Spores of Parablechnum marginatum var. marginatumunder SEM A spore (Cowemoy s.n., P01462832) B detail of the internal structure of the perispore and the exospore (Lorence s.n., MO2715099). Spore of P. marginatum var. humbertii under SEM C spore (Rakotondrainibe 3571, P0085125) D detail of the internal structure of the perispore and the exospore (Rakotondrainibe 3571, P00085125). Scale bar: 25 µm (A, C); 14 µm (B); 12 µm (D).

  Part of: Molino S, Lafuente I, Rouhan G, Medina R (2022) Morphological and molecular evidence reject conspecificity of Malagasy and Mascarene Parablechnum (Polypodiopsida, Blechnaceae). PhytoKeys 214: 47-60. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.214.95125