Photos of Miconia lima (A–E) and Miconia pagnolensis (F). A Miconia lima from Massif de la Selle, Haiti showing habit and ascending stem hairs (Majure 4334) B expanded infloresence and flowers showing whitish-pink petals (Sierra de Bahoruco, DR; Skean 4312), C–E) “Monteada Nueva” form of M. lima from the Dominican Republic C habit, inflorescence structure and stem showing ascending hairs (Majure 5960) D flower with dark pink petals showing an thers with a dorso-basal appendage and immature fruit with pinkish calyx lobes E leaf adaxial surface and stem with ascending hairs (D–E from Judd 8083) F Miconia pagnolensis sp. nov. from the type specimen showing habit and bulla-based hairs of the adaxial leaf surface (Timyan 27). Photos A and C taken by L.C. Majure, B by J.D. Skean, Jr., D–E by W.S. Judd and F by J. Timyan.

  Part of: Majure LC, Bécquer ER, Judd WS (2016) Revision of the Lima clade (Miconia sect. Lima, Miconieae, Melastomataceae) of the Greater Antilles. PhytoKeys 72: 1-99.