Galls (DT116) on Agathis immortalis from Palacio de los Loros 2 A columnar galls and pits where galls were not preserved (MPEF-Pb 6023) B detail of gall in (A) C columnar gall with striated side (MPEF-Pb 6088) D detail of pit in (A) E columnar scale with striated side overlapping the top (MPEF-Pb 5995) F side view of gall in (E) showing horizontal and vertical striations on the ventral cover G side view of gall in (E) H detail of gall in (E) under epifluorescence showing vertical and horizontal striations I columnar gall (MPEF-Pb 5960) J columnar gall preserved as amber (MPEF-Pb 9750) K columnar gall preserved as amber (MPEF-Pb 9750) L SEM image of gall in (J) showing texture (MPEF-Pb 9750).