General habit of selecting flowers of Orobanchaceae species with a stigma in the front view. A Orobanche alba B O. reticulata C O. alsatica D O. bartlingii E O. kochii F O. elatior G O. flava H O. mayeri I O. caryophyllacea J O. teucrii K O. lutea L O. gracilis M O. minor N O. picridis O O. coerulescens P O. cumana R Phelipanche arenaria S P. caesia T P. purpurea U P. ramosa. Phot. R. Piwowarczyk.

  Part of: Ruraż K, Piwowarczyk R (2022) Morphological diversity of pistil stigmas and its taxonomic significance of representatives of holoparasitic Orobanchaceae from Central Europe. PhytoKeys 215: 1-25.