Enigmatic structures, possibly armored scale insect (Diaspididae) covers, (DT86) on Agathis leaves (A–G, I–M) and a cone scale (H) from Palacio de los Loros 2 A cover with concentric growth rings (MPEF-Pb 6096) B cover with concentric growth rings (MPEF-Pb 6096) C cover in (A) under epifluorescence D detail of (C) showing concentric growth rings E clusters of cover impressions (MPEF-Pb 6113) F embedded ventral cover (MPEF-Pb 6020) G embedded ventral cover (MPEF-Pb 5985) H cover preserved as amber (MPEF-Pb 5861) I impression of cover (MPEF-Pb 5996) J impressions of two covers (MPEF-Pb 5996) K detail of upper cover impression in (J) L detail of cover impression in (I) M detail of lower cover in (J) showing concentric growth rings N cover showing rod-like structures (MPEF-Pb 9750) O close-up of rod-like structures in (N).