gottsche) Gradst. et Terken. MOLUCCAS: Mizutani 1977, 1978 both as Schiffneriolejeuneahasskarliana’. Ambon: Schiffner 1893b as Lejeunea haskarliana, 1898 as Acrolejeunea haskarliana, Verdoorn 1934a, 1934b as PtychocoleusHasskarlianus’, Amakawa 1960 as Ptychocoleus haskarlianus, Miller et al. 1983 as Acrolejeunea haskarliana and Schiffneriolejeunea haskarliana.

Schistochila Dumort.

Schistochila acuminata Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: LECTOTYPE of Schistochila purpurascens [here designated, cf. So 2003a: 80 as “holotype”)], Herzog 1926a, 1926b both as Schistochila purpurascens, Grolle 1966b as Schistochila purpurascens, Hässel 1976 as Schistochila purpurascens, So 2003a.

Schistochila aligera (Nees et Blume) J.B.Jack et Steph. MOLUCCAS: Pócs 1971, Tixier 1972. Buru: Herzog 1921, 1926a also as Schistochila graeffeana, Miller et al. 1983 as Schistochilaster graeffeanus and Schistochila graeffeana, So 2003a. Bacan: Buch 1939. ?Halmahera: Miller et al. 1983 as Schistochilaster aliger. Ambon: ORIGINAL MATERIAL of Schistochila philippinensis var. transiens, Schiffner 1893b as ‘Schistocheilaaligera, 1898, Stephani 1896a as ‘Schistocheilaphilippinensis, 1909c, Buch 1939 also as Schistochila philippinensis, Bonner 1966 as Gottschea aligera, Grolle 1966b also as Schistochila philippinensis, Grolle 1966b, Pócs 1968, 1971, Tixier 1972, Miller et al. 1983 as Gottschea aligera, Schistochilaster aliger and as Schistochilaster philippinensis, Piippo 1984a also Schistochila philippinensis, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b, So 2003a. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 both also as Schistochila philippinensis and Schistochila recurvata.

Schistochila beccariana (De Not.) Trevis. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Schistochila amboinensis [here designated, cf. So 2003a: 87 as “holotype”], Stephani 1909c as Schistochila amboinensis, So 2003a.

Schistochila blumei (Nees) Trevis. MOLUCCAS: Tixier 1974a. Halmahera: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Gottschea blumei, Schiffner 1898 as Schistochila ‘blumii’, Buch 1939, Grolle 1966b, Pócs 1971, Kitagawa 1973, 1978, Miller et al. 1983, Piippo 1984a, Inoue 1985, Enroth 1991 as Schistochilablumii’. Ambon: So 2003a. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 both as Schistochila formosana.

Schistochila doriae (De Not.) Trevis. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1893b as ‘Schistocheiladoriae, 1898.

Schistochila reinwardtii (Nees) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: So 2003a.

Schistochila sciurea (Nees) Schiffn. var. sciurea. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1893b as ‘Schistocheilasciurea f. robustior, 1898, Verdoorn 1937, Hattori 1968, Miller et al. 1983, So 2003a. Seram: LECTOTYPE of Schistochila inversa [here designated, cf. So 2003a: 98 as “holotype”], Herzog 1926b as Schistochila inversa, Grolle 1966b as Schistochila inversa, Hässel 1976 as Schistochila inversa, Akiyama 1986, 2009, So 2003a.

Schizophyllopsis Váňa et L.Söderstr.

Schizophyllopsis bidens (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Váňa et L.Söderstr. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 both as Anastrophyllum bidens, Váňa and Piippo 1989b as Anastrophyllum bidens var. bidens as Anastrophyllum bidens, Váňa 1991b as Anastrophyllum bidens, Schill and Long 2003 as Anastrophyllum bidens, Eggers 2006 as Anastrophyllum bidens.

Solenostoma Mitt.

Solenostoma ariadne (Taylor) R.M.Schust. ex Váňa et D.G.Long. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Jungermannia ariadne, Schiffner 1898, 1900 both as Nardia ariadne, Stephani 1901a as Jungermannia ariadne, Amakawa 1968 as Jungermannia ariadne, Swanson and Miller 1969 as Jungermannia ariadne, Váňa 1972 as Jungermannia ariadne [rejecting report by Sande Lacoste 1864 as J. tetragona], Bonner 1976 as Jungermannia ariadne, Miller et al. 1983 as Plectocolea ariadne, Váňa and Piippo 1989a as Jungermannia ariadne. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 both as Jungermannia ariadne, Váňa and Piippo 1989a as Jungermannia ariadne, Váňa 1991a as Jungermannia ariadne, Bapna and Kachroo 2000a as Jungermannia ariadne.

Solenostoma comatum (Nees) C.Gao var. comatum. MOLUCCAS: Ternate/Tidore: Sande Lacoste 1856b as Plagiochila comata, Schiffner 1898, 1900 both as Nardia comata, Stephani 1901a as Jungermannia comata, Hattori 1951 as Plectocolea comata, Bonner 1965 as Eucalyxcomatus’, Váňa 1972 as Jungermannia comata, 1973 as Jungermannia comata [with a ‘?’], Miller et al. 1983 as Jungermannia comata, Váňa and Piippo 1989a as Jungermannia comata.

Solenostoma tetragonum (Lindenb.) R.M.Schust. ex Váňa et D.G.Long. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Váňa 1972, 1973, 1975, 1991a all both as Jungermannia tetragona, Hattori 1975b as Jungermannia tetragona, Miller et al. 1983 as Jungermannia tetragona, Váňa and Piippo 1989a as Jungermannia tetragona, Bapna and Kachroo 2000a as Jungermannia tetragona, Srivastava and Sharma 2000 as Jungermannia tetragona, Easa 2003 as Jungermannia tetragona. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 both as Jungermannia tetragona, Váňa and Piippo 1989a as Jungermannia tetragona, Váňa 1991a as Jungermannia tetragona.

Solenostoma truncatum (Nees) R.M.Schust. ex Váňa et D.G.Long. MOLUCCAS: Halmahera: Váňa and Piippo 1989a as Jungermannia truncata, Váňa 1991a as Jungermannia truncata. Ambon: Váňa 1973, 1991a as Jungermannia truncata, Váňa and Piippo 1989a as Jungermannia truncata, Bapna and Kachroo 2000a as Jungermannia truncata, Akiyama 2009 as Jungermannia truncata. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 both as Jungermannia truncata, Váňa and Piippo 1989a as Jungermannia truncata, Váňa 1991a as Jungermannia truncata.

Spruceanthus Verd.

Spruceanthus polymorphus (Sande Lac.) Verd. MOLUCCAS: Halmahera: Umagap 2019. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Symphyogynopsis Grolle

Symphyogynopsis gottscheana (Mont. et Nees) Grolle. MOLUCCAS: Wigginton and Porley 2001, Schaumann et al. 2002. Seram: Grolle and Piippo 1986 as Symphyogynopsis filicum, Grolle 1987, Enroth 1991, Furuki 2002 as Symphyogynopsis filicum.

Syzygiella Spruce

Syzygiella ovalifolia Inoue. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009, So and Grolle 2003.

Syzygiella securifolia (Nees) Inoue. MOLUCCAS: Halmahera: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Plagiochila variegata, Schiffner 1898, 1900 as Syzygiella variegata, Miller et al. 1983 as Syzygiella variegata. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Telaranea Spruce ex Schiffn.

Telaranea major (Herzog) J.J.Engel et G.L.Merr. MOLUCCAS: Schuster 2000a as Arachniopsis major. Ambon: Grolle 1968b as Arachniopsis major. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 as Arachniopsis major, von Konrat et al. 2014.

Telaranea trisetosa (Steph.) Grolle. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Temnoma Mitt.

Temnoma setigerum (Lindenb.) R.M.Schust. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Grolle 1967, Akiyama 1986, 2009, Long and Grolle 1990, Bapna and Kachroo 2000a.

Thysananthus Lindenb.

Thysananthus appendiculatus Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Sukkharak 2015. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Thysananthus convolutus Lindenb. var. convolutus. MOLUCCAS: Haerida et al. 2010, Siregar et al. 2014, 2017, 2020a, Siregar 2015, Ginting and Batubara 2019. Buru: Verdoorn 1934b, Eggers and Schäfer-Verwimp 1987. Ambon: Sukkharak 2011. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009.

Thysananthus frauenfeldii Reichardt. MOLUCCAS: Thiers and Gradstein 1989 as Mastigolejeunea undulata, Gradstein et al. 2002 as Mastigolejeunea undulata, Sass-Gyarmati 2003 as Mastigolejeunea undulata, Sukkharak 2011 as Thysananthus undulatus. Seram: Mizutani 1986a, 1986b both as Mastigolejeunea undulata, Akiyama 2009 as Mastigolejeunea undulata.

Thysananthus fruticosus (Lindenb. et Gottsche) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Mizutani 1977. Obi: Verdoorn 1934b. Banda: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Bryopteris fruticosa, Schiffner 1898, Hattori 1951. Seram: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Bryopteris fruticosa, Verdoorn 1934a, 1934b, Hattori 1951, Miller et al. 1983, Mizutani 1986a, 1987, Akiyama 2009.

Thysananthus humilis (Gottsche) Sukkharak et Gradst. MOLUCCAS: Mizutani 1977 as Mastigolejeunea humilis. Ambon: Stephani 1912a as Mastigolejeunea humilis, Verdoorn 1934a, 1934b both as Mastigolejeunea humilis, Miller et al. 1983 as Mastigolejeunea humilis, Awasthi and Udar 1984 as Mastigolejeunea humilis, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b as Mastigolejeunea humilis var. humilis. Banda: Verdoorn 1934b as Mastigolejeunea humilis, Bonner 1963a as Brachiolejeunea molukkensis, Tixier 1966 as Mastigolejeunea humilis, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b as Mastigolejeunea humilis. Seram: LECTOTYPE of Brachiolejeunea molukkensis [Bonner 1963a: 456], Awasthi and Udar 1984 as Mastigolejeunea humilis, Mizutani 1986a, 1986b both as Mastigolejeunea humilis, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b as Mastigolejeunea humilis, Akiyama 2009 as Mastigolejeunea humilis.

Thysananthus ligulatus (Lehm. et Lindenb.) Sukkharak et Gradst. MOLUCCAS: Buru: Verdoorn 1934b as Mastigolejeunea ligulata, Swanson and Miller 1969 as Mastigolejeunea ligulata, Miller et al. 1983 as Mastigolejeunea ligulata. Ambon: Mizutani 1986b as Mastigolejeunea ligulata. Seram: Sande Lacoste 1864 as Phragmicoma ligulata, Schiffner 1898 as Mastigolejeunea ligulata, Swanson and Miller 1969 as Mastigolejeunea ligulata, Miller et al. 1983 as Mastigolejeunea ligulata, Mizutani 1986a, 1986b both as Mastigolejeunea ligulata, Akiyama 2009 as Mastigolejeunea ligulata, Sukkharak and Gradstein 2014 as Mastigolejeunea ligulata.

Thysananthus repletus (Taylor) Sukkharak et Gradst. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Verdoorn 1934b as Mastigolejeunea atypos, Grolle 1968b as Mastigolejeunea atypos, Miller et al. 1983 as Mastigolejeunea atypos. Seram: Verdoorn 1934b as Mastigolejeunea atypos, Grolle 1968b as Mastigolejeunea atypos, Miller et al. 1983 as Mastigolejeunea atypos.

Thysananthus spathulistipus (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Lindenb. MOLUCCAS: Mizutani 1977, Haerida et al. 2010, Siregar et al. 2014, Siregar 2015, Siregar et al. 2017. Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Mastigolejeunea amboinensis [to be designated], LECTOTYPE of Mastigolejeunea amboinensis var. paucidentata [to be designated], Sande Lacoste 1864 [Saparoea I], Schiffner 1890 as Mastigolejeunea amboinensis, Schiffner 1890 as Mastigolejeunea amboinensis var. paucidentata, 1898, Sydow 1894 as Mastigolejeunea amboinensis, Verdoorn 1934b [also Saparoea I], Swanson and Miller 1969, Miller et al. 1983, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b. Seram: Sande Lacoste 1864, Schiffner 1898, Verdoorn 1934a, 1934b, Grolle 1965, Swanson and Miller 1969, Mizutani 1986a, Akiyama 2009 as Thysananthusspatulistipus’.

Thysananthus truncatus (Mizut.) Sukkharak et Gradst. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, 1986b both as Mastigolejeunea truncata, Pócs et al. 1994 as Mastigolejeunea truncata, Akiyama 2009 as Mastigolejeunea truncata, Sukkharak and Gradstein 2014 as Mastigolejeunea truncata.

Thysananthus virens Ångstr. MOLUCCAS: Haerida et al. 2010 as Mastigolejeunea virens, Siregar et al. 2014, 2020a both as Mastigolejeunea virens, Siregar 2015 as Mastigolejeunea virens, Ginting and Batubara 2019 as Mastigolejeunea virens, Siregar et al. 2020a as Mastigolejeunea virens. Seram: Mizutani 1986a as Mastigolejeunea virens, Mizutani 1986b as Mastigolejeunea virens, Akiyama 2009 as Mastigolejeunea virens.

Treubia K.I.Goebel

Treubia insignis K.I.Goebel. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Trichocolea Dumort.

Trichocolea pluma (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Mont. MOLUCCAS: Buru: Herzog 1921 as Trichocolea striolata. Ambon: Schiffner 1893b, 1898 both as Trichocolea tomentella var. javanica, Katagiri et al. 2013. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Trichocolea tomentella (Ehrh.) Dumort. MOLUCCAS: Morotai: New to Moluccas: Morotai, Sangowo, Exp. Kostermans) (BO13087)]. Ambon: Miller et al. 1983 as Trichocolea tomentella, Bapna and Kachroo 2000a. Note: we are not aware of any first hand report from Ambon but it is here confirmed for Moluccas.

Tricholepidozia (R.M.Schust.) E.D.Cooper

Tricholepidozia kogiana (Steph.) E.D.Cooper. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 both as Telaranea kogiana.

Tricholepidozia neesii (Lindenb.) E.D.Cooper. MOLUCCAS: Halmahera: Grolle 1966c as Telaranea neesii, Pócs 1971 as Telaranea neesii, Mizutani 1974, 1976 both as Telaranea neesii, Engel 1978 as Telaranea neesii, Kitagawa 1978 as Telaranea neesii, Yamaguchi 1983 as Telaranea neesii, Miller 1986 as Telaranea neesii, Enroth 1991 as Telaranea neesii, Engel and Smith Merrill 2004 as Telaranea neesii. Seram: Piippo 1984b as Telaranea neesii, Akiyama 1986, 2009 both as Telaranea neesii.

Tuyamaella S.Hatt.

Tuyamaella serratistipa S.Hatt. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a, Zhu and So 1998a, 2000, Akiyama 2009.

Wettsteinia Schiffn.

Wettsteinia inversa (Sande Lac.) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Zantenia (S.Hatt.) Váňa et J.J.Engel

Zantenia borneensis (Herzog) Váňa et J.J.Engel. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Váňa and Piippo 1989b as Anastrophyllum borneense, Váňa 1991b as Anastrophyllum borneense.

Zantenia karstenii (Schiffn.) Váňa et J.J.Engel. MOLUCCAS: Herzog 1926a as Anastrophyllum karstenii. Ambon: LECTOTYPE of Anastrophyllum karstenii [Bonner 1962b: 73], Schiffner 1893a, 1893b, 1898 all as Anastrophyllum karstenii, Stephani 1901c as Anastrophyllum karstenii, Bonner 1962b as Anastrophyllum karstenii, Hattori 1966 as Anastrophyllum karstenii.

Zoopsis Hook.f. ex Gottsche, Lindenb. et Nees

Zoopsis liukiuensis Horik. MOLUCCAS: Grolle and Piippo 1984. Ambon: Grolle 1968b, Schuster 1969, Miller et al. 1983, Schuster 1999, Engel and Glenny 2008. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Zoopsis setigera K.I.Goebel. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE [Grolle and Piippo 1984: 303 as “neotype”], Grolle and Piippo 1984, Schuster 1999, Engel and Glenny 2008. Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009.

Names not referred to any accepted taxon

We are not able to refer the following published names to any accepted taxon.

Phaeoceros Prosk.

Phaeoceros velutinus J.Haseg. ex H.Akiyama nom. inval. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: ORIGINAL MATERIAL. Seram: Akiyama 1986. Note: we have not found the name Phaeoceros velutinus anywhere else than in Akiyama (1986) listing it from Moluccas, and we do not know where to refer it.

Jungermannia L.

Jungermannia gigantea β laxior (Nees) Lindenb. MOLUCCAS: Ternate/Tidore: SYNTYPE of Jungermannia gigantea β laxior [lectotype to be designated], ORIGINAL MATERIAL of Plagiochila trapezoidea γ major, Nees 1830, 1831 both as Jungermannia gigantea β laxior, Lindenberg 1840 as Plagiochila trapezoidea γ ‘maior’, Schiffner 1898, 1900 as Plagiochila trapezoidea var. major, Geissler and Bischler 1987 as Jungermannia gigantea β laxior. Note: this name does have a confusing history and before someone really select and identify a lectotype, it is impossible to know what taxon it represents

Jungermannia tamarisci L. var. β minus-ramosa Schwägr. nom. inval. MOLUCCAS: ORIGINAL MATERIAL, Gaudichaud 1828. Note: Frullania tamarisci is a mainly Eurasian taxon and this name must refer to a tropical taxon

Plagiochila (Dumort.) Dumort.

Plagiochila opposita (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Lindenb. β falcata (Nees) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Ternate/Tidore: Sande Lacoste 1856b, Schiffner 1898. Note: Plagiochila opposita is now Chiastocaulon oppositum but we are not sure if unranked β falcata also belong to that species and is worth recognizing.

Taxa doubtfully occurring in Moluccas

We doubt the identification of the following taxa or we are not aware of any first-hand report from Moluccas.

Acromastigum A.Evans

Acromastigum echinatum (Gottsche) A.Evans. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Stephani 1909a as Mastigobryum echinatum, Bonner 1962b, Swanson and Miller 1969, Miller et al. 1983. Note: we are not aware of any first hand report from Moluccas although it is reported to occur on neighbouring islands.

Bazzania Gray

Bazzania ceylanica (Mitt.) Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Stephani 1902 as Mastigobryum ceylanicum. Note: we are not aware of any first hand report from Moluccas although it is reported to occur on neighbouring islands.

Bazzania japonica (Sande Lac.) Lindb. MOLUCCAS: Siregar and Pasaribu 2019. Note: we are not aware of any first hand report from Moluccas although it is reported to occur on neighbouring islands.

Calypogeia Raddi

Calypogeia tosana (Steph.) Steph. MOLUCCAS: Halmahera: Umagap 2019. Note: a Sino-Himalayan taxon that seems unlikely to occur in the tropics.

Chiloscyphus Corda

Chiloscyphus ernstianus Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 both as Lophocolea aff. ernstiana. Note: we are not aware of any positively identified report from Moluccas. It is otherwise only known from the type from Sumatra and if worth recognizing it certainly belongs to some other genus.

Cololejeunea (Spruce) Steph.

Cololejeunea cordiflora Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Tixier 1962 as Cololejeunea karstenii. Note: we are not aware of any first hand report from Moluccas although it is reported to occur on neighbouring islands.

Cololejeunea verrucosa Steph. MOLUCCAS: Miller 1968, Pócs and Ninh 2012, Pócs 2012. Ambon: Miller et al. 1983. Note: we are not aware of any first hand report from Moluccas although it is reported to occur on neighbouring islands.

Cryptolophocolea L.Söderstr., Crand.-Stotl., Stotler et Váňa

Cryptolophocolea ciliolata (Nees) L.Söderstr., Crand.-Stotl., Stotler et Váňa. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 both as Lophocolea aff. ciliolata. Note: we are not aware of any positively identified report from Moluccas although it is reported to occur on neighbouring islands.

Leptolejeunea (Spruce) Steph.

Leptolejeunea balansae Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Jovet-Ast 1958. Note: we are not aware of any first hand report from Moluccas although it is reported to occur on neighbouring islands.

Leptolejeunea subacuta Steph. ex A.Evans. MOLUCCAS: Inoue and Miller 1965, Miller 1968, Swanson and Miller 1969, Miller et al. 1983, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b. Note: we are not aware of any first hand report from Moluccas although it is reported to occur on neighbouring islands.

Mastigophora Nees

Mastigophora woodsii (Hook.) Nees. MOLUCCAS: Seram: LECTOTYPE of Mastigophora ramentifissa [to be designated], Herzog 1926a, 1926b as Mastigophora ramentifissa, Inoue 1971. Note: Inoue (1971) synonymized Mastigophora ramentifissa with Mastigophora woodsii but doubted the origin of the type of the former as Mastigophora woodsii is unlikely to occur in the tropics.

Plagiochila (Dumort.) Dumort.

Plagiochila gracilis Lindenb. et Gottsche. MOLUCCAS: Miller et al. 1983. Note: we are not aware of any first hand report from Moluccas although it is reported to occur on neighbouring islands.

Radula Dumort.

Radula amentulosa Mitt. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Yamada 1999. Note: we are not aware of any first-hand report from Moluccas.

Schistochila Dumort.

Schistochila schultzei Steph. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 both as Schistochila aff. schultzei. Note: we are not aware of any positively identified specimen from Moluccas although it is reported from neighboring islands.

Spruceanthus Verd.

Spruceanthus semirepandus (Nees) Verd. MOLUCCAS: Haerida et al. 2010. Note: we are not aware of any positively identified specimen from Moluccas although it is reported from neighboring islands.

Thysananthus Lindenb.

Thysananthus auriculatus (Wilson et Hook.) Sukkharak et Gradst. MOLUCCAS: Haerida et al. 2010 as Mastigolejeunea auriculata, Singh et al. 2010 as Mastigolejeunea auriculata. Note: we are not aware of any positively identified specimen from Moluccas although it is reported from neighboring islands.

Taxa reported but rejected from Moluccas

The following taxa are reported to occur in Moluccas but the reports are rejected either earlier or here as misidentified or highly unlikely to occur in the area.

Cheilolejeunea (Spruce) Steph.

Cheilolejeunea mariana (Gottsche) B.M.Thiers et Gradst. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Mizutani 1986a as Spruceanthus marianus, Akiyama 2009 as Spruceanthus marianus. Note: a Pacific species frequently, but erroneously, reported from SE Asia and many other areas. Reports should mainly be referred to Archilejeunea planiuscula.

Chiastocaulon Carl

Chiastocaulon fimbriatum (Mitt.) S.D.F.Patzak, M.A.M.Renner, Schäf.-Verw. et Heinrichs. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Akiyama 1986, 2009 both as Plagiochilion aff. fimbriatum. Note: a Sino-Himalayan taxon very unlikely to occur in the tropics.

Conocephalum Hill

Conocephalum conicum (L.) Dumort. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Sopacua et al. 2020 as ‘Conocephelumconicum [Saparua I]. Note: presumably a mainly European taxon reported sensu lato from many other places. It is unlikely that the genus Conocephalum occurs in the tropics, but if it is a Conocephalum sp. it is probably more related to Conocephalum salebrosum than to Conocephalum conicum.

Cryptolophocolea L.Söderstr., Crand.-Stotl., Stotler et Váňa

Cryptolophocolea connata (Sw.) L.Söderstr. et Váňa. MOLUCCAS: Gaudichaud 1828 as Jungermannia connata. Note: an American species and this old record must be rejected as either mis-identified or mis-labelled.

Dendroceros Nees

Dendroceros exalatus Steph. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: LECTOTYPE [Hasegawa 1980: 302], Stephani 1909b, 1917, Bonner 1965. Note: Stephani erroneously reported the type locality as “Amboina” but as this is a Brazilian species that must be due to mislabeling (cf. Hasegawa 1980).

Heteroscyphus Schiffn.

Heteroscyphus caledonicus (Steph.) Schiffn. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Miller et al. 1983. Note a Pacific species possibly endemic to New Caledonia.

Lepicolea Dumort.

Lepicolea ochroleuca (Spreng.) Spruce. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Herzog 1921. Note: an Afro-American species only once reported from SE Asia. This report must be an error.

Lepicolea scolopendra (Hook.) Dumort. ex Trevis. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Herzog 1926b. Note: an Australian/New Zealandian species frequently, but erroneously, reported from many other places.

Lepidozia (Dumort.) Dumort.

Lepidozia microphylla (Hook.) Lindenb. MOLUCCAS: Seram: Siregar and Pasaribu 2019. Note: a species endemic to New Zealand (cf. Engel and Schuster 2001) and all reports from other areas must be rejected.

Lepidozia rigida Steph. MOLUCCAS: Buru: ORIGINAL MATERIAL of Lepidozia rigida f. minor, Herzog 1921 as Lepidozia rigida f. minor, Herzog 1926a as Lepidozia rigida var. minor. Note: a species from Vanuatu. Herzog’s material must belong to another species.

Plagiochila (Dumort.) Dumort.

Plagiochila gigantea Lindenb. MOLUCCAS: Ternate/Tidore: Nees 1830 as Jungermannia gigantea. Note: a New Zealand taxon.

Plagiochila trapezoidea Lindenb. MOLUCCAS: Ternate/Tidore: Reinwardt et al. 1824 as Jungermannia simplex Web, Schiffner 1900, Bapna and Kachroo 2000b. Note: Inoue (1984) designated the only specimen from Java of Jungermannia simplex Web. that he could locate as a neotype of Plagiochila trapezoidea and Plagiochila trapezoidea β tenera is described as based on Jungermannia simplex Web. However, Inoue (1984) reject the report of β tenera in Gottsche et al. (1844; all other reports probably based on this) as Plagiochila ciliata. The occurrence of Plagiochila trapezoidea in Moluccas is therefore not confirmed and reports should be rejected following Inoue, until confirmed, although it occurs in most neighbouring islands.

Podomitrium Mitt.

Podomitrium phyllanthus (Hook.) Mitt. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1890, 1898 as ‘Hymenophytumphyllanthus, Sydow 1894. Note: this is an Australian/New Zealandian species.

Porella L.

Porella nitens (Steph.) S.Hatt. MOLUCCAS: Long and Grolle 1990. Note: the second-hand reports from Malesia in Long and Grolle (1990) of this Sino-Himalayan species is due to supposed, but rejected, synonymy with Porella javanica (cf. also Hattori 1978).

Pycnolejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn.

Pycnolejeunea schwaneckei (Steph.) Schiffn. ex P.Syd. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1890, Sydow 1894 as Pycnolejeuneaschwaneckii’. Note: this is a neotropical species.

Radula Dumort.

Radula pinnulata Mitt. MOLUCCAS: Miller et al. 1983. Note: Yamada (2002) rejected all reports from Moluccas.

Riccardia Gray

Riccardia latifrons (Lindb.) Lindb. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1890 as Aneura latifrons, Sydow 1894 as Aneura latifrons. Note: a mainly boreal species and all reports from tropical areas should be rejected.

Schistochila Dumort.

Schistochila neesii (Mont.) Lindb. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Schiffner 1893b, 1898, Buch 1939, Hässel 1976 as Paraschistochila neesii. Note: an African species rejected from Moluccas by So (2003a).

Symbiezidium Trevis.

Symbiezidium transversale (Sw.) Trevis. MOLUCCAS: Gaudichaud 1828 as Jungermannia transversalis. Note: an American species.

Zoopsis Hook.f. ex Gottsche, Lindenb. et Nees

Zoopsis argentea (Hook.f. et Taylor) Gottsche, Lindenb. et Nees. MOLUCCAS: Ambon: Stephani 1908a, Del Rosario 1975b, Miller et al. 1983. Note: an Australian/New Zealandian species.

Zoopsis setulosa Leitg. MOLUCCAS: Miller et al. 1983 as Zoopsis rigida. Ambon: Schiffner 1893b as Cephalozia setulosa, 1898, Stephani 1908b, Hattori 1951, Hodgson 1965, Schuster 1969. Note: an Australian/New Zealandian/ New Caledonian species rejected from Asia as Zoopsis setigera by Grolle and Piippo (1984).


Acrolejeunea densifolia (Schiffn.) Schiffn. ex P.Syd. nom. inval. = Schiffneriolejeunea pulopenangensis

Acrolejeunea densifolia Schiffn. nom. inval. = Schiffneriolejeunea pulopenangensis

Acrolejeunea haskarliana (Gottsche) Schiffn. ≡ Schiffneriolejeunea tumida var. haskarliana

Acrolejeunea pulopenangensis (Gottsche) Schiffn. ≡ Schiffneriolejeunea pulopenangensis

Acrolejeunea rostrata Schiffn. nom. inval. = Acrolejeunea pycnoclada subsp. pycnoclada

Acrolejeunea rostrata var. α minor Schiffn. nom. inval. = Acrolejeunea pycnoclada subsp. pycnoclada

Acrolejeunea rostrata var. β major Schiffn. nom. inval. = Acrolejeunea pycnoclada subsp. pycnoclada

Acrolejeunea securifolia (Nees) Steph. nom. inval. ≡ Acrolejeunea securifolia

Acromastigum bidenticulatum A.Evans = Acromastigum bancanum

Anastrophyllum bidens (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Steph. ≡ Schizophyllopsis bidens

Anastrophyllum borneense Herzog ≡ Zantenia borneensis

Anastrophyllum contractum (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Steph. ≡ Cuspidatula contracta

Anastrophyllum karstenii Schiffn. ≡ Zantenia karstenii

Anastrophyllum revolutum Steph. ≡ Anastrophyllopsis revoluta

Aneura albomarginata Steph. ≡ Riccardia albomarginata

Aneura karstenii Steph. ≡ Riccardia karstenii

Aneura latifrons Lindb. ≡ Riccardia latifrons

Aneura pinguis f. normalis Schiffn. nom. inval. = Aneura pinguis

Anomacaulis flaccidus (Steph.) Grolle ≡ Cuspidatula flaccida

Anthoceros amboinensis Schiffn. ≡ Folioceros amboinensis

Anthoceros appendiculatus Steph. ≡ Folioceros appendiculatus

Anthoceros glandulosus Lehm. et Lindenb. ≡ Folioceros glandulosus

Anthoceros grandis Ångstr. = Megaceros flagellaris

Arachniopsis major Herzog ≡ Telaranea major

Aspiromitus amboinensis (Schiffn.) Steph. ≡ Folioceros amboinensis

Bazzania australis (Mont.) Trevis. = Bazzania tridens

Bazzania concinna (De Not.) Trevis. = Bazzania intermedia

Bazzania divaricata (Nees) Trevis. = Acromastigum divaricatum

Bazzania echinatiformis (De Not.) Trevis. ≡ Acromastigum echinatiforme

Bazzania intermedia auct. = Bazzania tridens var. tridens

Bazzania longidens (Steph.) Schiffn. = Bazzania conophylla

Bazzania oshimensis (Steph.) Horik. = Bazzania tridens

Brachiolejeunea molukkensis Steph. = Thysananthus humilis

Bryopteris fruticosa Lindenb. et Gottsche ≡ Thysananthus fruticosus

Calypogeia fusca (Lehm.) Steph. ≡ Mnioloma fuscum

Campylolejeunea ciliatilobula (Schiffn.) S.Hatt. = Cololejeunea inflectens

Campylolejeunea inflectens (Mitt.) Mizut. ≡ Cololejeunea inflectens

Caudalejeunea circinata Steph. = Caudalejeunea cristiloba

Caudalejeunea recurvistipula (Gottsche) Schiffn. = Caudalejeunea reniloba

Cephalozia setulosa (Leitg.) Spruce ≡ Zoopsis setulosa

Chandonanthus gracilis Herzog = Plicanthus hirtellus

Chandonanthus hirtellus (F.Weber) Mitt. ≡ Plicanthus hirtellus

Cheilolejeunea imbricata (Nees) S.Hatt. = Cheilolejeunea trapezia

Cheilolejeunea meyeniana (Nees, Lindenb. et Gottsche) R.M.Schust. et Kachroo = Cheilolejeunea trapezia

Chiloscyphus amboinensis (Schiffn.) Schiffn. ≡ Heteroscyphus amboinensis

Chiloscyphus aselliformis (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Nees ≡ Heteroscyphus aselliformis

Chiloscyphus coalitus (Hook.) Nees ≡ Heteroscyphus coalitus

Chiloscyphus decurrens (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Nees = Heteroscyphus splendens

Chiloscyphus decurrens var. amboinensis (Schiffn.) Schiffn. ex Bonner nom. inval. ≡ Heteroscyphus amboinensis

Chiloscyphus endlicherianus δ amboinensis Schiffn. ≡ Heteroscyphus amboinensis

Chiloscyphus falcifolius Steph. = Acroscyphella tjiwideiensis

Chiloscyphus granulatus Schiffn. = Saccogynidium rigidulum

Clasmatocolea tjiwideiensis (Sande Lac.) Grolle ≡ Acroscyphella tjiwideiensis

Cololejeunea ciliatilobula (Schiffn.) Schiffn. = Cololejeunea inflectens

Cololejeunea crenulata (Herzog) Benedix nom. inval. = Cololejeunea angustiflora

Cololejeunea falcatoides Benedix = Cololejeunea falcata

Cololejeunea goebelii (Gottsche ex Schiffn.) Schiffn. = Cololejeunea trichomanis

Cololejeunea javanica (Steph.) Mizut. = Cololejeunea angustiflora

Cololejeunea karstenii (Steph.) Benedix = Cololejeunea cordiflora

Cololejeunea nymannii (Steph.) Benedix = Cololejeunea obliqua

Cololejeunea peculiaris (Herzog) Benedix = Cololejeunea inflectens

Cololejeunea yulensis (Steph.) Benedix = Cololejeunea aequabilis

Colura paradoxa (Schiffn.) Steph. ≡ Calatholejeunea paradoxa

Colurolejeunea karstenii (K.I.Goebel) Steph. ≡ Colura karstenii

Colurolejeunea karstenii var. latifolia (Schiffn.) Schiffn. nom. inval. = Colura karstenii

Colurolejeunea paradoxa (Schiffn.) Schiffn. ≡ Calatholejeunea paradoxa

Colurolejeunea superba (Mont.) Steph. ≡ Colura superba

Colurolejeunea superba Schiffn. nom. inval. = Colura amboinensis

Colurolejeunea superba var. α typica Schiffn. nom. inval. = Colura amboinensis

Dendroceros karstenii Schiffn. ex Steph. = Dendroceros acutilobus

Drepanolejeunea dactylophora (Nees, Lindenb. et Gottsche) Schiffn. ≡ Drepanolejeunea dactylophora

Drepanolejeunea dentata Steph. ≡ Lejeunea stenodentata

Drepanolejeunea filicuspis Steph. ≡ Microlejeunea filicuspis

Drepanolejeunea levicornua var. longicornua Herzog ≡ Drepanolejeunea longicornua

Drepanolejeunea micholitzii Steph. = Drepanolejeunea pentadactyla

Drepanolejeunea micholitzii var. dactylophoroides Herzog ≡ Drepanolejeunea pentadactyla var. dactylophoroides

Drepanolejeunea micholitzii var. genuina Herzog nom. illeg. = Drepanolejeunea pentadactyla

Drepanolejeunea tenera var. genuina Herzog nom. illeg. = Drepanolejeunea tenera

Drepanolejeunea ternatensis (Gottsche) Steph. nom. inval. ≡ Drepanolejeunea ternatensis

Eucalyx comata (Nees) Verd. ≡ Solenostoma comatum

Eulejeunea fissistipula Steph. ≡ Lejeunea fissistipula

Eulejeunea parallela (Schiffn.) Schiffn. = Metalejeunea cucullata

Euosmolejeunea heterophylla (Sande Lac.) Schiffn. = Cheilolejeunea trifaria

Euosmolejeunea integristipula Steph. = Cheilolejeunea lindenbergii

Euosmolejeunea trifaria (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Steph. ≡ Cheilolejeunea trifaria

Frullania amboinensis Schiffn. = Frullania intermedia subsp. intermedia

Frullania billardiereana Nees et Mont. = Frullania intermedia subsp. intermedia

Frullania dapitana Steph. = Frullania nodulosa

Frullania ericoides var. planescens (Verd.) S.Hatt. = Frullania ericoides

Frullania gracilis var. lacerifolia (Steph.) Verd. = Frullania gracilis

Frullania intermedia f. billardiereana (Nees et Mont.) Verd. = Frullania intermedia subsp. intermedia

Frullania intermedia var. amboinensis (Schiffn.) Verd. = Frullania intermedia subsp. intermedia

Frullania karstenii Schiffn. = Frullania apiculata var. goebelii

Frullania lacerifolia Steph. = Frullania gracilis

Frullania nodulosa f. dapitana (Steph.) Verd. = Frullania nodulosa

Frullania nodulosa f. irreflexa Verd. = Frullania nodulosa

Frullania nodulosa β plana Schiffn. = Frullania nodulosa

Frullania picta Steph. = Frullania trichodes

Frullania replicata (Nees) Mont. = Frullania nodulosa

Frullania rugosa Mitt. = Frullania grandistipula

Frullania serrata f. crispulo-dentata Verd. = Frullania serrata var. serrata

Frullania squarrosa (Mont.) Nees = Frullania ericoides

Frullania squarrosa f. campanuloides Verd. = Frullania ericoides

Frullania squarrosa var. planescens Verd. = Frullania ericoides

Frullania tenuicaulis Mitt. = Frullania trichodes

Frullania thuillieri Nees = Frullania nodulosa

Gamoscyphus aselliformis (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Trevis. ≡ Heteroscyphus aselliformis

Gottschea aligera (Nees et Blume) Nees ≡ Schistochila aligera

Gottschea blumei (Nees) Nees ≡ Schistochila blumei

Harpalejeunea exigua Steph. = Lejeunea exilis

Harpalejeunea filicuspis (Steph.) Mizut. ≡ Microlejeunea filicuspis

Herbertus armitanus (Steph.) H.A.Mill. = Herbertus sendtneri

Herbertus divaricatus (Herzog) H.A.Mill. = Herbertus sendtneri

Herbertus javanicus (Steph.) H.A.Mill. = Herbertus ramosus

Herbertus javanicus (Steph.) Schiffn. nom. inval. = Herbertus ramosus

Heteroscyphus decurrens (Nees) Schiffn. = Heteroscyphus splendens

Hygrolejeunea amboinensis (Schiffn.) Schiffn. nom. inval. = Lejeunea sordida

Hygrolejeunea amboinensis (Schiffn.) Schiffn. ex P.Syd. = Lejeunea sordida

Hygrolejeunea decurvifolia Steph. = Lepidolejeunea bidentula

Hygrolejeunea discreta (Lindenb.) Schiffn. ≡ Lejeunea discreta

Hygrolejeunea discreta (Lindenb.) Steph. nom. inval.Lejeunea discreta

Hygrolejeunea parkinsonii Steph. = Lejeunea sordida

Hygrolejeunea sordida (Nees) Schiffn. ≡ Lejeunea sordida

Hygrolejeunea sordida (Nees) Steph. nom. inval.Lejeunea sordida

Hygrolejeunea umbilicata (Nees) Steph. nom. inval.Lejeunea umbilicata

Hymenophyton malaccense Steph. ≡ Podomitrium malaccense

Hymenophyton phyllanthus (Hook.) Steph. ≡ Podomitrium phyllanthus

Jamesoniella contracta (Reinw., Blume et Nees) N.Kitag. ≡ Cuspidatula contracta

Jamesoniella flexicaulis (Nees) Schiffn. ≡ Cuspidatula flexicaulis

Jamesoniella flexicaulis var. β microphylla (Nees) Schiffn. = Gottschelia schizopleura

Jamesoniella microphylla (Nees) Schiffn. = Gottschelia schizopleura

Jamesoniella ovifolia (Schiffn.) Schiffn. = Denotarisia linguifolia

Jungermannia ariadne Taylor ≡ Solenostoma ariadne

Jungermannia aselliformis Reinw., Blume et Nees ≡ Heteroscyphus aselliformis

Jungermannia comata Nees ≡ Solenostoma comatum

Jungermannia connata Sw. ≡ Cryptolophocolea connata

Jungermannia contracta Reinw., Blume et Nees ≡ Cuspidatula contracta

Jungermannia flexicaulis Nees ≡ Cuspidatula flexicaulis

Jungermannia flexicaulis β microphylla Gottsche, Lindenb. et Nees = Gottschelia schizopleura

Jungermannia gigantea Hook. nom. illeg. ≡ Plagiochila gigantea

Jungermannia gigantea β laxior Nees ≡ Plagiochila gigantea laxior

Jungermannia indica Nees = Lejeunea flava subsp. orientalis

Jungermannia opposita Reinw., Blume et Nees ≡ Chiastocaulon oppositum

Jungermannia ovifolia Schiffn. = Denotarisia linguifolia

Jungermannia simplex Weber nom. illeg. = Plagiochila trapezoidea

Jungermannia tetragona Lindenb. ≡ Solenostoma tetragonum

Jungermannia transversalis Sw. ≡ Symbiezidium transversale

Jungermannia truncata Nees ≡ Solenostoma truncatum

Jungermannia vaginata Sw. ≡ Frullania vaginata

Lejeunea applanata (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Nees ≡ Lopholejeunea applanata

Lejeunea catanduana (Steph.) H.A.Mill., Bonner et Bischl. = Lejeunea anisophylla

Lejeunea chalmersii (Steph.) Mizut. = Lejeunea microloba

Lejeunea connivens Gottsche = Cheilolejeunea ceylanica

Lejeunea cucullata (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Nees ≡ Metalejeunea cucullata

Lejeunea haskarliana (Gottsche) Spruce nom. illeg. ≡ Schiffneriolejeunea tumida var. haskarliana

Lejeunea heterophylla Sande Lac. = Cheilolejeunea trifaria

Lejeunea microstipula (Steph.) Prantl = Lejeunea exilis

Lejeunea paradoxa Schiffn. ≡ Calatholejeunea paradoxa

Lejeunea pusilla (K.I.Goebel) Schiffn. nom. illeg. = Cololejeunea metzgeriopsis

Lejeunea recurvistipula Gottsche = Caudalejeunea reniloba

Lejeunea rostrata var. α minor Schiffn. ex P.Geissler et Bischl. nom. inval. = Acrolejeunea pycnoclada subsp. pycnoclada

Lejeunea sagrana (Mont.) Gottsche, Lindenb. et Nees = Lopholejeunea subfusca

Lejeunea sagrana var. dentistipula Schiffn. = Caudalejeunea reniloba

Lejeunea superba var. α typica Schiffn. nom. inval. = Colura superba

Lejeunea ternatensis Gottsche ≡ Drepanolejeunea ternatensis

Lejeunea trapezia (Nees) Nees ≡ Cheilolejeunea trapezia

Lejeunea trifaria (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Nees ≡ Cheilolejeunea trifaria

Lepidozia papulosa Steph. ≡ Neolepidozia papulosa

Lepidozia rigida f. minor (Steph.) Herzog nom. inval. = Lepidozia rigida

Lepidozia rigida var. minor (Steph.) Herzog nom. inval. = Lepidozia rigida

Lepidozia wallichiana Gottsche ≡ Neolepidozia wallichiana

Leptolejeunea foliicola (Horik.) R.M.Schust. nom. illeg. ≡ Drepanolejeunea foliicola

Leptolejeunea schiffneri f. angustifolia Herzog nom. inval. = Leptolejeunea schiffneri

Leptolejeunea schiffneri var. genuina Herzog nom. inval. = Leptolejeunea schiffneri

Leptolejeunea schiffneri (Steph. ex Schiffn.) Steph. = Leptolejeunea schiffneri

Lobatiriccardia lobata (Schiffn.) Furuki = Lobatiriccardia coronopus

Lophocolea ciliolata (Nees) Gottsche ≡ Cryptolophocolea ciliolata

Lophocolea ernstiana (Steph.) N.Kitag. ≡ Chiloscyphus ernstianus

Lophocolea giulianettii Steph. = Cryptolophocolea costata

Lopholejeunea dentistipula (Schiffn.) Schiffn. = Caudalejeunea reniloba

Lopholejeunea eulopha (Taylor) Steph. nom. inval. ≡ Lopholejeunea eulopha

Lopholejeunea javanica (Nees) Schiffn. = Lopholejeunea nigricans

Lopholejeunea pyriflora Steph. = Lopholejeunea subfusca

Lopholejeunea sagrana (Mont.) Steph. = Lopholejeunea subfusca

Lopholejeunea sagrana var. dentistipula (Schiffn.) Schiffn. ex P.Syd. = Caudalejeunea reniloba

Lopholejeunea sagrana var. dentistipula Schiffn. nom. inval. = Caudalejeunea reniloba

Lopholejeunea sagrana var. β subfusca (Nees) Schiffn. ≡ Lopholejeunea subfusca

Madotheca acutifolia Lehm. et Lindenb. ≡ Porella acutifolia

Madotheca crenilobula Herzog = Porella javanica

Marchantia amboinensis Nees et Mont. = Marchantia emarginata subsp. emarginata

Mastigobryum amboinense Steph. = Bazzania tridens

Mastigobryum asymmetricum Steph. ≡ Bazzania asymmetrica

Mastigobryum ceylanicum Mitt. ≡ Bazzania ceylanica

Mastigobryum concinnum De Not. = Bazzania intermedia

Mastigobryum crassitextum (Steph.) Steph. ≡ Bazzania crassitexta

Mastigobryum deningeri Herzog = Bazzania longicaulis

Mastigobryum echinatiforme De Not. ≡ Acromastigum echinatiforme

Mastigobryum echinatum Gottsche ≡ Acromastigum echinatum

Mastigobryum fallax Sande Lac. ≡ Bazzania fallax

Mastigobryum horridulum (Schiffn.) Steph. ≡ Bazzania horridula

Mastigobryum insigne De Not. ≡ Bazzania insignis

Mastigobryum intermedium Gottsche et Lindenb. ≡ Bazzania intermedia

Mastigobryum irregulare Steph. ≡ Bazzania irregularis

Mastigobryum javanicum Sande Lac. ≡ Bazzania javanica

Mastigobryum longidens Steph. = Bazzania conophylla

Mastigobryum merrillanum Steph. ≡ Bazzania merrillana

Mastigobryum pectinatum (Nees) Lindenb. et Gottsche = Bazzania pectinata

Mastigobryum stresemannii Herzog ≡ Bazzania stresemannii

Mastigobryum subtile Sande Lac. ≡ Bazzania subtilis

Mastigobryum tridens (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Dumort. ≡ Bazzania tridens

Mastigobryum uncigerum (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Nees ≡ Bazzania uncigera

Mastigobryum vittatum Gottsche ≡ Bazzania vittata

Mastigobryum wallichianum Lindenb. ≡ Bazzania wallichiana

Mastigolejeunea amboinensis (Schiffn.) Schiffn. ex P.Syd. = Thysananthus spathulistipus

Mastigolejeunea amboinensis Schiffn. nom. inval. = Thysananthus spathulistipus

Mastigolejeunea amboinensis var. β paucidentata Schiffn. nom. inval. = Thysananthus spathulistipus

Mastigolejeunea atypos Schiffn. ex Sydow = Thysananthus repletus

Mastigolejeunea auriculata (Wilson et Hook.) Steph. ≡ Thysananthus auriculatus

Mastigolejeunea humilis (Gottsche) Schiffn. ≡ Thysananthus humilis

Mastigolejeunea ligulata (Lehm. et Lindenb.) Schiffn. ≡ Thysananthus ligulatus

Mastigolejeunea truncata Mizut. ≡ Thysananthus truncatus

Mastigolejeunea undulata Gradst. et Grolle = Thysananthus frauenfeldii

Mastigolejeunea virens (Ångstr.) Steph. ≡ Thysananthus virens

Mastigophora diclados var. β scorpioides (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Schiffn. = Mastigophora diclados

Mastigophora ramentifissa Herzog = Mastigophora woodsii

Mastigophora vrieseana (Sande Lac.) Schiffn. = Mastigophora diclados

Megaceros grandis (Ångstr.) Steph. = Megaceros flagellaris

Metahygrobiella stolonacea (Herzog) R.M.Schust. ≡ Cephalozia stolonacea

Metzgeria decipiens (C.Massal.) Schiffn. = Metzgeria ciliata

Metzgeria hamatiformis Schiffn. = Metzgeria leptoneura var. leptoneura

Metzgeriopsis pusilla K.I.Goebel = Cololejeunea metzgeriopsis

Microlejeunea microstipula Steph. = Lejeunea exilis

Microlejeunea parallela Schiffn. = Metalejeunea cucullata

Microlejeunea ternatensis (Gottsche) Herzog nom. inval. ≡ Drepanolejeunea ternatensis

Microlepidozia gonyotricha (Sande Lac.) Del Ros. ≡ Kurzia gonyotricha

Nardia ariadne (Taylor) Schiffn. ≡ Solenostoma ariadne

Nardia comata (Nees) Schiffn. ≡ Solenostoma comatum

Noguchia opposita (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Inoue ≡ Chiastocaulon oppositum

Omphalanthus umbilicatus (Nees) Nees ≡ Lejeunea umbilicata

Otolejeunea semperiana (Steph.) Grolle ≡ Allorgella semperiana

Paraschistochila neesii (Mont.) R.M.Schust. ≡ Schistochila neesii

Phaeoceros hirticalyx (Steph.) J.Haseg. ≡ Phaeomegaceros hirticalyx

Phaeoceros laevis subsp. carolinianus (Michx.) Prosk. ≡ Phaeoceros carolinianus

Phaeoceros polyandrus (Steph.) J.Haseg. = Phaeomegaceros hirticalyx

Phragmicoma fertilis (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Nees ex Mont. ≡ Acrolejeunea fertilis

Phragmicoma ligulata (Lehm. et Lindenb.) Gottsche, Lindenb. et Nees ≡ Thysananthus ligulatus

Phragmicoma reniloba Gottsche ≡ Caudalejeunea reniloba

Physocolea ciliatilobula (Schiffn.) Steph. = Cololejeunea inflectens

Physocolea hamata (Steph.) Steph. ≡ Cololejeunea hamata

Plagiochila acanthophylla Gottsche = Plagiochila sciophila

Plagiochila bantamensis var. γ denticulata Sande Lac. = Plagiochila kurzii

Plagiochila batjanensis Schiffn. ex Herzog = Plagiochila teysmannii

Plagiochila belangeriana Lindenb. = Plagiochila arbuscula

Plagiochila blepharophora var. major (Schiffn.) Bonner = Plagiochila sandei

Plagiochila brauniana (Nees) Lindenb. ≡ Chiastocaulon braunianum

Plagiochila ceramica Inoue = Plagiochila pulvinata

Plagiochila comata (Nees) Lindenb. ≡ Solenostoma comatum

Plagiochila decidua Inoue et Grolle = Plagiochila sciophila

Plagiochila dendroides (Nees) Lindenb. ≡ Chiastocaulon dendroides

Plagiochila frondescens var. tenerrima (Nees) Schiffn. = Plagiochila frondescens

Plagiochila frondescens α tenerrima (Nees) Lindenb. = Plagiochila frondescens

Plagiochila frondescens γ rigida (Nees) Lindenb. = Plagiochila frondescens

Plagiochila gedeana Schiffn. = Plagiochila hampeana

Plagiochila novae-guineae Sande Lac. = Plagiochila chauviniana

Plagiochila opposita (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Lindenb. ≡ Chiastocaulon oppositum

Plagiochila opposita var. β falcata (Nees) Schiffn. ≡ Plagiochila conjugata var. falcata

Plagiochila opposita var. γ filiformis (Lindenb.) Schiffn. = Chiastocaulon oppositum

Plagiochila opposita β falcata (Nees) Lindenb. ≡ Plagiochila conjugata var. falcata

Plagiochila opposita γ filiformis Lindenb. nom. inval. = Chiastocaulon oppositum

Plagiochila pseudaberrans Inoue et Grolle = Plagiochila gymnoclada

Plagiochila seemannii Mitt. = Plagiochila sandei

Plagiochila semialata Sande Lac. = Plagiochila teysmannii

Plagiochila singularis Schiffn. ≡ Dinckleria singularis

Plagiochila trapezoidea var. β tenera (Nees) Schiffn. = Dinckleria singularis

Plagiochila trapezoidea var. γ major (Lindenb.) Schiffn. = Plagiochila gigantea laxior

Plagiochila trapezoidea β tenera (Nees) Lindenb. = Dinckleria singularis

Plagiochila trapezoidea γ major Lindenb. nom. illeg. = Plagiochila gigantea laxior

Plagiochila variegata Lindenb. = Syzygiella securifolia

Plagiochilion braunianum (Nees) S.Hatt. ≡ Chiastocaulon braunianum

Plagiochilion fimbriatum (Mitt.) Inoue ≡ Chiastocaulon fimbriatum

Plagiochilion oppositum (Reinw., Blume et Nees) S.Hatt. ≡ Chiastocaulon oppositum

Plectocolea ariadne (Taylor) Mitt. ≡ Solenostoma ariadne

Plectocolea comata (Nees) S.Hatt. ≡ Solenostoma comatum

Porella acutifolia var. subligulifera S.Hatt. = Porella acutifolia var. acutifolia

Psiloclada unguligera Schiffn. = Psiloclada clandestina subsp. clandestina

Ptychanthus javanicus Nees = Ptychanthus striatus var. striatus

Ptychanthus moluccensis Sande Lac. = Ptychanthus striatus var. striatus

Ptychanthus squarrosus Mont. = Ptychanthus striatus

Ptychocoleus brunneus Steph. = Acrolejeunea pycnoclada subsp. pycnoclada

Ptychocoleus cumingianus (Mont.) Trevis. ≡ Schiffneriolejeunea cumingiana

Ptychocoleus densifolius (Schiffn. ex P.Syd.) Steph. nom. illeg. = Schiffneriolejeunea pulopenangensis

Ptychocoleus haskarlianus (Gottsche) Steph. ≡ Schiffneriolejeunea tumida var. haskarliana

Ptychocoleus pulopenangensis (Gottsche) Trevis. ≡ Schiffneriolejeunea pulopenangensis

Ptychocoleus pycnocladus (Taylor) Steph. ≡ Acrolejeunea pycnoclada

Ptychocoleus tener Steph. = Acrolejeunea fertilis

Pycnolejeunea badia Steph. = Lepidolejeunea bidentula

Pycnolejeunea ceylanica (Gottsche) Schiffn. ≡ Cheilolejeunea ceylanica

Pycnolejeunea ceylanica (Gottsche) Steph. nom. inval. ≡ Cheilolejeunea ceylanica

Pycnolejeunea connivens (Gottsche) Gottsche ex Schiffn. nom. inval. = Pycnolejeunea connivens

Pycnolejeunea decurvifolia (Steph.) Steph. = Lepidolejeunea bidentula

Pycnolejeunea demissa Steph. ex Kachroo et R.M.Schust. nom. inval. = Cheilolejeunea longidens

Pycnolejeunea falsinervis (Sande Lac.) Schiffn. ≡ Cheilolejeunea falsinervis

Pycnolejeunea gigantea Steph. ≡ Cheilolejeunea gigantea

Pycnolejeunea incisa (Gottsche) Schiffn. ≡ Cheilolejeunea incisa

Pycnolejeunea meyeniana (Nees, Lindenb. et Gottsche) Steph. nom. inval. = Cheilolejeunea trapezia

Pycnolejeunea schwaneckei Steph. nom. inval. = Pycnolejeunea schwaneckei

Pycnolejeunea trapezia (Nees) Schiffn. ≡ Cheilolejeunea trapezia

Pycnolejeunea ventricosa (Schiffn.) Schiffn. ex P.Syd. = Cheilolejeunea ventricosa

Pycnolejeunea ventricosa Schiffn. nom. inval. = Cheilolejeunea ventricosa

Radula campanigera Mont. ≡ Cladoradula campanigera

Radula ceramensis Steph. = Radula javanica

Radula formosa var. pycnolejeuneoides (Schiffn.) N.Kitag. = Radula formosa

Radula ovalifolia Steph. = Radula javanica

Radula pycnolejeuneoides Schiffn. = Radula formosa

Radula subsimilis Steph. = Radula reflexa

Radula wallichiana Lehm. = Radula javanica

Rhaphidolejeunea longicruris (Steph.) Herzog ≡ Drepanolejeunea longicruris

Riccardia pinguis (L.) Gray ≡ Aneura pinguis

Saccogyna rigidula (Nees) Schiffn. ≡ Saccogynidium rigidulum

Saccogynidium jugatum (Mitt.) Grolle = Saccogynidium rigidulum

Schiffneriolejeunea haskarliana (Gottsche) Gradst. ≡ Schiffneriolejeunea tumida var. haskarliana

Schisma divaricatum Herzog = Herbertus sendtneri

Schisma pilifera (Schiffn.) Steph. = Herbertus pilifer

Schisma piligerum Steph. nom. inval. = Herbertus pilifer

Schistochila amboinensis Steph. = Schistochila beccariana

Schistochila formosana Horik. = Schistochila blumei

Schistochila graeffeana J.B.Jack et Steph. = Schistochila aligera

Schistochila inversa Herzog = Schistochila sciurea

Schistochila philippinensis (Mont.) J.B.Jack et Steph. nom. inval. = Schistochila aligera

Schistochila philippinensis (Mont.) Steph. = Schistochila aligera

Schistochila philippinensis var. transiens H.Buch nom. inval. = Schistochila aligera

Schistochila purpurascens Herzog = Schistochila acuminata

Schistochila recurvata H.Buch nom. inval. = Schistochila aligera

Schistochila sciurea f. robustior Schiffn. = Schistochila sciurea

Schistochilaster aliger (Nees et Blume) H.A.Mill. ≡ Schistochila aligera

Schistochilaster graeffeanus (J.B.Jack et Steph.) H.A.Mill. = Schistochila aligera

Schistochilaster philippinensis (Mont.) H.A.Mill. = Schistochila aligera

Sendtnera diclados α scorpioides (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Nees = Mastigophora diclados

Sendtnera diclados β calcarata (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Gottsche, Lindenb. et Nees nom. inval. = Mastigophora diclados

Sendtnera vrieseana Sande Lac. = Mastigophora diclados

Spruceanthus marianus (Gottsche) Mizut. ≡ Cheilolejeunea mariana

Stenolejeunea dentata (Steph.) Pócs ≡ Lejeunea stenodentata

Strepsilejeunea cavistipula Steph. ≡ Pycnolejeunea cavistipula

Symphyogynopsis filicum (Nadeaud) Grolle = Symphyogynopsis gottscheana

Syzygiella variegata (Lindenb.) Spruce = Syzygiella securifolia

Taxilejeunea albescens Steph. ≡ Lejeunea albescens

Taxilejeunea karstenii Steph. = Lejeunea lumbricoides

Taxilejeunea laxiretis (Steph.) Eifrig = Lejeunea sordida

Taxilejeunea lumbricoides (Nees) Steph. ≡ Lejeunea lumbricoides

Taxilejeunea sordida (Nees) Eifrig ≡ Lejeunea sordida

Telaranea cuneifolia (Steph.) J.J.Engel et G.L.Merr. ≡ Neolepidozia cuneifolia

Telaranea kogiana (Steph.) Grolle ≡ Tricholepidozia kogiana

Telaranea neesii (Lindenb.) Fulford ≡ Tricholepidozia neesii

Telaranea wallichiana (Gottsche) R.M.Schust. ≡ Neolepidozia wallichiana

Thysananthus renilobus (Gottsche) Schiffn. ≡ Caudalejeunea reniloba

Thysananthus undulatus (Gradst. et Grolle) Sukkharak nom. inval. = Thysananthus frauenfeldii

Trachylejeunea cavistipula (Steph.) Steph. ≡ Pycnolejeunea cavistipula

Trichocolea breviseta Steph. ≡ Leiomitra breviseta

Trichocolea striolata Steph. = Trichocolea pluma

Trichocolea tomentella var. javanica (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Schiffn. = Trichocolea pluma

Xenolejeunea ceylanica (Gottsche) Tixier nom. illeg. ≡ Cheilolejeunea ceylanica

Zoopsis rigida Pearson = Zoopsis setulosa


The first author would like to thank the Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP), the Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia (NIB 20230722199822) for the funding support, Dewi Rosalina for technical assistance during the research at BO, and Alex Sumadijaya for a valuable discussion. The Biodiversity Heritage Library is acknowledged for the facility they provide that has greatly accelerated our efforts. The generous support by the National Science Foundation (Award No. 2001509) is gratefully acknowledged. Support by the Deputy for Facilitation of Research and Innovation, National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia (BRIN) (2860/II.7/HK.01.00/8/2022 No. 33) is also acknowledged.

Additional information

Conflict of interest

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Ethical statement

No ethical statement was reported.


This study was supported by the National Science Foundation (Award No. 2001509), the Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP), the Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia (NIB 20230722199822), and Deputy for Facilitation of Research and Innovation, National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia (BRIN) (2860/II.7/HK.01.00/8/2022 No. 33).

Author contributions

Conceptualization: MK, AN. Data curation: AH, LS. Formal analysis: LS. Methodology: MK. Resources: FSF, AN, IH. Visualization: LS. Writing - original draft: AN, MK. Writing - review and editing: AN, IH, AH, FSF, LS.

Author ORCIDs

Ainun Nadhifah

Ida Haerida

Fandri Sofiana Fastanti

Lars Söderström

Matt von Konrat

Data availability

All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text.


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  • Hattori S (1952) Hepaticae of Shikoku and Kyushu, southern Japan (2). The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 8: 21–46. [四国, 九州の苔類(其二)]
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