Research Article |
Corresponding author: Ying Liu ( ) Academic editor: Marcelo Reginato
© 2024 Ying Liu, Jin-Hong Dai, Qi-Yuan Zhuang, Chun-Yu Zou, Kai-Nan Ma.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Liu Y, Dai J-H, Zhuang Q-Y, Zou C-Y, Ma K-N (2024) Resurrection of Perilimnastes (Sonerileae, Melastomataceae) with description of a new species P. nana. PhytoKeys 238: 11-31.
Recent research has indicated that the Phyllagathis (raphides) clade (Sonerileae, Melastomataceae) is only distantly related to the type of Phyllagathis and should be separated as a distinct genus. Phylogeny of this clade is here reconstructed with expanded taxon sampling. Four strongly supported subclades have been identified. The possible affinities of taxa that were not sampled in the analysis are discussed, based on morphological data. Perilimnastes is resurrected as the generic name of the Phyllagathis (raphides) clade. A generic description, colour figures, map of distribution, a list of included species and a key are provided for Perilimnastes. Fifteen new combinations are made plus the description of a new species. As interpreted here, Perilimnastes consists of twenty species and two varieties.
Melastomataceae, Perilimnastes, Phyllagathis, taxonomy
The genus Perilimnastes Ridl. was initially established based on P. fruticosa (Ridl.) Ridl. (
The partitioned Maximum Likelihood (ML) phylogenetic tree inferred from the genomic SNP dataset using IQ-TREE, showing the four subclades within Perilimnastes [Phyllagathis (raphide) clade]. For the nodes without full support, values from SH-aLRT test (left) and ultrafast bootstrap (right) are given at the nodes. The new species is indicated with a star. Lineages with raphides are noted with solid circles.
This work aims to formalize the taxonomic treatment of the Phyllagathis (raphides) clade. To this end, we reconstructed the phylogeny of this clade with expanded taxon sampling, using a nuclear genomic dataset assembled by mapping the genome resequencing reads to the draft genome of Bredia hirsuta Blume. We also discussed putative affinities based on morphological data for species that were not sampled in the phylogenetic analysis. Perilimnastes is resurrected as the generic name of the Phyllagathis (raphides) clade. A generic description, colour figures, map of distribution, a list of included species and a key are provided for Perilimnastes. Fifteen new combinations are made plus the description of a new species from southern China. Perilimnastes, as we here delimit it, now consists of twenty species and two varieties.
For phylogenetic reconstruction of the Phyllagathis (raphides) clade, ingroups and outgroup were selected according to the genomic tree of Sonerileae (
For DNA extraction, library preparation, whole genome resequencing and quality control of the raw reads, methods employed in this study followed the protocols outlined in
Maximum Likelihood analysis of the genomic dataset was performed using a partitioned approach in IQ-TREE v.2.0.3 (
Morphological data were obtained through fieldwork, herbarium records, literature survey and observation of living plants in the facilities of Sun Yat-sen University. We examined specimens or their high-resolution photos of the relevant species from the following herbaria: A, BM, C, E, G, GXMI, IBSC, IBK, K, KUN, NY, P, PE, SYS and US. Species delimitation mainly followed
After SNP filtering and pruning, the genomic dataset contained 2,412,522 SNPs, 1,667,363 of which were parsimony informative, with 26.46% of missing data (available at The partitioned genomic ML tree was presented in Fig.
Four well-supported lineages were identified within the Phyllagathis (raphides) clade, but relationships amongst them were only moderately supported (SH-aLRT test = 100%, UFBS = 92%; SH-aLRT test = 100%, UFBS = 92%). Subclade 1 contains Perilimnastes multisepala J.H.Dai, T.V.Do & Ying Liu from central Vietnam, Phyllagathis setotheca H.L.Li from southern China and a new species from Guangdong, China, namely Perilimnastes nana C.Y.Zou & Ying Liu. The three species are characterised by large flowers (> 20 mm in diameter), large anthers (> 8 mm long) and the presence of druses (instead of raphides). Subclade 2 consists of two species from Hainan Island, China [Phyllagathis stenophylla (Merr. & Chun) H.L.Li and P. melastomatoides (Merr. & Chun) W.C.Ko] and two from central Vietnam (P. suberalata C.Hansen and P. sessilifolia C.Hansen). Species in this subclade varied in the morphology of leaves and flowers, but they all have druses and yellow connectives that produced into a collar at the anther base. Subclade 3 comprises two species from Borneo [Phyllagathis dispar (Cogn.) C.Hansen and P. elliptica Stapf] and three newly-published species from central and southern Vietnam (Perilimnastes setipetiola J.H.Dai, T.V.Do & Ying Liu, P. uniflora J.H.Dai, T.V.Do & Ying Liu and P. banaensis J.H.Dai, T.V.Do & Ying Liu). These species are morphologically quite different, yet all of them have raphide crystals, somewhat elliptic leaf blade and at least some have terminal and axillary umbels with very short or no peduncles. Subclade 4 consists of five taxa mainly distributed in southern China, viz. Phyllagathis deltoidea C.Chen, P. elegans Hai L.Chen, Yan Liu & Ying Liu, P. ternata C.Chen, P. ovalifolia H.L.Li and P. calisaurea C.Chen (currently synonymised under P. ovalifolia). These species have raphides and share obvious similarities in the inflorescences with 1–3.5 cm long peduncles and purple anthers with a short dorsal spur and without ventral appendages.
Perilimnastes fruticosa, Phyllagathis guillauminii H.L.Li, Phyllagathis brookei M.P.Nayar and Perilimnastes rupicola M.P.Nayar, four putative members of the Phyllagathis (raphides) clade, have never been included in phylogenetic studies. Nevertheless, they can be easily referred to specific lineages within this clade, based on compelling morphological evidence. Perilimnastes fruticosa from the Malay Peninsula closely resembles P. multisepala from subclade 1 and P. stenophylla and P. suberalata from subclade 2. The four species are shrubs characterised by somewhat oblong-lanceolate, 3-veined leaf blades, few-flowered inflorescences, narrow calyx lobes and the presence of druses. Moreover, they grow in similar habitats, specifically on rocks along streams in dense forests. Perilimnastes fruticosa is possibly a member of subclade 1 or subclade 2. Raphides have been found in the tissues of P. guillauminii (southern Vietnam), P. brookei (Borneo) and P. rupicola (Borneo). The three species can be confidently referred to subclade 3 since all Vietnamese and Bornean species with raphides were consistently recovered as members of this subclade in phylogenetic analyses (
Another species, P. marumiaetricha (Guillaumin) C.Hansen, was listed as a putative member of the Phyllagathis (raphides) clade by
Molecular phylogenetic data and morphological evidence support the Phyllagathis (raphides) clade as a distinct lineage encompassing species distributed in southernmost China, Vietnam, the Malay Peninsula and Borneo. Perilimnastes is, therefore, resurrected below as the generic name for this clade. For a comparison of Perilimnastes [the Phyllagathis (raphides) clade] and other lineages of Asian Sonerileae, please see table S9 in
Perilimnastes fruticosa (Ridl.) Ridl., J. Straits Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc. 79: 70, in obs. 1918; Ridley, Fl. Mal. Penins. 1: 773. 1922.
Erect shrubs, erect/ascending shrublets or caulescent herbs, sometimes with raphides in many parts. Stems terete, obtusely 4-sided or ribbed, with uniseriate or multiseriate, appressed or spreading hairs, rarely glabrous. Leaves opposite, equal, subequal or unequal in a pair, petiolate, rarely sessile (in P. sessilifolia); leaf blades elliptic, ovate, elliptic-lanceolate, obovate, oblanceolate or suborbicular, submembranous, papery or stiffly papery, 3–7-nerved, base cuneate, acute, rounded, subcordate to broadly cordate, margin entire or inconspicuously serrulate or denticulate. Inflorescences usually terminal (rarely axillary) umbels subtended by two or more bracts, many- to few-flowered, sometimes reduced to a single flower. Flowers 4-merous; hypanthia ± campanulate, cup-shaped or funnel-shaped; calyx lobes triangular, ± attenuate to ligulate or linear; petals white, pink or purplish, obovate, ovate, oblong, or elliptic, more or less oblique, apex acute or acuminate; stamens 8, equal or subequal; anthers isomorphic, yellow, pinkish or purplish, narrowly ovate to lanceolate, curved to ventral side, connectives ventrally inappendiculate and dorsally spurred, or basally forming a collar with two ventral auricles/lobes/ridges and a dorsal spur; ovary half inferior, ovoid, 4-celled, crown of four partly or fully connate lobes; style filiform. Old capsule cup-shaped, campanulate, quadrangular, crown persistent and enlarged, enclosing an obpyramidal space; placental column 4-horned; placentas thready. Seeds numerous, minute, cuneate. (Figs
Inflorescence (A, B), longitudinal section of flower (C, D), anther morphology (E), infructescence (F), and longitudinal sections of young and old capsules (G, H) of Perilimnastes A P. setotheca B P. ternata C P. sessilifolia D P. setotheca E P. elliptica, P. ternata, P. ovalifolia, P. setipetiola, P. multisepala, P. nana, P. sessilifolia and P. stenophylla (from left to right and top to bottom) F P. elliptica G P. ovalifolia H P. ovalifolia. Scale bars: 5 mm (C–E); 3 mm (G, H).
Twenty species and two varieties, eight species (seven endemic) and two varieties in southernmost China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan), eight (seven endemic) in Vietnam, one on the Malay Peninsula and four in Borneo (Fig.
Vietnam. Đà Nẵng: Hòa Ninh, Ba Na Hills, 1,360 m elevation, in forests on damp slopes near steam, 22 Nov 2019, Jin-hong Dai and Ying Liu 813 (holotype: PE; isotypes: A, SYS, VNMN).
Phyllagathis brookei M.P.Nayar, J. Jap. Bot. 51(8): 232. 1976 (Basionym). Type: Malaysia. Sarawak: Bilengki, Bakelalan, 16 Aug 1955, W.M.A Brooke 10416 (holotype: BM! [BM000019481]).
Phyllagathis deltoidea C.Chen, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 4(3): 48. 1984 [“deltoda”] (Basionym). Type: China. Guangxi: Ningming, Mingjiang, Aidian, Gongmushan, 4,000 feet elev., 16 Dec 1935, H.H.Soo 68119 (holotype: IBSC! [IBSC0003993]; isotypes: IBK! [IBK00190675, IBK00190676]).
Anerincleistus dispar Cogn. ex Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. (Boerlage) i. 2: 531. 1890; et in DC. Monog. Phan. vii: 479. 1891 (Basionym). Type: Malaysia. Sarawak: O.Beccari 2400 (holotype: FI; isotypes: K! [K000867722], P! [P02274765]).
Phyllagathis dispar (Cogn.) C.Hansen, Nordic J. Bot. 2(6): 559. 1983.
Phyllagathis uniflora Stapf, Hooker’s Icon. Pl. 23: t. 2280. 1894. Type: Malaysia. Sabah: Kinabalu, 1892, G.D.Haviland 1172 (holotype: K! [K000867723]; isotypes: K! [K000867724], SAR, SING).
Phyllagathis uniflora var. longiloba M.P.Nayar, J. Jap. Bot. 51(8): 233. 1976. Type: Malaysia. Sabah: Kinabalu, Ulu Langanani, Sungei Mamut, 4,500 feet elev., 8 Aug 1961 W.L.Chew, E.J.H.Corner, and A.Stainton 1262 (holotype: K! [K000867721]; isotypes: L, SAR, SING).
Phyllagathis elegans Hai L.Chen, Yan Liu & Ying Liu, Phytotaxa 509(2): 225. 2021 (Basionym). Type: China. Guangxi: Dongxing County, Ma-lu Town, Ping-feng Village, Yuan-ling, Shi-men Valley, on rocks and along grassy streamside in forests, 400–450 m elev., 9 Sept 2020, H.L.Chen, S.Y.Nong, and J.Q.Huang JHC343 (holotype: IBK!; isotypes: A!, IBSC!, PE!)
Phyllagathis elliptica
Stapf, Hooker’s Icon. Pl. 23: t. 2279. 1894 (Basionym). Type: Malaysia. Sabah: Kinabalu, G.D.Haviland 1286 (lectotype, designated by
Anerincleistus fruticosus Ridl., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. xxxviii. 309. 1908 (Basionym). Type: Malaysia. Pahang: Gunong Tahan, 2 Jul 1905, L.Wray and H.C.Robinson 5453 (lectotype, designated here: BM! [BM000565932]; isolectotypes: K! [K000867593, K000867594], CAL).
Phyllagathis fruticosa (Ridl.) C.Hansen ex Cellin., Blumea 47(3): 473. 2002.
When publishing A. fruticosus,
Phyllagathis guillauminii
H.L.Li, J. Arnold Arbor. 25: 29, in obs. 1944 (Basionym). Type: Cochinchine. Bien Hoa, Bao Chiang, L.Pierre s.n. (lectotype, designated by
Phyllagathis hirsuta Guillaumin, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 2: 325, 1913, non Cogn. (1894).
Osbeckia melastomatoides
Merr. & Chun, Sunyatsenia 2: 293. 1935 (Basionym). Type: China. Hainan: Mo San Leng, 21 Nov 1932, N.K.Chun and C.L.Tso 44310 (lectotype, designated by
Phyllagathis melastomatoides (Merr. & Chun) W.C.Ko, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 8(3): 267. 1963.
Phyllagathis melastomatoides var. brevipes W.C.Ko, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 8(3): 268. 1963 (Basionym). Type: China. Hainan: Ya Hsien, Yulinwan, 15 Nov 1933, C.Wang 35035 (holotype: HC; isotypes: IBK! [IBK00129997], IBSC! [IBSC0246912, IBSC0003951], NY! [NY00079855]).
Vietnam. Quảng Nam Province: Đại Lộc, about 400 m south of Khu Du Lich Sinh Thai Khe Lim, along newly opened road, 574 m elevation, on rocks along a stream, 23 Nov 2019, Jin-hong Dai and Ying Liu 821 (holotype: PE; isotypes: A, SYS, VNMN).
Phyllagathis ovalifolia H.L.Li, J. Arnold Arbor. 25: 31. 1944 (Basionym). Type: China. Yunnan: Ping-pien Hsien, 1,400 m, 7 Aug 1934, Tsai 61456 (holotype: A! [A00055329]; isotypes: PE! [PE00781713, PE00781714]).
Phyllagathis calisaurea C.Chen, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 4(3): 45. 1984. Type: China. Guangxi: Jingxi, Nanpo, Diding, 20 Jun 1978, T. Fang and X. H. Lu 23672 (holotype: GXMI! [GXMI050227]; isotype: GXMI! [GXMI050228]).
Phyllagathis ovalifolia var. pauciflora R.H.Miao, Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Sunyatseni 32(4): 61. 1993. Type: China. Yunnan: Maguan County, Z.R.Xu and B.Li GL86-7974 (holotype: SYS! [SYS00103897]).
Phyllagathis calisaurea was described, based on specimens collected in western Guangxi, China (
Anerincleistus rupicola (M.P.Nayar) J.F.Maxwell, Gard. Bull. Singapore 35(2): 215. 1983.
Phyllagathis rupicola (M.P.Nayar) C.Hansen ex Cellin., Blumea 48(1): 92. 2003.
Malaysia. Sarawak: Mt Dulit, Ulu Koyan, alt. 800 m, 16 Sept 1932, S.Synge 503 (holotype: K! [K000867704]).
Phyllagathis sessilifolia C.Hansen, Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat., B, Adansonia Sér. 4, 12(1): 39. 1990 (Basionym). Type: Indochine. Annam: Nui Bach Ma station d’altitude de Huê, 6 Sept 1938, E.Poilane 27614 (holotype: P! [P02274752]; isotypes: P! [P02274753, P02274754]).
Vietnam. Lâm Đồng Province: Đà Lạt, Bidoup Nui Ba National Park, 1,500–1,700 m elevation, at damp places under forest, 29 Nov 2019, Jin-hong Dai and Ying Liu 836 (holotype: PE; isotypes: A, SYS, VNMN).
Phyllagathis setotheca H.L.Li, J. Arnold Arbor. 25: 32. 1944 (Basionym). Type: China. Guangxi: Shih Wan Tai Shan, 21 Jul 1937, H.Y.Liang 69817 (holotype: A! [A00055328]; isotypes: IBK! [IBK00127588], IBSC! [IBSC0003958], PE! [PE00781748]).
Phyllagathis setotheca var. setotuba C.Chen, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 4(3): 44. 1984 (Basionym). Type: China. Guangdong: Yangjiang, Longgaoshan, 29 May 1956, Wang 41508 (holotype: IBSC! [IBSC0003999]; isotype: IBK! [IBK00127590]).
Bredia stenophylla
Merr. & Chun, Sunyatsenia 5: 146. 1940 (Basionym). Type: China. Hainan: Yaichow, 11 Aug 1933, Liang 62530 (lectotype, designated by
Phyllagathis stenophylla (Merr. & Chun) H.L.Li, J. Arnold Arbor. 25: 32. 1944.
Phyllagathis suberalata C.Hansen, Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat., B, Adansonia Sér. 4, 12(1): 39. 1990 (Basionym). Type: Indochine. Annam: Nui Bach Ma station près de Huê Grande Cascade, 16 Apr 1939, E.Poilane 29758 (holotype: P! [P02274749]; isotypes: P! [P02274750, P02274751]).
Phyllagathis ternata C.Chen, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 4(3): 49. 1984 (Basionym). Type: China. Guangdong: Xinyi, Dadufoshan, stream side, 10 Aug 1931, S.P.Ko 51772 (holotype: IBSC! [IBSC0004000]; isotype: IBSC! [IBSC0223824]).
Phyllagathis xinyiensis Z.J.Feng, J. South China Agr. Univ. 15(4): 75. 1994. Type: China. Guangdong: Xinyi, Dawuling, infra silvis, Z.J.Feng 53621 (holotype: CANT).
Vietnam. Đà Nẵng: Hòa Ninh, Ba Na Hills, 1,360 m elevation, in forests on damp rocks along steam, 22 Nov 2019, Jin-hong Dai and Ying Liu 814 (holotype: PE; isotypes: A, SYS, VNMN).
China. Guangdong Province: Taishan County, Chixi Town, near Zhuxing Village, 200–300 m elevation, amongst rocks along a stream in forests, 15 Jun 2022, Chun-yu Zou 3608 (holotype: IBK; isotypes: IBK, PE).
Resembles P. stenophylla in leaf morphology, but differs in height (to 0.15 m vs. 0.8 m tall), number of flowers per inflorescence (1 vs. 2–3-flowered), length of the peduncle (10–22 mm vs. 4 mm) and the shape of calyx lobes (broadly obovate vs. narrowly triangular). Resembles P. setotheca in having 4-sided branchlets, large and persistent bracts below flower and stamen morphology, but differs in plant size (to 0.15 m vs. 1 m tall), leaf shape and size (oblong-lanceolate or obovate-lanceolate, 1.7–7 × 0.73–2.2 cm vs. oblong-lanceolate, elliptic or obovate, 10–20 × 3–8 cm) and number of flowers per inflorescence (1-flowered vs. 3 to more than 20-flowered).
Perilimnastes nana A habitat B habit C close-up of a branchlet D adaxial leaf surfaces E abaxial leaf surfaces F a flowering branch showing an inflorescence with a single flower and two large bracts G lateral view of a flower H longitudinal section of a flower showing stamen morphology I lateral view of an old capsule with one persistent bract removed J longitudinal section of an old capsule showing enlarged ovary crown and morphology of the placental column and placentas. Scale bars: 5 mm (G–I); 3 mm (J). All from Chun-yu Zou 3608 (IBK, PE).
Dwarf shrubs, much-branched, ascending, to 0.15 m tall, with druses in many parts. Stems and leaves sparsely puberulent with minute brown hairs (with few-celled stalk and a glandular head) when young, glabrous when mature. Stems obtusely 4-sided; branchlets 4-sided, with four ribs and two additional ridges extending from the base of the leaf petioles. Leaves opposite, equal to subequal in a pair, glabrous when mature; petiole 2–22 mm; leaf blade oblong-lanceolate or obovate-lanceolate, 1.7–7 × 0.73–2.2 cm, thick papery, 3-veined, green to dark green adaxially, pale green abaxially, base cuneate, apex acute, margin basally entire and remotely denticulate to repand above the base or the middle. Inflorescences terminal, peduncles 1–2.2 cm long; flower solitary, subtended by one or two pairs of leaf-like bracts, bracts 1–1.8 × 0.7–0.9 cm, persistent in fruit. Flowers 4-merous; pedicel 4-sided, ca. 4 mm long in flower and 4–10 mm in fruit; hypanthia funnel-shaped, glabrous, ca. 7 × 6 mm; calyx lobes 4, broadly obovate, glabrous, 4–5 × 5 mm; petals pinkish-purple, ca. 15 × 7 mm, obovate, oblique, apex acute or short acuminate, glabrous on both sides; stamens 8, isomorphic, filaments 8–10 mm long, white or pink, glabrous, anthers ovate-lanceolate, curved to ventral side, pinkish-purple with yellow base, ca. 9 mm long, connective dorsally forming a 0.7–1 mm long spur and ventrally forming two yellow ridges; ovary ca. 3 mm long, half as long as hypanthium (crown excluded), ovary crown wedge-like, 4-lobed; styles 20 mm long. Old (post-mature) capsules cup-shaped, 7–9 × 4–7 mm, 4-sided; hypanthium 8-ribbed; crown enlarged and enclosing an obpyramidal space; placental column unbeaked, 4-horned; placenta thready.
Flowers in May and June, old capsules in October.
The specific epithet is based on the habit of this species, viz. dwarf shrubs to 15 cm tall.
During a survey of herbarium specimens of Phyllagathis in IBSC, a collection (Ze-xian Li et al. 516) from Taishan, Guangdong, China caught our attention. This plant (P. nana) closely resembles P. stenophylla from Hainan Island in the oblong-lanceolate leaf blades and was misidentified as the latter species. Closer inspection reveals that it has strictly 1-flowered inflorescences and broadly obovate calyx lobes, which distinguishes it from P. stenophylla. Field trips in 2022 and 2023 revealed other differences between the two species, such as plant size and peduncle length. Perilimnastes nana is phylogenetically closest to P. setotheca, a species found in Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan China (Fig.
China. Guangdong Province: Taishan County, Chixi Town, Zhuxing Village, 220 m elevation, 17 Oct 2023, Ying Liu 892 (SYS); Taishan County, Chixi Town, Liugushan, 8 May 1981, Ze-xian Li et al. 516 [IBSC (IBSC0223903)].
1 | Raphides present, appearing on leaf surfaces as whitish oblong spots when dried | 2 |
– | Raphides absent | 13 |
2 | Flowers always solitary | 3 |
– | Flowers often in few-flowered umbels, sometimes or rarely reduced to a solitary flower, rarely many-flowered | 4 |
3 | With sparse minute brown glands on branchlets and leaves when young, glabrescent; leaf blade obovate to obovate-lanceolate, base cuneate to narrowly cuneate | P. uniflora |
– | With uniseriate, pale brown hyaline hairs on branchlets and leaves; leaf blade elliptic, base acute to rounded | P. dispar |
4 | Leaf blades broadly obovate to suborbicular, 2.5–3.5 cm long | P. brookei |
– | Leaf blades ovate, elliptic, narrowly elliptic, or elliptic-lanceolate, often > 4 cm long | 5 |
5 | Inflorescence sessile or nearly sessile | 6 |
– | Inflorescence with 1–3.5 cm long peduncles | 10 |
6 | Leaf blades narrowly elliptic | 7 |
– | Leaf blades broadly elliptic or elliptic | 8 |
7 | Hypanthia with sparse minute brown glands; anthers yellow | P. rupicola |
– | Hypanthia with sparse minute brown glands and dense patent brown bristles; anthers purplish | P. guillauminii |
8 | Petioles densely villous with appressed, brown hyaline hairs, without bristles | P. banaensis |
– | Petioles with bristles | 9 |
9 | Mature stem with curly retrorse bristles; leaf bases rounded to broadly rounded; anthers yellowish | P. elliptica |
– | Mature stem glabrescent; leaf bases cuneate; anthers pinkish | P. setipetiola |
10 | Stems hirsute with crooked, multiseriate hairs | 11 |
– | Stems hirsute with straight, multiseriate hairs | 12 |
11 | Leaf blade oblanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, 4.8–14 × 1.1–2.7 cm; peduncle pubescent with minute, appressed hairs | P. elegans |
– | Leaf blade elliptic to long elliptic, 5–13 × 1.5–4 cm; peduncle pubescent with spreading hairs | P. deltoidea |
12 | Stems retrorse hirsute with multiseriate hairs or pubescent with hyaline uniseriate hairs; leaf blade 7–18 × (2–)3–8.5 cm | P. ovalifolia |
– | Stems densely setose with multiseriate hairs; leaf blade 5–8 × 2.5–4 cm | P. ternata |
13 | Leaf base broadly cordate | P. sessilifolia |
– | Leaf base broadly cuneate, cuneate, or acuminate | 14 |
14 | Mature stems and leaves with appressed or ascending bristles | P. melastomatoides |
– | Mature stems and leaves glabrous | 15 |
15 | Leaves unequal, rarely subequal, in a pair | P. suberalata |
– | Leaves usually equal or subequal in a pair | 16 |
16 | Leaf blades 10–20 × 3–8 cm; inflorescences subtended by an involucre of several bracts (often 4) | P. setotheca |
– | Leaf blades 2.8–10(–14) × 0.6–2.4(–4.2) cm; inflorescences subtended by a pair of small leaves/bracts | 17 |
17 | Calyx lobes 4–8 | P. multisepala |
– | Calyx lobes 4 | 18 |
18 | Dwarf shrubs to 15 cm tall; inflorescence 1-flowered | P. nana |
– | Shrubs to 80–100 cm tall; inflorescence 1–4-flowered | 19 |
19 | Calyx lobes ca. 3 mm long, not keeled; anthers purplish | P. stenophylla |
– | Calyx lobes 4–7 mm long, keeled; anthers yellow | P. fruticosa |
We are grateful to Dr. David E. Boufford and Dr. Frank Almeda for their valuable comments on the manuscript.
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
No ethical statement was reported.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grants 32170220) and Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (grant 2021A1515011214).
Methodology: YL. Field work: YL, JHD, CYZ, KNM. Data analysis: YL, QYZ. Writing: YL, JHD, QYZ.
Ying Liu
Jin-Hong Dai
Qi-Yuan Zhuang
Chun-Yu Zou
Kai-Nan Ma
All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text or Supplementary Information.
Source of materials studied
Data type: xlsx
Explanation note: The name of the new species is indicated in bold.