Insect damage on Agathis atropurpurea (A–C), A. microstachya (D–F), and A. robusta (Fig. I–R) A slot feeding (Australia, K 000553290) B blister galls with circular exit holes (Australia, K 000553290) C elongate blotch mine (Mount Bartle Frere leaf litter, Queensland, Australia) D ellipsoidal blotch mine (Australia, K 0000199) E blotch mine lacking epidermal tissue (Australia, K 0000199) F ellipsoidal blotch mine (Australia, E 00210640) G ellipsoidal blotch mines (Australia, K 111455) H blotch mine (Queensland, Australia; A.K. Irvine 00417 (A)) I ellipsoidal blister galls with exit holes (Queensland, Australia, K 000553277) J serpentine mine (Australia, CANB 590252) K serpentine mine with ellipsoidal terminal chamber (Australia, K 000553286) L ovate blotch, probable pathogen damage (Australia, NSW 381650) M ovate blotch, probable pathogen damage (Australia, NSW 381650) N elongate fungal blotch (Queensland, Australia, A 01153261) O ellipsoidal blister galls with exit holes (New Guinea, K 000553264) P circular blister galls with exit holes (New Guinea, E 00127882) Q globose, black gall (New Guinea, E 00127880) R coccid scale insect (New Guinea, K 000553265).