Insect damage on Agathis borneensis (A–L), A. lenticula (M–P), A. kinabaluensis (Q–S), A. flavescens (T–W) A arcuate margin feeding (Sarawak, Malaysia, K 17672) B ellipsoidal to polylobate blister galls with exit holes (Kalimantan, Indonesia, A B1468) C hardened, cylindrical galls with flat tops (Brunei, K 000553181) D coccid scale insect (Kalimantan, Indonesia, E 00032242) E serpentine mine (Penang Island, Malaysia, K 000553157) F sinusoidal serpentine mine (Penang Island, Malaysia, SING 90799) G serpentine mine with terminal chamber (Sulawesi, Indonesia, A 4109) H elongate blotch mine (Sarawak, Malaysia, K 000553188) I blotch mine with silk (Brunei, K 000553179) J detail of silk in mine in (I) K blotch mine containing frass (Brunei, SING 91231) L close-up of frass in blotch mine in (K) M arcuate margin feeding (Sabah, Malaysia, K 000553185) N adjacent rows of surface feeding (Sabah, Malaysia, K 000553187) O circular to polylobate galls with flat tops and exit holes (Sabah, Malaysia, K 000553185) P elongate blotch mine along the leaf margin (Sabah, Malaysia, K 000553187) Q circular to ellipsoidal galls with exit holes (Sabah, Malaysia, K 000553243) R circular, raised galls (Sabah, Malaysia, K 000553243) S tightly overlapping serpentine mine (Sabah, Malaysia, K P644) T shallow excisions into the leaf margin U blister galls surrounded by a thin black rim (Malaysia, A P544) V serpentine mines packed with frass (Malaysia, A P542) W overlapping serpentine mine (Malaysia, A P542).