Research Article
Research Article
An unexpected new tree species from Gansu, China: Illicium gansuense (Schisandraceae)
expand article infoZengfu Bai, Zhihua Zhang, Xuelin Chen, Ji Zhang
‡ Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, China
Open Access


We describe the newly-discovered species Illicium gansuense (Schisandraceae), discovered in the Yuhe area of Giant Panda National Park, Gansu, China. Morphologically, I. gansuense resembles I. ternstroemioides and I. arborescens. However, the new species can be distinguished by its smaller leaf size, the larger number of tepals, tepal margin ciliate, and distinct flowering and fruiting seasons.

Key words

Austrobaileyales, basal angiosperms, Gansu, Giant Panda National Park, Illiciaceae, Yuhe area


The genus Illicium L., which belongs to the family Schisandraceae (APG IV 2016), consists of 35 species distributed across the southeastern United States, Mexico, the West Indies (five species), and eastern Asia (approximately 30 species) (Keng 1993). Linnaeus (1759) published the 10th edition of Systema Naturae, which included the first named species of Illicium (I. anisatum L.) based on Kaempfer’s monograph. In 1947, Smith published the first comprehensive study of the genus Illicium, “The Families Illiciaceae and Schisandraceae”, which divided the genus into two subgenera based on perianth morphology: 1) I. subgen. Illicium with thin, membranaceous and narrowly oblong or ligulate inner perianth segments; and 2) I. subgen. Cymbostemon with carnose to papyraceous and usually ovate to suborbicular inner perianth segments (Spach 1839; Smith 1947; Lin 1997). Both Hao’s and Morris’ results suggested that the previous division based on perianth morphology wasn’t monophyletic (Hao et al. 2000). Morris et al. (2007) utilized a distinguishable seed character to reflect their evolution history: I. sect. Cymbostemon contains seven species with a hilar rim around seed hilum; and I. sect. Illicium consists of all the other species which do not have a hilar rim.

China, especially the southwest and southeast parts of the country, is home to many species of Illicium species. In particular, the species I. henryi Diels. is known to occur only in southern Gansu Province.

Illicium has considerable economic value, with I. verum Hook.f. being particularly valuable domestically in China and exported worldwide. The fruits of I. verum are used as a spice, and the leaves and fruits are steam distilled to create an aromatic oil (star anise oil) for use as a flavoring, as well as a therapeutic agent in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Other species of Illicium are used ornamentally or as a source of fine wood for furniture.

While surveying plants in the Yuhe area of the Giant Panda National Park, Gansu, in October 2020, we discovered an unknown species of Illicium. Based on field surveys, morphological and phenological studies, and taxonomic literature reviews, we concluded that this species should be included in I. sect. Cymbostemon (Spach) A.C.Smith (Smith 1947). However, because the specimen differed from other members in the section, we named and established the specimen as a new species (I. gansuense), as described herein.

Material and method

All morphological data were obtained from field observations carried out in the Yuhe Area of the Giant Panda National Park, Longnan City, Gansu Province, eastern China. Plants were photographed with a Nikon D750 digital camera. Digital specimens were deposited at the IBSC, KUN, PE, IBK, and WUK herbaria through the Chinese Virtual Herbarium ( Physical specimens were deposited at the NWTC Herbarium. All terminology used in the present study is in accordance with the Flora of China (Lu and Rabeler 2001), as well as the Plant Photo Bank of China (PPBC) and the Chinese Field Herbarium (CFH). The conservation status of the new species was assessed according to the standards of the IUCN (2012).

Taxonomic treatment

Illicium gansuense Z.F.Bai & Xue L.Chen, sp. nov.

Figs 2, 3, 4


China. Gansu: Longnan City, Yuhe Area of Giant Panda National Park, altitude ca. 1200 m, 4 April 2020, Zengfu Bai & Xuelin Chen 2020001 (holotype: NWTC!; isotype: NNBG!).


Illicium gansuense is similar to I. ternstroemioides and I. arborescens in overall form, leaf characters, red flowers, location, and population density. Illicium gansuense can be distinguished from I. ternstroemioides and I. arborescens based on leaf-blades size (7–12 × 1.8–3.5 cm in I. gansuense vs. 7–13 × 2–5 cm in I. ternstroemioides vs. 6–12 × 2–4.5 cm in I. arborescens), tepal number and pubescence (10–17 tepals with ciliate margins vs. 10–14 tepals with glabrous margins vs. 14–21 tepals with glabrous margins), number of carpels (10–13 vs. 12–14 vs. 12–16), number and size of the stamens (23–27, 2–3 mm long vs. 22–30, 1.8–3.4 mm long vs. 39–41, 2–3 mm long), and ovary length (1–1.5 mm long vs. 1.3–2.5 mm long vs. 1–1.8 mm long). (Table 1).

Table 1.

Morphological, geographic, and phenological comparison of Illicium gansuense, I. ternstroemioides, and I. arborescens.

Trait I. gansuense I. ternstroemioides I. arborescens
Leaf blades 7–12 × 1.8–3.5 cm 7–13 × 2–5 cm 6–12 × 2–4.5 cm
Tepals 10–17, margin ciliate 10–14, margin glabrous 14–21, margin glabrous
Carpels 10–13 12–14 12–16
Stamens 23–27, 2–3 mm long 22–30, 1.8–3.4 mm long 39–41, 2–3 mm long
Ovaries 1–1.5 mm long 1.3–2.5 mm long 1–1.8 mm long
Distribution Gansu (eastern China) Fujian, Hainan (southeastern China) Taiwan
Flowering time March–April January–August January–April


Trees 4–12 m tall, whole plant with an aniseed aroma. Trunk 22.5 cm diam. at chest height, outer bark grayish-brown, with irregular longitudinal cracks; canopy tower or conical and branches are dense and spread horizontally; twigs pubescent, perules ca. 3 × 2 mm, ovoid, yellowish-brown, caducous, margins finely ciliate. Leaves clearly spirally-alternate to pseudoverticillate (clustered in sets of 2–5 at the apex of twigs); petioles 8–12 mm long, 1–2 mm diam.; blades 7–12 × 1.8–3.5 cm, oblanceolate, coriaceous, translucent oil spots visible against the light, adaxially dark to medium green, glossy, abaxially light green, base cuneate, margin glabrous, apex acuminate; midvein adaxially slightly impressed, abaxially prominently round, lateral veins pairs 6–9, inconspicuous. Inflorescences 1-flowered, but flowers sometimes clustered in groups of 2–6 at the apex of branches, axillary, pedunculate; peduncle 8–14 mm long, 2 mm diam., brown, bracteoles 2–4 × 2–3 mm, ovate. Flowers 12–18 mm diam., bisexual, androgynous scented, anthesis diurnal; floral buds 5–10 × 3–6 mm, ovoid, brown; pedicels 5–12 mm long, 2 mm diam., brown; tepals 10–17, in 2–3 whorls, outer whorl with 5–7 tepals, 6–8 × 5–7 mm, ovate, sepaloid, yellowish-green, base round, margin red, ciliate, apex acuminate or obtuse, inner whorls with 8–10 tepals, 8–12 × 4–8 mm, widely ovate to widely obovate to widely elliptic, petaloid, fleshy, red, base broadly cuneate, margin ciliate, apex acuminate; stamens 23–27, in 2–3 whorls, 1.3–3.5 mm long, filament 0.3–1.5 mm long, stout, widely obovoid to widely ellipsoid, pink, connective truncate to emarginate, pink, anther 1–2 × 0.6–1 mm, introrsely rimose, pollen grains trisyncolpate, blackish-brown in vivo; carpels 10–14, 3–5.5 × 1.6–2 mm, ovaries 1–1.5 mm long, stigmatic crest 1.3–1.8 mm long, slightly longer than the ovary, subulate. Follicetum 12–16 × 4–7 mm; peduncle 1–1.5 cm long; follicles 10–13, 15–25 × 5–8 mm, 2–4 mm thick, woody, dark brown, apex aristate due to the persistent and hardened stigmatic crest, 3–6 mm long, slightly curved at apex. Seeds 4.5–6 × 4–5 mm, 1.5–2.5 mm thick, ovoid, testa smooth, brown.

Distribution and habitat

Currently, only one population of I. gansuense has been identified in Yuhe Town, Longnan City, southern Gansu Province. This area is characterized by a northern subtropical subhumid climate and a mountainous terrain containing high peaks and steep slopes. Specimens of I. gansuense were found growing in a deciduous broadleaf forest at an elevation of 1200 m. The dominant species of this forest community include Trachycarpus fortunei (Hook.) H.Wendl. (Arecaceae), Cinnamomum septentrionale Hand.-Mazz. (Lauraceae), Lindera aggregata (Sims) Kosterm. (Lauraceae), and Deyeuxia effusiflora Rendle (Poaceae). (Fig. 1)

Figure 1. 

Distribution of Illicium gansuense.


Flowering from March to April, fruiting from May to November.

Conservation status

There is only one known location, and fewer than three individuals of I. gansuense were found during our fieldwork in the Yuhe area of Giant Panda National Park in 2020 and 2022. However, investigations of the natural distribution of this species are insufficient. According to the IUCN Red List criteria (2019), this new species is better assessed as Data Deficient (DD; criteria B1ab(i–v) + 2ab(i–v)).

Figure 2. 

Illicium gansuense Z.F.Bai & Xue L.Chen A flowering branch B adaxial and abaxial leaf surface C flower D tepals E removal of tepals showing gynoecium and stamens F, G stamens, dorsal and ventral views H carpel I fruiting branch J, K fruits L seed. (Drawn by Jianlu Bai based on type specimen).


The specific epithet ‘gansuense’ refers to a province in eastern China. 甘肃八角 (gān sù bā jiǎo) is suggested as a suitable Chinese name for it.

Figure 3. 

Illicium gansuense Z.F.Bai & Xue L.Chen A habitat B, C flowering branch D bark.


Illicium gansuense is similar to I. ternstroemioides and I. arborescens in overall form, that are all trees, leaf characteristics, flower color, location, and population density. However, as noted above, the three species can be distinguished according to both morphological features and distribution. Specifically, in relation to I. ternstroemioides and I. arborescens, I. gansuense is characterized by smaller leaf blades, tepals with ciliate margins (rather than glabrous), fewer carpels, and smaller ovaries. Additionally, I. gansuense blooms from March to April and I. arborescens blooms from January to April. (Table 1).

Figure 4. 

Illicium gansuense Z.F.Bai & Xue L. Chen A flower at front view B flower at side view C the largest tepals D all parts of flower E stamen F follicle G fruit at front view H fruit at side view I seed. Photographed by Zengfu Bai.


We thank NWTC for the specimen preservation and Jianlu Bai for the line drawing of the new species. We should also like to thank the reserve staff for their help during the investigation.

Additional information

Conflict of interest

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Ethical statement

No ethical statement was reported.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51873175).

Author contributions

Methodology: ZZ. Writing – review and editing: ZB, XC, JZ.

Data availability

All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text.


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