Research Article |
Corresponding author: Yu-Hang Li ( ) Corresponding author: Jun-Xiang Lai ( ) Academic editor: Wolf-Henning Kusber
© 2024 Lang Li, Qun-Zhuan Nong, Chang-Ping Chen, Yu-Hang Li, Jun-Xiang Lai.
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Li L, Nong Q-Z, Chen C-P, Li Y-H, Lai J-X (2024) Two new diatom species of the genus Gomphonemopsis (Bacillariophyceae) from the coast of China and two new combinations for the genus. PhytoKeys 239: 255-266.
Two new diatom species belonging to the genus Gomphonemopsis are described, Gomphonemopsis nana sp. nov. and Gomphonemopsis gaoi sp. nov. These two species were compared in detail with congeners. Gomphonemopsis nana is distinguished by its high stria density and small size. This species was found so far to be epiphytic only on the eelgrass collected from Qingdao Bay (Yellow Sea). Gomphonemopsis gaoi is characterized by its isopolar valves, simple proximal raphe endings and acutely rounded apices. This taxon was separated from the exoskeleton of marine copepods sampled from the Futian Mangrove Nature Reserve (South China Sea). In addition, two new combinations, Gomphonemopsis oahuensis (Hustedt) Lang Li, Yuhang Li & Changping Chen, comb. nov. and Gomphonemopsis platypus (Østrup) Lang Li, Yuhang Li & Junxiang Lai, comb. nov. are proposed. This study increases the records and knowledge of Gomphonemopsis along the coast of China.
Diatom, Gomphonemopsis, new species, South China Sea, Yellow Sea
Marine gomphonemoid diatoms are a complex of heteropolar biraphid taxa that are morphologically significantly different from Gomphonema Ehrenberg in freshwater environments. The concept was first proposed by Medlin and Round in 1986. Since then, this particular group has included several diatom genera, such as Cuneolus Giffen, Gomphonemopsis Medlin, Gomphoseptatum Medlin, Pseudogomphonema Medlin, Tripterion R.W.Holmes, S.Nagasawa & H.Takano, Epiphalaina R.W.Holmes, S.Nagasawa & H.Takano, Tursiocola R.W.Holmes, S.Nagasawa & H.Takano, Chelonicola Majewska, De Stefano & Van de Vijver and Poulinea Majewska, De Stefano & Van de Vijver (
The genus Gomphonemopsis was established and separated from Gomphonema based on its morphological features of uniseriate striae, transapically elongated areolae occluded by hymenes, coaxial proximal raphe endings, straight internal raphe fissures, absence of septate valvocopulae and pseudoseptate valves, and lacking stigmata, terminal raphe fissures and basal pore fields (
Up to now, there are four species of Gomphonemopsis reported in China (
Samples were collected at the Qingdao Bay (36°3'33.45"N, 120°18'56.26"E), Qingdao City, the Yellow Sea on 11 October 2022 and at the No. 3 fishing pond (22°31'28.11"N, 114°0'41.37"E) in the Futian Mangrove Nature Reserve, the South China Sea on 14 November 2016. Qingdao Bay is situated in the south of Qingdao City, which lies in the north temperate monsoon zone. This is an open gulf with a natural eelgrass (Zostera marina Linnaeus) bed. The average water depth of Qingdao Bay is about 3.50 m, and the tides here are semidiurnal with an average tidal range of about 2.78 m (
At the site of Qingdao Bay, samples of Z. marina were collected by hand at low tide. The eelgrasses were sealed into a Ziploc bag and brought back to the laboratory for further processing. Simultaneously, the temperature and salinity in situ were measured with a thermometer and a refractometer (RHS-10ATC), respectively. In the mangrove reserve, samples of marine copepods were taken with a hand net (166 μm) from the No. 3 fishing pond at high tide. Copepods were collected from the bottom of the net and preserved in 5% seawater formalin immediately. Measurements of water temperature and salinity were performed using a U-5000 multi-parameter meter (Horiba, Japan).
Upon return to the laboratory, both samples of eelgrasses and copepods were gently washed with filtered (0.45 μm) seawater for removal of detritus and free microalgae. Diatom cells were separated from host tissues by treating with ultrasound at 300 W for 25 s (
Terminology follows
Comparison of measurements and habitats among Gomphonemopsis species, modified from
Species | Length (μm) | Width (μm) | Striae (10 μm) | Habitat | References (including SEM documentation if available) |
G. nana | 4.0–7.4 | 1.1–1.5 | 26–30 | Marine, epiphytic | This paper |
G. gaoi | 28.5–30.5 | 4.0–5.0 | 24–26 | Brackish, epizoic | This paper |
G. oahuensis | 26 | 3–4 | 25 | Freshwater |
G. domniciae | 6–8 | 1.7–2.5 | 10–18 | Marine to brackish, epiphytic and epilithic |
G. littoralis | 14–22 | 2–3 | 16–19 | Marine, epiphytic |
G. pseudexigua | 3.5–15.0 | 1.5–2.5 | 18–22 | Brackish, epiphytic |
G. exigua | 9–34 | 2–6 | 16–30 | Marine and brackish, epiphytic |
G. platypus | 9.5–24 | 3–4.5 | 17.5–21 | Marine and brackish, epiphytic | Snoeijs and Balasova 1998: SEM fig. 443 |
G. lindae | 16.0–18.5 | 2.5–3.0 | 18–24 | Marine, benthic |
G. ligowskii | 11–17 | 1.5–2.5 | 11–14 | Marine, epiphytic |
G. obscura | 10–17 | 2–3 | 16 | Marine to brackish, epiphytic |
G. novozelandicum | 12–35 | 2–3 | 20–22 | Marine, epiphytic |
G. sieminskae | 9–18 | 2.0–2.5 | 18–22 | Brackish, epiphytic |
Holotype. Slide MBMCAS286906 deposited in the Marine Biological Museum, Chinese Academy of Sciences (MBMCAS), Qingdao, China.
Iconotype. Fig.
Qingdao Bay, Qingdao City, the Yellow Sea (36°3'33.45"N, 120°18'56.26"E). Collected from the blades of seagrass Zostera marina by Lang Li, 11 October 2022.
Gomphonemopsis nana A–J light micrographs (differential interference contrast, DIC) K–P scanning electron micrographs K external view of an entire valve with hymenes covering areolae, iconotype specimen L external view of an entire valve without hymenes covering areolae, note the girdle bands perforated with two rows of pores (white arrowhead) M external detail of the central area, note the presence of two areolae on the primary side (white arrows) N external detail of the foot pole O internal view of an entire valve P internal detail of the central area. Scale bars: 5 μm (A–J); 1 μm (K–O); 0.5 μm (P).
The Latin adjective nana refers to the tiny dimensions of the new species as compared to other Gomphonemopsis species.
Gomphonemopsis nana is an epiphytic species known only from the type locality, where it occurs mainly in the low intertidal region at a temperature of 23.3 °C. The water salinity here was about 30 psu during sampling. Other species that were observed in the same sample include Amphora spp., Navicula spp., Nitzschia spp., G. exigua (Kützing) Medlin, Licmophora californica Grunow, Tabularia parva (Kützing) D.M.Williams & Round, T. fasciculata (C.Agardh) D.M.Williams & Round, Berkeleya rutilans (Trentepohl ex Roth) Grunow, Cocconeis scutellum Ehrenberg and Seminavis robusta Danielidis & D.G.Mann.
- Gomphonemopsis aff. G. exigua in
Holotype. Slide SZIII161114 deposited in Biology Department Herbarium, Xiamen University (AU), Xiamen, China.
Iconotype. Fig.
No. 3 fishing pond, Futian Mangrove Nature Reserve, the South China Sea (22°31'28.11"N, 114°0'41.37"E). Separated from the exoskeleton of marine copepods by Lang Li, 14 November 2016.
Gomphonemopsis gaoi A–I light micrographs (I phase contrast), note the Voigt faults on the secondary side (black arrowheads) J–P scanning electron micrographs J external view of an entire valve, iconotype specimen K external detail of the apex, showing the slit-like pores L external detail of the central area M internal view of an entire valve N internal detail of the apex, showing the slit-like pores O internal detail of the central area P valvocopula with two rows of subcircular poroids. Scale bars: 10 μm (A–I); 5 μm (J, M); 1 μm (K, L, N–P).
The epithet honours Prof. Yahui Gao (Xiamen University, China), in recognition of his contributions to marine diatom taxonomy research in China.
In addition to the type locality, Gomphonemopsis gaoi may also be distributed in the Salton Sea of the United States (
Gomphonemopsis nana sp. nov. possesses heteropolar valves, rounded poles, straight raphe and uniseriate striae consisting of two hymenate areolae but lacks stigmata, terminal raphe fissures, basal pore fields, pseudosepta on the valves and septa on the valvocopulae. All these features justify assigning this new species to the genus Gomphonemopsis (
Gomphonemopsis gaoi sp. nov. also has all the features typical for the genus Gomphonemopsis except for its isopolar valves. The taxonomic value of polarity is still under debate (
Lange-Bertalot established a subgenus Costericardia Lange-Bertalot under the genus Gomphosphenia Lange-Bertalot to accommodate the isopolar and naviculoid species, i.e., Gomphosphenia oahuensis (
Cymbella oahuensis
Gomphosphenia oahuensis (Hustedt) Lange-Bertalot in Moser, Lange-Bertalot and Metzeltin 1998, p. 42, pl. 5, figs 6–8, pl. 53, figs 1–9. Synonyms.
Navicula oahuensis
(Hustedt) Krammer in
Gomphonemopsis exigua var. platypus was originally described from Bornholm, Denmark as Gomphonema platypus Østrup. Subsequently,
Gomphonema platypus Østrup 1910. Danske Diatoméer, p. 65, pl. II, fig. 49. Basionym.
Gomphonemopsis exigua var. platypus
(Østrup) Snoeijs in
Gomphonema exiguum var. platypus
(Østrup) Lange-Bertalot in
In order to facilitate the identification of the Gomphonemopsis species, a dichotomous key to all known species is presented as follows:
1 | Valves isopolar | 2 |
– | Valves heteropolar | 3 |
2 | Apices capitate | G. oahuensis |
– | Apices acutely rounded | G. gaoi |
3 | Valves clavate with widened foot pole | G. platypus |
– | Valves linear to lanceolate | 4 |
4 | Central area small | G. exigua |
– | Central area wide or asymmetrical | 5 |
5 | Striae 26–30 in 10 μm | G. nana |
– | Striae ≤ 24 in 10 μm | 6 |
6 | Areolae round | 7 |
– | Areolae elongate or round near poles | 8 |
7 | Mantle areolae only extending along the wider part of valve | G. ligowskii |
– | Mantle areolae extending along the whole mantle | G. littoralis |
8 | Striae ≤ 18 in 10 μm | 9 |
– | Striae ≥ 18 in 10 μm | 10 |
9 | Valves 10–17 μm long, 2–3 μm wide; striae 16 in 10 μm | G. obscura |
– | Valves 6–8 μm long, 1.7–2.5 μm wide; striae 10–18 in 10 μm | G. domniciae |
10 | Central area extending to valve/mantle junction | 11 |
– | Central area extending to valve margin | 12 |
11 | Transapical striae divided the into two parts | G. sieminskae |
– | Transapical striae not divided the into two parts | G. pseudexigua |
12 | A row of small slits around the foot pole | G. lindae |
– | One or two pores around the foot pole | G. novozelandicum |
To date, the genus Gomphonemopsis contains thirteen diatom species, six of which have been reported in China seas. This genus may have a wider distribution in the marine coastal waters of subtropical to Polar regions, with the exception of G. oahuensis, which lives in tropical freshwater environments. According to Table
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
No ethical statement was reported.
This work was financially supported by Guangxi Natural Science Foundation (No. 2021GXNSFBA075011), Guangxi Science and Technology Base and Talent Special Project (No. Guike AD23026041), Basic research fund of Guangxi Academy of Sciences (No. 2020YBJ705) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 42276099).
Investigation: QZN. Methodology: CPC. Writing - original draft: LL. Writing - review and editing: YHL, JXL.
Lang Li
Qun-Zhuan Nong
Chang-Ping Chen
Yu-Hang Li
Jun-Xiang Lai
All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text.