Galls on Agathis immortalis from Palacio de los Loros 2 (A–K) A elliptical galls with thickened outer walls surrounding epidermal tissue (DT115; MPEF-Pb 9767) B detail of oval gall with thickened walls in (A) C detail of gall in (B) showing files of epidermal cells and a dot representing the larval chamber or exit hole D detail of cluster of elliptical and circular galls in (A) E elliptical gall covered in carbonized, thickened tissue (DT115; MPEF-Pb 5977) F galls with thickened outer walls and central larval chamber (DT115; MPEF-Pb 6029) G galls with thickened outer walls (DT115; MPEF-Pb 6027) H five galls with carbonized, thickened walls (DT115; MPEF-Pb 9773) I detail of elliptical gall with carbonized, thickened walls in (H) J detail of elliptical gall with carbonized, thickened walls in (H) K circular galls with thickened outer tissue surrounding unthickened inner area (DT11; MPEF-Pb 5983).