Insect and pathogen damage on Agathis lanceolata (A–E), A. montana (F), A. moorei (G–K), A. ovata (L–P) from New Caledonia A ellipsoidal blister galls with exit holes (K 000553125) B black columnar gall (E 00119757) C Serpentine mine (K 000553127) D teardrop-shaped blotch damage (K 0000305) E linear blotch damage (GH 2372 B) F elongate mine along the leaf margin (A 8571) G excision into the leaf margin surrounded by reaction tissue and exuding resin (E 00106192) H circular gall (K 0000357) I linear blotch mines with breached epidermal tissue on the right mine (K 000553352) J blotch mines (K 000553352) K blotch mine (K 000553352) L, M galls with thickened margins surrounding epidermal tissue with circular exit holes (E 00399687) N Chrysomphalus aonidum (Diaspididae) scale insects (E 00036880) O diaspidid scale insect covers (K 0000291) P diaspidid scale insect covers (K 00053124).