Representative photos of Carex quixotiana A habitat (riparian forest with Alnus lusitanica and Fraxinus angustifolia: Ciudad Real, Solana del Pino, Robledillo River; 57SMB17, UPOS-8924; C. quixotiana plants are in the lower right corner) B habitat (stream in Quercus pyrenaica open forest: Ciudad Real, between El Viso del Marqués and San Lorenzo de Calatrava; 8CBB18, UPOS-16897; C. quixotiana are the tussocks along the stream) C inflorescence D, E detail of terminal male and lateral androgynous spikes F detail of lateral female spikes and utricles (Ciudad Real, Fuencaliente, Minas del Horcajo, 54SMB17, UPOS-8922).

  Part of: Benítez-Benítez C, Jiménez-Mejías P, Luceño M, Martín-Bravo S (2023) Carex quixotiana (Cyperaceae), a new Iberian endemic from Don Quixote’s land (La Mancha, S Spain). PhytoKeys 221: 161-186.